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Reweighting complex Langevin trajectories Jacques Bloch∗ Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany (Dated: March 6, 2017) Although the complex Langevin method can solve the sign problem in simulations of theories with complex actions, the method will yield the wrong results if known validity conditions are not satisfied. We present a novel method to compute observables for a target ensemble by reweighting complextrajectoriesgeneratedwiththecomplexLangevinmethodforanauxiliaryensemblehaving itself a complex action. While it is imperative that the validity conditions be satisfied for the auxiliary ensemble, there are no such requirements for the target ensemble. This allows us to enlarge the applicability range of the complex Langevin method. We illustrate this at the hand of a one-dimensional partition function and two-dimensional strong-coupling QCD. Keywords: LatticeQCD,QuarkChemicalPotential,SignProblem 7 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION In contrast to standard reweighting methods, the aux- 2 iliary ensemble in this hybrid procedure is taken at pa- r rameter values where the action is complex such that it a Lattice simulations of quantum chromodynamics M (QCD)atnonzerochemicalpotentialareespeciallychal- couldbeclosertothetargetensemble, hencemakingthe reweighting more efficient. lenging as the complex fermion determinant rules out 9 the use of importance sampling methods. Current so- The RCL method is generally applicable to theories 2 lutions to circumvent this sign problem have a compu- with complex actions and has now already been tested successfullyonaone-dimensionalpartitionfunctionwith tational cost which grows exponentially with the vol- ] a strong sign problem [7, 9], random matrix models of t ume and are restricted to regions of parameter space a QCD [10–12] and QCD in 0+1 and 1+1 dimensions [5, whichdonotencompassthephenomenologicallyinterest- l - ing phase transition [1]. An alternative solution method 13]. p In Sec. II, we give a brief introduction of the complex that has attracted a lot of attention recently is the com- e Langevin method and its validity conditions. In Sec. III, h plex Langevin (CL) method [2, 3], which uses stochastic [ differentialequationsforcomplexifieddegreesoffreedom we introduce the reweighted complex Langevin method, to sample the partition function and compute expecta- which is the main theme of this paper. In Sec. IV, 2 we briefly illustrate the method with results for a one- v tion values. The hope that this method may be used to dimensional partition function and for two-dimensional 6 investigate the QCD phase transition has recently been QCD. Finally, we conclude in Sec. V. 8 dentedbyinvestigationsinheavy-dense[4]andfullQCD 9 [1],whichseemtoindicatethatthemethodhasproblems 0 inthecriticalregion. Thisconcernhasbeenamplifiedby 0 recent results in low-dimensional strong-coupling QCD II. COMPLEX LANGEVIN METHOD . 1 [5], where the method was shown to converge to incor- 0 rect results for small masses. It is now understood that Consider a partition function, 7 theCLmethodonlyproducescorrectresultsifsomedef- 1 (cid:90) : inite validity conditions are satisfied [6–8], and failure to Z = dxe−S(x), (1) v do this is exactly what goes wrong for certain parameter i regions of the theories being investigated. X with multidimensional real degrees of freedom x and a In this paper, we introduce the reweighted com- r complex action S(x), which leads to the sign problem. a plex Langevin (RCL) method which combines CL and A Langevin equation based on the complex action is reweighting to reach regions of parameter space which drivenbyacomplexforce,whichnaturallytakesthereal can otherwise not be reached by the CL method. The variables into the complex plane. Therefore, we intro- principle is simple: we generate a CL trajectory for an duce complexified variables z =x+iy, satisfying the CL auxiliary ensemble with parameter values for which the equation, CL validity conditions are satisfied and then reweight this trajectory of complexified configurations to the tar- ∂S get parameter values. One of the upshots of the method z˙(t)=− +η(t), (2) ∂z is that the validity conditions do not have to be satisfied in the target ensemble. with independent multidimensional Gaussian noise η, which is chosen to be real to get better convergence, sat- isfying ∗ [email protected] (cid:104)η(t)(cid:105)=0, (cid:104)η(t)η(t(cid:48))(cid:105)=2δ(t−t(cid:48)). (3) 2 In practice, the stochastic differential equations need with weights w(x;ξ) = e−S(x;ξ) and action S(x;ξ). To to be discretized, which in the stochastic Euler scheme compute this expectation value via reweighting, we also yields consider an auxiliary ensemble with parameter values ξ 0 √ and rewrite Eq. (6) in a completely equivalent form: z(t+1)=z(t)+(cid:15)K+ (cid:15)η, (4) swtietWphhsdiezrneift(cid:15)a.pteprlmyinKg t=he−c∂oSm/p∂lzexanLdandgiescvrinetimzeedthLoadn,gietviins (cid:104)O(cid:105) = (cid:82) dxw(x;ξ0)(cid:20)O(x;ξ)ww((xx;;ξξ0))(cid:21) = (cid:28)Oξwwξξ0(cid:29)ξ0. essentialthattheexpectationvaluescomputedalongthe ξ (cid:82) dxw(x;ξ )(cid:20) w(x;ξ) (cid:21) (cid:28) wξ (cid:29) complex trajectory agree with the original expectation 0 w(x;ξ0) wξ0 ξ0 valuesinthepartitionfunctionwithcomplexaction,i.e., (7) (cid:90) (cid:90) (cid:104)O(cid:105)≡ dxρ(x)O(x)= dxdyP(z)O(z), (5) This reweighting equation gives a mathematically exact relation between expectation values in the target ensem- whereρ(x)=e−S(x)/Z isthecomplexweightintheorig- bleandinanauxiliaryensembleandholdsindependently inal real variables and P(z) is the real probability in the of the actions being real or complex. complexvariablesz =x+iy alongthecomplexLangevin In standard practice, the auxiliary ensemble is chosen trajectory. with real and positive weights so that it can be sampled Provingtheequivalence(5)hasbeentheobjectofthor- withimportancesamplingMonteCarlomethodsandthe ough study in recent years [6, 7], and it is now known to target observables can be estimated as a ratio of sample hold if the following validity conditions are satisfied: means according to Eq. (7). The target ensemble can (i) The probability P(z) decays sufficiently rapidly in have either a real or complex action. An example of real the imaginary direction of the complexified vari- actionreweightingismassreweightinginQCD.However, ables to avoid the excursion problem; the more relevant case here is when the target ensemble has complex weights and can itself not be sampled with (ii) TheprobabilitydensityP(z)issuppressedcloseto importance sampling methods, as is the case in QCD singularities of the drift and of the observable. at nonzero chemical potential. Reweighting is then one possible way to circumvent the sign problem. Recently, it was shown that these conditions can be re- placed by the single condition that the probability dis- ThepeculiarityofthenewRCLmethodisthatwedrop tribution of the drift term should be suppressed, at least the requirement for the auxiliary weights to be real and exponentially, at large magnitude [7]. positive and allow these to be complex; i.e., we reweight These validity conditions are not always satisfied as from one ensemble with complex action to another one was verified for various models and physical systems, in with complex action. Although Eq. (7) remains formally which case the CL method will fail or its expectation correct,thismakesacrucialdifferencefromthealgorith- values will be incorrect [5, 7–10, 14]. mic point of view as we can no longer use importance The RCL method proposed below uses reweighting to sampling methods to sample relevant configurations in extend the applicability of the CL method to parame- the auxiliary ensemble. Instead, we aim to use the CL ter regions for which the CL validity conditions are not methodtogenerateanauxiliarytrajectory, i.e., atrajec- satisfied. tory in the auxiliary ensemble, along which expectation values in that ensemble can be estimated. For these es- timates to be correct, the auxiliary ensemble has to be III. REWEIGHTING THE COMPLEX chosensuchthattheCLconditionsofSec.IIaresatisfied. LANGEVIN TRAJECTORIES If we then consider such an auxiliary CL trajectory, the expectation value of any observable O in this ensemble The basic principle of the reweighted complex can be computed, according to the CL equivalence (5), Langevin method (RCL) is to compute observables for as atargetensemblebyreweightingthecomplexCLtrajec- tories generated for an auxiliary ensemble. For this, it is (cid:90) imperative that the CL validity conditions are satisfied (cid:104)O(cid:105)ξ0 = dxdyP(z;ξ0)O(z), (8) for the auxiliary ensemble, but it is interesting to note that they may be violated in the target ensemble. Wefirstintroducethestandardreweightingmethodto whereP(z;ξ0)istherealprobabilityinthecomplexvari- compute the expectation value of an observable O in a able along the auxiliary CL trajectory. target ensemble characterized by the parameters ξ, The leap in the RCL method is that we apply the CL (cid:82) formula (8) to both the numerator and denominator of dxw(x;ξ)O(x;ξ) (cid:104)O(cid:105)ξ = (cid:82) dxw(x;ξ) , (6) the reweighting equation (7), hereby specifying the ob- servableOofEq.(8)totheexpressionsinsquarebrackets 3 in Eq. (7). This eventually leads to the RCL equation 10 analytic (cid:20) (cid:21) CL (cid:82) dxdyP(z;ξ ) O(z;ξ) w(z;ξ) RCL from a 0=5 (cid:104)O(cid:105) = 0 w(z;ξ0) . (9) 5 ξ (cid:82) (cid:20) w(z;ξ) (cid:21) dxdyP(z;ξ ) 0 w(z;ξ ) 0 > 2x 0 < Notethat,comparedtoEq.