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F A L S E M E M O R Y S Y N D R O M E F O U N D A T I O N N E W S L E T T E R NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 Dear Friends, chiatry such as Robert Rockwell and Bennett Braun. Still, most of mainstream culture will likely shrug off “Ritual abuse may now seem an almost quaint aber- the satanic ritual material as insignificant patter from an ration, a temporary fad that seized the popular imagi- obsessed minority of believers. More disturbing are the nation, as outdated as hula-hoops or disco fever.” mainstream purveyors of misinformation that foster beliefs Fister, B. (2003). The devil in the details: Media representation of “ritual that have so tragically harmed people. (See p. 3) In a forth- abuse” and evaluation of sources. Studies in Media & Information Literacy coming issue of Consciousness and Cognition, Kathy Education,3(2). http://www.utpress.utoronto.ca/journal/ejournals/simile (Accessed October 16, 2006.) Pezdek and Shirley Lam write that the researchers who have studied false memories are guilty of doing bad science. That The observation above may seem overly optimistic is a serious assertion. Fortunately, Kimberly Wade and col- when you read some of the articles in this newsletter. leagues provided a scholarly and powerful response. Amazingly,belief in satanic ritual abuse continues to thrive Anew paper by Constance Dalenberg, Ph.D., appeared in far too many places. For example, British Columbian in October (See p. 4) and was described by one naive read- Donna Krahn has filed a lawsuit against therapists that she er as a “scholarly, thoughtful, non-defensive and non-emo- alleges encouraged her to believe she had been sexually tional” argument that recovered-memory evidence should abused in bizarre satanic rituals and, as a consequence, she pass the “Daubert criteria.” Because this paper will be used lost custody of her children. (See p. 5) The suit names Elijah in legal contexts, we think that it is important to examine it House in Canada and retired law-enforcement chaplain carefully. In a box in the article’s second page (275) we Steve Oglevie, a self-styled Biblical counselor in Idaho who learn from the paper’s summary “Key Points” that a claims to have removed “mind-control systems” from over “Review of the weight of the evidence of the phenomenon 375 persons in the last 12 years. (Several FMSF families of recovered memory by the fair-minded scientist” would have written to us about Steve Oglevie.) allow it into courtrooms. Thus we also learn Dalenberg’s “How can this still be going on?” you might wonder.In view of all the scientists who disagree with her: they're not September, Australian investigative journalist Richard just wrong, they are not even fair-minded. Guilliatt published an article about a “healing” center in that Dalenberg's views are made even clearer by her omis- country that may provide a clue: Christian “healing” pro- sion of the word “alleged.” On page 277 she writes: “attacks grams are under the radar of monitoring agencies. (See p. 8) on recovered memory began in the 1980s and 1990s, clear- No one has jurisdiction over the practices in such centers. ly in response to the need for a legal strategy to defend If you believe everything that you read, you would con- accused molesters.” (Which is worse—accused molesters or clude that Australia has a big ritual abuse problem. Last un-accused molesters?) April, the Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse, with Dalenberg’s pettiness can be startling. She identifies government funding, published “Ritual Abuse & Torture in Elizabeth Loftus—not as a member of the National Australia. (See p. 6) Given the fact that the report was fund- Academy of Science and the American Academy of Arts ed by the government, endorsed by two prominent psychol- ogists, and contains an impressive number of references, a In this issue... naïve reader might assume that the report is fair and reason- able. Superficially it seems impressive, but to anyone famil- Lost in Therapy..................................................................8 iar with the topic the references are a hodge-podge. From Our Readers ..........................................................11 Included in the stew are self-published papers posted on the Bulletin Board..................................................................14 web and articles by people discredited in mainstream psy- The next e-mail newsletter will be sent in mid-January. The next mailed newsletter will be sent in early March. 1955 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-5766, 215-940-1040, Fax 215-940-1042, www.FMSFonline.org and Sciences, not as past-president of the American their memories were more talented in forgetting emotional Psychological Society and winner of its prestigious William stimuli than survivors who always remembered the abuse. James Award, not as winner of the $200,000 Grawemeyer Elke Geraerts and her colleagues at Maastricht University Award, nor the American Psychological Association's 2003 studied this claim and “found no support for the hypothe- Award for Distinguished Scientific Applications of sis.”[1] This study replicates work of McNally, Clancy and Psychology, not even as the top ranked woman in the colleagues in 2000 and 2004. The authors observe that “on Review of General Psychology’s list of 100 Most Eminent the basis of the empirical literature on emotional memory, it Psychologists of the 20th Century. Dalenberg’s sole is hard to understand how traumatic events could be disso- description of Loftus is on page 277: she is identified as one ciated or repressed.” ( http://www.personeel.unimaas.nl/ of three “professional witnesses.” E.Geraerts/Geraerts%20et%20al_2006a_BRAT.pdf) One Dalenberg is not a fan of the FMS Foundation, nor does more myth about recovered memories has been put to rest. she seem to know much about it. On page 277 she writes We began the newsletter with a quote from a web arti- that the FMS Foundation “identifies media coverage as its cle called “The devil in the details: Media representation of most important objective.” The purposes of the Foundation ‘ritual abuse’ and evaluation of sources.” The author, a as stated beginning in its articles of incorporation and con- director of college library instruction, analyzes how infor- tinuing in its brochures are: mation is presented in various media using the ritual abuse phenomenon as an example. It explains how the various To seek the reasons for the spread of False Memory media either check facts—or not check—for the works that Syndrome; they publish. Newsletter readers may find both the short To work for the prevention of new cases of False Memory history of ritual abuse and the other information helpful.