Robustness of Spatial Micronetworks Thomas C. McAndrew,1,2,∗ Christopher M. Danforth,1,2 and James P. Bagrow1,2 1Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States 2Vermont Complex Systems Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States (Dated: January27,2015) 5 Abstract 1 0 2 Power lines, roadways, pipelines and other physical infrastructure are critical to modern society. These n a structures may be viewed as spatial networks where geographic distances play a role in the functionality J 3 and construction cost of links. Traditionally, studies of network robustness have primarily considered the 2 connectednessoflarge,randomnetworks. Yetforspatialinfrastructurephysicaldistancesmustalsoplaya ] h roleinnetworkrobustness. Understandingtherobustnessofsmallspatialnetworksisparticularlyimportant p - c with the increasing interest in microgrids, small-area distributed power grids that are well suited to using o s renewable energy resources. We study the random failures of links in small networks where functionality . s c dependsonbothspatialdistanceandtopologicalconnectedness. Byintroducingapercolationmodelwhere i s y the failure of each link is proportional to its spatial length, we find that, when failures depend on spatial h p distances,networksaremorefragilethanexpected. Accountingforspatialeffectsinbothconstructionand [ 1 robustnessisimportantfordesigningefficientmicrogridsandothernetworkinfrastructure. v 6 7 9 5 0 . 1 0 5 1 : v i X r a ∗[email protected];˜tmcandre/ 1 I. INTRODUCTION The field of complex networks has grown in recent years with applications across many scien- tificandengineeringdisciplines[1–3]. Networksciencehasgenerallyfocusedonhowtopological characteristics of a network affect its structure or performance [1–6]. Unlike purely topological networks,spatialnetworks[7]likeroadways,pipelines,andthepowergridmusttakephysicaldis- tance into consideration. Topology offers indicators of the network state, but ignoring the spatial componentmayneglectalargepartofhowthenetworkfunctions [8–11]. Forspatialnetworksin particular, links of different lengths may have different costs affecting their navigability [12–17] andconstruction[18–21]. Percolation [22] provides a theoretical framework to study how robust networks are to fail- ure[4,23–26]. Intraditionalbondpercolation,eachlinkinthenetworkisindependentlyremoved withaconstantprobability,anditisaskedwhetherornotthenetworkbecamedisconnected. The- oreticalstudiesofpercolationgenerallyassumeverylargenetworksthatarelocallytreelike,often requiring millions of nodes before finite-size effects are negligible. Yet many physical networks arefarfromthissize;evenlargepowergridsmaycontainonlyafewthousandelements. There is a need to study the robustness of small spatial networks. Microgrids [27–30] are one example. Microgrids are small-area (30–50 km), standalone power grids that have been proposed as a new model for towns and residential neighborhoods in light of the increased penetration of renewableenergysources. Creatingsmallrobustnetworksthatarecost-effectivewillenableeasier introduction of themicrogrid philosophy to the residentialcommunity. Due totheir much smaller geographic extent, an entire microgrid can be severely affected by a single powerful storm, such as a blizzard or hurricane, something that is unlikely to happen to a single, continent-wide power grid. Thus building on previous work, we consider how robustness will be affected by spatial and financial constraints. The goal is to create model networks that are both cost-effective, small in size,andatthesametimetounderstandhowrobustthesesmallnetworksaretofailures. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II a previous model of spatial networks is summarized. Section III contains a brief summary of percolation on networks, and applies these predictions to the spatial networks. In Sec. IV we introduce and study a new model of percolation for spatial networks as an important tool for infrastructure robustness. Section V containsadiscussionoftheseresultsandfuturework. 