MCRP 3-1A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps PCN: 139 00024 00 YVA NEH TF OTNEMTRAPED spro Cenira Msetat Sdetin U,sretrauqdaeH 1000-0830 2C D,notgnihsaW 23 beF 1999 DROWEROF 1. PURPOSE noitacilbu Pecnerefe Rspro CeniraM (MCRP) ,A10- 3 Rifle Marksmanship,eh tsedivor p nirtcod ,e inhce t seuq ,or pdn a amskra melfi rspro Cenira Mro fserudec nship. 2. SCO P E .namelfi r a,tsomero fdn atsri fs ienira MyrevE MCRP enira Meh tdn asoht esih tstcelfe rA10- 3 Corps gnithgifraw ro fderiuqe rsllik slaudividn ieh tsessucsi dnoitacilbu psih T.yhposolih p uorh tserudecor pdn aseuqinhce teh tsezidradnat sdn a,pihsnamskra melfi revitceffe eh ttuohg dn aleve lyrtn ell aro fsisa blanirtco deh t,setutitsno ct I.spro CeniraM sustainment fi rleve l el .gniniar tpihsnamskram NOISSESREPU S.3 MCRP 10- 3 sedesrepu sA rf onoissucsi deht n ipihsnamskra melfi F na Mecro Fenira Mteel lau MFMF( ) 8- 0 , Basic Marksmanship dn a MFMF 9-0 , Field Firing for the M16A2 Rifle.ehT ( ucsid s s i on of pistol marksmanship in MFMF litn utceff en isniame r8- 0 until y bdedesrepu s MCRP - 3 ,B10 Pistol Marksmanship s ihcih w, ).tnempoleve dredn uyltnerruc SEGNAH C.4 e ws asdnammo cmor fdetivn ier alauna msih tgnivorpm iro fsnoitadnemmoceR mor fyltceri ds all individuals :o ttamro fmro Fnoitseggu Sres Ueh tgnis usnoitseggu sdrawro F. ROTCERID C422 MCCDC NOISIVI DENIRTCO D A81 3ETIU SDAO RLLESSU R0033 OCITNAUQ 1205-4312 2A V NOITACIFITRE C.5 .eta dsih tdevorpp adn adeweiveR SPRO CENIRA MEH TF OTNADNAMMO CEH TF ONOITCERI DYB J. E. RHODES larene Gtnanetuei L , U. S spro Cenira M. larene Ggnidnammo C dnammo Ctnempoleve Dtabmo Cspro Cenira M ,ocitnauQ ainigri V 0 042000 093 1:NOITUBIRTSID MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship Rifle Marksmanship Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1001 namelfi Renira Meh tf oeloR -1 1 1002 tabmo Cn ipihsnamskra Mgnitceff AsnoitidnoC -1 2 100 3 Combat Mindset -1 2 Chapter 2. M16A2 Service Rifle 2001 seitilibapaC/scitsiretcarahC 1-2 2002 erutalcnemoN 1-2 2003 slortno ClanoitarepO -2 2 2004 noitarep Of oelcyC -2 3 2005 Ammunition -2 4 2006 ecnanetnia MevitneverP -2 5 2007 kceh CnoitcnuF 1-2 2 2008 noitcepsn Iytilibaecivre SresU 1-2 2 2009 ecnanetnia MdleiF 1-2 3 2010 snoitidno Clamronb An ielfi Reh tgninaelC 31-2 Chapter 3. Weapons Handling 3001 selu RytefaS -3 1 3002 Weapons Conditions -3 1 3003 )kceh CrebmahC (noitidno Cs’nopae W agninimreteD 2-3 3004 Weapons Commands 3-3 300 5 elfi Reh tgnidaoL -3 3 300 6 ydae Relfi Reh tgnikaM -3 4 300 7 eriF -3 4 300 8 eri FesaeC -3 4 300 9 elfi Reh tgnidaolnU 4-3 30 10 rael Celfi Reh tgniwoh Sdn agnidaolnU -3 5 301 1 senizaga Mgnirot Sdn agnilliF -3 6 3012 elfi Reh tgnidaoleR -3 8 301 3 noitc AlaidemeR -3 9 301 4 seirra CsnopaeW -3 1 1 301 5 stropsnar TsnopaeW 1-3 2 301 6 elfi Reh tgnirrefsnarT 1-3 3 MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship 301 7 serudecor Plerra BgniraelC 1-3 4 