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MaritimeEngineering ProceedingsoftheInstitutionofCivilEngineers Volume170IssueMA2 MaritimeEngineering170June2017IssueMA2 Pages67–82 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/jmaen.2016.28 Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Paper201628 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal Received15/11/2016 Accepted09/10/2017 Keywords:conservation/coastalengineering/environment engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. PublishedwithpermissionbytheICEundertheCC-BY4.0 license.(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Rock armour for birds and their prey: ecological enhancement of coastal engineering LarissaA.Naylor MartinA.Coombes Lecturer,UniversityofGlasgow,Glasgow,UK(correspondingauthor: Lecturer,UniversityofOxford,Oxford,UK [email protected]) JimD.Hansom MairiMacArthur Reader,UniversityofGlasgow,Glasgow,UK DoctoralResearchStudent,UniversityofGlasgow,Glasgow,UK RowanByrne StephanieHampshire PrincipalMarineEnvironmentalScientist,MottMacDonald,Cambridge,UK CoastalScientist,MottMacDonald,Croydon,UK;currentlyatC2MH, TristanFolland Swindon,UK SeniorEcologist,MottMacDonald,Cambridge,UK;currentlyatNIRAS KieranBostock ConsultingLtd,Cambridge,UK PrincipalEngineer,HartlepoolBoroughCouncil,Hartlepool,UK The authors present key design, construction and ecological enhancement criteria for sustainable coastal defence structures at Hartlepool, UK, a high-energy wave climate. Such ‘ecologically favourable’ coastal defences fulfil the habitats directive and key engineering and cost criteria. Bird, rocky intertidal ecological and biogeomorphological data underpin recommendations for ‘passive’ enhancement mitigation to maximise ecological potential involving rock armour material choice (partially enhanced) and its smart positioning (enhanced). Within 12–18 months of installation, key intertidal species (e.g. limpets, barnacles, fucoid seaweeds) had successfully colonised the rock revetment, matching the initialbaseline biotope.However, speciesabundanceandoverallmobile andsessilespecies were not significantly different between the two enhanced treatments after 12–18 months. Importantly, key prey species (the limpet, Patella vulgata) on enhanced rock armour showed statistically significant abundances similar to the baseline shore platform and significantly higher than partially enhanced rock armour. These preliminary data showthatwell-chosenrockarmourmaterialandboulderenhancementusingpositioningcanmatchbaselinebiotope conditions in 12–18 months and that for some key prey species, positioning-enhanced rock armour rapidly matches baselineconditions.Thisfacilitatesrapidrockrevetmentcolonisation,enablinggoodrecruitmentoffoodspeciesand favourableconditionsforinternationallydesignatedwaterbirdspecies. 1. Introduction niche habitat designs, yet also satisfy engineering performance Increasing storminess, sea levels and coastal urbanisation is requirements. Research worldwide shows the operational appli- fuelling demand for hard defence infrastructure such as sea- cationsofthesetechniquestobesuccessful–thatis,theecologi- walls and revetments. Such structures must withstand harsh cal goals of ‘environmental friendly’structural engineering have environmental conditions (e.g. storm waves and deteriorative been met without reduction in the protection capability of salts) and typically require expensive, on-going maintenance. schemes.Yet,theadoptionoftheseapproachesintomainstream In parallel, there is a growing requirement from the govern- engineering practice remains limited to a handful of examples ment for grey infrastructure, including coastal defences, to be across Europe (Devon, Isle of Wight, the Mediterranean), in multi-functional, sustainable, resilient and towork with nature North America (Seattle, New York, Vancouver) and Australia to provide ecosystem services (EA, 2012). However, urbanised (Sydney)(forareview,seeNayloretal.(2011)). coastlines often have lower biodiversity value than equivalent natural habitats and remain some of the least-studied ecosys- There also remains a need for best practice case studies and temsworldwide(BulleriandChapman,2010). guidance on how assets that need to remain ‘grey’ for their primary function can be ‘greened’ (Naylor et al., unpublished A growing body of ecological and geomorphological research report, 2016). Such greening of hard maritime infrastructure demonstrates that hard coastal infrastructure can be inexpen- (e.g.outfallpipes,ports,harbours,bridgefootings)andestuar- sively designed to sustain greater biodiversity (e.g. Coombes ineandcoastalprotectionstructuresaretypicallymissingfrom et al., 2015; EA, 2008; Firth et al., 2014; Strain et al., 2017). greeninfrastructurepolicyandguidance.Similarly,theexisting These ‘ecological enhancements’ improve structural engineering guidance for working with natural processes (also called throughtheselectionofecologicallyfavourablematerialsand/or nature-basedsolutions)typicallyfocusesonsoftmaterialssuch 67 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. assandscaping,theuseofdredgedmaterial,saltmarshcreation along the Durham coastline show that the area impacted by and managed realignment (e.g. EA, 2012). Apart from Naylor this scheme represents some of the most important feeding et al. (2011), the government guidance on improving the eco- sites for designated species (Cadwallender and Cadwallender, logicalvalueofhardcoastalinfrastructureisscarce. 