2 II. MODELINGINFRASTRUCTURENETWORKS In this work we consider a spatial network model introduced by Gastner & Newman [19, 20], summarized as follows. A network consists of |V| = N nodes represented as points distributed uniformlyatrandomwithintheunitsquare. Linksarethenplacedbetweenthesenodesaccording to associated construction costs and travel distances. The construction cost is the total Euclidean (cid:80) length of all edges in the network, d , where d is the Euclidean distance between nodes (i,j)∈E ij ij i and j and E is the set of undirected links in the network. This sum represents the capital outlay requiredtobuildandmaintainthenetwork. Whenbuildingthenetwork,theconstructioncostmust beunderaspecifiedbudget. Meanwhile,thetraveldistanceencapsulateshoweasyitisonaverage to navigate the network and serves as an idealized proxy for the functionality of the network. The degree to which spatial distance influences this functionality is tuned by a parameter λ via an “effective”distance √ d (i, j) = Nλd +(1−λ). eff ij Tuning λ toward 1 represents networks where the cost of moving along a link is strongly spatial (for example, a road network) while choosing λ closer to 0 leads to more non-spatial networks (for example, air transportation where the convenience of traveling a route depends more on the numberofhopsorlegsthanonthetotalspatialdistance). Toillustratetheeffectofλ,wedrawtwo example networks in Fig. 1. Finally, the travel distance is defined as the mean shortest effective path length between all pairs of nodes in the network. Taken together, we seek to build networks that minimize travel distance while remaining under a fixed construction budget, i.e. given fixed nodepositions,linksareaddedaccordingtotheconstrainedoptimizationproblem 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) min (cid:16) (cid:17) deff(u,v) N 2 s,t∈V(u,v)∈Π(s,t) (1) (cid:88) subjectto d ≤ Budget, ij (i,j)∈E where Π(s,t) is the set of links in the shortest effective path between nodes s and t, according to the effective distances d . This optimization was solved using simulated annealing (see App. A eff for details) with a budget of 10 (as in [19, 20]) and a size of N = 50 nodes. We focus on such a small number of nodes to better mimic realistic microgrid scales. In this work, to average results, 100individualnetworkrealizationswereconstructedforeachλ. An important quantity to understand in these networks is the distribution of Euclidean link lengths. If edges were placed randomly between pairs of nodes, the lengths would follow the 3 λ = 0 λ = 1 FIG. 1. (Color online) Two optimized spatial networks with the same node coordinates illustrate how λ influences network topology. The non-spatial case λ = 0 shows long-range hubs due to the lack of restriction on edge distance; the spatial case λ = 1 lacks expensive long distance links leading to a more geometric graph. As examples, the non-spatial case may correspond to air travel where minimizing the numberofflightsatravelertakesonajourneyismoreimportantthanminimizingthetotaldistanceflown, whilethespatialcasemayrepresentaroadnetworkwheretheoveralltraveldistanceismoreimportantthan thenumberofroadstakentoreachadestination. square line picking distribution with mean distance (cid:104)d(cid:105) ≈ 0.52141 [31]. Instead, the optimized networkconstructionmakeslonglinkscostlyandweobserve(Fig.2)thattheprobabilitydistribu- tion P(d) of Euclidean link length d after optimization is well explained by a gamma distribution, meaningtheprobabilitythatarandomlychosenedgehaslengthd is 1 P(d) = dκ−1e−d/θ, (2) Γ(κ)θκ with shape and scale parameters κ > 0 and θ > 0, respectively. A gamma distribution is plausible forthedistributionoflinklengthsbecauseitconsistsoftwoterms,apowerlawandanexponential cutoff. This product contains the antagonism between the minimization and the constraint in Eq. (1): Since longer links are generally desirable for reducing the