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. . RINGS WHOSE TOTAL GRAPHS HAVE GENUS AT MOST ONE HAMIDREZAMAIMANI,CAMERONWICKHAM,ANDSIAMAKYASSEMI 0 1 Abstract. Let R be a commutative ring with Z(R) its set of zero-divisors. 0 In this paper, we study the total graph of R, denoted by T(Γ(R)). It is 2 the (undirected) graph with all elements of R as vertices, and for distinct x,y ∈ R, the vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if x+y ∈ Z(R). We n investigate properties of the total graph of R and determine all isomorphism a classes of finite commutative rings whose total graph has genus at most one J (i.e.,aplanarortoroidalgraph). Inaddition,itisshownthat,givenapositive 9 integerg,thereareonlyfinitelymanyfiniteringswhosetotalgraphhasgenus 2 g. ] C A . Introduction h t a Let R be a commutative ring with non-zero unity. Let Z(R) be the set of zero- m divisorsofR. TheconceptofthegraphofthezerodivisorsofRwasfirstintroduced byBeck[6],wherehewasmainlyinterestedincolorings. Inhisworkallelementsof [ theringwereverticesofthegraph. Thisinvestigationofcoloringsofacommutative 1 ringwasthencontinuedbyD.D.AndersonandNaseerin[5]. In[4],D.F.Anderson v and Livingston associate a graph, Γ(R), to R with vertices Z(R)\{0}, the set of 8 3 non-zero zero-divisorsof R, and for distinct x,y ∈Z(R)\{0},the vertices x and y 3 are adjacent if and only if xy =0. 5 An interesting question was proposed by Anderson, Frazier, Lauve, and Liv- . 1 ingston[3]: For whichfinite commutativerings R is Γ(R) planar. Apartialanswer 0 was givenin [1], but the question remained open for local rings of order 32. In [12] 0 and then independently in [7] and [13] it is shown that there is no ring of order 32 1 whose zero-divisor graph is planar. : v The genusofagraphisthe minimalintegern suchthatthe graphcanbe drawn i X withoutcrossingitself ona spherewith n handles(i.e. anorientedsurfaceofgenus n). Thus, a planar graph has genus zero, because it can be drawn on a sphere r a without self-crossing. In [13] and [16] the rings whose zero-divisorgraphhas genus one are studied. A genus one graph is called a toroidal graph. In other words, a graph G is toroidal if it can be embedded on the torus, that means, the graph’s vertices can be placed on a torus such that no edges cross. Usually, it is assumed thatGis alsonon-planar. In[17] itis shownthatfor apositive integerg, thereare only finitely many finite rings whose zero-divisor graph has genus g. In [2], D. F. Anderson and Badawi introduced the total graph of R, denoted by T(Γ(R)), as the graph with all elements of R as vertices, and for distinct x,y ∈R, the vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if x+y ∈Z(R). 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 05C75,13A15. Key words and phrases. Totalgraph,genus, planargraph,toroidalgraph. TheresearchofHamidMaimaniwasinpartsupportedbyagrantfromIPM(No. 88050214). TheresearchofSiamakYassemiwasinpartsupportedbyagrantfromIPM(No. 88130213). 