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Acne scarring: A review and current treatment modalities Albert E. Rivera, DO Kirksville, Missouri Acneisaprevalentconditioninsocietyandoftenresultsinsecondarydamageintheformofscarring.Of course, prevention is the optimal method to avoid having to correct the physically or emotionally troublesome scars. However, even with the best efforts, scars will certainly arise. This article attempts to give a broad overview of multiple management options, whether medically, surgically, or procedurally based. The hope is that a general knowledge of the current available alternatives will be of value to the physician when confronted with the difficult task of developing a treatment plan for acne-scarred individuals, even in challenging cases. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59:659-76.) ACNE Abbreviationsused: Acne is caused and characterized by multiple factors,including:Propionibacteriumacnesactivity; Er:YAG: erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet FDA: FoodandDrugAdministration increased sebum production; androgenic stimula- HA: hyaluronicacid tion;follicularhypercornification;lymphocyte,mac- IPL: intensepulsedlight(notlisted) rophage, and neutrophil inflammatory response; Nd:YAG: neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet PDL: pulseddyelaser and cytokine activation. Multiple surveys and stud- TCA: trichloroaceticacid ies have attempted to determine the prevalence of acne within various groups. None of these are without shortcoming but all have done well with girls.Cysticacnewaspresentin1.9per1000forboth targeted,representativegroups.Agood review,too sexes,3.3per1000inmenandboysand0.6per1000 extensive to be included in this work, containing in women and girls. The common complication of tables (consisting of 15 general population or acne scarring was found in 1.7 per 1000 for both schoolchildren-based cross-sectional surveys along sexes,2.0per1000inmenandboysand1.3per1000 with 3 separate case-control studies) and discus- inwomenandgirls.Approximately80%ofgirlsand sions of several of these publications has been 90%ofboysdevelopacneintheiradolescentyears. compiled and published by a group of Australian Thepeakincidenceforgirlsisage14to17yearsand authors.1 age16to19yearsforboysandmen.Furthermore,of In 1978, the most comprehensive study to date, individuals aged 11 to 30 years, 80% have some HANES-1,2 established the prevalence of acne vul- degreeofactiveacne. garis within 20,749 US citizens aged 1 to 74 years More recently, a community-based study, using (excluding those hospitalized for another dermato- theLeedsgradingtechniqueforacne3andincluding logicconditionandthosewith thediseaseinremis- 749 patients, all older than 25 years (range 25-58 sion)tobe68per1000forbothsexes,70.4per1000 years,meanage39.5years),was usedtodetermine formenandboysand65.8per1000forwomenand overall acne prevalence as 58% of women and 40% of men. ‘‘Clinical’’ ([0.75 on the Leeds scale) acne was present in 3% of men and 12% of women. The Fromthe Department of Dermatology, NortheastRegionalMed- icalCenter. prevalence of clinical acne decreased significantly Fundingsources:None. only after age 45 years. Their definition of scarring Conflictsofinterest:Nonedeclared. wasnotedin14%ofthewomenand11%ofthemen Please see the Appendix for a listing of the manufacturers of in the study.4 However, even in the two examples brandnamedrugsmentionedinthisarticle. above, statistics are often inaccurate because most Reprintrequests:AlbertE.Rivera,DO,DepartmentofDermatology, NortheastRegionalMedicalCenter,700WJeffersonSt,Kirksville, estimations are based on patients who seek treat- MO63501.E-mail:[email protected]. ment, physician diagnoses, hospital records, com- PublishedonlineJuly28,2008. pensation claims, medication purchases, or various 0190-9622/$34.00 exclusion or inclusion criteria, rather than a full ª2008bytheAmericanAcademyofDermatology,Inc. cross-populationsample.5 doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2008.05.029 659 660 Rivera JAMACADDERMATOL OCTOBER2008 Even though this condition is widespread, pa- transient erythema or pigmentary changes and not tientsdonotalwayspresenttophysiciansforprompt truescarsasdefinedabove. diagnosis and treatment. Of those with acne, only In one study of 185 patients (101 female and 84 approximately 16% seek appropriate medical treat- malewithvariousquantity,morphology,andsever- ment: 74% wait greater than 1 year before seeking ityof acneof theface,chest, or back),it was found evaluation,12%wait6to12months,6%wait3to6 that facial scarring affected 95% of both sexes to months,andonly7%waitedlessthan3monthstobe some degree. The truncal region of male patients seen.6Thisisattributedtomultiplefactorsthatcould showed significantly more total, hypertrophic, and include financial limitations, physician access, and keloidal scarring than the same region of female patientdelay,amongothers.Thedelayintreatment, patients. The correlation with scar formation was though, increases the probability of secondary se- relatedtothoseacnelesionswithatimedelayofup quelae such as scarring. Educational efforts should to 3 years between initial onset and sufficient treat- beundertakentoinformthepublicandphysiciansas mentregardlessofsexorlocation.13 to the importance of preventative measures and AverytouchingandenlighteningarticlebyKoo14 urgency of early management. A good review of discussed psychosocial effects primarily in regard such treatments, including topical or systemic med- to acne but it also applies to scars. They may both icationandlasers,wasauthoredfairlyrecently.7 lead to emotional debilitation, embarrassment, poor self-esteem, social isolation, preoccupation, low BACKGROUND confidence, altered social interactions, body image Ithasbeenwrittenthat‘‘thereisnosingledisease alterations, identity difficulties, anger, frustration, which causes more psychic trauma, more malad- confusion, unemployment, lowered academic per- justmentbetweenparentandchildren,moregeneral formance, exacerbation of psychiatric disease, anxi- insecurity and feelings of inferiority and greater ety,ordepression.Althoughtheseeffectsaredifficult sumsofpsychicsufferingthandoesacnevulgaris.’’8 toquantifyinpatientterms,healthcareeffect,orsocial So too, and possibly more so through its perma- expense,thescarringthatresultsfromtissuedamage nence, is the effect of the resulting damage in the and inflammation is a significant issue that requires formofaphysicalscar.