1 Robust Dynamic Transmission and Renewable Generation Expansion Planning: Walking Towards Sustainable Systems Cristina Rolda´n, Agust´ın A. Sa´nchez de la Nieta, Member, IEEE, Roberto M´ınguez, and Raquel Garc´ıa-Bertrand, Senior Member, IEEE 7 1 0 2 Abstract—Nowadays, the transition from a conventional gen- G+ Set of all prospective new generators which can be g n eration system to a renewable generation system is one of the installed at differentphases associated with groupg. a most difficult challenges for system operators and companies. g Index for groups of generators built per phases. J Thereareseveralreasons:thelong-standingimpactofinvestment G− Set of all generators to be uninstalled or dismantled decisions, the proper integration of renewable sources into the 0 system,thepresentandfutureuncertainties,andtheconvenience during the study period. 3 to consider an integrated year-by-year representation of both i Index related to generators. ] uncertainties and investment decisions. However, recent break- j Index associated with loads. C throughsinDynamicTransmissionNetworkExpansionPlanning k Index referring to lines. (DTNEP)have demonstrated that theuseof robustoptimization O l Counter index for each iteration. might render this problem computationally tractable for real . systems. This paper intends to consider not only the capacity L Setofallexistingtransmissionlinesatthebeginning h expansion of lines, but the construction and/or dismantling of time horizon considered. t a of renewable and conventional generation facilities as well. L+ Set of all prospective transmission lines. m TheDynamicTransmission Network andRenewableGeneration N Set of all networks buses. Expansion Planning (DTNRGEP) problem is formulated as an [ n Index related to buses. adaptive robust optimization problem with three levels. First 1 level minimizes the investment costs of transmission network n(i) Bus index where the i-th generating unit is located. v and generation expansion planning, the second level maximizes n(j) Bus index where the j-th demand is located. 9 system operational costs with respect to uncertain parameters, T Set of indices of years. 4 while the third level minimizes those operational costs with ΨD Set of indices of the demand located at bus n. 6 respect to operational decisions. The method is tested for two n ΨG Set of indices of the generating units located at bus 8 cases: i) an illustrative example based on Garver IEEE system n 0 and ii) a case study using the IEEE 118-bus system. Numerical n. . resultsfromtheseexamplesdemonstratethattheproposedmodel U(t) Set of indices of the uncertain variables for time 1 allows making optimal decisions towards reaching a sustainable period t. 0 power system, while overcoming problem size limitations and 7 computational intractability for realistic cases. Constants: 1 : IndexTerms—powersystems,renewablegenerationexpansion bk Susceptance of line k (S). v planning, robust optimization, transmission network expansion cG Generator i operational cost (e/MWh). i i X planning. cGI Generator i investment cost (e). i r cLkI Line k investment cost (e). a NOMENCLATURE cS Consumer j load-shedding cost (e/MWh). j This section states the main notation used in this paper for e(t) Percentageofload shedbythe j-th demandforyear j quick reference. t. Indices and Sets: h(t) Nominal value evolution factor for demand j and µ,j D Set of indices of demand. period t. G Set of indices of all generation units installed at the h(t) Dispersion value evolution factor for demand j and σ,j beginningof time horizon considered which can not period t. be removed from the system. fmax Line k capacity (MW). k G+ Set of all prospective and independent new possible I Discount rate. generators. Ng Total number of generators built per phases in the group