2013), an environment also under threat from coastal squeeze undera‘holdtheline’policy(NaturalEngland,2014).Ifinter- 2. Aims tidal invertebratespecies on which thebirdsfeed cannot adapt This paper reportsthe first known ecological enhancements of and migrate inland with future sea-level rise, then the locally hard coastal structures in the UK that provide mitigation availablehabitat theydepend on will be reduced and/or lostin under the EU habitats directive (EC, 1992), to ensure that the future (Jackson and McIlvenny, 2011). This will impact there are no adverse effects on the integrity of a Natura 2000 negatively on the condition status of the qualifying features site designated for its internationally important waterbirds. and consequently adversely affect site integrity. In England The UK government’s implementation of article 6(3) of the and Wales, the Conservation of Habitats and Species habitats directive to use habitat creation as mitigation within Regulations 2010 (as amended) (the ‘Habitat Regulations’), the Natura 2000 site, as in this project, may not be strictly article 6(3) of the EU habitats directive, requiresthat aproject compatible with the directive (see case C521/12 Briels v. ‘design appropriate mitigation measures that will cancel or Minster of Infrastructuur en Milieu). Nevertheless, this project minimise the adverse impacts’ (EC, 2002). The scheme, within aimed to mitigate the expected habitat and natural substrate the Natura 2000 site, therefore had to consider the design loss associated with improving the standard of both new and implications of direct and indirect habitat loss on the qualify- pre-existing coastal defences within the Natura 2000 site. This ing features, alone and in combination with the climate mitigationalso soughtto minimise futurehabitatlossesdueto change-relatedsea-levelrise. thesea-levelriseandcoastalsqueeze. The approval process from the nature conservation body To date, it is also the largest known operational ecological NaturalEnglandrequiredanyproposedmitigationtobesigned enhancement of hard coastal infrastructures in the UK (after off at the planning permission stage (the final design did not Shaldon, Devon, Isle of Wight and Bournemouth) (Arc need the Natural England official sign off). The Natural Consulting, 2016; Naylor et al., 2012) and as such it provides Englandapprovedmitigationformedpartoftheapprovedplan- animportant‘proofofconcept’demonstrationofhowecologi- ning permission for the scheme and as such was a delivery calenhancementresearchandinnovationhasbeenoperationa- requirement.Anychangestotheproposeddesignand/ormitiga- lised in the UK (e.g. Coombes et al., 2015; Evans et al., 2016; tion planswould require avariation to the planningconditions, Firthetal.,2015;Nayloretal.,2012). triggerare-consultationwithNaturalEnglandandobjectionsif theschemewasnotabletodelivertheoriginalmitigation. The authors provide an appraisal of the rationale, approval process, design criteria and building phase considerations 4. Site description related to meeting the habitat mitigation requirements of the The headland coastal defences at Hartlepool protect 562 resi- Hartlepoolheadlandcoastalprotectionscheme(thescheme)in dential and commercial properties, and key heritage features, Hartlepool, Teesside, UK. Currently under construction, the including the Heugh gun battery scheduled monument long-term (>1·5 years) colonisation patterns are not yet avail- (Figure 1). The defences consist of north-east facing vertical able but pre- and post-construction ecological data are avail- masonry and concrete walls, built over the last 150 years, and able from the areas of rock revetment that have been installed now in poor condition, being frequently overtopped during to date. The authors highlight the lessons learned and discuss storms (e.g. significant damage during the winter 2013/2014 thewiderapplicationofsuchintervention. storms (Thorne, 2014)). Funded by way of the Project for Accelerated Growth Scheme, funding partners include the 3. Legislative imperatives forecological Environment Agency, Hartlepool Borough Council and PD enhancement Ports, with support from Natural England for ecological The headland foreshore coastal defence scheme at Hartlepool enhancement ‘proof of concept’. The current defences are iswithintheTeesmouthandClevelandCoastNatura2000site, fronted predominately by a magnesian limestone intertidal designated under the EU birds directive (Council of the shore platform, with limited areas overlain by perched beach European Union, 1979) as a special protected area (SPA) for deposits.The uppershorezone(0–10mfromtheseawall)also internationally important numbers of waterbirds (JNCC, displays considerable evidence of active abrasion with a 2016).AlsodesignatedforwaterbirdsundertheConventionon reducedecology(Nayloretal.,2014). Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsarconvention), it is a Ramsar site (JNCC, 2008) and a site of special scientific The scheme aimed to upgrade the defences and ‘hold the line’ interest (Natural England, 1997). Overwintering bird patterns in accordance with the local shoreline management plan 68 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. (MM, 2012: p. 7). Phase 1 includes 800m of low-level granite rock revetment to dissipate wave energy and protect the toe of deteriorated sections of existing seawall (Figure 2) and prevent damage to foundations. However, the scheme also aimed to ‘provide the same ecological function foroverwinter- ing birds and as such there will be no overall loss of habitat function for Annex II bird species’ (MM, 2014: p. 36) and other species within the waterbird assemblage. Phase 1 of the revetment works has been completed and phase 2 is currently underway(autumn2016).Overall,theschemewilltake5years toinstall. 5. Planning and mitigation design approval 5.1 Planningphase Priortotheschemeplanningapplication,thepreferredoptions forthewidercoastaldefencestrategy(theplan)weresubjected to a habitats regulations assessment (HRA) (MM, 2012). The HRA concluded that the strategy, including this scheme, wouldnotadverselyaffecttheintegrityoftheNatura2000site Hartlepool headlands coastal protection scheme if: (a) the shore platform height was enhanced to maintain its Seaton Carew extent;(b)therockrevetmentwasplacedontheshoreplatform toincreaseitselevationandallowpotentialhabitatforbirdsto N beexposedduringthetide,accountingforaprojectedsea-level rise; (c) disturbance of qualifying features during construction is avoided; and (d) reflective wave energy dissipation is mini- 0 0·2750·55 1·1km mised by the placement of rock blocks. Building on the con- clusions of the strategic HRA, an HRA specifically for the scheme was undertaken to support the planning application (MM, 2012). Hartlepool Borough Council and Mott MacDonald sought expert advice on the ecological enhance- Figure1. Studyarealocationmapincludingthecomparisonsite SeatonCarew ment design (Naylor et al., 2014); this was instrumental in agreeing ecologically favourable design options with Natural Englandandthussecuringplanningapprovalforthescheme. (SMP)(RoyalHaskoning,2007).TheSMPhighlightsthechal- 5.2 Ecologicalenhancementdesigncriteria lenges of maintaining ecological conditions while adopting a hold the line policy: ‘The SMP supports the natural develop- 5.2.1 Keydesignparameters ment of this SPA and Ramsar designated coastal habitat. Previous research indicates that ecological enhancements can However, holding the line at Hartlepool Headland may result bedesignedtosupporttheassemblagesofmarineinvertebrates inthelossofhabitatduetotheprovisionofenhancedtoepro- on which waterbirds might feed (Coombes et al., 2015; Evans tectionoverthelittoralrocksub-feature’andthereis‘currently et al., 2016; Firth et al., 2014, 2015). These can be quite a danger of short-term coastal squeeze and subsequent net simple andinexpensive ‘passive’techniques (e.g. choosing con- lossesofSPAandRamsardesignatedforeshorehabitat’(Royal struction materials based on lithology and surface roughness Haskoning, 2007: pp. 168 and 167). Public consultation on (Coombes et al., 2010, 2015)), or more ‘active’ multi-scale allowingpartof the proposedareatonaturallyerodemet with enhancementsthat seek to better mimic the geomorphological opposition; therefore, the decision to ‘hold the line’ required heterogeneityof natural rocky shores (e.g. Evans et al., 2016). more focus on habitat mitigation than would be requiredwith Thiscanincluderockandconcreteblockswithfine-scalemilli- anadaptationalpolicydecision,suchasmanagedrealignment. metre to centimetre textures, incorporation of sheltered and overhanging areas and in-built water-retaining features such as 4.1 Coastaldefencescheme pools. To achieve a habitat outcome most closely mimicking The scheme aimed to provide: ‘acoastal protection Scheme to the existing rocky shores at Hartlepool, and which offers reduce coastal erosion risk to the community and increase feeding opportunities as the qualifying waterbird features, a amenity value of the frontage over the next 100 years’ combination of passive and active multi-scale enhancement 69 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. Average crest level 7·4 mOD Proposed concrete encasement Dowel bars assumed at 850 centres 400 mm Existing seawall 3·3 mOD 100 years mean high water springs 3·0 mOD Average toe crest 2·6 mOD 2·7 mOD mean high water springs 1500 mm 2 1 Proposed rock armour m m Otoled concrete Approx. 