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RFPS30034901700042 Alternative #9 1 6 2017 PDF

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Print Page 1 of 1 Message: RE: RFPS30034901600477 - Alternatives to Abortion Program Services RE: RFPS30034901600477 - Alternatives to Abortion Program Services From Marsha Middleton Date Monday, January 9, 2017 9:55 AM To Kleffner, Julie Cc Journal Julie.Kleffner@oa.mo.gov Recipients Julie; I am not sure if I needed to respond to this, so I am just acknowledging that I understand. Thank you. Marsha Middleton From: Kleffner, Julie [mailto:Julie.Kleffner@oa.mo.gov] Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 10:06 AM To: 'Marsha Middleton' Subject: RFPS30034901600477 - Alternatives to Abortion Program Services Item 3.1.6 of the RFP advises that a proposal submitted in response to RFPS30034901600477 will be considered an open record pursuant to section 610.021 RSMo. In reviewing the proposal submitted from Alliance for Life - Missouri, no documents or information were found to have been marked as being proprietary information. If there is any material included within the proposal that was marked as proprietary, and if so, to provide an explanation of what qualifies such material to be held as confidential pursuant to the provisions of section 610.021, RSMo. Alliance for Life - Missouri shall understand that the determination of such material being held as a closed record shall be solely with the State of Missouri. Julie Kleffner, CPPB Division of Purchasing Harry S Truman Bldg, Room 630 Post Office Box 809 Jefferson City MO 65102-0809 Phone: 573-751-7656 Fax: 573-526-9816 about:blank 9/12/2018

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