g. N Number of study periods. y C. Rolda´n, A. A. Sa´nchez de la Nieta, and R. Garc´ıa-Bertrand o(k) Line k sending-end bus. are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain (e-mail: [email protected], r(k) Line k receiving-end bus. [email protected],[email protected]) Π Transmission expansion investment budget (e). L R.M´ıngueziswithHidralabIngenierayDesarrollo,S.L.,Spin-OffUCLM, Π Generation expansion investment budget (e). Hydraulics Laboratory, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real E- G 13071,Spain(e-mail: [email protected]). σ Annual weighting factor (h). 2 tG− Timeperiodwhengeneratori∈G− isuninstalledor years.Keepingthefulldynamiccomplexityoftheprob- i dismantled. lem has been considered to be highly complex, mostly Primal variables: resulting in computationally intractable problems. u(t) Vectorof randomoruncertainparametersforyeart, including generation capacities and loads (MW). B. Literature Review f(t) Line k power flow for year t (MW). Transmission and generationexpansionplanninghave been k g(t) Power production of generating unit i for year t extensively studied areas from the beginning of power sys- i (MW). tems [5]. These problems have been carried out by means p(t) Power consumption of demand j for year t (MW). of several mathematical programming techniques, such as j r(t) Load shed of demand j for year t (MW). stochastic programming [6], genetic algorithms [7], or Adap- j tive Robust Optimization (ARO) [8], among others. x(t) Binary variable representingnew line k construction k Transmission expansion planning was first described in at the beginning of year t. 1970 by [9]. A new strategy for transmission expansion in x˜(t) Line k status (existing vs no existing) at the begin- k a competitive electricity market is proposed in [10], while ning of year t. [11] studies the minimum load cutting problem existing in y(t) Binary variable representing new generator i con- k theprocessof transmissionnetworkexpansionplanningwhen struction at the beginning of year t. loadisuncertainwithingivenintervals.Abi-levelapproachfor y˜(t) Generator i status (existing vs no existing) at the k transmissionexpansionplanningwithin a marketenvironment beginning of year t. is proposed in [12]. In an attempt to improve computational θn(t) Bus n voltage angle for year t (radians). tractability, several robust approaches are presented in [13], [14],[15],[16]byusingARO.Theyprovedthatcomputational I. INTRODUCTION tractabilityispossibleforreal-sizesystems.However,allthese A. Motivation approaches take a wide spectrum of simplifying assumptions byconsideringstaticandsequentialstaticmodelsinanattempt The new objective of Kyoto Protocol for reducing Green- to consider the year-by-year representation of investment de- houseGases(GHG)encouragesthedevelopmentofrenewable cisions.Incontrast,analternativeadaptiverobusttransmission energy sources within electric systems [1]. The main reason network expansion planning formulation is proposed by [17], is to fight against the growing trend of worldwide average which keeps the full dynamic complexity of the problem and temperature and climate change, and thus, it is expected that reaches the global optimal solution of the problem. vastamountsofnewgenerationfacilities,speciallyrenewable, Regarding generation expansion planning, it was first eval- will be built in the medium-term future. uated in 1981 by [18]. Reference [19] attempted to solve Transmission network and renewable generation expansion the problem by using Lagrangian relaxation and probabilistic planning analyze the issue of how to expand or reinforce productionsimulation.Anheuristicapproachforpowergener- an existing power transmission network, incorporate new ation expansion planning with emission control is introduced renewable generation