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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. RISC System/6000 PowerPC" Architecture System First Edition (July 1994) This edition notice applies to the RISC System/6000 PowerPC System Architecture Manual. The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: —— Notice This publication is printed “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, thisstatementmay not applyto you. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. 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The following are trademarks of other companies: Motorola 680x0 is a trademark ofMotorola Micro Channel is atrademark of International Business Machine Corporation in certain countries NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation PowerOpen is a trademark ofPowerOpen Association ©Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1994. All rights reserved. Nrigothetsto— UUsSe,Gdouvpelircnamtieonnt, oUrsderisscl—osDuroecuismseunbtjaetcitotnoatnhde rpersotrgircatimonssreselattfeodrthtoinrethstericGtSedA ADP Schedule Contract. RISC /6000 System PowerPC" System Architecture Edited by Frank Levine & Steve Thurber To order copies ofthis book,please contact the publisher at (800)745-7323 or your IBM Marketing Representative. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. Editorial Office: 340 Pine Street, Sixth Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Executive Editor: Bruce M. Spatz Production Manager: Yonie Overton Assistant Editor: Douglas Sery Production Coordinator: Julie Pabst Cover Design: Carron Design Printer: Courier Companies, Inc. This book was typset by the authors, using Interleaf. Printed in the United States of America 54 98 97 96 95 94 3 2 1 No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form orby any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission ofthe publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available for this book. ISBN 1-55860-344-1 Table of Contents List Of Figures .......ccceeeeeieneeceieeennnceennaacnnns xiii ListofTables ......ccceeeeeeescns Cheeses eeseeaeaeaaeeeas XV Preface....... essences Ceeeees te secceessseceseseicsssieas axix Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Memory Architecture ............ccoiuiiiiiiiiiii 1.2 Definition of TEMS ....vvviiiiirannrensnrannssanaaranasssssssssnsssnnnns 1.2.1 RESEIrved .......ouveeencennnrsannssassssnsnssnaassnssssasnssnsnsnns WWOWNMDND= iis 1.2.2 Reserved/Unimplemented ..............oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaeiiasas 1.2.3 Addressing Notation ............coiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1.2.4 Symbolic Notation .........c.coeieiiiiiiiiiiiiii HA 1.3 Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) ...................onnen Chapter 2 PowerPC Processor Architecture 2.1 PowerPC Implementation Specific User's Manual ........................ 2.1.1 Processor Requirements ...........cciviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaianans » 2.1.2 Hardware I/O Design Instruction Support Requirements ............. cco rina Chapter 3 Architected System Memory Map 3.1 MemoryMap Layout .........cuuiuuirnniiniinnirin 7 3.2 Architected System Registers ........... 10 3.2.1 Physical Identifier Initialization (PIDI) Register ...................... 10 1 3.2.2 Connectivity Configuration Register ..................ooviiiennnn 3.2.3 Connectivity Reset Register ...............c.coiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine 12 3.24 TimeofDayRegisters .........ccoiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiainenes 12 3.2.5 System Reset CountRegister ...............ooiiiiiiiiiiininnenn 12 3.2.6 Power/Keylock Status Register (PKSR) ................coiviiennn 12 Vi Table of Contents 3.2.7 Software Power On Reset Control Register .................cvvuvunn. 