ROLE OF MARSH‐MANGROVE INTERFACE HABITATS AS AQUATIC REFUGES FOR NUT WETLAND FISHES & OTHER AQUATIC ANIMALS L. Oberhofer RIES ANNUAL SUMMARY REPORT 2008 For MAGrPea ter Everglades (GE) Module: ANNUAL ASSESMENT RE PORT FOR YEAR 2011 J.S. Rehage, R. Boucek & M. Robblee 1 CERP Monitoring and Assessment Plan Components ANNUAL ASSESMENT REPORT FOR YEAR 2011 MAP ACTIVITY Role of Marsh‐Mangrove Interface Habitats as Aquatic Refuges for Wetland Fishes and other Work Order No. 12 Aquatic Animals Gretchen Ehlinger, Ph.D. Jacksonville District US Army Corps of Engineers AUTHORS: J.S. Rehage1, R. Boucek1 & M. Robblee2 1 Earth & Environment Department Southeast Environmental Research Center Florida International University Miami, FL 33199 [email protected] [email protected] 2 USGS‐Florida Integrated Science Center Everglades National Park Field Station Homestead, FL 33034 [email protected] January 28, 2012 2 CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY & KEY FINDINGS 4 I. INTRODUCTION Overview 7 Project objectives 8 Project activities and progress in Year 7: 2010‐2011 9 Figures 12 II. SPATIOTEMPORAL DYNAMICS IN THE FISH COMMUNITY: 2004‐2010 Effects of hydrology cross‐ecosystem boundaries: marsh hydrology drives predator & prey dynamics at an upper subtropical mangrove estuary Introduction 16 Methods 17 Results 20 Discussion 22 Tables 28 Figures 35 III. TROPHIC SAMPLING 2010‐2011: No free lunch: resource partitioning among three mesoconsumers in response to a seasonally‐pulsed subsidy Introduction 45 Methods 46 Results 49 Discussion 51 Tables 55 Figures 57 APPENDIX A: ABSTRACT for presentations by J.S. Rehage 72 APPENDIX B: ABSTRACT for presentations by R. Boucek & J.S. Rehage 73 APPENDIX C: Chianesse et al. ESA 2011 poster (value‐added shrimp sampling) 74 APPENDIX D: McCarthy et al. manuscript in press, value‐added shrimp study 75 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The role abiotic factors play in the structuring of natural communities is a fundamental question in ecology. This structuring effect may be particularly strong along ecotonal habitats. In the southwestern Everglades, mangrove‐lined creeks link freshwater marshes to downstream estuarine mangrove regions, providing habitat for a diverse and dynamic fish community composed of saltwater, estuarine, and freshwater taxa. Historically, channels and pools along this ecotone likely served to concentrate fishes for avian predators, and thus provided an important food source for coastal wading bird nesting colonies. We have examined the spatiotemporal dynamics in the fish community along the oligohaline to mesohaline reaches of ecotonal creeks within the southwestern region of Everglades National Park since 2004. Here we report abundance and diet dynamics of fishes in the upper Shark River in relation to hydrology. The key questions addressed by this project are: (a) How does the fish community of Everglades ecotonal habitats vary over spatial and temporal scales? And (b) How does this variation relate to variation in hydrological conditions and other abiotic drivers, particularly upstream marsh water levels and flows and salinity regimes within the estuary? The overarching goal of this work is to understand how the fish community inhabiting and using the marsh‐mangrove ecotone will respond to restoration conditions that are expected to increase the pooling of freshwater at the ecotone, resulting in a wider and seasonally‐extended oligohaline zone. To address these questions, we sampled 10 mangrove creeks in the Upper Shark River estuary and Rookery Branch region (SRE) consistently since 2004. Sampling involves electrofishing to target mesoconsumers (e.g., snook and bass) and the larger forage fish (4 to 70 cm standard length), as well as dietary analyses conducted in 2011 to examine the effects of seasonal hydrology on consumer diets, and resource partitioning. We focused on the diets of key recreational fisheries (largemouth bass and snook), and the contribution of freshwater prey to their diets in relation to marsh hydrology to examined the degree to which marsh production subsidizes estuarine consumers. KEY FINDINGS As elsewhere in the system, fish distribution and abundance are strongly affected by seasonal hydrology. Freshwater taxa are a key component of the fish community of marsh‐mangrove ecotonal habitats in the upper Shark River and Rookery Branch region. Fish abundance in mangrove creeks increases during the dry season, as upstream marshes dry, and freshwater fish move down into the upper estuary, and use creeks as dry down refugia. Drydown forces both smaller prey (sunfishes) and predators (bass, 4 bowfin & gar) into mangrove creeks, providing ample foraging opportunities for larger taxa, and creating a prey subsidy for estuarine fishes. The timing of the movement of fish depends strongly on the pattern of water recession in marshes, and how early or late in the season marshes dry. Fish catches generally peak early (Feb.