facilities and dismantling the old ones in[20],whilea modifiedversionbasedonchance-constrained to adequately service system loads over a given time horizon optimization is implemented by [21]. In contrast, in [22] a whiledecreasingGHGemissions.Thisproblemischallenging two-levelgame-theoreticmodel is used. There are also robust for several reasons [2]: approaches dealing with capacity expansion planning, a two- 1) Transmission and generation investment decisions have stagerobustoptimizationmodelconsideringtheuncertaintyin along-standingimpactonthepowersystem asa whole. investment costs is developed in [23]. 2) Transmission and generationinvestments,specially new Finally, joint consideration of transmission and generation generationsources,mustbeintegratedappropriatelyinto expansion planning under uncertainty is checked in [24] and the existing system. a comprehensive review is presented in [25]. Transmission 3) Consumption and renewable energy generation uncer- andgenerationexpansionplanningunderrisk usingstochastic tainties, such as with wind and solar power plants, programming is provided by [26], and a market-based model complicatetheproblemresolution.Notethatwindpower with uncertainties is presented by [27]. A static (one period) has been the most developed renewable technology robust approach is modelled in [28], where electric demand in the last decade, while the next renewable technol- andwindpowergenerationarecontinuousuncertainvariables, ogy, in constant evolution, is the photovoltaic power. modelled through bounded intervals. In this case, availability The introduction of this type of renewable sources in ofunitsandlinesisrepresentedbymeansofuncertaindiscrete the generation mix increases the uncertainty about the variables, whose behaviour is modeled thorough probability feasibility of generation. Some references attempt to distributions. reduce the uncertainty by means of synergies between renewable generators, i.e. combined wind and hydro- C. Aims and Contributions pumpgenerators[3],orusingphysicalbilateralcontracts [4]. The purpose of this paper is three-fold: 4) The expansion planning problem is by nature a multi- 1) To propose an effective model, which allows making stage problem that entails planning a horizon of several optimaldecisionsin an integratedway to transformany 3 power system into a sustainable system. It would allow subject to to make decisions about where and when new trans- 1 mission lines and/or new generation facilities, such as, Π ≥ cLIx(t) (2) L (1+I)t−1 k k wind and photovoltaicpower plants, should be installed tX∈T kX∈L+ during a long-term time frame of several years. x˜(t) =1; ∀k ∈L,∀t∈T (3) k 2) To extend the ARO formulation associated with the p=t dynamic expansion planning problem proposed by [17] x˜(t) = x(p); ∀k ∈L+,∀t∈T (4) k k for consideringalso the constructionand/ordismantling p=1 of renewable and conventional generation facilities. X x(t) ≤1; ∀k ∈L+ (5) 3) To show that computational tractability for a year-by- k year, multi-year or multi-stage representation of in- tX∈T vestment decisions (dynamic approach) associated with x(t) ∈{0,1}; ∀k ∈L+,∀t∈T (6) k transmission and generation capacities is possible for Π ≥ 1 cGIy(t) (7) real-size systems. In addition,globaloptimality is guar- G (1+I)t−1 i i anteed. tX∈T i∈G+X∪Gg+;∀g y˜(t) =1; ∀i∈G,∀t∈T (8) i It is worth stressing that the proposed model is highly flexible in what regards to generation capacity expansion p=t possibilities.Itispossibletodismantleconventionalgeneration y˜(t) = y(p); ∀i∈G+∪G+;∀g;∀t∈T; (9) i i g facilities reaching their lifetimes during the time period con- p=1 X sidered,itispossibletoconsidertheconstructionofrenewable y(t) ≤1; ∀i∈G+∪G+;∀g (10) generation facilities in different phases, and the inclusion of i g t∈T conventional facilities