Right submodules of finite rank for von Neumann dynamical systems Paul Jolissaint January 11, 2011 1 1 0 Abstract 2 Let(M,τ,σ,Γ)bea(finite)vonNeumanndynamicalsystemandletN beaunitalvon n a Neumann subalgebra of M which is Γ-invariant. If V ⊂ L2(M) is a right N-submodule J whose projection pV has finite trace in hM,eNi and is Γ-invariant, then we prove that, 0 for every ε> 0, one can find a Γ-invariant submodule W ⊂ V which has finite rank and 1 such that Tr(pV −pW) < ε. In particular, this answers Question 4.2 of [1]. ] A Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L10. O Key words: Finite rank submodules, von Neumann dynamical systems. . h t a 1 Introduction m [ Let (M,τ,σ,Γ) be a von Neumann dynamical system, i.e. M is a finite von Neumann algebra 3 v endowed with 4 8 • a normal, finite, faithful, normalized trace τ, 6 0 • an action σ of a countable group Γ such that every σ is τ-preserving for every g ∈ Γ. . g 9 0 In order to prove an extention to von Neumann dynamical systems of multiple recurrence 0 1 Szemerédi’s Theorem, the authors of [1] need the following lemma ([1], Lemma 4.1, stated : v here somewhat vaguely): Xi Let (M,τ,α) be a finite von Neumann endowed with a τ-preserving action of Z : n 7→ αn. r If N is an α-invariant von Neumann subalgebra of the center of M and if V ⊂ L2(M) is an a invariant right-N-submodule with finite trace, then one can find an invariant N-submodule W ⊂ V of finite rank r, arbitrarily close to V in an appropriate sense, and the associated action of α on W is described by a suitable unitary u ∈ U(M (N)) (all relevant definitions r are recalled below). The proof rests on the decomposition of L2(M) in a direct integral based on N, and that is why N is assumed to lie in the center of M. Guessing that the conclusions of the lemma should hold under more general hypotheses, the authors of [1] ask if it is indeed the case in Question 4.2 of their article. Thus, the aim of the present notes is to provide more general statements of the above lemma. As a matter of fact, we present two variants. In the first one (Proposition 1), we assume that N is at the opposite of being central, namely that N is a type II factor, and 1 we get a neater version than in the general case which is the subject of Proposition 2. The 1 first result and its proof are contained in Section 2, and the second one is treated in the last section. We recall below the main definitions and results that will be needed in the forthcoming sections. Standard notations in the framework of finite von Neumann algebras will be used; they are borrowed from A. Sinclair’s and R. Smith’s monograph [5]. Let (M,τ) be as above, and let L2(M) = L2(M,τ) be the associated Hilbert space given by GNS construction. It is an M-bimodule, and M embeds into L2(M) as a dense subspace. We denote by ξ the image of 1 ∈ M in L2(M), so that τ(x) = hxξ,ξi for every x ∈ M. Let 1 ∈ N ⊂ M be a von Neumann subalgebra of M. We denote by E the τ-preserving conditional expectation of M N onto N, and by e the extention of E to L2(M); hM,e i = JN′J denotes the associated N N N basic construction algebra. Recall also that L1(M) is the completion of M with respect to the norm kxk := τ(|x|) = sup{|τ(xa)| : a ∈ M,kak ≤ 1}. 1 It is an M-bimodule because it is easy to check that kaxbk ≤ kakkxk kbk for all a,x,b ∈ M. 1 1 Furthermore, the mapping (x,y) 7→ xy defined from M × M to M extends to a mapping from L2(M) × L2(M) to L1(M) because kxyk ≤ kxk kyk by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. 