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Lecture Notes in Statistics 124 Edited by P. Bickel, P. Diggle, S. Fienberg, K. Krickeberg, I. OIkin, N. Wermuth, S. Zeger Springer New York Berlin Heidelberg Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Milan Paris Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo Christine H. Muller Robust Planning and Analysis of Experiments , Springer Christine H. MOller Freie Universitat Berlin Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, WEI Amimallee 2-6 14195 Berlin Germany CIP data available. Printed on acid-free paper. © 1997 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1997 All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodol ogy now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even if the former are not especially identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. Camera-ready copy provided by the author. 987654321 ISBN-13: 978-0-387-98223-6 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-2296-5 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2296-5 Lecture Notes Editorial Policies Lecture Notes in Statistics provides a format for the Series Editors: informal and quick publication of monographs, case Professor P. Bickel studies, and workshops of theoretical or applied im Department of Statistics portance. Thus, in some instances, proofs may be University of California merely outlined and results presented which will later Berkeley, California 94720 be published in a different form. USA Publication of the Lecture Notes is intended as a Professor P. Diggle service to the international statistical community, in Department of Mathematics that a commercial publisher, Springer-Verlag, can University of Lancaster provide efficient distribution ofd ocuments that would Lancaster LA1 4YL otherwise have a restricted readership. Once pub England lished and copyrighted, they can be documented and discussed in the scientific literature. Professor S. Fienberg Department of Statistics Lecture Notes are reprinted photographically from Carnegie Mellon University the copy delivered in camera-ready form by the author Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 or editor. Springer-Verlag provides technical instruc USA tions for the preparation of manuscripts. Volumes should be no less than 100 pages and preferably no Professor K. Krickeberg more than 400 pages. A subject index is expected for 3 Rue de L 'Estrapade authored but not edited volumes. Proposals for vol 75005 Paris umes should be sent to one of the series editors or to France Springer-Verlag in Santa Clara. Professor I. Olkin Authors ofm onographs receive 50 free copies oftheir Department of Statistics book. Editors receive 50 free copies and are respon Stanford University sible for distributing them to contributors. Authors, Stanford, California 94305 editors, and contributors may purchase additional USA copies at the publisher's discount. No reprints of Professor N. Wermuth individual contributions will be supplied and no roy Department of Psychology alties are paid on Lecture Notes volumes. Springer Johannes Gutenberg University Verlag secures the copyright for each volume. Postfach 3980 D-6500 Mainz Germany Professor S. Zeger Department of Biostatistics The Johns Hopkins University 615 N. Wolfe Street Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2103 USA To my mother Preface Up to now the two different areas of" Optimal Design of Experiments" and "Robust Statistics", in particular of "Outlier Robust Statistics", are very separate areas of Statistics. There exist several books on optimum experi mental design like those of Fedorov (1972), Silvey (1980), Pazman (1986), Shah and Sinha (1989), Atkinson and Donev (1992), Pukelsheim (1993) and Schwabe (1996a). There exist also several books on robust statistics like those of Huber (1981), Hampel et al. (1986), Tiku et al. (1986), Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987), Kariya and Sinha (1988), Staudte and Sheather (1990), Biining (1991), Rieder (1994) and Jureckova and Sen (1996). But there is almost no overlapping between the books on optimum experimental design and on robust statistics. Now the presented book will give a first link be tween these two areas. It will show that a robust inference will profit from an optimal design and that an optimal design is more reasonable if it allows also a robust analysis of the data. The first part of the presented book gives an overview on the foundations of optimum experimental design. In this classical approach a design is op timal if the efficiency of the least squares estimator (or the classical F -test) is maximized within all possible designs. But the least squares estimators and the F-tests are not robust against outliers. In the presence of outliers they can be biased very much. Outlier robust estimators and tests are derived in the second part of the book which provides the foundations of outlier robust statistics espe cially for planned experiments. This already differs very much from the approaches in the books and the majority of the papers on robust statis tics because they usually do not regard planned experiments. The majority of the approaches in robust statistics 3.'lsumes that the independent vari ables in regression experiments are random so that outliers can appear also in these independent variables. For planned experiments and for models with qualitative factors these assumptions make no sense so that the ex isting main concepts of outlier robust inference have to be specified for planned experiments. This is done in the second part of the book. As main qualitative