without uncertainties. In summary, the X model allows to take into consideration all practical aspects yi(t) ∈{0,1}; ∀i∈G+∪Gg+;∀g;∀t∈T (11) required to effectively transform any power system into a y˜(t) =1; ∀i∈G−,∀t=1,...,tG− (12) i i sustainable power system. y˜(t) =0; ∀i∈G−,∀t=tG− +1,...,N (13) i i y y(t) ≤y˜(t);∀i∈G+;∀g;∀t∈T (14) i+1 i g y(t) +y(t) ≤1;∀i∈G+;∀g;∀t∈T (15) i+1 i g D. Paper Structure where the objective function (1) is the sum of the present values of cost over the time horizon, i.e. net present cost (NPC). Equations (2)-(6) are the constraints related to the The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II construction of lines as presented in [17], which: i) limit the describes the robust formulation of the DTNRGEP problem. maximum expansion investment (2), ii) force the line status The proposed decomposition method to solve the problem is to 1 for all existing transmission lines at the beginning (3), describedinSectionIII.SectionIVprovidesnumericalresults and iii) once the line has been constructed(4), iv) ensure that for two examples. Finally, in Section V relevant conclusions no line is constructed more than once throughout the time are drawn. horizon considered (5), and v) establish the binary nature of line investment decisions (6). Constraints (7)-(15) are novel and associated with generation facilities. Constraint (7) keeps the maximum amount of generation investment within the available budget. Constraints (8) and (9) make the generation II. ROBUST DYNAMIC TRANSMISSION NETWORK AND status equal to 1 for all existing generation facilities at the RENEWABLEGENERATION EXPANSION PLANNING beginning of the time horizon considered which will not FORMULATION be dismantled, and once the generation facility has been constructed,respectively,whileconstraint(10)ensuresthatno generation facility is constructed more than once. Constraint A detailed formulationofthe robustDTNRGEPproblemis (11) establishes the binary nature of generation investment as follows: decisions. For generators to be dismantled during the study period(∀i∈G−),constraint(12) makethe generationi status equal to 1 until the facility is dismantled, i.e. t ≤ tG−, i Minimize 1 cLIx(t) while constraint (13) makes the status equal to 0 once it is x(kt),x˜(kt),yi(t)y˜i(t) tX∈T (1+I)t−1 kX∈L+ k k dfoisrmeaancthledg,eni.eer.atti>ontGig−ro.uCpontostrbaeinctson(1s4tr)uacntedd(1in5)ceonnssuerceutthivaet c(t) phases,theorderofconstructionissequentialaccordingtothe + cGIy(t)+ op ; (1) i i (1+I) generatorsetGg+ order,thusphasei+1cannotbeconstructed i∈G+X∪Gg+;∀g before phase i. Note that it would be straightforward to 4 consider the possibility to dismantle old lines analogously to Equation(16) representsthe worst operationalcosts, which the generation case by adapting constraints (12) and (13). maximizes generation and load-shedding costs. Constraints Given the values of the first-stage decision variables (17)-(25) represent operational constraints such as setting x˜(t),y˜(t), operational costs c(t) in (1) for each period t; ∀t∈ power balance, line flows, reference bus, flow and voltage k i op T areobtainedusingthefollowingoptimizationproblem.Note angle limits, etc. Check reference [17] for more details about thatthedualvariablesassociatedwithconstraintsareprovided these constraints. Restriction (26) makes the level of demand separated by a colon. match the uncertaindemandvariable.Constraint(27) is novel and sets the power generation to be lower than the uncertain generation capacity variable multiplied by the binary variable c(otp) =Maximum Minimumσ cGi gi(t)+ y˜(t),whichestablishesifthecorrespondinggeneratorisactive u(t) ∈U(t) gi(t),p(jt),rj(t), i∈G∪G+X∪G−∪Gg+;∀g foir period t. In case it is not active, i.e. y˜(t) = 0, the power θn(t),fk(t) generation is set to