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RFP Westmed Inc. d.b.a. McCormick Ambulance PDF

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Preview RFP Westmed Inc. d.b.a. McCormick Ambulance

RRFFPPt oto PPrroovvidideeA Ammbublualnacnecea anndd PPaattiieenntt BBiilllilnngg SSeerrvviicceess ffoorr tthhee TToorrrraannccee FFiirree '/ RRFFPP BB22001111--1111 DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt /1 SSEECCTTIIOONNI IIII PPRROOPPOOSSAALL SSUUBBMMIITTTTAALL FFAAIILLUURREE TTOO CCOOMMPPLLEETTEE AALLLL IITTEEMMSS IINN TTHHIISS SSEECCTTIIOONN MMAAYY IINNVVAALLIDIDAATETE PPRROOPPOOSSAALL.. IInn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh yyoouurr ""IInnvviittaatitoionn ttoo RRFFPP"",,t htheef ofolllolowwiningg pprrooppoossaall iiss ssuubbmmiitttteedd ttoo tthhee CCiittyy ooffTT oorrrraannccee.. RRFFPP SSuubbmmiitttteedd BByy:: WWeessttmmeedd IInncc..,, dd..b¡'::aa.. MMccCCoorrmmicickk AAmmbbuullaannccee NNaammee ooff CCoommppaannyy 1133993333 55 CCrreennsshhaaww BBllvvdd AAddddrreessss HHaawwtthhoorrnnee,, CCAA 9900225500 CCiittyy//SSttaattee//ZZipip CCooddee 310-349-8900 310-219-0713 FAX 310-349-8900 310-219-0713 FAX TTeelleepphhoonnee NNuummbbeerr//FFaaxx NNuummbbeerr uuttiivvee OOfffficceerr DDaattee Please provide the name of the individual at your company to contact for any additional information Pleaseprovide the name of the individual atyour company to contact for any additional information JJoosseepphh CChhiiddlleeyy NNaammee CChhiieeff EExxeeccuutitvieve OOfffifcceerr TTiittllee 556622--225544-2-2545848 331100--221199-0-0771133 TTeelleepphhoonnee NNuummbbeerr//FFaaxx NNuummbbeerr Form of Business Organization: Please indicate the following (check one); Form of Business Organization: Pleaseindicate the following (check one); --L Corporation -- Partnership _ Sole Proprietorship _ Other: Corporation Partnership __ SoleProprietorship __ Other: _ 1122 BBuussiinneessss HHiissttoorryy:: How long have you been in business under your current name and form of business organization? How long haveyou been in business under your current name and form of business organization? - --"11'2-=2'-- YYeeaarrss If less than three (3) years and your company was in business under a different name, what was that name? Iflessthan three (3)years and your company was in business under adifferent name, what wasthat name? NNAA AAddddeennddaa RReecceeiivveedd:: PPlleeaassee iinnddiiccaatete aaddddeennddaa iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn yyoouu hhaavev erreecceeiviveedd rreeggaardrdiinngg tthhiiss RRFFPP:: AAddddeenndduumm NNoo.._ 1-_L DDaattee RReecceeiivveedd:: 33//2211//22001111 AAddddeenndduumm NNoo.._ 2-_l DDaattee RReecceeiivveedd:: 33//2233//22001111 AAddddeenndduumm NNoo.. DDaattee RReecceeiivveedd:: AAddddeenndduumm NNoo.. DDaattee RReecceeiivveedd:: ___ No AdNdeonAddad ernedcaeirveecde ivreedgarredgianrdgin gthithsis RRFFP.P. RReenneewwaall OOppttiioonn:: Please state, if requested by the City, if your company would agree to a rene~al of this contract with price, Pleasestate, ifrequested by the City, ifyour company would agree to arenewal ofthis contract with price, tteerrmmss aanndd ccoonnddiittioionnss uunncchhaannggeedd.. Yes _ we would agree to add one (1) additional2-year term (after initial contract term) Yes__ we would agree to add one (1)additional2-year term (after initial contract term) Yes ~ we would agree to add two (2) additional2-year terms (after initial contract term) Yes~ we would agree to add two (2)additional2-year terms (after initial contract term) No _ we would not be interested in renewing this contract. No__ we would not be interested in renewing this contract. DDeelliivveerryy:: What is the lead time for delivery/ start? 0 days/weeks What isthe lead time for delivery/ start? 0 days/weeks Can you start the provision of ambulance and patient billing services for the City on July 16, 2011? ~ Canyou start the provision of ambulance and patient billing servicesfor the Cityon July 16, 2011?~ IIff nnoo,, wwhhaatt iiss yyoouurr pprrooppoosseedd SSttaarrtt DDaattee?? _ SSttaarrtt UUpp PPllaann:: 1. Describe in detail how you propose to start operations in a timely manner: Include any time frames or 1. Describe in detail how you propose to start operations in atimely manner: Include anytime frames or delays due to equipment or vehicle acquisition. Discuss in detail the system design you propose. delays due to equipment or vehicle acquisition. Discussin detail the system design you propose. MMcCcoCrmoicrkm wiiclk bew aibllle bteo iambplleemetnot aimll palsepmectesn otf allaspects oftthhee TToorrrraannccee RRFFPP oonn oorr bbeeffoorree JJuullyy 1166,, 22001111.. MMccCCoorrmmiicckkssd deeppthth ooff rreessoouurcrceess aanndd nneeww aammbbuulalancnecses ccuurrrerenntltyly oonn oorrddeerr wwiillll aallllooww ffoorr aa rraappiidd ssttaarrtt ttoo tthhee ccoonnttrraacctt iinncclluuddiinngg ssaammee ddaayy iimmpplleemmeenntatatitoionn ifi fnneecceessssaarryy.. AAll lalammbbuullaanncceess wwili lmlmeeete tanadnd execxeceeedd DDOOTT SStatannddaarrdd KKKKKK-1-8128222-A-A. .SSttaattiioonnss aarree iinn ppllaaccee aanndd employees are ready today to take on all RFP requirements immediately. See Attachn;~;;~(~)fr further details employees are ready today to take on allRFPrequirements immediately. See Attach~~;~(~)f6r further details '-- ~"".,.,-_.--,,.