1 2 2 In particular, setting y = 1, we get the inequality kxk ≤ kxk which implies that L2(M) ⊂ 1 2 L1(M). Similarly, the conditional expectation E extends to a contraction from L1(M) to N L1(N). All elements of L1(M) can (and will) be interpreted as densely defined linear operators affiliated with M acting on L2(M); full details are contained for instance in Appendix B of [5]. As kx∗k = kxk for all x ∈ M, p = 1,2, conjugation x 7→ x∗ extends to an antilinear, p p isometric bijection of Lp(M) onto itself. It is usually denoted by J in the case p = 2. We denote by Tr the faithful, normal, semifinite trace on hM,e i characterized by N Tr(xe y) = τ(xy) ∀x,y ∈ M, N and we will also make use of the so-called pull-down map Φ defined first on the dense subal- gebra Me M := { a e b : a ,b ∈ M ∀i} by N finite i N i i i P Φ(xe y) = xy ∀x,y ∈ M. N It extends to an M-bimodule ∗-map from L1(hM,e i,Tr) to L1(M) and it has the following N properties (see Section 4.5 in [5], in particular Theorem 4.5.3): (i) τ(Φ(x)) = Tr(x) for all x ∈ L1(hM,e i,Tr); N (ii) xe = Φ(xe )e for all x ∈ L1(hM,e i,Tr); N N N N (iii) kΦ(x)k ≤ kxk for all x ∈ L1(hM,e i,Tr); 1 1,Tr N (iv) Φ maps Me onto M with kΦ(x)k = kxk for all x ∈ Me ; N 2 2,Tr N (v) the equations Φ(xe y) = xJy∗Jξ and Φ(ye x) = Jx∗Jyξ hold and both are in L2(M) N N for all all x ∈ M and y ∈ hM,e i. N 2 Moreover, we need the following extention of claim (iv) above: as Tr(e ) = 1, one has N e ∈ L2(hM,e i,Tr) as well, hence Xe ∈ L2(hM,e i,Tr) for every X ∈ hM,e i, and Φ N N N N N extends to hM,e ie isometrically, i.e. one has Xe = Φ(Xe )e with N N N N N kXe k = kΦ(Xe )k N 2,Tr N 2 for every X ∈ hM,e i. Indeed, it suffices to prove the above equality for X = a e b N i i N i where the sum is finite and a ,b ∈ M for every i. One has i i P Xe = a e b e = a E (b )e N i N i N i N i N i i X X and Φ(Xe ) = a E (b ) N i N i i X hence kXe k2 = Tr(e X∗Xe ) N 2,Tr N N = Tr( e b∗e a∗a e b e ) N i N i j N j N i,j X = τ(E (b∗)E (a∗a )E (b )) N i N i j N j i,j X = τ(E (b∗)a∗a E (b )) = kΦ(Xe )k2. N i i j N j N 2 i,j X Let N be a Γ-invariant, unital von Neumann subalgebra of M. We denote by u (g) the σ unitary operator on L2(M) defined by u (g)xξ = σ (x)ξ for every x ∈ M. Invariance implies σ g that E σ = σ E , and that u (g) and e commute for all g ∈ Γ. We extend σ to an N g g N σ N g automorphism of hM,e i as follows: σ (X) = u (g)Xu (g−1) for all X ∈ hM,e i; it is N g σ σ N characterized by σ (ae b) = σ (a)e σ (b) for all a,b ∈ M and g ∈ Γ. g N g N g Moreover, thereis a bijective correspondence between the set ofprojections ofhM,e iand N the right N-submodules of L2(M) given by p 7→ V = pL2(M). The reciprocal map is denoted by V 7→ p . Note that V is u (g)-invariant if and only if σ (p ) = p . Let V be a right V σ g V V N-submodule of L2(M); following [1], we say that V is of finite lifted trace if Tr(p ) < ∞. V Furthermore, V is said to be of finite rank if there exist finitely many vectors ξ ,...,ξ ∈ V 1 r such that V = r ξ N. Following [4], we say that ξ ,...,ξ is an orthonormal basis of V i=1 i 1 r over N if E (ξ∗ξ ) = δ f where f is a non zero projection for every i = 1,...,r. If it is the N i j i,j i i P case, it follows immediately that, if η ∈ V can be expressed as r η = ξ a j j j=1 X with a = f a ,...,a = f a ∈ N, then such a decomposition is unique: if η = ξ b with 1 1 1 r r r j j j b = f b ∈ N for all j, then a = b for all j = 1,...,r. j j j j j P We will also freely use comparison theory of projections in factors and its relationships with (semi)finite traces as it appears for instance in Part III of [2] or in Chapter V of [6]: we just recall that, if M is a von Neumann algebra, if e,f ∈ M are projections, then e (cid:22) f if 3 there exists a partial isometry u ∈ M such that u∗u = e and uu∗ ≤ f. We denote by Ip(M) the set of all partial isometries of M. Finally, if σ : Γ → Aut(M) is an action of Γ on M, a map u : Γ → Ip(M) is a σ-cocycle if it satisfies u(gh) = u(g)σ (u(h)) for all g,h ∈ Γ. g 2 The case of subfactors Here is our first result. Its proof is strongly inspired by that of Proposition 1.3 in [3]. Proposition 1 Suppose that (M,τ,σ,Γ) is a von Neumann dynamical system and that N is a Γ-invariant type II subfactor of M. Let p be a projection in hM,e i such that 0 < t := 1 N Tr(p) < ∞ and which is Γ-invariant. Then V := pL2(M) has finite rank r = t if t is an integer, or r = n + 1 where n is the integer part of t otherwise, and there exists a family (ξ ) ⊂ L2(M) such that: j 1≤j≤r (a) E (ξ∗ξ ) = 0 for j 6= k; N j k (b) E (ξ∗ξ ) = 1 for 1 ≤ j ≤ n, and E (ξ∗ ξ ) := f is a projection of N with trace N j j N n+1 n+1 n+1 equal to Tr(p)−n; (c) each ξ e is a partial isometry in hM,e i and ξ e ξ∗ = p; j N N j j N j (d) every η ∈ V has a unique decomposition η =P ξ E (ξ∗η), thus in particular, the j j N j family (ξ ) is an orthonormal basis of V over N; j 1≤j≤r P (e) there exists a σ ⊗i -cocycle u : Γ → Ip(M (N)), g 7→ u(g) = (u (g)) , such that r r i,j 1≤i,j≤r u (g)ξ = ξ u (g) ∀j,g. σ j i i,j i X Proof. Let us assume that Tr(p) is not an integer, hence that 0 < Tr(p) − n < 1. Since hM,e i is a factor of type II, there exist projections g ,...,g ,g ∈ hM,e i such that N 1 n n+1 N (i) g g = 0 if j 6= k; j k (ii) g = p; j j (iii) TPr(g ) = Tr(e ) = 1 for all j ≤ n, and Tr(g ) = Tr(p)−n. j N n+1 Hence, for every j ≤ n, g is a projection in hM,e i which is equivalent to e (since they j N N have the same trace, and since JN′J = hM,e i is a factor), and g (cid:22) e . Thus, there exist N n+1 N partial isometries v ∈ hM,e i, j = 1,...,n+1, such that v v∗ = g for all j = 1,...,n+1, j N j j j v∗v = e for all j ≤ n, and v∗ v ≤ e . j j N n+1 n+1 N Since v = v e for all j, the use of the pull-down map Φ implies that v = ξ e with j j N j j N ξ = Φ(v ) = Φ(v e ) ∈ L2(M), and this proves immediately statement (c). j j j N For j 6= k, one has 0 = v∗v = e v∗v e = E (ξ∗ξ )e j k N j k N N j k N hence E (ξ∗ξ ) = 0, which proves statement (a). Similarly, the fact that v∗v = e for j ≤ n N j k j j N shows that E (ξ∗ξ ) = 1 for j ≤ n. If j = n + 1, then v∗ v = E (ξ∗ ξ )e is a N j j n+1 n+1 N n+1 n+1 N subprojection of e , hence E (ξ∗ ξ ) := f is a projection, too. Thus claim (b) holds N N n+1 n+1 n+1 true. 4 If x ∈ M, one has p(xξ) = p(xe ξ) = ξ e ξ∗xe ξ = ξ E (ξ∗xξ) N j N j N j N j j j X X thus, by density of M in L2(M), this proves statement (d). Finally, put u (g) = E (ξ∗u (g)ξ ) ∈ L1(N) for all i,j, so that i,j N i σ j u (g)ξ = ξ u (g) ∀j,g. σ j i i,j i X Then we claim that u (g)∗u (g) = δ σ E (ξ∗ξ ); this will prove that all u (g)’s are k k,i k,j i,j g N i j i,j bounded operators (by taking i = j), and that u(g) ∈ Ip(M (M)). One has, indeed, r P u (g)∗u (g)e = e u (g)∗u (g)e k,i k,j N N k,i k,j N k k X X = e (u (g)ξ )∗ξ e ξ∗u (g)ξ e N σ i k N k σ j N k X = e (u (g)ξ )∗pu (g)ξ e N σ i σ j N = δ σ (E (ξ∗ξ ))e i,j g N i j N since u (g) commutes with p and pξ = ξ . This shows that u (g) is bounded, hence belongs σ i i k,i to N and that 1 0 ... 0 0 1 ... 0 u(g)∗u(g) = .. .. .. .. , . . . . 0 0 ... σg(fr) proving that u(g) is a partial isometry for all g. As obviously f u (g)σ (f ) = u (g) for all r r,r g r r,r g, the decomposition of each u (g)ξ is unique, we see that u(gh) = u(g)σ ⊗i (u(h)) for all σ j g r g,h ∈ Γ as follows: u (gh)ξ = u (g)(u (h)ξ ) = u (g) ξ u (h) σ j σ σ j σ i i,j ! i X = u (g)(ξ u (h)) = u (g)ξ σ (u (h)) σ i i,j σ i g i,j i i X X = ξ ξ u (g)σ (u (h)) k i k,i g i,j ! k i X X = ξ u (gh). k k,j k X (cid:3) Remark. Contrary to what is stated in Lemma 4.1 of [1], the entries u of the unitary i,j operator u are not unitary operators themselves (neither are the entries u(−n) in the proof of i,j Proposition 4.5), but they satisfy ku k ≤ 1 for all i,j, and this suffices to get the conclusion i,j in the proof of Proposition 4.5 in [1]. 