zero. Constraint (28) limi its load-shedding to a percentage of the uncertain demand variable. +σ cSr(t) ; (16) Constraints (29)-(34) define the polyhedral uncertainty set j j j∈D analogouslyas itis donein [17].Randomgenerationcapacity X uG(t) depends on binary variable zG(t), if the binary variable subject to i i zG(t) is1,maximumgenerationcapacityisset tothe nominal i g(t)− f(t)+ f(t)+ r(t) value u¯G(t) minus the maximum deviation allowed from the i k k j i iX∈ΨGn k|oX(k)=n k|rX(k)=n jX∈ΨDn nominalvalueuˆiG(t), otherwise maximumgenerationcapacity = p(t) :λ(t); ∀n∈N;∀t∈T (17) is set to the nominal value u¯G(t). Analogously with uncer- j n i jX∈ΨDn tain demands uDj(t), although in this particular case, demand f(t) =b x˜(t)(θ(t) −θ(t) ):φ(t); ∀k ∈L∪L+;∀t∈T nominalvaluesanddispersionareallowedtoevolveduringthe k k k o(k) r(k) k timehorizonusingparametersh(t) andh(t).Theseparameters (18) µ,j σ,j allow to introduce the possible evolution of demands and θn(t) =0:χ(nt); n:slack;∀t∈T (19) their uncertainties (see reference [17] for more details). The f(t) ≤fmax :φˆ(t); ∀k ∈L∪L+;∀t∈T (20) level of uncertainty is controlled throughout the uncertainty k k k budgets ΓG and ΓD, which sets the maximum number of f(t) ≥−fmax :φˇ(t); ∀k ∈L∪L+;∀t∈T (21) k k k generators whose maximum capacity might be different from θ(t) ≤π :ξˆ(t); ∀n∈N\n:slack,∀t∈T (22) their nominalvalues and the maximum load levels that might n n θ(t) ≥−π :ξˇ(t); ∀n∈N\n:slack,∀t∈T (23) changewith respectto nominalvalues,respectively.However, n n unlike in reference [17] where the generation uncertainty gi(t) ≥0; budget was constant, in this case the uncertainty budget ∀i∈G∪G+∪G+∪G−;∀g;∀t∈T (24) for each time period ΓG is a function of the number of g r(t) ≥0; ∀j ∈D,∀t∈T (25) active generators for each period, i.e. y˜i(t),∀i. Let remind the j reader that the uncertaintybudget is the maximum number of p(t) =uD(t) :αD(t); ∀j ∈D,∀t∈T (26) generatorswhosemaximumcapacityisallowedtodepartfrom j j j their nominal values, if the number of generator increases, g(t) ≤uG(t)y˜(t) :ϕG(t); the uncertainty budget should increase to keep an analogous i i i i level of protection against uncertainty. Note that what is the ∀i∈G∪G+∪G−∪G+;∀g;∀t∈T (27) g appropriate selection of this function ΓG y˜(t),∀i is out of rj(t) ≤e(jt)uDj(t) :ϕDj(t); ∀j ∈D,∀t∈T (28) thescopeofthepaper.Finally,constraint(3(cid:16)5)iisals(cid:17)onovelfor uG(t) =u¯G−uˆGzG(t); this work and sets the binary variables related to generators i i i i to zero in case generatorsare not active at time period t, thus ∀i∈G∪G+∪G−∪G+;∀g;∀t∈T (29) g they can not account for uncertainty budget in (31). uD(t) =u¯Dh(t) +uˆDh(t)zD(t); j j µ,j j σ,j j ∀j ∈D;∀t∈T (30) III. PROPOSED DECOMPOSITION METHOD zG(t) ≤ΓG y˜(t),∀i ; ∀t∈T (31) The aim of this section is to extend the solution procedure i i presented in [17] to solve the robust DTNRGEP problem i∈G∪G+X∪G−∪Gg+;∀g (cid:16) (cid:17) described in Section II. Since the decomposition method has zD(t) ≤ΓD; ∀t∈T (32) a bi-level structure, the first step is to merge the initial three- j j∈D level formulation (1)-(35) into a two-level problem. X zG(t) ∈{0,1};∀i∈G∪G+∪G−∪G+;∀g;∀t∈T (33) i g zjD(t) ∈{0,1};∀j ∈D;∀t∈T (34) A. Second-level formulation: subproblem For given values for the first-stage variables x˜(t) and y˜(t) zG(t) ≤y˜(t);∀i∈G∪G+∪G−∪G+;∀g;∀t∈T (35) k i i i g for each time period, the problem set out by (16)-(35) might 5 be decomposed into the following single-level maximization theuncertainparametervaluesu(t) withintheuncertaintysets problem for each time period t; ∀t∈T: to give the least desirable operational costs for each year. The resulting formulation associated with subproblems is c(t) = Maximize op a mixed-integer linear programming problem, which can be