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Ricci-Calculus: An Introduction to Tensor Analysis and Its Geometrical Applications PDF

535 Pages·1954·16.7 MB·English
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DIE GRUNDLEHREN DER MATHEMATISCHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN IN EINZELDARSTELLUNGEN MIT BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG DER ANWENDUNGSGEBIETE HERAUSGEGEBEN VON R. GRAMMEL. E. HüPF. H. HüPF. F. RELLICH F. K. SCHMIDT. B. L. VAN DER WAERDEN VOLUME X RICCI-CALCULUS AN INTRODUCTION TO TENSOR ANALYSIS AND ITS GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS BY J. A. SCHOUTEN SECOND EDITION SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN HEIDELBERG GMBH 1954 RICCI-CALCULUS AN INTRODUCTION TO TENSOR ANALYSIS AND ITS GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS BY J. A. SCHOUTEN EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE UNlVERS!TY OF AMSTERDAM DIRECTOR OF THE MATHEMATICAL CENTRE AT AMSTERDAM SECOND EDITION WITH 16 FIGURES SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN HEIDELBERG GMBH 1954 ISBN 978-3-642-05692-5 ISBN 978-3-662-12927-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-12927-2 ALLE RECHTE, INSBESONDERE DAS DER ÜBERSETZUNG IN FREMDE SPRACHEN VORBEHALTEN OHNE AUSDRÜCKLICHE GENEHMIGUNG DES VERLAGES IST ES AUCH NICHT GESTATTET, DIESES BUCH ODER TEILE DARAUS AUF PHOTOMECHANISCHEM WEGE (PHOTOKOPIE, MIKROKOPIE) ZU VERVIELFALTIGEN COPYRIGHT 1954 BY SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN HEIDELBERG URSPRÜNGLICHERSCHIENENBEI SPRINGER-VERLAG OHG. IN BERLIN, GÖTTINGEN AND HEIDELBERG I954 SOFTCOVER REPRINT OF THE HARDCOVER 2ND EDITION I 954 This book is dedicated to the memory of DR. GREGORIO RICCI CURBASTRO in life Professor of Mathematics in the University of Padua, who laid the foundations of tensor calculus. Preface to the second edition. This is an entirely new book. The first edition appeared in 1923 and at that time it was up to date. But in 193 5 and 1938 the author and Prof. D. J. STRUIK published a new book, their Einführung I and li, and this book not only gave the first systematic introduction to the kernel index method but also contained many notions that had come into prominence since 1923. For instance densities, quantities of the second kind, pseudo-quantities, normal Coordinates, the symbolism of exterior forms, the LIE derivative, the theory of variation and deformation and the theory of subprojective connexions were included. Now since 1938 there have been many new developments and so a book on RICCI cal culus and its applications has to cover quite different ground from the book of 1923. Though the purpose remains to make the reader acquainted with RICCI's famous instrument in its modern form, the book must have quite a different methodical structure and quite different applica tions have to be chosen. The first chapter contains algebraical preliminaries but the whole text is modernized and there is a section on hybrid quantities (quantities with indices of the first and of the second kind) and one on the many abridged notations that have been developed by several authors. In the second chapter the most important analytical notions that come before the introduction of a connexion aredealt with in full. The theory of integrability and PFAFF's problern are treated here and do not get a chapter of their own this time as they did in the first edition because ScHOUTEN and v. D. KuLK's book on PFAFF's problern of 1949 can be referred to. A special section pays attention to CARTAN's sym bolism. In the first edition the chapters IV-VI contained the theory of affine, riemannian and WEYL connexions and in these chapters pro blems of projective and conformal transformation and of imbedding were also dealt with. In the light of modern developments this mixing up of quite different topics could not be tolerated. So there is now a chapter III dealing with linear connexions, curvature and normal Co ordinates, also with respect to anholonomic systems of reference and in different notations. Then there is a chapter V on imbedding and curvature, in the last section of which the theory of higher curvatures VIII Preface to the second edition. is developed. Chapter VI is dedicated to projective and conformal transformations of connexions and in this chapter subprojective con vn nexions and concircular transformations of a find their natural place. Between chapter III and these latter chapters it has been necessary to insert a chapter IV on the theory of LIE groups. This theory not only gives a very beautiful example of speciallinear connexions but it also forms the necessary foundation for the following chapters, espe cially for chapter VII. This chapter VII on the theory of variations, deformations and movements leads in §§ 4, 5 to the theory of the holonomy groups that is used in § 6 to give an application of CARTAN's method. The last chapter in the first edition