[2] Syndrome; and Finally, don’t miss the first part of the retractor story “Lost To aid the victims of False Memory Syndrome, and to in Therapy.” (p. 8) When we received the copy, the writer bring their families into reconciliation. had added: “Whew, it is quite something to tell that again! Dalenberg goes beyond pettiness when she says on I hope that this type of ‘therapy’is truly coming to an end page 285 that the work of other FMSF Advisors “calls to as any kind of legitimate treatment.” And so do we all. mind the fight by cigarette manufactures to ignore the evi- Pamela dence of smoking and cancer...[they] had a Scientific 1. Geraerts, E. et al. (2006). Retrieval inhibition of trauma-related Advisory Board similar to the False Memory Syndrome words in women reporting repressed or recovered memories of child- Scientific Advisory Board.” hood sexual abuse. Behaviour Research and Therapy,44(8), 1129-1136. After defining dissociative amnesia as “amnesia for 2. Fister,B. (2003). The devil in the details: Media representation of abuse that has not been recovered” (p. 278) Dalenberg tells “ritual abuse” and evaluation of sources. Studies in Media & us: “First, the diagnosis of dissociative amnesia can be Information Literacy Education,3(2). made in the absence of memory recovery,and the diagnosis http://www.utpress.utoronto.ca/journal/ejournals/simile is typically made before memory is recovered (if amnesia is Withering Review: not permanent). Second, the diagnosis of dissociative amne- The Body Never Lies: The Lingering Effects of Hurtful sia requires not only that the client be amnestic for one or Parenting,byAlice Miller. Norton. more important events, but that the amnesia (not the trau- Alice Miller influenced many people toward belief in ma) causes significant distress.” (p. 283) Thus we learn recovered memories of parental abuse in the 1980s with Dalenbergbelieves that clinicians can tell in the absence of her first book: The Drama of the Gifted Child. Carol even a recovered memory that someone has been abused Tavris doesn’t “spare the rod” in an October Times and that the un-recovered memory causes significant dis- Literary Supplement review of Alice Miller’s new book, tress—she has cast herself back to the days of checklists of The Body Never Lies. Tavris suggests that Miller “has “signs and symptoms” of abuse that long ago were thor- been writing the same book for years, and its theme is sim- oughly discredited as a means for diagnosing past sexual ple: it is time to get rid of the Fourth commandment to abuse. honour thy father and mother....I’d say there is no excuse Lest readers feel discouraged, the negative articles and for what seems a wilful blindness to the advances of sci- stories we have mentioned are a minority, but it remains ence in her own profession, especially one that has such a important to be aware of what our critics think. The good direct impact on her clients’ and devoted readers’ lives. news is that memory researchers continue to publish papers but obviously there is: she was an abused child.” that help to clarify false/recovered memory questions. For example, one argument that has been made is that survivors Times Literary Supplement,October 25, 2006. Available: http://tls.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,25347-2421372,00.html of childhood sexual abuse who said that they had repressed 2 FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 Aaron T. Beck, M.D., Receives household names like Sigmund New Complaint About False LaskerAward Freud.” Memory Research Two studies published this sum- FMSF Advisor Aaron Beck, M.D. Soon to appear are a series of arti- mer demonstrate the effectiveness of has been chosen as a 2006 recipient of cles discussing the methods by which cognitive therapy in another new area: the Lasker Award for Clinical Medical researchers have been studying false Somatization Disorder, a condition in Research. The annual awards are given memories. Kathy Pezdek and Shirley which patients suffer from unexplained for “stunning” achievement in basic Lam [1] claim that researchers have physical symptoms.[1, 2] The problem is and clinical research in medicine and misused the term “false memory,” have extremely frustrating for both patients have often been likened to Nobel used the wrong methodologies to study and doctors. It is also expensive: one Prizes. A $100,000 honorarium is false memories and that they have mis- study found that such patients “incur given with the award. applied their conclusions to real world medical expenses that are six to 14 Dr. Beck has transformed the treat- situations. They argue that the term times higher than the national aver- ment of depression and many other “false memory,” as introduced by age.”[3] mental health conditions with the Loftus in 1992, referred to the specific According to Arthur Barsky, a pro- development of “Cognitive therapy.” situation of planting a memory for an fessor of psychiatry at Harvard The chairman of the Lasker jury, Dr. entirely new event. They surveyed the Medical School and an expert on this Joseph Goldstein said that cognitive literature and found that most research problem, most experts believe that the therapy “is one of the most important examined flawed memories, not the patients have histories of childhood advances—if not the most important implanting of a new event. The authors physical or sexual abuse or other trau- advance—in the treatment of mental argue that flawed memories and false ma. But Barsky questions: “Childhood diseases in the last 50 years.” memories are not the same phenome- experiences are presumably important, When patients are treated with non, “nor are identical cognitive but there are no good data” about their cognitive therapy they learn to “head processes likely to underlie the two.” effect. (Some patients whose doctors off or defuse self-defeating thoughts Listed under false memory research believe the problem stems from child before acting on them.” The Lasker have been studies in source monitor- abuse have been subjected to memory jury said that Dr. Beck had set a new ing, intrusion errors, post-event sug- exhuming.) A major obstacle in treat- standard for determining the effective- gestion and social beliefs. Pezdek and ing these patients has been their lack of ness of any type of psychotherapy. Lam claim that these are studies of insight into their own problems. Cognitive therapy has been studied in flawed memories and the results Cognitive therapy apparently helps clinical settings more rigorously than should not be generalized to implanted patients develop this insight and gain any other form of therapy. Many psy- “memories” in child sexual abuse some control over the symptoms so chiatrists, however, have resisted or cases. that they show improvement in their even rejected the findings. Kimberly Wade and colleagues functioning. Dr. Beck, 85, has been at the responded to the Pezdek and Lam Goldstein, J. (2006, September 17). Penn psy- University of Pennsylvania for more paper. Wade et al. found that it is chiatrist to be honored