In the letter to the Romans, Paul explains how sinful people can be restored to a right relationship with a holy God through the atoning death of Jesus Christ. Romans features eight themes: condemnation of all because of sin, justification (the sinner is declared righteous), reconciliation with God, identification with Christ, liberation from slavery to the law, sanctification (living the life of the Spirit), election, and transformation to a life of service, duty, and respect. The Roman letter has changed the course of history. When Martin Luther, John Wesley, Karl Barth and others rediscovered the truths of Romans, it had a transforming influence on their lives and consequently on the church.
The Open Your Bible Commentary was written to encourage daily Bible study. Each reading is short, but the content is rich with careful explanation, devotional warmth, and practical relevance. Nearly 100 daily readings let you explore the important truths in the letter to the Romans in depth.