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Rishi Devra - AKA Con Artist and Violent Convicted Criminal Devra Patton West PDF

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Preview Rishi Devra - AKA Con Artist and Violent Convicted Criminal Devra Patton West

Subject: Rishi Devra – A Trail of Murder & Mayhem follows the self-appointed Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Western Hemisphere. Rishi Devra - AKA Con Artist and Violent Convicted Criminal Devra Patton West – A Trail of Murder & Mayhem follows the self-appointed ‘Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Western Hemisphere.’ This is not a bad joke or a hoax; these emails have two aims. The first is to warn the Spiritual / Metaphysical communities in Sedona & Scottsdale about the very real dangers of associating with psychopath Devra Patton West. And the second to bring about a criminal investigation into her criminal / racketeering business model that includes the following murder, attempted murder and threat of murder:- 1. MURDER. The perceived wisdom is that in 2005 Devra West murdered cult member Lisa Swidler. Devra West had motive and opportunity to be discussed in greater detail below. 2. Threatened Murder. In 2006 Devra West was, according to another member of her cult, planning to murder Dr. Pat Cole MD, a senior cult member and business partner of Devra West’s. Devra West had motive and opportunity to be discussed in greater detail below. 3. Attempted Murder. In 2007 Devra West planned to murder the whistleblower after he went public about the inner workings of her cult. Senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds, shared the plan to murder the whistleblower, in what he thought was an ‘off the record’ discussion with a news reporter two weeks before Devra West made her failed attempt on the whistleblower’s life. Devra West had motive and opportunity to be discussed in greater detail below. At this point, it would useful to know a bit about Devra West’s true life story as opposed to the totally fake life story / life journey featured on her current website. Apparently if you disguise your criminal / racketeering business model as a ‘religious’ organization you can get away with lies, deceit and propaganda without fear of prosecution even though, at the very least, it is obviously mail and wire fraud. Prior to 1990 Devra West was an ex-bankrupt, pot grower and small time crook defrauding and extorting several thousand dollars from individual victims like Jeremy Samuelson and Satya, the former being defrauded out of $10,000 and the latter out of $6,000. All this changed in 1991 when, after attending the ‘Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery,’ Devra West declared herself to be an Ascended Master. So in the space of a year or so between 1990 and 1991, our petty criminal acquired occult hidden knowledge that would enable her to move into the big time – criminally speaking. Devra West’s cult / criminal / racketeering business model has now operated in three western states and rakes in millions of dollars a year. Motive for murder if anyone gets in the way! Using the knowledge she had gained at the ‘Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery’ Devra West set herself up as a ‘divine being’ and formed a cult around herself drawing in spiritual seekers who would then be brainwashed and conditioned into submitting to her will. Under the protection of religious freedom laws, Devra West created a totally false narrative about herself that she uses to suck in victims from the spiritual communities within which she and her cult embed themselves like parasites. I do not have the time or the space here to convince the reader that the occult is real; that there is a huge body of occult (hidden knowledge) that has existed throughout time. Do your own research; suffice to say that this body of knowledge is real and for the most part known only to shamans and those initiated into the mystery schools. Because this knowledge is extremely dangerous, if it gets into the wrong hands, most initiates have to go through various levels of training over many decades to insure that they can be trusted to use the knowledge for the good of their communities. Shamans now exist mainly in the third world i.e. Africa, South America and parts of Asia the West having been ‘civilized’ and educated into believing that the paradigm they are fed by TV and the media is all there is to reality. Occasionally this knowledge gets into the wrong hands as is the case with Devra West who Satya, a fellow pupil at the ‘Robert Jaffe School of Energy Mastery,’ described as a deeply disturbed psychopathic person / personality. It was probably Devra West’s extensive use of illicit drugs that allowed her to break into altered states of consciousness and, after refining her techniques at the energy mastery school between 1990 & 1991, allowed her to use this knowledge as a weapon against her fellow human beings to line her own financial nest at the expense of others. Those shamans / witches / wizards who went rogue in the middle ages were quickly put to death, as confining them to jail did not stop them terrorizing, manipulating, making ill, injuring and murdering their enemies. Today, because the occult is not recognized in the West as being ‘real’ and because it is not recognized as a ‘weapon’ under legal statute, Devra West is free to literally get away with murder – which I have no doubt that