‘‘Scar,’’asanoun,isdefined attention and will be expanded. Now the focus will as ‘‘the fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue turntothescarsthemselves;initially,thescartypesare destroyed by injury or disease’’ by the American covered and then several of the treatment options Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary.9 currentlyavailablearediscussed. An impressive study involving the histology, pa- thology, and immunology of acne scarring found ACNE SCARS that‘‘thecellularinfiltratewaslargeandactivewitha The two causes of acne scar formation can be greaternonspecificresponse(fewmemoryTcells)in broadly categorized as either a result of increased early lesions of NS [not prone to develop scarring] tissueformationor,themorecommoncause,lossor patients,whichsubsidedinresolution.Incontrast,a damage of tissue. Two examples of excess tissue predominately specific immune response was pre- presence are hypertrophic scars and keloids. sentinS[pronetodevelopscarring]patients,which Hypertrophic scars are confined within the margins was initially smaller and ineffective, but was in- oftheoriginalinjury.Thesescarsaremostprevalent creased and activated in resolving lesions. Such withinthefirstcoupleofmonthspostinjury,andthen, excessive inflammation in healing tissue is condu- incontrast tokeloids,tendtonormally mature with civetoscarring....’’10 occasionalspontaneousregression.However,some Collagen and other tissue damage from the in- do also worsen. These scars are most often less flammationofacneleadstopermanentskintexture bothersomeandtreatmentmayormaynotbeneeded changes and fibrosis. Scars normally proceed based on severity. Keloids are a human-specific through the specific phases of the wound-healing phenomenonthatischaracterizedbydisproportion- cascade:inflammation,granulation,andremodeling. ate creation and deposition of collagen with an However, even normal scars never reach the same excess outside of the original injury margins. They level of strength as original skin, only about 80% at arecommonly found onthe chest, back,shoulders, best.11 Dermal damage is more long lasting and and ears. These lesions are very persistent and are resultsinanincreaseordecreaseoftissueandoften found almost equally among male and female pa- worsensinappearancewithageasaresultofnormal tients,lesscommonlyintheveryyoungorold.There skin changes. In contrast, damage limited to the arefamilialandgeneticinfluenceswithbothautoso- epidermis or papillary dermis can heal without scar mal dominant and recessive traits. Clinically, there formation.12 Epidermal damage results in more may be pain, itching, burning, or limited range of JAMACADDERMATOL Rivera 661 VOLUME59,NUMBER4 motion. Surgery is sometimes done for debulking sloped edges that merge with normal-appearing and multiple modality treatment is recommended skin. There may be dermal or subdermal tethering, because of the high recurrence with surgery alone; so treatment is commonly by subcision, which will aggressivescarshavearegrowthof50%to100%. bediscussedlater.Anadditional,sometimescatego- Histologically, normal-appearing dermis demon- rizedclass,atrophicscars,exhibitaslightlywrinkled strates relaxed, randomly aligned collagen. Both textureandmaybesomewhatpigmentedbecauseof hypertrophicscarsandkeloidsdemonstratethicker, the underlying vasculature. Treatment is most often moreabundantcollagenthatisstretchedandaligned with abrasion, excision, or augmentation but occa- inthesameplaneastheepidermis.Morespecifically, sionally with creams or peels that have generally hypertrophic scars have islands of dermal collagen poorresults. fibers, small vasculature, and fibroblasts through- Objectiveevaluationofthescarsisanecessityfor out.15 Suggested pathophysiology includes trans- discussion,treatment,andresearch.Therearegrad- forming growth factor-beta-I, platelet-derived ing devices that focus on 3-dimensional grid-based growth factor, matrix metalloproteinases, interleu- mapping of lesions and molded skin replicas for kin-I-alpha, fibroblasts themselves, altered micro- comparison examination.22 However, these are not vascular regeneration, histamine, carboxypeptidase as applicable in practical, daily use by the average A,prostaglandinD2,andtryptase.16Keloids,onthe physician. There are grading scales for acne scars other hand, reveal regions of reticular dermal acel- that are more practical for day-to-day implementa- lularnodelikestructuresandaremoreacellularasa tion.In1999,theECLA(echelled’evaluationclinique wholecomparedwithhypertrophicscars. des lesions d’acne)23 was introduced, followed by Both keloids and hypertrophic scars have an the ECCA (echelle d’evaluation clinique des cicatri- incidence 5to15times higherinAfrican Americans cesd’acne)24in2006.Usingthisscale,thequalitative and 3 to 5 times higher in Asians compared with aspectsofscarsdefinethetypeofscar,whichisthen Caucasians.17Itisestimatedthattheyaffectboththe associatedwithaquantitativescore(0-4)determined AfricanAmericanandHispanicpopulationsbetween semiquantitatively and multiplied by a weighting 4.5% to 16%.18 As briefly noted above, both are factor(15-50)ofclinicalseverity,leadingtopossible treatedeithersinglyorincombinationwithmultiple totals of 0 to 540. It was found to have good therapiessuchasexcision,abrasion,lasertreatment interinvestigator reliability although it did not focus and medication, among others. As an outside refer- on