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"(rl ARMY FM 10-553 OBSOLETE AIR FORCE TO 13C7-18-41 .~ ,..­ ~ DO NOT CHARGE .... AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT RIGGING AMMUNITION LIBRARY USACGSCfTl.fAVENWOllTli,KAH. APR 0 .) 19La _ _ ~SS1OHNOl-- I'OREtlIS1R _ DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE FIELD MANUAL • FM 10-553/TO13C7-18-41 NO. 10-553, DEPARTME,NT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL ORDER AND THE AIR FORCE NO. 13C7-18..41 WASHINGTON, DC, 4 DECEMBER 1981 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT RIGGING AMMUNITION:' Paragraph Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Scope ' : ..' ' ;'.' ''1-1 1-1 Special Considerations 1-2 1-1 Recommended Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1-3 1-2 Parachute Requirements 1-4 1-2 Equipment Required 1-5 1-2 Ammunition Rigging Table Instructions 1-6 1-3 CHAPrER2. RIGGING A-22 CARGO BAG LOADS Section 1. RIGGING A-22 CARGO BAG FOR LOW-VELOCITY AIRDROP Preparing A-22 Cargo Bag 2-1 2-1 Special Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-2 2-1 Parachute Requirement 2-3 2-1 Ammunition Rigged in an A-22 Cargo Bag for Low-Velocity Airdrop 2-2 Section II RIGGING A-22 CARGO BAG FOR HIGH-VELOCITY AIRDROP Preparing A-22 Cargo Bag 2-4 2-.51 Special Instructions 2-5 2-51 Parachute Requirements 2-6 2-51 Ammunition Rigged in A-22 Cargo Bags for High-Velocity Airdrop 2-52 CHAPTER 3. RIGGING A-7A CARGO SLING LOADS Section I. RIGGING A-7A CARGO SLINGS FOR LOW­ VELOCITY AIRDROP Preparing A-7A Cargo Sling Loads 3-1 3-1 Special Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-2 3-1 Parachute Requirements 3-~ 3-1 Ammunition Rigged in A-7A Cargo Slings for Low-Velocity Airdrop 3-2 *This manual supersedes FM 10-553/TO 13C7-18-41, 28 February 1975, including all changes. FM 10-553/TO 13C7-18-41 Section II. RIGGING A-7A CARGO SLING FOR HIGH-VELOCITY AIRDROP Preparing A-7A Cargo Sling Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-4 3-27 Special Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-5 3-27 Parachute Requirements 3-6 3-27 Ammunition Rigged in A-7A Cargo Slings for High-Velocity Airdrop 3-28 APPENDIXA. REFERENCES ! •••••A-l APPENDIXB. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED B-l ii FM 10-663/TO 13C7-18-41 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION • 1-1. Scope This manual tells and shows how to rig certain types of ammunition and explosives • in A-22 cargo bags and A·7A cargo slings for low- or high-velocity airdrop. These proce­ dures apply only to the items listed in this manual. }·2. Special Con8ideratioDS CAUTION: Explosives and ammunition mUlt be handled with car. at ,II tim••. Th. explosives elements in primer. and fuze••,. se"'itive to shock and hiliJh temperatur••. Rigging perlonnel will inlure that box•• or • containers of explosive. and ammunition .,. not dropped. thrown. tumbled. or dragged. a. Hazardous Materials. These loads contain hazardous material, explosives or ammunition, 8S defined in AFR 71·4ITM 38­ 250. Hazardous materials must be packed. marked, and labeled 88 described in AFR 71­ 4/TM 38-250. b. Mixed Load•. Mixed ammunition loads must comply with AFR 7l-41TM 38­ 250. c. Boxed Aml7UUlition. Boxed ammu· taminate the drop zone. All damaged rounds nition should be rigged in the position that it and