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Rome (Eyewitness Travel Guides) PDF

454 Pages·2006·44.64 MB·English
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EYEWITNESS TRAVEL ROME CHURCHES SHOPS PALAZZI • RESTAURANTS MAPS • HISTORY • WALKS FOUNTAINS • MUSEUMS THE GUIDES THAT SHOW YOU WHAT OTHERS ONLY TELL YOU EYEWITNESS TRAVEL ROME EYEWITNESS TRAVEL CONTENTS HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE 6 PROJECT EDITOR Fiona Wild ART EDITOR Annette Jacobs EDITORS Ferdie McDonald, Mark Ronan, Anna Streiffert DESIGNER Lisa Kosky DESIGN ASSISTANT Marisa Renzullo PICTURE RESEARCH Catherine O’Rourke RESEARCH IN ROME Sam Cole DTP EDITOR Siri Lowe MAIN CONTRIBUTORS Olivia Ercoli, Ros Belford, Roberta Mitchell Colosseum PHOTOGRAPHERS John Heseltine, Mike Dunning, Kim Sayer INTRODUCING ILLUSTRATORS ROME Studio Illibill, Kevin Jones Associates, Martin Woodward, Robbie Polley FOUR GREAT DAYS This book was produced with the assistance of Websters International Publishers. IN ROME 10 Reproduced by Colourscan, Singapore Printed and bound by South China Printing Co. Ltd., China PUTTING ROME ON THE MAP 12 First American Edition, 1993 06 07 08 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Published in the United States by DK Publishing, Inc., THE HISTORY OF 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 ROME 16 Reprinted with revisions 1996, 1997, 1999 (twice), 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 ROME Copyright 1993, 2006 © Dorling Kindersley Limited, London AT A GLA NCE 42 A Penguin Company ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER INTERNATIONAL AND P AN-AMERICA N ROME THROUGH COPYRIGH T CONVENTIONS. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAAY BE THE YEAR 58 REPRODUCED, STORED IN A RETRIEV VAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS , ELEC TRONIC , MECHANICAL , PHOTOCOPYING, RECORDING, OR OTHER RWISE, WITHOUT PRIO R WRITTEN PERMISSIO N OF THE COPYRIGH T OWNER. PUBLISHED IN GREA AT BRITTAIN BY DORLING KINDERSLEY LIMITED . ISSN 1 542-1554 ISBN-13: 978-0-75 661-550-5 ISBN-10: 0-75 661-550 -X FLOORS ARE REFERRED TO THROUGHOUT IN ACCORDANC E WITH AMERICAN USAGE; IE THE “FIRST FLOOR” IS THE FLOO R AT GROU ND LEVEL . Front cover main image: Vatican skyline and the River Tibe r The information in this Dorling Kindersley Travel Guide is checked annually. Every effort has been made to ensure that this book is as up- to-date as possible at the time of going to press. Some details, however, such as telephone numbers, opening hours, prices, gallery hanging arrangements and travel information, are liable to change. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any consequences arisingf rom the use of this book, nor for any material on thirdp arty websites, and cannot guarantee that any website address in this book will be a suitable source of travel information. We value the views and suggestions of our readers very highly. Please write to: Publisher, DK Eyewitness Travel Guides, Dorling Kindersley , 80 Stran d, London WC2R 0RL, Great Britain . Moses by Michelangelo in San Pietro in Vincoli JANICULUM 214 VATICAN 222 VIA VENETO 250 FURTHER AFIELD 256 Fresco in Villa Farnesina NINE GUIDED WALKS 272 ROME AREA BY AREA Mosaic in Santa Prassede CAPITOL 64 SURVIVAL GUIDE FORUM 76 PRACTICAL INFORMATION 374 PALATINE 96 PIAZZA DELLA Arch of Titus ROTONDA 102 TRAVELLERS ’ NEEDS WHERE TO STAY 294 Roman antipasto RESTAURANTS AND CAFES 310 GETTING TO ROME 384 SHOPS AND MARKETS 334 GETTING AROUND ROME 390 ENTERTAINMENT IN ROME 354 ROME The Tempietto STREET FINDER 396 CHILDREN’S ROME 368 GENERAL INDEX 420 PIAZZA NAVONA 116 