// 1133 PPlleeaassee pprroovviiddee tthhee ffoolllolwowinigng iinnffoormrmaattioionn:: 22.. NumNbeur mof bamebrulanocfesa amnd bquualliafniecd eemsploayenesd avqaiulaabllief ifeord asseigmnmpenlto tyoe tehes Citay voaf ilable for assignment to the City ofTToorrrraannccee.. TTootatal lamabumlabnucelas nicn etshe finleetth ewilf lebee t60.w iFlilveb enew6 0. Fivenew TTyyppee "'1'/u unnitsitsw willill bbeed deeddiciactaetdedt oto tthhee CCitityy oofTfToorrrarancnec.e. MMccCCoorrmmicickk eemmppllooyyss 222255 LLooss AAnngQeelelsesC Coouuntnyty cceertritfiifeiedd EEMMTT's'sa avavailailbalbelei fifn neeeeddededf oforra assssigionmnmenetnt ttooth.tehe CCiittyy ooffTToorrrraannccee.. 33.. AAvveerraaggee aaggee ooff aammbbuullaanncceess.. TThhee aavveerraaggee aaggee ooff tthhee MMccCCoorrmmicickk fflleeeett isis 33..55 yyeeaarrss 44.. NumNbeur mof bameburlanocefs aamnd bemuplloayenecs eins diraenctd owenemrshpipl ooyr eemeplsoy oinf direct ownership or employ of tthhee PPrrooppoosseerr.. MMccCCoorrmmicikck oowwnnss iitt''ss eennttiriree fflleeeett wwiitthhoouutt ddeebbtt oorr leleaasseess.. 331100 EEmmppllooyyeeeess wwoorrkk ffoorr MMccCCoorrmmicickk AAmmbbuullaannccee.. 55.. DDeessccrriibbee tthhee eexxppeerriieennccee aanndd qquuaalliiffiiccaattiioonnss ooff PPrrooppoosseerr''ss mmaannaaggeemmeennt,t, bbiilllliinngg,, aanndd lliinnee ppeerrssoonnnneell ((ddrriivveerrss,, aatttteennddaannttss,, aanndd ddiissppaattcchheerrss)),, wwhhoo wwiillll bbee aassssiiggnneedd ttoo aann iinnvvoollvveedd wwiitthh TToorrrraannccee ccoonnttrraacctt.. PPlleeaassee pprroovvididee relevant supporting documents such as: resumes, licenses, and certificates. relevant supporting documents such as: resumes, licenses,and certificates. MMccCCoormrmicikck bbrriinngqss aann eexxcceelllelenntt ddeeppthth ooff mmaannaagqeemmeentnt eexxppeerrieiennccee ttoo tthhee TToorrrraannccee ccoonntrtaractc.t. TThhee mmaannaagqeemmeentnt tteeaamm averaqes 18.5 years in the ambulance business and averaqes over 8 years with the company. We take qreat pride in averages 18.5years inthe ambulance business and averages over 8years with the company. Wetake great pride in an industry known for it's high turnover that our field crews average over 3 years in the profession and over 2.5 years an industry known for it's high turnover that our-----f-ie"-"ld crews average over 3years inthe profession and over 2.5years wwiitthh MMccCCoorrmmicick.k. PPleleaassee rreevviieeww AAttttaacchhmneienntt 1II1I ((BB))f ufur ddeettaailieledd iinnffoormrmaatiotinon aanndd ssuuppppoortrintigng ddooccuummeenntsts rreellaattiningg ttoo ..__.______._ _ _. __,1 mmaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd fifeielldd ffiieelldd ccrreewwss iinncclluuddiinngg kkeeyy rreessuummeess,, lliicceennsseess,, aanndd cceerrttiifficicaatetes.s. 6. Complete the following Personnel IInnffoorrmmaatitoionn SShheeeett:: 6. Complete the following Personnel LLiinnee MMaannaaggememenetnt BBiillliningg PPeerrssoonnnneell SSuuppppoortrt TTootatall nnuummbbeerr ooff eemmpploloyeyeeses eemmpploloyeyded bbyy PPrrooppoosseerr 2299 3366 222255 2200 AAvveeraraggee ttiimmee iinn pprrooffeessssioionn 1188..55 44..55 33..11 66..22 AAvveeraraggee ttiimmee wwiithth PPrrooppoosseerr 88..66 44..55 22..66 44..44 NNuummbbeerr ooff eemmpploloyyeeeses ((eemmpploloyeyded bbyy PPrrooppoosseer)r) tthhaatt wwiilll bbee aassssiiggnneedd ttoo TToorrrraannccee 1100 66 3300 44 AAvveeraraggee ttiimmee iinn pprrooffeessssioionn 1177..44 1111.3. 22..77 66..99 AAvveeraraggee ttiimmee wwitihth PPrrooppoosseerr 77..99 66 22..44 55..44 1144 77.. DDeessccrriibbee PPrrooppoosseerr''ss ccuurrrreenntt pprrooggrraammss uuttiillizzeedd ffoorr ttrraaiinniinngg ooff nneeww eemmppllooyyeeeess,, iinncclluuddiinngg ddrriivveerrss ttrraaiinniinngg,, aanndd ffoorr tthhee oonnggooiinngg ccoonnttiinnuuiinngg eedduuccaattiioonn ooff eexxiissttiinngg eemmppllooyyeeeess,, iinnccluluddiningg rreemmeeddiaiatitoionn.. IInncclluuddee tthhee llooccaattiioonn ooff ttrraaiinniinngg rreeccoorrddss.. TTrraaiinniinngg rreeccoorrddss ((DDrriivveerr,, SSuubbssttaannccee aabbuussee aanndd EEMMnn mmaayy bbee rreeqquueesstteedd ffoorr rreevviieeww.. FFoolllloowwinigno aa hhiirriningo pprroocceessss tthhaatt inincclluuddeess aa fufullll DDMMVV bbaacckkgqrroouunndd cchheecckk,, ddrrUugG tteessttiinngG,, pphhyyssiiccaall aagGiliiltyityt etesstitningq aanndd aa written clinical protocol test and oral interview, employees spend 16 hours in a classroom orientation followed by written clinical protocol test and oral interview, employees spend 16hours in aclassroom orientation followed by tthhrreeee wweeeekkss ooff ffuullll ttiimmee oonn tthhee jjoobb ttrraaiinniinngg wwitithh aa MMccCCoorrmmiicckk FFieielldd TTrraaiinniinngg OOffffiicceerr ((FFTTOO)).. IInn aadddditiitoionn,, nneeww eemmppllooyyeeeess go through a Certified Emergency Vehicle Operators (CEVO) course. All employee certifications and continuing go through aCertified Emergency Vehicle Operators (CEVO) course. All employee certifications and continuing eedduuccaatitoionn iiss ttrraacckkeedd bbyy ccoommppuutetrer aanndd mmoonnitiotoreredd wweeeekklyly.. AAddddiittiioonnaallly/,y, MMccCCoorrmmicickk pprroovviiddeess ccoommpprreehheensnisvieve ccoonnttiinnuuiningG eedduuccaattioionn tthhrrooUugGhh aann iinn hhoouussee pprroogGraramm aanndd tthhrroouugqhh llooccaall EEMMSS ttrraainininingG pprroogGrarmams.s. AAllll rreeccoorrddss aarree .,/'~ ~'--~ ."-~ maintained at the McCormick headquarters in Hawthorne California. See Attachrr~nt 11 (C) for f~rther details. 