icepick, rolling, or boxcar specifically but rather ence,AlsterandWest19authoredanexcellent,thor- variations of atrophic and hypertrophic. Goodman oughreviewonhypertrophicandkeloidscarsalong andBaron25describedaquantitativegradingsystem withatrophicscars. based on counting (1-10, 11-20, [20) of scar type Theothercauseofscars,lossordamageoftissue, (atrophic, macular, boxcar, hypertrophic, keloidal) is demonstrated by the 3 primary acne scars as and severity (mild, moderate, severe). Points are described by Jacob et al20: icepick, rolling, and assigned to each respective category and totaled boxcar. The icepick scars are usually smaller in withintherangeofaminimumof0toamaximumof diameter (\2 mm) and deep with tracts to the 84. This was found to be reasonably accurate and dermis or subcutaneous tissue possible. Although reproducible with good interinvestigator reliability. theorificeissmallerandsteep-sided,theremaybea The same physicians also outlined a qualitative widebasethatcouldevolveintoadepressed,boxcar (rather than quantitative) grading system26 that is scar. Commonly these are seen on the cheeks. simplerforquick,dailyuse.Itdistinguished4grades Treatment is frequently done by punch excision for level of disease: (1) macular, (2) mild, (3) with closure by small suture along relaxed skin moderate, and (4) severe. Subdivisions of macular tension lines. Nonabsorbable suture is preferred disease are erythematous, hyperpigmented, or hy- because of the predisposition of the skin to scar popigmentedandthoseofmildtoseverediseaseare and the inflammatory response seen with absorb- atrophic and hypertrophic. Further specification in- ables.21 Depressed or boxcar scars are described as cludesthenumberofcosmeticunitsinvolved:Afor shallow(\0.5mm)ordeep([0.5mm)andareoften focaloronelesionandBfordiscreteor2to3lesions. 1.5to4mmindiameter.Theyhavesharplydefined As the reader can appreciate, these systems and edgeswithsteep,almostverticalwalls.Shallowscar variationthereincanbecomequiteconfusing.Inthe treatmentcanbewithresurfacingorpossiblypunch literature,thereisoneattemptatcreatingacompre- elevationwhereasdeepscartreatmentismostoften hensiveclassificationsystembasedonseveralother donebypunchexcision, elevation,orother modal- systems.27 However, the lack of a true consensus ity. Soft rolling scars can be circular or linear, are scalehindersstandardizationofdiagnosisandtreat- oftengreaterthan4mmindiameter,andhavegently mentofacnescarring. 662 Rivera JAMACADDERMATOL OCTOBER2008 Table I. Medical management orsponsorship/fundingbias.Thefollowingsections, although not totally comprehensive, will attempt to Retinoids cover a majority of the medical, procedural, and Topical/injectable steroids surgicaloptions.Itislessoftenthatacnelesionslead Siliconedressing to hypertrophic scars or keloids, however, it is a Various othertopicalorinjectable substances possibilityandcertainlyisasideeffectconsideration with treatments for other types of scars, so will thereforebeincludedinthesediscussions.Therewill Somelesionsarecalled‘‘scars’’butarenottrulyso be an attempt to mention basic information or bydefinitionbut,rather,arechangesinskincolor.A pertinent advantages or disadvantages for each of firstispostinflammatoryerythema.Theresolvingacne the options from review of literature that is as fairly site’sinitialpresentationmaybepinkorredbutusually contemporaryaspossible. improves. Persistent redness can be addressed with laser or other therapy. Postinflammatory hyperpig- MEDICAL MANAGEMENT mentationisaverycommonlyseenvariant.Itisablack Therearenumerousmedicaloptionsavailablefor or brown residual discoloration in the location of treatmentofacnescars.Hypertrophicscars,keloids, previousacneorotherinflammatoryreaction.These and pigmentary changes are the usual focus of lesionsaremorecommoninthosewithdarkerskinor medical management whereas the other types re- thosewhotan.Fadingmayoccurbutquitefrequently quireotherformsofintervention.Onlyafewofthe takesaprolongedtimeperiod,sometimesuptoayear. more commonly used or proven selections will be Chemicalpeels,lasers,orbleachingagentsareusually mentionedhere(TableI).Ofcourse,ifdesired,more thefirst-linetherapies.Hypopigmentationisalossof information can be researched for such topicals or pigment in the area of the lesion. It can range from injectables as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, lighteningtototalwhiteningoftheskin. Oftenthese colchicine, hyaluronidase, cyclosporine, honey, areasdonotregainthelevelofpreviouspigmentation onion extract, 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin, retinoids, and only late if so. Multiple treatments can be con- verapamil, pepsin, hydrochloric acid, formalin, and sidered for all of these pigmentary lesions after the almostunlimitedothers.Retinoids,specifically,have acneisadequatelyaddressed.Includedarehydroqui- supporting sparse reports of treatment to keloids, none, tretinoin, cortisone, azelaic acid, camouflage, hypertrophicscars,andverysuperficialscars.32The combination creams (primary choice is retinoid plus benefit is attributed to an increase in elasticity with hydroquinone),superficialchemicalpeels,microder- dermalcollagendepositionandalignment.33 mabrasion, laser therapy, or ultraviolet A/B sun- One of the more popular choices for medical screens.28 The one agreed-on facet is that the most therapy, again, mostly for hypertrophic scars and effectivetreatmentforboththetruescarsandpigmen- keloids, is the use of the generically termed ‘‘ste- tarychangesistopreventandcontroltheacnelesions roids.’’ These are substances that are based on 4 themselvestolimitinflammationandothersequelae. fused carbon rings that derive from the cholesterol molecule. The glucocorticoids (eg, triamcinolone, ACNE SCAR TREATMENT hydrocortisone,methylprednisone,anddexametha- Treatment of the true scars resulting from acne sone), in the corticosteroid family, have immuno- mustreflectseveralconsiderationsbythephysician. modulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. They Cost of treatment, severity of lesions, physician reduce the expression of cytokines, cellular adhe- goals,patientexpectations,side-effectprofiles,psy- sion molecules, and other enzymes related to the chological or emotional effect to the patient, and inflammatory process.34 The exact mechanism is prevention measures should all play a role. The unknown but it is thought to related directly to the ultimategoalofanyinterventionisforimprovement, anti-inflammatoryproperties,reductionofcollagen, not for a total cure or perfection. Single treatment, glycosaminoglycans, and fibroblasts, along with multipletreatments,orcombinationtherapymaybe overalllesion growth retardation. Used asatopical, required. An excellent review and discussion by both with and without occlusion, there is a wide Goodman29 on postacne scarring treatments was range of clinical response. Steroids used in high recentlypublishedasanupdatetoasimilarprevious doses, typically intravenously, may lead to multiple study by Goodman and Baron.30 Another in-depth systemicsideeffectsbutthesearehighlyunlikelyin article by Tsau et al31 examined the procedural the topical doses used in scar treatment. However, techniques available. Studies to evaluate these cutaneous use does include side effects that might methods areoftendifficultbecauseofsamplesizes, include telangiectases, bruising, atrophy, pain, or lackofcontrols,objectivegradingscales,follow-up, pigmentary change. The other route, some say the JAMACADDERMATOL Rivera 663 VOLUME59,NUMBER4 first-linetreatment,commonlyusedforhypertrophic Table II. Surgicalmanagement scar and keloid treatment is intralesional injection Punchexcision becausesurgeryisoftendebatablefortheselesions. Elliptical excision Often, multiple injections spaced one or several Punchelevation months apart are required to determine the final Skin graft result and prevent excess atrophy. If a permanent ‘‘Subcision’’ filler for augmentation is used and there is overcor- Debulking rection,atrophyoftheareamaybeadesiredeffectto balance the contours. Other side effects of injected steroidsincludeintolerance,necrosis,allergy,bruis- ing,hyperpigmentationorhypopigmentation,injec- base should appear normal because it will be tionpain,andtelangiectases. elevated to the skin surface. After the punch is Another treatment modality used that focuses on done and the base elevated, it is sutured flush with hypertrophic scars and, although less effective, ke- the normal-appearing skin and allowed to heal in loidsissiliconedressing.Thereisvariablesupportto place. Finally, the surgical choice for rolling or thesiliconeitself,withresultsmorelikelyattributable depressedscars(definitelynotforicepickoratrophic to occlusion or hydration. Pressure was also one scarsorinfected areas)is‘‘subcision.’’Thiswasfirst supported mechanism along with other rationales describedbyOrentreichandOrentreich37in1995as thatincludetemperature,increasedoxygentension, an original word created from ‘‘subcutaneous inci- electrostatic properties, or immunologic effects. sionless.’’ A tri-bevel needle is probed under the There are conflicting reports as to its efficacy. One lesion through the needle’s puncture so it is not a study noted improved pruritus, pain, and pliability trueincision.Thismovementresultsinthereleasing butfoundnoimprovementinpigmentation,average ofpapillaryskinfromthebindingconnectionsofthe elevation, or minimum elevation of scars.35 A sepa- deeper tissues and creates controlled trauma that ratereviewofeffects,efficacy,andsafetydetermined leads to wound healing and associated additional that ‘‘although the mechanism of action of silicone connectivetissueformationinthetreatedlocation.It elastomer sheeting has not been completely eluci- may be necessary to perform variable depths of dated...it appears to be an effective means of sweeping, fanning, or lancingto disruptthe fibrous treating and preventing hypertrophic and keloid connections and multiple attempts or sessions may scars and can be used with little risk of serious be required. Although uncommon, there is the adverseeffects.’’Theincludedcommentarypointed potential for bruising, hypertrophy, cysts from pilo- outthat‘‘theyworkclinicallyandaresafeandquite sebaceousunitdisruption,infection,additionalscar, frankly should be part of all hypertrophic scar and orworseningofthescar. keloid therapy.’’36 Rarely,side effects include pruri- Intervention for hypertrophic scars or keloids tus,contactdermatitis,maceration,skinbreakdown, mustbedonewithcarebecausethepatientisknown xerosis,andodors. tohaveapropensityforthattypeofresponse.There isargumentregardingtheappropriatenessofsurgery SURGICAL MANAGEMENT withbothtypesofscarsbutmoresowithkeloids.If Surgical management is an essential tool in the undertaken, some say that the incision must be armamentarium against acne scarring. The icepick, within the lesion boundaries to prevent further boxcar,androllingscarsarefrequentlyaddressedby extension. In addition, steroids are commonly ad- surgery(TableII).Punchorellipticalexcisiontothe ministered locally. Therefore, the goal would be subcutaneous level is preferred for icepick scars. A more to reduce overall size or debulk rather than scar ‘‘requiring a punch larger than 3.5 mm is completelyexcise. repaired by elliptical excision or punch elevation Secondary,refiningproceduresmayalsobeused becausetheselargerdefectslendto‘dogear’forma- in the areas if desired or needed. It was found in a tion on the face.’’19 The goal is to trade a larger, study of 21 patients (10 male, 11 female; age 17-59 deeper scar for a smaller, linear closure that will years, mean age 35.52 years; Fitzpatrick skin I-III) hopefully be less noticeable and possibly fade with that there was good improvement, as rated by both time.Rarely,askingraftmayberequiredratherthan independent assessors and patients, when laser primary closure. This usually only applies if a sinus resurfacingwasdoneafterpunchexcisionofscars.38 