1 2 HAMIDREZAMAIMANI,CAMERONWICKHAM,ANDSIAMAKYASSEMI Inthispaper,weinvestigatepropertiesofthetotalgraphofRanddetermineall isomorphismclasses of finite rings whose total graphhas genus at most one (i.e., a planar or toroidal graph). In addition, we show that for a positive integer g, there are only finitely many finite rings whose total graph has genus g. 1. Main result A complete graph is a graph in which each pair of distinct vertices is joined by an edge. We denote the complete graph with n vertices by K . A bipartite n graph is a graph such that its vertex set can be partitioned into two subsets V 1 and V and each edge joins a vertex of V to a vertex of V . A complete bipartite 2 1 2 graph is a bipartite graph such that each vertex in V is joined by an edge to 1 each vertex in V , and is denoted by K when |V | = m and |V | = n. A 2 m,n 1 2 clique of a graph is a maximal complete subgraph. For a graph G, the degree of a vertex v in G, denoted deg(v), is the number of edges of G incident with v. The numberδ(G)=min{deg(v)|v is a vertex of G}istheminimum degree ofG. Fora nonnegativeintegerk,agraphiscalledk-regularifeveryvertexhasdegreek. Recall that a graph is said to be connected if for each pair of distinct vertices v and w, thereisafinitesequenceofdistinctverticesv =v ,··· ,v =w suchthateachpair 1 n {v ,v } is an edge. Such a sequence is said to be a path and the distance d(v,w) i i+1 between connected vertices v and w is the length of the shortest path connecting them. For any graph G, the disjoint union of k copies of G is denoted kG. Let S be a nonempty subset of vertex set of graph G. The subgraph induced by S is the subgraph with the vertex set S and with any edges whose endpoints are both in the S and is denoted by hSi. Let G =(V ,E ) and G =(V ,E ) be two graphs with disjoint vertices set V 1 1 1 2 2 2 i and edges set E . The cartesianproduct of G and G is denoted by G=G ×G i 1 2 1 2 withverticessetV ×V and(x,y) is adjacentto (x′,y′)if x=x′ andy is adjacent 1 2 y′ in G or y =y′ and x is adjacent to x′ in G . 2 1 Lemma 1.1. Let x be a vertex of T(Γ(R)). Then the degree of x is either |Z(R)| or |Z(R)|−1. In particular, if 2 ∈ Z(R), then T(Γ(R)) is a (|Z(R)|−1)-regular graph. Proof. If x is adjacent to y, then x+y = a ∈ Z(R) and hence y = a−x for some a∈Z(R). We have two cases: Case 1. Suppose 2x∈Z(R). Then x is adjacent to a−x for any a∈Z(R)\{2x}. Thus the degree of x is |Z(R)|−1. In particular, if 2 ∈ Z(R), then T(Γ(R)) is a (|Z(R)|−1)-regular graph. Case 2. Suppose 2x ∈/ Z(R). Then x is adjacent to a−x for any a ∈ Z(R). Thus the degree of x is |Z(R)|. (cid:3) LetS denotethe spherewith k handles,wherek is anon-negativeinteger,that k is, S is an oriented surface of genus k. The genus of a graph G, denoted by γ(G), k is the minimum integer n such that the graph can embedded in S . A graph G is n called a planar if γ(Γ(G)) = 0, and toroidal if γ(Γ(G)) = 1. We note here that if H is a subgraph of a graph G, then γ(H)≤γ(G). In the following theorem we bring some well-known formulas, see, e.g., [14] and [15]: Theorem 1.2. The following statements hold: RINGS WHOSE TOTAL GRAPHS HAVE GENUS AT MOST ONE 3 (a) For n≥3 we have γ(K )= (n−3)(n−4) . n 12 l m (b) For m,n≥2 we have γ(K )= (m−2)(n−2) . m,n 4 l m (c) Let G and G be two graphs and for each i, p be the number of vertices 1 2 i of G . Then max{p γ(G )+γ(G ),p γ(G )+γ(G )}≤γ(G ×G ). i 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 According to Theorem 1.2 we have γ(K )=0 for 1≤n≤4 and γ(K )=1 for n n 5≤n≤7 and for other value of n, γ(K )≥2. n Lemma 1.3. Let F denote the field with q elements. Then the total graph of q F ×F is isomorphic to K ×K . Furthermore, for any positive integer m and 2 q 2 q q >2, (q−3)(q−4) γ(T(Γ(F2m ×Fq)))≥2m . (cid:24) 12 (cid:25) Proof. We induct on m. If m=1, let V ={(0,y)|y ∈F } and let V ={(1,y)|y ∈ 0 q 1 F }. Then the subgraphs G of the total graph of F × F induced by each of q i 2 q the V is K . Now for each y ∈ F , there is an edge between (0,y) ∈ G and i q q 0 (1,−y) ∈ G . Furthermore, these are the only other edges in the total graph. 