1500 Average platform level –0·5 mOD 600mm Limestone platform Underlayer rock approx 650 mm dia. Rock toe dug into Approx. 9 m limestone platform Section 8 Concrete wall encasement and low- 004 level granite rock revetment (315 m) Figure2. SchematicdiagramdepictingtheencasedseawallandrockrevetmentdesignusedfortheHartlepoolHeadlandsareaof thescheme wasconsidered.Thedesignneededto becost-effectiveanduse 5.2.2 Baselineecologicalsurveys structurallyacceptableengineering materials; theseengineering Prior to any enhancement recommendations, a series of and cost constraints favoured passive enhancement over active baseline ecological assessments included: 14 repeated bird enhancement for the rock revetment. However, it resulted in surveys by Hartlepool Borough Council; a JNCC phase 1 granite being used instead of the more ecologically preferable habitat survey by Mott MacDonald of the existing defences (but expensive) local limestone. Recommendations also influ- and foreshore; and a phase 1 habitat survey by Mott enced the design of a proposed concrete step revetment and MacDonald of a comparable, recent (2002) rock revetment concretewallcasingtooptimise post-construction colonisation scheme (cid:1)2km from the current scheme. These surveys helped (Naylor et al., 2014; Perkol-Finkel and Sella, 2015). The con- to develop an understanding of how bird species used the tractorsusedReckliformliners(Yukondesign)fortheconcrete intertidal habitat likely to be affected by the scheme (Table 1) wall casing to mimic natural rock and provide enhanced and informed both the engineering design recommendations texture (up to 27 mm deep) and improve the structural com- (Nayloret al., 2014) and the ecological mitigation required by plexity of the wall, compared with plain cast concrete. The theHRA(MM,2012). encased wall and rock revetment is currently under construc- tion, while the stepped revetment is part of a later phase of BASELINE BIRD SURVEYS construction. This paper reports solely on the rock revetment The scheme area has international designations for inter- element of the scheme currently being deployed (during con- nationally important bird species and the habitat (including struction years 1–3) (Figures 1 and 4). Details of the rec- food sources) that supports them (Table 2). Rocky shore ommended rock revetment mitigation are provided in Sections habitats typically provide refuge and overwintering sites for 5.2.4and6. these bird species (Cadwallender and Cadwallender, 2013; 70 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. Table1. Summaryofbaselinehabitatmitigationdataneeds,datacollectionmethodsandkeyfindings Question Datacollected Keyfindings Whichpartsoftheforeshoredobirdsuse & Fourteenrepeatwinterbird & Birdspreferentiallyusedthelowerintertidalzone mostandforwhatpurpose(e.g.foraging, surveysbetweenNovember & Oystercatchersweremoreprevalenthigherupthe roosting)? 2010andJanuary2014 shorethanotherspecies & Birdspeciescountsanduse (e.g.foraging,roosting)maps Whichofthekeyfoodspeciesforwaterbirds & Phase1habitatmapping & Morespeciesofkeyfoodforbirds(e.g.mussel arepresentandwhereontheshoreare (February2014) spat)arefoundlowerontheshore theylocated? & Higherontheshore,thenumberofspecies providingfoodforwaterbirdsdecreases,although somemolluscs,isopodsandgastropodsarefound ontheshoreplatform Istheecologyofrockarmouracomparableto & Phase1habitatmapping & Similarbiotopeswerefoundontherockarmourat thecurrentshoreplatformbiotopesfoundin (February2014) SeatonCarewandthenaturalrockyshoreinthe thewiderschemearea? upperintertidalzoneoftheschemearea aPlacednearbyintheupperintertidalzone Table2. Summaryofinternationallyimportantbirdspeciesandtheirkeyrockyintertidalpreyspecies(afterCrampetal.,2004;Rehfisch etal.,1993) Keyrockyintertidalpreyspecies Birdspecies Molluscs Crustaceans Other Oystercatcher(Haematopusostralegus) Bivalves(especiallymusselsMytilusedulis),limpets (Patellavulgata) Redshank(Tringatotanus) Periwinkles(Littorinaspp.), Turnstone(Arenariainterpres) Periwinkles(Littorinaspp.),mussels(Mytilusedulis) Crabs(Carcinusmaenas), barnacles Redknot(Calidriscanutus) Periwinkles(Littorinaspp.),mussels(Mytilusedulis) Crabs(Carcinusmaenas), Greenseaweed barnacles (Ulvaspp.) Purplesandpiper(Calidrismaritima) Molluscs(especiallyLittorinaspp.) Somecrustaceans Curlew(Numeniusarquata) Mussels(Mytilusedulis) Crabs(Carcinusmaenas) RingedPlover(Charadriushiaticula) Molluscs(Littorinaspp.) Sanderling(Calidrisalba) Deadstorm-damagedmolluscs(Mytilusedulis) Crabs(Carcinusmaenas) Dunlin(Calidrisalpina) Rehfisch