tract or wide-based lesion is unroofed. A second Thenotedadvantagewasthatpunchexcisionelim- alternative, punch elevation, is a method of treat- inates the deeper components and allows for only ment for depressed boxcar scars. The biopsy tool superficial laser treatment with fewer passes. So, if shouldmatchtheinnerdiameterofthelesionandthe surgery is done, laser resurfacing may also be a 664 Rivera JAMACADDERMATOL OCTOBER2008 Table III. Procedural management to prevent a recurrence rather than a stand-alone treatment.AJapanesestudyof38keloids(ear,neck, Cryosurgery and upper lip) treated with surgical excision and Electrodessication postoperative irradiation on average day 4.0 6 4.9, Radiation treatment withfollow-upatameanof4.462.5years,showed Chemicalpeels significant improvement of pigmentation, pliability, Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion height, vascularity, and hardness. Recurrence rate was 21.2% overall with none observed in the crani- ofacial area. Thus, it was concluded that surgical consideration because the chance of unwanted excisionpluselectronbeamradiationstartedwithin side effects could be reduced. Medical, additional a few days is beneficial in both controlling scar surgical, or other procedural interventions are also qualityandpreventingrecurrence.40Acontroversial availableafteranysurgicalmanagementandmaybe risk-to-benefitratioissometimescitedasadeterrent appropriate. to selection of radiation. These risks include hyper- pigmentation or hypopigmentation, prolonged ery- PROCEDURAL MANAGEMENT thema, telangiectases, atrophy, and questionable Procedures will be addressed distinct from sur- increaseinmalignancies. geriesforthepurposesofthisarticle.Initially,several Topically,chemicalpeelsareanotherprospectfor procedural options will be covered within this sec- addressingthescarringleftfromacnelesions.These tion (Table III). Then following, although they are canbefromsuperficialtodeepeffectand,unlessthe technically also procedures, there will be dedicated very deep peels are used, are generally considered discussions of augmentation and light, laser, and formilderacnescarringandcertainlynoticepickor energytreatmentsbecausethesetopicsrequiremore keloid scars. Usually multiple treatments are neces- review than some of the others as a result of the sary for efficacy, although some secondary benefit diversitywithinthosecategories. is seen with acne lesions in earlier sessions. The Twosimpleproceduraltreatmentoptionsinclude expectedresultisamildblisterand/ordesquamation cryosurgery and electrodessication. Cryosurgery in- withnormalskinregeneration. volvestheuseofliquidnitrogenspray,orhistorically Light or superficial peels include alpha hydroxy solid carbon dioxide, locally. Its use is primarily for acid (glycolic, lactic, citric) or beta hydroxy acid hypertrophic scars and keloids, although it is fairly (salicylic), Jessner’s solution, modified Jessner’s so- ineffective for the latter. The mechanism is through lution, resorcinol, and low-strength (concentration directphysicaldamagebythrombosis,celldamage, \ 10%) trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Beta hydroxy orotherchanges.Sideeffectsincludepossibleatro- acidsinhibitthearachidonicpathwayand,therefore, phyorhypopigmentation,whichisquiteoftenlong decrease inflammation and may be better for sensi- lastingorpermanent.Electrodessicationinvolvesthe tiveskin.Theydonotrequireneutralizationandare use of electrical probes or elements that heat the contraindicated in pregnancy or breast-feeding.41 If tissuestodestructionandcoagulation.Thisisararely resorcinolisused,awarenessofpigmentarychanges used technique typically indicated for shaping or or direct toxicity must be kept in mind. A Jessner’s reducingthesharpedgesofboxcarscars.Ifused,this solution contains salicylic acid, resorcinol, lactic isnotisolated treatmentbutusuallywithadjunctive acid, and ethanol. Its primary risk is of hyperpig- therapies as well. There are multiple obvious side mentation and to a lesser degree the toxicity of effectsthatmayarise,mostimportantlythecreation resorcinol. That solution becomes ‘‘modified’’ with ofnewscar. theadditionofhydroquinoneandkojicacidtolower Radiation is another possible intervention also the risk of hyperpigmentation. TCA causes epider- focused on hypertrophic scars and keloids that is mal coagulative necrosis and protein precipitation availabletothephysician.Itsuseisderivedfromthe along with dermal collagen necrosis and regenera- destruction of fibroblast vasculature, decrease of tion. This mechanism may lead to scarring or pig- fibroblast activity, and local cellular apoptosis. It mentarychangesbutnotasfrequentlywhenusedat has been found that the regrowth of keloids is lowerconcentrations. proportional to the total dose of irradiation given The medium-depth peels are primarily consid- and that 900 cGy is the minimal effective dose ered to be the 10% to 40% TCA solutions. The risks recommended. Initiation of treatment, size of the just mentioned increase as the concentration in- largest fraction given, fractionation of doses, dura- creases. However, used with caution, they may be tion of treatment, or location of lesion are less very beneficial. A study introducing the CROSS important.39Thismodalityisusedmoreasanadjunct (chemical reconstruction of skin scars) method JAMACADDERMATOL Rivera 665 VOLUME59,NUMBER4 described the focal application of TCA at high contouring reduces these contrasts, lessening their concentrations directly to scars. After 3 to 6 treat- visible impact.Essentialremovalofsuperficialscars ments, 90% of patients showed good (50%-70%) can be achieved along with a reduction of deeper improvement by blinded physician assessment. scars.Inaddition,itmaybeusedasanadjuncttothe Withinthe65%TCAgroup,82%weresatisfiedwith surgicalproceduresaspreviouslymentioned. results compared with 94% satisfaction in the 100% Dermabrasion is accomplished by use of a high- TCA group. They