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Preview Richard C. Froeschner (1916-2002): Biographical Sketch, Described Taxa, And Publications - Obituary

PROC. ENTOMOL.SOC.WASH. 105(4),2003,pp. 1075-1086 Obituary Richard C. Froeschner (1916-2002): Biographical Sketch, Described Taxa, and Publications Richard C. Froeschner, circa 1985 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON visitor recalled with great admiration the gift ofreprints and books Dick sent to him as a result ofa much smaller request for a few key papers. This was typical of Dick when he saw a need. During his many years at the Smithson- TUIT ian, he was quoted regularly in newspapers andappearedonradioandtelevisionforthe localaswell astheforeignmedia.Although a heteropterist by profession, Dick was knowledgeable on a wide array ofotherin- sect groups. He was the residentcicadaex- pertandregularlyansweredinquiriesonthe emergence of the various broods all over the country. He also published on otheror- ders,includingColeoptera(Languriidaeand Fig. \. A rciund "tuit." Erotylidae). Neuroptera, and Orthoptera (his Master's thesis treated the Orthoptera of Iowa). cotanormTeMohelaeroyogpfay2sa,snai2nne0dgm0i2ohn,feelDbnprrti.innsgRgciisoecnthtthoaiersratds.cdCle.DovisFocertkoet,edhseatcsohlonehnenig-rs eMnatrsD.cihcAkt8,awna19se1a6r,bloytronagieminmtihgCerhafinactmaiglGoye,rmmoIalvlneindpoairst-,o friends called hini, was a kind, gentle, shy St. Louis, Missouri, where he attended el- man. Dick rarely gave advice, but he wasa ementary, junior high, and high school. good listener who had an ability to let a During these foriTiative years, he became person talk out loud and reach hisown, but intrigued with natural history. As a young guided,conclusions. Those whoknew Dick boy, he enjoyed the powerful synergistic appreciatedhisfriendshipandsubtlehumor forceofthree,close,nature-lovingbrothers, One of his most famous lines was that he who surely were a major stimulation in his wouldfinish aprojectwhenhegot "around development. From early collections ofin- to it." Those closest to him knew that he sects attracted to kerosene lamps, through would next pull from his desk drawer a the yearsofthe "FroeschnerNatureClub," "round tuit" (Fig. 1), which always re- and on to more sophisticated collecting ceived much-anticipated laughter. In keep- techniques, Dick showed a strong interest ing withhis goodcheer, hefrecjuentlycom- in entomology. Several of his high school plimented friends with a "Goodjob 99," a teachers, particularly Ms. Mary McCarty, phrase borrowed from the old Get Simirt saw his potential and provided assistance television series. that allowedhim toattendthe Universityof Dick went out ofhis way to help others, Missouri in pursuit ofhis B.S.. received in particularly students and lay people, either 1941. During these years, he worked at the by furnishing identifications or by explain- Missouri DepartmentofAgricultureonJap- ing problems relating to household insects anese beetle surveys in the St. Louis area orto natural history in general. He was pa- (1938-1940) and as aTaxonomic Entomol- tientandkindtostudents,particularlywhen ogist at Jefferson City (1940-1941). he saw exceptional potential. On occasion, Early in his undergraduate days, he met Dick would include students as coauthors University ofMissouri Scientific Illustrator, to stimulate and help teach them the details Elsie M. L. Herbold, who soon became his of publishing scientific papers. One recent companion and strongest supporter. On Oc- VOLUME 105.NUMBER4 1077 tober6. 1940. they were inaniedandbegan school's Alumni and StudentCouncil "Dis- a long and devoted relationship,combining tinguished Teaching Award." Dick's scientific passion with Elsie's envi- Despite his success and devotion to able artistic skills, that was to span more teaching, Dick's true love was research. In than 61 years. 