et al., 1993). Fourteen repeat winter intertidal bird summary map (Figure 4) showing feeding and roosting activi- surveys were carried out between 2010 and 2014 to determine ties taking place seaward of the zone directly impacted by the the number of species, number of individuals and bird usage scheme(0–10 m)andthe10–20mbufferzone. (e.g. foraging or roosting) across all areas of the proposed scheme. PHASEI HABITATSURVEYS: WHICHOF THEKEY FOOD SPECIESFOR WATERBIRDS AREPRESENTAND WHERE ON The results show the highest density of individuals across the THESHOREARE THEYLOCATED? entireintertidalzonesurveyed(Figure3)areforoystercatchers, The rocky intertidal prey species listed in Table 2 respond to redshanks, turnstones and knots, and these also have a much passive and active ecological enhancements elsewhere in the higher abundance in the upper intertidal zones most affected UK (including Elmer, West Sussex and Lyme Regis, Dorset by the scheme. Purple sandpipers were found in low numbers (Moschella et al., 2005); Colwyn Bay and Penthyn Bay (Firth acrossalltheshorezonessampled,andbirdspeciesabundance et al., 2014); Porthleven and Zennor (Coombes et al., 2015)). increased with distance from the seawall (nine taxa occurred Baseline ecological surveys were undertaken to identify key beyond 20m from the seawall, compared with four taxa at species and their location relative to the proposed footprint of 0–10m). These results are supported by the bird usage data the scheme. Surveys involved a combination of desk-based 71 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. 45 qualifying waterbirds including red knot, oystercatchers and redshanks(Figure4). 40 35 Eleven biotopes were recorded across all transects. However, ed the upper intertidal (0–20m from the seawall) zone had only v ser 30 0–10 m one biotope across all 14 transects (ephemeral green seaweeds, b mber o 25 1A0ve–r2a0g em per 20 m LinRte.rFtiLdRal.Ezpohn.Eent(,0–C2o0nmno)r edtataal.,w2e0r0e4;cFonigsuisrteen5t).aTchroesuspptheer u 20 from 20 to 100 m entire length of the proposed scheme, providing only limited n ge food species for birds (e.g. barnacles, limpets and periwinkles) a 15 er and containing fewer prey species of interest (e.g. marine v A 10 isopods (Jaera albifrons), limpets (Patella vulgata) and periwinkles(Littorinaspp.).Thetotalnumberofbiotopessup- 5 porting prey species of interest was greater lower down the shore (Figure 5) where the number of biotopes increased to 0 Oystercatcher KnotRedshankTurnstoneSanderliRinngged pPluorvpelre sandpiper CurlewCormorant Dunlin hb3–air5ddsaincocrorfesasisnetthdeerensmutmid(b-ee.gtros. alLonwRde.MrdeiLnnRstiet.ryMtidouafslFpzroebynieos.tpoTepcheiiessczofoonnrtaesihnaoilnsroge substantive colonies of mussels (Mytilus edulis) and mussel Species spat). Figure3. Averagebirdspeciescountacrosstheproposedscheme footprint(0–10m),theadjacent10–20mlikelytobeimpacted Food availability was more prevalent in the lower intertidal duringconstructionandanaverage20mwidthvalueforthe zonewherebirdshavebeen documented moreoften (Figure 4) remainingmid-to-lowerintertidalareassurveyed suggesting that birds favour the lower intertidal zone, probably due to food availability, open sightlines and less disturbance than near the seawall (Cadwallender and Cadwallender,2013). analysisofprevioussurveys(2003,2010byBMTCordah)and new baseline phase I habitat mapping surveys conducted by 5.2.3 SeatonCarewdefencescomparison MottMacDonaldinJanuary–February2014. To evaluate the local feasibility of colonisation of rocks at the seawall–land boundary in the upper intertidal zone, a nearby Established phase I mapping protocols were followed (Wyn, comparison with similar wave exposure and aspect was 2000) and rocky shore ecology communitieswere mapped and required. Seaton Carew, (cid:1)2km from the scheme, provided the their biotopes assessed as feeding resources for waterbirds. comparison of a rock revetment installed in 2002 on the upper Fourteensystematic-randomselectedtransectsweresurveyedat intertidal zone at the seawall toe (Figure 1). Visited on (cid:1)500mspacingalongtheshoreplatform,fourinBlockSands 1 February 2014, the rock revetment rests on a red Triassic and ten in North Headland areas, and the biotopes present sandstone rocky shore platform and sandy beach, where fucoid weremappedover20mintervalsupto100macrosstheinter- seaweeds and mussels (M. edulis) were found. Importantly, the tidal zone. The presence of key rocky intertidal species upperintertidalbiotope(ephemeralgreenseaweedcommunities, (Table2)aspossiblepreysourceswasalsorecordedalongeach onunstableuppereulittoralrock(FLR.Eph.Ent),Connoretal., transect. Transects were geo-referenced to facilitate future re- 2004) observed on the rock revetment at Seaton Carew wasthe survey work and, where possible, transects were