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Riemann Surfaces of In(cid:12)nite Genus Joel Feldman (cid:3) Department of Mathematics University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. CANADA V6T 1Z2 [email protected] http://www.math.ubc.ca/ feldman/ (cid:24) Horst Kno(cid:127)rrer, Eugene Trubowitz Mathematik ETH-Zentrum CH-8092 Zu(cid:127)rich SWITZERLAND [email protected], [email protected] http://www.math.ethz.ch/ knoerrer/ (cid:24) This work is dedicated to Henry P. McKean. Research supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the (cid:3) SchweizerischerNationalfonds zurFo(cid:127)rderung der wissenschaftlichenForschung and the Forschungsinstitut fu(cid:127)r Mathematik, ETH Zu(cid:127)rich Preface In this book we introduce a class of marked Riemann surfaces (X;A ;B ; ) of 1 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) in(cid:12)nite genus that are constructed by pasting plane domains and handles together. Here, A ;B ; , is a canonical homology basis on X. The asymptotic holomorphic structure 1 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) is speci(cid:12)ed by a set of geometric/analytic hypotheses. The analytic hypotheses primarily restrict the distribution and size of the cycles A ;A ; . The entire classical theory of 1 2 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) compact Riemann surfaces up to and including the Torelli Theorem extends to this class. In our generalization, compact surfaces correspond to the special case in which all but (cid:12)nitely many of Aj ; j 1, have length zero. (cid:21) The choice of geometric/analytichypotheses was guided by two requirements. First, thatthe classicaltheory of compact Riemann surfaces could be developed in this new context. Secondly, that a number of interesting examples satisfy the hypotheses. In particular, the heat curve (q) associated to q L2(IR2=(cid:0)) . Here, (cid:0) is the lattice H 2 (cid:0) = (0;2(cid:25))ZZ (! ;! )ZZ 1 2 (cid:8) where ! > 0; ! IR and (q) is the set of all points ((cid:24) ;(cid:24) ) C C for which there 1 2 1 2 (cid:3) (cid:3) 2 H 2 (cid:2) is a nontrivial distributional solution (x ;x ) in L (IR2) of the \heat equation" 1 2 1loc @ @2 + q(x ;x ) = 0 @x (cid:0) @x2 1 2 (cid:18) 1 2(cid:19) satisfying (x + ! ;x +! ) = (cid:24) (x ;x ) 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 (x ;x +2(cid:25)) = (cid:24) (x ;x ) 1 2 2 1 2 The general theory is used to express the solution of the Kadomcev-Petviashvilli equation with real analytic, periodic initial data q explicitly in terms of the theta function on the in(cid:12)nite dimensional Jacobian variety corresponding to (q) . It is evident that the solution H is almost periodic in time. In [Me1,2], this result is improved to (cid:12)nitely di(cid:11)erentiable initial data. This book is divided into four parts. We begin with a discussion, in a very general setting, of L2- cohomology, exhaustions with (cid:12)nite charge and theta series. In the second part,thegeometrical/analyticalhypotheses areintroduced. Then, ananalogueoftheclassical theory is developed, starting with the construction of a normalized basis of square integrable holomorphic one forms and concluding with the proof of a Torelli theorem. The third part is devoted to a number of examples. Finally, the Kadomcev-Petviashvilli equation is treated in the fourth part. 1 We speculate that our theory can be extended to surfaces with double points, that a corresponding \Teichmueller theory" can be developed and that there is an in(cid:12)nite dimen- sional \Teichmueller space" in which \(cid:12)nite genus" curves are dense. 2 Table of Contents Part I - Parabolic Surfaces Introduction to Part I p 5 1 Square Integrable One Forms p 8 x 2 Exhaustion Functions with Finite Charge p 26 x 3 Parabolic Surfaces p 39 x 4 Theta Functions p 62 x S Appendix: Summary of Results from Part I p 81 x Part II - The Torelli Theorem Introduction to Part II p 89 5 Geometric Hypotheses p 94 x 6 Pointwise Bounds on Di(cid:11)erential Forms p 110 x 7 Zeroes of the Theta Function p 145 x 8 Riemann’s Vanishing Theorem p 164 x 9 The Geometry of the Theta Divisor p 177 x 10 Hyperelliptic Theta Divisors p 200 x 11 The Torelli Theorem p 213 x Part III - Examples Introduction to Part III p 222 12 Hyperelliptic Surfaces p 226 x 13 Heat Curves: Basic Properties p 238 x 14 Heat Curves: Asymptotics p 258 x 15 Heat Curves: Veri(cid:12)cation of the Geometric Hypotheses p 285 x 16 Fermi Curves: Basic Properties