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Risk Theory: The Stochastic Basis of Insurance PDF

206 Pages·1977·6.02 MB·English
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MONOGRAPHS ON APPLIED PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS General Editor8: M. S. BARTLETT, F.R.S. and D. R. COX, F.R.S. RISK THEORY The Stochastic Basis of Insurance Risk Theory THE STOCHASTIC BASIS OF INSURANCE R. E. BEARD, O.B.E., F.I.A., F.I.M.A. London, England T. PENTIKAINEN, Phil. Dr. Helsinki, Finland E. PESONEN, Phil. Dr. Helsinki, Finland SECOND EDITION LONDON CHAPMAN AND HALL A Halsted Press book John Wiley & Sons, New York First published 1969 by Methuen & 00. Ltd Second edition 1977 published by Ohapman and Hall Ltd 11 New Fetter Lane, London E04P 4EE © 1969, 1977 R. E. Beard, T. Pentikiiinen, E. Pesonen ISBN-13: 978-94-009-5783-1 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted, or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Distributed in the U.S.A. by Halsted Press, a Division of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Beard, Robert Eric. Risk theory. (Monographs on applied probability a.nd statistics) Bibliography: p. Includes indexes. 1. Insurance - Mathematics. 2. Risk (Insurance) I. Pentikainen, Teivo, joint author. II. Pesonen, Erkki, joint author. III. Title. HG8781.B34 1977 368'.001 '519 77-1637 ISBN-13: 978-94-009-5783-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-5781-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-5781-7 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1977 Contents Preface to Second Edition page xi Preface to First Edition. xiii I. Definitions and Notations 1.1. The Purpose of the Theory of Risk I 1.2. Random Processes in General 3 1.3. Positive and Negative Risk Sums 3 1.4. Main Problems 5 2. Process with Constant Size of One Claim 2.1. Introduction 7 2.2. The Poisson Process 8 2.3. Discussion of Assumptions 8 2.4. Numerical Calculations 10 2.5. Application I 12 2.6. Application 2 15 3. Generalized Poisson Distribution 3.1. The Distribution Function of the Size of a Claim 18 3.2. Generalized Poisson Function 21 3.3. The Mean and Standard Deviation of F(x) 22 3.4. Characteristic Function 24 3.5. Estimation of S(z) 3.5.1. Individual Method 25 3.5.2. Statistical Method 27 3.5.3. Problems Arising from Large Olaims 29 3.5.4. The Dependence of the S-Function on Reinsurance 30 3.5.5. Analytical Methods 33 3.5.6. Exponential Function 34 3.5.7. A Generalization of the Exponential Type 36 3.5.8. Other Types of Distribution 37 3.6. Decomposition of S(z) 37 vii CONTENTS 4. Normal Approximation and Edgeworth Series for F(x) 4.1. The Normal Approximation 41 4.2. Edgeworth Series 42 4.3. Normal Power Expansion 43 4.4. The Accuracy of the Normal Approximation 47 5. Applications of the Normal Approximation 5.1. The Basic Equation 52 5.2. Net Retention 54 5.3. Reserve Funds 58 5.4. Statutory Basis of Reserve Funds 63 5.5. The Rule of Greatest Retention 64 5.6. The Case of Several M's 65 5.7. An Application to Insurance Statistics 68 5.8. Experience Rating, Credibility Theory 69 6. The Esscher Approximation 6.1. Introduction 76 6.2. The Accuracy of the Esscher Formula 79 6.3. Some Hints for Numerical Computations 82 6.4. Examples of Numerical Applications 84 7. Monte Carlo Method 7.1. Random Numbers 91 7.2. Simulation of Generalized Poisson Function 94 7.3. Discussion on the Accuracy and a Modification 95 8. Other Methods of Calculating the Generalized Poisson Function 8.1. Inversion of the Characteristic Function 98 8.2. A Modification of the Esscher Method 99 8.3. Step Function Approximation of S(z) 99 8.4. Exponent Polynomials 100 8.5. Mixed Methods 100 8.6. Statistical Method 101 9. Variance as a Measure of Stability 9.1. Optimum Form of Reinsurance 103 9.2. Reciprocity of Two Companies 106 viii CONTENTS 10. Varying Basic Probabilities 10.1. Introduction 110 10.2. Compound Poisson Process 114 10.3. Direct Numerical Computation of the Compound Poisson Function 121 10.4. The Polya Process 124 10.5. Application to Stop Loss Reinsurance 129 n. The Ruin Probability During a Finite Time Period 11.1. The Ruin Function in Finite Time Periods 132 11.2. Calculation of lJ'N(U) by a Monte Carlo Method 134 12. The Ruin Probability During an Infinite Time Period 12.1. Introduction 137 12.2. Ruin Probability 138 12.3. Applications 147 ! 2.4. Some Approximation Formulae 151 12.5. Discussion on the Different Methods 156 13. Application of Risk Theory to Business Planning 160 Appendix A. Derivation of the Poisson Process and Compound Poisson Processes 167 Appendix B. The Edgeworth Expansion 173 Solutions to the Exercises 175 Bibliography 182 Author Index 187 Subject Index 188 IX Preface to Second Edition Since the publication of Risk Theory in 1969, there has been a continued growth of interest in the subject. ASTIN, the section of the International Actuarial Association concerned with the subject, now has well over a thousand members and there are few actuarial societies which do not include some aspects of risk theory in their education and training. A number of Universities and technical institutions now have courses of study and, on the application side, the growth in the concept of risk management, namely the technique of total financial management planning, has emphasized the im portant part played by the theory of risk. We have taken this opportunity to correct a number of misprints which have come to light. Fortunately developments have not invalidated the text as an elementary introduction to the subject, but the opportunity has also been taken to rewrite Chapter 