positioned to same as that found on the upper intertidal shore platforms at overlap with previous surveys by BMT Cordah in 2003 and Hartlepool (Figure 5). Foraging species were present and 2010.The2014dataarepresentedhere. coastal birds (oystercatchers, Haematopus ostralegus) were observedinteractingwiththecoastalprotectionstructureduring Across the intertidal zone, species assemblages known to surveys conducted by the authors, suggesting that rock armour providefoodforoverwinteringbirdspecieswerefound,includ- can be colonised in a similar manner to the upper intertidal ing mussel spat, gastropods and molluscs, marine isopods and zone of natural rocky shores in this area (see (MM, 2012) for crustaceans (Cramp et al., 2004; Rehfisch et al., 1993). These moredetails). findings are consistent with that expected for a relatively exposed, high-energy North Sea coastline and the substrate 5.2.4 Designgoalsandparameters and morphological features of each transect (BMT Cordah, The mitigation sought to maintain the extent of key habitat 2004). The whole intertidal zone supports feeding habitats for sub-features through ecological enhancement of the proposed 72 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. N Main feeding site: regularly 100–300 oystercatcher Main feeding site: feeding at low tide main feeding site for knot, several species use at low tide Main feeding site: redshank feeding area around seaweed covered pools Some use by birds: typically some oystercatcher, redshank and turnstone Some use by birds: occasionally flocks roost here temporarily at high tide Occasional use by birds: occasionally feed at mid-to-low tide Some use by birds: highest point used by several species such as: shag, cormorant, oystercatcher, redshank, turnstone 0 0·125 0·25 0·5 km Figure4. Birdusagemapderivedfrom14individualbirdusagesurveysbetween2010and2014,wheretype(feedingorroosting), locationandindicativeintensityofuseisclassifiedas:main=darkgreen(darkgrey),moderate=mid-green(mediumgrey)andlow use=lightgreen(lightgrey).ContainsOSdata©CrowncopyrightEdinaDigimapsubscription.Afull-colourversionofthisfigurecanbe foundontheICEVirtualLibrary(www.icevirtuallibrary.com) structures. The aim of these enhanced habitat surfaces and To satisfy the mitigation requirements for Natural England, characteristics was to facilitate colonisation and establishment the scheme was required to provide the same ecological func- of breeding populationsof preyspecies favouredbySPAbirds. tion for over-wintering birds and ensure no overall loss of Although ‘quantitative predictions of the effects [of hard habitat function for Annex II bird species. Pre-construction defences]onindividualspeciesandassemblagesatanyparticu- surveys (Section 5.2.2) found little evidence of roosting by lar location are more difficult…’ (Airoldi et al., 2005: p. 1075) overwinteringbirdsinthisareaoftheSPA,allowingmitigation and the ecological outcomes of any design are uncertain, the measures to focus on ensuring that opportunities for feeding enhancement measures recommended for this scheme were areimprovedwherepossible. informedbythebestavailablescientificevidence. As stated in Sections 3 and 4, although the scheme fulfils the The key engineering and ecological enhancement design rec- current ‘hold the line’ SMP policy, it does limit the capacity ommendations for the rock revetment are summarised in for intertidal species to respond to coastal squeeze by moving Table 3 (after MM, 2012; Nayloret al., 2014). Ensuring miti- inland. Although (cid:1)10 m of intertidal foreshore habitat was to gation did not adversely affect the primary coastal protection be lost to the rock revetment, the revetment was designed to performance of the scheme required close communication mitigate some of this loss (Figure 2). The passively enhanced between the Mott MacDonald design team and the lead rock revetment provides a much larger habitat surface area HartlepoolBoroughCouncilengineer. than the existing shore platform, including large numbers of 73 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. 16 e) 14 n o er z 12 p pe 10 y es (t 8 p o ot 6 bi of nt 4 u o C 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 FLR.Eph.Ent (2 var.) 14 2 FLR.Rkp.Cor 6 4 3 8 LLR.F.Fves. (2 var.) 7 9 9 2 LLR.Fves/HLR.MusB 1 MLR.MusF.MytFR 3 FLR.Rkp.FK/MLR.BF.Fser 1 3 LLR.MusF.MytFR 1 Biotope zone in 20 m intervals ( = m from current seawall) Figure5. GraphandtablesummarisingthephaseIintertidalbiotopemappingdatacollectedin2014 crypticspacesthatprovideimportantintertidalhabitatforprey access (Basford et al., 2016). The key considerations species(Sherrardetal.,2016).Therevetmentalsoincreasesthe included the engineering and biogeomorphology design range of tidal elevations for species colonisation, providing criteria outlined in Table 3 as well as sensitive construction physical space to allow