containers mu.t be considered dan­ is normally shipped, with the box lid on top. gerou. and destroyed in place. d. Damaged Ammunition. Ammuni­ h. 66-Millimeter Amnwnition. The • tion and explosives damaged by airdrop 66-mm ammunition must be rigged in the must be destroyed in place by qualified ex· base down position. If a parachute mal­ plosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel. functions, detonation may occur on ground e. 8I-Millimeter Ammunition. Care impact. All damaged rounds and containers must be used after airdrop of 8i-rom am­ must be considered dangerous and destroyed munition since possible detonation and drop in place. zone contamination may occur. i. Smoke Greruule•. If a parachute f. 90-Millimeter Ammunition. The malfunctions, smoke grenades may detonate 9O-mm ammunition will contaminate the on ground impact and contaminate the drop drop zone if a parachute malfunctions. zone. g. 4.2-lnch Ammunition. If a para­ j. Mine, Apers, M14 (DODAC 1346­ chute malfunctions, 4.2·inch ammunition K121). The M14 mine will contaminate the may detonate on ground impact and con· drop zone if a parachute malfunctions. 1-1 FM10-553/TO 13C7-18-41 k. Mine, AP, M26 (DODAC 1345­ Air Force personnel, sendyourreports on K146). The M26 mine may detonate on AFTO Form 22 (Technical Order~ublication ground impact if a parachute malfunctions. Improvement Report). Send the reports All damaged mines and containers must be through: considered dangerous anddestroyedinplace. Headquarters 1. Mine,AT,HE,M19(DODAC1345­ Military Airlift Command K250). The M19 mine may detonate on (MAC/DOVT) ground impact if a parachute malfunctions. Scott AFB, Illinois 62225 All damaged mines and containers must be considereddangerous anddestroyedinplace. m. Signals, Personnel Distress, to: XM185 andXM186 (DODAC 1370-Ll16 and Ll17). XM185 and XM186 personnel Commandant distress signals will detonate on ground im­ US Army Quartermaster School pact ifa parachute malfunctions. ATTN: ATSM-TDT n. Flare, Surface, M49Al, Trip Fort Lee, Virginia 23801 (DODAC 1370-L495). The M49Al surface trip flare may burn on ground impact if a parachute malfunctions. The surface trip Also send info copies ofAFTO Form 22 to: flares will always be rigged in separate air­ _San AntonioALC/MMEDTR drop cont'ainers and must not be mixed with Kelly AFB, Texas 78341 other explosive or ammunition items. o. Ignition Cylinder, Flame­ thrower, M1 (DODAC 1375-M680). The Ml flamethrower ignition cylinders will 1-4. Parachute Requirements detonate on ground impact if a prachute a.Low-Velocity Airdrops. The malfunctions. These ignitors do not contain G-12C and D, G-13, T-7A, and G-14 cargo explosives but will burn, producing an in­ parachutes used for low-velocity airdrops do tense heat. not require special preparation. The G-12C p. Fuze, Proximity. Proximity fuzes andD, G-13, and G-14 cargo parachutes are must beriggedin the "nosedown" position. If packed according to TM 10-1670-215-23. The the fuze boxes are damaged, the fuzes should T-7A cargo parachute is packed according to not be used. TM 10-1670-215-25. Parachute requirements are listed in table I-I. 1-3. Recommended Changes b~High-Velocity Airdrops. The pri­ You are encouraged to report any errors mary parachutes for high-velocity airdrops or omissions you find in this manual and to are the single 