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1 Ribozymes An Introduction Helen A. James and Philip C. Turner 1. Introduction One of the more important new insights in the field of molecular biology in the past 15 years was the discovery that RNA molecules, once thought to be primarily passive carriers of genetic information, can carry out some functions previously ascribed to proteins. Some RNAs are capable of acting as enzymes even in the complete absence of proteins. The reactions observed include cleav- mg themselves or other RNA molecules, ligation, and trans-splicing. Other new biochemical activities are being developed using in vitro selection proto- cols. The rapid identificatton of features that allow these catalytic RNA mol- ecules, or ribozymes, to carry out their specific reactions has led to the realization that ribozymes can easily be manipulated to act on novel substrates. These custom-designed RNAs have great potential as therapeutic agents and are becommg a powerful tool for molecular biologrsts. This book is a fairly comprehensive collection of contributions aimed at giving practical advice to anyone wanting to design and use ribozymes. It cov- ers the selection of target sites (Chapters 2-6), the synthesis and production of ribozymes in vitro and in viva (Chapters 7-20), reaction parameters, kinetics, product detection, and optimization (Chapters 21-36), methods for analyzing ribozyme structure (Chapters 37-41), and delivery methods and some examples of current applications (Chapters 42-49). This chapter provides a brief intro- duction to ribozymes, which we hope will be useful to those wishing to use the various protocols in subsequent chapters. From Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol 74 Rlbozyme Protocols Edlted by P C Turner Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 2 James and Turner 1.1. RNA Cata/ysis A rtbozyme is an RNA molecule that can break and/or form covalent bonds (I). It greatly accelerates the rate of the reaction, and shows extraordinary specificity with respect to the substrates it acts on and the products it produces. RNA catalysis has been demonstrated in members of the group I and II introns, the genomes of viroids, virusoids, and satellite RNAs of a number of vu-uses, and m the prokaryotic pre-tRNA processing machinery. In several other cellu- lar processes involving ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), it has been proposed that an RNA component may be acting as a ribozyme, e.g., rRNA in translation, U6 snRNA in the spliceosome, snoRNAs in rRNA processing, and guide RNAs in RNA editing. 1.2. Self-Cleaving RNAs One category of intramolecular RNA catalysis is that which produces 2’,3’-cyclic phosphate and 5’-OH termim on the reaction products. A number of small plant pathogenic RNAs (viroids, satellite RNAs, and virusoids), a transcript from a Neurospora mitochondrial DNA plasmid, and the animal virus hepatms delta virus (HDV) undergo a self-cleavage reaction in vitro m the absence of protein. The reactions require neutral pH and Mg2’ (2,3). In the case of the pathogenic RNAs, it is thought that the self-cleavage reaction IS an integral part of their in viva rolling circle mechanism of replicatton (4). These self-cleaving RNAs can be subdivided mto groups depending on the sequence and secondary structure formed about the cleavage site. 7.2.1, Hammerhead Ribozymes This group of RNAs share a two-dimensional structural motif known as the “hammerhead” which has been shown to be sufficient to direct site-specific cleavage (although the three-dtmenstonal structure recently elucidated 1.51s ug- gests that the ribozyme should be renamed “wishbone”). The hammerhead structure consists of three base-paired stems (helices I, II, and III), which flank the susceptible phosphodtester bond, and two single-stranded regions, which are highly conserved m sequence (3,6). Extensive mutagenesis has revealed the important nucleotides and functional groups for efficient catalysis. The hammerhead cleavage domain has been split mto two (6) or three (7) independent RNAs, and trans-cleavage has been demonstrated in vitro. Haseloff and Gerlach (8) proposed a model (see Fig. 1) whereby the hammerhead domam 1ss eparated such that the substrate RNA contains just the cleavage site, and the ribozyme contains the other conserved nucleotides of the catalytic core. Mutagenesis has revealed that the target site can be any NUH sequence where H = A, C, or U (IUB system) and N is any nucleotide (8,9). However, identifying a suitable target site 1ss ubject to a number of other variables, none Introduction to Ribozymes 3 Substrate 5’ I&.1)+ .7 I , ,2 NNNNNNNNNU8-NNNNNNNNNN3’ 11111111 I I I I I I I I NNNNNN,$& JjgNNNNNN 3’ 5’ 1424 csu ,,A “c, 12G A As X-G,: !’ UT Ribozyme g-E G-C A G GU Fig. 1. The hammerhead ribozyme. Shaded sequences are conserved, and the arrow indicates the bond cleaved. Numbering is that of Hertel et al. (36). of which can be easily overcome (see Chapters 2-6). The sequence of the arms of the rtbozyme aligns the catalytic core to the target site via complementary base pairing. Analysis has also allowed determination of the mimmum core sequence required for catalytic activity. This has resulted m the “mmrzyme” of McCall et al. (ZO) described in Chapter 17. Haseloff and Gerlach’s model has allowed the design of specrtic endo- ribonucleases. They tested this by designing three ribozymes against the mRNA for chloramphemcol acetyl transferase (CAT), all of which cleaved in vitro. This work encouraged others to design trans-acting rrbozymes. The ability to cleave the RNA and thereby inhibit the expression of a specific gene selec- tively has two main applications: as a tool for molecular biology (in vitro manipulation of RNAs) and the inactivation of gene transcripts in VIVO, as antiviral agents, for example. The use of ribozymes for both applications has become possible with the development of chemical synthesis of RNA, with or without modtfied nucleosides and links (see Chapters 7 and 8) and the identifi- cation of suitable expression vectors (see Chapter 42). 1.2.2. Hairpin Ribozyme A second small catalytic domain is the “hairpin” structure (see Fig. 1 m Chapters 18 and 19), which has four helical domains and five loops (I I, 12). Two helices of the hanpin domain form between the substrate and rtbozyme, and this allows the design and specificrty of binding for trans-acting hairpin 4 James and Turner ribozymes. The hairpin ribozyme has a more complicated substrate require- ment than the hammerhead ribozyme, but despite this, any RNA of interest is expected to have numerous potential target sites. The design and uses of hair- pin ribozymes are discussed further m Chapters 18, 19,23, 37, and 48. 1.2.3. Hepatitis Delta Virus HDV genomic and antigenomic RNAs contam a self-cleavage site hypoth- esized to function during rolling circle replication (13). Like the plant patho- gens, the sites m HDV are postulated to have a related secondary structure, three models of which have been proposed: cloverleaf (13); pseudoknot (14), and axehead (15), none of which is similar to the catalytic domains previously described Like the other ribozyme motifs, the HDV ribozymes require a divalent cation (131, and cleavage results m products with 2’,3’-cychc phosphate and S-OH termim (IS). Investigations of truns-cleavage with the HDV ribozyme are not so advanced, and consequently, the use of the HDV ribozyme m trans is not covered in this book, although it has been used in czsi n Chapter 38. 7.2.4. Neurospora Mitochondrial VS RNA The Neurosporu mitochondrial VS RNA, a single-stranded circular RNA of 88 1 nt, sharess ome features of the self-catalytic RNAs of HDV, group I mtrons, and some plant vu-al satellite RNAs (16). Although VS RNA can be drawn to have a secondary structure like group I mtrons, it is missmg essential base- pairing regions, the cleavage site is m a different position, and the termini pro- duced are 2’,3’-cyclic phosphate and 5’-OH. Like hammerhead ribozymes, VS RNA requires divalent cations for cleavage in vitro. The catalytic core of Neu- rosporu VS RNA has been shown to consist of 154 nt (17). 1.3. Self-Splicing RNAs A second group of catalytic RNAs are those that produce S-phosphate and 3’-OH termini on the reaction products. 1.3.7. Group I In trons Group I intron self-splicing (in vitro) in the absence of protein was first observed for the intervening sequence (IVS, intron) of the nuclear 26s rRNA gene in Tetrahymena thermophila (1). Splicing proceeds by two consecutive trans-esterification reactions (18). The reaction (see Fig. 2A) is initiated by a nucleophilic attack by the 3’-hydroxyl of a guanosme (or a phosphorylated derivative: GMP, GDP, or GTP) at the phosphodiester bond between the 5’-exon and the intron (5’-splice site). The new 3’-hydroxyl group of the 5’-exon then initiates a second nucleophilic attack, introduction to Ribozymes 5 A 5’ exon G 3’exon CUpA PU- 1c GOH 1 1 Intermediate UGpA / U -CuO __) GpU - -C O---MA H H Ligated exons ucgu - CpA- + + GpA- WUpA 4 HOG Intron UGDA Lariat intron ‘1 UOH 1 circnlar intron Fig. 2. Self-splicing of group I and group II introns. (A) Group I introns: splicing of the Tetrahymena pre-rRNA IVS and cyclization of the excised IVS. (B) Group II introns with the formation of a lariat. this time on the phosphodiester bond between the 3’-exon