travel distance, a power law term with positive exponent is reasonable, while the exponential cutoff captures the need to keep links short to satisfy the construction budget and the fact that these nodes are bounded by the unit square. SeeFig.2. The network parameters were chosen under conditions that were general enough to apply to any small network, for instance a microgrid in a small residential neighborhood. The choices of 50 nodes and a budget of 10 were also made in line with previous studies of this network model to balance small network size with a budget that shows the competition between travel distance minimizationandconstructioncostconstraint[19,20]. 4 A 12 B 4.0 λ=0.0 3.8 10 λ=0.5 3.6 λ=1.0 3.4 8 3.2 ) dij 6 3.0 ( P 4.2 ) 4 2− 0 1×3.8 ( 2 θ 3.4 0 3.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 d λ ij FIG. 2. (Color online) The distributions of Euclidean link lengths d between nodes i and j are well ij explained for all λ by gamma distributions, i.e. P(dij) ∝ diκj−1e−dij/θ. (A) Maximum likelihood estimates of P(d )formultipleλ. Twodistributionsareshiftedverticallyforclarity. (B)Thegammaparametersκ,θas ij afunctionofλ. Quadraticfitsprovideaguidefortheeye. III. ROBUSTNESSOFPHYSICALINFRASTRUCTURE Percolation theory on networks studies how networks fall apart as they are sampled. For ex- ample, in traditional bond percolation each link in the network is independently retained with probability p (equivalently, each link is deleted with probability q = 1 − p). This process repre- sents random errors in the network. The percolation threshold q is the value of q where the giant c component,theconnectedcomponentcontainingthemajorityofnodes,firstappears. Infinitesys- tems exhibit a phase transition at q , which becomes a critical point [22]. In this work we focus c onsmallmicronetworks,aregimeunder-exploredinpercolationtheoryandfarfromthethermo- dynamiclimitinvokedbymostanalyses. Inourfinitegraphs,weestimateq asthevalueofqthat c corresponds to the largest S , where S is the fraction of nodes in the nth largest connected com- 2 n ponent(Fig.3). Infinitesystemsthesecondlargestcomponentpeaksatthepercolationthreshold; for q > q the network is highly disconnected and all components are small, while for q < q a c c giant component almost surely encompasses most nodes and S is forced to be small. Note that it 2 isalsocommontomeasuretheaveragecomponentsizeexcludingthegiantcomponent[22,32]. Forthecaseofuniformlyrandomlinkremovals(bondpercolation)itwasshownthatthecritical pointoccurswhenqissuchthat(cid:104)k2(cid:105)/(cid:104)k(cid:105) = 2 [33,34],where(cid:104)k(cid:105)and(cid:104)k2(cid:105)arethefirstandsecond moments of the percolated graph’s degree distribution, respectively. We denote this theoretical 5 1.0 S 0.8 1 0.6 S 0.4 S 0.2 2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 q FIG. 3. The fractions of nodes in the first and second largest components, S and S , respectively, as a 1 2 functionoflinkdeletionprobabilityq. Infinitesystemsthepercolationthresholdq canbeestimatedfrom c themaximumofS (dashedline). Thisexampleusedoptimizednetworkswithλ = 1/2. 2 threshold as q˜ to distinguish this value from the q estimated via S . Computing this theoretical c c 2 prediction for the optimized networks (Sec. II) we found q˜ between 0.66 and 0.71 for the full c range of λ (Fig. 4). It is important to note that the derivation of this condition for q˜ makes two c related assumptions that are a poor fit for these optimized spatial networks. First, the theoretical model studies networks whose nodes are connected at random. This assumption does not hold for the constrained optimization (Eq. (1)) we study. Second, this calculation neglects loops by assumingthenetworkisverylargeandatleastlocallytreelike. Forthesmall,optimizednetworks webuildthisiscertainlynotthecase. Thesepredictionsforthecriticalpointq˜ doprovideauseful c baselinetocomparetotheempiricalestimatesofq viaS . c 2 IV. MODELINGINFRASTRUCTUREROBUSTNESS The work by Gastner