1960, he accepted a research entomologist From 1941 to 1945 he was variouslyem- position with the United States Department ployedas assistant stateentomologist,nurs- of Agriculture in Washington, D.C. Disap- ery inspector, and state representative on pointed with the heavy identification re- the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Par- sponsibilities that came with the position, liitoria Scale Insect Project. In 1945 he he returned to Montanaasan associatepro- joined the Army, serving two years in var- fessor at the L'niversity of Montana. Mis- ious capacities from Entomology Techni- soula. cian working on mosquitoand malariacon- In 1963, Dr. J. F GatesClark,thenchair- ti'ol to Chief Ward Master at the MacDill man of the Department of Entomology at Air Force Base Hospital, nearTampa, Flor- the United States National Museum ida. After the Service, from 1946 to1948, (USNM), offered Dick a research entomol- he served as ChiefCurator and Acting Di- ogist position at the Smithsonian Institu- rectorofthe Museum ofScience andTech- tion, Washington, D.C. Without hesitation, nology at the .St. Louis Academy of .Sci- Dick and family again pulled up roots and ences. returned to the East. He devoted the re- Dick received his M.S. from Iowa State mainder ofhis life researching Heteroptera College in 1951. During his Master's work at the USNM (now—the National Museum on the "Orthoptera of Iowa," he was em- of Natural History NMNH), helping to ployed as an instructor from 1948 to 1949 build one of the world's largest and best- and as an assistant professor during 1949- curated Heteroptera collections. Dick re- 1954. He worked as a nursery inspectorfor tired in 1995 at the ageof79. Hecontinued the Iowa State Entomologist during the driving intothemuseumfromFallsChurch, summers,gainingconsiderablepracticalex- Virginia, on a regularbasis until December perience. 12, 2001, when poor health forced him to Dick continued on to pursue his Pli.D. stayhome. Hepassedaway five monthslat- underDr. Hany H. Knight,worldrenowned ei'. mirid specialist. It was during these years Dick's contributions to entomology are that hejoined a group ofgraduate students numerous. His early teaching stimulated who went on to become prominent heter- many students to go on to successful ca- opterists. He became life-long friends with reers,but itishisresearchcontributionsthat well-known colleagues Jose C. M. Carval- will have the longest influence. Dick's five- ho, Leonard A. Kelton, Joseph C. Schaff- part series on the "HemipteraofMissouri" ner, andJames A. Slater. Notfarbehind the isstill remarkablyuseful aftermorethan40 graduates students were the undergraduates years. The series contains identification John D. LattinandJohnT Polhemus.These keys and biological notes for all true bugs must have been grand days at Iowa State known from that state and is profusely il- College, whichalsoboastedtwootherwell- lustrated by his talented wife, Elsie. It re- known hemipterists on the faculty, Drs. mainsoneofthe most frequentlycitedtrea- Carl J. Drake and Halbert M. Harris. tises on North America Heteroptera. His Upon completion of his doctorate, he 1960 monograph of the "Cydnidae of the joined the staff at Montana State College, Western Hemisphere" is perhaps his most Bozeman, as an assistant professor from outstanding, purely scientific, contribution. 1954 to 1956 and associate professor from This masterful work puts the cydnids in 1956 to 1960. In 1958, he received the phylogenetic context for the first time and 1078 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON provides revisions and keys to all known (eds.). Journal of the New York Entomo- New World genera and species. Another logical Society,94(2)] publishedinhishon- major contribution is the 1988 Catalog of or on the occasion ofhis 70''' birthday. Ar- the Heteroptera, or True Bugs, ofCanada ticles by his wife Elsie; brothers Paul, the and the Continental United States. As co- Reverend Robert, and the Reverend Wil- editor. Dick wrote large portions ofthecat- liam Froeschner; former student Paul Ene- alog introduction and authored 20ofthe45 boe, M.D.: and numerous colleaguesreveal familychapters, includingthelargefamilies the high regard friends and colleaguesheld Coreidae, Pentatomidae, and Reduviidae. for Dick. This major accomplishment was the first The Richard C. Froeschner Memorial summation ofthe North America literature Fund has been established to help purchase in more than 70 years. His "'Heteropteraof literature on Heteropteraat the Smithsonian Ecuador" (1981)and "SynopsisoftheHet- Institution. Tax-deductible contributions eroptera of the Galapagos Islands" (1985) may be sent to the Department ofSystem- have proved to be two of the most useful atic Biology, Division ofEntomology, Na- treatments of South American bugs ever tional Museum of Natural History. Smith- published. The extensive literature reviews sonian Institution, RO. Box 37012, 10'" provided citations for original descriptions, Street & Constitution Avenue NW, Wash- revisions, and identiHcation keys. He con- ington, D.C. 20013-70—12. tinued with this theme throughout his ca- Acknowledgments. I