ndex to Volume 51 ARTICLES Vega. 162-82. Lee, Susanna. Freud’s Death Instinct and Vercors’s Le Silence de la Mer. Belmonte Serrano, José, y Pedro Guer- 40-46. rero Ruiz. La escripintura segiin José Miller, Stephen. Graphic-Lexical Dia- Saramago: Manual de pintura y logue in Marias and Rivas. 97-110. caligrafia. 297-303. Miller, Stephen. Introduction: Mate- Birabent, Jean-Pierre. Loeuvre poé- ria novelable in the Contemporary tique de Simin Palay (1874-1965), Spanish Novel. 82-83. félibre gascon. 47-59. Biglieri, Anibal A., ed. Brian John Navajas, Gonzalo. La memoria nostalgi- Dendle: curriculum bibliogréfico. ca en la narrativa contempordnea: La 245-56. temporalidad del siglo XXI. 111-23. Biglieri, Anibal A., ed. Introduction: Oliver Mills, Kathryn. “Rien d’arbi- Studies in Honor of Brian J. Den- traire”: Joseph de Maistre’s Influence dle, Part One. 242-44. on Baudelaire’s Poetry. 212-25. Diez de Revenga, Francisco Javier. La Percival, Anthony. Arte y disefio en prosa narrativa en la Revista de Occi- “Venus dormida” de Lourdes Ortiz. dente (1923-31). 269-87. 60-66. Garcia Castafieda, Salvador. El per- Peréz, Janet. Contemporary Spanish iddico El Americano (Paris, Women Writers and the Feminine 1872-74) y la independencia de Neo-Gothic. 125—40. Cuba. 257-268. Reeser, Todd W. Fracturing the Male Grossi, Verdénica. Figuras politicas y Androgyne in the Heptaméron. epistemoldgicas en el Neptuno 15-28. alegérico de Sor Juana Inés de la Rockwell, Paul Vincent. The Failed Cruz. 183—92. Embrace of the Father: Historical Guerrero Ruiz, Pedro, y José Belmonte Continuity in Le Chevalier as deus Serrano. La escripintura segin José espees and Le roman d Eneas. 2-14. Saramago: Manual de pintura y Sayers, William. Sea Changes in caligrafia. 297-303. Thomas’s Roman de Tristan and Hart, Stephen M. Cultural Hybridity, Dante’s /nferno, Canto 5. 67-71. Magical Realism, and the Language Schnepf, Michael. The Galdés Sketch- of Magic in Paulo Coelho’s The es: Quantity, Quality, and Frequency. Alchemist. 304-12. 193-99. Herzberger, David K. Representing Sieber, Sharon Lynn. Time, Simultane- the Holocaust: Story and Experi- ity, and the Fantastic in the Narra- ence in Antonio Mufioz Molina’s tive of Jorge Luis Borges. 200-11. Sefarad. 85-96. Spires, Robert C. Information, Com- Johnson, Sharon P. Cleansing Les munication, and Spanish Fiction of Halles: Discourses of Health and the 1990s. 141-59. Disease in Zola’s Le Ventre de Paris. Valis, Noél. Machado’s_ Poppies. 226-40. 288-96. Kallendorf, Hilaire. Love Madness and Zielonka, Anthony. Flaubert in Egypt: Demonic Possession in Lope de Confronting the Exotic. 29-39. FALL 2004, VOL. 51, NO. 4 319 BOOK REVIEWS Johnson, Sharon P. Boundaries ofA ccept- ability: Flaubert, Maupassant, Cézanne, Collins, Marsha S. The Soledades, and Cassatt. {Laurie Corbin] 313-14. Géngora’s Masque oft he Imagination. Krauel, Ricardo. Voces desde el silencio. [Ignacio Navarrete] 73-74. Heterologias genérico-sexuales en la nar- Farrant, Tim. Balzacs Shorter Fictions. rativa espanola moderna (1875-1975). [Kathryn Oliver Mills } 72-73. [Curtis Wasson] 316-17. Garcia Castafieda, Salvador, coord. Schulman, Peter. The Sunday of Fic- Literatura de viajes. El Viejo Mundo y tion: The Modern French Eccentric. el Nuevo. [Anibal A. Biglieri] 78-79. [Kathryn E. Wildgen] 314-15. Hughes, Edward J. Writing Marginality Scott, Virginia. Molidre: A Theatrical in Modern French Literature: From Loti Life. [Stephen Bold] 75-77. to Genet. [Dorothy M. Betz] 77-78. Valis, Noél. The Culture of Cur- Johnson, Louise P. La tafanera posteri- silerfa: Bad Taste, Kitsch, and Class tat: Assaigs sobre Lloren¢ Vilalonea in Modern Spain. [Brian J. Den- [Jordi Larios] 315-16. dle] 74-75. ROMANCE QUARTERLY