and Newman [20] showed the importance of incorporating spatial dis- tances into the construction of an infrastructure network model. With physical infrastructure we argue that it is important to also consider spatial distances when estimating how robust a network istorandomfailures. Forexample,consideraseriesofpowerlinesbuiltinaruralareawheretrees are scattered at random. In a storm trees may fall and damage these lines, and one would expect, all else being equal, that one line built twice as long as another would have twice the chance of a treefallingonitandthusfailing. Motivated by this example, an intuitive model for how links fail would require an increasing 6 0.72 0.71 0.70 q˜c 0.69 0.68 0.67 0.66 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 λ FIG. 4. For an infinite, uncorrelated network, percolation occurs at the sampling probability for which (cid:68) (cid:69) k2 /(cid:104)k(cid:105) = 2 [33]. We computed this predicted critical point q˜ for each λ finding q˜ between 0.66–0.72. c c Thequadraticfitprovidesaguidefortheeye. chance of failure with length. The simplest model supposes that the failure of a link is directly proportionaltolength,i.e.,thateachunitlengthisequallylikelytofail. Withthisinmindwenow introduce the following generalization of bond percolation: Each link (i, j) independently fails (cid:16) (cid:17) withprobabilitymin 1,Q ,where ij dα dα Qij = qM(cid:80) ij dα = q(cid:104)diαj(cid:105), (3) (i,j)∈E ij q ∈ [0,1] is a tunable parameter that determines how many edges from 0 to |E| = M will fail on average, and the parameter α controls how distance affects failure probability. We naturally recover traditional bond percolation (Q = q) when α = 0 and α = 1 corresponds to the case of ij constantprobabilityperunitlength. SeeFig.5forexamplenetworksillustratinghow Q depends ij ond andα. ij Giventhegammadistributionoflinklengths,thedistributionofdα is(whenα > 0) (cid:32) (cid:33) 1 d1/α P(dα) = dκ/α−1exp − (4) αΓ(κ)θκ θ withmean 1 (cid:90) ∞ 1 Γ(κ+α) (cid:104)dα(cid:105) = yκ/αe−yα/θ dy = θα . (5) αΓ(κ)θκ Γ(κ) 0 Whenα = 1,theabovedistribution(4)willreducetotheoriginaldistribution P(d),Eq.(2). 7 α=0.0 α=1.0 α=2.0 α=3.0 λ=0 λ=1 FIG.5. (Coloronline)Anon-spatial(λ = 0)andspatial(λ = 1)networkwithmultiplevaluesofαshowing how to tune the role spatial distance plays in percolation. Here the width and color of a given edge (i, j) are proportional to failure probability Q ∼ dα (3) and node size corresponds to the number of effective ij ij shortestpathsthroughnodes,withthesamescalesusedacrossallnetworkdiagrams. Increasingαleadsto failureprobabilitybecomingmoreconcentratedonthelinksconnectedtoasmallnumberofhubs,withthe effectedhubsbeingmorecentral(intermsofshortestpaths)forthenon-spatialnetwork(λ = 0)thanforthe moregeometricnetwork. With the above failure model and the distribution P(d), we may express the probability P(Q ) ij thatarandomlychosenedge(i, j)hasfailureprobability Q as ij P(Qij) = αΓ(1κ)θκ (cid:32)(cid:104)dqα(cid:105)(cid:33)κ/αQiακj−1exp−1θ (cid:32)(cid:104)dqα(cid:105)Qij(cid:33)α1. (6) (cid:68) (cid:69) Thisdistributionhasmean Q = q. (However,thetruemeanfailureprobabilityis(cid:104)min(1,Q)(cid:105) ≤ ij (cid:104)Q(cid:105) which leads to a small correction, easily computed, as q gets closer to 1.) Note that, while the mean does not rely on the distances of edges, α (and (cid:104)dα(cid:105)) do play a role in higher moments. For example, the variance of Q is σ2(Q) = q2(B(α,κ)/B(α,α+κ)−1), where B(x,y) is the Beta function. To study this robustness model we percolate the infrastructure networks by stochastically re- moving links (i, j) with probabilities Q (Eq. (3)) for 0 < q < 1 and 0 < α < 4. In Fig. 6 we ij plotS vs.qforvariouscombinationsofαandλ. Importantly,inallcasesq < q˜ ,indicatingthat 2 c c these networks are less robust than predicted. When comparing the effects of each parameter, α has a much greater effect in reducing q than λ; sampling by distance plays a much greater role in c 8 0.25 λ=0.0 