p 291 x 17 Fermi Curves: Asymptotics p 295 x 18 Fermi Curves: Veri(cid:12)cation of the Geometric Hypotheses p 316 x A Appendix: A Quantitative Morse Lemma p 322 x Part IV - The Kadomcev Petviashvilli Equation Introduction to Part IV p 328 19 The Formula for the Solution p 330 x 20 Approximations p 335 x 21 Real Periodic Potentials p 364 x 3 2 Part I: L {Cohomology, Exhaustions with Finite Charge and Theta Series 4 Introduction to Part I It is an elementary fact of topology that for any oriented, compact surface X of genus g there is a \canonical" basis A ;B ; ;A ;B of H (X;ZZ) satisfying 1 1 g g 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) A A = 0 i j (cid:2) A B = (cid:14) i j i;j (cid:2) B B = 0 i j (cid:2) for all 1 i;j g, and that all canonical bases are related by Sp(g;ZZ), the group of (cid:20) (cid:20) integral symplectic matrices of order 2g. For any smooth closed forms !;(cid:17) on X the Riemann bilinear relation g ! (cid:17) = ! (cid:17) (cid:17) ! ^ (cid:0) ZX i=1 ZAi ZBi ZAi ZBi P is satis(cid:12)ed. A A 1 2 B B 1 2 If, inaddition, X hasacomplexstructure , inother words, X is aRiemann surface, then it is a basic result that the complex dimension of (cid:10)(X), the vector space of holomorphic one forms, is g and that for every canonical basis A ;B ; ;A ;B of H (X;ZZ), there is 1 1 g g 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) a unique \normalized" basis ! ; ;! of (cid:10)(X) satisfying 1 g (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ! = (cid:14) j i;j ZAi for all 1 i;j g. It is also easy to show that the \period matrix" (cid:20) (cid:20) = ! X j R (cid:16)ZBi (cid:17) 5 is symmetric and Im is positive de(cid:12)nite and that the associated theta series X R (cid:18)(z; ) = e2(cid:25)i z;n e(cid:25)i n;Rn X h i h i R n ZZg 2 P convergestoanentirefunctionof z Cg. Theexistenceof ! ; ;! isasimpleconsequence 1 g 2 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) of elementary Hodge theory. Uniqueness and the properties of the period matrix follow directly from the Riemann bilinear relations. Suppose X is an open Riemann surface marked with an in(cid:12)nite canonical homology basis A ;B ;A ;B ; , and let (cid:10)(X) be the Hilbertspace of square integrable holomorphic 1 1 2 2 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) one forms. In 1 we show, again by elementary Hodge theory, that there is a sequence x ! (cid:10)(X); j 1, with j 2 (cid:21) ! = (cid:14) j i;j ZAi for all i;j 1. In general, however, one cannot determine whether the sequence ! ; j 1, j (cid:21) (cid:21) is unique or whether it’s span is (cid:10)(X). Additional structure is required. In 2weintroduce(De(cid:12)nition2.1)theadditionalstructure ofanexhaustionfunction x h with (cid:12)nite charge on a marked Riemann surface (X;A ;B ; ). More precisely, h is a 1 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) nonnegative, proper, Morse function on X with d dh < (cid:3) 1 ZX (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) that is \compatible" with the marking. A basic result (Theorem 3.8) is that for every marked Riemann surface (X;A ;B ; ) on which there is an exhaustion function with (cid:12)nite charge 1 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) one can construct a unique sequence ! (cid:10)(X); j 1, that spans (cid:10)(X) and satis(cid:12)es j 2 (cid:21) ! = (cid:14) j i;j ZAi Furthermore, X is parabolic in the sense of Ahlfors and Nevanlinna. Roughly speaking, an exhaustion function with (cid:12)nite charge allows one to derive enough of the Riemann bilinear relations (Theorem 2.9 and Proposition 3.7) to make the dual sequence ! ; j 1, unique. j (cid:21) In 3, we (cid:12)rst review the basic properties of parabolic surfaces. Next, the canonical x map from X to IP (cid:10) (X) is constructed and we show that (Proposition 3.26) that it is (cid:3) injective and immersive whenever X has (cid:12)nite ideal boundary and is not hyperelliptic. The (cid:0) (cid:1) Abel-Jacobi map is also discussed (Proposition 3.30). In 4, we de(cid:12)ne formal theta series of the argument z C for all in(cid:12)nite matrices 1 x 2 R with Rt = R and ImR > 0. We prove 6 Theorem 4.6 Suppose that the symmetric matrix R and the sequence t (0;1) ; j 1 , j 2 (cid:21) satisfy (cid:12) t < j 1 j 1 X(cid:21) for some 0 < (cid:12) < 1 , and 2 n;ImRn = n ImR n 1 logt n2 h i i i;j j (cid:21) 2(cid:25) j jj j i;j 1 j 1 X(cid:21) X(cid:21) and all vectors n ZZ with only a (cid:12)nite number of nonzero