14 3.2.8 Software Power Off Control Register ..............oovvievvnrvnnenn. 14 3.2.9 System Specific System Registers ............covvirrinirnnrnnnnnn. 14 3.3 Architected System Interrupt Registers ..............covirvinrnnrrnnenns 14 3.3.1 Data Storage Interrupt Error Register (DSIER) ............cc.ovuu.... 14 3.3.2 SMP Early Power Off Warning (EPOW) ExternalInterrupt Vector Register (XIVR) .......ciiiiiiiii ities ieee eee eee ean ennns 16 3.3.3 IPLCB/Global Queue Interrupt Routing Mask Location Interface ...... 16 Chapter 4 Bring-Up and Configuration Architecture 4.1 Device Configuration Architecture ..............ccoiviiiiinrrinennnrnnnns 20 4.1.1 Hardware Architecture Assumptions and Requirements ............. 21 4.2 Configuration Registers ..............c.oiiuiiiiiiininrerinrerranennnn, 22 4.2.1 Configuration SeqUeNCe ...........ciiiiiiiiiiii iene innennnnns 22 4.2.2 Architected Configuration Registers ................cvvvvevevnnnnn. 24 4.2.3 Architected Configuration Register Address Map ................... 24 4.2.4 Device Specific Configuration Registers ................cccuevun... 29 4.3 Feature ROM Scan (FRS) Architecture ..............ccovviirvnnennnrnnnns 29 4.3.1 Address Range ............ccciueiiiineiiinnrennnernnneeanneeennes 29 4.3.2 Criteriafor Required ROM ...........c.cciiiiiiiierrnrinnerennerns 30 4.3.3 ROM Type Attributes ............ccoiiiiiiiiiiii ii ineennennnnns 30 Chapter 5 NVRAM Contents and Mapping 5.1 NVRAMUSAQGE ....oiitiiit reine eiiatenneesnnnesannerannerenneeanns 35 5.1.1 ROM Specific Areas and Their Management ........................ 37 5.1.2 OCS/SP Implementations ...........c.ouiiiiiirinnernrreneennennnnns 48 5.1.3 Non-OCS Implementations ..........coviiieeiinnerennrrnnnrernnnes 53 Chapter 6 Bus Unit Controller (BUC) Architecture 6.1 BUC Addressing .........ccooviiiiiiiiininniinnrrineannraneennennenn 60 6.1.1 Addressing with T=0 (Memory Mapped or Ordinary Segments) ....... 61 6.1.2 Addressing with T=1 (Direct-Store Segments) ....................... 62 6.1.3 Load and Store AddressingModel ...............ccviviirrinnnnnnnn. 65 6.1.4 BUC Translation Control Entry (TCE) ..........vviviirrinernnrnnnnns 68 6.1.5 BUC TCE Address Register ............c.oviiiinrnrrnrenrnnenrennnn. 69 6.2 BUC Interrupt Structure ............oviniiiii ieee eee eenennens 71 6.2.1 BUC Interrupt Scenario ...........c.ovvuiiiinrinrnreeenenrnrrnnnn, 72 6.2.2 External Interrupt Vector Register (XIVR) ...........cvvvvirvnvnnnn.. 72 6.2.3 End Of Interrupt (EOI) Command ............ccvuvimenrenrnnrnrrnens. 73 Table of Contents vii iis 6.3 BUC Data Consistency and Ordering Requirements ..................... 73 iii Chapter 7 I0CC Architecture 7.1 System Structure .......cnrnrninii 75 74.1 Virtual Memory ......oiiiieninnn saan ann nsans 77 79 7.1.2 System Memory .....cuvuunnrnrnritaanattisaeanaasasanacasansnsass 7.1.3 Bus Memory and Bus I/O Address Space ..............cocvunnnnnnnns 79 714.4 JOCC Facilities ....ovvvrremeninrrerensssnsssnnnsnnsssennnassnnssnns 81 7.2 Bit and Byte Numbering Conventions .............coviiiiiininiennens 82 7.2.1 Big-Endian and Little-Endian Mode Concurrency .................... 82 7.2.2 Two Processor Implementations of Little-Endian Mode .............. 82 7.2.3 1/0 Load and Store Access from the Processor to the li/O ..i.....i..... 82 7.2.4 DMA Data Interchange Between I/O and Memory .................... 88 7.3 Micro Channel Bus Protocols ...........cciiiiiiiininiiiiinrrannssannnss 94 7.3.1 Micro Channel Arbitration ............coiiiiiiiiiii iicinie 94 7.3.2 BasicTransferCycle ........ccoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 97 7.3.3 MicroChannel BUSEITOrS ........cciiuiiinnrrnnnnnnnnsnnsnnnnnnnsns 100 7.3.4 Exception Reportingand Handling ................covviiinnans 102 7.3.5 Micro Channelinterrupts ...........ccoiiiiiii 103 7.4 10CC Programming Model ...........coiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia 104 7.41 Load and StorelInstructions .............ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiianaaanas 104 115 7.4.2 BUSMASIEr ...ovvviiiireenrrasnreansssasssaassssanssnnsnssnnnsnnns 7.4.3 DMA SIAVE ...ovitittrrreerrrrrrrstasssssssrsssssssannsasssnnnnnns 119 74.4 10CCCOMMANAS .....vvcnnnnrrrennnsnsssnnnnnssnnssssnansnnsssnnns 128 7.45 IOCCReQISIErS ......ccivvururnrnrnnsarucnrititiaiasasnsnnanannnns 130 7.46 10CCInterruptStructure .........ccvvimiiniiiiinriitiiarnanannanns 137 7.4.7 Non-Recoverable Errors .........ccoiiiiiiiiinnnreannrnassssannsnnns 141 7.48 Recoverable Errors .........ceuieeusirsnsnreannrsasnrsassssasnsnnnns 143 ries Chapter 8 System Resources 8.1 OperatorInterface .............cveieirimimiiiin ee 153 8.1.1 Display Interface ...........coiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 153 iain 8.1.2 IPL/Operation Mode ..........ccuvurenrnrieiiinnnnnntnirnenseasiannans 154 8.1.3 Operator Reset ............cccieirimiiiiiiii 155 8.2 Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) ..i......i....ccioieinnnnnn. 156 156 8.3 Timer Facilities ....ovvvvrrnnnnerrnrnannarssssansseransnannannsannennens 156 8.3.1 Timeof Day ClOCK ......ccvuriernrnnriiiiii 8.3.2 TimeBaseEnable ........ciineiiiiiiiiii 156 8.3.3 Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) Synchronization .................. 156 viii Table of Contents Chapter 9 External Interrupt Architecture 9.1 External Interrupt Overview .............c.oiiiiiiinreinein nn innnrnnens 157 9.1.1 System Level Interrupt Register Overview ..................cvuvu... 159 9.1.2 Interrupt Routing Layer ............c.oouiiiiiiiiii ieee enennenns 162 9.1.3 Interrupt Presentation Layer ..............c.ooviiiiierinennnrnnnnns. 163 9.2 Interrupt Register Definition Details ................ccovivvivnnnvnnnnn, 165 9.2.1 External Interrupt Request Register (XIRR) ............ccovvvennnnn. 165 9.2.2 Current Processor Priority Register (CPPR) ...........ccoovevvnenn.. 167 9.2.3 External Interrupt Source Register (XISR) ..........vovvievenrennenns 167 9.2.4 Queued Interrupt Request Register (QIRR) ............ccvvvvnennnn.. 169 9.2.5 Most Favored Request Register (MFRR) ..............cccvivvnvnnnn.. 169 9.2.6 Global Queue Interrupt Request Register (G_LQIRR) ................. 170 9.2.7 SMP Global Queue Interrupt Routing Masks (GQ_IRMS) ............. 171 9.2.8 Available Processor Mask (APM) ..........c.ooviieennrrnnennnennnnns 171 Chapter 10 System Exception Processing iii 10.1 Exception Handling ............ociiiiiiiiiiii ie ieee eaeenennns 173 10.1.1 Target Market Categories ...........cvviiiinrinernennernnrnnnennsn 174 10.1.2 Interrupts and Checkstop .........c.covviiiiiriie ieee ee nnennns 174 10.1.3 Exception Conditions ............cciiiiiiiiiiiiii ieee ennernnns 175 10.1.4 Processor Designs ........ccuuiiiiine ii iiirinesarrineennranennn,s 178 10.1.5 BUC DeSIgNS ....uuiiiiiii ieee titties ieee saneaneennennns 179 10.1.6 Real Address M«emotryiMtaipped I/O ...........covviivinernnrnnnennen 179 10.1.7 MUIPrOCESS.Orcutieteeta eaetetrtanene sreemsaeananerannneenns 179 10.1.8 Diagnostics ite teat aan 180 10.1.9 System Exception Support Facilities ..............c.coovveevvnrnnn.. 180 10.1.10System Exception IPLCB Interface ..............ccvuvvenrnnrvnnennn. 180 Chapter 11 System Bus Architecture 11.1 BOX BUS OVEIVIEW Leet tii ti eee ease eee seen e arenes 183 e 11.1.1 60X Bus Memory Coherence ..........uuvueinreneeneneenennrnnenens 184 11.1.2 60X Bus Transfer Protocols ............ooieieineneneerennnrnrnnnnns 184 11.2 6XX System Bus OVerVIEW .........vueiiieiiinreeer a eeeereearananenn, 185 Chapter 12 Bring-Up Function and IPLCB ieee eee 12.1 SMP Bring-Up FUNCtion ...........cciiiiiiiii ieee 187 12.2 IPL Control Block (IPLCB) Interface ............vuveeeeeernenennnnnnnnn. 188 12.2.1 Purpose of the IPLCB ...........cciuinineeeen 188

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