Print Page 1 of 3 Message: RFPS3003490170042008 Alterantives to Abortion Program Services RFPS3003490170042008 Alterantives to Abortion Program Services From Kleffner, Julie Date Wednesday, January 25, 2017 1:07 PM To 'Andrea Vent' Cc Bcc [email protected] a2a haven .pdf (35 Kb HTML) Congratulations. Solicitation/Opportunity (OPP) No. RFPS3003490170042008 for Alternatives to Abortion Program Services has been awarded as follows. A copy of the signed Notice of Award is attached to this e-mail. MAXIMUM ANNUAL TOTAL 2/1/17 - Region PRICE 06/30/17 2 $ 68,800.00 $ 28,666.67 3 $ 270,000.00 $ 112,500.00 4 $ 10,000.00 $ 4,166.67 5 $ 91,332.00 $ 38,055.00 Alliance for Life - Missouri 6 $ 454,504.40 $ 189,376.83 7 $ 228,000.00 $ 95,000.00 8 $ 20,000.00 $ 8,333.33 9 $ 24,000.00 $ 10,000.00 MAXIMUM ANNUAL TOTAL 2/1/17 - Region PRICE 06/30/17 7 $ 233,458.00 $ 97,274.17 Catholic Charities of Southern MO 8 $ 69,698.00 $ 29,040.83 9 $ 94,500.00 $ 39,375.00 MAXIMUM ANNUAL TOTAL 2/1/17 - Region PRICE 06/30/17 Faith Maternity Care 4 $ 88,870.00 $ 37,029.17 MAXIMUM ANNUAL TOTAL 2/1/17 - Region PRICE 06/30/17 The Haven of Grace 6 $ 318,156.95 $ 132,565.40 about:blank 9/13/2018 Print Page 2 of 3 7/1/17 - 2/1/17 - Region 6/30/18 06/30/17 Laclede County Pregnancy Support Center 5 $60,888.000 $25,370.000 7 $114,925.000 $47,885.420 8 $38,442.000 $16,017.500 7/1/17 - 2/1/17 - Region 6/30/18 06/30/17 Light HOUSE Inc 3 $ 200,000.00 $ 83,333.33 7/1/17 - 2/1/17 - Region 6/30/18 06/30/17 1 $ 69,783.78 $ 29,076.58 3 $ 173,996.15 $ 72,498.40 Lutheran Family & Children's Services of Missouri 4 $ 112,597.68 $ 46,915.70 6 $ 272,711.69 $ 113,629.87 7 $ 167,087.00 $ 69,619.58 9 $ 78,716.24 $ 32,798.43 7/1/17 - 2/1/17 - Region 6/30/18 06/30/17 Mother's Refuge 3 $ 151,193.00 $ 62,997.08 7/1/17 - 2/1/17 - Region 6/30/18 06/30/17 Nurses for Newborns 6 $ 318,156.95 $ 132,565.40 Additional details of the award will soon be available on the MissouriBUYS website: In addition, information regarding the evaluation and award can be found within the next few days by all vendors through the Awarded Bid and Contract Document Search System found at the web address shown below. In the event you did not keep a copy of your proposal, you will be able to access and print a copy of your proposal from this website. Julie Kleffner, CPPB Division of Purchasing Harry S Truman Bldg, Room 630 Post Office Box 809 Jefferson City MO 65102-0809 Phone: 573-751-7656 Fax: 573-526-9816 about:blank 9/13/2018 Print Page 3 of 3 about:blank 9/13/2018