88.. DDeessccrriibbee hhooww PPrrooppoosseerr wwiilll eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee EEMMTTss iinn iittss eemmpploloyy oobbttaainin tthhee ccoommppeetetennccieiess rreeqquuirireedd ffoorr rreenneewwaal,l, aanndd hhooww PPrrooppoosseerr''ss EEMMTT cceerrttifiifcicaatitoionn rreenneewwaall pprroocceessss wwoorrkkss.. MMccCCoormrmicikck uuttiillizzeess tthhee HHeeaalltthh EEMMSS PProroggrarmamt otot rtaracckkc ceertriftiicfiactaiotniosns aanndd ccoonntintiuniunigng eedduuccaatitoionn rreeqquuiirreemmeenntsts ffoorr aallll ffiieelldd eemmppllooyyeeeess.. WWhheenn aa nneeww eemmppllooyyeeee iiss hhiirreedd,, aallll cceerrttiifficicaatitoionnss aanndd lliicceennsseess aarree ininppuutt iinnttoo tthhee ssyysstteemm ffoorr tracking. Weekly reports are produced by the McCormick EMS/Human Resources secretary and distributed to area tracking. Weekly reports are produced by the McCormick EMS/Human Resources secretary and distributed to area ssuuppeerrvvisisoorsrs.. AAllll cceerrttifiifciactaiotinosns aarree ff11aaggeedda asst htheeyy nneeaarr eexxppiriaratiotinon aanndd eemmppllooyyeeeess aarree nnoottiiffieiedd aatt 9900,, 6600,, 3300 aanndd 00 ddaayyss of expiring certifications. Field Supervisors work with assigned crews to make sure they are aware of opportunities of expiring certifications. Field Supervisors work with assigned crews to make sure they are aware of opportunities iinn hhoouussee aanndd tthhrorouughqh tthhee ccoommmmuunnityity ttoo ffuullffiillll rreecceerrttiiffiiccaatitoionn aanndd rreenneewwaall rreeqquuiirreemmeenntst.s. 99.. DDoo yyoouu aaggrreeee ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhee rreessppoonnssee rreeqquuiirreemmeenntt?? DDeessccrriibbee hhooww tthhiiss ssttaannddaarrdd wwiillll bbee mmeett?? CCoonnttrraaccttoorr sshhaallll rreessppoonndd ttoo aallll eemmeerrggeennccyy ccaallllss rreecceeiivveedd ffrroomm tthhee CCiittyy''ss PPuubblliicc SSaaffeettyy CCoommmmuunnicicaatitoionnss CCeenntteerr wwiitthhinin eeiigghhtt ((88::0000)) mmininuutetess nniinneettyy-t-wtwoo ppeerrcceenntt ((9922%%)) oofft htheet itmimee.. IInn aannyyc caasseew whheerere tthhee eessttiimmaatteedd rreessppoonnssee ttiimmee eexxcceeeeddss eeiigghhtt ((88::0000)) mmininuutetess,, CCoonntrtraacctotorr sshhaallll ggivivee nnootitfiifcicaatitoionn ooff ssuucchh ffaacctt ttoo tthhee rreeqquueessttiinngg iinnddiivvididuuaal(ls()s) aattt hthee ttimimee tthhee eemmeerrggeennccyy ccaallll iiss rreecceeiivveedd.. ((RReessppoonnssee ttiimmee iiss eellaappsseedd ttiimmee ffrroomm tthhee ttiimmee aammbbuullaannccee ddiissppaattcchh rreecceeiivveess tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ttoo tthhee titimmee ffiirrsstt aammbbuullaannccee uunniitt aarrrriivveess oonn sscceennee..)) MMccCCoorrmmicickk aaggrreeeess ttoo ccoommpplyly wwiitthh aalll lreressppoonnssee ttiimmee rereqquuirireemmeennttss ououtltinlineedd in itnheth eRFRPF.P .. .MMccCCoorrmmiicckk's's ccuurrrreenntt 9911 1, contracts with the County of Los Angeles provides for an ideal geographic coverage area that surrciandstl1e City of contracts with the County of LosAngeles provides for an ideal geographic coverage areathat surrClu~ndst~eCity of \" ) TToorrrraannccee ttoo ccrreeaattee uunnmmaatctchheedd sseerrvviiccee lleevveelsls aanndd rreessppoonnseset itmimeep peerfroformrmanacnece foforr ththee CCitiyty.(.A(Áttattcahcmhemnetnt IIIIII ((DD))f ufulllyly ddeettaailisls rreessppoonnssee ttimimee mmaappppiningg aaggaaiinnsstt MMccCCoorrmmicickk's's ccuUrrrerentnt ddeepploloymymenetnt aanndd ddeermnoonnsstrtaratetse\"'sth'tahtal- MMccCCoormrmici,cls,k//) --............ ssiiggnniifficicaanntltyly eexxcceeeeddss RRFFPPr ereqquuireirmemenetsnts ffoorr rreesseerrvvee aanndd bbaacckk uupp rreessppoonnseset itmimee ppeerfroformrmanacnece wwiitthh tthhee rreessoouurrcceess iitt ccuurrrreenntltyly ddeeppllooyyss.. 1155 How do you intend to meet the following minimum requirements? Please specifically delineate resources that How do you intend to meet the following minimum requirements? Pleasespecifically delineate resourcesthat yyoou uowno, wandn ,whearen dtheyw ahree nroermatlhlye ayssiagnreed,n boy rmally assigned, by aaddddrreessss.. PPlleeaassee iinnddiiccaattee yyoouurr aassssuummeedd rreessppoonnssee ttiimmeess ffrroomm thesteh aeddsreessaesd tdo rtehes sCietys otfo the City ofTToorrrraannccee.. RReelliiaannccee uuppoonn ssttaattee,, rreeggiioonnaall,, oorr llooccaall mmuuttuuaall aaiidd iiss nnoott acceptable for providing the required depth of resources. In the event that this requirement for depth of acceptable for providing the required depth of resources. Inthe event that this requirement for depth of resources is to be met with resources other than owned by your company, detail of contractual relationships resources isto be met with resourcesother than owned byyour company, detail of contractual relationships and the specific location of contracted resources should be disclosed as above. As a reminder, the and the specific location of contracted resourcesshould be disclosed asabove. Asareminder, the rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss lliisstteedd bbeellooww sshhaallll bbee ssttaaffffeedd ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo ththee "S"Sccooppee ooff SSeerrvviiccee.."" 