found the technique to be safe, speed brush, diamond cylinder, fraise, or manual withthe100%TCAtreatmentsofatrophicscarsmore silicone carbide sandpaper. Superficial treatment effectivethanthe65%TCAtreatments.42 eliminates the epidermis and deep treatment re- Thepeelsconsideredtobedeepareoftenphenol movestheepidermisandpartialdermis.Oncecom- (carbolic acid) or croton oil based. These can cer- plete,re-epithelializationbymigrationofcellstothe tainly be more effective but carry an even greater healing surface stems from the adnexal structures potential for side effects including acne, milia, der- includinghairfollicles,sebaceousglands,andsweat matitis, pigmentary alteration, secondary infection, ducts. Thus, neck, chest, and back are not ideally atrophy, or scarring. Both the positive and negative suited for treatment because of paucity of adnexal results of the peel are based on the concentration, structures.45Inaddition,insimilarfashion,burnsand duration, skin type, prior medical or surgical inter- hypertrophicscars,ormorecommonlykeloids,have vention, location, sun exposure preprocedure and a poor response because of their lack of adnexa.46 postprocedure,concomitantmedications,andother Meticulous wound care should be emphasized factors. One specific fact of great physician and throughout the entire postoperative course. After patientimportanceisthatphenolrequiresfullcardi- healingiscomplete,improvementsmaycontinueto opulmonary monitoring and intravenous hydration be seen for months. If active, inflammatory acne because of direct cardiotoxicity that leads to lesions are present these must be controlled with decreased myocardial contraction and electrical corticosteroids,antibiotics,orretinoidsfirst.Ifinfec- activity.43 tionorahistoryofsignificantscarringisencountered, Twoother management options thatuse adirect then treatment should be postponed or avoided. mechanical means of skin removal are microder- ManypractitionersadvocatetestingforHIV,hepatitis, mabrasion and the more invasive dermabrasion. or other blood-borne diseasesprior.Otherssuggest Microdermabrasion is a usually painless, superficial prophylactictreatmentwithantibioticsandantivirals. treatmentwithmoretexturebenefitthanpermanent The aggressiveness of this procedure correlates surface change. There are variable results seen and with its side-effect profile. Included are prolonged multiple sessions are frequently required. The most erythema and healing time, eczema, milia, bacterial improvement is achieved with fine wrinkles and or viral infection, hypertrophic or keloidal scarring, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, although unroofing of unapparent wide-based scars, telangi- superficial acne scars may benefit from deeper, ectases,sun-sensitivity,treatmentdemarcationlines, more aggressive settings. Most often, aluminumox- andprolongedorpermanenthyperpigmentationor idecrystalsused with apressurizedapplication and hypopigmentation.47 As always, pigmentary con- vacuum removal system or, sometimes, crystal-free cerns are greater for darker-skinned individuals. diamond-tipped abrasive devices, are chosen. Hyperpigmentation typicallyslowlyresolves during Occasionally,sodiumchloride,sodiumbicarbonate, severalmonthsbutinitiationofpigmentaryreturnin or magnesium oxide crystals are used. Although hypopigmentation begins at approximately 4 to 6 cheaper,thesecrystalalternativesarenotasabrasive weeks, if at all, with full results at up to 1 year. The and are less efficacious.44 Side effects typically in- procedure is painful so at least local anesthesia or cludetemporarystripingofthetreatmentarea,bruis- regional blocks plus anxiolytics and anti-inflamma- ing, burning or stinging sensation, photosensitivity, tories are used, but often light or occasionally gen- andoccasionalpain.Thereisnowoundingexpected eralsedationarechosen. with the force, suction, and speed determining the ultimate depth attained. If using isotretinoin, it is TISSUE AUGMENTATION common to wait up to 6 months after the last Augmentationisafurtheralternativeformanage- applicationtominimizeprobabilityofsideeffects. mentofacnescarring.Thistopicincludesnumerous Arguably one of the most effective but operator- variations and compositions of filler substances. dependent therapies is dermabrasion. Its benefits Thosetobeaddressedmayormaynotbeavailable include removal of the skin surface and refined in the United States and the list is certainly not contouring of scars. The sharp edges of some acne comprehensive or detailed for each product men- scars cast a shadow that emphasizes the lesions; tioned. In addition, some products, such as 666 Rivera JAMACADDERMATOL OCTOBER2008 Table IV. Tissue augmentation Xenografts Autografts Homografts Zyderm (bovine) Autologen(not available) Dermalogen (notavailable) Zyderm II(bovine) Isolagen (United Kingdomand Australia) Alloderm Zyplast (bovine) Autologous fat Cymetra Resoplast (bovine) Fascian Endoplast-50 (bovine) Cosmoderm Evolence (porcine) Cosmoplast Autologen and Dermalogen, are mentioned for his- degradationsomaintenancesessionsarenecessary. toricalinterest.However,thereisanexcellent,com- Usuallythereisabenefitat3togreaterthan6months prehensive,in-depthreviewofmultiplefillingagents withsomeaccountsofuptoseveralyears.Common published several years ago by Klein48; a recent toalloftheseproductscouldbediscomfort,inflam- reviewofnon-FoodandDrugAdministration(FDA)- mation, bruising, allergy, erythema, discoloration, approved fillers by Ellis and Segall49; and a very and correction defects. Hypertrophic scars, keloids, complete,easy-to-usedermalfillerproductcompar- andicepickscarsarenotindicatedfortreatmentwith isonchartinaseparatepublication.50Thesealterna- this method. In addition, those with autoimmune tives may be xenografts (from a different species), diseaseshouldavoiditsusebecauseofthehigherrisk autografts (obtained from the patient), homografts ofsensitizationorallergy.Doubleallergytestsover4 (same-speciesderived),orsynthetics. to6weeksareevenrequiredforthosewithnormal An ideal filler material would be physiologic immune systems because of a delayed hypersensi- (incorporatesintothebody’stissues),simpletoplace tivityinapproximately3%ofthepopulation(2%will (injection), permanent (no degradation), and risk sensitize after the first skin test exposure).53 The free (no complications or side effects).51 Potential followingparagraphsgointofurtherdepthforafew superficial skin products may include collagen or collagen products and briefly mention multiple hyaluronic acid and deep skin productsinclude fat, others(TablesIVandV). synthetics, silicone, implants, and permanents. ThefirstinjectablefillerapprovedbytheFDAwas Although close, none available meet all of these Zyderm. The other similar products are Zyderm II criteria completely. Most of these are applicable to and Zyplast. These collagen products are derived depressedscarssuchastheatrophicrollingvariantor from a closed US bovine herd. Even though this sometimesothers.Potentialsideeffectsmayinclude helpstoensurequality,purity,andsafety,itsimmu- pain, pigmentary changes, bruising, infection, aller- nologicbasisisnoteffected,therefore,skintestsare gicreaction,hypertrophicscarringorkeloids,possi- still required.44 Type I collagen represents 95% to ble granulomas, bleeding, migration of product, 99%andtypeIIIcollagenrepresents1%to5%ofthe ulceration, tissue death, significant distortion, or product contained in prefilled syringes. Zyderm I technical error on placement. If a permanent sub- wasapproved in1981.Itisa25%suspension(3.5% stanceischosenandisplacedtoodeep,tooshallow, by weight) of collagen in saline and lidocaine solu- or overcorrected, or if there is a persistent defect, tion.Itisusuallyforshallowscars,soisplacedinthe minorsurgicalremoval,excision,electrodessication, papillarydermis.Overcorrectionisinitiallyrequired orsteroidtreatmentcouldberequired. because of water loss after placement. Two to 3 The first FDA-approved fillers were collagen months of result are typically expected. Zyderm II based. The reconstituted bovine class of collagen gainedapprovalin1983.Itisa50%suspension(6.5% hasbeenavailablesincethelate1970stoearly1980s. by weight) of collagen. Larger scars are more often However, there are various other derivations. addressed with this variant. Overcorrection is again Collagen functions as a physical augmentation me- recommended and 4 to 6 months of effect can be dium and a stimulus for scar base formation by expected.Zyplast,approvedin1985,isa35-mg/mL connective tissue encapsulation. The placement solution of collagen cross-linked with 0.0075% glu- should focus on mature scars rather than those that taraldehyde to slow reabsorption. Injection into the arenewlycreatedbecausestatic,noninflamedscars mid dermis allows for contouring and larger scar orthosewithnoongoingdiseasedemonstratelonger treatment. Overcorrection is not required and its efficacy.52 Its use is very technique sensitive, which durationofeffectmaybeupto1year. alsoaffectsthequalityanddurationofthetreatments. ArteFillorArtecollare20-volumepercentsuspen- Placementshouldbesuperficiallyinthedermisand sions of 30 to 50 (cid:2)mediameter microspheres of not in the subcutaneous tissue. There is fairly rapid polymethyl-methacrylate(alsoknownasPlexiglasor JAMACADDERMATOL Rivera 667 VOLUME59,NUMBER4 Lucite) in atelocollagen (3.5% collagen solution), e saline, and lidocaine.54 ArteFill (US) is the same mpatit se cspohmepreossiatiroensaosmAertwechoaltls(mEuarlolepreaannddmCaonreadsay)mbmutetthrie- Calciudroxya Radies y cal. Polymethyl-methacrylate is used in bone ce- h ments for joint replacements, cataracts surgeries, d dental procedures, and neurosurgical applications. acin, Thepolymethyl-methacrylateispermanentlydepos- roicelatima) siitrstieceosardnoerqrasbutnwieimdrhdeuie.dl5nel5ubcsBaetphfocueastnhuuclsratseeiteoemirntdvaiseswi.nfApiritnoshhgmynfsoibiactcreoabodlloulaaavsgbuitneoigsnemvseuseo,iesnusatkrafgcittnereioa.rtdneTinushtajaieennlrcldgye- psilon-aminocap(plusporcinegpatientplas Fibrel E maybeinitialinflammation,erythema,bruising,and discomfort from the injection of these products. A e/ne ne 2A0rt0e6Fiallrtuicseledraespaofritlilnegrfo4-rwtorin5-kyleealrinoesutecvoamlueastewdiitths ethylepropylymer ofill srineaicfteeiatiyvleasdntudtdhylee)n,pgarthosdouufbcgetrffo(eoucfpt.2Oo51ff t6tho9etaw1l2ep8raeptiaertenieatsnsstisenswstehhdoe. Polyoxypolyoxypol Pr Therewere6adverseeventsnotedwithin5patients s e d treated with 272 injections. Four (1.5%) were mild mid mi (mlalubinmiaimpliafnoleltdsoss)nbaoinlnaditnetfrwlaalomlym()0.a.7Tto%hre)yswereeasrecevtieosrenevseeirnveet(nhntesodnwuaelsaorre-, Polyacryla OutlineEvolutionBio-AlacaAgriformAquamid treatedwithintralesionalsteroidinjectionsandwere rathedsedoioltvitohinneg,r psaoastmietehnwetshatahrttaictsultehrpewrrisaeissnugblltyes,iancigttuwpaulalybslainsphopeteedda.reIinnd Synthetics Polylacticacid NewfillSculptra better at 5 years than at 3 months to 1 year. It was taswoacesoqtobnfrrefanldeiA6prentcce%eo)nrlto.odussviItfdnsedneagtuurieirjnotcessicdidlsooapceiuzltrdtewahreehAnebd.laaasouclTtrsieatntovhiAonoagpenelrdnn-sor.ttatoegethSeuohFdreeaftfimeufnovlditlnccehltowtp(arpeoaa(gcear1plbiorosopsaeimuvuinrrtsisoaiesjLdteechled)enamchnuudwtttiic’imacevsoaaettvesenasselkanrnsyaodinioannbcwfdblortiwleaenetolshliercajananeeaafsggfeceturrreetdtodeesaynremqqbef.r5fiamuulto6ehvbsiimorreia4edeenri%rlddee2s-- Hyaluronicacid HylaformHylaformPlusRestylaneRestylaneFineLinesPerlaneCaptiqueJuvedermDermalive(plus40%acrylate)Dermadeep(plus40%acrylate)TeosylRevidermIntra(plusdextran) was approximately 20% to 30% volume loss after injection from fluid reabsorption.57 Dermalogen, ne a also unavailable, was similar to Autologen but it ox wfseuicnbsarecees.eres.anSIleenloovdbaegdtfreaoadnirlniitcveiio,nidrnjase,tlcfe,srtrkobiioilmaninzcsetteedtsrios,itfasspulw,terhfie-uembrneaa3gnrn.ai5kloly%e,tdariennsqodtsauklucpiitrntreii.ocodnonIbltlepwafwgroeeearrsnees- mentation