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Rhopalomyia goodeniae, a new species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) damaging Goodenia lunata (Goodeniaceae) in inland Australia PDF

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Preview Rhopalomyia goodeniae, a new species of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) damaging Goodenia lunata (Goodeniaceae) in inland Australia

5 tttttlhtottMi "J rht Koutl\oritf\ ,>f'S.Aiht t I9%t Ulli4), 155-lfffl KHOPALOMYIA GOODENIAE. A NEW SPECIES OF CECinOMYIIDAE (DIPTERA) DAMAGING GOODENIA LVNATA KiOODEMACEAE) IN INLAND AUSTRALIA by FfT^R KC)LESIK:: Summary Koiisik. I! <P'%) Wu'intlotttyut wHklfHUW. a new specie-^ of CeLuloinymlae (Dipteral dam;i£iin> Chnntt'tna lunula (Gouuenidceiiet in urUndAustralia. tTrms, A'. Sm. i* ,W/. I20(4K |55 U>i>, 29 November 19'Jd A new gull midge spcrii-s, tllu>pnhmi\ia &mitenine, is describfd from Sit-in gaUbj on {hnnhniu lunula (lioodenueeael from Infl Lake hvre region. Souih Australia- Detailed dextripiiunx of the larva, pupa, male, l.-iii.ilr .mhI tnlesi,iiioa symptomsarc glvOW I'laniN infested by ihis j'ull midge arc dwarfed and develop lew Or noflower-. Krv Woims (Vcnlmiiyudac Rhni>n!om\ia wmJunttu'ffi, IfllYtitj*>t>itvnui hnwut, bake l-~yre. SouthAustralia. Introduction firsl occasion were processed in one of two ways. A small number was cut open and the larvae preserved The insect family Cccidomyhdac is poorly known in HY/< elhanol, A largernumber ofgalls was kept in inAustralia and Ufltll now. ha* been unrecorded ffaiftl plastic bags and die larvae were reared to adults. the inland regions of fhc coulinenl, The species Pupation look place within the galls Plaslie bags described here was found gulling stems of(Sotnitnto were examined daily and emerged adults preserved Intuitu J. Black iGoodciuaccaei in the vicinity of logclher with their pupal skins in ?0ft ethaiiol. Lake Kyic South Australia in Oelobcr. I99J. Canada balsam rnonnis o\' Lypc specimens for Soil' <or hairy! goodeuuu Got'ttftflfo htft&tft, '* a* microscopieexamination were prepared according to perennial herh 5 - 2() cm high with 15 nun long the teehnieiue outlined by Kolesik ( 19451 The type yellow Rowers- It grow.s in clay soils along seriesand other material retained in KY't ethanol are walcrcourses and in sandy soils in cenual Australia. deposited in Ihc Soulh Australian Museum. Adelaide F'lowering occurs throughout most of the* year but [SAMA| and the Australian National Insect peaks between September and November or abcr Collecriou. Canberra |ANIC|. Dried and presented flooding or heavy rainfall (C"unuuiehuiu etf ul !1*81 (TO'.i edtanoli samples of mfesled and uninlcsicd ( ooke I9K6). plants are deposited in the Stale Herbarium oi South The new gull midge species described below is AuNlralia. Adelaide ISIISA]- placed in Rhoptthnnyin,3 worldwide genus previously known in Australia from only ««ne -species. R. Gcnus Rhofuihmiy'ui Riibsaamen, 1802 taiifornica Fell, introduced lo conlrol Racdutri.s Italittufclut (Asieraceac). an American ornameiual Rhopalomyia kubsuumen, 1X42: 370 plain turned pesi onAustralian pastures (Mcl'aydenel Type sfwiti's, ()liin>iffn>htts Itttutccttctikt Karsch. til, I'W.^Gugnc |9H9a& IK79; Vll.Jber. wcsif. l'ro\Ver Wiss. Kunsf 27 (des Kieffcr. 1896: 89) Materials and Methods RhcfHiltmiyiu is a worldwide ueiuis comprising Planls of CiiHHlftttii sp. manifesting stem species ol'Oligolrophiui with t>ne-oi iwo-segmenled nialFormationscausedby Oeeidomyiidae larvaewere l^alpi. simple or toothed tarsal claws, elongate but collected al William Creek (50 km west of Lake entire ci^hdi femaleabdominal tergite and completely I vo), during a South Australian Museum collecting seiulosegomtsiylus. 