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INDEX TO VOLUME 108 New scientific names are in bold face Abdul-Basir, Fatimah 103-118 Maine Mosses: Sphagnaceae Addition to the aquatic plant flora of Timmiaceae. 184-18 Indiana, Myriophyllum — tenellum Photographic Atlas of Botany and 76-79 Guide to Plant Identification Additions to the flora of Rhode 80-81 Island. 65-71 (New England Note) Plant Conservation: A Natural {garista bracamorensis (Ericaceae: History Approach. 296-298 Vaccinioideae). Rediscovery of, Brassicaceae 103 118 97-102 Breeding system and early stage in- Alaska 249-293 breeding depression in a Nova Sco- Alix, Mitchell S. 76-79 tian population of the global rarity Alix, Mitchell S. and Robin W. Sahatia kennedyana_ — (Gentiana- Scribailo. First report of Potamo- ceae). 307-328 geton undulatus (P. crispus Britton, Donald M. 228 241 P. praelongus, Potamogetonaceae) Brunton, Daniel F. and Donald M in North America, with notes on Britton. [soetes novae-angliae (\so- morphology and stem anatomy. etaceae), an additional hybrid quill- 329-346 wort from New England 228-241 {melanchier lucida, characteristics of 347-355 ‘antino, Philip D. 142-183 Anacardiaceae 203 97 ‘atling, Paul M. Characteristics of {ndropogon 370-386 Amelanchier luc ida (Rosaceae) ANNOUNCEMENTS based on an examination of the Merritt Lyndon Fernald Award holotype and plants from the type 306 locality. 347-355; key 354 New England Botanical Club ‘hapman Field, Florida 387~399 Graduate Student Research ‘haracteristics of Amelanchier lucida Award 305 (Rosaceae) based on an examina Aquatic plants: Vyriophyllum tenel- tion of the holotype and plants lum, Indiana 76-79; Podostemum, from the type locality 347-355 cleistogamy in 195-202 key to. stoloniferous {melanchiei Arctic 249-293 species in Nova Scotia 354 Asteraceae 400-402 ‘hecklist for Contributors to Rhodo- ra 90-96 Balsaminaceae 62-64 ‘hecklists of species: Alaska, Izembek Beringia 249-293 NWR 270-293; Florida pine rock- Bertin, Robert I., Brian G. DeGas- land 393-399; Illinois hill prairie peris, and Jean M. Sabloff. Land 380-386; Ohio, Strouds Run State use and forest history in an urban Park 164-183 sanctuary in central Massachusetts. ‘leistogamy 195 1)? 119-141; vegetation map 123 ‘oastal heathland 32-42 BOOK REVIEWS ‘oastal, arctic 249-293 Demons in Eden: The Paradox of ‘olt, LeBaron “Barry” C., HII 1929 Plant Diversity. 294-295 2006. 410-410 (In Memoriam) 421 422 Rhodora [Vol 108 Conservation biology 307-328 Floristic change 142-183 Conservation genetics 1-18 Floristic inventory of the remnant Cornus florida 242-248 pinelands of the | S.D.A. Sub- tropical Horticultural Research Deforestation 1-18 Station at Chapman Field, Miami- DeGasperis, Brian G. 119-141 Dade County, Florida. 387-399 Development of plants 356—369 innotated species list 393-399 Dignard, Norman. Micranthes stel- Floristics 387—399 laris (Saxifragaceae), new to Qué- Forest history 119 bec. 72-75 (Note) Forest successio1 Direct and indirect effects of salt Forman Orth Jennifer, Melinda spray and fire on coastal heathland Gammon, Fatimah A bdul-Basir, plant physiology and community R. D. Stevenso Dina Tsirelson, composition. 32-42 J. Ebersole, Susan Speak, and Rick Distribution, introduced species, Kesseli. Natur il history, distribu- Mount Holyoke Range, Massachu- tion, and mana ement of Lepidium setts 43-61 latifolium (Brassicaceae) 1n New Disturbance regime 32-42 England 103-118; distribution Dogwood anthracnose 242-248 map 109 Ebersole, J. 103-118 Gammon, Melind Ebinger, John E. 242-248, 370-386 Gene flow 1-18 Edgin, Bob 242-248 Genetic divers population Environmental variation 356-369 bra (Faga- Ericaceae 97-102 ceae) in old-growth and secondary Ethnobotany of poison ivy, poison forests in southern New England . * oak, and relatives (Toxicodendron I—1d spp.. Anacardiaceae) in America: Genetic variation among piich pine Veracity of historical accounts (Pinus rigida) families from Walden 203-227 Woods: Heritability and path anal- ysis of developn ental variation ol Fagaceae, in old-growth and second- phenotypic Heritability and ary forests in southern New Eng- path anal developmental land. 1-18 Varialiol ol ymMenotypic traits First report of Potamogeton X un- 356— 369 dulatus (P. crispus X P. praelongus, Gentianaceae Potamogetonaceae) in North Gerwein, J n V. Kesseli America, with notes on morpholo- population gy and stem anatomy. 