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Rolling of advanced high strength steels : theory, simulation and practice PDF

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Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels Theory, Simulation and Practice Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels Theory, Simulation and Practice Editors Jingwei Zhao and Zhengyi Jiang School of Mechanical, Materials and Mechatronic Engineering University of Wollongong NSW, Australia p, p, A SCIENCE PUBLISHERS BOOK A SCIENCE PUBLISHERS BOOK CCoovveerr AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeenntt ··                  TToopp--LLeefftt pphhoottoo ooff tthhee HHaawwaaiiiiaann mmoonnkk sseeaall:: RReepprroodduucceedd bbyy kkiinndd ccoouurrtteessyy ooff MM.. SSuulllliivvaann ··                  TToopp--rriigghhtt pphhoottoo ooff tthhee GGaallaappaaggooss ffuurr sseeaall:: RReepprroodduucceedd bbyy kkiinndd ccoouurrtteessyy ooff JJ..JJ.. AAllaavvaa ··                  BBoottttoomm--lleefftt pphhoottoo ooff tthhee JJuuaann FFeerrnnaannddeezz ffuurr sseeaall:: RReepprroodduucceedd bbyy kkiinndd ccoouurrtteessyy ooff LL..PP.. OOssmmaann ··   BBoottttoomm--rriigghhtt pphhoottoo ooff tthhee MMeeddiitteerrrraanneeaann mmoonnkk sseeaall:: RReepprroodduucceedd bbyy kkiinndd ccoouurrtteessyy ooff AA..AA.. KKaarraammaannlliiddiiss//MMOOmm CCRRCC PPrreessss TTaayylloorr && FFrraanncciiss GGrroouupp 66000000 BBrrookkeenn SSoouunndd PPaarrkkwwaayy NNWW,, SSuuiittee 330000 BBooccaa RRaattoonn,, FFLL 3333448877--22774422 ©© 22001177 bbyy TTaayylloorr && FFrraanncciiss GGrroouupp,, LLLLCC CCRRCC PPrreessss iiss aann iimmpprriinntt ooff TTaayylloorr && FFrraanncciiss GGrroouupp,, aann IInnffoorrmmaa bbuussiinneessss NNoo ccllaaiimm ttoo oorriiggiinnaall UU..SS.. GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt wwoorrkkss PPrriinntteedd oonn aacciidd--ffrreeee ppaappeerr VVeerrssiioonn DDaattee:: 2200117700111199 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SS2ttaa0nn1dd7aa0rr3dd2 BB9ooookk NNuummbbeerr--1133:: 997788--11--44998877--44113399--22 ((HHaarrddbbaacckk)) TThhiiss bbooookk ccoonnttaaiinnss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oobbttaaiinnee9dd7 ff8rroo-1mm-4 aa9uu8tt7hh-ee3nn0tt3ii1cc- aa0nndd hhiigghhllyy rreeggaarrddeedd ssoouurrcceess.. RReeaassoonnaabbllee eeffffoorrttss hhaavvee bbeeeenn mmaaddee ttoo ppuubblliisshh rreelliiaabbllee ddaattaa aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, bbuutt tthhee aauutthhoorr aanndd ppuubblliisshheerr ccaannnnoott aassssuummee rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr tthhee vvaalliiddiittyy ooff aallll mmaatteerriiaallss oorr tthhee ccoonnsseeqquueenncceess ooff tthheeiirr uussee.. 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IIDddeeennscttiirffiiipeerrtisso:: nLLCC: BCCoNNc a22 R0011a66t00o55n44, 11F77L00 :|| CIISSRBBCNN P 99re77s88s11,44 [9928807714411733] 99 22 ((hhaarrddbbaacckk :: aallkk.. ppaappeerr)) || II|SS IBBnNNcl u9977d88e11s44 b99i88b77l44io1144gr00a88p ((hee--ibbcaooloo rkke ::f eaarllkke..n ppcaaeppsee arr))nd index. SSIuudbbejjneetccittfssie:: rLLsCC: SSLHHCC:: SSNee aa2ll0ss 1((AA70nn0iimm44aall5ss7))--|-- TTISrrBooppNii cc9ss7.. ||8 PP1ii4nn9nn8iipp7ee3dd0ii3aa..10 (hardback) | CCISllaaBssNssii ff9iicc7aa8tt1iioo4nn9:: 8LL7CC3CC0 QQ34LL177 33(77e..-PPb66o TTok7766) 22001177 || DDDDCC 559999..7799----ddcc2233 LLSCCu brreejecccootrrsdd: LaavvCaaSiiHllaa:bb Slleet eaaett lhh, Httttippgssh::// //slltccrccennn..llgootcch...gg |oo Rvv//o22l00li11n66g00 55(M4411e77t00al-work) Classification: LCC TA479.H43 R65 2017 | DDC 629.2/32--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017004457 VViissiitt tthhee TTaayylloorr && FFrraanncciiss WWeebb ssiittee aatt hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ttaayylloorraannddffrraanncciiss..ccoomm aanndd tthhee CCRRCC PPrreessss WWeebb ssiittee aatt hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ccrrccpprreessss..ccoomm Preface Steel is one of the most widely used metals in our lives, with applications ranging from making fences, entrance gates, cooking and garden utensils, buildings to more specialist types of use in the building of skyscrapers, roads, bridges, automotive products and military hardware. The steel industry, however, is saddled with issues such as high energy consumption and high greenhouse gas emissions. To keep a long term and sustainable development, the steel industry, on the one hand, should continue to make the process innovation to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in production, and on the other hand, may pursue product innovation with the development of society such as to develop new high strength steels for the modern automotive industry for weight reductions given that the automotive industry is a key contributor to the national economy particularly for industrialised countries. In today’s automotive industry, one most direct and effective way of achieving the goals of conserving natural resources and preventing global warming, is by reducing the weight of automobiles and therefore lowering the rate of fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve these objectives of the automotive sector, the steel industry has been developing new advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) whose unique metallurgical properties and processing methods enable the automotive industry to meet requirements of