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Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals With Personal Study Supplements by James P. Steel Romans Bible Study For Groups or Individuals With Personal Study Supplements by James P. Steel Copyright © 2015 by James P. Steel ISBN-13: 978-1519128645 ISBN-10: 1519128649 Book Website www.BCMPubs.com Email: Romans Bible Study Title and Foreward © 2015 James P. Steel Visit us at: www.BiblicalIntensives.com Title and Foreward Welcome! Welcome to Romans Bible Study. Te guide is suitable for personal study – simply by reading the outline and the lessons with your Bible open to Romans. Tis guide is especially suited for use in adult study groups and includes extra insights for leaders. Tis is an enriching study for both young and seasoned believers. Te book contains both Sessons and the Session Supplements which may be assigned prior to the study of the respective lessons. Leaders who enjoy using Student Supplements are encouraged to substitute their own supplements or modify the ones which are provided. Tese Session Supplements should be treated as proto- types to help the instructor accomplish his or her own objectives. Leaders are free to modify both lessons and supplements at will (As described in the copyright notice).Te Supplements are included in each chapter and they are also available in a single PDF fle that allows for easier printing and distribution. Special Note: Although this Romans Bible Study addresses the leader directly at times, it also serves as the basis for everyone’s study. We strongly recommend that all participants look over Session Supplements prior to studying the Session Material. Sessions and Supplements share the same identifying number. In other words, look over Supplement 1 before reading Session 1. Session Organization. With the exception of the frst study session, the remaining ones follow a similar for- mat which begins with headers such as Text, Lesson Goal, Highlights From our Last Study, Lesson Overview, and Today’s Lesson. Supplement Organization. Supplements are included in the second half of the book. Supplements are NOT uniform. Some are basic and some are more challenging. Some are in the form of an exercise while others simply tackle subjects which are not in the notes. Teir purpose is to challenge growth in a wide range of areas. Group leaders who are distributing notes and supplements (from Internet downloads) will want to remember that each Supplement should be distributed a week earlier for use on the frst day of class when this is pos- sible. We recommend that the frst session be used for the purpose of getting to know each other, setting any class goals or discussing calendar issues. Te class can then work on the Session Supplements together during the remainder of the available time. We strongly urge the instructor to refer to these Supplements in actual class sessions in order to underscore the importance of using them and to complement the study. A Final Word. When this material is used in group sessions its main purpose is to provide a learning model by raising important points for study and discussion. While this author is always available for additional comment or assistance, students should be reminded that the instructor will not always agree with this author. In this author’s opinion all local church Bible studies should be under the guidance and direction of your pastor. When in doubt about your church’s stance on a given area, be sure to seek his biblical insight. James P. Steel - Romans Study Guide Page | 4 Contents (Supplements) Welcome To Romans 6 (S1) Romans Background 160 Who is Tis Paul - Who is this Jesus? 8 (S2) Romans One Preview 162 Paul’s Burning Prayer and Desire 12 (S3) A Closer Look at Key Words in Romans 1 164 God’s Righteousness Versus Gentile Guilt 14 (S4) Te Sea of Salvation 166 God’s Righteousness Versus Jewish Guilt 18 (S5) You Be the Judge! 172 Greater Privilege - Greater Judgment 24 (S6) Letting the Bible Grow Our IQ 176 Defendants All Rise - Te Verdict Is In 30 (S7) Understanding Sin 180 Te Solution Revealed 36 (S8) Faith, Mighty Faith! 184 Te Solution Defended 42 (S9) Understanding Circumcision 188 Te Solution applied 48 (S10) Important Words in Romans 190 Te Solution Ofered 54 (S11) Comparing Imputation with Infusion and Impar- tation 192 Our Source of Power 60 (S12) On “Balancing” Grace and Works 196 Te Secret of Power 66 (S13) Delving More Deeply Into Grace 200 Our Great Struggle 72 (S14) Watersheds in Romans 7 04 Te Triumph of Justifcation By Faith 78 (S15) Choosing Your Tools For Mining Jewels 206 Sons, Not Servants! 82 (S16) Relating Justifcation, Baptism, and Adoption 210 Te Benefts of Adoption! 