329-346 rubra (Faga- Flora and vegetation of Coneflower and secondary Glacial Drift Hill Prairie Natural New England Area, Moultrie County, Illinois. 370-386; annotated species list, 380 Gilman Arthur and Arthur Flora of Rhode Island. Additions to Haines. Symp trichum OntTarionis the, 65-71 (Asteraceae) new to Vermont. 400 Flora: arctic 249-293: Florida 387 402 (New Englar 1d Note) 399: Illinois 370-386; Ohio 142-183 Glacial drift hil prairie 3> 70-386 Florida 387-399 Govindaraju, Diddahally 356-369 2006] Index to Volume 108 423 Griffiths, Megan E., Robin P. Keith, Massachusetts. The distribution and Colin M. Orians. Direct and and habitat preferences of, 43-61: indirect effects of salt spray and fire sampling map 45 on coastal heathland plant physiol- Invasive species 43-61, 103-118, 142 ogy and community composition. 183 32-42 lonta, Gretchen M. 38 399 Isoetaceae 228-241 Habitat preference 43-61 Isoetes novae-angliae ({soetaceae), Haines, Arthur 400-402 an additional hybrid quillwort from Haloragaceae. 76-79 New England. 228-241 Harrelson, Sarah M. and Philip D. Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Cantino. The terrestrial vascular Alaska 249-293 flora of Strouds Run State Park, Athens County, Ohio. 142-183 Jaltomata weberbaueri 403-404 Heritability 356-369 Jennings, William F. 19-3 Heritability and path analysis of de- Johnston, Mark O. 307-328 velopmental variation of phenotyp- Judd, Walter S. 387-399 ic traits. 356-369 Judd, Walter S. and James | Luteyn Hill, Nick M., Marina T. D. Myra, Rediscovery of {garista bracamor- and Mark O. Johnston. Breeding ensis (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) system and early stage inbreeding 97-102 depression in a Nova Scotian pop- Juneberry 347-355 ulation of the global rarity, Sabatia kennedyana_ (Gentianaceae). 307 Kabat, Cathleen A., Steven M. Ka- 328; global and local distribution bat, Walter S. Judd, and Gretchen maps 310 M. lIonta. Floristic inventory of the Hybrids: /soetes novae-angliae, hyb. remnant pinelands of the U.S.D.A nov. 228-241; Potamogeton X un- Subtropical Horticultural Research dulatus 329-346 Station at Chapman Field, Miami- Dade County, Florida. 387-399; Illinois 242-248: 370-386 annotated species list 393 Impatiens Capensts (Balsaminaceae). Kabat, Steven M. 387-399 Lectotypification of the names of Keith, Robin P. 32-42 two color forms of, 62-64 Kesseli, R. V. 1-18 IN MEMORIAM Kesseli, Rick 103-118 Fred Herbert Taylor 1910-2006. Keys: Potamogeton undulatus, |p 405-409 Crispus, and P. praelongus 73A4 3: LeBaron “Barry” C. Colt III 1929 stoloniferous Amelanchie) species 2006. 410-411 in Nova Scotia 354 Inbreeding depression 307-328 Indiana 76-79; 329-346 Land use and forest history in an Intermountain Region, western U.S.A. urban sanctuary in central Massa- 19-3] chusetts. 119-141; vegetation map Introduced invasive species 43-61 123 Introduced non-invasive — species Land use history | 18, 119-141 43-61 Lectotypification of Jaltomata weber- Introduced species in_ the Mount haueri (Solanaceae) 403-404 Holyoke Range, Hampshire Co., (Note) 424 Rhodora [Vol 108 Lectotypification of the names of two New species: Platanthera tescamnis color forms of Jmpatiens capensis 19-3] (Balsaminaceae). 62-64 Non-native species Lepidium latifolium (Brassicaceae) in North America New England. Natural history, Northern boreal distribution, and management of, Nova Scotia 30 103-118; distribution map 109 Novelo R., Alejat Life-form 249-293 Luteyn, James L. 97-102 Oak forest 142 Lyonieae 97-102 Ohio 142-183 Old-growth and sec« ndary forests in Maine, /mpatiens capensis 62-64 saoau thern New England, OU uercus Massachusetts 1-18, 32-42, 43-6l., 119-141, 356-369 Ontario a McClain, William E., Bob Edgin, and Orchidaceae 19 John E. Ebinger. Revisiting dogwood Orians. Colin 35¢ anthracnose in Illinois. 242-248 Orians. Colin M McClelland, Donald 43-61 Owens, Nichola I Gordon ( Miami-Dade County, Florida 387 Tucker, and John | Ebinget Flora 399 and vegetation of Coneflower Gla- Micranthes stellaris (Saxifragaceae), cial Drift Hill Prairie Natural Area, new to Québec. 72-75: distribution Moultrie County, Illinois. 