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INDEX TO VOLUME 115 New scientific names are in bold face Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae). Bowles, David E. and Beth D. Albinism found in clonal growth of, Bowles. Evidence of overwintering 197-200 in water hyacinth, Eichhornia cras- Alaska 61-95 sipes (Pontederiaceae) in southwest- Albinism found in clonal growth of ern Missouri, USA. 112-114 (The Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae). Botanists’ Corner) 197-200 (New England Note) Brach, Anthony R. Albinism found in Aleutian Range 61-95 clonal growth of Ailanthus altissima All-terrain vehicles 158-169 (Simaroubaceae). 197-200 (New Alpine 61-95 England Note) Amerina 170-190 Brand, Mark H. 121-132 Amerix 170-190 Brumback, William E. and Jessica Anderson, Gregory J. 121-132 Gerke. Flora Conservanda: New Arctic 61-95 England 2012. The New England Argorips 170-190 Plant Conservation Program (NEP- Asian 28-41 CoP) List of Plants in Need of Asteraceae 281-285 Conservation. 313-408; list 322 ATV tracks and density of a rare 390; index to scientific names 396 plant (Drosera filiformis) in a Nova 408 Scotia bog. Correlation between, Burk, C. John and Johr S. Burk. 158-169 Heterotheca subaxillaris var. latifo- lia (Asteraceae), a Massachusetts Bailey, Scott W. Two fern species new record established in a Cape Cod to New Hampshire, with comments heathland. 281-285 (New England on the generation of calcareous-like Note) habitat by base-poor rocks. 286— Burk, John S. 281-285 289 (New England Note) Barberry 121-132 Calcareous-like habitat by base-poor Barrington, David S. and Sonja A. rocks, comments on the generation Schmitz. Quaternary divergence of 286-289 and Holocene secondary contact Cape Cod heathland, Heterotheca via the Northwest Passage in the subaxillaris var. latifolia 281-285 circumpolar Lathyrus japonicus Carlson, Matthew L., Rob Lipkin, (Leguminosae). 133-157 Carl Roland, and Amy E. Miller. Berberidaceae 121—132 New and important vascular plant Berberis Xottawensis121—132; map of collections from south-central and locations within Connecticut and southwestern Alaska: A region of Massachusetts 129 floristic convergence. 61—95; species Berberis thunbergii, B. vulgaris 12\- occurrence maps 68-75; annotated 132 list of rare taxa and range exten- Biggina 170-190 sions 82-95 Biogeography 61-95, 133-157 Carvalho, Monica R. 170-190 Bogs 158-169 Cassiope 221-249 Bowles, Beth D. 112-114 Chalebus 170-190 409 410 Rhodora (Vol. 115 Circumboreal distribution 221-249 USA. 112-114 (The Botanists’ Cleistogamy and hybridization in two Corner) subspecies of Triodanis perfoliata Expansion 28-4] (Campanulaceae). 42-60 Cleistogamy, Triodanis 42-60 Fern species new to New Hampshire, Coastal salt pond marsh system 1-27 with comments on the generation Collections from south-central and of calcareous-like habitat by base- southwestern Alaska: A region of poor rocks. Two, 286-289 (New floristic convergence. New and im- England Note) portant vascular plant, 61-95; spe- Flora. An update on the Middlesex cies occurrence maps 68-75; rare Fells, 191-196 taxa and range extensions 82-95 Flora Conservanda: New England Connecticut flora 313-408 2012. The New England Plant Connolly, Bryan A., Gregory J. An- Conservation Program (NEPCoP) derson, and Mark H. Brand. Oc- List of Plants in Need of Conser- currence and fertility of feral hybrid vation. 313-408; list 322-390; index barberry Berberis Xottawensis (Ber- to scientific names 396-408 beridaceae) in Connecticut and Florida 250-280 Massachusetts. 121-132; locations Floristics of Silver River State Park, map 129 Marion County, Florida. 250-280; Conservation 313-408 list of species 263-280 Correlation between ATV tracks and density of a rare plant (Drosera Gentianaceae 96-111 filiformis) in a Nova Scotia bog. Gerke, Jessica 313-408 158-169 Gillespie, Emily L. and Kathleen A. Cusick, Allison W. Poa bulbosa subsp. Kron. Molecular phylogenetic anal- bulbosa (Poaceae) in North Amer- ysis of the circumboreal genus ica: An update. 