u,λ(nt),φ(kt),χ(nt),φˆ(kt), solvedefficientlybyusingstate-of-the-artmixed-integermath- φˇ(kt),ξˆn(t),ξˇn(t),αDj(t),ϕGi (t),ϕDj(t) ematical programming solvers such as CPLEX or Gurobi. φˆ(t)−φˇ(t) fmax+ π ξˆ(t)−ξˇ(t) k k k n n B. First-level formulation: master problem kX∈L(cid:16) (cid:17) n∈NX\n:slack (cid:16) (cid:17) First level formulation corresponds to the master problem. +i∈G∪G+X∪G−∪Gg+;∀g(cid:16)uGi (t)y˜i(t)ϕGi (t)(cid:17) UTh(tu)s,foforregaicvhenyveaalrueosbotafintheedufnrocemrtasiencopnarda-mleevteelrsvuabluperosbul(etm) ∈s, + uD(t)αD(t)+e(t)uD(t)ϕD(t) the master problem at iteration ν corresponds to: j j j j j jX∈D(cid:16) (cid:17) (36) Minimize (1+1I)t−1 cLkIx(kt) subject to: x(kt),x˜(kt),yk(t),y˜k(t), tX∈T kX∈L+ g(t),p(t),r(t),θ(t),f(t) λ(nt()i)+ϕGi (t) ≤ (1+σ I)cGi ; i,ll =j,1l,.j.,.l,νn−,l1k,l +i∈G+X∪Gg+;∀gcGi Iyi(t)+γ(t); ∀i∈G∪G+∪G−∪Gg+;∀g;∀t∈T (37) (54) −λ(t) +αD(t) ≤0; ∀j ∈D;∀t∈T (38) n(j) j subject to σ λ(nt()j)+ϕDj(t) ≤ (1+I)cSj; ∀j ∈D;∀t∈T (39) γ(t) ≥ (1+σ I) cGi gi(,tl)+ (1+σ I) cSjrj(,tl); −λ(t) +λ(t) +φ(t)+φˆ(t)+φˇ(t) =0; i∈GX∪G+ jX∈D o(k) r(k) k k k ∪G−∪G+;∀g ∀k ∈L∪L+;∀t∈T (40) g ∀t∈T,l =1,...,ν−1 (55) − b x˜(t)φ(t)+ b x˜(t)φ(t) k k k k k k γ(t) ≥0; ∀t∈T (56) k|oX(k)=n k|rX(k)=n +ξˆ(t)+ξˇ(t) =0; ∀n∈N\n:slack;∀t∈T (41) Constraints (2)−(15) (57) n n Equations (17)−(28); l=1,...,ν−1. (58) − b x˜(t)φ(t)+ b x˜(t)φ(t) k k k k k k k|oX(k)=n k|rX(k)=n Constraint (55) are primal decomposition cuts, while vari- +χ(t) =0; n:slack;∀t∈T (42) ablesγ(t) relatestoyearonyearoperationalcosts.Themaster n problemincludesonevariableg(t),p(t), r(t), θ(t) andf(t) for −∞≤λ(t) ≤∞; ∀n∈N;∀t∈T (43) i,l j,l j,l n,l k,l n each year and for each realizationof the uncertainparameters −∞≤φ(t) ≤∞; ∀k ∈L∪L+;∀t∈T (44) obtained from the subproblem (36)-(53) at every iteration. k −∞≤χ(t) ≤∞; n:slack;∀t∈T (45) n C. Solution method φˆ(t) ≤0; ∀k ∈L∪L+;∀t∈T (46) k The solution method consists of iteratively solving the φˇ(t) ≥0; ∀k ∈L∪L+;∀t∈T (47) following master and subproblems at each iteration ν: k ξˆ(t) ≤0; ∀n∈N\n:slack;∀t∈T (48) Master problem: For given realizations of the uncer- n tain parameters obtained from subproblems at the pre- ξˇn(t) ≥0; ∀n∈N\n:slack;∀t∈T (49) vious iterations, new first-stage variables x˜(t), y˜(t) val- −∞≤αD(t) ≤∞; ∀j ∈D;∀t∈T (50) ues are calculated by means of (54)-(58k).,νThie,νopti- j ϕG(t) ≤0; ∀i∈G∪G+∪G−∪G+;∀g;∀t∈T (51) mal objective function lower bound is updated z(lo) = i g 1 ( cLIx(t) + cGIy(t)+ ϕDj(t) ≤0; ∀j ∈D;∀t∈T (52) γ(tt)∈)T. (1+I)t−1 k∈L+ k k,ν i∈G+∪Gg+;∀g i i,ν P P P Constraints (29)-(35) (53) Subproblems, oneforeachyear:Forgivenvaluesofthe first-stage decision variables x˜(t), y˜(t), uncertain parame- Subproblems (36)-(53) result from substituting in problem k,ν i,ν ters within the uncertainty set giving the least desirable (16)-(35) for each time period t, the third-level problem operational costs (16), i.e. u(t) and c(t) , respectively, by its dual. An important aspect for the resolution of sub- ν op,ν are calculated by solving subproblems in (36)-(53). The problems is the linearization of bilinear terms in (36), i.e., optimalobjectivefunctionupperboundisupdatedz(up) = Pe(jti)∈uGDj∪(tG)+ϕ∪DjG(−t)∪G.g+T;∀hge(cid:16)ulGiin(et)ay˜ri(izt)aϕtiGio(nt)(cid:17)pr+ocPesjs∈Dis(cid:16)udeDjs(ct)rαibDje(dt)i+n Pc(otpt),∈νT).(1+I1)t−1(Pk∈L+cLkIx(kt,)ν+Pi∈G+∪Gg+;∀gcGi Iyi(,tν)+ more detail in(cid:17)[16]. Note that variable y˜(t) is considered a This iterative process is repeated until the absolute value i parameterwithinoursubproblem.These subproblemsprovide of the relative difference between upper and lower bounds is 6 belowaselectedthreshold.Formoredetailsaboutthestructure Existing lines (cid:9262) Existing generators of the algorithm, applied just for the capacity expansion Prospective lines Prospective generators problem, check reference [17]. The advantage of this bi-level formulation given by (36)- 240 MW 100 MW 80 M W 15 0 M(cid:9262)W 50 MW 40 MW (53) and (54)-(58) is that it has the same problem structure bus 5 bus 1 than that defined by [29], and thereforethe proposedcolumn- 70 MW and-constraintgenerationmethodguaranteesconvergencetoa global optimum. 