370-386: map 73 (Note) annotated specie Microsatellites 1-18 Mione, Thomas and Arturo Granda Paucar. Lectotypification of Jalto- mata — weberbaueri (Solanaceae) 403-404 (Note) Mixed mesophytic forest 142-183 Mount Holyoke Range 43-61 Myra, Marina T. D. 307-328 Myriophyllum tenellum (Haloraga- ceae): An addition to the aquatic plant flora of Indiana. 76-79 (Note) Physiological re Natural history, distribution, and Phytogeographi management of Lepidium latifolium Pine rockland (Brassicaceae) in New England. Pinus rigida 356 103-118; distribution map 109 Pitch pine 356—369 NEBC Meeting News 83-89, 188 Plant commun 194, 300-304, 413-419 274) New Books 82, 299, 412 Platanthera (Orchidaceae) from New England 1—18, 103-118, 228-241 Intermountain West A new, 19 New Platanthera (Orchidaceae) from Piatanthera tescamnis, sp. nov. 19 the Intermountain West. A, 19-31 Podostemaceae 195-20 ~ New records: Indiana 76-79; Québec Podost mum 195-202 72-75; Rhode Island 65-71; U.S.A. Poison ivy 203—22 329-346; Vermont 400-402 Poison oak 203-22 2006] Index to Volume 108 Poison sumac 203-227 Saskatoon berry 347-355 Pollination 195-202 Saxifragaceae 72-75 Pondweed 329-346 Schizachyrium 370-386 Potamogeton X undulatus (P. crispus Schofield, Wilfred B. 249-293 P. praelongus, Potamogetona- Scribailo, Robin W. 329-346 ceae) in North America, with notes Scribailo, Robin W. and Mitchell S on morphology and stem anatomy. Alix. Myriophyllum tenellum (Halor- First report of, 329-346; key 343 agaceae): An addition to the aquatic Potamogeton crispus 329-346 plant flora of Indiana. 76-79 (Note) Potamogeton praelongus 329-346 Searcy, Karen B., Carolyn Pucko, and Potamogetonaceae 329-346 Donald McClelland. The distribu- Prairie 142-183 tion and habitat preferences of Preanthesis cleistogamy in __ the introduced species in the Mount genus Podostemum (Podostema- Holyoke Range, Hampshire Co., ceae). 195-202; distribution of P. Massachusetts. 43-61 weddellianum in southern Brazil 200 Self pollination 307-328 Prescribed burning 32-42 Senchina, David S. Ethnobotany of Pteridophyte 228-241 poison ivy, poison oak, and rela- Pucko, Carolyn 43-61 tives (Toxicodendron spp.. A nacar- diaceae) in America: Veracity of Québec, Micranthes stellaris (Saxifra- historical accounts. 203-227 gaceae) 72-75 Serviceberry 347-355 Quercus rubra (Fagaceae) in old- Shadbush 347-355 growth and secondary forests in Sheviak, Charles J. and William f southern New England. 1-18 Jennings. A new Platanthera (Orch- idaceae) from the Intermountain Raj, Devaki, Diddahally Govindar- West. 19-31 aju, and Colin Orians. Genetic Solanaceae 403-404 variation among pitch pine (Pinus South America 195-202 rigida) families from Walden Speak, Susan 103-118 Woods: Heritability and path anal- SSRs 1-18 ysis of developmental variation of Stevenson, R. D. 103-118 phenotypic traits. 356-369 Symphyotrichum — ontarionis (Astera- Rare plants 307-328 ceae) new to Vermont. 400-402 Rediscovery of Agarista bracamoren- (New England Note) sis (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae). 97 102 Talbot, Sandra Looman 249-293 Revisiting dogwood anthracnose in Talbot, Stephen S., Sandra Looman Illinois. 242-248 Talbot, and Wilfred B. Schofield Rhode Island 65-71 Vascular flora of Izembek Na Rosaceae 347-355 tional Wildlife Refuge, westernmost Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. 249-293 Sabatia kennedyana 307-328 Taylor, Fred Herbert 1910-2006 Sabloff, Jean M. 119-141 405-409 (In Memoriam) Salt spray and fire on coastal heath- Terrestrial vascular flora of Strouds land plant physiology and commu- Run State Park, Athens County, nity composition. Direct and in- Ohio. The, 142-183; annotated direct effects of, 32-42 species list 164-183 426 Rhodora [Vol. 108 Toxicodendron 203—227 Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. 249-293; Tsirelson, Dina 103-118 annotated species list 270-293 Tucker, Gordon C. 370-386 Vascular flora, Ohio 142-183 Tucker, Gordon C. Additions to the Vermont 400-402 flora of Rhode Island. 65-71 (New Vomela, Milada 195-202 England Note) Water balance 32-42 U.S.D.A. Subtropical Horticultural Worcester, Mass. 119-141 Research Station 387-399 Urban forests 119-141 Zika, Peter F. Lectotypification of the names of two color forms of Vascular flora of Izembek Na- Impatiens capei s (Balsaminaceae). tional Wildlife Refuge, westernmost 62-64

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