components. Let B be the 1 2 Banach space given by B = (z = (z1;z2;(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)) 2 C1 jlim jlojzgjtjjj = 0) (cid:12) !1 (cid:12) (cid:12) with norm z = sup jzjj k k j 1 jlogtjj (cid:21) Then, for every point w B the theta series 2 (cid:18)(z;R) = e2(cid:25)i z;n e(cid:25)i n;Rn h i h i nnX2<ZZ1 j j 1 converges absolutely and uniformly on the ball in B of radius r = 1 2(cid:12) centered at w to a (cid:0) 8(cid:25) holomorphic function. Suppose = ! X j R (cid:18)ZBi (cid:19) is the period matrix of the marked Riemann surface (X;A ;B ; ) on which there is an 1 1 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) exhaustion function with (cid:12)nite charge. In Proposition 4.4, we put a geometric condition on the cycles A ;A ; , that implies the hypothesis of Theorem 4.6 for . We also 1 2 X (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) R derive some properties of these theta series that will be used in part IV to prove that all smooth spatially periodic solutions of the Kadomcev-Petviashvilli equation propagate almost periodically in time. Part I is completed by Appendix S, which contains a summary of the results of this Part. 7 1 Square Integrable One Forms x In this section we develop L2-cohomology for an open Riemann surface marked with a canonical homology basis. Our goal (Theorem 1.17) is to derive a criterion for the existence of a unique, normalized basis for the Hilbert space of all square integrable holomorphic one forms. In the next section, the concept of an exhaustion function with (cid:12)nite charge is introduced. It is ultimately shown (Theorem 3.8) that a marked Riemann surface on which there is an exhaustion function with bounded charge satis(cid:12)es our criterion. Let (cid:21) be a measureable one form on the Riemann surface X. Suppose z = x1+ix2 is a coordinate on U X and write (cid:26) (cid:21) = f dx1 +f dx2 U 1 2 (cid:12) Now set (cid:12) (cid:21) = f dx1 +f dx2 (cid:3) U (cid:0) 2 1 (cid:12) We can use the Cauchy-Riemann equations to derive (cid:12) Proposition 1.1 Let (cid:21) be a measureable one form on the Riemann surface X. The local one forms (cid:21) ; (U;z) a coordinate system on X, are consistent and de(cid:12)ne a global (cid:3) U measureable one form (cid:21) on X. Furthermore, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:3) (cid:21) = (cid:21) (cid:3)(cid:3) (cid:0) and (cid:21) (cid:21) = f 2 + f 2 dx1 dx2 ^(cid:3) U j 1j j 2j ^ (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) Proof: Change coordinates to w = y1+iy2 on V X . Then, (cid:26) (cid:21) = f @x1 +f @x2 dy1 + f @x1 +f @x2 dy2 U V 1@y1 2@y1 1@y2 2@y2 \ (cid:12) = g(cid:0) dy1 +g dy2 (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 2 (cid:12) Applying the Cauchy-Riemann equations (cid:21) = f @x1 +f @x2 dy1 + f @x1 +f @x2 dy2 (cid:3) U V (cid:0) 2@y1 1@y1 (cid:0) 2@y2 1@y2 \ (cid:12) = (cid:0) f @x2 f @x1(cid:1)dy1 +(cid:0)f @x2 +f @x1 d(cid:1)y2 (cid:12) (cid:0) 2@y2 (cid:0) 1@y2 2@y1 1@y1 = (cid:0) g dy1 +g dy2 (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 1 (cid:0) 8 Let L2(X;T X) be the Hilbert space of all measureable one forms (cid:21) on X satis- (cid:3) fying (cid:21) 2 = (cid:21) (cid:21) < k k ^(cid:3) 1 ZX with inner product (cid:21);(cid:22) = (cid:21) (cid:22) ^(cid:3) ZX and let (cid:10) (cid:11) = (cid:21) L2(X;T X) (cid:21) d’ = 0 for all ’ C (X) CX 2 (cid:3) ^ 2 01 n (cid:12) ZX o = the orthogonal com(cid:12)plement of dC (X) in L2(X;T X) (cid:12) (cid:3) 01 (cid:3) be the closed subspace of all weakly closed forms. Here, dC (X) denotes the closure of (cid:3) 01 dC (X) in L2(X;T X) . (cid:3) 01 (cid:3) Example 1.2 Recall that dr dlogr = r dr x dx +x dx 2 1 1 2 dlogr = (cid:3) = (cid:0) = d(cid:18) (cid:3) r r2 where r = z on C 0 . If X is any open subset of C on which r is bounded away from j j nf g zero and in(cid:12)nity, then dr d(cid:18) dlogr dlogr = ^ < ^(cid:3) r 1 ZX ZX To prepare for the construction of normalized, square integrable holomorphic one forms on noncompact surfaces, we quickly review elementary Hodge theory. Observe that dC (X) = the closure of dC (X) in L2(X;T X) 01 01 (cid:3) (cid:26) CX since d d’ = d( d’) = 0 ^ ZX ZX for all ; ’ C (X) . By de(cid:12)nition, the Hodge-Kodaira cohomology space H1 (X) is 2 01 HK the orthogonal complement of dC (X) in . That is, 01 CX = H1 (X) dC (X) CX HK (cid:8) 01 or, equivalently, H1 (X) = dC (X) HK CX 01 (cid:14) 9

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