today.Philadelphia than 40 years. He began developing “common practice in the field of cog- Inquirer,1. cognitive therapy when he found that 1. Allen, L.A., et al. (2006, July 24). nitive psychology to use the term ‘false Freudian theories did not explain what Cognitive-Behavioral therapy for Somatization memory’to describe to a wide range of Disorder.Archives of Internal Medicine, 166 was going on with depressed patients. episodic memory distortions” and it (14). When he began his research with cog- has been used in that way at least since 2. Smith, R.C. et al. (2006, July). Primary care nitive therapy in the 1950s, he set out clinicians treat patients with medically unex- the mid-1970s. Thus, it is not reason- to prove that anger turned against the plained symptoms: Arandomized controlled able to claim that researchers have not self played a central role in depression, trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21 been studying the term as it was origi- (7), 671. When he tested his theories against nally intended. Pezdek and Lam’s def- 3. Boodman. S.G. (2006, August 29). Why real patients, however, Beck found that inition appears to be unique. does it still hurt, Doc?. Washington Post. depressed patients were not angry at Retrieved from www.washingtonpost.com/ Wade et al. discuss the problems of others but “tended to see themselves in wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/28/ distinguishing between “memory AR2006082800784.html on August 29, 2006. very negative ways... as losers.” flaws” and “false memories.” They c Peter Levendusky, director of psy- note problems in the research cited by chology at Harvard University’s Pezdek and Lam and suggest that “Memory is deceptive because it is col- McLean Hospital, commented that in although making such a distinction is a ored by today’s events.” mental health Beck is “only rivaled by Albert Einstein worthy goal, they provide neither crite- FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 3 ria that could be operationalized nor press). False claims about false memory research. cially 1) incomplete encoding and 2) Consciousness and Cognition.(2006), sound theoretical reasoning. Wade et ordinary forgetfulness. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2006.07.001. al. argue that it seems unhelpful “to 3. Pezdek, K. (In press). It’s just not good science. Incomplete encoding refers to the distinguish between false memories Consciousness and Cognition. (2006), fact that under situations of stress and doi:10.1016/j.concog.2006.05.006 and memory flaws on the basis of how trauma, one may remember important much new information they contain.” In the spirit of full disclosure: This parts of an event at the expense of Wade et al. also address the com- writer’s personal experience with Kathy other, less important parts. The classic Pezdek suggests that she has a strong bias plaint about generalizing research example is that you can remember a onthe subject of recovered repressed mem- such as in misinformation experiments man pointing a gun at you, but cannot ories. Readers can evaluate her comments to real world settings. The authors remember what the man's face looked from a 1993 radio interview whose tran- remark that this can be a concern with like—because your attention was script is available at: http://www.vuw. any laboratory research. They note that focused entirely on the gun. ac.nz/psyc/staff/maryannegarry/index.aspx scientists agree: “[I]f the study has In the references of the Pezdek Incomplete encoding is normal, but strict experimental control, that is high response, the following were listed as the this is not the same thing as forgetting internal validity, and addresses basic authors of “False claims about false mem- an entire traumatic event; you will theoretical questions, then it makes lit- ory research: Wade, K.A., Sharman, S.J., never forget that you had a gun point- Garry, M., Memon, A., Mazzoni, G., tle difference whether it is conducted ed at you. In other words, there is Merckelbach, H., et al. It is strange that all in the laboratory or in the field… excellent scientific consensus that the authors except Elizabeth Loftus are demonstrating phenomena across a incomplete encoding occurs, but no mentioned. Loftus is the only et al. variety of settings strengthens the evi- consensus that amnesia for an entire dence for those phenomena.” c traumatic event can occur. Troubling New Paper: Pezdek has the last word. [3] She Dalenberg confuses these two phe- Purveying Beliefs that reiterates that there are two definitions nomena. For example, in her second Have Harmed Others of false memories. The phrase can be bullet point in the article, she states “a Dalenberg, C. (2006). Recovered memory used for memories of an entirely new large body of research with animal and and the Daubert criteria: Recovered event that never occurred or it can be human participants has documented memory as professionally tested, peer used for changes in details of an impairment of memory after periods of reviewed, and accepted in the relevant observed event. Pezdek says that it is great stress and fear.” That statement scientific community. Trauma, Violence & bad science to use the same term for of course is true—as illustrated by the Abuse, 7(4), 274-310. both. example of remembering the gun but Constance Dalenberg’s new paper We doubt anyone would argue that not remembering the assailant's face. argues that people who have recovered the term “false memories” has been But it does not follow that any of this memories of past abuse should be used as Pezdek describes, but does that research has documented that someone allowed to testify in court. There are make the use “bad science”? The can be unable to remember an entire two major conceptual flaws in the arti- world is full of superordinate and sub- traumatic event, as opposed to simply cle, however, that lead the reader ordinate categories. For example, fruit failing to encode a piece of it. astray. The first is the failure to explic- is a word that encompasses pears, Dalenberg is misleading the reader by itly define terms. For legal purposes, apples, bananas, etc., the subordinate implying that scientific consensus on the question is whether there is scien- categories. ‘False memories’ is a the first issue is equivalent to scientif- tific evidence for the hypothesis that superordinate category. Superordinate ic consensus on the second issue. one could experience a major traumat- and subordinate categories are useful Now consider the issue of ordinary ic event (such as childhood sexual depending on the purpose. It is not forgetfulness. Although not a techni- abuse), then be unable to remember uncommon to refer to things by their cally defined scientific term, this refers that entire event for a period of time, superordinate category, but no one has to the fact that memories gradually and then be able to “recover” the mem- ever said that doing so is “bad sci- fade over time, especially for events ory later. In the article, Dalenberg ence.” that are not perceived as profoundly appears to refer to this phenomenon as 1. Pezdek, K., Lam. S. (In press). What research important. Then, at some later point, paradigms have cognitive psychologists used to “traumatic amnesia” followed by something reminds us of the event and study “False memory,” and what are the implica- “recovered memory.” However, upon tions of these choices? Consciousness and it comes back to mind. For example, reading the article in more detail, it is Cognition.