am grateful to El- reer, working on synopses and annotated sie (Falls Church, Virginia) and Ellen lists for many Neotropical countries. Un- Froeschner(Carmel, Indiana) forreviewing fortunately, most remain incomplete. In the manuscript and providing infomiation 1999, however, hepublishedanoutstanding included in the biographical sketch. I also compilation ofthe amazingly rich faunaof thank John W. Brown and David R. Smith Panama in his "True bugs ofPanama" that (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, ARS, included information on 51 families, 585 USDA, c/o National Museum of Natural genera, and 1,330 species. Dick had nearly History, Smithsonian Institution, Washing- completed ofthe non-mirid Heteropterafor ton, D.C.) and A. G. Wheeler, Jr (Clemson Chile, when declining health stopped pro- University, Clemson. SC) for their helpful gress on this monumental synopsis. comments. temAasticGaBriyolHoegvye—lE(n2t0o02m.olEongtyNNeewwssl,etStyesr-, List of DescribedTaxa Smithsonian Institution, National Museum AUCHENORRHYNCHA ofNatural History 16: 2-3) so nicely said. MEMBRACIDAE "Friends and colleagues will long remem- TeUmwiKiarchhoUliFroeschner, 1468 ber this man ofwisdom, humor, and devo- HETEROPTERA tion to his chosen field." During his career, ACANTHOSOMATIDAE Dick Froeschnerpublished 131 entomolog- HellicajohniFroeschner.2000 ical papers, mostly on Heteroptera, and HcllicajohnpolheiniFroeschner.2000 treated taxa in 10 families and two subor- RolstonusFroeschner. 1997(n.gen.) ders, describing new to science two sub- RolstomisrolstoniFroeschner, 1997 families, eight genera, and 111 species. ARADIDAE Dick is survived by his wife Elsie; two Bmc/ivrhynciispauperKormilev& Froeschner. 1987 daughters, Kay and Ellen: two grandchil- Calisiopsis brodzinskyonnn Froeschner. 1992 (amber dren; and two great grandchildren. To learn fossil) more details about Dr. Richard C. Froesch- CCail/iZs/iMiici/>i\viMs nkii.i,nTi,iiirlicivhicrFcrioielastcahnFerro.es1ch9n9e2r. 1992 ner's life, I refer readers to the 1986 Fest- Ciilisidi'us nihcitiiUitaFroeschner. 1992 schrift [T J. Henry and A. G. Wheeler. Jr. Meziradnesbiii-i^i Kormilev& Froeschner. 1987 ) VOLUME 105. NUMBER4 1079 Mezira vicina Kormilev& Froeschner. 1987 Melanaethus wolcotti Froeschner and Maldonado. 1993 BLISSIDAE MicroporusshiromaiFroeschner, 1977 IschiunleimismissaiiriensisFroeschner. 1944 Onali/ysbisinuatusFroeschner. 1960 COREIDAE OnalipscompletusFroeschner. 1960 CeraleplusdenticulatiisFroeschner. 1963 PangaeusbisetosusFroeschner. 1960 CeraleptusprobolusFroeschner. 1963 PangaeusimpressusFroeschner. I960 CYDNIDAE PangaeusneogeusFroeschner. 1961) AAAmmmnnneeessstltuuusssfbeoaxvspeiladateiinulitcsliutFsiriosFersFocrehosneceshrcn.henre1.r9.6109169060 PPPPaaaannnnggggaaaaeeeeuuuusssspppruluunungcrcotitnipilounintoncutetmuaamtFFurrsFooreeoFsserccsohhcennhseencrreh,,rn,e1r199.166900619060 AnmestuslenkoiFroeschner. 1975 PangaeusquinquespinosusFroeschner, 1960 AmnestuspequinusFroeschner. 1975 PangaeussemibrunneusFroeschner, 1960 AAmmnneessttuussrsaedxidaelnitsalFursoesFcrhoneesrc.hne1r9,601960 (ajr. syn. of PPaannggaaeeuusssteutboesrucsulFirpoeesscFhrnoeers,chn1e9r6.01960 A. radialisFroeschner;syn.byFroeschner. 1981) PseudopangaeusFroeschner. 1960(n. subg.ofDalla- ABmlnaeensatuhslottrhirmoapcouslaatuFsroFersocehsncehrn,er1.9616960 Rhysiteildlouspo)rusbarberiFroeschner. 1960 BlaenacirraFroeschner. 1966 RhytidoporusobsoletusFroeschner. 1960 BlaenacoarctataFroeschner. 1960 ScaptocorinaeFroeschner. I960(n. subfam.) BBBlllaaaeeennnaaammsiuedbdtsiiuotlcrcaiarcthiainaaFtrFaoreoFsercsohcenhsencreh,rn,e1r19.966010960 SSSecchaaipprttuoosccoocrriiinssctdguirsvoestrsegaxeennFssrioseFsrFcorheonseecsrhc,nhenr1e.9r6,109i69060(n. subsp. ChilocorisincomplusFroeschner. 1967 TnminotusalbicostusFroeschner, 1960 Chilocoris neozealondiciis Lariviere and Froeschner. TutninotusbrevirostrisFroeschner, I960 1994 TaminotusinconspicuusFroeschner, 1960 ChilocorispeterseniFroeschner. 1967 TomuiiHusiinisetosusFroeschner, 1960 CyrtomenusbergiFroeschner. 1960(n.n.) DallasiellusahitaceusFroeschner, 1960 MIRIDAE DallasiellusbacchinusFroeschner, 1960 AtractotomiispursliiaeFroeschner. 1963 DallasiellusdilatipesFroeschner. 1960 HesperolabopsmexicaFroeschner. 1967 DallasiellusfususFroeschner. 1960 LarinocerusFroeschner. 1965(n.gen.) DallasiellushonaihiFroeschner. 1960 LarinocerusbaliusFroeschner. 1965 DallasiellusinrerruplusFroeschner, 1960 PENTATOMIDAE DallasielluslaevisFroeschner, 1960 ElsiellaFroeschner. 