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Robert Adams - The Collected Works - Advaita PDF

2355 Pages·2011·12.08 MB·English
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Read Me!! How To Use This eBook • This is The Collected Works of Robert Adams. This volume consists of transcripts of recorded talks between August 1990 to June 1993. • The transcribed recorded satsangs were completed as accurate as possible - word for word. Roberts speech being more clearer and accurate than students especially in the question and answer section. • The Table Of Contents has information about the transcripts and the audio files. The ticks in the same column show that there is an audio file available for the transcript. • If you click on the page number in the right hand column for each of the satsangs in the Table Of Contents and you will go to that chapter. At the end of each satsang a “[TOC]” button will take you to the Table of Contents of that satsang when clicked. • Some transcripts did not have an audio file associated with it, therefore the tran- scribed satsang was taken from Ed Muzikas Collected Works book. The talks that do not have a corresponding audio file have been marked with a cross in the Table Of Contents. • There were also transcripts that did not have a date associated with them. They were placed at the end of the Table Of Contents. • In some of the transcripts the symbols “???” , “unclear” are used to signify that the audio was unclear and the dialogue could not be heard well enough to be tran- scribed. • The question and answer section of the satsangs - in this latest edition - the symbol used for a students dialogue is symbolized as SA:, SN:, SJ: etc. This was only used to distinguish between students dialogues and to group the dialogue with Robert into manageable blocks. All students questions are in italic and thus are easily followed when grouped with Roberts dialogues which are represented with an R: and are non-italicized. How To Read The Transcripts by Robert Adams “The way you should read these transcripts is preferably before you go to sleep at night. If you have time during the day, you should read them during the day also. Yet you should not read them as you read a book. You read a book, you finish, you go on to the next book. You should really stick to one transcript for at least a week, if not more. !You read it through, and then you begin all over again. You go from paragraph to paragraph. You do not read it fast or speed read it. You take each paragraph and you pon- der on the paragraph. You put the transcript down and you cogitate, ponder the para- graph, assimilate it, digest it, make it a part of your being and then go to the next para- graph. !If you're doing this correctly, you will not have the time to read thousands of books. I'm not saying you shouldn't read other books, but if you really want to make headway fast, follow one direction. Go one way. You may find many contradictions when you read so many books, and you'll become confused and even disgusted...” Taken From Transcript 99: 3rd October 1991 The Confession of a Jnani Written by Robert Adams During Robert’s satsangs, he would ask students to read this writing. Many of the transcripts refer to this writing. It has been placed here for your reference. There are two versions one that is read at satsang and the one below. This version was published in the “Silence Of The Heart” book. “For a Jnani who has realized the identity of his inner being with the infinite Brahman there is no rebirth, no migration, and no liberation. He is beyond all this. He is firmly estab- lished in his own Absolute Existence-Knowledge-Bliss true nature. The further existence of his body and the world appears to the Jnani as an illusion, which he cannot remove, but which no longer deceives him. After the death of this body, as in life, he remains where and what he eternally is, the first principle of all beings and things: formless, nameless, unsoiled, timeless, dimensionless and utterly free. Death cannot touch him, cravings cannot torture him, sins do not stain him; he is free from all desire and suffer- ing. He sees the infinite Self in all, and all in the infinite Self, which is his being. The Jnani confesses his experience thus: I am infinite, imperishable, Self-luminous, Self-existent, I am without beginning or end, I am birthless, deathless, without change or decay. I permeate and interpenetrate all things. In the myriad universes of thought and creation, I Alone Am.” 1990 Table Of Contents 1 Date Audio 11999900 TTrraannssccrriippttss -- AAuugguusstt ttoo DDeecceemmbbeerr Page FFoorreewwoorrdd bbyy EEddwwaarrdd MMuuzziikkaa 18 900803 ✔ 1 You Must Have Your Own Experience 20 900812 ✔ 2 There Is No Birth! 