(2005). most people have ordinary forgetful- doi:10.1016/j.concog.2005.06.006) clear that she is mixing together sever- ness for their experiences in second 2. Wade, K.A., Sharman, S.J., Garry,M., Memon, al other phenomena, including espe- A., Mazzoni, G., Merckelbach, H., Loftus, E.F. (In grade—but if they stop to think about 4 FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 it for a while, they can probably recall The second major conceptual flaw Woman Sues Christian-Based anumber of details from second grade, in the Dalenberg paper—and one that Pastoral Counseling Service for such as the name of their teacher, vari- also misleads the reader in a subtle False Memories of Satanic Abuse ous incidents that occurred, etc. They way—is the implication that scientific Donna Marie Krahn, 46, is suing may even recall a traumatic event, consensus on specific aspects of mem- the Elijah House in Canada, and Steve where perhaps they were humiliated in ory research translates into scientific Oglevie Biblical Counseling in Idaho, front of the class because their desk consensus on “traumatic amnesia.” alleging that counselors Brian and was dirty, or because they couldn't For example, looking at yet another Della Headley and Stephen Oglevie answer a question. But obviously, this bullet point, Dalenberg states that treated her with techniques such as is not “traumatic amnesia” in which an “consensual acceptance of mecha- dream interpretation and mind-control individual is literally unable to remem- nisms for recovered memory are found deprogramming (i.e. hypnosis). As a ber an entire traumatic event; it is just in the experimental literature, includ- result, she came to believe that she had ordinary forgetfulness. Once again, ing research on directed forgetting, for- been physically, sexually and satani- scientists would certainly agree that getting after emotional constriction, cally ritually abused by her husband ordinary forgetfulness, with later and state dependent learning research.” and members of her family and others. recovery of the memory, can happen Dalenberg is of course correct that The complaint says that the all the time; however there is no con- there is general acceptance of many Headleys and Oglevie encouraged sensus that individuals can be rendered findings in these areas—but it does not Krahn to isolate herself from her fami- unable to remember a traumatic event follow that a consensus on various ly and children. Krahn claims that the and then later “recover” the memory. memory mechanisms translates into a treatment compromised her capacity to Once again, Dalenberg is misleading consensus that people could become parent her seven children, and, as a the reader by implying that scientific unable to remember an entire traumat- result, she lost custody in the ensuing consensus on the first issue is equiva- ic event. For example, there is exten- divorce. lent to scientific consensus on the sec- sive research using imaging of the Details of Donna Krahn’s treat- ond. brain to see what areas “light up” when ment are described in the Krahns' By way of illustration, let us look people recall traumatic events as Divorce Judgment in 2001,[1] written again at one of Dalenberg’s bullet opposed to recalling neutral events. by Justice R.A. McKinnon. The Justice points, where she states that “dozens of One might speculate, on the basis of wrote: major psychological organizations these imaging findings, how, hypothet- across the country and across the globe ically, some mechanism could occur “Although I am concerned about have acknowledged the phenomenon whereby the brain might perhaps be damaging the reputation of well- of recovered memory.” Certainly it is able to develop amnesia for a traumat- meaning people, it is clear on the evi- true that groups such as the American ic event. These speculations may be dence that I accept, that Mr. and Mrs. Headley and Mr. Oglevie hold Psychological Association have stated interesting, but they do not in any unorthodox views. It is also clear that, that it is possible to forget childhood sense translate as a scientific consen- however well meaning, they engage in events, including even traumatic sus that people actually can develop “therapy” that is potentially harmful events, and later remember them. But amnesia for traumatic events. In short, to those affected.” of course that is not synonymous with even though there is a consensus on the “It is evident from the brochures having amnesia, where one is literally imaging findings per se, there is no and records that neither of the thera- unable to remember the event for a consensus that people could actually pists had any appreciable qualifica- block of time, and then later “recover” develop amnesia for an entire traumat- tions to provide counseling and cer- the memory. ic event. Once again, Dalenberg is mis- tainly neither were in a position to In short, much of Dalenberg’s leading the reader by implying that sci- assess or diagnose serious psychiatric paper is rendered almost uninter- entific consensus on the first issue is illnesses such as “dissociation” or pretable because of the fact that wide- equivalent to scientific consensus on Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is ly accepted phenomena, such as the second. evident from the outset that they in incomplete encoding and ordinary for- c fact delved into early childhood expe- getfulness, are intermingled with non- riences, emotional development, sexu- “The past is malleable and flexi- al development, and relationship accepted phenomena, such as the theo- ble, changing as our recollection issues.... Although the director of the ry of “traumatic amnesia” in which one interprets and re-explains what has Elijah House asserts they did not would be literally unable to remember happened.” engage in “recovered memory thera- an entire traumatic event. py,” it is certainly evident from the Peter Berger 5 FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 sparse notes I have reviewed that discovering your authentic self, gener- in law enforcement to whom that hap- indeed themes of abuse were dis- ational healing, prenatal wounding, pened, but most, such as Ken Lanning cussed and further Donna did develop healing for abandonment, and healing changed their minds because of the recovered memories of rather extraor- for