(7),theexpressionsinsquare bracketsarenowtobeevaluatedinthecomplexvariable along the auxiliary CL trajectory. In applying Eq. (8) -5 to the reweighting equation, an interesting difference be- tween the RCL method and the standard reweighting procedure arises: in the latter, the auxiliary ensemble is -10 sampled according to w(x;ξ ) and this same factor also 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 occurs in the denominator of the effective observables, a whereas in Eq. (9) for RCL the ensemble is sampled ac- cording to the real probability P(z;ξ ), but the effective FIG. 1. Results for (cid:104)x2(cid:105) as a function of α for the one- 0 observables contain the complex weights w(z;ξ ). dimensional partition function (11). Comparison of CL 0 An important observation is that, even if the CL va- (blue), RCL (red) and analytical (solid) results. lidityconditionsarenotsatisfiedforthetargetensemble, the RCL equation (9) will still yield the correct result as it only uses expectation values in the auxiliary ensemble for which (cid:104)x2(cid:105) was shown to converge to a wrong solu- wherethevalidityconditionsareassumedtobesatisfied. tion for a large parameter range using the CL method, In practice, the auxiliary CL trajectory is discretized as the trajectories cover the singularity of the drift. In using Eq. (4), and Eq. (9) is estimated by the ratio of Fig.1,wecomparetheCLandRCLresultsfor(cid:104)x2(cid:105)with sample means: the known analytical results. The CL results are wrong when α(cid:46)3.4; however the RCL, using an auxiliary tra- 1 (cid:80)N O(z ;ξ) w(zj;ξ) jectory generated at α0 = 5.0, is able to reproduce the N j=1 j w(z ;ξ ) correct results over a very large α range, even across the (cid:104)O(cid:105) ≈ j 0 . (10) ξ w(z ;ξ) discontinuity jumps in the observable. 1 (cid:80)N j N j=1 w(z ;ξ ) As a second illustration we show results for two- j 0 dimensional strong-coupling QCD close to the chiral limit. Specific implementation details are given in Ref. Although Eq. (7) is mathematically exact, its practi- [13]. Thepartitionfunctiondependsonthechemicalpo- cal use is subject to caution. When the auxiliary and tential µ and the quark mass m. The sign problem is target ensembles are not close enough, the accuracy of triggered by the chemical potential: for zero µ, the ac- the method in numerical simulations is plagued by the tionisrealandthereisnosignproblem;asµisincreased overlap and sign problems. The overlap problem already theactionbecomescomplexandforacertainrangeofthe occurs when the weights in both ensembles are positive, parameters,especiallyforsmallmasses,thesignproblem while thesign problem occursadditionally when thetar- canbeverystrong. Moreover,thesignproblemgrowsex- get weights are complex and large cancellations occur in ponentially with the lattice volume. Although CL can, the integrals. in principle, be used to avoid the sign problem, it was A possible asset of the RCL procedure is that it may shown in Ref. [5] that for small masses the CL trajecto- allow us to reweight from an auxiliary ensemble that is ries cover the singularity of the drift such that the CL closer to the target ensemble than in standard reweight- validity conditions are violated and the CL results are ing, where the auxiliary ensemble needs to have real and wrong. positive weights. The failure of the CL method is illustrated in Fig. 2, where the quark number density is plotted as a function of the chemical potential for a small mass, m=0.01, on IV. RESULTS a 6×6 lattice. As a benchmark we use phase-quenched reweighting(PQR)resultscomputedwith2Mconfigura- Below we briefly illustrate the RCL method in two ex- tions per µ value. The CL results clearly disagree with amples: a one-dimensional partition function and two- the PQR benchmarks over the complete µ range. The dimensional strong-coupling QCD. CLresultsare,infact,verysimilartothoseofthephase- Consider the one-dimensional partition function [9], quenched theory, as was also observed for a random ma- trix model for QCD [12]. (cid:90) +∞ Z = dx(x+iα)4e−x2/2, (11) How should we proceed with the RCL simulations? −∞ The PQR simulations are expected to encounter prob- 4 3 urations to reduce autocorrelations,1 such that 2M con- figurations are effectively used in the RCL runs, just as 2.5 for PQR. A comparison of the RCL and PQR results for the quark number density is shown in Fig. 2. The RCL 2 results are in complete agreement with the PQR bench- marks over the entire µ range. Moreover, as can be seen n 1.5 inthebottomplot,theerrorsofRCLarealmostafactor of 2 smaller than those of PQR in the phase transition 1 region, such that the PQR simulations would require 4 timesmoreCPUtimetoreachthesamelevelofaccuracy. 0.5 PQR The time needed to generate the auxiliary trajectory in RCL RCL is easily amortized when computing many target CL values, as was the case in our run. Note that the RCL 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 data for the various target values are correlated as they m originate from a single auxiliary trajectory. 