1100. .CoCntorancttorra schtaollr havseh faivlel (h5)a Uvneitefdi vSetate(s5 D)epUarntmietnet dof States Department of TTrraannssppoorrttaattioinon SSttaannddaarrddss KKKKKK--11882222--AA ffoorr TTyyppee IIILILa mambublaunlacneced eddeidciactaetdeds soolelelylyt otot htheeT ToorrrarannceceF FiriereD Deepapratmrtmenetnt oonn aat wtweenntyt-yf-ofuorur ((2244)) hhoouurr bbaassiiss.. OOnnccee the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 1917 is adopted, it shall supersede the US DOT the National FireProtection Association standard NFPA1917isadopted, it shall supersede the USDOT Standards KKK-1822-A. Contractor must provide ambulances that meet the requirements of the National Standards KKK-1822-A.Contractor must provide ambulances that meet the requirements of the National FFiirree PPrrootteeccttioionn AAssssoocciiaattioionn ssttaannddaarrdd NNFFPPAA 11991177 uuppoonn iittss aaddoopptitoionn.. McCormick wil provide five (5) new Type III dedicated twenty-four (24) hour ambulances that wil meet and exceed McCormick will provide five (5)new Type IIIdedicated twenty-four (24)hour ambulances that will meet and exceed US DOT Standards KKK-182-A. Once the National Fire Protection Association NFPA 1917 is adopted, McComick wil USDOTStandards KKK-182-A. Once the National Fire Protection Association NFPA1917 isadopted, McComick will /' '\ rreeppllaacce ethet hfeivef ivdeedicdaeteddi cTaytpee dII TamybpuleancIIeIs awmitbh ufliavne cneews with five new TTyyppee IIIIIa ar:rn:!utulalanncceess tthhaattwwilill mmeeeett sstatannddaarrddss sseett ffoorrtthh iinn »> '\ NFPA 1917, within one year following the adoption. AttachrTent Iii (E) provi~es detailed information on McCormick's NFPA 1917,within one year following the adoption. Attachtrlent III(E)provi~es detailed information on McCormick's proposed ambulances. (",-<',,_-,_- ""_"..~/~/ proposed ambulances. Contractor shall equip the ambulance units dedicated to Torrance with the following equipment specified by the Contractor shall equip the ambulance units dedicated to Torrance with the following equipment specified by the TToorrrraannccee FFiirree DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt:: 11)) aa 22--wwaayy rraaddiioo uussiinngg TToorrrraannccee FFiirree DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ffrreeqquueenncciieess;; aanndd 22)) rraaddiioo aanndd AAuuttoommaattiicc VVeehhiiccllee LLooccaattoorr ((AA VVLL))e eqquuipipmmeenntt ttoo ccoonnnneecctt ttoo tthhee CCiittyy''ss PPuubblliicc SSaaffeettyy CCoommmmuunnicicaatitoionnss CCeenntteerr Computer-Aided Dispatch System; 3) a mobile computer system that has the abilty to send & receive incident Computer-Aided Dispatch System;3)amobile computer system that hasthe ability to send &receive incident iinnffoo aanndd uuppddaattee vveehhiiccllee ssttaattuuss iinnttoo tthhee CCitityy's's PPuubblliicc SSaaffeettyy CCoommmmuunniiccaatitoionnss CCeenntteerr CCAADD.. AAnnyy nneeeeddeedd tteecchh support will be provided by an outside contractor or can be contracted with the city for a fee. Contractor shall support will be provided by anoutside contractor or can be contracted with the city for afee.Contractor shan identify the ambulances with the specific unit identifier assigned by the Torrance Fire Department. This identify the ambulances with the specific unit identifier assigned bythe Torrance FireDepartment. This iiddeentniftiifeire wril wbe iullsedb bey Cuosnteradctobr ydiCspaotcnhetrrsa cantdo Crityd oifs patchers and City ofTToorrrraannccee ddiissppaattcchheerrss ttoo ddiissppaattcchh tthhee aammbbuullaanncceess and in all communications. Contractor shall incur all associated cost. Please describe if (and how) you can and in all communications. Contractor shall incur all associated cost. Pleasedescribe if (and how) you can ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhiiss rreeqquuiirreemmeennt.t. McCormick wil, at its own expense equip the five dedicated ambulances for the City ofT orrance with 1) 2 way radios McCormick will, at its own expense equip the five dedicated ambulances for the City ofTorrance with 1)2way radios pprrooggrraammmmeedd wwiitthh ththee TToorrrraannccee FFiriree DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt FFrereqquueenncciieess.. 22) )RRaaddiioo aanndd aauuttoommaatticic vveehhiiccllee loloccaattoorrss ((AAVVLL)) ttoo ccoonnnneecctt ttoo tthhee CCiittyy''ss PPuubblliicc SSaaffeettyy CCoommmmuunniciactaiotniosns CCeenntteerr CCoommppuuteterr AAiiddeedd DDiissppaattcchh SSyysstteemm.. 33)) PPrroovviiddee mmoobbiliele computer systems that have the ability to send and receive incident data and update vehicle status into the City's computer systems that have the ability to send and receive incident data and update vehicle status into the City's Public Safety Communications Center Computer Aided Dispatch System. McCormick wil in addition, contract for all Public Safety Communications Center Computer Aided Dispatch System. McCormick will in addition, contract for all needed tech services with an outside contractor or directly with the City ofTorrance. Each ambulance wil have a needed tech services with anoutside contractor or directly with the City ofTorrance. Eachambulance will have a unique identifier assigned by the Torrance Fire Department. McCormick wil also purchase and install required unique identifier assigned by the Torrance Fire Department. McCormick will also purchase and install required eeqquuiippmmeenntt tthhaatt isis iiddeennttiiccaall iinn mmaakkee aanndd mmooddeell ttoo-- -e-e-qquuiippmmeenntt ccuurrrreennttllyy inin uussee bbyy tthhee TToorrrraannccee FFiirree DDeeppaarrtmtmenetnt.. .........-- .•....... FFuurrtthheerr ddeettaaiillb byyb eber erveiveiweewded ininA tAtattcahc~hernttentI III(IF()F.')).') ......_.-._~..,_.