invalidation.” lack of evidence.) dinary abuse as a child. It is further Stephen Oglevie is a retired law- Oglevie still gives seminars for evident that her sisters noted a decid- enforcement chaplain who has been therapists. In an announcement for a 3- ed change in her personality and func- obsessed with mind control program- day Mind Control Programming tioning and expressed concerns to her ming and satanism for many years. He Seminar ($480) given in July 2006 in and to the therapists as to their percep- tions and concerns. These were reject- portrays himself as an expert in the Salt Lake City posted on the web,[2] he ed by the therapists.” area of satanic ritual abuse and states: Some of the bizarre things in repressed-memory syndrome. He fre- “I am not a ritual abuse survivor, which Mrs. Krahn came to believe quently conducts week-long depro- but I am privileged to work with those were that she had 500 alternate person- gramming sessions in Idaho for who are survivors. Most of these have alities and that both her family and her patients referred to him by other thera- grown up in multi-generational cult husband’s families were members of pists. In 1992 when he had recently families so their abuse and program- transgenerational satanic and witch moved to Idaho, he was quoted exten- ming began very early in childhood. craft cults. She also believed that she sively in a Los Angeles Times ... These mind-control systems are had memories of prenatal wounding in Magazine article about satanic implanted in the mind while undergo- ing very systematic physical, medical, her own mother’s womb where she beliefs.[1]Oglevie expressed belief that spiritual, and psychological abuse. had met her biological twin who had satanists had gained power in many died at birth. Justice McKinnon noted: government institutions. He appears to “I have discovered that there are have become a believer in the exis- four basic elements to ritual abuse that “Instead of exercising prudence and need to be addressed in order for tence of satanic cults during the period caution, the counselors seem to have recovery to take place: 1) Memories of McMartin and the other day care encouraged the elaboration of these of Trauma, 2) Dissociation/ memories and in fact encouraged her cases. (Oglevie is not the only person Multiplicity, 3) Teaching and Training to further attend Mr. Oglevie in and 4) Conditioning. These can all be Idaho...” “The experts say that some of resolved at the cognitive level, but all 1. Krahn v Krahn,2001BCSC1186 (CanLII), (2001- the more extravagant responses to four can be controlled by a fifth ele- 08-16) Docket: E1212. satanism arise from the universal ment, that of mind-control program- Fraser,K. (2006, October 12). B.C. woman suing human fears it evokes—fears of over alleged false memories. Times Colonist ming of which the client may or may (Victoria, BC), A6. blood rituals, murder, cannibalism, not be aware. This seminar will c vampirism and death. But at least a address this fifth element. Who Are the Counselors in the few of the responses appear to arise “I have spent the last twelve years Krahn Suit? from more calculated human impuls- removing mind-control systems in es. ‘Some are using this for other According to sources found on the over 375 persons...” agendas,’is how the psychiatrist [Dr. Web, Brian and Della Headley are now For additional details about the Krahn Richard] Worst puts it. ‘I don’t the leaders of “The Listening Prayer case the the therapists involved see: believe in Satan. I believe in Community” in Mission, BC. http://www.lyingspirits.com/news200 sociopaths. I believe in clever, Previously they worked at Elijah 6.html#lawsuit manipulative sociopaths [therapists] House Canada. Elijah House is the 1. Siegel, B. (1992, May 17). Idaho Gothic. Los who have found another way to get ministry of John and Paula Sandford. Angeles Times Magazine. (available at www.maryel- victims, to break vulnerable, inade- lenmark.com/text/magazines/la_times/216O.html ). In an article in the May/June 2006 2. http://truthbeknown2000.tripod.com/Truth quate people’s defenses, to manipu- FMSF Newsletter, Eunice Campbell beknown2000/id23.html late them, usually for sex. There are explained that the Sandfords had been c those who do believe in Satan, influenced by the “Inner Healing” of Does Australia Have ARitual Abuse though, and for them, here it is. This Agnes White Sanford, the major influ- and Torture Problem: is a tool. this raises them up, enlarges ence within the Christian counseling Review of a New Report them. This gives them a cause, a cru- community for belief in the need to sade.’” In April 2006, the group exhume memories. The Listening Siegel, B. (1992, May 17). Idaho Gothic. Los Advocates for Survivors of Child Prayer Community website lists a Angeles Times Magazine. (available at Abuse (ASCA) published the report seminar that includes: “Discovering www.maryellenmark.com/text/magazines/la_ti “Ritual Abuse & Torture in Australia” the family style and family baggage, mes/216O.html ) 6 FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 that can be found on the web at: Briggs and O’Neill are intentionally that the abusers are “mothers, fathers, http://www.tfyqa.biz/images/pdfs/broc making such a degrading reference to relatives, friends, neighbors, and pro- hure_ritualabuse_2006.pdf.[1] Funding the FMSF? Or do you suppose that fessionals… The victims of ritual for the report was a Victims of Violent Briggs and O’Neill are just muddled? abuse are the sons, daughters, nieces, Crimes grant from the New South Not surprisingly, the report itself is nephews, grandchildren, or foster chil- Wales Department of Corrective extremely muddled. It says, dren of perpetrators…The one factor Services. The authors identify them- “Advocates of FMS generally deny [the victims] have in common is a set selves as ASCAmembers from around that adults may forget, and then of traumatic symptoms so severe that Australia and write that the purpose of remember, traumatic events from their they have been compared to Holocaust the report was to review the existing childhood…” Does any reader of this survivors and prisoners of war…” research evidence and to compile per- newsletter know any FMS proponent A telling page in the report is sonal experiences of ritual abuse and who makes such a claim? Indeed, titled: “Why aren’t more perpetrators torture. The authors state that they advocates of FMS do say that people caught?” The answers include the hope that the report will “bring a new may forget and later remember an assertion that the “neuropsychology of perspective on ritual abuse and torture event. That is ordinary memory. extreme trauma” makes victims unable to those professionals and policy mak- People forget all kinds of things and to provide detailed disclosures; The ers whose support is crucial in expos- then remember them. They forget shame, terror and guilt of victims ing the full