1981 (n. gen.) DallasiellusleurusFroeschner, 1975 DallasielluslongirostrisFroeschner, 1960 REDUVIIDAE DallasiellusmegalocephalusFroeschner. 1960 PhyniataprolataFroeschnerandKomiilev. 1990(n.n.) DallasiellusorchidiphilusFroeschner, 1960 RHOPALIDAE DallasiellusavailsFroeschner. I960 JaderasilhergliediFroeschner. 1985 DallasielluspuncticepsFroeschner, 1960 NiesthreaashlockiFroeschner. 1989 DallasielluspuncticoriaFroeschner. 1960 DallasiellusreflexusFroeschner, 1960 TINIGIDAE DallasiellustriangularisFroeschner. 1960 AcalyptaemicataFroeschner, 1996 DallasiellusvanduzeeiFroeschner. 1960 AcalyptalauraeFroeschner, 1991 DearclacapensisFroeschner, 1961 AcalyptaruhoffaeFroeschner, 1976 DearclanatalensisFroeschner, 1961 AnommatocoriszetekiDrake&Froeschner, 1962 DearclapaucivillosaFroeschner, 1961 CarldrakeanaFroeschner. 1968(n.gen.) Ecarinoceps Froeschner, 1960 (n. subg. ofDallasiel- Can'ulhutingisFroeschner, 1996(n.gen.) lus) CoiythaicadarwinianaDrakeandFroeschner, 1967 EctinopusmuticusFroeschner, 1960 CorythaicawolfianaDrakeandFroeschner, 1967 GarsauriinaeFroeschner, 1960(n. subfam.) CorythuchamelissaeFroeschnerandMiller,2002 MacroscytusaquilusFroeschner. 1967 DistocaderFroeschner, 1968 (n.gen.) MacroscytusnoonadanaeFroeschner. 1967 EtesinaldaFroeschner. 1996(n.gen.) MelanaethusaereusFroeschner. 1960 EtesinaldalaticostaFroeschner. 1996 MelanaethusexteniusFroeschner. 1960 ExulmusFroeschner. 1996(n.gen.) MelanaethusmixtusFroeschner. 1960 GargaphiasanclieziFroeschner. 1972 MelanaethusplanifronsFroeschner. 1960 LeptiidictyaarchboldiFroeschner. 1968 1080 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON LepiodictyafuscipesFroeschner, 1989 1949 LeplopharsabrediniFroeschner. 1968 Froeschner.R.C. 1949.Contributionstoasynopsisof LeptopharsagihhicarinaFroeschner, 1976 Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. IV. Hebridae. Meso- LeptopharsainadrigaliFroeschner. 1989 veliidae. Cimicidae. Anthocoridae. Cryptostemma- LeptopharsareflexaFroeschner. 1989 tidae. Isometopidae. Meridae [sic]. American Mid- MinitingiselsaeFroeschner. 1968 land Naturalist42(1): 123-188. PhatnomabionlinatumFroeschner, 1976 PhatnomaeiemaeaDrakeandFroeschner. 1967 1951 PlescohyrsaiiigrihasisFroeschner. 1991 SiiudctuhaplotaxisFroeschner. 1969 Froeschner. R. C. 1951. Observationsofpredatorsof StragulotingisFroeschner, 1969(n.gen.) Europeancornborereggs.Proceedingsofthe Iowa StiagulotingisenglemaniFroeschner, 1991 AcademyofScience57:445-448 [1950|. Tclcoiu'iiiiiihiirteyiFroeschner, 1970 List of Publications 1952 Froeschner,R.C. 1952.AfourthearwigforMissouri, 1941 withfurthernotesonanotherspecies(Dermaptera). Froeschner,R.C. 1941.Contributionstoasynopsisof EntomologicalNews63(4): 88. tdhoepiHdaeem.iptPeerntaatoofniMiidsaseo.uriC,ydpnti.dIa.e.ScuTthelylreeroicdoarei,dPaoe-. FrooefscMhinsesro.urRi.(CH.om1o9p5t2e.raA).syJnouorpnsailsoofftthheeNCeicwadYiodrake American Midland Naturalist26(1): 122-146. EntomologicalSociety60: 1-14. Froeschner, R. C. 1952. Battle those backyard bugs. HouseholdMagazine 1952(Jul): 16-17. Froeschner.R.C. 1942.Contributionstoasynopsisof the HemipteraofMissouri, pt. II. Coreidae.Aradi- 1953 dae. Neididae. American MidlandNaturalist27(3): Froeschner. R. C. and E. R Meiners. 1953. The Lan- 591-609. guriidae and Erotylidae (Coleoptera) of Missouri Froeschner. R. C 1942. The nymphs ofAeliu and with notes and keys. Journal of the Kansas Ento- Neotliglossii (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Entomo- mologicalSociety26(1): 18-25. logical News.5.^: 292-293. 1954 1943 Froeschner. R. C. 1954. The grasshoppers and other Baker. H.. N. Stabler. A. C. Johnson. L. Adams, and Orthoptera ofIowa. Iowa State CollegeJournal of R. C. Froeschner. 1943. Parlatoria chinensis Mar- .Science 29(2): 163-354. latt. U. S. Department ofAgriculture. Agricultural Research Administration. Bureau of Entomology and PlantQuarantine. E-.'S9.«i: 1-16. 19.56 Froeschner. R. C. 1956. How to make an insect col- 1944 lection. Montana State College Extension Service Froeschner. R. C. 1944. Annotationsand keysforthe Bulletin 1011 (revised): 1-19. Dermaptera of Missouri. Entomological News 55(7): 181-183. 1957 Froeschner,R.C. 1944.Contributionstoasynopsisof Froeschner. R. C. 1957. Perilliislimatus Knight (He- the HemipteraofMissouri, pt. III. Lygaeidae. Pyr- miptera: Pentatoinidae)inMontana. Proceedingsof rhocoridae. Piesmidae. Tingidae, Enicocephalidae. the Entomological Society of Washington 59(4): Phymatidae, Ploiariidae, Reduviidae, Nabidae. 162. AmericanMidlandNaturali.st31(3): 638-683. 