--./ 1166 1111. .DuDriungr itnheg hotuhrse of h7o au.mr.s too 7f p7.m.a e.amch. dtaoy, 7sixpte.emn (.16e)a Ucnihtedd Satayt,ess Diexptaertemennt (o1f 6)United StatesDepartment ofTTrraannssppoorrttaatitoionn SSttaannddaarrddss KKKKKK--11882222--AAf oforrT TypypeeI IIIIaI mambublualnacnecse.s.T Thheem miniinmimumum rreeqquuirieremmeenntt ffoorr ssiixxtteeeenn aammbbuullaanncceess iinncclluuddeess tthhee ffiivvee ddeeddiiccaatteedd aammbbuullaanncceess.. OOnnccee tthhee NNaattiioonnaall FFiriree PPrrootteeccttiioonn AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ssttaannddaarrdd NNFFPPAA 11991177 iiss aaddoopptetedd,, iitt sshhaallll ssuuppeerrsseeddee tthhee UUSS DDOOTTS StatannddaardrdssK KKKKK-1-1882222-A-A..C Coonntrtarcatcotrorm muusstt pprroovvididee aammbbuullaanncceess tthhaatt mmeeeett tthhee rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss ooff tthhee NNaatitoionnaall FFiriere PPrrootteeccttiioonn AAssssoocciiaattiioonn sstatannddaarrdd NNFFPPAA 11991177 uuppoonn iittss aaddooppttioionn.. McCormick Ambulance will exceed this standard. McCormick wil deploy within an 8 minutes response time McCormick Ambulance will exceed this standard. McCormick will deploy within an 8minutes response time standard, 10 Twenty-Four (24) hour ambulances from ~ngtations in Torrance, Hawthorne, Redondo Beach, standard, 10Twenty-Four (24) hour ambulances from ~~tations inTorrance, Hawthorne, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes and Gardena. Please review Atta(?~nt III (D) for~'~t' iled mapping, locations and response time PalosVerdes and Gardena. Pleasereview Atta(?~~nt III(D)for~'~t' iled mapping, locations and response time "-- information. Additionally, McCormick currently deploys'cfríófñër 16 ambulances within 12 minutes from Hawthorne information. Additionally, McCormick currently deploys-cfnofner 16ambulances within 12minutes from Hawthorne including 8 Twenty-Four hour ambulances and 8 day unts for a total of 24 ambulances within either an 8 or 12 including 8Twenty-Four hour ambulances and 8day unts for atotal of 24 ambulances within either an 8or 12 mmiinnuuttee rreessppoonnssee rraaddiiuuss.. WWiitthhiinn 2200 mmiinnuutteess,, MMccCCoorrmmicickk ddeeppllooyyss aannootthheerr 88 TTwweenntyty-F-Fouorur hhoouurr aammbbuulalanncceess ffoorr aa ttoottaall of 34. At 30 minutes, 2 additional Twenty-Four hour ambulances and a day ambulance are deployed for a total of 37 of 34. At 30 minutes, 2additional Twenty-Four hour ambulances and aday ambulance are deployed for atotal of 37 ambulances, thus exceeding RFP requirements. McCormick wil adhere to all RFP requirements associated with NFPA ambulances, thus exceeding RFPrequirements. McCormick will adhere to all RFPrequirements associated with NFPA 11991177.. 1122. .DuDriungr itnheg hotuhrse of h7o pu.mr.s too 7f a7.m.p e.amch. dtaoy, e7igaht. m(8). Uenaitcedh Stdataeys ,Deepairgthmetnt (o8f )United StatesDepartment ofTTrraannssppoorrttaattioionn SSttaannddaarrddss KKKKKK--11882222-A-A ffoorr TTyyppee I1II1a mambbuullaanncceess.. TThhee mmiinnimimuumm rreeqquuiirreemmeennt tfoforr eeiigghhtt aammbbuullaanncceess iinncclluuddeess tthhee ffiivvee ddeeddiiccaatteedd aammbbuullaanncceess.. OOnnccee ththee NNaatitoionnaall FFiriere PPrrootteeccttiioonn AAssssoocciaiattioionn sstatannddaarrdd NNFFPPAA 11991177 iiss aaddoopptteedd,, iti tsshhaalll lssuuppeerrsseeddee tthhee UUSS DDOOTT SSttaannddaarrddss KKKKKK--11882222-A-A..C Coonntrtaractcotror mmuusstt pprroovvididee aammbbuulalanncceess tthhaatt mmeeet ethte trheqeuirremeeqntus iorfe ments of tthhee NNaattiioonnaall FFiirree PPrrootteeccttiioonn AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ssttaannddaarrdd NNFFPPAA 11991177 uuppoonn iittss aaddooppttioionn.. MMccCCoorrmmicickk wwiillll ddeeppllooyy bbeettwweeeenn tthhee hhoouurrss oof f77pp..mm.. ttoo 77aa..mm..,, 1100 TTwweenntyty-F-Foouurr ((2244)) hhoouurr aammbbuulalanncceess ffrroomm ssttaattiioonnss iinn Torrance, Hawthorne, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes and Gardena. At 12 minutes, an additonal8 Twenty-Four hour Torrance, Hawthorne, Redondo Beach, PalosVerdes and Gardena. At 12minutes, an additonal8 Twenty-Four hour aammbublaunlcaens caeres avaairleabalev afoilra ba letotafol rofa 1t8o atandl aot f201 8minaunteds,a atn 2a0ddimtiinonuatle s, an additional 88 TTwweenntyty ffoouurr hhoouurr aammbbuullaanncceess aarree aavvaaililaabblel eforf oar toatatol toafl 26o.f A2t6 3.0 Amitnu3t0es,m ainn uadtdeist,ionaaln additional 22 TTwweenntyty-F-Fouorur hhoouurr aammbbuullaanncceess aarree aavvaaiilalabblele ffoorr aa ttoottaall ooff 2288 1133.. IInn aadddditiitoionn ttoo tthhee aabboovvee,, CCoonnttrraaccttoorr mmuusstt bbee ccaappaabbllee ooff pprroovviiddiinngg ssiixx ((66)) aaddddiittioionnaall bbaacckk--uupp aammbbuullaanncceess ((2222 ttoottaal)l) ccaappaabbllee ooff rreessppoonnddiinngg wwiitthhiinn ttwweellvvee ((1122)) mmiinnuutetess ffoorr aa sseeccoonndd rreessppoonnssee,, ffoouurrtteeeenn ((1144)) ambulances (30 total) capable of responding within twenty (20) minutes for a third response, and twenty ambulances (30total) capable of responding within twenty (20)minutes for athird response, and twenty ((2200)) aammbbuulalanncceess ((3366 aammbbuulalanncceess)) ccaappaabbllee ooff rreessppoonnddiinngg wwiitthhiinn tthhiirrttyy ((3300)) mmiinnuutetess ffoorr aa ffoorrthth rreessppoonnssee.. NNoottee:: TThheessee aammbbuullaanncceess mmaayy bbee TTyyppee II,, TTyyppee iIi Ioorr TTyyppee IlILII.. McCormick wil deploy within an 8 minutes response time standard, 10 Twenty-Four (24) hour ambulances from McCormick will deploy within an 8minutes response time standard, 10Twenty-Four (24)hour ambulances from existinq stations in Torrance, Hawthorne, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes and Gardena. Additionally, McCormick existing stations inTorrance, Hawthorne, Redondo Beach, PalosVerdes and Gardena. Additionally, McCormick deploys another 16 ambulances within 12 minutes from Hawthorne includinq 8 Twenty-Four hour ambulances and 8 deploys another 16ambulances within 12minutes from Hawthorne including 8Twenty-Four hour ambulances and 8 day unts for a total of 24 ambulances within either 8 or 12 minute. Within 20 minutes, McCormick deploys another 8 day unts for atotal of 24ambulances within either 8or 12minute. Within 20 minutes, McCormick deploys another 8 Twenty-Four hour ambulances for a total of 34. At 30 minutes, 2 additional Twenty-Four hour ambulances and 1 day Twenty-Four hour ambulances for atotal of 34. At 30 minutes, 2additional Twenty-Four hour ambulances and 1day ambulance are deployed for a total of 37 ambulances, thus exceeding RFP requirements. Please review Attachment C------a---m-----b--.u "la-,n--c''.