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PIAZZA DI SPAGNA 128 444 CAMPO DE’ FIORI 142 PHRASE BOOK 447 QUIRINAL 154 ESQUILINE 166 LATERAN 176 CARACALLA 188 AVENTINE 198 TRASTEVERE 206 The basilica of St Peter’s in the Vatican City 6 H O W T O U S E T HIS GUID E HOW TO USE THIS GUID E his Eyewitness Travel Guide It describes all the important sights helps you get the most from with maps, photographs and detailed Tyour stay in Rome with the min- illustrations. In addition, six planned imum of practical difficulty. The open- walks take you to parts of Rome you ing section, Introducing Rome, locates might otherwise miss. the city geographically, sets mo dern Carefully researched tips for hotels, Rome in its historical context and shops and markets, restaurants and explains how Roman life changes cafés, sports and entertainment are through the year. Rome at a Glance is found in Travellers’ Needs, and the an overview of the city’s attractions. Survival Guide has advice on The main sightseein g section, Rome everything from posting a letter to Area by Area, starts on page 62. catching the Metro. FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND THE SIGHTSEEING SECTION Each of the sixteen sightseeing areas in the map illustrating the heart of the area. city is colour-coded for easy reference. Every Finding your way around each chapter is chapter opens with an introduction to the made simple by the numbering system used part of Rome it covers, describing its history throughout. The most important sights are and character, followed by a Street-by-Street covered in detail in two or more full pages. # 0 S 7*6%8S!C HCHa P 63my9%En)%-%-%3ho8i6-I'3i %&-%)a7a%2Gs01E3e)0d6&ul34r>%z)80 9t43u% t88d (%z >%-ro%%r4H0(4 193A12Ss m8%e-ac):%>)3 +>7 r6-0)st(9 h T2L33)2%0/i4(%d%26 -na>0(c(7Se()%2Se%83,&%6 t23s83(-33%2sOSBl=%3u6 >63 ,l0*)*9)-90 *%-%30-2 a6%>At'3u0-) ae)%8%O310%(=r40 93,-6-%6-2R i3(ns)8%eT8+2 'l-6b%7-80-3-o%32%,d(6%6328de3%-,'%83 (23%>-e2(t74A-2i4t88 )(4o)26-8n07l T-6+s43%42-8,0i7n-36-%2 )e'2) gs8 2)%43%Ga9d1,%-k+'3m)%s2%9 -+8=78na'2-s-L)*>$843231 " -"p?d7+3s,-28A3,0-3=el?,) 76% 2% e,P%-e*-%-%2)N"03)'-s&'2)ni.763$7a%-6-% C-:'t8%zh5639h7%730%28E7,z6.r,2)"2a86%o3"-83-s)u)$8 "(;&48)3/g-2,3$,3-h'%,**04) *%*88t49&-h,9K8378FC,%2,e9)E86o3a% 0-g)3-8)-Y-27u*f230SM-r*8é8868naA+t1-%38rse=1nt'ep,*26) t6iaea35r)ot)%)-o6%Btie3-n)'p0%n-36 H O W T O U S E T HIS GUID E 7 ROME AREA MAP aT athrheise a tsmhc oeoal fpos iRux(osrteemede e nia n –rmse ieadaasien c sfh hrs oiocgnowhtvt nsce eoroevndien r g)in -()%')%#'%%%#*")$)()%(%'%')',$($)$"%(#("$%)')$)-(%) -$%% )'*$,,('$&%()#)(+"""")&%)(.(%.%#$.$.)&),() '- '(%)%%*'$ +'(.%)$#%.$)')*%(-'#(&(-%$%))'$%%($')&+)",')%)'(,$($"))$%$%'$'%.$%'$).(%%"%))%!(%(*)'( '&'"()#))#"()$"',)& $)%)'-('*$%#* +)P A +G E"%S 6 4)–$75'* +P) A G+E" S% 1 6 )6–$75'* a full chapter in Rome Area by Area (pp62–255). They are highlighted on other maps throughout the book. In Rome at +P) A G+E"S% 22 )2–$49'* a Glance (pp42–57), for example, they help locate the top sights. They are also used to +) +"% )$'* help you find the position of the +P) A G+E"S% 14 )2–$53'* nine guided walks (p273). +P) A G+E"S% 21 )4–$21'* +) +"% )$'* Numbers refer to each sight’s position on the Practical information provides everything you area map and its place need to know to visit each sight. Map in the chapter. references pinpoint the sight’s location on the Street Finder map (see pp396–419). " " ) " * * " $ 9 Ms34>731S+>;>,A87="2a:LA9$ =/@/->=, >R=:9F728/2t a?l.>32o92e<7.909+o?030/?6929+ 9.+ 8 a+7+/9-=//Sr2m- <n B6p6:6:2A3/37#8E ></p+i6==9?3/:- >->=6gh=6lop26=a8a2v:/3<+9"

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