she has on many occasions. In 1995 Devra West, her husband Jack and their young daughter, Anna, were chased out of New Mexico in the middle of the night by one gun wielding victim who, realizing that the police and the authorities were powerless to help him, decided to take the law into his own hands. When Devra West arrived in Montana in 1995, she changed her identity to the Ascended Master Devra Ji; after defrauding the public and the Montana state government out of millions of dollars, and after her charity was struck off for fraud, Devra West changed her identity again to that of the Ascended Master Surya Ma. After two arrest warrants (one for criminal check fraud and one for felony theft), a conviction for assault, becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest and after many visits to court as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits it was time to move her criminal / racketeering business model to another state. She is now operating that criminal / racketeering business model in Arizona, where she calls herself the Ascended Master ‘Rishi Devra’ and, in keeping with her narcissistic delusional belief that she is a ‘divine being’ recently announced that she was:- The Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Western Hemisphere. THE SAGE OF SEDONA and the RISHI OF THE WEST! Everything on her website is a lie, an expensive illusion paid for by the proceeds of organized crime over the past 27 years. There are no adoring followers and the photos she uses on her websites are not taken by the paparazzi or the media but are stage managed photo shoots taken inside a studio with her posing in different costumes, all with the aim of deceiving the public into believing that her delusions of grandeur are based in something more than the psychosis of someone who is criminally insane. Contrary to what Devra West has stated in the past, she is not holding open the gates of time, the Christ did not give her two fake doctorates in person and you will not be closer to God the more money you give her! Before reviewing some of the known facts around the murder of Lisa Swidler (1), the threatened murder of Dr. Pat Cole MD (2) and the attempted murder of the whistleblower (3) by Devra Patton West let me introduce the three most senior members of her cult / criminal gang i.e. Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Dr. Julio Williams MD and ex-husband Jack West. Each of who acted on the direction of Devra West to deny / cover up these crimes and in the case of Williams sought to recruit new victims. The Murder of Lisa Swidler. After the whistleblower was defrauded in 2002 he wrote to the Secretary of State for Montana and shared some of the evidence he had gathered regarding the theft of public donations given to the charity by Devra West. In quick succession the following events occurred. 1. Her charity ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ located in Victor MT was struck off the registry in January 2004 – see a copy of the Revocation Certificate. 2. After the charity was struck off for fraud, Devra West ‘stole’ the charity’s major asset, a property situated on 20 acres in Victor MT worth $1,250,000 (as valued in 2002 and largely paid for by public donations) and put it in a personal trust fund for her and her eldest son, Rob Meador. She also stole $4,000,000 (at 2002 valuations) worth of artwork and valuables paid for by public donation and put them in a lock up for ten years. When questioned during a 2009 deposition by the whistleblower’s lawyers Devra West stated that the items shown on the list of assets owned by the charity and drawn up by her own bookkeeper were either stolen or lost. In 2014, after the statute of limitations on theft had passed, these items showed up at auction in Cave Creek AZ and for sale from her website. Currently the remaining items can be seen on her website under the ‘Art Gallery’ tab. In 2005, and after the steady flow of cash donations from the public (that funded her luxurious lifestyle had ended) Devra West, desperate for cash, decided it was time to convert some of the ‘livestock’ in her cult into cash. In quick succession three cult members were defrauded / had money extorted from them and one was murdered to keep her quiet. 3. In 2005, the whistleblower was contacted by ex-student / ex-cult member Dave Kushner who told him that a two week bridging loan of $30,000 that had been negotiated by ex-student Lisa Swidler on behalf of Devra West had been reneged upon even though he had a signed document by Devra West promising to repay the $30,000 within two weeks. Not only did the Ascended Master Devra West not repay the loan she refused to ever discuss it instead regarding the monies as a ‘donation’ from one of the sheeple trapped in her cult. 4. Dave also confided that his friend Marion Cantwell, also an ex-student and ex-cult member had been kidnapped, falsely imprisoned and beaten by Devra West; he also stated that Marion was only freed after agreeing to make a ‘donations of tens of thousands of dollars to Devra West’s good causes. Marion was told that she would be murdered if she went to the police. The whistleblower was able to confirm that the account given by Dave Kushner about Marion was true when he received a call many months later from Marion’s new employer who had read about Marion’s ordeal on the whistleblower’s website and wanted to know if she was a victim of the cult as stated or one of the ring leaders. The whistleblower was happy to confirm that Marion was a victim of the cult and gave a reference for Marion confirming as much. 5. Ex-student Mike Hendrickson, who had signed a note at the charity’s bank account, was forced to cover that note and pay the bank $200,000 after Devra West stole the contents of the bank and put the money in a trust fund for her and her eldest son, Rob Meador. 