dealt with theinvariant decom position of tensors and in 1923 this was a new and interesting topic. But now we can refer to D. E. LITTLEWoon's book of 1951 and it does not seem any Ionger justifiable to treat such a special purely algebraic problern in a book on Rrccr calculus and differential geometry. Instead a chapter VIII has been added containing miscellaneous examples, mostly taken from recent literature. Here the harmonic Vn (§ 1), the many different connexions for hybrid quantities and their properties with respect to imbedding and transformation (§§ 2-8) and the spaces of recurrent curvature (§ 9) are considered. The choice of these subjects was entirely free. Of course this chapter could have been made many times longer. But there must be a limit to the size of a book of this kind and this is also the reason why all those topics contained in the following long list, however interesting they are, could at most be mentioned very shortly: 1. properties in the large as for instance properties of compact manifolds; 2. theory of geometric objects; fibre bundles etc.; 3. theory of VrTALI; 4. geometries of FrNSLER, CARTAN, A. KAWAGUcHI; 5. extensors of CRAIG and generalizations of M. KAWAGUCHI; 6. linear elements and surface elements of higher order; 7. connexions of higher order; 8. projective and conformal geometry with supernumerary coor dinates either in the tangent spaces or in the whole space; 9. path spaces; K-spreads; 10. natural families of curves; 11. non-linear connexions; 12. special geometries for small values of the dimensions; Preface to the second edition. IX 13. contact transformations and their connexions; 14. treatment of differential equations by means of linear connexions belonging to them; 15. spaces with a fundamental tensor of rank < n; 16. G. KRoN's applications of tensor analysis to electric circuits. In the first edition there was an extensive literature list. With its 196 titles it covered nearly all the literature on many dimensional differential geometry. The literature list of the Einführung of 193 5-1938 with its 488 titles represents only a selection of the literature at that time. This is even more true of the literature list presented here which is by no means exhaustive though it contains about 1400 titles and refers to about 35 0 authors. By selecting the titles in such a way that the reader interested in some topic will always find at least a few titles that can lead him to more references, the author has tried to retain something of the encyclopedic character of the first edition. The author owes many thanks to the Mathematical Institute of Amsterdam University and the Mathematical Centre at Amsterdam for the valuable help of inany of their collaborators. In the first place I mention Dr. NIJENHUIS (M. I. and M. C.) who has given much time to the study of literature and the collection of exercises and who proposed valuable improvements to the text in nearly every chapter. Mr. BARNING (M. 1.) and Mrs. V. RoOTSELAAR (M. 1.) did important work by studying literature and checking formulae. For the correction of proofs I had the valuable help of Mr. BARNING (M. I.) and Mr. VER HOEFF (M. C.). Mr. Woon of the Clarendon Press, Oxford, has kindly given advice on the language. This is the third book with which he has helped me and I am very grateful to him for all the English idiom he has taught me. Last but not least I have to thank my wife Mrs. ScHOUTEN-BYLSMA who spent much time on the administration of all literature references. I wish to express my best thanks to the publishers for their most agreeable collaboration. Epe (Holland), im Juli 1954. J. A. SCHOUTEN. Contents. I. Algebraic preliminaries (1). § 1. The En (1). affine space (1) - En (1) -affine group (1)-Ga (1)-minor (1)-summation convention (1) - Af, A~. (1) - point space (1) - allowable coordinate trans formations (1) - rectilinear coordinates (1) - homogeneaus linear group (2) - Gko (2) - centredEn (2)-point transformations (2)- * (2) - dragging along of coordinate system (2) - !5): (2) - KRONECKER symbol (2, 7) - «5f (2) - gene ralized KRONECKERsymbol (2) - kemelletter (2) - running indices (2) - fixed indices (2) - kemel-index method (3) - flat submanifold (3) -linear submani fold (3) - Cf (3) - rank (3) - B~ (3) - point (3) - straight Jine (3) - plane (3)-hyperplane (3)-coordinate axes (4)-coordinate planes (4)-coordinate Ep's (4) - net (4) - lie in (4) - contain (4) - translation (4) - parallel (4) - p-direction (4) - improper Ep_1 (4) - Ep_1 "at infinity" (4) - direction (4) - reduction (5) - tjp-parallel (4) - section (4, 5) - spanning (4) - join (4) - projection (4, 5) - screwsense (5) -sense (5) -sense of rotation (5) - opposite (5) - inner orientation (5) - outer orientation (5). § 2. Quantities in En (6). quantity (6) - components (6) - kind (6) - sum of quantities (5) - manner of transformation (6) - scalar (6) - contravariant vector (6) - contragredient (6, 7) - contravariant basis (7) - dead indices (7) - living indices (7) - covariant vector (7) - covariant basis (8) - transvection (8) - reciprocal sets (9) - strangling (10) - tensor (10) - affinor (10) - valence (10) - co-and contravariant tensor (10) - cocontravariant (10) - mixed (10) - unity tensor (10) - A~ (10) - intermediate components (11) - equiform (11) - pseudo tensor ( 11) - pseudo-scalar (1 1) - pseudo-vector ( 11) - class of pseudo-quan tity (11)-tensor density (12) -tensor .d-density (12) -weight (12)-W-tensor w (12) - (12) - G a (12) - .connecting quantities (13). 