1960 1946 Froeschner. R. C. 1960. Cydnidae of the Western Froeschner.R.C. 1946.TheCercopidaeorspittlebugs Hemisphere. Proceedings ofthe United States Na- of Missouri. Journal ofthe Kansas Entomological tional Museum 111(3430): 337-680 + 13 pis. .Society 19(1): 30-35. Froeschner, R.C. 1960.ThegenusBlaenaWalker(= MacrymenusSignoret) with thedescription offour 1947 newspeciesandakeytotheknownforms(Hemip- Froeschner. R. C. 1947. Notes and keys to the Neu- tera: Cydnidae). Records of the South Australian roptera of Missouri. Annals ofthe Entomological Museum 13(4):453-466. SocietyofAmerica40(I): 123-136. Froeschner. R. C. I960. Review ofthegenusKalaka- VOLUME 103. NUMBER4 1081 iliti Distant (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Entomological the Galapagos Archipelago (Hemiptera: Tingidae). News7I(10): 249-234. ProceedingsoftheEntomologicalSocietyofWash- ington69(1): 82-91. 1%1 Froeschner, R. C. 1967. Theburrowerbugscollected Froeschner,R.C. 1961. RevisionoftheSouthAfrican by the Noona Dan Expedition mainly in the Phil- genus DearcUi Signoret with descriptions ofthree ippines and Bismarck Islands (Hemiptera: Cydni- new species(Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Entomological dae). EntomologiskeMeddelelser35: 11-22. News72(8): 197-205. Froeschner, R. C. 1967. Revision ofthe cactus plant bug genus Hespcrolahops Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Miridae).ProceedingsoftheUnitedStatesNational 1962 Mu.seum 123(3614): 1-11. Froeschner.R.C. 1962.Contributionstoasynopsisof Froeschner. R.C. andJ. L. Heiring. 1967.Comments the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. V. Hydrometridae. oftheproposeddesignationofneotypesforfourhe- Gerridae. Veliidae, Saldidae, Ochteridae. Gelasto- mipteran speciesZ. N. (S.) 1732. Bulletin ofZoo- coridae, Naucoridae, Belostomatidae, Nepidae. No- logical Nomenclature24(4): 195-196. toneclidae, Pleidae, Corixidae. American Midland Naturalist67(I): 208-240. 1968 Dramkeec,opCh.ilJ.usanldacRe.buCg.fFrroomesPcahnnearma19(6H2e.miAptnereaw:mTyirn-- Froeschner. R. C. 1968. TeUimona archboldi. a new gidae).Great BasinNaturalist22(1-3): 8-11. treehopper from Florida (Homoptera: Membraci- dae). Proceedings ofthe Entomological Society of Wa.shington70(2): 1,54-155. 1963 Froeschner, R. C. 1968. Burrowerbugs from theGa- Froeschner. R. C. 1963. The Genus CenileplusCi>sta lapagosIslandscollectedbythe 1964expeditionsof in the Western Hemisphere (Hemiptera: Coreidae). the Galapagos ScientiHc Project (Hemiptera: Cyd- Journalot the KansasEntomologicalSociety36(2): nidae).ProceedingsoftheEntomologicalSocietyof 109-113. Washington70(2): 192. Froeschner, R. C. 1963. Review ofthe genus Atrac- Froeschner,R.C. 1968. Notesonthesystematicsand toromus Fieber in North America with notes, key morphology ofthe lacebug subfamilyCantacader- anddescriptionofonenewspecies(Hemiptera:Mir- inae(Hemiptera:Tingidae). ProceedingsoftheEn- idae). Bulletin ofthe Brooklyn Entomological So- tomologicalSocietyofWashington70(3):245-254. ciety58(1): 1-?. Froeschner,R.C. 1968.Lacebugscollectedduringthe Froeschner. R.C. andQ. L. Chapman. 1963.ASouth Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian BiologicalSurveyof Americancydnici,ScapuncoiiscastaneusPerty.es- Dominica,B.W.I.(Hemiptera:Tingidae).GreatBa- tablished in the United States (Hemiptera: Cydni- sin Naturalist28(4): 161-171. dae). Entomological News74: 95-98. 1969 196,S F-roeschner,R.C. 1969.Zoogeographicandsystematic Froeschner,R.C. 196,5.Lcirinocenisbaliiis. anewge- notes on the lace bug tribe Litadeini, with the de- nusand new speciesofplant bugfromthe United scription ofthe new genus Stragidolingis (Hemip- States (Hemiptera: Miridae). Entomological News tera: Tingidae). Great Basin Naturalist29(3): 129- 76(4): 83-89. 132. Froeschner, R. C. 1969. [Review of] Evolutionary 1966 Trendsin Heteroptcra. Part I.. Eggs,by R. H.Cob- Froeschner, R. C. 1966. Carl John Drake 188.5-1965. ben. Science 166: 990-991. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 59(5): 1028-1029. 1970 Froeschner, R. C. 1966. Synonymy ofa West Indian Froeschner. R. C. 1970. rclcoiuinia Inirlcyi. a new spittlebug, deleting the genus Clovia Irom the species oflantana-teeding lace bug fromTrinidad, Americas.ProceedingsoftheEntomologicalSociety W. I.(Hemiptera:Tingidae). ProceedingsoftheEn- ofWashington68(3): 270. tomologicalSocietyofWashington72(4):470-472. Froeschner. R.C. 1966.Twonew speciesofthe Aus- Froeschner, R. C. and R. M. Baranowski. 