extent of ritual abuse in some things that they will never keeps them silent; The police are not Australia.” remember. And they may also think looking for the perpetrators; and ritual- Freda Briggs, a prominent that they remember some things that ly abusive perpetrators have demon- Australian expert in child develop- may have no basis in history. That is strated a preference for torture tech- ment, and psychologist Marie O’Neill, the nature of memory.The concerns of niques, such as electrocution and near- wrote a foreword to the report. After FMS proponents are the claims that drowning, which do not leave a mark. congratulating ASCA “for producing there is some special mechanism of One can have sympathy for the this important paper,” they write: memory that operates only in some writers of the report because of their “Although there are more than six mil- traumatic situations. The body of the naivete in understanding what quali- lion documents on the Internet report, in fact, refers heavily to the fies as evidence and for a lack of expe- addressing the issue of ritual abuse, special magical qualities of traumatic rience in evaluating the quality of few take as fair and comprehensive memories. sources. The writers do not claim to be approach as this; many of the writings The body of the report is a muddle professionals. Professionals would deny the existence of ritual abuse of various types of organized ritual surely understand that the following is despite masses of evidence to the con- abuse and torture: e.g. groups respon- not evidence of the existence of ritual trary. As a consequence, some victims sible for the sexual trafficking of abuse: “[T]he degree of disability are persistently re-abused psychologi- women and children, groups of associated with a history of ritual cally by having to deal with the fact pornography rings, terrorist groups, abuse is so high that it argues against that organized abusers, their defenders and satanic groups. It is a muddle of any ‘confabulated’ origin.” and even police refute their realities reality and invention. By grouping Professionals would not rely on self- and dismiss their reports as fantasy or some situations about which there is published web articles or from person- mental illness.” no disagreement with those for which al reports in non-peer reviewed books Who are the “organized abusers” there is no evidence, the naive reader for proof of existence of ritual abuse. to whom the writers refer? Are there can be drawn in. References need to be checked careful- not mandated reporting laws in The heart of the report is about ly. For example, the authors cited a Australia? Why are these groups not satanic ritual abuse as we have come to 1994 paper by Robert Rockwell as one named so that the police can investi- know it since the appearance of source that there really is ritual abuse. gate them? Can anyone truly conceive Michele Remembers. By associating Obviously the writers did not know that there are “defenders” of organized the old beliefs with terrorist groups that Rockwell was forced to surrender abusers? Do the writers truly believe and a new name, they are meant to his license to practice medicine that the police are so witless? The only seem more respectable. Rather than because of ethical violations.[2] group in the body of the report men- mention the criminals and the Another example of a problem is a tioned as challenging the claims of sur- unscrupulous greedy people who have paper cited by Young, Sachs, Braun vivors is the False Memory Syndrome looked the other way so that real sex and Watkins. Not only have Sachs and Foundation. Do you suppose that trafficking can operate, this report says Braun had many lawsuits filed against FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 7 them because of their practices of In 1999, Mullinar opened for child sexual assault. Mayumarri recovering memories, Walter Young Mayumarri, a Christian healing center received more than $1 million between has greatly revised his opinions on to help victims of abuse. 2003 and 2005 of which half was from these matters. There are huge problems Unfortunately, there have been many government grants. with the references. serious problems with the running of At present there are no require- The ASCA report is extremely this center. Over the years, at least ments for counselors or therapists or weak. Because it was funded by the seven complaints were lodged with persons running ‘healing’ workshops government, however, because it has government authorities, many of them to have qualifications. The New South the support of ASCA, because it has by former staff. Among the agencies Wales government intends to get the endorsement of prominent where the complaints were filed were tougher on alternative healers. researchers, and because on the sur- the police, the Health Department, and Guilliatt noted that “psychiatrists and face it appears to be well documented, Department of Family and Community other health professionals have been readers with no background in the sub- Services. The complaints alleged dan- lobbying for such regulation for years, ject may take it seriously. gerous and bizarre practices such as but the cost and complexity scares 1. See Beneath the Radar in this issue for the drug-taking, sexual indiscretions by politicians away.” history of ASCA. staff, and negligence toward the chil- 1. Guilliatt, R. (2006, September 23). The untouch- 2. See FMSF Newsletter, 7(8), December. ables. Australia Magazine. dren under care. One complaint noted c 2. ASCA’s financial statements are available on its that exorcisms were performed on website. Beneath the Radar staff. c Perhaps recovered memory beliefs One couple employed at the LOSTIN THERAPY continue to flourish within large seg- Center spoke out this year: “We had Part 1-How I got into therapy relocated to dedicate our lives to help- ments of the Christian counseling In 1990, when I was in my early ing the place, only to find it was an community because the practices take 20s, my brother was in treatment for absolute lie. I left there saying I’d place beneath the radar of ordinary alcoholism. During a Family Week never met such un-Christian people in regulations. In September, Australian visit with him, a counselor suggested my life.” This couple was also dis- investigative journalist Richard that I go to Adult Children of turbed because many people undergo- Guilliatt documented a situation in Alcoholics (ACOA) meetings. I began ing the Center’s healing program were that country demonstrating how diffi- attending those meetings, but only a ‘recovering’ memories that were very cult it can be to hold unlicensed “heal- few months later,astranger broke into similar to Mullinar’s. No action was ers” accountable for the harm they my apartment and raped me. I was taken on any of the complaints have done.