1hespeciesdescribe*! hereshaits trip, on 22 Oelobcr 19*8; The lew flnweis produced with Rhofutlottniii all the above characters wilh die by these plants shrank in the course of drying exception of luiviiig ihree- or I'our-se^menied palpi- precluding luier authoritative identification of the As Ihc number of palpal setMnciHs is a derived species- New plants were sampled into 70% cihunol character and varies wilhin several Ohgolroplnni from the same population on 24 August 1995 and genera u does not preclude the new species from idcntiTied by D. B. Nyinon, Stale Herbarium ofSouth Rhcpaltiftiyia. Australia, as G. Itinala. The galls collected on llie Rhojwlomyiagootlcniae sp_ nov, (FIGS 1-15) DSUeOmpuWa',ritMmtevntololAdIelolraiiieduelttPirMe.BViIlGileuelnunOvsmanodndOeSn.oAluogmv. /A//r'/v/,v rj, William Creek. South Australia |28 156 P KOLKSIK V 0$f Figs 1-6. Male of Ritnpaiumyia goodenia? sp. nov. I. Genitalia in dorsal view. 2. Sixth flagcllomere. 3. Gonocoxites, paramercs and aedeagus in ventral view. 4. Head in frontal view. 5. Wing. 6. Tarsal elaw with empodium. Seale bars = 100 mn 13, 4; 50jjm 2. 6; 500pm 5, A NGW M'l < II S-OFCW ll)OMVIII)Al I KUM (i(HH>t.M.\ Lt':%\TA 1ST 55' S.. \W 20' fi|, 29.\j,1993, P, fsolcsik, reaicd single- terminal lamella, triangular in Uorso-vcuiial horn larva Irani Ntem gall Dl Qitr/ti&kiU luaala J. view, setose and setulose- hypoproct trapezoid in Black, sampled 22.vl993, r2l32S |SAMA|, dor/so-ventral view, bearing (wo setae posteriorly; rV«/y/'<v 2 i3 S, I V/2 pupal skins |SA\1A|. I 6. setuiose. Othercharacters as in male. IV, 2 pupal skills |AN(C|, same data; 3 larvae |SAMA|, 3 larvae |ANIC|. collected Willi holotype. Ptifhl (Fig. 121 lut.tvtahct r|maStAeMriAa|l.-2gtaflrf)c, |IVSHISSAAMAJ.ADs9;i9m5cId.»It2;7KN3|5. theCorleosturb:ronwonn-sTcloetraoliil/e.negdthpa2r.t7smolma(b2.d7omOe.n8.orna=ng4er, eollccled with holotype, Integument of abdominal segments covered with spiculae. Cephalic sclerjte with two swelling's as long as antennal horns, 30 mn (2S - 36k Cephalic M/Vnsh.itiVftiti^tm pairofpapillae Willi strong setae. 148pm( 14H- 152), |.f>) boms on each side- one of two lower facial papillae Colotu: seleroli/ed parts ol body brown, non- wilh seta andone ofthree taicial facial papillae with \deit>U/eil parts of abdomen orange. Wing: total seta. Prothoracie spiracle 92 - 93 pin in length, with lenglh 2.7 mint2.5 2Xn -4). width 1.0 mm (10- rraeheu reaching its apex. Abdominal segments I - I I J; RS at diMal end narrower more weakly VII with pair of setose vcntial papillae, two pairs of seleroli/ed mu\ slightly curved posteriorly,joining C setuse pleural papillae,pairorselose and twopairs nt anteriorly In apeM Rl joining C neat wing mid- aseiosc dorsal papillae. Abdominal segments II -VIM lengllr Se cell strongly scleroliml and together wilh doivilly with field of slrong spines on aiHeiior half, \<\ andadjacent part ofR5 bearing scales. Abdominal segments VIM and IX with pan ol setose Hagellomeres 15 in number. Rr,s| and second ventral papillae, two pairs of seinse pleural pnpill.ic fused, with nodeslungerthan necks, thiril to fifteenth and pair of setose dorsal papillae h'aeial papillae With nodes and neek> about same length, cireuiutila with setae 5 b urn.papillae on abdominal segments comprising oik IntnsVLr.sL- and one longitudinal wilh setae 5 - H ram. band. Jalpus lour or thrcc-segnu-nlcd will! well l developed palpiger in both cases, Tarsal claw simple, Larva (bigs 10. 