1 Identifying (1,−y) with (1,y), we can replace G with an isomorphic copy G′; 1 1 under this isomorphism the edge between (0,y)∈G and (1,−y)∈G is the edge 0 1 between (0,y) ∈ G and (1,y) ∈ G′. Thus the total graph of F ×F has vertex 0 1 2 q set {(x,y)|x ∈ F and y ∈ F }, with an edge between (x,y) and (x′,y′) if x = x′ 2 q and y 6= y′, or y =y′ and x6=x′. That is, it is the graph K ×K . Parts (a) and 2 q (c) of Theorem 1.2 now yield (q−3)(q−4) γ(T(Γ(F ×F )))=γ(K ×K )≥2 . 2 q 2 q (cid:24) 12 (cid:25) If m>1, we can partition F2m into two sets, S1 and S2, each of cardinality 2m−1; let f be a bijection from S to S . Since each element of a field of characteristic 1 2 2 is its own inverse, then the subgraph of T(Γ(F2m ×Fq)) induced by Si ×Fq is isomorphic to T(Γ(F2m−1 ×Fq)). For any y ∈ Fq and s ∈ S1, the element (s,y) is adjacent to (f(s),−y). We thus have a copy of K2 ×T(Γ(F2m−1 ×Fq)) as a subgraphofT(Γ(F2m×Fq)). Part(c)ofTheorem1.2andtheinductionhypothesis now yield γ(T(Γ(F2m ×Fq))) ≥ γ(K2×T(Γ(F2m−1 ×Fq))) ≥ 2γ(T(Γ(F2m−1 ×Fq))) (q−3)(q−4) ≥ 2m . (cid:24) 12 (cid:25) (cid:3) A subdivision of a graph is a graph obtained from it by replacing edges with pairwise internally disjoint paths. A remarkably simple characterization of planar graphs was given by Kuratowski in 1930. Kuratowski Theorem says that a graph is planar if and only if it contains no subdivision of K or K (see [2, p. 153]). In 5 3,3 addition, every planar graph has a vertex v such that deg(v)≤5. Theorem 1.4. For any positive integer g, There are finitely many finite rings R whose total graph has genus g. 4 HAMIDREZAMAIMANI,CAMERONWICKHAM,ANDSIAMAKYASSEMI Proof. Let R be a finite ring. If R is local, then Z(R) is the maximal ideal of R and |R| ≤ |Z(R)|2. If R is not local, then R = R × R × ···× R where 1 2 n each of the R ’s is a local ring and n ≥ 2 [10]. Suppose that |R | ≤ |R | ≤ i 1 2 ··· ≤ |R | and set R∗ = 0×R ×···R . Since |R| = |R ||R∗|, we conclude that n 1 2 n 1 1 |R| ≤ |R∗|2. Let S denote either Z(R) if R is local or R∗ if R is not local. Then 1 1 every pair of elements of S are adjacent in T(Γ(R)) and hence we have a complete graph K in the structure of T(Γ(R)). This implies that γ(K ) ≤ g. Therefore |S| |S| ⌈((|S|−3)(|S|−4))/12⌉ ≤ g and so |S| ≤ 7+ 49+48(g−1) /2, and hence 2 (cid:16) p (cid:17) |R|≤ 7+ 49+48(g−1) /2 . (cid:3) (cid:16)(cid:16) p (cid:17) (cid:17) Theorem 1.5. Let R be a finite ring such that T(Γ(R)) is planar. Then the following hold: (a) If R is local ring, then R is a field or R is isomorphic to the one of the 9 following rings: Z ,Z [X]/(X2),Z [X]/(X3),Z [X,Y]/(X,Y)2,Z [X]/(2X,X2), 4 2 2 2 4 Z [X]/(2X,X2−2),Z ,F [X](X2),Z [X]/(X2+X +1). 4 8 4 4 (b) If R is not local ring, then R is an infinite integral domain or R is isomor- phic to Z ×Z or Z . 