‐March) in dry years; whereas in years with high‐water wet seasons and good recession rates (e.g., 2006 and 2009), catches peak later in April‐May. In the dry years, high fish catches early in the dry season are followed by lower catches later in the dry season, suggesting that a large portion of the wetland fish biomass that entered the estuary is consumed by predators in creeks, and will not be returning to recolonize marshes upon rewetting. Marsh hydrology drives overall fish abundance in the upper SRE, particularly at headwater sites. Marsh depth is a consistent predictor of fish abundance across functional groups. The abundance of freshwater predators and prey, estuarine predators and nonnative taxa in mangrove creeks is negatively correlated to marsh water depth upstream of creeks. Beyond hydrology, fish abundance at mangrove creeks is influenced by other biotic and abiotic factors. Functional groups show differential responses to these conditions. Freshwater fish abundance appears limited by salinity levels, thus their abundance is highest at the fresher, headwater sites. The abundances of freshwater prey and estuarine predators are positively related to oxygen levels. The abundance of estuarine fishes and nonnative taxa is influenced by water temperature. Further, nonnatives show little seasonality, yet their abundance is positively correlated to that of native taxa, particularly freshwater species. At the onset of marsh drying, small‐bodied freshwater taxa, dominated by palaemonid shrimp, cyprinodontoids, and sunfishes forced off upstream marshes create a pulsed subsidy that is exploited by larger‐bodied estuarine and marsh consumers. The pulse is short‐lived suggesting intense predation. Prey abundance decreases to pre‐pulse levels approximately six weeks after marshes dry. In response to marsh drying and the resulting prey pulse, estuarine predators (e.g., snook) move upstream to forage, matching the exact timing of when freshwater fishes come off the marsh. Snook are strongly subsidized by this seasonal pulse of marsh prey into the upper estuary. Diet analyses show that nearly all of prey items (93%) consumed 5 by bass, bowfin, and snook are freshwater prey, indicating high connectivity between the marsh and estuarine food webs. In the wet season, the diets of bass, bowfin, and snook caught in mangrove creeks overlapped and were dominated by macroinvertebrates (i.e., shrimp, crayfish and mangrove crabs). In response to the prey pulse, consumers exhibit a high degree of diet specialization, with bass principally consuming cyprinodontoids, bowfin consuming palaemonid shrimp, and snook primarily consuming larger sunfishes. The relatively high diversity of the prey pulse may enhance partitioning and allow the three consumer taxa to exploit it. Although all three consumers consumed allochthonous marsh prey, only bass and snook showed fitness gains (i.e., increases in body condition). Thus, the importance of the subsidy may be of unequal magnitude across consumer taxa. Our results indicate that ecotonal creeks in SRE serve as important dry‐season habitat for marsh taxa, and that pulses of freshwater taxa into tidal creeks may trophically link estuarine and marsh habitats. We believe that this biotic linkage between marshes and mangroves has important implications for the recreational fisheries (e.g., snook and bass) in the Shark River, and provides an opportunity for us to study the link between freshwater management, predator‐prey dynamics, and the provisions of key ecosystem services by the Everglades. Increases in freshwater inflows into the southern Everglades may affect biotic and trophic linkages between mangroves and marshes by decreasing the frequency of marsh drying, and salinity levels. Furthermore, the nature and strength of these linkages appear to be affected by how species and functional groups respond spatially and temporally to hydrological heterogeneity. 6 I. INTRODUCTION Overview Spatiotemporal heterogeneity in environment conditions affects ecological processes at multiple scales. At smaller temporal scales, abiotic conditions affect patterns of species movement and habitat use; while at a larger temporal scales, the heterogeneity of abiotic conditions affects patterns of species abundance and distribution. This structuring effect of abiotic conditions may be particularly important along ecotones, which are transition zones between adjacent ecological communities. In the Everglades, shallow vegetated freshwater marshes transition into an extensive region of tidal mangrove forests (up to 15 km in width, over 60,000 ha of mangroves) that dominates the landscape along the southwest Florida coast (Smith et al. 1994,). At the ecotone, mangrove‐lined creeks drain upland marshes into a network of interconnecting estuarine rivers, bays, and