species to adapt to sea-level rise. techniques on site, including timing, toe design and contractor Without the revetment, there would be limited vertical space instructions. Work on the foreshore was allowed only on the seawall and unsuitable habitat (lack of shade, water- between April and September to minimise adverse impacts on retaining features, void spaces) for species to colonise on sea- the qualifying waterbird species, although work was permitted level rise. Carboniferous limestone rock armour was added on the seawall from overhead during this period to help into the upper areas of the revetment to create the necessary improve efficiency and reduce construction costs. To minimise engineering void ratio and a more ecologically favourable sub- the footprint of the works and ensure its durability, the strate than granite over the short term (e.g. Coombes et al., rock revetment was toed into the limestone platform to stabil- 2011) and long term (e.g. Plymouth breakwater). The revet- ise the structure and ensure it met the design criteria. ment design allows additional layers of rock armour to be Intertidal limestone removed during this process was used as added on top as sea levels rise, allowing the scheme (and the the core material (i.e. laid on top of the platform to aid species it supports) to adapt to climate change. Within a ‘hold machinery) or, where sufficiently large, added to the rock the line’ policy, these design features help mitigate the risks of revetment. coastalsqueeze. 6.2 Contractorinstructions This is the first known project worldwide aiming to employ 6. Building phase ‘passive’ ecological enhancement techniques on a rock revet- 6.1 Ecologicallysensitiveconstruction ment and deliver a simple, cost-effective deployment method- considerations ology. However, the original detailed design criteria (Naylor Foreshore operations at Hartlepool required careful manage- et al., 2014) were made without consultation with contractors ment given the sensitive nature of the environment (i.e. soft (who had not yet been appointed). This original design limestone platform supporting internationally important suggested interspersing areas of passively enhanced rock habitat) and working in a dynamic tidal zone with limited armour (i.e. placed and oriented to optimise the ecological 74 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. Table3. Outlineoftherecommendedengineeringandbiogeomorphologydesigncriteriaforrockrevetmentelementofthescheme Designtype Detailedtype Rationale Detailedcriteria/recommendations Engineering Crestlevelofthe Positioncrestoftherevetmentinthe Tomaintaintheextentofintertidalhabitat revetment tidalzone(meanhighwater springs–meanhighwaterneaps) Engineering Topofrevetment Allowanceforsea-levelrise Designedtoallowmorerocktobeaddedduringthe designlife,ifrequired Engineering Slopeofrevetment Designedwitha1in2slopeatthe Toprovidetransitionalenvironmentalconditionsand seawardedge(Figure2) thereforeacttoatleastmaintainbaselinespecies richness Biogeomorphology Passive: Toimproveecologicalsuitability Light-coloured,coarse-grainedgranitewithnaturally specificationof (withinavailablegranite) topographicallycomplexfeatures(mm–cmscale)was granitea preferredtooptimisethepotentialforgranitetoserve asanecologicallyfavourablesubstrate Biogeomorphology Passive:coreand Carboniferouslimestoneand Limestonerockshavebeenshowntoprovideimproved voidspaceinfill intertidalmagnesianlimestone ecologicalsuitability(e.g.Coombesetal.,2011)and material fromconstructionwasused arewhatthenaturalshoreiscomposedof.Using limestoneforthecoreandvoidspacefillwillaid ecologicalcolonisationofthescheme Biogeomorphology Passive:rock Wherepractical,selectrockswith Toprovidegreaterrangeoftopographiccomplexity(i.e. selection complexfeatures,toolingand cmscale)toimproveestablishmentofrockyintertidal quarrymarks communities Biogeomorphology Passive:rock Toimprovewater-holdinghabitat Position/orientationoftopographicallysuitablefeatures(e. positioning g.concavities):thesewereplacedfacingupwardson thetopofthestructuretoenablewaterholdingto mimicrockpoolswhilemaintainingthevoidratio required Biogeomorphology Active:modifyrocks Toimprovewater-holdinghabitat Retrofitadditionalholestoimprovehabitatprovisionb aNootherrocktypeswerecosteffectivenorcouldtheyyieldthelargerockblocksneeded bTobecarriedoutifpreliminaryecologysurveyssuggestfurtherenhancementsareneeded potential of topographical complexity) with those that were enhancement by including more ecologically favourable rock deployedusingconventionaltechniques.Thisrequiredcontrac- types(afterCoombesetal.,2011). tors to separate the rock armour based on its suitability for passive enhancement (i.e. physically complex surfaces) from 7. Ecological colonisation of phase I unsuitable, smooth, featureless surfaces, and then alternating of thescheme each load deployed. This