1970. First tralian genus Bhieiut with notes on previously de- United States records for a West Indian burrower scribed species (Hemiptera: Cydinidae). Journal of bug,Amneslitstrimaciilanis(Hcniiptcia:Cydnidae). theKansasEntomologicalSociety39(4):690-694. FloridaEntomologist53(1): 15. 1967 1971 Drake.C.J.andR C. Froeschner. 1967.Lacebugsof Froeschner.R.C. 1971.Ncihi\praiiiniiititsReuterrang 1082 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON essouthwardintoMaryland.ProceedingsoftheEn- 1979 tomological SocietyofWashington73(3); 268. Froeschner, R. C. 1979. Heteroptera in an oft-over- Iroeschner.R.C. 1971.Newrecordsoflacebugsfrom looked paperofP. R. Uhler(Hemiptera). Proceed- Nevada (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Great Basin Natu- ings of the Entomological Society ofWashington ralist31(3): 160. 81(4):653-656. 1972 1980 Froeschner. R. C. 1972. A newspeciesofGcirgaphia Froeschner. R. C. 1980. Is Esperanza te.xana Barber lace bug from beans inColombia(Hemiptera:Tin- (Hemiptera: Alydidae)extendingitsrange?Entomo- gidae).ProceedingsoftheEntomologicalSocietyof logicalNews91(3):92. Washington74(1):59-60. Froeschner, R. C. 1980. NotesonacollectionofCyd- [lidae (Hemiptera) from Ecuadorand theGalapagos 1974 Islands made in 1964-1965 by theexpeditionofN. Froeschner, R.C. 1974. Heteroptera,pp. 845-854.In: ctJ. Leleup.Entoinologie52(12): 1-4. Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th Ed. Helen Heming- way Brenton, USA. 1981 Froeschner,R.C. 1981.AnmestusradialisFroeschner, 1975 1960,seniorsynonymofA.sexdentatusFroeschner, Froeschner,R.C. 1975.Threenewspeciesofburrow- 1960 (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). Entomological News i(nHgemibputgesraf:ouCnyddniindaae.)s.socJioautrinoanlwoifththaentKsaninsaBsraEzni-l Fro9e2s(c1h)n:er5.1.R.C. 1981.Elsiella. newgenusforEbina tomological Society48(1): 105-110. pcleaednianWgaslkoefrt.he18E6n7to(mHoelmoigpitcearla:SPoecniteattyoomifdWaae)s.hiPnrgo-- ton83(3):532-536. 1976 Froeschner, R. C. 1981. Heteroptera or true bugs of Froeschner, R.C. 1976. Descriptionofanew species Ecuador: A partial catalog. Smithsonian Contribu- oflacebugattackingtheoilpalminColombia(He- tionstoZoolCogy322: 1-147. miptera: Tingidae). Proceedingsofthe Entomolog- Froeschner,R. E.M.L.Froeschner,andO.L.Cart- ical SocietyofWashington78(1): 104-107. wright. 1981. Doris Holmes Blake. January 11, Froeschner,R.C. 1976.Galapagoslacebugs:Zoogeo- 1892-December3, 1978. Proceedingsofthe Ento- graphicnotesandanewspeciesofPhamoma(He- mologicalSocietyofWashington83(3):544-564. miptera: Tingidae). ProceedingsoftheEntomolog- Froeschner, R. C. and L. Halpin. 1981. Heteroptera ical SocietyofWashington78(2): 181-184. recentlycollectedin the Ray MountainsinAlaska. Froeschner, R. C. 1976. Zoogeographic notes on the Proceedings ofthe Biological Society ofWashing- lacebuggenusAcalyptaWestwoodintheAmericas ton94(2):423-426. withdescriptionofanewspeciesfromMexico(He- Solomon,J.C. andR.C. Froeschner. I98I. Noteson miptera: Tingidae). American Midland Naturalist foodresourcesandbehaviorofthefamilyCoreidae 96(2): 257-269. (Hemiptera)inasemi-deciduoustropicalforest.Pro- ceedingsoftheEntomologicalSocietyofWashing- 1977 ton 83(3):428-431. Froeschner. R. C. 1977. The burrowing bugs ofHa- waii,withdescriptionofanewspecies(Hemiptera: 1982 Cydnidae). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomo- Adis,J. and R. C. Froeschner 1982. Noteson distri- logical Society 22(2): 229-236[1976]. butionofsomeLatinAmericancotton-stainers(Dys- dercus: Pyrrhocoridae: Hemiptera) andremarkson 1978 the biology of Dysdercus urbalmi Schmidt. Pro- ceedings of the Biological Society of Washington Froeschner. R. C. 1978. Cyliiulrocneinaplana Mayr, 95(2): 371-376. 1865, a senior synonym of Nopalis crassicornis (Reed), 1898 (Hemiptera: Acanthosomatidae). Pro- ceedingsoftheEntomologicalSocietyofWashing- 1983 ton80(1): 130-131. Buxton.G. M.,D. B.Thomas, andR. C. Froeschner. Froeschner,R.C. 1978.ThestinkbugPadaeustrivii- 1983. Revision ofthe speciesoftheiavi-groupof tatusStalandnotPadaeusviduiis(Vollenhoven)in Chlorocltroa Stal (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Oc- the United States (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Pro- casional Papers in Entomology, California Depart- ceedingsoftheEntomologicalSocietyofWashing- mentofFoodandAgriculture29: 1-25. ton80(1): 131-132. Froeschner, R. C. 1983. Heteropterarecordsfromthe VOLUME 105.NUMBER4 1083 GrandCayman island. ProceedingsoftheEntomo- Herring 1922-1985.ProceedingsoftheEntomolog- logicalSocietyofWashingtonX5(4): 861. ical SocietyofWashington89(2): 385-389. Froeschner.R.C,E.V.Coan.andR.Ryckman. 