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Strategiesof Genius | j Robert RDiKs Strategies of Genius Volume DT Sigmund Freud Leonardo da Vinci Nikola Tesla by Robert. B. Dilts Meta Publications 2.0. Box 1920 Capitol, Califtenia 96010 (40s 464-0254 BAX 40) 464-0517 Flog Ber ages nal acitork by Reber B. Dit GCopyrigat 1995 by Mota Publications. Hrinted in the United Btnues af Amaica. All vighte reaerved. This book or parts thereat may not by repreduced in any form without written permiasinn af the Publisher. LLibeary of Congress Card Noraber 94-77-8183 SEN. 0.916090-5¢6 a Contents Dedicarion Askenosiledgeents Pretace Grapes 1 Stamp Fam "Toon Sana vow Dine Scr Section Section Section Seavien Section Section Seetien ection Becton section, ‘section Seti z 2 a reud' Rpiatem logy of Mind reut's Analysie of Leonarda da Vinci [Review and Hatlestions on Fre’ Analyaie of da Vine Fronds Antiysia of Michslangelas Moree ‘Summary and Wellotiens on Freud’ Analjeia uf Michelangelo‘ Stoeee Apphoations of Freud's Strategies ‘Bxploriag Deeper Structores ‘The Meta Model Changing Personal History Retraining Reimprinting 10: Latogeation of Conltiting Roliete 11: Freud snd Self Organization ‘Theory Self Organization, Sublimation and ‘the sit Pattern “The Beliet Change Cycle Berategies of Change Management 12: Conclusion iil Caarrm 2 Laoxane na ¥ivet ‘Marra rae Mbuenacosse Sorta 1: Kawsing Few vo See Seotiui 2: Lennande'e ‘Coemogpapby of the Kody egnon 8: Seriay’ Syatemially Seetion 4 Tenaginajon ‘The Rudder and buidle of the Sereee Section 5: Making Machines Seetion 8: Making Mastecpinces Station 7: Tmplemeating Leonards’ Steateieg Developing Perceptual IVters Leonard's Strategy for ‘Symcemie Thinking snd fnvention Section &: Crmelusion Crarne & Nuon fess Marranss re Miss Ite Section 1: Envisioning tha Fasure Sectiun 2; Developing the Cayubiligy to Visualize Section 9: Applying Tools Stratugy- Crvating the Future Seulion 4: Goudlusion Cxaemm 4 Covernsion Aveeno Arraxom A. Miri Procuant Parcress Avomscmt % Presnrroarrians of NLP Brueaaer tv Dedication "hia book is dedicated with lova aud vempect to my father Rohert W. Dita who taught methe Inve of ides and inventions, ‘the appreciation for true genius ‘nd the power of wiedom. Acknowledgments 1 srould ke ta alenowledge: shlin Grinder und Richerd Bendler, aha got me started on this Joie m aearch of gonfur, and who provided mie wich many of the taal noadod 2 mike my way. | Pidor Kruse und Woltgung Bbering, for mtraducing me to the vot yolantial of the priniplee of ve Forganizing systems. [boul Yurt, who directed me to the aource material en Teale ‘sw Sattinger who helped with tho editing and pruaf reading 22° iu ouanuseripts for this book and provided encouragement te get inh some of tho diffeult stages, My wae Anita, und my chidren Andres and Jubia whose simued understanting, patience and aupport made it possible Jor nu-to putin al of the effoct neceenary to completa thia Book. vil Preface Tho tele af this gerios is Strazesiee of Ceniue, but, ultimately hin work ia about wisdors ae much ae it ie about geniue, This stuly uf the stratesivs uf genius hus been a personal quest—a ont far windom the suurvd sos lwenty yours agu when 1 fret aan wrvolved an the fchd of Novro-Lisislie Programming. It nm on sly boun quot Sor thy whaluw uf the mind, bat alo the Fetal uf nataze, the vviadom of the body, the wiedom of the miition and the wiedom of tke hear Thelicve that exeedeace azaes from a pursue eonmitment £03 bir perspective. In urdur vo bowie goad a something, one mast Fry wnecnited im ands oem psa penective and fovue. hia ie fc empneln ay onra aad pris. WL 3 iy not nooo wis, Us lict enetimer it produce snwecleyica riperenssoms. ‘Grats toed trom paaaonsce enninittient to the integeation af sults peenpctiven. J, Beonowaki, the auth af Une book Phe avout of Man, clgimed that “a genius is a person who hag £20 Bri loan" ‘The work of genina aries feera the pevena’e arrnenps (or pob them to ft togsther. When ane has berome excellent in brown different srvui and thin is able to aymthorize them, ane ‘bruins to approach genius. Ieis through the integration of maltiple porapectivesthac the douper structures of idesa beesme revealed ca mI vsthe discovery of Ube decy structure beneath tho many and ried vurface structures Cul ie ie cure crilariun of genius, irumt to the venatant, See ag ne yori, Set he word ein vine change, we eunvok rely on yeslerday’n ansorone ny being ‘oe for Gamorrs, Wale i ol someting gun do ur ge, ealber, Hm athiny ia whi ye partivignt in a onsula iy Ith words of anthropologist Gregory Butesum: Woarom. comes foun a jassianh: eno “Wis cnn frome siting nygether ond truthfully sharing our daffercnes ~ uithons dhe intent to change them.” ix “The intent to change somect lee nile ul ao wld aagiog judgment of thut model None fw wre omnisvicat caught hows he right’ map or Lake in all of the eyelome within aystome within, syntunts that ong be eflecied hy aur artis. Wine aod ecologies hauge cunmes Looms dicavering, eveating wad offering alterna iver trom constanaly widening and onviching ove maps by! 1) Taking al perspectives rotowent ta dhe agstem in which one it interaoting 2 Considveing and aligning all layede oF experioney ia relation le Une sysbera ane in {9 Respecting all time rames nacesanuy ta ecologically hucorpo- vate change within thas system, Rathr than niniply provide interanting ideas or naw technique, | think she geniunes fn this atudy have cmneibuted to widaning our rape of the world in the ways deactibed azove. The gauvious Lo valomes of Stritepier of Genin hava examined he ongnitive stratagiea and thinking precessea of five well known figures, sll ‘considered to be geniuses in aome way: Aristotle, Sr Archur Conan Doyle's Shovlock Hotmes, Wale Disney, Wolfgang Amadeus Mezayt tnd Albere Hinetoie, Ino thzee individvala atadied in thia vol ‘ume—Sigaund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla—are equally fascinating people {T am planning a fourth volume on Gregory Bateson, Millon A Brichsor, and Mushe Feldenkrais; and f fifth volume which will fray oerlusively om womiee genbvsen ‘This book, howe, i-mut intended te by bogruphieal: Ruther thaw feeus an the sportie hebuviers and woomplishiments of the indi viduals to he studiod, the purpove of this bonk iv tn explore their thoughts; and more impurlandy the duper strucluces bemeutle ‘heir thoughts. idoas wns invunli ‘Sa Latiamgted in Un sound valumaon Albert insta, my gaat swith these threw yeniuove wens Wo ire ty eaaler was of ie Keak and atratagies moro clear and ‘veer frinndly’ epocally those af” Sigmund Froud, Muny efthe idee, however, are aonethetesa quite provocative und duvp, and vu mgy wouk ty eet yome oF Che seatiuna twiee—iusl b give Thea ae wupnctity en ebak i. The applications yoru of Ihe cuiptar nn Reon, in the, ecilA almost ‘be umildered 4 yp oul aoe As yoa sill ceo, the vase mrjrity of this volume has been doroted to Freud, This was not nocesearily by design, however. [nitilly, ad ineendad bo wrice fewer than 100 pages on Fred, Tout the worw 1 boyar (o write abuut him (especially the ‘applica Lions! serion}, the more Kenliod hee deeply intiventis! be had ‘oun for myself and thove in my Geld. Proud believed that mental, nd oven physical, hualing sould take plaee througk tha nae of aguagy. whichis the estence of many NLP techniques, Frend, fa example, wus Uke main inTuuuey un ma in the develupriunt of Une ‘reimpeinging! Loshniaue, In eke spicit of the quest bind fle surly ene. af wn goats sponding sth cians um Pred ss te “igen the map! vib were of hin worl T elaided Swe time fe ampiae te oxplin how und sehy payshcanalytie methiae worked, Trams aa NTP punspectivs and hor and why NUP tedhniguen worked) fron a pRyrhasnalytie yermection. Purtiermace, Fatcgna’a comment abace arvines,T wanted en disease what NLP ight add to Freud's mechode—and what Freud idesa and principles could aad to NLP. 1 have been familie sith the work af Leonanto da. Vines and, [Nikola Tesla since my childhood. My father was a patent actoruey sand an admirer of the worlda great inventors and innovators. So eonardo, the ‘patron saint of inventore, yaa a kind of neva of brie~and became a joint favorite of ars. Sinoe m5 father's partien- lay area of specialty was atvauced electronics, he was quite familie of Nikola Tasla’s work and had a ecllection af ‘Tena pptante which be studied with admirstior. (Lesla'a idsag were 20 advanzod that he had to write ia own patents, because the ‘Aoenios und examinurs ould ast underslund them wal: enough Tean remwaiber the awe J fall shen Towis a boy aa my futher explninid bor one euold genurine werirety set an umn rmamstic Turse, [One of my virion wienes experimenly wie stomping Ur rake # Tey ei] Thive sot ceally eoae int the spusific‘wnleat vf Levnards wai "Towda’s wl a all, shiels quakow Trent sorb aTipent Cran veud (and prebably easier for mast reader, As with the previa. values At This work, thy urder ofthe three ards fs deni to build oe coetain cheatoe an The ehapers £0 uke rferones to ant uuothor. ig not akenlutils necseeary, a0 tae otter ad, 4 eva them oonseruvaly, ad gras may want 43

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