mangrove forests (Figures I.1 & I.2). Conditions remain oligohaline to mesohaline, and provide habitat for a diverse and dynamic fish community composed of marine transient species, estuarine residents, and freshwater marsh transient taxa. Relatively little is known about fish communities dynamics in this region of the Everglades, until this monitoring effort, despite the historical importance of this region for wading bird nesting and foraging (Frederick et al. 2009, Ogden 1994), and their current importance as a recreational fishery (Osborne et al. 2006). Further, little is also known about how these fish communities respond to seasonal and inter‐annual variation in hydrology and salinity regimes, presently resulting from upstream water‐management, and expected from future restoration efforts. Restoration of hydrological conditions should increase wet‐season prey densities (Hypothesis 1) and dry‐season prey concentrations (Hypothesis 2) (see Section 9.2.6: Predator‐ Prey Interactions of Wading Birds and Aquatic Fauna Forage Base, MAP Part 2, 2006). At the ecotone, increased freshwater inflows from restoration are expected to prolong the pooling of freshwater and result in a wider and seasonally‐extended oligohaline zone (Davis et al. 2005). Similarly, the frequency of dry‐down in marshes in the vicinity of our sites then expected to be lower with CERP. Results from the past 7 years of monitoring show that there is significant biotic connectivity between freshwater marshes and the oligohaline/mesohaline mangrove regions, particularly along the Shark Slough‐Shark River ecotone (SRE, Figure I.3). Our data show that mangrove creeks in SRE serve as important dry‐season habitat for a variety of freshwater fishes and invertebrates (Rehage & Loftus 2007). As they do elsewhere in the system, aquatic fauna move into the deeper habitats in the landscape in response to seasonal dry down (Figure I.4).We hypothesized that the timing and spatial extent of this movement into creeks is affected by the pattern and timing of water recession in marshes, and the increase in salinity levels in creeks. We suspect that animal movements into creeks result in a shift in energy flow from marsh prey to avian predators in marshes to instead piscine predators in mangrove creeks (e.g., snook, bass, gar, bowfin, redfish). Ecotonal creeks are deep (> 1m), and prey that move into 7 creeks likely become unavailable to wading birds, instead serving as prey for freshwater, estuarine, and marine fish predators (along with alligators), including important recreational fisheries. Quantitative, baseline information consistently collected by repeatable methods before and after CERP implementation is needed to assess the effects of restoration efforts. Because of marked seasonality in Everglades rainfall, detection of CERP effects demands long‐term monitoring data (i.e., multi‐year) both pre‐ and post‐restoration activities. During each of our sampling years, we have encountered a different set of hydrological conditions (i.e., each year is idiosyncratic), allowing us the opportunity to examine fish‐community responses to a range of hydrological and climatic scenarios. Continued monitoring should enhance our ability to detect the response of mangrove fish communities to changes in key ecological drivers, namely freshwater inflow and salinity. Our monitoring of fishes along the marsh‐mangrove ecotone in the southwestern region of Everglades National Park (ENP, Figure I.2) began in 2004, and since then has been consistently conducted following standardized electrofishing protocols (Loftus & Rehage 2007, Rehage & Loftus 2007). Funding in FY11 allowed us to add a 7th year of data to our time series. With seven years of data, we are now able to compare years with varying hydrology (i.e., dry vs. wet years) as a surrogate for examining expected conditions under CERP, and obtain robust relationships between our fish data and hydrological conditions. Continued sampling in this region is needed, and complements other system‐wide efforts. In addition, our MAP activities provide value‐added status and trend data for key recreational fisheries (i.e., snook and largemouth bass) and nonnative taxa, for which data are lacking. Project objectives Monitoring of fishes in coastal ENP under this CERP MAP activity aims to: (1) Track spatiotemporal fish community dynamics in the marsh‐mangrove ecotone and upper mangrove estuarine habitats; (2) Relate spatiotemporal fish dynamics to water management upstream, particularly key hydrological drivers (i.e., upstream freshwater inflow and salinity), and as well as other important abiotic conditions (i.e., oxygen concentration and water temperature); (3) Ensure consistency in data collection begun in 2004 to protect the integrity of monitoring and maximize our ability to detect change from pre CERP baseline conditions; 8 (4) Continue