88 (S17) Te Bible and Western Cosmology 214 Handled With T.L.C… 94 (S18) Tings Adoption Teaches Us 218 God’s Purpose for Israel - Her Past 100 (S19) Understanding the Covenants 220 God’s Purpose for Israel - Her Present 108 (S20) Te Bible and Lordship Salvation 224 God’s Purpose for Israel - Her Future 114 (S21) God’s Plan For Israel 232 Living Sacrifces Part I 120 (S22) Mining for Gold in the word “Beseech” 236 Living Sacrifces Part II 126 (S23) Pure Ecstasy 238 Te Sacrifcial servant 132 (S24) Making Romans 12 Practical 246 Te Loving servant 138 (S25) Putting on Christ 248 Nurturing servants 144 (S26) “Weaker Brother” Case Study 250 Te Example of a servant 150 Contagious Servanthood 156 Session 1 Welcome To Romans HOW YOU CAN HELP YOUR IN- erence is placed ahead of the question we assume you will look up the reference before answering the ques- STRUCTOR tion. 3.) Many times a question will require more than one answer. It is good to re-read your question to make Your study guide is designed to help you help your sure you have answered every part. leader. When you take the time to read the scriptures, answer the questions, and read the extra reference Notice that, where practical, many of the scripture materials which we provide you will be a blessing to references are typed out fully. Tis is to facilitate those your leader and fellow class members. And just as using devices with Bible sofware on them. importantly, you will grow in your own knowledge of the Word of God. How You Can Help Yourself in A Brief Note about this Study: This Study: Te verses in this study are taken from the King James Consider reading over Supplement 15 before begin- Version of the Bible. Tis author likes the KJV (some- ning. Pay special attention to the section which de- times referred to as the AV, or Authorized Version) scribes how to use resources. because he personally favors the manuscripts it uses, and because it makes for fewer international licensing May God bless you as you study God's Word with us! and distribution issues. Today’s Lesson: Some questions in the Supplements have only one answer. Other questions leave room for our opinion. 1. Learn how the study works. A few questions are private in nature and are for your own consideration only. We will never intentionally Each session contains the following headings: Text, embarrass you in class. If you are not comfortable Lesson Goal, Highlights From the Last Lesson, Les- answering questions, try answering simple ones which son Overview, Today’s Lesson. require one word answers. Tat will prepare you to answer more difcult ones later. Each session works best when we have flled out the Session Supplement before arriving. Please do not be embarrassed if you have not been able to do so. Just Notice this sample question: understand that even partially flled out supplements greatly enhance our learning. 1.1 (Matthew 28:19,20) Please explain in your own words the command which our Lord gave to His dis- 2. Settle on meeting times and session length. Con- ciples. Do you think it applies to us today? ficts arise any time God’s people become serious about studying His Word. Please make every efort to Please notice three things about this question. 1.)Te be committed to the class times we agree upon, while above question is numbered 1.1 because it is the frst being patient with those who struggle with difcult question in the frst lesson. 2.) When a scripture ref- schedules. James P. Steel - Romans Study Guide Page | 6 Use This Page for Notes or Questions to remember when we get together: 3. Please understand that we will be dealing with controversial subjects from time to time. Please respect those who disagree and try to avoid monop- olizing the conversation when you are passionate about a theme! Now, let’s go to work on Supplement 1! James P. Steel - Romans Study Guide Page | 7 Session 2 Who is This Paul Who is this Jesus? Lesson Text: be an efort to hide our true identities. Christians do Romans 1:1-5 not need to play games with masquerades. In these frst seven verses of Romans we fnd straightforward answers about who Paul was and who Jesus Christ was. Lesson Goal: Tere is to be no mistaking - this is no false apostle - and no false Christ! To lay the foundation for our study in Romans by gaining a clear understanding of who Jesus Christ re- 1. Te Writer Identifed 1:1 - Who is this Paul? ally is and how we should respond to that knowledge. Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called [to be] an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, Lesson Overview: a. Paul - the man. His name was Paul. [Te Student 1. Who is this Paul? (the servant, the separated, the Guide indicates who Paul was, and what his name apostle) meant - try not to spend more than a minute or two re- viewing who Paul, the man was. What did Saul mean? 2. Who is this Jesus? (He is the Son of God, His name What did Paul mean? When was Paul converted?] is Jesus, His title is Christ, He is Lord) b. Paul - the servant. Additional Materials or Resources Te term servant, as it is generally used in the New Testament, is in reference to the bondslave. Te bond- Needed: slave was a freed slave who chose to indenture himself to his master out of love. A true servant does the will Tere is a prototype student guide included at the end of his master. He is characterized by humility. He loves of this lesson. If possible, please distribute it in order his master, he is obedient to his master, he is proud of to assist your students with some advanced prepara- his master and loyal to him. tion. Te greatest servant who ever lived was the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our example of servanthood. Paul in- TODAY’S LESSON: structed the Philippians 2:1-8: “Surfng on the Internet” has become a pastime for Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: thousands of home computer users who happily so- cialize with other computer users and groups of users Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to around the world. Many times, these “surfers” use be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, false identities so that they can act sinfully or deceive and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in others. Other’s hide their identities simply to protect the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, themselves and avoid being “followed home.” When he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, it comes to our Christian faith, there should never James P. Steel - Romans Study Guide Page | 8 even the death of the cross. d. Paul - the separated. Paul announced that he had been “. . . separated unto the gospel of God.” Why True servanthood is exemplifed in a spirit. It is the do you suppose Paul chose to announce that he had mind of Christ - it was the spirit He exemplifed been separated unto the gospel? in His ministry. It is the spirit of humility - Vs. 7a. True servanthood expresses itself in action - Christ In the Jewish age of the Law, God instituted a system became obedient unto death. Te servant of Christ of worship which was administered, not by apostles, does what others will not do. He places the needs of but by priests and Levites. Tese priests and Levites others above his own. He also knows, that servant- were separated out from the rest of the people to hood is a select tool for evangelism. Paul said “”…I their holy task. (Lev. 22:2). made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.” (1 Corinthians 9:19b). Note: Separation, in the Bible, always speaks of sep- arating from something to something. For example, When was the last time some other person exem- we do not simply separate ourselves from sin. Tat plifed the servanthood of Christ to you? When was would leave a vacuum, and soon we would be in the last time you served someone else? Why not worse condition than when we started. Instead, we take time out of today’s class to plan a conspiracy - a separate ourselves from sin unto God. (1 Tessalo- conspiracy to serve someone this week? nians 1:9). It is not enough to resolve that you are going to turn away from a sin in your life. You must c. Paul - the apostle. Paul saw himself as a servant replace it - with obedience to God. of Jesus Christ. He also saw himself as an apostle. Te word apostle means “sent one.” It can be used So, we have seen that the Old Testament priests in a general sense (Acts 14:14), but in almost all and Levites (and Nazarites, Numbers 6:2) separat- biblical instances, it refers specifcally to the disci- ed themselves unto God. Te Pharisees (the sect in ples who were specially selected by Christ to be the which Paul shared lifetime membership) were also frst missionaries to the Jews and the Gentiles and proud of their separation. In fact, the word Pharisee the frst leaders of the church. Apostles had special means separated. Pharisees were separated unto the authority from the Lord and were given freedom to law. As a Pharisee, Paul had been separated unto the work special signs and wonders, (2 Cor 12:12). Un- law of Moses. fortunately, because Paul was called by Christ afer the ascension of Christ, (or perhaps because Mathi- Ah, but now, Paul has been separated unto the gos- as should not have been selected to replace Judas) pel of God. By using this phrase, every Jew who read Paul’s apostleship was challenged - sometimes by the these words would know instinctively, what Paul very ones he led to Christ. It became necessary for meant. Paul to defend and assert his apostleship. Of course the word gospel is most important. Tis Note: Paul was both a servant and an apostle. Some- word which means glad tidings or good news can times folks get humility and authority confused. indicate several things. [Refer to the Student Supple- Although