-e. are deployed for atotal of 37ambulances, thus exceeding RFPrequirements. Pleasereview Attachment III~ detailed mapping, locations and response time information. ( III ~ detailed mappinq, locations and response time information. 1177 1144.. LLiisstt tthhee ddeeddicicaatetedd aanndd bbaacckk uupp eemmeerrggeennccyy aammbbuulalannccee vveehhiicclleess tthhaatt wwiillll bbee uusseedd ttoo sseerrvviiccee tthhee CCiittyy ooff Torrance. Indicate the unit #, age, make, type, and mileage of each ambulance to be utilized for this Torrance. Indicate the unit #,age,make,type, and mileage of each ambulance to be utilized for this ccoonnttrraacctt.. (M(Milieleaaggee isis ddeeffiinneedd aass tthhee mmiilleeaaggee aatt ttiimmee ooff pprrooppoossaall ssuubbmmiissssiioonn..)) IIff tthhee vveehhiicclleess lliisstteedd bbeellooww aarree ssuubbccoonnttrraacctetedd,, iiddeennttiiffyy tthhee ssuubbccoonnttrraacctotor.r. CChheecckk aallll aappppllicicaabblele:: PPrrooppoosseedd UUnniitt LLiicceennssee MMaannuufafacctutruerrer MMaannuuff.. DDeeddiiccaatetedd PPrrooppoosseedd IInntteerrffaa OOwwnn// ## ppllaattee NNoo.. && MMooddeell YYeeaarr AAggee MMiileleaaggee 99--11--11 BBaacckkuupp cciilliittyy SSuubbccoonntrtarcatcotror NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn NNeeww NNeeww FFoorrdd 33--335500 22001111 00 00 XX OOwwnn 118855 0022114400AA1l FFoorrdd 22--335500 22001100 00 33330000 XX OOwwnn 118833 77554433776655 FFoorrdd 22--335500 22001100 00 1133000000 XX OOwwnn 118822 77554433776666 FFoorrdd 22--335500 22001100 00 1122990000 XX OOwwnn 118800 77554433776644 FFoorrdd 22--335500 22001100 00 99440000 XX OOwwnn 117788 88WW003300BBCC FFoorrdd 22--335500 22001100 00 1155110000 XX OOwwnn 117777 88WW0033007755 FFoorrdd 22--335500 22001100 00 2222000000 XX OOwwnn 117755 88UU9933775544 FFoorrdd 22--335500 22000099 11 6622330000 XX OOwwnn 117744 88UU4411770066 FFoorrdd 33--335500 22000099 11 4477330000 XX OOwwnn 117733 88UU4411666699 FFoorrdd 33--335500 22000099 11 5522550000 XX OOwwnn 117722 88UU4411663344 FFoorrdd 33--335500 22000099 11 6666220000 XX OOwwnn 117711 B8UU9933880000 FFoorrdd 33--335500 22000099 11 2222990000 XX OOwwnn 117700 88UU4411663344 FFoorrdd 33--335500 22000099 11 5555550000 XX OOwwnn AAttcchhmmeenntt IIIIII 00 ffoorr ffuullll lliisst t OOwwnn 1155.. DDeessccrribibee,,i nind deetataili,l,t hthee pprreevveenntatativtieve aanndd rreegguulalarr mmaaiinntteennaannccee pprrooggrraamm ffoorr ddeeddiiccaatteedd aanndd bbaacckkuupp vveehhiicclleess.. IInncclluuddee aavveerraaggee nnuummbbeerr ooff mmiilleess bbeettwweeeenn sseerrvviiccee aappppooinintmtmeenntsts ffoorr ffiirrsstt lliinnee aanndd rreesseerrvvee uunniittss.. AAllssoo iinncclluuddee tthhee namne aamnd elocaatniodn oflo cation of vveehhiiccllee mmaaiinntteennaannccee ffaacciilliittyy ((ccoonnttrraacctteedd oorr oowwnn)) aanndd tthhee llooccaattiioonn wwhheerree tthhee vveehhiiccllee ssppeecciiffiiccaatitoionn aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee rreeccoorrddss ccaann bbee rreevvieiewweedd.. IInncclluuddee tthhee rreeppllaacceemmeenntt aammbbuullaannccee ppllaann//ssyysstteemm.. MMccCCoormrmicikck pprroovvidideess aann iinn--hhoouusese ffleleeett aanndd eeqquuipipmmenetnt mmaaiinntetennaancnece pprrooggrraamm tthhrroouugghh aa ffuullll--sseerrvvicicee cceenntteerr llooccaatteedd aatt tthhee HaHwtahwortnheo hrenaedquarhteerasd.q Tuhaisr tsetrast.e ofT his state oftthhee aarrtt cceenntteerr iiss eeqquuipipppeded ttoo ppeerrffoorrmm aallll rroouuttiinnee aanndd mmaajjoorr mmaaiinntteennaanncece aanndd rerpeaipras.ir sP.revePnrteatvieven tmaatiinvteenanmcea iins tpeenrafonrcmeed eviesryp e5,r0f0o0r mmieJeds..Ae1vI evreyhic5l,e0s 0f0or miles. All vehicles for TToorrrraannccee wwilill bbee nnoo oollddeerr tthhaann ----- ~.. ~~~ fd.. r ffoouurr eeaarsrs ooldld hhaavvee nnoo mmoorree tthhaann 220000 000000 mmilieless.. SSeeeeA Atttatcac' ~'~eentnt iIlIlI GG fdr aa fufullll ddeessccrrii . .ttiioonn ooff tthhee fflleeeett rroo rraamm.. 1188 1166.. DDeessccrriibbee iinn ddeettaaiill tthhee ddiissppaattcchh ssyysstteemm ttoo bbee uuttiilliizzeedd.. IInncclluuddee aannyy AAuuttoommaattiicc VVeehhiiccllee LLooccaattoorr ssyysstteemmss,, ootthheerr eeqquuiippmmeenntt aanndd tteelleepphhoonnee lliinneess eemmppllooyyeedd iinn ccoonnjjuunnccttiioonn wwiitthh tthhee ddisisppaattcchh ssyysstteemm.. MMccCCoorrmmicikck mmaainintataininss aa ddeeddicicaatetded ttwweenntyty ffoouurr ((2244)) hhoouurr CCoommmmuuninciactaiotniosns CCeennteterr aatt tthhee HHaawwththoornrene hheeaaddqquuaartretresr.s. AA mmininimimum uomf of tthhrreeee ddiissppaattcchheersrs aanndd aa CCoommmmuunnicicaatiotinosns CCeenntteerr ssuuppeerrvvisisoorr aarree sscchheedduuleledd aatt aallll ttiimmeess.. TThhee MMccCCoorrmmicickk CCoommmmuunniciactaiotinosns CCeenntteerr iiss bbuuiilltt oonn mmuullttipiplele lleevveellss ooff rreedduunnddaannccyy ttoo ooffffsseett aannyy ffaaiilluurere iinncclluuddiningg aa sseellff ccoonntatainineded / mmoobbiliele CCoommmmunuicnaitcioantisonsa nadndC Comommamndandtr atirleari.lerM. McCcoCrmoircmkicokpe orapteersatietsc eitn cteerntuetirl izuintiglizsintagte stoafteth oef atrhtel oalrlt Rlo~l.l- eRue~N-rett~, / DDiissppaattcchh ssooffttwwaarree.