8 § 3. Invariant processes and relations (13). addition of quantities (13) -isomer (13) - general multiplication (13) - con traction (13) -transvection (14)-saturated indices (14)-dummy indices (14) free indices (14) - mixing (14) - round brackets (14) - symmetric (14) - sym metric part (14) - altemation (14) - square brackets (14) - altemating (14) - altemating part ( 14) - concomitant ( 15) -invariant ( 15) -rational integral ( 15). § 4. Section and reduction with respect to an En& in En ( 16). decomposition with respect to a rigged E,., (1 6) - section ( 16) - reduction ( 1 7\ - rigging (17)- projection (18)- E,..-part (19). § 5. Rank, domain and support of domain with respect to one or more indices (20). ,u-rank (20) - ,u-domain (20) - support of domain (20) - double brackets [[)] (20). § 6. Symmetrie tensors (21). symmetric tensor (21) - symmetric multiplication (21) - divisor of a symmetric tensor (21) - irreducible symmetric tensors (21). Contents. XI § 7. Multivectors (22). multivector (22) - p-vector (22) - bivector, trivector, quadrivector (23) - altemating multiplication (23) - divisor of a multivector (23) - simple multi vector (23) - n-vector {23) - ~···"M {25)-<;~ .1 {25) - cx: (25) - @:"•···"" (X} 1••• 11 {26) - e.1, ••• .1,. {26) - identifications {27) - pseudo-scalar (27) - tables of alternating quantities in E (28). 3 § ·s. Tensors of valence 2 {28). Cocontravariant tensor of valence 2 (28) - trace (29) - spur (29) - eigenvector {29) - eigenvalue (29) - characteristic equation {29) - first canonical form of the matrix {33) - elementary divisors (33)-co-and contravariant tensors (34) - s-vector tensor (34) - adjoint (34, 38) - symmetric co- and contravariant ten sors (34) - index {34) - signature (34) - rank tensors (34) - definite {35) - indefinite {35) - semi-definite (35) - co- and contravariant bivectors {35) blades {36) - classification of trivectors {36) - reduction number {37). § 9. Introduction of a metric in an E,. (40). length (40) - distance {40) - indicatrix (40) - fundamental tensor (41) - euclidean R,. (41) - minkowskian R,. (41, 42)-time-like (41) - space-like (41) - ±-region {41) - nullcone (41) - unitvector (41) -angle (41) - duration {41) - isotropic Ep (42) - full isotropic Ep {42) -null Ep (42) - perpendicular {42) cartesian coordinate system {42)-minkowskian proper rotations {43)-LoRENTZ transformations {43) - minkowskian reflexions {43) - improper minkowskian rotations {44) - vector {44) - raising and lowering of indices (44) - I"•···"n w - w {45) - i,1, ... .1,. {45) - i, i {45) - g {45) - principal multidirection {46) - theorem of principal axes (46) - theorem of principal blades {46) -orthogonal coordinate transformations (47ff.) - rotations (47) - reflexotations {47) - principal angles (48) - reflexional orthogonal transformations {50) - proper and improper rotations {50) - tfp-parallel (51) - tfp-perpendicular (51). § 10. Hybrid quantities {51). quantities of the first and second kind (51) - hybrid quantities (52) - weight and antiweight {52) - hermitian (symmetric) tensor (52)-hermitian alternating tensor (52) - hybrid bivector {52) - ±-invertible (53) - index {53) - signature (53) - ±-definite {53) - indefinite {53) - semi-definite {53) - the auxiliary E2,. {53)-principal E,. (53)-first and second set of invariant E,.'s {54) -her mitian fundamental tensor {54)-R,. {54)-ordinary R,. {54)-kets and bras {54) - unitary perpendicular vectors {54) - norm of vector (54) - unitvector {54) - unitary cartesian coordinate systems (54) - unitary orthogonal group (55) - fundamental figure in .R,. {55) - nullcone in R,. (55) - the auxiliary R2,. {55) - principal multidirections of a hermitian tensor (56) - theorem of principal axes {56). § 11. Abridged notations (57). collecting indices {57) -representativeindices (57) -the notation of GIVENS (57) VITALI's method (57)-CRAIG's extensors {58)-idea:tvectors (58)-systems of "direct" calculus {58)-skeleton of a formula {59)-the method of the radius vector in E,. and R,. {60) - CARTAN's method {61) - abbreviations ad hoc {61).

This is an entirely new book. The first edition appeared in 1923 and at that time it was up to date. But in 193 5 and 1938 the author and Prof. D. J. STRUIK published a new book, their Einführung I and li, and this book not only gave the first systematic introduction to the kernel­ index method bu
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