λ=0.5 λ=1.0 4.0 0.2 3.2 0.15 2.4 S2 1.6 α 0.1 0.8 0.05 0.0 0.0 α=0.0 α=1.0 α=2.0 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.15 0.6 2 S λ 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 q q q FIG.6. (Coloronline)Ineachpanel,S (fractionofnodesinthe2ndlargestcomponent)curvesareshown 2 withtherangeofthetheoreticalthresholdq˜ showningray. Highervaluesofαmakefailuresdependmore c stronglyondistance,whilechangingλadjustsanetwork’sformfromnon-spatial(smallλ)tospatial(large λ). (Top row) Regardless of λ, larger values of α tend to shift the peak of S towards lower q, leading 2 to less robust networks. (Bottom row) Different values of λ for a given α lead to shifted S profiles, but 2 the shift is less prominent. Regardless of the parameters, spatial networks are more fragile than predicted from theory [33, 35]. While both parameters influence the robustness of these spatial networks, α plays a strongerrolethanλ. NotethatwithourdefinitionofQ(3),S mayremainfiniteasq → 1. 2 determiningrobustnessthanhowthenetworkisconstructed. The curves in Fig. 6 show S for the entire range of q; to study q requires examining the 2 c peaks of these curves. Figure 7 systematically summarizes q as a function of λ and α. Over c all parameters, q ranges from approximately 0.30 to 0.50. Globally, the most vulnerable region c is at A ((λ,α) ≈ (0,2)); these non-spatial networks with strong, super-linear (α > 1) failure dependence on distance occupy the most vulnerable region of (Fig. 7) since their construction (low distance dependence) is in direct opposition to how links fail (high distance dependence). Evenwhennetworksarebuiltwiththegoalofminimizingphysicaldistancesalonglinks(highλ), the exponent α still lowers q compared with the theoretical prediction (highlighted at region B). c Almost any introduction of spatial dependence on link failure (compare α > 0 with α = 0) leads tolessrobustnetworks. Finally, to better understand why these infrastructure networks are less robust than the theo- 9 4.0 0.50 0.48 3.5 0.46 3.0 0.44 2.5 0.42 A B α 2.0 0.40 q c 0.38 1.5 0.36 1.0 0.34 0.5 0.32 0.0 0.30 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 λ FIG. 7. (Color online) Critical failure probability q as a function of α and λ. Overall, values of α > 0 c always correspond to lower robustness than when α = 0 and in particular, the percolation threshold, q , is c lowest near A ((λ,α) ≈ (0,2)), while networks are generally most robust when α ≤ 0.5. The exponent α lowers q even in geometric networks (high λ) where spatial distance plays a stronger role in the network c topology(regionB).Thismatrixwassmoothedwithaσ =5-pixelgaussianconvolutionforclarity. retical prediction [33, 35], we studied correlations in network structure by computing the mean degree of nearest neighbors (cid:104)k (cid:105) = (cid:80) P(k(cid:48) |k) [36] and the mean distance to nearest neighbors nn k(cid:48) (cid:82) (cid:104)d (cid:105) = d(cid:48)P(d(cid:48) |k) dd(cid:48),bothasfunctionsofnodedegreek. Here P(k(cid:48)|k)istheconditionalproba- nn bility that a node of degree k has a neighbor of degree k(cid:48) and P(d(cid:48)|k) is the conditional probability that a node of degree k has a link of length between d(cid:48) and d(cid:48) +dd(cid:48). See Fig. 8. Due to the opti- mization(Eq.1),both(cid:104)d (cid:105)and(cid:104)k (cid:105)indicatenon-randomstructure,sincetheydependonk. Even nn nn for the case λ = 1, which shows no relationship between (cid:104)d (cid:105) and k, there is a positive trend for nn (cid:104)k (cid:105). Therefore,theoptimizednetworksalwayspossesscorrelatedtopologies. nn Taken together, Fig. 8 shows that, beyond finite-size effects, q˜ overestimates q because (i) c c these networks are non-random and (ii) higher degree nodes tend to have longer links leading to hubsthatsuffermoredamagewhenα > 0. Sincehubsplayanoutsizedroleinholdingthenetwork together,thepositivecorrelationbetweend andkcausesspatialnetworkstomoreeasilyfallapart, loweringtheirrobustness. 10