6. Lisa Swidler, having negotiated the loan with Dave Kushner that Devra West refused to pay back, in spite of a written agreement she had signed promising as much, and being aware of the kidnap of Marion Cantwell, decided to make a break for freedom and shortly afterwards left the cult. A short time afterwards she died of internal bleeding. It was believed by many that Devra West had murdered her to keep her from going to the police or the authorities. Her sudden death / murder was also the reason why another ex-cult / ex-student Mike Hendrickson decided not to go to law after he was defrauded out of $200,000 by Devra West. At the time of Lisa’s death in 2005, the whistleblower did not know what to make of her death having had no contact with the cult since August 2002. However, after being targeted himself two years later in 2007, and after cult member Reynolds shared his impending murder to the press, it became obvious that Devra West did murder Lisa to keep her quiet and that Geoffrey Reynolds had every expectation that the whistleblower’s death would occur as planned. Motive – Keep Lisa from sharing what she knew with the police / law courts. Opportunity – The occult knowledge Devra West acquired in the early nineties means she has the knowledge to injure, make ill and murder at distance with plausible deniability. The Threatened Murder of Dr. Pat Cole MD. Having lost the use of the Victor MT property and having overstayed her welcome in Victor MT, Devra West decided to move her criminal racketeering business model north to Lakeside MT. When announcing this in an email to her cult she explained that she was going through a ‘blessed personal transition’ (see paragraph 1 below) and that the ‘discomfort’ (see paragraphs 2 & 3 below) in her life was due to her moving from the fifth to the seventh dimension. In reality, Devra West’s ‘discomfort’ was to do with the many fraud related civil lawsuits that she was the defendant in, the loss of her charity and the loss of the flow of cash donations from the public to her good causes. However, the Master Manipulator was not about to tell the truth to her cult, especially after spending years brainwashing and conditioning them all to believe every word she spoke. Instead, she announced to the cult that she was moving to Shamballa (not from Victor MT to Flathead Lake MT) and could only take 12 disciples with her and only those that would commit 66% of their net worth to her good causes. As you can see from the above excerpt from the memo sent by her (above) to the cult in 2005, Devra West announced her move from the Victor MT property to a property in Flathead Lake, MT, as being revealed and prepared by the Masters (paragraph 5). In paragraph 6 she states, not too subtly, that the balance of truth (money flowing to her from her disciples) should amount to 66% of their net worth. In paragraph 7 we get more of the delusional bullshit about her being a Global Guardian. In another email sent at about the same time, Devra West refers to the ‘financial withhold’ of disciples / cult members who are refusing to empty their bank accounts into hers. Below is a short excerpt from that email; note the phrase “it will be your privilege to financially seed my transition.” Long story short, Dr. Pat Cole MD was one of those ‘disciples’ who agreed to give up 66% of her net worth to Devra West, who had dropped the ‘Devra Ji’ identity and was now calling herself the Ascended Master ‘Surya Ma.’ In April 2006, Devra West got tired of waiting for Dr. Cole to hand over her entire net worth and decided to take it from her by force. After what was clearly a lengthy campaign of overt and covert violence designed to beat the money out of Dr. Cole, Devra West went too far with one assault and the police were called. Here is how the victim described the attack to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper. Cole was the director for one of West's ventures, The Sacred Archives Institute. They worked together for several years. In her statement to the county sheriff's office, Cole claims Devra West abused her verbally and physically. "She has told me that she has the 'spiritual' power and authority to 'take me out,' to be composted," Cole wrote in the temporary restraining order statement. Cole claims Devra West threw a lamp at her and hit her with a briefcase, cell phone and her hand. "She took off her shoe and hit me on the top of my head, causing my scalp to bleed onto my face, neck and clothes," Cole's statement reads. "She threatened to kill me with a gun to my head, 'blowing my brains out,' and advised me to commit suicide by slitting my wrists, after I'd taken out an insurance policy on myself." Photos taken after the alleged beating were submitted to the sheriff's office. Dr. Cole states that Devra West threatened to kill her and there is plenty of evidence to show that Devra West did intend to kill her, but called off the murder after Dr. Cole agreed to transfer her entire net worth of $1.3 million over to Devra West - which included signing over her home worth $750,000. Another employee, Carlida Finch, remembers overhearing Devra West talking about the murder of Dr. Cole and, in a statement she made to the authorities, confirmed that she too was a victim of West’s cruelty. Below is an excerpt from the statement Carlida Finch made to the authorities you can read the full statement by going here. Devra West is not a doctor of anything unless you count the two fake doctorates that she asserts the Christ gave her in person. Shortly after assaulting Dr. Cole MD Devra West wrote to her mailing list on April 17 2006 admitting the assault but sought to justify the beating by asserting that the victim was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime! She also stated in the missive entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ that though the beating meted on Dr. Cole MD was severe it was administered “the highest of grace.” (See both comments in the excerpts below here) Spoken like a true psychopath and of course there was no mention of the $1.3 million extorted from Dr. Cole MD. Devra West, after trying to derail legal process for two years, was eventually convicted of misdemeanor assault, was given a 6 month suspended jail sentence and fined $500. The courts are totally incapable of dealing with someone like Devra West, who showed utter contempt for the law throughout the process and did not even bother to turn up to court for the sentencing hearing, instead claiming she was filming a documentary about the Mayans in the Yucatan peninsula. Of course no such documentary ever aired on TV or anywhere else. Additionally, between the time of the original assault in April 2006 and West’s conviction in April 2008, Dr. Cole MD and several of her witnesses continued to be the subject of occult ‘under the radar’ violence. Here is how one of those witnesses, Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) described the attacks. I will not return and subject myself to her violent and abusive behavior! I continue to awaken from a sound sleep (on many occasions) at 3:00 a.m. and last night being one of those nights in which I have the feeling of impending doom, and is the reason I finally really took a look at your website and contacted you. I need support in how to deal with her shamanic witchcraft. Can you tell me more? Motive for the threat of Murder – Extortion; put simply Money! Opportunity – The occult knowledge Devra West acquired in the early nineties means she has the knowledge to injure, make ill and murder at distance with plausible deniability. Knowing this, and after the murder of Lisa Swidler, victims were too afraid to speak out and those that did were told there was nothing the police could do. The Attempted Murder of the Whistleblower. After reporting the theft of cash donations and the outright fraud being perpetrated on her Victor MT charity to the authorities (as also reported by charity board member AJ White in 2001), after it looked like he was going to win his fraud lawsuit against Devra West, after putting up a website about her cult and after causing two newspaper articles to be published about her criminal racketeering business model Devra West decided that the whistleblower was going to be murdered. After Devra West and some of her victims were interviewed by the Whitefish Pilot newspaper in July of 2007, it was senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds’ turn to be interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper. During the interview in August 2007, and speaking on behalf of his employer / cult leader Devra West, Reynolds virtually admits that he money laundered $470,000 stolen from Dr. Cole MD after his predecessor resigned rather than be forced to ‘manufacture’ false invoices. In what Reynolds thought was an ‘off the record’ conversation with the reporter Constance See, Reynolds confided that the whistleblower would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Devra West was going to do to him. Constance took the threat seriously enough to share it with a federal agent, who was investigating Devra West’s finances at the time; he passed it on to the whistleblower. Approximately two weeks after Reynolds’ comments to the reporter, a credible attempt was made to murder the whistleblower by Devra West; an attempt that failed. However, because the weapon she uses to commit murder is not recognized by legal statute, there was nothing he could do other than to continue with his lawsuit, which he won in 2008, and his campaign to warn others. However, the experiences that followed West’s attempt on his life made it very clear that Lisa Swidler was murdered to keep her quiet and that the whistleblower was intended to die in a similar fashion. Motive for Murder – Revenge for having her charity struck off, revenge for mounting a lawsuit against Devra West for fraud. Revenge for the whistleblower having a website dedicated to exposing her criminal racketeering business model. Revenge for the whistleblower causing two newspaper articles to be published which ended the cult’s reign of terror in Montana as after so much negative publicity no one believed the ‘divine being’ routine anymore. This would result in an estimated $2,000,000 loss per annum in revenue to Devra West - motive enough for murder.

about a criminal investigation into her criminal / racketeering business .. Purification,' that though the beating meted on Dr. Cole MD was severe it
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