Chapter 4. Fundamentals of Marksmanship 4001 gnimiA 1-4 4002 ChtaerB ontrol 4-4 4003 lortno CreggirT -4 5 4004 hguorhT-wolloF yrevoceR/ 6-4 Chapter 5. Rifle Firing Positions 5001 noitiso Pgniri F atceleS 1-5 5002 eh tf oses Udn asepyT Rifle Web gnil S 1-5 5003 gnil SytsaH -5 2 5004 gnil SpooL -5 6 5005 P rone Position -5 10 5006 noitiso PgnileenK 1-5 5 5007 Sitting Position 1-5 8 5008 Standing Position 2-5 4 Chapter 6. Use of Cover and Concealment 6 001 tnemlaecno Cdn arevoC 1-6 6 002 snoitiso Pgniri FdetroppuS -6 4 6 003 gagn Edn astegra Tro fgnihcraeS revo Cdnihe Bmor Fmeh Tgni -6 9 6004 revo Cdnihe Bmor Ftu OgnivoM -6 10 Chapter 7. Rifle Presentation 700 1 elfi Reh tf onoitatneserP 1-7 7002 ssess Adn ahcraeS -7 5 Chapter 8. Effects of Weather 8 001 tellu Beh tn odni Wf ostceff ElacisyhP 1-8 8002 elfi Reh tdn atellu Beh tn onoitatipicer Pdn aerutarepme Tf ostceff ElacisyhP 3-8 8 003 senira Mn orehtae Wf ostceff Elacigolohcys Pdn alacisyhP -8 4 MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship Chapter 9. Zeroing 9 001 gniore Zf ostnemelE 1-9 9 00 2 thgiselttaB ore Z )OZB( -9 1 9 00 3 2A61M metsy Sgnithgi S -9 2 9004 egadniW selu Rnoitavel Edn a 3-9 9005 sgnitte Sthgi SlaitinI 4-9 9 00 6 gnioreZ ssecor P -9 4 900 7 tneidepx EdleiF B thgiseltta gniore Z 5-9 900 8 agnisua CsrotcaF OZB demrifnoce Re bo t 9 6- 9009 af oycarucc Aeh tgnitceff AsrotcaF OZB 9 - 7 Chapter 10. Engagement Techniques 10 001 noitcete DtegraT 1-01 10002 noitamits EegnaR 4-01 10003 gnimi AtesffO 7-01 10004 eri Ff oseuqinhceT 9-01 10 005 stegra Ttaerh Tetaidemm IgnigagnE -01 10 10 006 stegra Telpitlu MgnigagnE -01 10 10 007 stegra Tgnivo MgnigagnE 1-01 2 10 008 secnatsi Dnwonkn Ut astegra TgnigagnE 51-01 10009 gagnE ssenkra Ddn athgi Lwo Lgniru Dstegra Tgni 1-01 6 10010 ksa Mevitcetor Pdlei Feh tgnirae Welih Wstegra TgnigagnE 1-01 9 smre Tf oyrassol G AxidneppA MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship 1 Chapter 1 2 Introduction to Rifle Marksmanship 3 1001. Role of the Marine Rifleman 4 o c aerah ssenira Mll A mm o n gnithgifraw .feile b ifeile bsih tf oecness eeh T elpmi s ay bderutpa cs 5 lufrewo ptey der c o: amelfi r aenira Myrev E“ ”.n f osseldrage r,enira Myrev e,sdro wreht on I 6 nu f asa h,ytlaiceps erah s,ecneirepx enommo c amor fdegro fer asenira Mll A.esopru platnemad 7 n af osrebme ms adeniar ter adn a,seula vf ote snommo ca exped .ssenidae rn iecro fyranoiti T ereh 8 senira M”aer araer “o nera ,ytilibo m,egna reh T. ytilahte ldna n esnopae wnredo mf o o ntah terus 9 aerh tefi lyllaitneto pmor fra foo ts ieno uti sgninet se rsenira Mneh wsnoita .sisir c ao tdnop eh T 10 s a,e blli wtcilfno ctxe neh tf onamelfi reniraM ymen eeh ttnorfno co ttsri feh tgnom a,tsa peh tn i 11 dna gna ho ttsa l his nopae w on retf akca reht esae cseitilitsoh . 