Silicone AdatosilSilikon1000BiopolimeroSilskinPolydimethylsilgel crylate. g ha rbeeqeunireddonoevewr titimheeaacnhd oavdemrcinoirsrteracttiioonn.shAoudludrahtaiovne ueau gen) gen) yl-met hboacuafhnmIbinkeaetevrnndoeeddcsfo.uki5tlic8lneaa.gdrIoetnuimnnaudc1set93lb9lu2elt,aoimrAg6pllrloaamdfnteotedrndmetrhbisvyiseiwdnacafnirssoimoarelnlgotriugsalsetahunreeliycr- TissTableV. PMMA ArteFill(plusbovinecollaArtecoll(plusbovinecolla PMMA,Polymeth 668 Rivera JAMACADDERMATOL OCTOBER2008 thaninjectedsoonlyalimitednumberofacnescars overcorrection must be done because a percentage may benefit from its use. There is no skin testing of the injected material is initially or permanently required and there is possible longer benefit as a nonviable.Thereabsorptionratevariesbylocation, result of the method of placement. Cymetra is a amount injected, technique, or other factors. micronized, injectable from of Alloderm. It is allo- Variable reports of 6 to 18 months’ duration may genic acellular human collagen obtained from beseen.Onestudyofautologousfattransplantation screened, standardized US skin and tissue banks. It included43patients(24women,19men;age22-69 isadriedproductthatrequiresresuspensionbefore years, mean 34.5 years), 23 specifically with acne use. Again, no skin testing is necessary before scars,with3-to48-month(mean26months)follow- injectionbutmultipleinjectionsovertimeandover- up to evaluate graft survival. It found that the correctionarebothadvised.59 greatest resorption was in areas of fibrotic acne Isolagen, available in the United Kingdom and scars and 65% remained at 3 months, 50% at 6 Australia, is an autologous isolation of fibroblasts months,40%at9months,and30%at12months.The obtained by a punch biopsy specimen from the authors suggested that this was possibly because of patient. The tissue is sent to a laboratory where the decreased vascularity and, thus, viability.63 It has company cultures the fibroblasts and then places also been reported that including adipose-derived them in an injectable suspension. That product is stemcellswiththeinjectedfatimprovesresults.At6 returned to the clinician for use within 1 day of months, fat with the stem cells weighed 2.5 times receipt. There are few side effects because it is more than the fat-only group and demonstrated a autologous,however,thecompanydoesstillsuggest greatervolume.Inaddition,thestemcellefreegrafts skin testing for this product. This is another sub- appeared more fibrous at 6 months as compared stance that loses volume initially so more than one with the adipocytes richeappearing grafts.64 This injectionwithovercorrectionisusuallystandard. finding may improve long-term results or lead to An available bovine collagen in 3.5% or 6.5% other valuable research. The benefit is direct aug- solutionisResoplast.Becauseofitsderivation,askin mentation from the adipocytes if they are vascular- test is required before use. Endoplast-50 consists of ized and can function normally or, some propose, solubilized elastin peptides in bovine collagen. from their contribution to fibrosis and physical Fascian was introduced in 1998 as allogenic human enhancementofthearea.Asstated,severalsessions cadaver collagen from fascia lata or gastrocnemius arerequiredandbruising,erythema,ormildinflam- fascia. There are 5 particle sizes: 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, mation may occur with a report of unilateral blind- and 2.0 mm. Neocollagenesis from the ingrowth of nessasaresultofintravascularinjectionevennoted. fibroblasts occurs after injection of the product.60 Excess fat may be frozen for later use and there are Cosmodermwascreatedin2003asahuman-derived noimmunologicconcernsbecauseitcomesfromthe collagenproducedunderlaboratoryconditionswith patient. extensive safety testing. On completion, it is mixed ‘‘Silicone,’’ a term consisting of polymers in the into a solution of lidocaine for injection. No skin familyoftheelementsilicon,mostcommonlypoly- testing is required and 3 to 7 months of benefit can dimethylsiloxane (silicon, oxygen, methane), is a be expected. Cosmoplast is yet another laboratory- permanentinjectable.Itissafe,nonmutagenic,non- createdhuman-derivedcollagen.Itisalsoputintoa carcinogenic, and nonteratogenic despite scattered lidocainesolutionforuseanddoesnotrequireskin case reports of adverse events. The mechanism of tests. This product, however, is cross-linked with action is from physical filling of connective tissue glutaraldehyde to resist degradation and hopefully defects and possibleproduction of fibroticcollagen prolong effect.61 A newer, porcine-derived product that encapsulates the injected material (a foreign is Evolence. It contains ribose moieties that are body)preventingmigration.Finalresultscouldtake cross-linked to the collagen. No skin testing is months while the collagen is deposited and re- necessary and refrigeration of the injectable is not models. In addition, it is not altered, metabolized, needed. There may be up to 1 year of effect after ordestroyedbythehumanbody.Consideringallof placement.62 thesefacts,undercorrectionisoftenprudentinitially. Autologousfatisanotheralternativeforaugmen- Side effects, including injection pain, mild inflam- tation, first noted in 1893, to improve acne scars. mation,edema,hyperpigmentationorhypopigmen- Thesecellsareobtainedfromthepatient’sownbody tation,andpoorplacement,arepossiblebutcanbe so must be harvested by liposuction or other reduced with meticulous detail. Silicone is not a methods. Injection is into the subcutaneous area, growthmediaforbacteriaorotherorganismsandno althoughsomesuggestdermalapplicationisaccept- true allergies have been reported, so skin tests are able as well. It is good for contour defects but notrequiredbeforeuse.

Acne is a prevalent condition in society and often results in secondary damage in the form of acne scarring was found in 1.7 per 1000 for both sexes
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