32 900816 ✔ 3 My Confession 46 900819 ✔ 4 The Four Principles of Self Realization 62 900823 ✔ 5 The Four Principles Revisited 81 900826 ✖ 6 The Three Vehicles of Self Realization 97 Working With the Four Principles of Self 900830 ✔ 7 107 Realization 900902 ✔ 8 The Three Vehicles (incl: Self-Inquiry Mantra) 124 900906 ✔ 9 Satsang vs Practice 138 900909 ✔ 10 Spiritual Healing (incl: “I-Am” Meditation) 154 900916 ✔ 11 Two Ways to Self Realization 167 900928 ✔ 12 I Am Not The Body! 185 900930 ✔ 13 There Is No Self! 201 901011 ✔ 14 There Are No Problems 213 901014 ✔ 15 The Mind Is Not Your Friend 226 901018 ✖ 16 It’s All A Dream 238 6 1990 Table of Contents 2 901021 ✔ 17 Divine Ignorance 248 901025 ✔ 18 Satguru vs Pseudo-guru 263 901028 ✔ 19 Slow Down The Mind And Let Reality Rush In 273 901101 ✔ 20 Before I Am 289 901104 ✔ 21 Robert’s Experience 301 901108 ✔ 22 Beliefs And Predetermination 312 901111 ✔ 23 The Law Of Cause And Effect 326 901115 ✔ 24 Three Essential Questions 342 901118 ✔ 25 Three Essential Questions Revisited 357 901122 ✔ 26 Dealing With Problems 373 901125 ✔ 27 Eternal Happiness 391 901202 ✔ 28 Satsang 399 901209 ✔ 29 More On Satsang 414 901213 ✔ 30 The Ultimate Happiness 426 901216 ✔ 31 Everything Is Satsang 443 901223 ✔ 32 Remember The Reasons Why You Came Here 457 901230 ✔ 33 Robert And Ramana 469 7 1991 Table of Contents 1 Date Audio 11999911 TTrraannssccrriippttss -- JJaannuuaarryy ttoo JJuunnee Page 910103 ✔ 34 One Self, One Consciousness 479 910106 ✔ 35 Does A Sage Get Angry? 493 910110 ✔ 36 It’s A Mystery 508 910120 ✖ 37 Everything Can Be Met With “Who Am I?” 522 910124 ✔ 38 The Leela 530 910127 ✔ 39 Sitting In The Silence 541 910131 ✔ 40 Only Consciousness Exists 549 910203 ✔ 41 The Good For Nothing Man 564 910207 ✔ 42 The Fourth State Of Consciousness 578 910210 ✔ 43 I Am 591 910214 ✔ 44 Signs Of Progress 601 910217 ✔ 45 Following The “I” 610 910221 ✔ 46 It’s A Blessing In Disguise 619 910224 ✔ 47 How Shall I Act In The World? 626 910228 ✔ 48 I Am Is Brahman! 640 910303 ✔ 49 I Acknowledge You 652 910307 ✔ 50 Put First Things First 665 910310 ✔ 51 Everything Leads To Silence 676 910314 ✔ 52 Jnana Marga, The Path Of Knowledge 686 910324 ✔ 53 Will Sadhana Improve My Humanhood? 698 8 1991 Table of Contents 2 910328 ✖ 54 Abiding In The I 710 910331 ✔ 55 Freedom 719 910425 ✖ 56 Pure Intelligence Is Silence 725 910428 ✖ 57 You Have To Have Bhakti 732 910502 ✔ 58 Bhakta And Jnana 741 910505 ✔ 59 How To Develop Compassion And Humility 751 910512 ✔ 60 Attachments 763 910516 ✔ 61 You Are Inhuman 772 910519 ✔ 62 The Land Of The Jnanis 777 910523 ✔ 63 How Bad Do You Want To Awaken? 788 910526 ✔ 64 Everyone Is Searching For Happiness 801 910530 ✔ 65 What Is, Is God 809 910602 ✔ 66 Freewill And Predetermination 821 910606 ✔ 67 Beyond The World Of Maya 834 910609 ✔ 68 Happiness 842 If We Are Consciousness What Happens 910613 ✔ 69 852 To The Body? 910616 ✔ 70 Jnana, Siddhis And Spiritual Healings 858 910620 ✔ 71 Helping 867 910623 ✖ 72 Suffering 874 910627 ✔ 73 Renounce Everything Mentally 882 910630 ✔ 74 That Divine Moment Is Now! 891 9 1991 Table of Contents 3 Date Audio 11999911 TTrraannssccrriippttss -- JJuullyy ttoo DDeecceemmbbeerr Page 910704 ✔ 75 Everything Is What You Believe It Is! 901 910707 ✔ 76 There Are Not Two Bodies! 909 910711 ✔ 77 There Is Nothing Wrong 918 910714 ✔ 78 What Is Brahman? 928 910718 ✔ 79 Stop Identifying With Your Body And Mind! 936 910721 ✔ 80 The Self Is Total Silence 945 910725 ✔ 81 Absolute Nothingness 955 910728 ✔ 82 Using The “I-am” Meditation With Self Inquiry 962 910801 ✔ 83 You Are Not I 970 910804 ✔ 84 Just Being (Using “I-am” with Self Inquiry) 980 910808 ✔ 85 Nothing Is Your Real Nature 991 910811 ✔ 86 On The Path(How To Get Rid of Negative Habits) 1001 910818 ✖ 87 Advaita Vedanta 1014 910825 ✔ 88 Do Not Meditate On The I-Thought 1019 910829 ✖ 89 The Practice Of Self-Inquiry 1027 910901 ✔ 90 The World Is Your Movie 1037 910905 ✔ 91 The Three Gunas 1049 910908 ✔ 92 Invoking The Name Of God 1057 910912 ✔ 93 Silence, The Spiritual Centre 1071 910915 ✔ 94 The Cosmic Joke 1084 910919 ✔ 95 Get The Personal Self Out Of The Way! 1093 10

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