12 eh tlortno ctsu msecro fspro Cenira M,lufsseccu se boT capselttab e .ovn isih t,sesa ctso mn I l v se 13 dnuor geh tf olortnoc csih T. btonna ezie soh wnamelfi reh ttuohti weno de eh tmor fniarre ts 14 bymene dn I.snoitarep oevisneff ogniru drevuena mdn aeri fy namelfi reh t,snoitarep oevisnefe ’ s 15 ednepe dyre vosl as iniarre tlortno cdn aypucc oo tytiliba nt etarucc agnirevile dn illik ssi hnop u 16 ymen elepe rtah tserif m,erofereh T.stluassa s iycneicifor ppihsnamskra laitness ena ye k to 17 n ithguo fe bo teunitno clli wstcilfno cdemr A.snoitarep otabmo cdnuor gn issenevitceff eyratilim 18 stnemnorivn etrese do telgnu jo tnabr umor f,dlro weh tf ostra psuoirav t I. tah tdemuss ae bna c 19 n idevlovn ie blli wspro Cenira Meht stcilfno ceseh t denetaerh ter astseretn ilanoita nrevenehw . 20 .noissi mst ignihsilpmocc an itin usi htsiss ao ts inamelfi renira Meh tf oelo rehT eh ts ielfi rehT 21 snae myramirp yb hcihw eniraM s do this. 22 reh T t ssnoitarep oyratili mf oegna ter c .ra wnah treht osnoitarep oyratili mo tra wmor fseh 23 Conflict a csnoitarep oyratili mf oegna reh tnihti w eka tn smro ff oegna redi w a tcelfe r gni eh t 24 ged iecneloi vf oeer .devlovn deniatsu s,elacs-egra ly bdeziretcarah cs ira W.ra ws idn een otA 25 iapma cdn a,seltta b,stnemegagn ef ognitsisno ctabmoc ezinagr ognom asng spuor gd . At reht oeht 26 esoh ter aelac seh tf odne refe rsnoitca ra wnah treht osnoitarep oyratili ms ao tder . Milit a yr 27 ra wnah treht osnoitarepo n osuco f gnirreted a g sserg ion dn a,ecae pgnitomor p,tcilfno cgnivlose r, 28 .seitirohtu alivi cgnitroppus d-ot-ya deh tpee ksple hemitecae pn isecro fyratili mf oes U ya 29 .tcilfno cdemr af odlohserh teh twole bspuor ggnitepmo cf osnoisnet eh treveneh w,revewo H 30 fi renira Meh t,ecro fyldae df onoitacilpp aeh tstnarra wnoitautis lle wrevile do telb ae btsu mnamel 31 ia m ed shots to ro fdee neh tsemitemo S.taerh teh tetanimil e v eya mtoh sdemi alle w a e bne 32 ixor pesol cn istnatabmocno nf oecneser peh ty bdenethgieh h T.tegra teh to tytim tneicifor pe 33 melfir retallo cgnisua cr oecneloi vf oleve leh tgnitalacs etuohti wegnellah csih tseldna hna la 34 ylirassecenn uegamad . lae do tsllik sdn a,ytilibixel f,ytilitasre veh teva htsu mnamelfi renira MehT 35 yn at anoitauti s ahtiw f olevel eritn eeh tssorc aytisnetni .snoitarep oyratili mf oegnar 36 n idellik se btsu menira Meh t,ydae rtabmo ce boT f oserudecor pdn aseuqinhce teht elfi r 37 pihsnamskram deniar tylroo phti wtin u a,dlro weh tn ielfi rtse beh thti wdeppiuq ehguohtl A. 38 kca lna cnamelfi rdeniar tylroo p A.noissi mst ihsilpmocc ao tnop udednepe de btonna cnemelfir 1-1 MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship 1 r oecnedifnoc ssesso pnev eyam ,yllaus U.ecnedifno cesla f t eh namelfi rdeniar tylroo p slia frehti e 2 n iseri fr onopae wsi heri fot ylevitceffe ymen eeh tf onoitceri dlarene geh t .otn isenira Mdne so T 3 mrah ,ya ws’ rieh tf oes ueh tn igniniar thguoroh ttuohti w csnopae wlaudividni rra ksi reudn usei s 4 .tin utah tn ienira Myrev erof dn aecnedifno csa hnamelfi rdeniar tlle w a,dna hreht oeh tn O nac 5 oh wretta leh ts it I.snoitidno celtta besrevd atso meh tredn ueri fetarucc arevile dyllausu tse bnac 6 contribute to mission accomplishment . 