collaborations with other RECOVER PIs to elucidate on findings and knowledge gained; (5) Continue value‐added data collection that accompanies monitoring efforts (e.g., trophic sampling to examine the connectivity between marsh and estuarine foodwebs, see Section III below). Synopsis of project activities and progress in YEAR 7 of monitoring: 2010‐2011 During YEAR 7, we sampled previously established fixed sampling sites in SRE (Figs. 5‐6) by boat‐mounted electrofishing. All sampling was conducted following standardized field protocols. To capture the seasonality of the system, electrofishing was conducted in November 2010, February 2011, and April/May 2011. See Section I for electrofishing results. We continued value‐added trophic sampling of food web structure in the upper Shark River estuary, and particularly of mesopredator resource use and partitioning across seasons (Ross Boucek, Ph.D. student, FIU), see Section III of this report. Results of our electrofishing and trophic sampling were presented at: o The Ecological Society of America annual meeting in Austin, TX, August 2011, o The Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation annual meeting in Daytona Beach, FL, November 2011, Abstracts for these presentations are included in APPENDICES A & B. We completed analyses of value‐added shrimp sampling at SRE sites, which began in 2009. We investigated the prevalence of Probopyrus spp. (branchial parasite) in palaemonid shrimp populations along a marsh to estuarine gradient. We presented results of this study at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting, in Austin, TX, August 2011,, see APENDIX C. We attended a SSR Trophic Group meeting organized by Steve Davis and Andy Gottlieb (March 2011, IFAS, Davie, FL), and the 2011 RECOVER Optimization workshops (Summer 2011, Miami, FL). We edited a manuscript by McCarthy et al. (MS student, Fall 2010) on the segregation of Palaemonid shrimp spp along Shark Slough‐Shark River estuary. The paper was accepted for publication in the Bulletin of Marine Science, and is currently in press. We participated in a Pantanal‐Everglades workshop at FAU, Davie, FL to jump start collaborations and comparative work between the two ecosystems. Out of this workshop, 9 we submitted a NSF PIRE proposal for a comparative study (, and we organized a special Everglades‐Pantanal session at the GEER‐Intecol 2012 meeting (both efforts led by R. Jaffe, FIU; Rehage is co‐PI & workshop participant). We submitted abstracts for presenting three talks and two posters related to this monitoring effort at the GEER‐INTELCOL meeting in Orlando, FL, June 2012, We submitted a proposal to the Water, sustainability, and climate initiative of NSF to complement our monitoring efforts, and link hydrology and mangrove fish dynamics to the provisioning of key ecosystem services by the Everglades mangrove zone and their economic value, particularly recreational fisheries (effort led by M. Sukop, FIU, and V. Engel, NPS, Rehage is co‐PI). We secured $10,000 in funding from NSF LTER supplemental funds (R. Boucek, Ph.D. student) to place acoustic tags on snook and bass, the two key recreational fisheries in our data. In 2012, we will begin tracking their movements in relation to seasonal hydrology and other abiotic conditions (i.e., temperature). We will contribute these data to Museum of Discovery and Science FIU outreach kiosk (see below). We participated in the creation of an FIU outreach exhibit at the Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Discovery and Science, featuring our RECOVER monitoring. We contributed data and footage for an interactive kiosk that features movement data for Everglades predators, including snook data collected via our monitoring,‐exhibit‐ on‐display‐at‐museum‐of‐discovery‐and‐ science/34148?utm_source=News+%40+FIU+Subscribers&utm_campaign=8a01cea16b‐ FIU_News_Dec_9_2011&utm_medium=email We submitted quarterly reports with project updates in April, July, and October 2011. In the following sections, we report results of our sampling over the past 7 years. Results are organized into two sections: II. Spatiotemporal dynamics of mangrove fishes This section focuses on our electrofishing results from years 1‐6, which to date show consistent seasonal patterns, and the most robust relationships to hydrological conditions. We focus on the sampling conducted in the upper Shark River and Rookery branch (SRE), were our data show marked seasonality in fish dynamics and strong dependency of these dynamics on marsh water levels. This is also the monitoring effort that will be continued in the future post‐ RECOVER optimization. Thus we focus our reporting on this data set. This monitoring is most closely affiliated with Modified Water Deliveries to Everglades National Park, the Tamiami Trail Modifications, and DECOMP. These CERP activities will affect freshwater deliveries to Shark 10