293-295 (The Bot- Cassiope (Ericaceae) reveals trends anists’ Corner) in some morphological and wood anatomy characters and likely re- Diamarips 170-190 ticulate evolution. 221-249 Diplima 170-190 Globally rare coastal salt pond marsh Diplopia 170-190 system at Odiorne Point State Park, Diplusion 170-190 Rye, New Hampshire. A, 1-27 Disturbance 158-169 Globally rare taxa, New England Disynia 170-190 flora 313-408 Drosera filiformis 158-169 Goodwillie, Carol and Emily Stewart. Dryopteris filix-mas, new record in Cleistogamy and hybridization in New Hampshire 286-289 two subspecies of Triodanis perfo- liata (Campanulaceae). 42-60 Eichhornia crassipes 112-114 Gracilaria tikvahiae; G. vermiculo- Electromagnetic induction 1—27 phylla 28-41 Endangered species 313-408 Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Rhodo- Endemic 61-95 phyta, Gracilariales) to New En- Ericaceae 221-249 gland, USA: Estimated arrival Evidence of overwintering in water times and current distribution. In- hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Ponte- troduction of, 28-41 deriaceae) in southwestern Missouri, Gunner, Simon T. 170-190 2013} Index to Volume 115 Gyrandra 96-111 Lathyrus japonicus 133-157 Lectotypification 170-190 Hamlin, Bryan T. and Walter T. Leguminosae 133-157 Kittredge. An update on the Mid- Lim, Gwynne S., Monica R. Car- dlesex Fells flora. 191-196 (New valho, Stephanie M. Stuber, Simon England Note) T. Gunner, and James L. Reveal. A Heterotheca subaxillaris var. latifolia reconsideration of the typification (Asteraceae), a Massachusetts re- of Rafinesque generic names allied cord established in a Cape Cod to Salix L. 170-190 heathland. 281-285 (New England Lipkin, Rob 61-95 Note) Locally rare taxa, New England flora Himalayas 221-249 313-408 Historic taxa, New England flora Lomatogonium 96-111; distribution 313-408 map of varieties in North America Historical biogeography 221-249 105 Holocene 133-157 Holocene secondary contact via the Marion County, Florida, floristics Northwest Passage in the circum- 250-280 polar Lathyrus japonicus (Legumi- Marsh, salt pond 1-27 nosae). Quaternary divergence and, Massachusetts flora 191-196, 313-408 133-157 Massachusetts record, Heterotheca Hubbard, Jeffery R. and Walter S. subaxillaris var. latifolia 281-285 Judd. Floristics of Silver River Mathieson, Arthur C. 28-41 State Park, Marion County, Flor- Melanix 170-190 ida. 250-280 Mesohyaline 1-27 Hybrid distribution 121-132 Middlesex Fells flora. An update on Hybrid fertility 121-132 the, 191-196 Hybridization 221-249 Miller, Amy E. 61-95 Hybridization, Triodanis 42-60 Missouri, USA 112-114 Hydrology and salinity gradients 1-27 Molecular confirmations, Gracilaria 28-41 Illinois, new record, Poa bulbosa Molecular markers 221—249 subsp. bulbosa 293-295 Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Introduction of Gracilaria vermiculo- the circumboreal genus Cassiope phylla (Rhodophyta, Gracilariales) (Ericaceae) reveals trends in some to New England, USA: Estimated morphological and wood anatomy arrival times and current distribu- characters and likely reticulate evo- tion. 28-41 lution. 221-249 Introduction of species 28-41 Molecular phylogeny 221-249 Invasive plants: Berberis Xottawensis Moore, Gregg E. 1-27 121-132; Gracilaria vermiculophylla 28-41 National Parks 61-95 Isozymes 133-157 Natural communities 1—27 ndhF-trnH 133-157 Judd, Walter S. 250-280 NEBC Meeting News 116-118, 208- 218, 306-309 Kittredge, Walter T. 191-196 Nectolis 170-190 Kron, Kathleen A. 221-249 Nectopix 170-190 412 Rhodora [Vol. 115 Nectusion 170-190 Non-native plants 1-27 Neefus, Christopher D. 28-41 North America 221—249 Neotypification 170-190 Nova Scotia 158-169 NEPCoP (New England Plant Con- servation Program) 313-408 Nestylix 170-190 Occurrence and fertility of feral hy- Nettleton, Jeremy C., Arthur C. brid barberry Berberis Xottawensis Mathieson, Carol Thornber, Chris- (Berberidaceae) in Connecticut and topher D. Neefus, and Charles Massachusetts. 