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, eeaacchh aammbbuullaannccee aanndd ssuuppeerrvviissoorr isis eeqquuiippppeedd wwitihth LoLgoigci c50500000 AAVVLL. .AAtttataCCllfÍlmlmeenntt IIIII I(J(J)) provides significant detail on the dispatch equipment and process, Automatic Vehicle Locators, along w~-) provides significant detail on the dispatch equipment and process, Automatic Vehicle Locators, along w~-) eeqquuiippmmeennt,t, tteelleepphhoonnee lilinneess aanndd hhooww MMccCCoorrmmicickk wwiillll iinntteerrffaaccee wwiitthh tthhee TToorrrraannccee FFiirree DDeeppaarrtmtmeentn.t. 1177.. LLiisstt nnaammeessa annddl oloccaatitoionn ooff eexxisistitninqg oorr pprrooppoosseedd ffaacciillititieiess,, bbuussinineesssso offfifccee,, eettcc.. IInnddiiccaattee iiff iitt iiss pprrooppoosseedd.. WWhhiicchh ffaacciilliittyy wwiillll bbee uusseedd ffoorr tthhee TToorrrraannccee ccoonnttrraacct?t? DDoo yyoouu ccuurrrreennttllyy hhaavvee aa ffaacciliiltityy wwiitthhiinn TToorrrraannccee cciittyy lliimmiittss?? IIff nnoott,, ddoo yyoouu ppllaann ttoo eessttaabblliisshh aanndd mmaaiinnttaaiinn aa mmiinniimmuumm ooff oonnee ffaacciilliittyy wwiitthhiinn TToorrrraannccee cciittyy lliimmiittss?? 11.. MMaaiinn ddeeppllooyymmenetnt cceenntteerr-- 2020331133 WWeessteterrnn AAvvee,, TToorrrraannccee,, CCAA 9900550011 -- 33T ToorrrarnacneceD Deeddiciactaetded 2244 hhoouurr aammbbuulalnancecses 22.. 22991155 118822nndd SSttrreeeett,, RReeddoonnddoo BBeeaacchh,, CCAA 9900227788-1-1 TToorrrraannccee DDeeddiiccaatetedd 2244 hhoouurr aammbbuulla.annccee 33.. 11999988 5S PPaacciiffiicc CCooaasstt HHiigghhwwaayy,, RReeddoonnddoo BBeeaacchh,, CCAA 9900227777 -- 11T ToorrrarancneceD Deeddiciacatetded 2244 hhoouurr aammbbuulalannccee The locations listed above wil deploy the five dedicated ambulances for Torrance. Each location meets an 8 minute The locations listed above will deploy the five dedicated ambulances for Torrance. Eachlocation meets an 8minute ssttaannddaardrd rreessppoonnssee ttiimmee ffoorr tthhee CCiittyy ooffTT oorrrraannccee.. 1188. .UsUinsg itnheg intfhoermatiinofno arbmouta tthieo nfees tahbato tuhet Citthye of feesthat the City of TToorrrraannccee cchhaarrggeess aanndd tthhee ppaarraammeetteerrss ddeessccrriibbeedd iinn tthhee RRFFPP,,d deessccrirbibeei nind deetataililh hooww PPrrooppoosseerr wwoouuldld ccaallccuulalatete,, bbilill,, aanndd ccoolllelecctt aallll aapppplilciacabblele cchhaarrggeess ((bbiillliinngg ccooddeess,, ssyysstteemmss,, ssooffttwwaarree aanndd pprroocceedduurreess)).. AAttttaacchh aaddddiittiioonnaall ppaaggee((ss)),, ssaammppllee bbiillllss aanndd rreeppoorrttss.. .//--'' --v--c., MMccCCoormrmicikck AAmmbublualnacnecew willil bbiilll aaccccoorrddinin toto ththee rereqquuirireemmeennttss oof fththee RRFFPP.. AAttttaacchhr:in:€n€tn tII(HIII)(H d)edteatialsil shohwow MMcCcCoormrmiicckk ':\\ wwiilll ccaallccuullaatete aanndd ccoolllleecctt aallll aappppllicicaabblele cchhaarrgqeess,, iinnccluluddinignq bbiilllilnngq ccooddeess,, ssyysstteemmss,, ssoòffttwwaar-re--eaaflfdld pprorocecdeudruerse.s. SSaammppllee bbiillllss aanndd rreeppoorrtsts aarree iinnccluluddeed.d. MMccCCoorrmmicickk's's CCoommmmuuninciactaiotniosns CCeennteterr aanndd bbilillilnngq ssooffttwwaarree sshhaarree aa ccoommmmonon ppllaattfoformrm uuttiililzziningo tthhee lloollll DDaattaa SSyysstteemmss ssooffttwwaarree.. lloollll isis tthhee nnaatitioonnss lalarrogeesstt pprroovviiddeerr ooff EEMMSS bbililliningg aanndd ddiissppaattcchhinignq ssooffttwwaarere aanndd hahvea vpreovepnr otvo ebne a tonatbioenaal national lleeaaddeerr iinn rreeiimmbbuursresmemenet.nt. lloollll nnaattiioonnaall ssuuppppoorrtt pprroovvïiddeess rreeqguullaarr ttrraaiinniinngq aanndd ccllaasssseess ffoorr ppeerrssoonnnneell aanndd tthheeyy iinntteerrfafaccee oonn tthhee llaatteesstt rreeiimmbbuursresemmenetnt iissssuueess wwiitthh tthhee iinndduussttrryy aatt llaarrggee.. MMccCCoorrmmicickk uses the Scan Health EMS system to scan and store all patient reports, insurance cards and face sheets. This hiqhly usesthe Scan Health EMSsystem to scan and store all patient reports, insurance cards and face sheets. This highly rreeccoogqnnizizeedd eelleeccttrroonnicic ssyysstteemm iiss HHIIPPAAAAc coommplpialinatnt aanndd pprroovvidideess ssttooraragqee inin rreeaallt itmimee.. IInn aadddditiitoionn,, MMccCCoorrmmicickk mmaaiinntataininss aa ffuullll ttiimmee CCoommpplilaianncece OOfffficceerr wwhhoossee ppuurrppoossee iiss ttoo mmaaiinnttaainin oouurr eexxcceelllelenntt rreeccoorrdd wwiitthh MMeeddiiccaarree,, MMeeddiiccaaidid aanndd ootthheerr iinnssuurraannccee ccoommppaannieises aalloonngq wwitithh iinntteerrffaacciningq wwiitthh leleqgaall ccoouunnsseell aanndd oouurr mmeemmbbeersrshhipisps wwiitthh tthhee AAmmeerriiccaann AAmmbbuulalannccee AAssssoocciaiatitoionn,, CCaalliiffoorrnniaia AAmmbbuulalanncece AAssssoocciaiatitoionn aanndd tthhee HHeeaalltthh CCaarree BBililliinngg aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeentnt AAssssoocciiaatitoionn.. 