and the intron (the 3’-splice site). This results in ligation of the exons and excision of the intron. Self-splicing is, by definition, an intramolecular event, and the intron is therefore not acting as a true enzyme. However, the catalytic activity found 6 James and Turner within the conserved core can be dissociated mto dtstmct active enzyme and substrate molecules. Shortened verstons of the Tetrahymena IVS (L- 19 IVS and L-2 1 &a1 IVS) have been shown to be true enzymes m vitro, for example, as a restriction endoribonuclease (19) and as a template-dependent polymerase (20). Despite all the evidence for self-spltcing m vitro, it is clear that splicing m vivo requires protein factors. Even the Tetrahymena IVS, which at low levels of Mg2+ splices efficiently m vitro, is splicing at a rate of about 50-fold less than the level estimated for splicing in vivo (1). 1.3.2. Group II lntrons It has also been demonstrated that some members of the group II introns can self-splice m vitro. The urnmolecular reaction was shown to be Mg2+-depen- dent, require spermidine, have a temperature optimum of 45OC, have a require- ment for ribonucleotides or monovalent cations as cofactors, and have a pH optimum of between 6.5 and 8.5 (ZZ). Group II mtrons splice by way of two successive phosphate transfer reac- tions (see Fig. 2B). In the first step, the 2’-OH group of an intramolecular branchpoint adenosine attacks the phosphodiester bond at the 5’-splice site (cre- ating a 2’,5’ bond), producing the free 5’-exon and a sphcmg intermediate, the mtron-3’-exon. The second step involves cleavage at the 3’-splice site by the 3’-OH of the 5’-exon. Simultaneously, the exons are ligated and the intron lariat, with a 2’,5’-phosphodiester bond, is released. The ability of the group II introns to bmd the 5’-exon spectfically has been exploited to encourage the IVS to catalyze reactions on exogenous substrates. Investigations have now shown, as well as a reversal of splicing (22), a group II intron can ligate ssDNA to RNA, and another cleave an ssDNA substrate, 1.4. Ribonuclease P Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is the ubiquitous endoribonuclease that processest he 5’-end of precursor tRNA molecules (23). It cleaves specific bonds to produce 5’-phosphate and 3’-OH termini, and in vitro requires a dtvalent metal ton. RNase P consistso f a protein moiety and an RNA moiety. It was dtscovered that, at least m bacteria, tt is the RNA moiety that is the catalyst (24) and, as such, ts the only rtbozyme that is a true enzyme: it catalyzesa n intermolecular reaction, 1su naltered by the event, follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and is stable. Several studies have now shown that RNase P can be tricked into cleaving any desired substrate (25), and Chapter 20 details the design and preparatton of RNase P ribozymes. 1.5. Ribozyme Delivery Whatever type of ribozyme is chosen, it must be introduced mto its target cell. Two general mechanismse xist for introducing catalytic RNA molecules into cells: Introduction to Ribozymes 7 (1) exogenous delivery of the preformed ribozyme (see Chapters4 4 and 46) and (2) endogenouse xpression from a transcriptional umt (see Chapters 42-45,47, and 48). Preformed ribozymes can be delivered mto cells using hposomes (26), electroporation, or microinlection. Efforts have been made to overcome the lack of stability of introduced RNAs by using modified nucleottdes, 2’-fluoro- and 2’-ammo- (271, or 2’-Gallyl- and 2’-O-methyl- (28), mixed DNA/RNA molecules (29), or by the addition of termmal sequences (such as the bacte- riophage T7 transcriptional terminator) at the 3’-end of the RNA to protect against cellular nucleases (30). Endogenous expression has been achieved by inserting ribozyme sequences into the untranslated regions of genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (pol II), which have strong promoters, such as the SV40 early promoter (32), the actin gene (32), or a retrovrral long terminal repeat (LTR) (33). Ribozymes have also been inserted into the anticodon loop of tRNA (transcribed by RNA polymerase III) and shown to be functional in Xenopus oocytes (34) or in plant cells (35). References 1. Kruger, K , Grabowskl, P. J., Zaug, A J., Sands, J , Gottschlmg, D E , and Cech, T. R. (1982) Self-splicmg RNA. autoexctsion and autocyclization of the rtboso- ma1 RNA intervening sequence of Tetrahymena. Cell 31, 147-157. 2 Hutchins, C J , RathJen, P. D., Forster, A. C., and Symons, R. H. (1986) Self- cleavage of plus and minus RNA transcripts of avocado sunblotch vtroid Nuclezc Acids Res. 14,3627-3640. 3. Forster, A C and Symons, R. H. 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