121-132 Yarish. Introduction of Gracilaria Odiorne Point State Park, Rye, New vermiculophylla (Rhodophyta, Gra- Hampshire. A globally rare coastal cilariales) to New England, USA: salt pond marsh system at, 1-27 Estimated arrival times and current Ohio, new county records, Poa bul- distribution. 28-41 bosa subsp. bulbosa 293-295 New and important vascular plant Oisodix 170-190 collections from south-central and Oligohyaline 1-27 southwestern Alaska: A region of Opodix 170-190 floristic convergence. 61-95; species Overwintering in water hyacinth, occurrence maps 68-75; rare taxa Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederia- and range extensions 82-95 ceae) in southwestern Missouri, New Books 115, 206, 305 USA. Evidence of, 112-114 (The New England flora 313-408 Botanists’ Corner) New England, 28-41 New Hampshire, coastal salt pond Pellaea atropurpurea, new record in marsh 1-27 New Hampshire 286-289 New Hampshire flora 313-408 Pennsylvania, new record, Poa bul- New Hampshire records, Pellaea atro- bosa subsp. bulbosa 293-295 purpurea and Dryopteris filix-mas 286-289 Peter, Chris R. 1-27 New record, Heterotheca subaxillaris Physalis Xelliottii Kunze, a new hy- var. /atifolia in Massachusetts 281- brid; Physalis Xelliottii var. glabra 285 (Waterf.) J.R. Sullivan, comb. nov. New records, Pellaea atropurpurea 290-292 and Dryopteris filix-mas in New Physalis longifolia Nutt. var. texana Hampshire 286-289 (Rydb.) J.R. Sullivan, comb. nov. New records, Poa bulbosa subsp. 290-292 bulbosa, in Ohio (counties), Illinois Physalis pumila Nutt. var. hispida (state), and Pennsylvania (state) (Waterf.) J.R. Sullivan, stat. nov. 293-295 290-292 Nichols, William F., Gregg E. Moore, Plants 313-408 Nur P. Ritter, and Chris R. Peter. Plants in need of conservation, New A globally rare coastal salt pond England 313-408 marsh system at Odiorne Point Pleiarina 170-190 State Park, Rye, New Hampshire. Poa bulbosa subsp. bulbosa (Poaceae) 1-27 in North America: An update. 293- Nomenclatural innovations in North 295 (The Botanists’ Corner) American Physalis (Solanaceae). Pontederiaceae 112-114 290-292 (Note) Presumed rare taxa (IND.), New Nomenclature 96-111, 170-190 England flora 313-408 2013] Index to Volume 115 Pringle, James S. Nomenclatural notes Simaroubaceae 197-200 on North American Gyrandra (Cen- Sokolofia 170-190 taurium s. lat.) and Lomatogonium Solanaceae 290-292 (Gentianaceae). 96-111 Statement of ownership 119, 414 Psatherips 170-190 Stewart, Emily 42-60 Stuber, Stephanie M. 170-190 Quaternary divergence and Holocene Sullivan, Janet R. Nomenclatural in- secondary contact via the North- novations in North American Phy- west Passage in the circumpolar salis (Solanaceae). 290-292 (Note) Lathyrus japonicus (Leguminosae). Surface and pore water salinity 1-27 133-157 Taylor, Barry R. and Shanel Raney. Raney, Shanel 158-169 Correlation between ATV tracks Range extension 61-95 and density of a rare plant (Drosera Rare coastal salt pond marsh system filiformis) in a Nova Scotia bog. at Odiorne Point State Park, Rye, 158-169 New Hampshire. A globally, 1-27 Telesmia 170-190 Rare plant taxa 1-27, 61-95, 158-169, 313-408 Thornber, Carol 28-41 Reconsideration of the typification of Triodanis; T. perfoliata subsp. biflora; Rafinesque generic names allied to subsp. perfoliata 42-60 Salix L. A, 170-190 Typha angustifolia \-27 Refugia 133-157 Typification of Rafinesque generic Regional conservation list 313-408 names allied to Salix L. A recon- Regionally rare taxa, New England sideration of the, 170-190 flora 313-408 Relict flora 61-95 Update on the Middlesex Fells flora. Reproductive isolation 42-60 An, 191-196 (New England Note) Reticulate evolution 221-249 Urnectis 170-190 Reveal, James L. 170-190 Usionis 170-190 Rhode Island flora 313-408 Ripselaxis 170-190 Ripsoctis 170-190 Vascular flora 1-27 Ritter, Nur P. 1-27 Vermont flora 313-408 Roland, Carl 61-95 Vetrix 170-190 Vimen 170-190 Salt pond marsh system at Odiorne Point State Park, Rye, New Hamp- shire. A globally rare coastal, 1-27 Water hyacinth 112-114 Schmitz, Sonja A. 133-157 Wheat rust 121-132 Silver River State Park, Florida, floristics 250-280 Yarish, Charles 28-41

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