Paul was a humble servant of Christ, he ment and ask for four ways in which the word gos- spoke and taught with great authority - just as the pel is used in the New Testament.] In general, when Lord Jesus Christ exercised both humility and the Paul speaks of the gospel, the gospel of the grace of authority which His Father had given Him. Chris- God, the gospel of God, the gospel of Christ, or my tians are not apostles in the sense that Paul was an gospel, Paul is referring to the plan of salvation. Te apostle, but we have been given authority to preach good news is that Jesus Christ came and was cruci- the gospel of Christ. (Matt. 28:18-20) and we should fed and raised again from the dead according to the always do so with great boldness! James P. Steel - Romans Study Guide Page | 9 scriptures, so that all may have eternal life.(1 Cor- there was A son of God who was THE Son of God inthians 15:1-4) Te terms, gospel of the kingdom, - a unique Person to whom this title alone belonged. and the everlasting gospel carry diferent meanings. Tis was, of course, the Lord Jesus Christ. Te Jews knew that, to claim to be the Son of God was Note: Even though the gospel is called by many to claim to be equal (one and the same) with God synonyms, it is simple enough for the youngest child Himself. Tat is why they hated Christ. Tat is why to understand. If you have not made the decision to they crucifed Christ. Te Bible says: receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, do not put it of. You do not need to have all of your problems settled John 5:18 Terefore the Jews sought the more to kill and all of your questions answered. Simply come to him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but Christ as a lost sinner who needs forgiveness. Place said also that God was his Father, making himself equal your hope in what Jesus Christ did for you - instead with God. of what you are trying to do for Him. Please notice, in verse 2, that this gospel is a scrip- John 19: 7 Te Jews answered him, We have a law, and tural gospel. By that we mean that God promised it by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the in Old Testament times. He described it. He told of Son of God. the coming day when Messiah (Jesus Christ) would provide this gospel for us. Te mistake which cultists make. Many cultists miss this point. Tey reject the deity of Christ (the fact 2. Te Subject Identifed. 1:3 – Who is Jesus? that Jesus Christ is God) - saying that Jesus never claimed to be God. Not only did Jesus claim to be When Paul wrote: “Concerning his Son Jesus Christ God, but He was crucifed because of that claim. our Lord,” he spoke tomes. Four important facts Every Jew knew that to claim to be the Son of God concerning Jesus Christ are revealed: was to claim to be God. It is true that the Bible clear- ly states that Jesus Christ is God - both in the Old a. He is the Son of God Testaments and the New Testament. (See Hebrews 1:8 for an example). It is true that Jesus exercised the Jesus Christ is called God’s Son in verse 3. In verse privileges which could only belong to God (for ex- 4 we read that He was “...declared to be the Son of ample, He accepted worship.) But, it is also true - if God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, you really want to understand the biblical arguments by the resurrection from the dead.” for Christ’s deity - you must understand that they are rooted in his title: Son of God! Tere is a general sense in which we can say that all of God’s created beings are His sons (even angels) - Te mistake which some Christians make. Because simply because He created them. (Job 1:6, Gen. 6:2). some Christians do not understand the close link Te Bible also uses the term sons of God to contrast between the sonship of Christ and the deity of Christ believers with unbelievers - (Romans 8:14). In this they are prone to make other mistakes concerning sense, unbelievers are neither the children nor the Christ. For example, one well known Bible teacher sons of God. But there is another important sense mistakenly led thousands of Christians to believe in which the term son of God was used. If you will that Jesus Christ was NOT the Son of God before He read passages such as Daniel 3:25, Matthew 4:6, came to earth! As a result many still teach that this 8:29, 14:33, 16:16; Mark 15:39, Luke 1:35, John 1:34, is an earthly title and that, whatever His name was 3:16-18; and many other passages you will see that in eternity - it was NOT the Son of God. One verse the Old Testament believers, the demons, the dis- which they use to argue this point is found right here ciples, and the Lord Jesus all knew and taught that - verse 4 - You will want to read it carefully. James P. Steel - Romans Study Guide Page | 10

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