198.^. Kormilev.N.A.andR.C.Froeschner 1987.Flatbugs Oeciacus vicarius Horvath. 1912 (Insecta. Hemip- oftheworld: Asynonymic list(Heteroptera: Arad- tera, Cimicidae): Proposed conservation under the idae).Entomography5: 1-246. plenary powers. Z. N. (S.) 2358. Bulletin ofZoo- Spangler. R J. and R. C. Froeschner. 1987. Distribu- logicalNomenclature40(1);65—66. tional data, illu.strations, and habitat of the South Froeschner. R.C.andW. E. Steiner 1983.Secondre- Americanwater-striderMicroveliaayacuchana(He- cordofSouthAmericanburrowingbug.Scapliicoris miptera: Veliidae). ProceedingsoftheEntomologi- casrunetisPerty(Hemiptera:Cydnidae)intheUnit- calSocietyofWashington89(1); 167-174. ed Slates. EntomologicalNews94(5): 176. 1988 1984 Henry.T.J. andR.C. Froeschner,eds. 1988.Catalog Froeschner. R. C. 1984. Does the Old World family oftheHeteroptera,orTrueBugs,ofCanadaandthe Plataspidae (Hemiptera) occur in North America'.' Continental United States. E. J. Brill. Leiden and EntomologicalNews95(1): 36. NewYork,xix + 958pp. Rolston. L. H., L. Hoberlandt. and R. C. Froeschner Froeschner.R.C. 1988.FamilyAcanthosomatidaeSig- 1984. ScoUnophara siciihi A. Costa, a Mediterra- noret. 1863:Theacanthosomatids.pp. 1-3.InHen- neanspeciesintheVirginIslands(Hemiptera:Pen- ry, T J. and R. C. Froeschner.eds. Catalog ofthe tatomidae: Podopinae). Proceedings of the Ento- Heteroptera,orTrueBugs,ofCanadaandtheCon- mologicalSocietyofWashington86(2): 266-268. tinental United States. E. J. Brill,Leiden and New York,xix -I- 958, 1985 Froeschner, R. C. 1988. Family Alydidac Amyol and Serville, 1843:Thebroad-headedbugs,pp.4-11.In Froeschner.R.C. 1985.SynopsisoftheHeteropteraor Henry,T. J. and R. C. Froeschner, eds. Catalogof true bugs of the Galapagos Islands. Smithsonian the Heteroptera, orTrue Bugs, ofCanada and the ContributionstoZoology407: 1-84. Continental United States., E. J. Brill. Leiden and Froeschner. R. C. and L. E. Pena. 1985. First South NewYork,xix + 958pp. American record forthecircum-MediterraneanPa- Froeschner. R. C. 1988. Family Aradidae Spinola, tapiiis spiiwsiis (Rossi) (Heteroptera: Leptopodi- 1837 (= Dysodiidae Renter, 1912; Me/.iridae Os- dae). RevistaChilenade Entomologfa 12: 223. hanin, 1908): The flat bugs, pp. 29-46. In Henry, Spa1n9g8l5e.r,CPo.mJm..enR.tsC.onFraoeswacthenresrt,riadenrd.JR.hTe.umPaoilohheamtues.s eT.roJp.tearnad.oRr.TCr.ueFrBouegssch,neorf,Ceadnsa.dCaataanldogtheofcotnhetiHneetn-- meinerti from the Antilles and a checklist of the tialUnitedStates.E.J.Brill.LeidenandNewYork, mspoelcoigeiscaolfNtehewsge9n6u(s5):(H1e9m6i-p2t0e0r.a: Gerridae). Ento- Froxeisxch-In-er9,58R.ppC.. andT J. Henry. 1988. Family Ber- ytidae Fieber. 1851 (= Neididae Kirkaldy. 1903: 1986 BerytinidaeSouthwoodandLeston. 1959):Thestilt Froeschner,R.C.1986.Restorationofthespeciesname bugs, pp. 56-60. In Henry, T. J. and R. C. Froes- Saldu cohacea Uhler. 1872 (Hemiptera: Saldidac). chner.eds.CatalogoftheHeteroptera.orTrueBugs, Pinrgotcoened8i8n(g2s):of39t4h.eEntomological SocietyofWash- oBrfilCl.anLaediadeanndandtheNeCowntYionrekn,taxlixUn-iI-t9e5d8.States. E.J. SteFyrsokeaslc.hnGe.r.C,W.N.N.E.MWaotohdisl.ey.anAd.NF.reiLd.beErgv.enhRu.isC.. Fro1e8s0c2h:neTrh,eR.bedC.bu1g9s8,8.pp.Fa6m4i-l6y8.CiImniHceindraye,LTatrJe.ilalned, 1986.CommentsontheproposedamendmenttoAr- R. C. Froeschner, eds. Catalog ofthe Heteroptera, Ntiocmleen5c1lactuorfe.thZe.INn.ter(Sn.a)ti2o4n7al4.CBoudlleetoifnoZfooZlooogliocgal- oStraTtersu.eEB.uJg.s,Briolfl,CaLeniaddeanaannddtNheeCwonYtoirnke,ntxailxU-In-i9t5e8d ical Nomenclature43(1): 3-4. Fropeps.chner,R.C. 1988.FamilyCoreidaeLeach, 1815: Thecoreidbugs,pp.69-92. In Henry,T J. andR. 1987 C. Froeschner, eds. Catalog ofthe Heteroptera, or Carvalho. J. C. M. and R. C. Froeschner. 1987. Tax- True Bugs, ofCanada and the Continental United onomic names proposed in the insect order Heter- Slates.E.J.Brill.LeidenandNewYork,xix -I- 958 opterabyJoseCandidodeMeloCarvalhobetween pp. 1943 and January 1985. with type depositories. Froeschner, R. C. 1988. Family Cydnidae Billberg, Journal of the New York Entomological Society 1820:Burrowingbugs,pp. 119-129.InHenry,TJ. 95(2): 121-224. and R. C. Froeschner.eds.Catalogofthe Heterop- Henry. T J. and R. C. Froeschner 1987. Jon Lamar tera. orTrue Bugs, ofCanada and the Continental 1084 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON UnitedStates.E.J.Brill.LeidenandNewYork,xix J. and R. C. Froeschner.eds. Catalog ofthe Heter- + 958pp. optera.orTrueBugs,ofCanadaandtheContinental Froeschner. R. C. 1988. FamilyEnicocephalidaeStal. UnitedStales.E.J.Brill.LeidenandNewYork,xix 1860(= HenicocephalidaeStal. 