concepts of outlier robustness the continuity and Frechet dif ferentiability of statistical functionals are regarded. From these qualitative concepts the quantitative concepts of outlier robustness are derived. These quantitative concepts are the breakdown point and the bias in shrinking contamination neighbourhoods, which is closely related to Hampel's con cept based on influence functions. These concepts are mainly explained for general linear models but also their meaning for nonlinear problems is discussed. Preface Vlll In the third part the efficiency and robustness of estimators and tests are linked and the influence of the designs on robustness and efficiency is studied. For the designs this leads to new nontrivial optimality problems. These new optimality problems are solved for several situations in the third part which consists of Section 7, 8 and 9. In Section 7 and 8 it is shown that the classical A- and D-optimal de signs provide highest robustness and highest efficiency under robustness constraints if the robustness measure is based on the bias in shrinking contamination neighbourhoods. Thereby it turns out that the most robust estimators and tests and the most efficient robust estimators and tests have a very simple form at the classical optimal designs. Moreover, most robust tests and most efficient robust test can be only characterized at the D optimal designs. Similar results also hold if a nonlinear aspect should be estimated or if the model is nonlinear. All these results show that the ro bust statistical analysis profits very much from an optimal choice of the design. While in the robustness concept based on shrinking contamination the classical optimal designs are also optimal for the robust inference, the op posite is true for the robustness measure based on the breakdown point. This is demonstrated in Section 9. There ,it is shown that the designs which are optimal with respect to a high breakdown point are in general very dif ferent from the classical optimal designs. Because of this difference it is also discussed how to find a design which combines high breakdown point and high efficiency of the estimators. The problem of combining high breakdown point and high efficiency provides for the designs plenty of new optimality problems which are not solved up to now. Besides these open problems there are also many other open problems for further research which are discussed in the outlook. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to all who supported me in fin ishing the present work. Above all I am indebted to Prof. Dr. V. Kurotschka for his fruitful discussions and criticism. Thanks also to all my colleagues, in particular to Dr. W. Wierich, who teached me a lot of statistics, and to Dr. R. Schwabe, who was always very co-operative. I also thank Prof. Dr. H. Rieder for providing some preprints which initiated the present work. Moreover, I am particularly thankful to the corresponding editor J. Kim mel of the Lecture Notes ill Statistics and to the referees for very valuable comments. At last I would like to thank my family and in particular my husband and my mother for their support. Especially, I am very grateful to my mother because without her engaged care for my children this work would not have been possible. Christine H. Miiller, Berlill, March 1997 Contents Preface Vll Part I: Efficient Inference for Planned Experiments 1 1 Planned Experiments 2 1.1 Deterministic and Random Designs. 2 1.2 Linear and Nonlinear Models 3 1.3 Identifiability of Aspects . . . . . . . 4 2 Efficiency Concepts for Outlier-Free Observations 10 2.1 Assumptions on the Error Distribution. . 10 2.2 Optimal Inference for Linear Problems. . 11 2.3 Efficient Inference for Nonlinear Problems 19 Part II: Robust Inference for Planned Experiments 25 3 Smoothness Concepts of Outlier Robustness 26 3.1 Distributions Modelling Outliers . . .... 26 3.2 Smoothness of Estimat.ors and Functionals 32 3.3 Frechet Differentiabilit.y of M-Fullctionals . 39 4 Robustness Measures: Bias and Breakdown Points 48 4.1 Asympt.otic Bias and Breakdown Points .... 48 4.2 Bias and Breakdown Points for Finite Samples 52 4.3 Breakdown Points in Linear Models ... . 57 4.4 Breakdown Points for Nonlinear Problems .. . 68 5 Asymptotic Robustness for 'Shrinking Contamination 75 5.1 Asymptotic Behaviour of Estimators in Shrinking Neighbourhoods . . ................. . 75 5.2 Robust Estimation in Contaminated Linear Models. 84 5.3 Robust Estimation of Nonlinear Aspects ...... . 92 5.4 Robust Estimation in Contaminated Nonlinear Models. 94 6 Robustness of Tests 98 6.1 Bias and Breakdown Points 98 6.2 Asymptotic Robustness for Shrinking Contamination. 100 x Contents Part III: High Robustness and High Efficiency 109 7 High Robustness and High Efficiency of Estimation 110 7.1 Estimators and Designs with Minimum Asymptotic Bias. 110 7.2 Optimal Estimators and Designs for a Bias Bound . . 118 7.3 Robust and Efficient Estimation of Nonlinear Aspects 133 7.4 Robust and Efficient Estimation in Nonlinear Models 139 8 High Robustness and High Efficiency of Tests 143 8.1 Tests and Designs with Minimum Asymptotic Bias 143 8.2 Optimal Tests and Designs for a Bias Bound 153 9 High Breakdown Point and High Efficiency 171 9.1 Breakdown Point Maximizing Estimators and Designs 171 9.2 Combining High Breakdown Point and High Efficiency . 178 Outlook 184 Appendix 189 A.l Asymptotic Linearity of Frechet Differentiable Functionals 189 A.2 Properties of Special Matrices and Functions . . . . . . .. 193 References 207 List of Symbols 225 Index 231

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