1199 19. Attach a copy of the Proposer1s "Proposed Operating Budget" for the service to be provided in this 19.Attach acopy of the Proposer's "Proposed Operating Budget" for the service to be provided in this ssuubbmmiissssioionn.. IInncclluuddee ccoossttss ffoorr:: aa)) PPeerrssoonnnneell bb)) VVeehhiicclleess cc)) MMeeddiiccaall EEqquuiippmmeenntt aanndd SSuupppplliieess dd)) MMeeddiiccaall eexxppeennsseess ((NNeeww ffoorr tthhiiss pprroojjeecctt)) ee)) PPrrooppoorrttiioonnaatete sshhaarree ooff oonnggooiinngg eexxppeennsseess ff)) IInncclluuddee eessttimimaatteedd rreevveennuueess.. SSeeee AAttttaacchhmmeenntt IIIIII ((II)) 20. Please provide the names of all hospitals and fire departments, for which you are supplying or have 20. Pleaseprovide the names of all hospitals and fire departments, for which you aresupplying or have ssuupppplliieedd aammbbuullaannccee sseerrvviicceess iinn tthhee ppaasstt 1100 yyeeaarrss.. NNaammee ooff HHoossppitiatal/l/ PPeerrssoonn ttoo TTeelleepphhoonnee EExxppiirraattioionn FFiirree DDeeppaartrmtmenetnt AAddddrreessss ccoonnttaacctt NNoo.. SSttaarrtt DDaattee DDaattee LLooss AAnnggeeleless CCoouunntyty 11332200 NN.. EEaasstteerrnn AAvvee LLooss FFiirree DDeeppaartrmtmenetnt AAnnggeeleless CCoouunnttyy 9900006633 CChhiieeff DDaarryyll OOssbbyy ((332233)) 888811--224400.·11 JJuunnee 11,, 22000055 JJuunnee 22001166 RReeddoonnddoo BBeeaacchh FFiirree 440011 5S BBrrooaaddwwaayy,, RReeddoonnddoo DDeeppaarrtmtmenetnt BBeeaacchh CCaa 9900227777 CChhiieeff DDaann MMaaddrrigigaall ((331100)) 331188--00666633 JJuunnee 11,, 22000055 JJuunnee 22001166 CCoommpptotonn FFiirree 2200115S AAccaacciaia AAvvee CCoommpptotonn DDeeppaarrtmtmenetnt CCAA 9900222200 CChhiieefTfThohmompsposnon ((331100)) 660055--55667700 BBaacckk UUpp VVeerrnnoonn FFiirree 44330055 SSaannttaa FFee,, VVeerrnnoonn CCAA CChhiieeff MMaarrkk DDeeppaarrtmtmenetnt 9900005588 WWhhitiwtworothrth ((331100)) 995533--66881100 BBaacckk UUpp CCuullvveerr CCiittyy FFiirree 99660000 CCuullvveerr BBllvvdd CCuullvveerr CCiittyy,, DDeeppaarrtmtmenetnt CCAA 9900883322 CChhiieeff CChhrriiss SSeelllleerrss ((331100)) 995533--66881100 BBaacckk UUpp 555555 EE HHaarrddyy IInngglelewwoooodd,, CCAA CCeennttinineelllala HHoossppititaall 9900330011 SSoollY Yaaoo ((331100)) 668800--88338833 GGaarrddeennaa MMeemmoorriiaall 11114455 WW RReeddoonnddoo BBeeaacchh BBllvvdd ((331100)) 552233-"44330000 HHoossppiittaall GGaarrddeennaa,, CCAA 9900224477 JJaaccqquuii CCaarrmmeelolonn EExxtt 77111133 LLooss AAnnggeeleless CCoouunntyty 1100110000 PPiioonneeeerr BBllvvdd ##220000 LLuuaannnnee CCDD ~~aannttaa FFee SSpprriinnggss,, CCAA 9900667700 UUnnddeerrwwooodod ((556622)) 334477--11550000 44110011 TToorrrraannccee BBllvvdd LLCCMM HHoossppitiatall TTiinnaa CCrruuzz ((331100)) 440088 77333366 TToorrrraannccee,, CCAA 9900550033 TToorrrraannccee MMeemmooriraiall 33333300 LLoommiittaa BBllvvdd HHoossppiittaall TToorrrraannccee,, CCAA 9900550055 MMiicchhaaeell RRoobbiinnssoonn ((331100)) 889911--66665588 2200 21. Please provide information regarding your company's current contracts for ambulance services. 21.Pleaseprovide information regarding your company's current contracts for ambulance services. DDeeddiiccaatteedd UUnniittss RReeqquuiirreedd bbyy CCoonnttrraacctt: EExxppiirraattiioonn NNaammee ooff AAggeennccyy SSttaarrtt DDaattee DDaattee QQuuaannttiittyy TTyyppee LLooss AAnnggeeleless CCoouunnttyy EEMMSS JJuunnee 11,,22000066 JJuunnee 22001166 2233 TTyyppe eIIII IIoro rTTyyppee /III RReeddoonnddoo BBeeaacchh FFiirree JJuunnee 11,,22000066 JJuunnee 22001166 TTyypep e "II'/ LLooss AAnnggeelelses CCoouunntyty OOvveerfrlfooww JJuullyy 11,, 22000055 JJuunnee 22001166 TTyyppee I'I"I oorr TTyyppee IIII 2222.. HH1oo2ww mmyaaennyya yyreesaar.rss hhaavvee yyoouu bbeeeenn inin bbuussiinneessss aass aann AAmmbbuullaannccee SSeerrvviiccee PPrroovviiddeerr?? 12 years. 23. History of the Proposer as a sole company and after merging/partnering with other companies (include 23. History of the Proposer asasole company and after merging/partnering with other companies (include yyeeaarrss ooff eeaacchh ccoommbbininaatitoionn).). MMccCCoorrmmicickk AAmmbbuulalannccee wwaass ffoouunnddeedd inin 11996611 bbyy oouurr ccuurrrreenntt CCEEOO''ss GGrraannddmmooththere,r, MMaarryy AAggnneess MMccCCoorrmmicickk.. SSiinnccee tthheenn,, MMcCcoCrmoircmk hicaks prhovaisdedp raomvbuidlaendce saermvibcue lainnccluedings eonrev icofe thine cfliurdstin pgaramoendiec aomfbutlhaencefsir sint tphea rSaomuthe dic ambulances in the Southbbaayy wwiitthh DDaanineile lFreFermeane mHosapnitaHl oansdp tithael Heaarntd AstshoeciaHtieoan ritn A19s6s9o. cIina t2i0o0n2, Wienst1me9d6 A9m.bul'nanc2e0 I0n2c., wWiteh sJtomseephd ChAidm bulance Inc.with Joseph Chidley, ley, oouurr CCEEOO ppuurcrchhaasesded MMccCCoormrmicikck ffrroomm hhiiss ccoouussininss.. SSiinnccee tthhaatt ppuurrcchhaassee,, MMccCCoormrmicikck hhaass ggrroowwnn ttoo bbee tthhee llaarrggeesstt pprroovvididere rof oemferegmenceyr gaembnuclaynce asmerbviuclea ninc ethe sSoeurtvhibcaey ainnd tahlle ofS outhbay and all of WWeesstt LLooss AAnnggeeleless CCoouunntyty.. MMccCCoorrmmicickk pprroovvidideess 911 services to every Contract City and unincorporated County area from the Ventura County line to Orange County 911 services to every Contract City and unincorporated County areafrom the Ventura County line to Orange County aanndd EEaasstt ttoo tthhee CCiittyy ooff LLooss AAnngoeeleless aanndd tthhee 771100 ffrreeeewwaayy.. 2211

How long have you been in business under your current name and form of McCormick will be able to implement all aspects of the Torrance RFPon or before .. programmed with the Torrance Fire Department Frequencies List the dedicated and back up emergency ambulance vehicles that will be
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