13, 14) rounded beyond mid-length, empndin as fanj? as Cohan': oran.ue Toial length.3.0 mm (2.6 - 3.4. n = claws fti, Inlcgunieiit covered with dense spicnl.ie, upto 10 Abdomen; all lergilcs with pairof setae in anterior pm long. Head strongly seleroii/ed, 52 ffltl ( 19 5$l corners, lergiies I VI with single ^cial n>\\ long and 8S pin iK.s 91) wide, posterolateral pVoIsItIerwiiotrhly8afnedw aWlWewssceaitatcerleadtemralcleyn-tlreer:gislicesrnViItIcsaInId- ai<p>ondgca-nmdesX75- p|0mp(m70w-a7d9e1altonbga-sea.ntTehnonraaecic1 7a-n2d0fpirsmt VIII with pair (H sctae anteriorly, row of setae seven abdominal segments w ith pair of ventral posteriorly and fields of selae both laleiullv and papillae, two pairs ol'pleurat papillae and llirce pallfi centrall>. of dorsal papillae. Thoiaen. segments with pair of (icintaha: gonooo.i|L\s iive venirally. cylindrical. sternal papillae and two groups of three lateral Willi small apieoveiilial lube, setose and setulo.sc; papillae on each side of -.patula, two of each with gonoslvlus situated dorso caudally on goitocosile. setae, one without. Abdominal sc-gmt-ni VIII with slightly tapering towards the apex, with apical tooth iwn pair< ol ventral papillae, Iwo pairs ol pleural comprising strong claw and a few firm bristles, papillae and pan of dorsal papillae, all wilh selae. setose dorsally ^d setulose throughout: cerci Abdominal segment IX beating four pairs ot bilnbed. wjth several slotti setae on eacb lobe, lermuiid papillae, all w:ith setae, bui some papillae setulose. hypopioet bilobtid, with seta on each lobc. lacking in sorm- specimens. Amu ventral. Setae on ,elulose: parameres clasping acdeagtts along their slernal and lateral papillae ahoni I um. (»n the olhei full length, setulose. apically bearing lour to hve papillae X - 22 uin, Spatula294pin [245 -32tf) K"ig. large, setose papillae: aedeagus robust, conical. Wilh apical enlargement I32pm (lifi- 1^0) in vvidih and 44 pm (34 7 4l<) in length female frags 7-0. h I Wing: lola! length |T9 mm < 1.7 2.1. n i 2i. width hifesfnuan sxmpiotm (1 i^. 15) 0,8 mrn (0.7 - 0.9); &5 straight and equally strong This gj|| midge sjieeies defoims rhi_- stems of along lull lenglh as opposed In being nat'iowei aiul (toadenia hatata into subglobulai. Iiairv galls, 1-2 curved posteriorly ui male Tcrgile VHwith selal m>w em in diamelei and I 1.5 em in height, flairs are 1-2 posteriorly, terete VIII with single pair of scute nnii lofl&i dense, grey. The gall consists of many anicnorly. sijcrott/aiion ofhodi letvUes in shape ol globular lo siibglobular. thick-walled cells with one letter "Y". Oviposiloi proirtisiblc, eerei ('used into larva in each cell. Inlested plants develop lew or no 158 P. KOLESIK \ 14 ® ® / y^ A NEW SPECIES OFCECIDOMYIIDAE FROM GOODENIA LUNATA 159 Fig. 15. Gal! ofRhopalonniagooiJcuiae sp. nov.onGoodeiiia hmataJ. Black. Scale bar= 20 mm. Rowers. On 22 October 1993 at William Creek, and R. chrysemthemi Ahlberg to llie Hawaiian Islands about 95% of all plants from a population and New Zealand from Europe (Gagne 1989a). comprising some 1000 plants were infested, Rhopalomyia is a catchall genus with the bulk ofits species producing complex galls on Asteraceae. Species that form galls on other plant families Eivnudogy exhibit some morphological differences and their Derived from the generic name ofthe host plant. placement in Rhopalomyia needs restudying (Gagne 1989b). The new species described here is the first native Australian species to be placed in Discussion Rhopalomyia and the only gall midge known to attack plants of the family Goodeniaceae. The Currently, the Rhopalomyia genus comprises 86 species does not breach the current concept of Nearctic (Gagne 1989b), 48 Palaearctic (Skuhrava Rhopalomyia, except that it has two or three palpal 1986), 9 Neotropical (Gagne 1994) and I Oriental segments as opposedtoone ortwo segments in other (Gagne 1973) species. No Rhopalomyia have been described members of the genus. Although this recorded from the Afrotropical Region (Harris discrepancy precludes identifying the new species as 1980), Until now, only 2 immigrant species of Rhopalomyia using the most authoritative current Rhopalomyia have been recorded from Australasian key to Cecidomyiidae (Gagne 1981), I find it and Oceanian Regions with R. califomica having insufficient reason to erect a new genus until more is been introduced to Australia from North America known about its native Australian conveners. Figs7-14 Rlutfuilomviagootleniae sp. nov.: 7-9. II female. It), 13, 14 larva. 