2 2 6 Proof. Anyplanargraphhasavertexv withdeg(v)≤5. So ifthe totalgraphofR isplanar,thenδ(T(Γ(R)))≤5. ByLemma1.1,δ(T(Γ(R)))=|Z(R)|or|Z(R)|−1, and hence |Z(R)|≤6. (a) Assume that R is a local ring and let n = |Z(R)| and m = |R/Z(R)|. If 2 ∈ Z(R) then T(Γ(R)) ∼= mKn ([2, Theorems 2.1 and 2.2]). Hence |Z(R)| ≤ 4. Also, |R| = 2k since 2 ∈ Z(R). So |R| = 16,8,4, or 2. According to Corbas and Williams [8] there are two non-isomorphic rings of order 16 with maximal ideals of order 4, namely F [x]/(x2) and Z [x]/(x2+x+1) (see also Redmond [11]), so 4 4 for these rings we have T(Γ(R)) ∼= 4K . Since K is planar we conclude that the 4 4 total graphs of these rings are planar. In [8] it is also shown that there are 5 local rings of order 8 (except F ). In all of these rings we have |Z(R)| = 4 and hence 8 T(Γ(R))∼=2K . Also,therearetwonon-isomorphiclocalringsoforder4;theseare 4 Z and Z [X]/(X2). For both we have T(Γ(R)) ∼= 2K and thus they are planar. 4 2 2 Note that if |Z(R)| = 1, then R is a field and hence the total graph is planar. If 2 ∈/ Z(R), then T(Γ(R)) ∼= Kn∪ m2−1 Kn,n ([2, Theorem 2.2]). This implies n≤2, and thus R either has order 4(cid:0)or is(cid:1)a field. (b) Suppose that R is not local ring. Since R is finite, then there are finite local rings R such that R=R ×···×R where t≥2. Since |Z(R)|≤6 then we have i 1 t the following candidates: Z ×Z ,Z ,Z ×F ,Z ×Z ,Z ×Z [X]/(X2), 2 2 6 2 4 2 4 2 2 Z ×Z ,Z ×Z ,Z ×F . 2 5 3 3 3 4 The total graph of Z ×Z is isomorphic to the cycle C , and this graphis planar. 2 2 4 By Lemma 1.3, the total graph of Z ∼= Z ×Z is isomorphic to K ×K , which 6 2 3 2 3 is also planar. LetRbearingwith|R|=n. ThesubgraphofthetotalgraphofZ ×Rinduced 2 bytheset{0}×RisacopyofK . Theedge(1,0)−(0,0),togetherwiththe paths n (1,0)−(1,−r)− (0,r) for each r ∈ R yield a subdivision of K in the total n+1 RINGS WHOSE TOTAL GRAPHS HAVE GENUS AT MOST ONE 5 graphofZ ×R. Thus the totalgraphsof Z ×F , Z ×Z , Z ×Z [X]/(X2), and 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 Z ×Z are not planar. Also, the total graphof Z ×R contains a subgraphwhich 2 5 3 is isomorphic to K (consider the induced subgraph hSi where S = {(1,r)|r ∈ 3,n R}∪ {(2,r)| r ∈ R}). Thus the total graphs of Z × Z and Z × F are not 3 3 3 4 planar. (cid:3) Theorem 1.6. Let R be a finite ring such that T(Γ(R)) is toroidal. Then the following statements hold: (a) If R is local ring, then R is isomorphic to Z , or Z [X]/(X2). 9 3 (b) If R is not local ring, then R is isomorphic to one of the following rings: Z ×F ,Z ×Z ,Z ×Z ,Z ×Z [x]/(x2),Z ×Z ×Z 2 4 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 Proof. ForanygraphGwithν verticesandgenusgwehaveδ(G)≤6+(12g−12)/ν. If γ(G)=1, then δ(G)≤6 and equality holds if and only if G is a triangulation of thetorusand6-regular(see[16,Proposition2.1]). IfRisafiniteringwithtoroidal total graph, then δ(T(Γ(R))) ≤ 6, and by Lemma 1.1 δ(T(Γ(R))) = |Z(R)| or |Z(R)|−1. Thus we conclude that |Z(G)|≤7. (a) Let R be a local ring. If 2 ∈ Z(R), then T(Γ(R)) is a disjoint union of copies of the complete graph K , where |Z(R)| = n. Hence 5 ≤ n ≤ 7. But n in this case |Z(R)| is a power of 2 and thus there are no such local rings. Now suppose that 2∈/ Z(R). Then T(Γ(R))∼=Kn∪ m2−1 Kn,n, where n=|Z(R)| and m = |R/Z(R)|. Thus 3 ≤ n ≤ 4 and since 2 ∈/(cid:0)Z(R)(cid:1)we must have n = 3. There are two local rings, Z and Z [X]/(X2), such that the cardinality of the set of the 9 3 zero-divisorsis 3; both of these rings have total graphK ∪K which is toroidal. 