5 3 The general case Here is our last result. Proposition 2 Let (M,τ,σ,Γ) be a von Neumann dynamical system, let N be a unital, Γ- invariant von Neumann subalgebra of M, let p be a projection in hM,e i such that 0 < N Tr(p) < ∞ and σ (p) = p for all g ∈ Γ. For every ε > 0, there exists a projection q ≤ p g in hM,e i such that σ (q) = q for all g, Tr(p − q) < ε and there exists a finite family N g (ξ ) ⊂ L2(M) with the following properties: j 1≤j≤r (a) E (ξ∗ξ ) = 0 for all j 6= k; N j k (b) E (ξ∗ξ ) =: f is a non zero projection of N for all j = 1,...,r; N j j j (c) each ξ e is a partial isometry and ξ e ξ∗ = q; j N j j N j (d) every η ∈ qL2(M) has a decomposiPtion η = ξ E (ξ∗η), thus in particular, W := j j N j qL2(M) is a right N-submodule of finite rank and the family (ξ ) is an orthonormal j 1≤j≤r P basis of W over N; (e) there exists a σ ⊗i -cocycle u : Γ → Ip(M (N)), g 7→ u(g) = (u (g)) , such that r r i,j 1≤i,j≤r u (g)ξ = ξ u (g) ∀j,g. σ j i i,j i X Proof. Assume first that p (cid:22) e . Then there exists a partial isometry v ∈ hM,e i such that N N vv∗ = p and v∗v ≤ e . Thus v = ve = ξ e where ξ = Φ(v) = Φ(ve ) ∈ L2(M). One N N 1 N 1 N checks as in the proof of Proposition 1 that v∗v = E (ξ∗ξ ) = f is a projection in N and that N 1 1 pη = ξ E (ξ∗η) for every η ∈ L2(M), hence pL2(M) = ξ N. 1 N 1 1 Moreover, if we set u(g) = E (ξ∗u (g)ξ ), then it is easy to see that u(g)∗u(g)e = N 1 σ 1 N σ (f)e , hence that u(g) ∈ N is a partial isometry and one can check as in the proof of the g N preceeding proposition that u is a cocycle. Next, if p 6(cid:22) e , by the Comparability Theorem (see Theorem V.1.8 of [6], for instance), N there exists a central projection z ∈ hM,e i such that e z (cid:22) pz and p(1−z) (cid:22) e (1−z). N N N By our present assumption, z 6= 0 and e z 6= 0, since the central support of e is 1. Then N N we define the following set Z, ordered by inclusion: it is the set of all families of projections (g ) ⊂ hM,e i such that g g = 0 for all i 6= j, 0 6= g (cid:22) e , σ (g ) = g for all i ∈ I and all i i∈I N i j i N g i i g ∈ Γ and finally g ≤ p. i∈I i Let us see that Z 6= ∅: as e z (cid:22) pz, there exists a partial isometry u 6= 0 such that N P u∗u = e z ≤ e and uu∗ ≤ pz ≤ p. N N Then e := σ (uu∗) is a Γ-invariant non zero projection, e ≤ p and, by Lemma V.2.2 of g∈Γ g [6], e (cid:22) e . Hence, by Zorn’s Lemma, let (g ) be a maximal element of Z. N i i∈I W We claim that g = p. Indeed, if it is not the case, put f = p − g 6= 0. Then i∈I i i i σ (f) = f for all g, f ≤ p, and, as the central support of e is 1, there exists a non g N P P zero projection f′ ≤ f such that f′ (cid:22) e (Lemma V.1.7 of [6]). As above, the projection N f′′ = σ (f′) is non zero, Γ-invariant, and the family (g ) ∪ {f′′} contradicts the g∈Γ g i i∈I maximality of (g ) . i i∈I W As Tr(g ) = Tr(p) < ∞, if ε > 0 is given, there exists {1,...,r} ⊂ I such that i i Tr(p−q) < ε and σ (q) = q for all g, where we have set q = r g . Now, as in the proof of P g i=1 i P 6 Proposition1, thereexist isometries v ,...,v ∈ hM,e isuch that v v∗ = g andv∗v ≤ e for 1 r N i i i i i N all i. One can find vectors ξ ,...,ξ ∈ L2(M) such that v = ξ e for all i, and it is easy to see 1 r i i N that statements (a), (b), (c) and (d) hold true. Furthermore, if we set u (g) = E (ξ∗u (g)ξ ) i,j N i σ j so that u (g)ξ = ξ u (g), one can prove as in the previous section that σ j i i i,j P u (g)∗u (g)e = δ σ (f )e k,i k,j N i,j g i N k X for all i,j, proving that u(g) = (u (g)) ∈ M (N) is a partial isometry. The cocycle identity i,j r is proved exactly as in Proposition 1. (cid:3) References [1] T. Austin, T. Eisner, and T. Tao. 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