12 pupa. 7. Posteriorend ofabdomen in dorsal view. 8. Posteriorend ofabdomen in ventral view. 9. Sixth flagellomcre. 10. Head capsule in dorsal view. 1 I. Posteriorend ofovipositorin lateral view (eerei shriveledin available specimen). 12.Anteriorpart in ventral view. 13. Sternal spatula with adjacent papillae. 14. Two terminal segments in dorsal view. Scale bars= 500pm 7. 8. 12:50 urn 9-11; 100mil 13, 14. Ib<) R KOI ISIK Rhoptihwyia goodeftfae sp. uov. differs in several Acknowledgments characters from R. vafifomica, its only Australian congener redescribed by Gagne & Boldt (1995). In I thank Ifeta and Philip Gee South Australian R. goodeniae, thegonosiylus isstraightandaboutdie Ouihack Research William Creek for acting as same width throughout most of its length, the guides in die Lake F.yrc region and re-collecting the papillae on the male parameres are large (1/5 - 1/2of host plain specimens. I am grateful to Mark A. paramerc width), the number of palpal segments is Adams and Terence B. Reardon Division of Natural three to four and (he antennal horns in the pupa are Science South Australian Museum Adelaide for minute and rounded, in contrast. R. califtirrtica has a organizing and leading the collecting trip, David E, gonosiylus convex at the posterior end; papillae on Symon State Herbarium ol South Australia Adelaide the male parameres are minute (about 1/20 of courteously identified the host plant species. I thank paramerc width), there are one to two palpal John D. Gray DepartmentofHorticulture, Viticulture segments and the antennal horns in the pupa are and Ocnology University ofAdelaide and Raymond elongate and bifid in frontal view. J. Gagne Systematic Entomology Laboratory USDA Washington DC USA for commenting on an early draft o\'the manuscript. References ('OOKE, D. A.119SCOh'amilyGoodcniuccaepp. 1383-14IK//j Ceeidomyiidae) ol tkinluifis spp. (Asterueeaej in the Jessop, J. P. & Toelken. H. R. (Eds) "Flora of South UnitedSuites. I>mr. EnUmtoiS»c Wash, *>7<4>. 767-778. Australia. Part 1 (Polemoniaceae - Compositae)" (South Harris,K-M.tPJXO) IS, familyCeeidomyiidaepp.23K-25) AustralianGovernmentPrinting Division.Adelaide). In Cros^key. R. W. (F.d.l '"Catalogue ofthe Diptera of the Cunningham. Ci. M, Mulham, W. E., Miliiiorpi;, P. I„ & Afrotropical Region" (British Museum (Naluml Hislors I.Hgil U M (1981) "Plants of Western New South London). (, SWyadlneesy").(New South Wales Government Printing Office, Kitiiitfc, I. I. ( IR%> Neue MiUheilungen tlherGallmucken. Wh'fi. Btt.Ztg 13,-85-105. (iJ\D\<,im.pkstFcr.e.i.roUaiPleiJt..Ie"(rJ1.s9o(R8n.C.1a)&nCHa.edWeioiaVd.dnd,o,mGSyDohi.eviweMderalnel(m.pEepdn.Gst.!25"7PHM-u.a.b2nl9uiT2asehIlsniknDeMgyfc,ANCeleaHpnritenrteeiI..e KoiS(.Doiiu:psttiheKr.Aau:Ps.lrC(aeIJe9ii9a..dSo)JmyAAinisdtn.aeewI)nts.opneSc/ui£;eust3j4f$.ffyp1El4du7cnh1lf5Ma2,siiciacrutiSasattPel\\t\ Quebec). McF.mmN. P..I.. Dowr11v. O. P. g TOMliV, A. J. (1983) <l9K9a) Family Ceeidomyiidae pp. 152-163 In Biological control ofgroundsel bush pp. 28*30In Harvey. fivenhuis. N. L. (Kd.) "Catalog, of Ihe Diptera of the G. J. (Ed.) "Australian Weeds Researeh Newsletter" (The Australasian and Oceanian Regions" (Bishop Museum Alan FlcteherReseareh Station). Pressand E.J, Brill, Honolulu). RiriSA,unn. Ii. I!, (1892) Die Gallmucken des Koniglichen (l9K9b| "The Plant-Feeding Gall Midge* ol North Museums litr Naiurkunde /u Berlin. fle/A Bit. Z 37. 319- America"(Cornell University Press, lihaca. New Voik). 41 1, pis Vtl-XVlll. (1994)'TheGall MidgesoftheNeotropical Keyioif SKtiikava. M. (19KG) Family Ceeidomyiidae pp, 72 297 /// (Cor_nel&l UBnoivnenr.sitPy.PHr.ess(.19I9l5h3aeaT.hNeegwtflYlormki)d.ges (Ptptera SSfeotiiaind(aKed.-)An'iCsaotpaoldoigduaee"o(fAkPaadlaeemairaeiiieKiaDidpot.erBau.dapVoels.t).|.

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