3 3,3 (b) Assume that R is not a local ring. Since |Z(R)| ≤ 7, we have the following candidates for R by Theorem 1.5(b): Z ×F ,Z ×Z ,Z ×Z [x]/(x2),Z ×Z ,Z ×Z ,Z ×F ,F ×F ,Z ×Z ×Z . 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 By Theorem 1.5, γ(T(Γ(Z ×F ))),γ(T(Γ(Z ×Z ))),γ(T(Γ(Z ×Z ))) are all at 2 4 2 4 3 3 least 1. The embeddings in Figure 1 parts (a), (b), and (c) show explicitly that γ(T(Γ(Z ×F ))) = γ(T(Γ(Z ×Z ))) = γ(T(Γ(Z ×Z ))) = 1. Since T(Γ(Z × 2 4 2 4 3 3 2 Z [x]/(x2)))∼=T(Γ(Z ×Z )), then γ(T(Γ(Z ×Z [x]/(x2))))=1. 2 2 4 2 2 IfwepartitiontheelementsofZ ×Z ×Z bythefoursetsV ={(0,0,0),(1,1,1)}, 2 2 2 1 V = {(1,0,0),(0,1,1)}, V = {(0,1,0),(1,0,1)}, and V = {(0,0,1),(1,1,0)}, it 2 3 4 is clear that T(Γ(Z ×Z ×Z )) = K . Hence γ(Z ×Z ×Z ) = 1 by [9, 2 2 2 2,2,2,2 2 2 2 Corollary 4] By Lemma 1.3, γ(T(Γ(Z ×Z ))) ≥ 2 and thus is not toroidal. By (the proof 2 5 of) Lemma 1.3, γ(T(Γ(F ×F ))) ≥ 2γ(T(Γ(Z ×F ))) and so by Theorem 1.5 4 4 2 4 T(Γ(F ×F )) is not toroidal. 4 4 Finally,Figure1part(d)showsasubgraphofT(Γ(Z ×F ))thatisasubdivision 3 4 of K , and thus by Theorem 1.2 γ(T(Γ(Z ×F )))≥2. (cid:3) 5,4 3 4 The authors wish to thank the referee for the detailed and useful comments. 6 HAMIDREZAMAIMANI,CAMERONWICKHAM,ANDSIAMAKYASSEMI Figure 1. Embeddings in the torus and a subgraph of T(Γ(Z ×F )) 3 4 00 13 00 1α2 u u u u (cid:0) (cid:0)(cid:0)@A (cid:0) (cid:0)@A (cid:0) (cid:0)(cid:0) A@ (cid:0) (cid:0) A@ 10 u(cid:0) u(cid:0)(cid:0)H12 A @u10 10 (cid:0)u u(cid:0)1α A @u10 @ H A (cid:0) A H @ H A (cid:0) A H 11 u @u02 HAu11 11 (cid:0)u uH0α Au11 (cid:0)@@ (cid:0)(cid:0) (cid:0)@H H (cid:0) @@ (cid:0)(cid:0) (cid:0) @ H H 01 u(cid:0) 03@@(cid:0)(cid:0)u u01 01 u(cid:0) 0@α2u Hu01 @ (cid:0) (cid:0) @ (cid:0) @ (cid:0) (cid:0) @ (cid:0) @u(cid:0) u(cid:0) @u(cid:0) u 00 13 00 1α2 (a) Embedding of Z ×Z (b) Embedding of Z ×F 2 4 2 4 11 12 10 11 1α 1α2 u u uHPP Hu (cid:8)u (cid:16)(cid:8)(cid:16)u (cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)@ @H(cid:0)P@(cid:8)H(cid:0)@(cid:16)(cid:8)(cid:0) H(cid:8)P(cid:16)P(cid:16)H(cid:8) (cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1) @ @(cid:0)(cid:8)(cid:16)H@(cid:0)(cid:8)PH(cid:0)@ (cid:16)(cid:8)(cid:16) (cid:8)H PHP 22 u(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:8)@u 22 (cid:16)(cid:8)(cid:0)u @(cid:8)(cid:0)u @H(cid:0)u @HPu (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:0) 20S 21 2α 2α2 (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:8) (cid:0) S (cid:8) 21 (cid:0)u(cid:1) (cid:8)(cid:1)u (cid:0)u u 21 S u u u @ 01@ (cid:0) 10 SA01 (cid:1) 0(cid:17)α(cid:17) 0α2 @ @(cid:0)u SA (cid:1) (cid:17) (cid:17) 0@2 (cid:0)u 00@u 20 SA(cid:17)(cid:1)u (cid:0) 00 (cid:0) (cid:0)u u 11 12 (c) Embedding of Z ×Z (d) A subgraph of T(Γ(Z ×F )) 3 3 3 4 that is a subdivision of K 5,4 RINGS WHOSE TOTAL GRAPHS HAVE GENUS AT MOST ONE 7 References 1. 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Siamak Yassemi, Department of Mathematics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, andInstitute for Research in FundamentalSciences (IPM),Tehran Iran.

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