[1] overwhelmed by this crisis and joined because, as Guilliatt observed: In 1993, prominent Australian a rape survivor’s support group. I “Mayumarri operates in a regulatory show business casting agent Liz stopped the ACOAmeetings. void. Mullinar and her volunteer staff Mullinar, while under hypnosis by an I attended the rape survivor’s have no medical qualifications, so they “aura reader,” believed that she had group for several years until I felt that work outside the jurisdiction of med- recovered memories of being raped by I had worked through the crisis of the ical boards and healthcare regulators. a doctor at the age of five. She soon rape. In 1990, I decided that I wanted It’s an issue causing increasing con- left the entertainment industry and to delve deeper into some problems cern as alternative healers proliferate formed a lobby group called that I had had before the rape, namely and religious organizations snare an Advocates For Survivors of Child promiscuity and depression. I talked increasing share of government wel- Abuse (ASCA). (This is the organiza- about this with other members of the fare money.” tion that recently released the report rape survivor’s group, and one sug- Liz Mullinar’s view of the causes about satanic ritual abuse in Australia.) gested going to a psychiatrist she knew of the complaints is quite different. With her many connections in the at a highly regarded hospital in the She denied arranging for an exorcism entertainment industry, Mullinar was city. She was being treated at the hos- and views the complaints as a result of able to raise millions of dollars pital for “blocked out” memories of disgruntled employees. Areview by an through private and government fund- child sexual abuse and thought maybe independent group, however, deter- ing, and she was able to obtain a great that her doctor could help me deter- mined that Mayumarri was working amount of publicity for her new cause mine if blocked memories could be my outside accepted International Society of combating child abuse. ASCA problem. My friend told me that the of Study of Dissociation guidelines became a high-profile child abuse lob- doctor had used hypnosis and sodium and mandatory reporting requirements bying group. [2] 8 FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 amytal to help find the memories, and involved talking about my feelings and The doctor and my therapist hyp- she said that my problems of past thoughts and then “sand box” therapy. notized me, but no repressed memories promiscuity and relationship problems I was supposed to make something came out. The doctor became angry at sounded like symptoms of child sexual with the sand, and the figures in the me and accused me of being manipula- abuse. I was open to the possibility, sandbox were supposed to reveal the tive. That really frightened me. I could because I didn’t understand why I had things I had repressed. not understand why she would be issues with promiscuity in the past, and I didn’t come up with any angry unless she knew I was repressing I wanted to know if child sexual abuse repressed memories working in the something or she knew I was being that had been repressed could be my sand. The therapists suggested I attend manipulative. I trusted her judgment. problem. I did not question the credi- their therapy groups for people with After all, she was the doctor and I was bility of the doctor because she worked Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), the patient. It never occurred to me that at a hospital with a good reputation. I since they believed I had Dissociative she could be misleading me. I was in a had never been to a psychiatrist Disorder (a less severe but related reputable hospital in a big city. before, and I really believed it could be diagnosis). I agreed, because I believed The doctor threatened to send me beneficial to me. It never occurred to their diagnosis of me. I was now con- home if I didn’t recover a repressed me that the doctor might not be look- vinced that I had blocked out feelings memory during the next hypnosis ses- ing out for my best interests or that I from my past and that is what I thought sion. During the next session, I told could be in any danger of harm. I my diagnosis entailed. them I had a memory of my dad sexu- called the doctor and made an appoint- I was shocked at how many MPD ally abusing me. I think that “memory” ment. patients were talking about their came from confusion about trusting repressed memories. It really made me that my therapist and the doctor both Part 2: What happened in “thera- want to know even more if I had believed I was blocking out sexual py” repressed memories. During this time, abuse from childhood and that if I had At the first of my three years of the psychiatrist told me I could be the image of the sexual abuse in my appointments, I told the doctor that I putting myself in danger if I kept con- mind, then that must be the “memory.” thought I may have blocked out some tact with my family,so I cut offcontact It never occurred to me that the thera- memories of child sexual abuse and with them. I totally trusted the psychi- pist and doctor might be wrong when that I wanted to find out through hyp- atrist and did what she suggested. they said that I had been sexually notism whether or not that was true. By now,Iwas desperate to learn if abused, but didn’t remember it. They She asked lots of questions and had me I had repressed any memories so I believed it. I wanted to know if it was make “finger signals” as a way to asked the psychiatrist to hypnotize me. true and possibly the cause of my feel- answer questions. Certain movements She said that I would need to be hospi- ings of depression and trouble in were answers to her questions. She talized in case I had a severe reaction. romantic relationships. It was then that asked questions about whether or not I I understood that rationale as other I started believing my thoughts were had been sexually abused as a child. I people in the group had talked about the memories. think that I answered these questions being hospitalized for this. I was During the next few years, the with finger signals. I did what the doc- admitted to a locked unit on the psy- Dissociative Disorders groups became tor asked, because she was the profes- chiatric floor of the hospital. Needless a Dissociative Disorders Program. sional. I moved my fingers in a way to to say, I was with very mentally ill peo- Things got worse for me. The thera- indicate that maybe I had been sexual- ple there, and it was frightening. I had pists suggested that I quit my job and ly abused. I told her that I thought per- never been treated or diagnosed with go on Social Security Disability so that haps my father had done something to any mental illness prior to this. My I could do more therapy without so me sexually. Then she asked me: mother, brother and sister had a history much stress. I did what they suggested “Have you considered that maybe all of chemical dependency, but