7 1002. Conditions Affecting Marksmanship in Combat 8 nommo cero meh T.tabmo cn ipihsnamskra mf onoitacilpp aeh ttceff atah tsrotca fyna mer aerehT 9 :er aeseh tfo 10 ylralugerr istcejb or one mf orebmu n af otsisno clli wdn aeruta nn iraeni ler astegra ttso M.a 11 .saer adelaecno cr oderevo cgnol adecaps 12 e byln olli wtu b,tnemevo mr o,esio n,tsu d,hsal f,ekom sy bdetcete de bna cstegra ttso M.b 13 .revo cgnika terofe btnemo mfeir b aro felbisiv 14 namelfi r aeriuqe ryllarene glli wnoitatege vdn aniarre tf oseitiralugerr i,tegra teh tf oeruta neh T.c 15 .tegra teh tn oylevitceff eeri fo tredr on ienor pnah treht onoitiso p aes uot 16 emi teh T.d gniteel fnetf os idegagn ee bna ctegra t ahcih wni . 17 1003. Combat Mindset 18 deraper pyltnatsno ce btsu menira Meh t,tnemnorivn etabmo c anI egagn eot tegra t s . aneh W 19 flest istneser ptegrat , .noitc aeka to temi teltti le bya mereh t e btsu mtegra tehT egagne d ylkciu q 20 .yletarucc adna C tneser ptabmo o C.enira M an osdname df ote seuqin u as m secneirepx enom 21 s,rae f,regna d,ecneloi v:edulcni ,ssert tniatrecn u .htae ddn a,snoitauti sgnignah cyldipa r,nia p,y 22 enira M s must be deraper pyllatne mdn ayllacisyh phto b srorro heseh teca fo t .e bto nlli wt I 23 o thguone ylpmi s won k pihsnamskram seuqinhce t . ehT etanimil eo tytilib aeh teva htsu menira M 24 nw orieht natiseh yc ,eri fo tderiuqe rsnoitc aeh tn osuco fdn anoitc af oytniatrecn ur o,rae f 25 llew - aimed shots. ehT tesdni mtabmoc noitaraper platne mdn alacisyh phto bseriuqe r . 26 a. Physical Preparation.gninra wtuohti wsevlesmeh ttneser pna cstegra t,tabmo cn I. 27 t anopae wsi hf olortno cdn aecnala brepor pniatnia mo tenira Meh tro flaitness es it i,eroferehT 28 egagn eyletarucc adn a,nopae weh ttneser p,noitiso pgniri f aemuss aylkciu qna ce ho ssemi tlla 29 enira Meh T.tnemegagn etegra tevitceff eo tetauq eto nseo denol adeep s,revewo H.tegra teht 30 o tseitilibapa clacisyh psi hgnideecx ereve n,yletarucc aeri fna ce hs atsa fs ayln oeri fdluohs 31 n ievitceff ee bo T.pihsnamskra mf oslatnemadnu feh tylpp ao tdn anoitiso pgniri fdoo g aemussa 32 dnoce semoce byeh to sgnitooh sf osllik slacisyh peh ttcefre po tniar ttsu menira Meh t,tabmoc 33 tah tnoitartnecno cero meh t,yllacitamotu ademrofre pe bna ctah tsllik slacisyh pero meh T.erutan 34 .tnemegagn etegra tf oedi slatne meh to tnevi ge bnac 2-1 MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship 1 b. Mental Preparationna cenira Meh t,gnignah cyltnatsno cdn aelbatciderpn us itabmo celih W. 2 na ce ho seltta bf oseicnegnitno ceh tro fyllatne mflesmi heraperp tca detnorfno cneh wylidaer 3 .tegra t ahtiw ,stegra tegagn eo telbaliav aemi tdetimi lnetf oeh thti wdelpuo c,eltta bf ossert seh T 4 ,stegra