13 to reflect the current direction of development in applications. Were a new book being written, some changes of emphasis would be appropriate and we have indicated these in the Preface, together with additional references to avoid modification of the list and alterations to the basic text. In Chapter 5.4, dealing with the statutory requirements for excess reserves above the usual provisions for unexpired risks and outstanding claims, reasons were advanced that as regards fluctu ations in risk this margin should be fixed in proportion to the square root of the size of the business. The European Economic Community have now issued a non-life directive setting out the rules for calcu lation of the minimum solvency margin so that member countries will be modifying their own legislation to conform to the provisions of the directive. The discussion on Credibility Theory in Chapter 5.8 was largely concerned with the basic principles originally developed in the U.S.A. for premium rating purposes. Over the past few years there has been a considerable research in this subject but the extent to Xl PREFACE whioh the developments are appropriate in an elementary text book is open to doubt. Fortunately the proceedings of the conference arranged by the Society of Actuaries Research Committee in September 1974 provide an effective review of the ourrent position (Credibility, Theory and Applications, Ed. P. M. Kahn, Academic Press, 1975). It is doubtful if any practical use is now made of the Esscher approximation and the N-P method is much more convenient and of adequate accuracy in most practical work. Thus the first half of Chapter 6 is now largely of historical interest. Chapter 11 dealing with ruin probability during a finite time interval does not give an adequate view of the current importanoe of this topic but the position is fluid because of the considerable effort being expended in the search for practical methods of calcu lation. Formulae are, in general, complicated and involve extensive computer based quadratures or simulation techniques. The paper by Seal in the Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (The Numerical Calculation of U(w,t) the Probability of Non-ruin in an Interval (O,t) 1974) gives a recent treatment and a fairly complete list of relevant references. In many countries studies are currently in progress in the develop ment of models for business planning where the basic operations involve a stochastic process. Not only are insurance companies interested but in many commercial and industrial firms the needs are significant so that a very large field exists for applications. Chapter 13 has been recast to provide a natural starting point for developments. This is largely based on recent work by Pentikiiinen, and further references are included in that chapter. As regards other publications, reference should be made to the important text books by Biihlmann (Mathematical Methods iIi Risk Theory, Springer, 1970) and by Seal (Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business, Wiley, 1969) which provide more advanced treatment of some of the topics in Risk Theory. Numerous papers have been presented at the various colloquia organized by ASTIN and pub lished in the ASTIN Bulletin. Further papers will also be found in SAJ (Scandinavian Actuarial Journal) and in the Transactions of the Casualty Actuarial Society. Robert Eric Beard London and Helsinki Teivo Pentikiiinen August 1976 Erkki Pesonen xii Preface to First Edition The theory of risk already has its traditions. A review of its classical results is contained in Bohlmann's paper published in the transactions of the International Congress of Actuaries, Vienna, 1909. This classical theory was associated with life assurance mathematics and dealt mainly with deviations, which were expected to be produced by random fluctuations in individual policies. According to this theory, these deviations are discounted to some initial instant; the square root of the sum of the squares of the capital values calculated in this way then gives a measure for the stability of the portfolio. A theory constituted in this manner is not, however, very appropriate for practical purposes. The fact is that it does not give an answer to such questions as, for example, within what limits a company's probable gain or loss will lie during different periods. Further, non-life assurance, to which risk theory has, in fact, its most rewarding applications, was mainly outside the risk theorists' interest. Thus it is quite understandable that this theory did not receive very much attention and that its applications to practical problems of insurance activity remained rather unimportant. A new phase of development began following the studies of Filip Lundberg, which, thanks to H. Cramer, C. O. Segerdahl, and other Swedish authors, has become generally known as the 'collective theory of risk'. As regards questions of insurance the problem was essentially the study of the progress of the business from a pro babilistic point of view. In this form the theory has its applications to non-life insurance as well as to life assurance. This new way of expressing the problem has proved fruitful and the development of the theory has since been continued by several other authors. In recent years the fundamental assumptions of the theory, and thus the range of its applications, have been significantly enlarged by the use of more general probability models, which allow, for example, for certain types of fluctuation in the basic probabilities. xiii

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