68-inch pilot chute and the 12­ suggest ways for making, it a better manual. or 26-footdiameter canopy high-velocity car-­ Army personnel, send your comments on DA go parachute. These parachutes require no Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Pub­ special preparation and are packed as out­ lications and Blank Forms) directly to: lined in the appropriate manuals listed in appendix A. The 15- and 22-foot cargo ex­ traction parachutes are authorized sub­ stitutes for the 12-and 26-foot cargo para­ Commandant chutes.The parachutes are prepared as out­ US Army Quartermaster School lined in FM 10-501/TO 13C7-1-11. Require­ ATTN: ATSM-TDT ments for the parachutes are listed in table Fort Lee, Virginia 23801 1-2. ' 1-5. Equipment Required Theequipmentrequiredfor riggingthese loads is listed in appendix B. 1-2 FM10-553/TO 13C7-18-41 • Suspended Weight lib) Parachutes Minimum Maximum One T·7A 100 500 Two T·7A's 501 800 OneG·130rG·14 200 500 Two G·13', or G·14's 501 1.000 Three G-' 3', or G-14', 1.001 1.500 ·One G·12 Ie or 01 501 2.200 ·Use the G-12 per.chuta when dropping "agile item•. Clustered T·7A. G·13. or G-14 cargo parachute should be used ONLY when. G·'2 car90 panchut. I, not available. Table 1·1. Parachute reqUlrements for low-ueloclty atrdrop Suspended Weight (Ib) • Parachute Minimum Maximum ·One 68-in pilot parachute 75 150 Three 68-in pilot parachute. 151 500 ·One 12·ft ringllot parachute 151 500 One 15·ft cargo extraction parachute (reefed with 260-in ,eefing line) 151 500 ·One 26·ft ringalet patachute 500 2.200 One 22·ft cargo extraction parachute 1.000 1.000 ·Primary parachute. NOTE: Computed air r.I•••• point (CARP) data doa. not exi.t 10r load. weighing batween 600 and 600 pound•. With tha 22-100t cargo axtraction parachuta. CARP dam exist only for 1.000 pound load•. Table 1-2. Parachute requirements for high·uelocity airdrop 1-6. Ammunition RiggingTable Instruc­ der the method of airdrop columns give the tions. numbers of the figures which show how to • arrange the loads. Items with national stock Ammunition items are listed by type and numbers (NSNs) are listed on page 1-26. in DODAe number order. The numbers un­ 1-3 FM'O-553/TO '3C7-'8-4, • A-22 low- A-22 High- A-7A low- A-7A High- Item Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity 5.56-Millimete, Ammunition Cartridge. 5.56mm. Tracer. M196 (OOOAC 1305-A068) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Caftridge, 556-mm. Ball. M193 • 4 IOOOAC 1305-A071) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 7.e2-Millimeter Ammunition CartrIdge. 7.62-mm. Ball. M59 and MBO (OOOAC 1305-A122) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartrtdge. 7.62-mm. Tracer. M62 1000AC 1305-A124) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge, 7.62-mm. Ball Tracer Lmked. with M 13 Link, MaO 1000AC 1305-A127) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge, 762-mm. 5-Rd Clip, Mao (OOOAC 1305-A130) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge. 7 62·mm. Ball Tracer • Linked WIth M13 Link. M62 1000AC 1305-A131) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge. 762-mm. Match. M118 (OOOAC 1305-A136) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge. 7.62-mm, M62 Linked 1000AC 1305-A'37) 2-2 2-45 3-1 3-20 Cartridge, 7.62-mm. Tracer. M62 (OOOAC 1305-A1401 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge, 7.62-mm. Ball. MaO Linked 1000AC 1305-A143) 2-2 2-45 3-' 3-20 Cartridge. 