tro fgninnac s,.g. e,tnemegagn etegra tf ostceps alatne meh tn onoitartnecno cseriuqer 5 .revo cf oes udn anoitcele seh tdn a,stegra tf onoitceted 6 (1) Knowledge of the Combat Environmento tsgnidnuorru seh tf oeraw ayltnatsno ce B. 7 ,tcatno cymen ef osaer aelbisso p,revo celbaliav a,niarre teh tedulcni tegra teh tf opordkcab 8 o tdn anoitiso pgniri f aemuss adn atcele so tenira Meh telban elli wsseneraw asih T.cte 9 .stegra tegagn eyletarucc adn aylkciuq 10 (2) Plan of Action.enira Meh T.neka te bo tnoitc aeh tetatci dlli wnoitauti seh t,tabmo cn I 11 tegra tro fnal p apoleve ddn anoitc af osesruo celbisso petaulav edn ayfitned itsum 12 noitauti seh tf ostnemeriuqe reh to tetairporpp ae blli wtah ttnemegagne stneser pt ineh w 13 itself . 14 (3) Confidence. enira M A cf oleve ls’ h cerutu ftah tfeile beh tn idetoo rs iecnedifno segnella 15 h tylralucitra p--emocrev oe blliw e egnellah c stoh sdemi alle wgniri ff o tabmo c ani 16 ye k A.eri fgninrute re bya mymen eeh tereh wtnemnorivne an irotca f f oleve ls’enira M 17 f oserudecor pdn a,seuqinhce t,scitca teh tderetsa msa he hhcih wo teerge deh ts iecnedifnoc 18 pihsnamskra melfir yln ona cpihsnamskra melfi rf oyretsa M. moorssal cy bdeniatb oeb 19 gniru dslatnemadnu fpihsnamskra meh tf onoitacilpp aeh tdn anoitcurtsni dlei f,gniri fegnar 20 r o,gnirif gnis uelih w secive dgniniar tpihsnamskra m . 3-1 MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship 1 Chapter 2 2 Introduction to the M16A2 Service Rifle 3 2001. Characteristics/Capabilities 4 (cid:159) ehT 2A61M ,thgiewthgi l as ielfi r 5.56mm, sa g,def-enizaga m - ri a,detarepo - ,delooc 5 redluohs - .elfi rderif 6 (cid:159) hguorh ttsru bdnuor-eerh t ar oedo m)toh selgnis (citamotuaime srehti en iseri felfi rehT 7 .reve lrotcele s af oes ueht 8 (cid:159) ehT 2A61M tnio pr olaudividn iro fsrete m05 5f oegna revitceff emumixa m asa helfi r 9 .stegrat 10 (cid:159) emorh cer arebmah cdn aero behT - .gniluo fdn arae wecude ro tdetalp 11 (cid:159) ehT sdraugdnah munimul aer a - eh tdnuor aetalucri co tri atimre po tdetne ver adn adenil 12 .ebu tsa geh ttcetor po tdn asesopru pgniloo cro flerrab 13 (cid:159) .elfi reh tf othgie wllarev oeh tecude rsple hreviece rmunimul anA 14 (cid:159) gnirp s ahti wdeppiuq es idrau greggir tehT - ,desserpe dneh w,tah tni pgniniate rdedaol 15 elih wreggir teh to tssecc aro fya weh tf otu odetato re bo tdrau greggir teh tswolla 16 .sevol gyvae hgniraew 17 (cid:159) eh thguorh telfi reh totn ignitte gmor fdna sdn atri dstnever prevo ctro pnoitcej enA 18 .deri fgnie bto ns ielfi reh tneh wdesol ce bdluoh srevo ctro pnoitcej esih T.tro pnoitceje 19 .reirra ctlo beh tf onoitc aeh ty bdenep oyllacitamotu as itI 20 (cid:159) evre srotasnepmo celzzu mehT s hsal f as a rosserppus and assists in reducing muzzle jump. 21 2002. Nomenclature 22 Figure 2-1. M16A2 Service Rifle - Right Side View. 23 Figure 2-2. M16A2 Service Rifle - Left Side View. 1-2