0.04 From these results, it seems that indeed the ”wrong- PQR phase” problem of PQR can be improved upon by RCL, 0.03 RCL even though this was only shown in a first preliminary n 0.02 analysis. Moreover, it is always useful and even neces- s 0.01 sary to have independent methods to investigate prob- lems that are far from trivial, as is the case for the sign 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 problem, so that RCL could be a welcome alternative to m verify results obtained with PQR. In both examples, RCL is able to reproduce the cor- FIG. 2. Comparison of RCL and PQR: Quark number den- rect results, even when CL fails for the target ensemble. sity (top) and statistical error (bottom) in two-dimensional In separate publications, we present more detailed RCL QCD as a function of µ for β = 0 and m = 0.01 on a 6×6 results obtained for a random matrix model of QCD [12] lattice. The PQR data were computed using Markov chains and for two-dimensional QCD [13]. with 2M configurations; the RCL results using 2M configu- rations evenly distributed along the auxiliary trajectory at µ = 0.15 and m = 0.1 containing 10M configurations. For 0 0 V. CONCLUSIONS comparison, we also show the wrong CL results. Previous studies have shown that the complex lems for m /2 < µ < m /3, where the phase-quenched Langevin method can solve the sign problem occurring π N theory is in a pion-condensed phase at low temperature. in simulations of theories with a complex action; how- The aim is to set up the RCL simulations so that the ever, caution should be exercised as this requires the physics of the auxiliary ensemble represents as closely CL validity conditions to be satisfied. It turns out that as possible that of the target ensemble. In Ref. [13], these conditions are often only satisfied for some range the RCL for two-dimensional QCD was performed us- of parameters, while they are violated for other param- ing an auxiliary CL trajectory at high µ, far above the eter values, in which case the CL gives the wrong re- phase transition. However, at that µ value, QCD is al- sults. Here we have introduced the reweighted complex readyinthechirallyrestoredphaseandperformingRCL Langevin (RCL)method,whichcombinestheCLmethod fromthattrajectorymaynotefficientlycapturethephase with a reweighting of the complex trajectories to enlarge transition. AbetterchoicemaybetoperformRCLfrom theapplicabilityrangeofthemethod. Asaproofofprin- a µ-value below the phase transition. However, Fig. 2 ciple, we presented first results of the method on a one- showsthatthereisnovalidCLinthelowµ-range. There- dimensional partition function and on two-dimensional forewechoseaslightlydifferentstrategyandreweightin strong-coupling QCD and verified that the RCL proce- both the mass and the chemical potential. The auxiliary dure indeed yields the correct results, even when CL it- trajectory is taken from a CL simulation at a somewhat self does not work for the target ensemble. Moreover, larger mass, m =0.1, and at µ =0.15, which is below we showed that the RCL method can compete with, or 0 0 the phase transition. This auxiliary point is in the valid- even beat, the PQR method if the auxiliary trajectory ity region of CL, as was shown in Ref. [13], and can be is chosen in a knowledgeable way. In the case of two- used to perform RCL. We thus reweight from an auxil- dimensional QCD, this was done by reweighting both iaryensembleatm =0.1,µ =0.15totargetensembles 0 0 with m=0.01 and a µ range from 0 to 0.6. In practice, we generate a single auxiliary trajectory with 10M configurations and reweight to the 60 target 1 Theremainingautocorrelationsaretakencareofduringthesta- parametervaluesusingoneoutofeveryfivestoredconfig- tisticalanalysisoftheRCLmeasurements. 5 in the mass and in the chemical potential, such that couldimprovethequalityoftheRCLestimatescompared reweighting from below the phase transition was possi- to standard reweighting. ble. Even so, it is to be expected that the overlap and sign Although we focused here on cases where CL does not problemswilldeterioratetheefficiencyofRCL,asforany satisfy the validity conditions for the target ensemble, reweightingmethod,oncetheauxiliaryandtargetensem- the RCL method can also be applied in cases where CL blesaretoodistant. Theefficiencyofthemethodandthe works fine in the target ensemble with the aim to reuse optimization of reweighting strategies will be studied in alreadyexistingtrajectoriesobtainedatdifferentparam- more detail in forthcoming work. eter values and hence gain simulation time. The fact that target and auxiliary ensembles can be chosen close to one another should form a clear advantage over other ACKNOWLEDGMENTS reweighting methods. Another possible avenue is to use RCL to interpolate This work was supported by the DFG collaborative instead of extrapolate in the reweighting parameter, for research center SFB/TRR-55. 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