other than with a lot of encouragement and of the members of your family abused that, no one very close to me had any coaching from other group members you?” I felt shocked at the question. experience with mental illness. I felt who had done the same thing. I lis- After the initial session, the doctor afraid and alone. My family didn’t tened to others in the groups talk about assigned me to individual therapy with know I was in the hospital. The doctor uncovering repressed memories of a therapist under her supervision who had told me to get a second opinion if being members, victims and perpetra- would follow up on the blocked out Idoubted her, but at that point, I didn’t tors in satanic cults. It was terrifying. memories. I began regular appoint- understand that a doctor could be Another group member suggested my ments with the therapist. The sessions wrong. I did not get a second opinion. strong fears probably indicated I had FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6 9 repressed memories of satanic cults as choice but to stay. I often said I doubt- ever felt in my life, and I had gone well. In my effort to rule it out, I asked ed the memories and that they didn’t through some tough times before this. for additional hypnosis treatments. I feel real to me. I often told them I felt Ifelt really alone. I wasn’t fully under- was again hospitalized and any like I was making it all up. Instead of stood by the therapists, and I was dis- thoughts that came to me I assumed validating my concern, they became connected from almost everyone in my were memories. I admitted to terrible angry and insisted I was in denial or past. I had lost confidence in my abili- things such as cannibalism and child trying to manipulate them. Bottom ty to provide for myself financially molestation and child murder. I had line, I put all my trust in them. because I believed I had this mental ill- heard others talk of these things and I ness. The worst was believing I had Part 3: How I was able to leave read the books they suggested. My other alters that I was unaware of who therapy mind was swimming in these thoughts were hurtful. Every time I presented There seemed no place else to go of satanic abuse and I believed that with an uncomfortable feeling about for help. We were in Omaha and the they were real memories. these concerns that I wanted to work therapists told us the closest therapists My quality of life was terrible. I through, I was told there must be an who could help us were in Chicago. was filled with remorse and horror alter that I was not aware of. I actually Although I had wanted to leave very much of the time. I often felt sick to was yelled at in the group setting, much on many occasions because of my stomach and could not eat. I lost “‘Susan’, get out of the way!” in refer- the emotional pain I was experiencing, weight because of all the stress, but the ence to demanding that I let my other I stayed as month after month became psychiatrist accused me of having an alters “out” in the group for therapy. three years. I stayed because I was ter- alter that was trying to starve me. The Ifinally reached a point of trusting rified of having this mental illness that groups were verbally and emotionally myself that something was terribly could not be treated successfully. The abusive. One time a therapist called me wrong. After three years, I saw no pos- clear message was that I would remain a“nasty bitch”. Some of the group ses- itive results in myself or others. unaware of my other alters and their sions lasted all day long. Frequently, Logically, it did not make sense that behavior, and I would continue to hurt hours were spent talking to one person people would go into treatment and others and myself in heinous ways if I about how they were not being honest actually feel worse. I wasn’t100% cer- left these therapists. So I remained in with the group about what their other tain that the therapy was wrong, but I Omaha. I really believed I had to stay alters were doing. It was terrifying, had enough doubt that I left. there for treatment (unless I moved to because it was believed the alters were I was terrified even when I left. Chicago for treatment), if I did not child molesters, killers, Satanists, etc. What if I was wrong and I would go on want to engage in criminal behavior Once I panicked and started saying to hurt people and not know it? Still, I and have a miserable life. whatever came to my head because I left, and contacted another patient who The irony was that I had never was so afraid of the danger I could be had left before I left. She was the same been so miserable in my life as I was putting people in. I blurted out how I person who referred me to the therapy when I was there. It finally dawned on wanted to hurt my boyfriend, and they in the beginning. We began talking me after about three years, that most called the security guards and put me about our shared concerns that the other patients in the groups left the in the locked unit of the hospital again. therapy was harmful. Things started to treatment after being frustrated with I did not have a big support system at feel better, but I suffered panic attacks what was happening. When I had first all since I had no contact with anyone for the first time in my life as I tried to started therapy there were about 30 outside of the therapy. My family did resume a normal life and return to people in the groups. At the end of the not know where I was. The night I was work. I found another psychiatrist who three years there were only about 6-10 put in the hospital, my boyfriend was validated that the treatment I had who were there consistently. The few frightened because he didn’t know received was harmful to me, and she people who remained did not appear to why I had not come home. I was not helped with my panic attacks and some be progressing in their personal lives. allowed to call him until the next day. therapy sessions. Slowly, I began to They were still very troubled, even if I remained there, because I was rebuild my life. they had returned to school or work. terrified of hurting someone without “Susan” They did not seem to be any happier being conscious of my other personali- Tobe continued: Rebuilding My Life than they were when I first met them. ties and because I was afraid I was and Reconciling With My Family One young woman killed herself. completely insane. They told me that After three years, I realized that I there was no one close who could help. “In memory’s telephoto lens, far was actually feeling the worst I had They were the elite. I felt I had no objects are magnified.” John Updike 10 FMS Foundation Newsletter NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 15 No. 6

Amazingly, belief in satanic ritual abuse continues to thrive in far too many claims to have removed “mind-control systems” from over. 375 persons in
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