1865):Theunique- + 958pp. headedbugs,pp. 132-135.InHenry.T.J.andR.C. Froeschner,R.C. 1988.FamilyThaumaslocoridaeKir- Froeschner.eds.CatalogoftheHeteroptera.orTrue kaldy. 1907:Thethaumastocoridbugsorroyalpalm Bugs,ofCanadaandtheContinentalUnitedStates. bugs.pp.696-697.InHenry.TJ.andR.C.Froes- E.J. Brill.LeidenandNewYork,.xix + 958pp. chner.eds.CatalogoftheHeteroptera,orTrueBugs, Froeschner. R. C. 1988. Family Leptopodidae Amyot ofCanada andtheContinental United States. E.J. andServille. 1843:Theleptopodidbugs.p. 166. In Brill.LeidenandNew York,xix -i- 958pp. Henry,T. J. and R. C. Froeschner, eds. Catalog of Froeschner,R.C. 1988.FamilyThyreocoridaeAmyot the Heteroptera. orTrue Bugs, ofCanada and the and Serville, 1843: The negro bugs, pp. 698-707. Continental United States. E. J. Brill. Leiden and In Henry. T J. and R. C. Froeschner. eds. Catalog New York,xix + 958pp. oftheHeteroptera.orTrueBugs,ofCanadaandthe Froeschner, R. C. 1988. Family Macroveliidae Mc- Continental United States. E. J. Brill. Leiden and Kinstry, 1942: Macroveliid waterbugs. p. 246. In New York, xix + 958pp. Henry. T. J. and R. C. Froeschner. eds. Catalogof Froeschner. R. C. 1988. Family Tingidae Laporte, the Heteroptera, orTrue Bugs, ofCanada and the 1807 (= Tingididae, Tingitidae): The lace bugs, Continental United States. E. J. Brill, Leiden and 708-733. //; Henry.T.J.andR.C.Froeschner.eds. New York, xix + 958pp. CatalogoftheHeteroptera,orTrueBugs,ofCanada Froeschner. R. C. 1988. Family Pentatomidae Leach. andtheContinentalUnitedStates.E.J.Brill.Leiden 1815: Thestinkbugs,pp.544-597.InHenry.TJ. andNewYork, xix + 958pp. and R. C. Froeschner,eds. Catalogofthe Heterop- Polhemus,J.T,R.C.Froeschner,andD.A.Polhemus. tUenriat.eodrSTlartuees.BEu.gsJ.,BorfillC,aLneaiddaenanadndthNeewConYtoirnke,ntxailx b1o9a88t.manF,amippl.y9C3o-r1i1x8i.dae//;LHeeacnhr,y.1T815J:. aTnhde Rw.atCe.r + 958pp. Froeschner.eds.CatalogoftheHeteroptera.orTrue Fro1e8s3c2h:neTrh.eR.amCb.us1h98b8u.gsF.ampip.ly59P8h-y6m0a4t.id/a/;eHeLanproyr,teT.. BH.ugJs.,BroifllC.aLneaiddaenanadndthNeeCwontYionrekn,taxlixUn+it9e5d8Stpapt.es. J. and R. C. Froeschner,eds. Catalog ofthe Heter- optera,orTrueBugs,ofCanadaandtheContinental 1989 FroU[+esnsiicc9t]h5en8AdemrpS.ypto.aRtte.sa.CnEd.1SJe9.r8vB8ri.illllFe,,aLm1ei8il4dy3e:nPTiahensedmapNtieiesdwmaaeYtoiSrdpksi,,noxplipxa. FroooteipfsotcneNhrionaefesrftt.rhhoerRme.nateChws.epseG1pca9eil8cea9isp.eas(gARNohisosepmsIaatsllhlilardneadcaeso),la.lswehicPlttrohiococktnieheeoadfndiednHsgecastreilirpos--ft C6a0t5a-l6o0g7.of//t;heHeHnertye.roTp.teJ.raa,nodrRT.ruCe.BFurgose,scohfneCra.neaddsa. 6th0e9-E6n1t2o.mological Society of Washington 102(3): aannddtNheewConYtoirnke,ntxailxU+ni9t5e8dSptpa.tes.E.J.Brill.Leiden Frooemsbcihnaenr.laRc.eCb.ugs198o9f.tThheregeennereawLseppetcoideisctoyfaCaonld- Froeschner. R. C. 1988. Family Polyctenidae West- Leptopharsa (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Proceedings wood. 1874: Thebatbugs,pp. 611-612./;; Henry. of the Biological Society of Washington 102(4): T.J.andR.C. Froeschner.eds.CatalogoftheHet- 968-972. eroptera, or True Bugs, ofCanada and the Conti- nental United Slates. E. J. Brill. Leiden and New York,xix + 958 pp. 1990 Fro1e8s0c7h:neTrh,eR.assCa.ss1i9n88b.ugsF.ampipl.y61R6e-du6v5i1i.daIneHLeatnrreyi,lleT. Cartv)anlohmoi.cJn.aCm.esM.praonpdosRe.dCi.n tFhreoeisncshencteror1d9e9r0.HeTtaexr-- J. and R. C. Froeschner.eds. Catalogofthe Heter- opterabyJoseCandidoMeloCarvalho fromJanu- optera.orTrueBugs,ofCanadaandtheContinental ary 1985 to January 1989. with type depositories. UnitedStates.E.J.Brill.LeidenandNew York,xix Journal of the New York Entomological Society -I- 958pp. 98(3): 310-346. Froeschner. R. C. 1988. Family Scutelleridae Leach. Froeschner, R. C. andN. A. Kormilev. 1990. Phyma- 1815:Theshieldbugs,pp.684-693.//;Henry.TJ. tidae or ambush bugs ofthe world: A synonymic and R. C. Froeschner.eds. Catalogofthe Heterop- list with keys to species, except Lophnsciinis and tera. orTrue Bugs, ofCanada and the Continental PInmuta (Hemiptera). Entomography 6: 1-76 UnitedStates.E.J.Brill.LeidenandNewYork,xix 119891. -I- 958pp. Froeschner. R. C. and N. A. Kormilev. 1990. Case Froeschner, R. C. 1988. Family Tessaratomidae Stal, 2700. Carcinochelis Fieber. 1861 (Insecta, Heter- 1864:Thelessaratomids.pp.694-695.InHenry.T optera): ProposeddesignationofCarcinoclielisiilii-

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