350 MW (cid:36382) bus 3 IV. EXAMPLES 40 MW 240 MW In this section, the numerical results for an illustrative bus 2 example based on Garver system [9] and a case study using theIEEE118-bustestsystem[30]areportrayedtoanalyzethe 150 MW joint study of transmission network and generation expansion planning. Allnumericaltestshavebeenimplementedandsolvedusing bus 6 bus 4 CPLEX within GAMS [31] on a Windows DELL PowerEdge (cid:36382) 600 MW 160 MW 200 MW R920serverwith two IntelXeonE7−4820processorsclock- ing at 2 GHz and 768 Gb of RAM. The stopping tolerance Fig.1. Garver’s6-bustestsystem. for all cases is equal to ε=10−6. TABLEI A. Illustrative Example. Garver’s 6-bus System CANDIDATERENEWABLEGENERATORSRELATEDTOGARVER’S6-BUS TESTSYSTEM. The model is initially tested in the Garver 6-bus system PowerCapacity O&MCosts Investment cost depicted in Figure 1. This system is composed of 6 buses, Gen. Bus u¯Gi (MW) (e/MWh) (Me) 3 generators, 5 levels of inelastic demand and 6 lines. Data 4 1 50 17.8 50 forgenerationanddemandcapacities,andsupplyandbidding 5 1 70 17.5 80 prices are given in [16]. The load-shedding cost is equal to 6 1 40 17.5 40 7 2 150 16.5 200 hundred times the bidding price for each level of demand. 8 4 200 15.0 198 LinedataareobtainedfromTableIofreference[12],including 9 5 100 17.0 110 construction costs. Regarding the uncertainty sets, the maximum capacity of Regarding expansion possibilities, 6 generation units and conventional generators can decrease a maximum of 50% 3 transmission lines between each pair of buses could be installed. The characteristics of possible generation units, with respect to their nominal values, i.e. uˆGi = 0.5u¯Gi ; i = which are assumed to be wind units, are shown in Table I. 1,2,3,whileforrenewablegeneratorstheirmaximumcapacity can decrease a 100% with respect to their nominal values, The first three generation units belong to one group (g = 1) i.e. uˆG = u¯G; i = 4,...,9. Load levels may change a tobeconstructedandinstalledinphases(atdifferenttimes)at i i maximum of 20% with respect to their nominal values, i.e. the same bus 1, so in case the model decides to include them in the generation expansion planning they must be installed uˆDj = 0.2u¯Dj ; j = 1,...,5. Finally, annual growth rates for sequentially, i.e. G+ ≡{4,5,6}. In addition, it is known that load nominal values and dispersion are equal to 1.2%, i.e. the existing genera1tor at node 1 is going to be dismantled at h(µt,)j =h(σt,)j =1.012(t−1). time period8 becauseitreachesitsusefullife, i.e. G− ≡{1}. Four case studies are analyzed, considering two different The rest of sets associated with generation are G ≡ {2,3} combinations of uncertainty budgets associated with gener- and G+ ≡ {7,8,9}. Operational and investment costs for ation capacities and demands and two different generation generatorspresentedinTableIcomefrom[3].Inwhatregards investment budgets. It is worth stressing that the inclusion to the characteristics of the new possible transmission lines, of new generators implies updating the uncertainty budget they are also attained from Table I of reference [12]. The associatedwithgeneration,weusethefollowingstepfunction maximum available investment budget for transmission lines to define ΓG y˜(t),∀i : if 1 or 2 generators are built, the i is 40 million euros. generation unc(cid:16)ertainty(cid:17)budget increases in one unit; if 3 or The time horizon considered is 25 years and the discount 4 generatorsare built, the uncertaintybudgetincreases in two rate is 10%. The weighted