7.62-mm. Tracer. M62, Clipped 1000AC 1305-A1451 2-' 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartndge. 7.62-mm, Tracer, M62 Linked (OOOAC 1305-A146) 2-2 2-45 3-1 3-20 Cartrldge. 7.62-mm. Linked, 9·Bell. MSO. 1-lR. XM2761000AC 1305-A163) 2-3 2-46 3-2 3-21 Cartridge. 762·mm. linked, g-Ball M80. l-TR. M621000AC '305-A165) 2-3 2-46 3-2 3-21 • Table ]·3. Ammunition Rigging Table '-4 FM 10-663/TO 13C7-18-41 • A·22 low­ A-22 High· A-7A Low­ A-7A High­ Item Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity .45-Caliber Ammunition Cartridge. Cal .45, Ball. M 1911 (DODAC 1305-A4751 2-' 2-44 3-1 3-20 ! .50-Caliber Ammunition Cartrtdge. Cal .50, API Me (DODAC 1305-A531) 2-' 2-44 3-1 3-20 Me Cartridge. Cal .50. API, Carton, Grade MG or API·T. M20 (DODAC 1305-A532) 2-4 2-47 3-3 3-22 Cartridge. Cal .50. API, Me Linked (DODAC 1305-A5331 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge, Cal .50. API. Me Linked with M2 Link. Grade MG IDODAC 1305-A534) 2-4 2-47 3-3 3-22 Cartridge. Cal 50. APT·T, M20 IDODAC 1305-A541) 2-' 2-44 3-1 3-20 • Cartridge. Cal .50, APIT, M20. Carton, Grade MG (OOOAC 1305­ A542) 2-3 2-46 3-4 3-23 Cartndge. Cal .50. APIT. M20. Linked with M2 Link, Grade AC (DODAC 1305-A543) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge. Cal .50, APIT. M20. Linked with Ml Link. Grade MG 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 100DAC 1305-A544) Cartridge, Cal.50. Tracer. M17. Grade MG (DODAC 1305-A571) 2-' 2-44 3-' 3-20 Cartridge, Cal .50. Tracer. M17 Linked with Ml Link. Grade AC IDODAC '305-A572) 2-' 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge, Cal .50. Spotter~ Tracer. M48A2 (OOOAC 1305­ A574) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge. Cal .50. Linked, 4 API, M8, API-T M20, IDOOAC 1305-A576) 2-' 2-44 3-1 3-20 • Table 1-3. (Continued) 1-6 FM10-553/TO 13C7-18-41 • A·22 low­ A-22 High­ A-7A Low­ A·7A High­ Item Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity Cartridge. Cal .50. Linked. 4 API. M8. API-T M20 IDODAC 1305-A577) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 • Cartridge. Cal 50. API· T M20. Linked (DODAC 1305­ A585) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 • Cartridge. Cal .50. Linked, 4 API, MS. 1 APT-T. M20 IDODAC 1305-A587) 2-, 2-44 3-1 3-20 Cartridge, Cal 50. linked. 4 API M8. 1 API-T M20. IDODAC 1305­ A589) 2-1 2-44 3-1 3-20 20·Millimeter Ammunition Cartridge, 20-mm. Linked 4HE1ITP-T IDODAC 1305-A553) 2-5 2-48 3-5 3-24 • Cartridge. 20-mm. Linked, 7HEI, M55A3-1. XM220 100DAC 1305-A655) 2-5 2-48 3-5 3-24 Cartridge. 20-mm. Linked HEAT-SO. M246100DAC 1305-A792) 2-5 2-48 3-5 3-24 40-Millimeter Ammunition Cartridge. 4Q-mm, HEDP M331DODAC 1310-84701 2-6 2-49 3-6 3-22 Cartridge. 40-mm. White St.,. M583AliDODAC 1310-8535) 2-7 2-50 3-7 3-25 Cartridge, 40-mm. HE. M430 IDODAC 1310-8542) 2-6 2-49 3-6 Cartridge, 40-mm. HEDP. M4331DODAC 1310-8546) 2-8 2-51 3-8 3-26 • Cartridge. 40-mm. AP-T. M8l IDODAC 1310-8552) 2-9 2-52 3-4 3-23 Cartridge. 40-mm. HEI-T, SO. IDODAC 1310-8559) 2-4 2-47 3-3 3-22 Cartridge. 40-mm. HE-T, SO, M3, MK1'. MK21DODAC 1310-8562) 2-9 2-52 3-4 3-23 Cartridge. 40-mm. HE. Linked. • M383EliDODAC 1310-85711 2-6 2-49 3-6 Table 1-3. (Continued) 1-7

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