safety, efficiency, emissions, manufacturability, durability, and quality at a relatively low cost. AHSSs for auto-making are primarily produced by rolling, plus heat treatment technologies if necessary. The term “AHSSs” refers to a group of high strength steels. Each grade of AHSSs possesses unique chemical compositions, microstructural features, mechanical properties, advantages, and challenges associated with its application. Due to the metallurgical complexity of AHSSs, it is impossible to roll all of the AHSS grades in a rolling mill with the same rolling technology. Each of AHSSs has unique applications in vehicles, and specified rolling technologies are required to produce high quality AHSS products where they might be the best employed to meet performance demands of the automotive parts. This has prompted and encouraged us to publish a scholarly book in the area of rolling of AHSSs with a purpose of providing readers with a valuable vi Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels: Theory, Simulation and Practice technical document that can be used in the research and development of AHSSs for automotive and other manufacturing industries. This book focuses on the rolling of AHSSs which contains theory, simulation and practice, with contributors from USA, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Austria, Australia, China, India and Iran. Topics covered in this book include introduction of AHSSs and their processes, steel rolling theory, modelling of temperature distribution and microstructural evolution in AHSSs rolling, thermomechanical processing of AHSSs, hot and cold strip rolling practice of the most popular AHSSs, and other AHSSs rolling-related technologies including chattering in rolling of AHSSs, hot dip galvanising of AHSSs, and control model of heat treatment process in the rolling of AHSSs. Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels: Theory, Simulation and Practice will be useful for both theoretical and applied research aimed at AHSSs rolling technologies, and will be a scientific and valuable literature for the metallurgists, engineers, materials scientists, academics and graduate students who are studying and working with AHSSs and their rolling technologies worldwide. We would like to thank all of the authors who have made significant contributions to this book. Jingwei Zhao Zhengyi Jiang University of Wollongong, Australia Contents Preface v 1.Advanced High Strength Steels and Their Processes 1 Minghui Cai and Hongshuang Di 2.A New Theory for Cold Flat Rolling 26 G. Echave Iriarte 3.Estimation of Temperature Distribution in Flat Rolling 126 U.S. Dixit, V. Yadav and A.K. Singh 4.Cellular Automaton Modeling of the Microstructural 161 Evolution in AHSS Hot Rolling Chengwu Zheng and Dianzhong Li 5.Thermomechanical Processing of TRIP Steels 189 Adam Grajcar 6.Newly-Developed High-Manganese Fe–Mn–(Al, Si) 224 Austenitic TWIP and TRIP Steels Leszek A. Dobrzański, Janusz Mazurkiewicz, Wojciech Borek and Małgorzata Czaja 7.Transformation-Induced Plasticity Steel and 289 Their Hot Rolling Technologies Zhihui Cai, Jingwei Zhao and Hua Ding 8.Hot Rolling Practice of Multiphase Steels 323 Mohamed Soliman and Heinz Palkowski 9.Hot Rolling System Design for Advanced High 357 Strength Steels (AHSSs) Priyadarshan Manohar 10.Cold Rolling of TWIP Steels 415 Xianglong Yu and Ji Zhou viii Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels: Theory, Simulation and Practice 11.Cold Rolling Practice of Martensitic Steel 450 Màhmoud Nili-Ahmadabadi, Hamidreza Koohdar and Mohammad Habibi-Parsa 12.Cold Rolling and Annealing of Advanced High 482 Strength Steels Rosalia Rementeria and Francisca G. Caballero 13.Chattering in Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels 522 Maria Cristina Valigi and Mirko Rinchi 14.Hot-dip Galvanizing of Advanced High Strength Steels 566 Martin Arndt 15.Control Model of Heat Treatment Process in the 593 Rolling of Advanced High Strength Steels Dadong Zhao, Hongmei Zhang and Zhixin Chen Index 633 1 Advanced High Strength Steels and Their Processes Minghui Cai1,* and Hongshuang Di2 AbstrAct Recent trends in the automotive industry towards the improved passenger safety and reduced weight have led to an interest in research, development and manufacturing of advanced high strength steels (AHSSs), in which both high strength and high ductility are achieved with reasonable cost of production. This chapter summarizes the history of AHSSs, the types of AHSSs currently being used and the advances in AHSSs that can be used for lightweight automotive structural components. It also discusses and compares the differences in typical chemistry, microstructure and properties between AHSSs and conventional high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels, in conjunction with disadvantages and advantages related to the products manufacturing and practical applications. 1.1 Definition and Types of Advanced High Strength Steels Advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) are a family of steels that are stronger and have better formability or higher ductility than the conventional high strength steels (HSSs), which have been reported by Bouaziz et al. (2013), 1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China. 2 State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China. * Corresponding author: [email protected]

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