factor σ is equal to the number units;andfinally,if4or5generatorsarebuilt,theuncertainty of hours in one year, i.e. 8760, so that the load-shedding budget increases in three units. and power generation costs are related to years, which can Results about investment cost, and lines and generators be comparable with the annualized investment cost. built for each case study using the proposed model are given 7 in Table II. From this table the following observations are TABLEII pertinent: RESULTSFORGARVER’S6-BUSTESTSYSTEMILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLE. • For the first combination of uncertainty budgets, ΓG and Case Input Inv.Cost Newlines Newgenerators ΓD equal to 1 and 2, lines and generators built are the study ΓG,ΓD,ΠG(Me) (Me) From To Period Bus Period 1 5 5 4 8 same.Notethatthecandidategeneratorthatremainstobe 2 3 1 5 3 builthasaninvestmentcostof200millioneuros,thusthe 2 6 1 1 1 a) 1,2,350 384.802 rise considered in the generation investment budget does 2 6 8 1 2 2 6 1 1 3 not allow the constructionof the remaining generatorand 3 5 1 - - no more lines are needed. 4 6 1 - - • Totalcostfor casesa) and c) is 14627.918and64927.727 4 6 1 - - 1 5 5 4 8 million euros, respectively. Therefore, the higher uncer- 2 3 1 5 3 tainty is, the higher total cost is. Note that lines are built 2 6 1 1 1 b) 1,2,450 384.802 in earlier periods when the total cost is higher. 2 6 8 1 2 2 6 1 1 3 • Total cost for case studies b) and d) is 14627.918 and 3 5 1 - - 63081.771 million euros, respectively. Note that the con- 4 6 1 - - figuration of built generators changes and lines are built 4 6 1 - - 1 5 1 4 8 early in d) due to the higher cost. 2 6 2 5 1 • Incasestudiesc)andd),theincreaseininvestmentbudget 2 6 1 1 1 c) 2,3,350 385.190 for generators allows to build one more line or more 2 6 1 1 4 3 5 1 1 5 generators. 4 6 1 - - • It is worth stressing the complexity of this problem. For 4 6 1 - - thesameuncertaintybudgets,thesolutionsassociatedwith 1 5 1 2 2 different investment budgets are not incremental. Thus 2 3 2 5 1 2 6 6 1 1 the necessity to consider the year-by-year dynamic of the d) 2,3,450 475.124 2 6 1 1 2 problem. 2 6 1 1 7 3 5 1 - - Regarding computational tractability, the number of itera- 4 6 1 - - tion required are 16, 15, 10 and 16, respectively, for study 4 6 1 - - casesa), b),c) andd).Themaximumcomputingtime iseight hours for the case a). TABLEIII CANDIDATEGENERATORSRELATEDTOIEEE118-BUSTESTSYSTEM B. IEEE 118-bus test system example EXAMPLE. Bus PowerCapacity O&MCost Investmentcost We also apply the proposed model on a bigger and more Number (MW) (e/MWh) (Me) realistic case using the IEEE 118-bus test system [30]. The 55 1 90 15.2 120 system is composed of 118 buses, 186 existing lines, 54 56 4 50 17.8 50 generatorsand91loads.We assumethatthegeneratorlocated 57 4 70 17.5 80 58 4 40 17.5 40 at bus 4 stops working at period 8 because it reaches its 59 6 100 17.1 110 usefullife,,i.e.G− ≡{4}.Generationcapacitiesanddemand 60 10 180 15.3 184 loads can be found in [16]. The load-shedding cost is ten 61 14 100 17.0 110 62 14 90 15.2 120 times the bidding price of each level of demand. In addition, 63 18 150 16.0 145 the same 61 existing lines given in [16] can be duplicated 64 20 50 17.6 50 to build additional lines. Data for all lines are taken from 65 20 50 17.6 50 [30].Thecharacteristicsofnewpossiblegeneratorsareshown 66 20 60 15.4 55 67 21 130 16.5 135 in Table III and there are two groups of generators to be 68 22 200 15.0 198 installedsequentiallyatbuses4and20,i.e.G1+ ≡{56,57,58} 69 27 80 15.9 90 and G+ ≡ {64,65,66}. The investment budgets for the 70 38 110 16.7 123 genera2tors and transmission lines are 1500 and 100 million 71 39 200 15.1 200 72 50 90 17.0 118 euros, respectively. 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