proposal was focused on developing an optimal ‘proof of concept’ design to measure colonisation 7.1 Methods success. However, the contractors devised a more efficient Three different natural and artificial habitats (hereafter, treat- andcost-effectivemethodofdeliveringtheenhancementwithin ments) were sampled along the length of the new scheme in the timescale and working space constraints. The partially Hartlepool: natural shore platforms (baseline); optimally enhanced rock armour was deployed on the lower (i.e. buried) selected rock revetment (based on material choice only; here- layers of the rock revetment, and the passively enhanced rock aftertermedpartiallyenhanced);andenhancedrockrevetment armour was placed on the top surface of the rock revetment (based on material choice plus further enhancement using and positioned as per Table 3. The rock revetment was thus a smart positioning). Access and funding constraints at the mixture of treatment types where the core structure comprised design and pre-build phase, and the rapid construction of a normal (partially enhanced) rock armour and the top surface timetable, precluded ecological monitoring of the shore plat- was a combination of passively enhanced or normal (partially forms and walls prior to construction year 1 and most of enhanced) rock armour (Figure 6). The top surface of a rock year 2. All sampling thus occurred at the upper tidal levels revetmenthas more challengingecological conditions for inter- (0–10m from the seawall) in August and September 2016. tidal species and is thus where the enhancement need is the Exposed shore platform surfaces, not yet covered by the new greatest (Sherrard et al., 2016). This was further supplemented schemeordamagedbymachinery,wereusedtocollectquanti- by adding limestone rock armour to the top surface, to create tative baseline ecological data as control data for comparison the required void space ratio and further optimise passive withthenewlyinstalledrockrevetment. 75 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license MaritimeEngineering Rockarmourforbirdsandtheirprey: Volume170IssueMA2 ecologicalenhancementofcoastal engineering Naylor,MacArthur,Hampshireetal. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure6. Passiveenhancementofrockarmourcomparedwithpartiallyenhancedrocks.(a)Positioningofapassivelyenhancedrockso thatdepressionsareface-up.(b)Water-retainingcapacityofpassivelyenhancedrock.(c)Partiallyenhancedrock,withsmooth, featurelesssurfaceand(d)rockrevetmentwithtwopassivelyenhancedrocksintheforeground/centre(blackarrows)separatedby partiallyenhancedrocks.Therockshowninpart(a)wasinstalledduring2015(colonisationdataincludedinthispaper)andtherocks showninparts(b),(c)and(d)wereinstalledduring2016,showingdifferencesinecologicalcolonisation At each baseline plot (n=5), five quadrats (25(cid:3)25 cm) were platform 3 sub-divided into wet and dry areas (n=5 quadrats randomly placed, leaving at least 50cm between adjacent per type). The results from five sampling areas (n=25 quad- quadrats (Chapman and Bulleri, 2003; Firth et al., 2013; rats)on thehorizontalshoreplatformwereusedasthecontrol Moreira et al., 2006). Four quadrats (25(cid:3)25cm) were baseline against which the new rock revetment was compared. randomly sampled on enhanced and partially enhanced areas A preliminary survey of the newly colonised (12–18 months ofthenewrockrevetment (n=1plotpertreatment).Datacol- post-deployment) rock revetment was made, where one lected consisted of visual estimates of percentage cover for sampling area (n=4 quadrats) was surveyed for passively sessile invertebrates andalgae,andcounts andlife stage (adult enhanced and partially enhanced (traditionally deployed) sur- or juvenile) of the mobile organisms within each quadrat faces. More intensive monitoring surveys will take place in (after Chapman and Bulleri, 2003). Quadrats were searched autumn2017and2018. with plants and animals identified to species level where poss- ible. Some stretches of shore platform habitat were relatively Post-construction bird surveyswill assess birduse of the struc- short (e.g. <20m long); as such, each sampling area was ture, although anecdotal evidence from engineers and contrac- between 5 and 8m long and spaced 10m apart (after tors shows that birds are using the new revetment during the Chapman and Bulleri, 2003, Moreira et al., 2006) with shore constructionphase. 76 Downloaded by [] on [04/01/18]. Published with permission by the ICE under the CC-BY license

Principal Marine Environmental Scientist, Mott MacDonald, Cambridge, UK engineering. Naylor, MacArthur, Hampshire et al. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Maritime Engineering 170 June 2017 Issue MA2 is within the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Natura 2000 site, designated
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