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Preview Revue Annales du patrimoine numéro 22

P-ISSN 1112-5020 E-ISSN 2602-6945 AAnnnnaalleess dduu PPaattrriimmooiinnee Revue académique annuelle en libre accès dédiée aux domaines du patrimoine et de l'interculturalité 2222 22002222  Publication de l'Université de Mostaganem, Algérie AAnnnnaalleess dduu PPaattrriimmooiinnee Revue académique annuelle dédiée aux domaines du patrimoine Editée par l'Université de Mostaganem NN°° 2222,, SSeepptteemmbbrree 22002222 © Annales du patrimoine, Université de Mostaganem (Algérie) Editorial Board *** Director of the Journal (Editor-in-Chief) Prof. Mohammed Abbassa Reading Committee: Advisory Board: Prof. Mohamed Kada (Algeria) Prof. Ali Mellahi (Algeria) Prof. Tania Hattab (Algeria) Prof. Patrick Laude (USA) Prof. Abdelkader Fidouh (Qatar) Prof. Abdelkader Henni (Algeria) Dr Med Kamel Belkhouane (Algeria) Prof. Mohamed Elhafdaoui (Morocco) Prof. Hadj Dahmane (France) Prof. Larbi Djeradi (Algeria) Dr Abdelouahab Bendahane (Algeria) Prof. Eric Geoffroy (France) Dr Hakim Boughazi (Algeria) Prof. Charef Latroche (Algeria) Dr Rozita Ilani (Iran) Prof. Zacharias Siaflékis (Greece) Dr Fouzia Bekaddouri (Algeria) Prof. Abdelkader Touzene (Algeria) Dr Natália Nunes (Portugal) Dr Saliou Ndiaye (Senegal) Prof. Hocine Benaicha (Algeria) Prof. Ahmed Brahim (Algeria) Dr Farida Mortet (Algeria) Prof. Omer Ishakoglu (Turkey) Correspondence Revue Annales du Patrimoine Faculty of Letters and Arts University of Mostaganem (Algeria) Email [email protected] Website http://annales.univ-mosta.dz P-ISSN 1112-5020 / E-ISSN 2602-6945 *** Online journal published once a year Annales du patrimoine, University of Mostaganem, Algeria N° 22, September 2022 Authors Guidelines The journal "Annales du patrimoine/Hawliyyat al-Turath" (ADP) is an annual trilingual, open access, peer-reviewed scientific publication that publishes original research articles in all areas of heritage: literature, language, arts and humanities, in Arabic, French and English. The Journal is edited by the University of Mostaganem, Algeria. Publication rules: Authors should respect the following recommendations: 1 - The body of the text must be in Times New Roman 12 points, normal, justified, 1.5 line spacing, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm, left and right 4.5 cm, format (A4). 2 - The text, including the bibliographic list, should not exceed 20 pages. 3 - The article must be written in Microsoft Word (doc). 4 - The title of the article must be less than one line. 5 - Name of the author (first and last name). 6 - Presentation of the author (his title, affiliation, establishment of origin, and email address). 7 - The journal does not accept articles in which two or more authors participate, only articles written by single authors. However, doctoral students can associate their supervisors. 8 - The author must attach an abstract of no more than 15 lines and include five (5) keywords. 9 - The main title, abstract and five keywords must be in the language of the article and in English. 10 - The text must not contain any underlined, bold or italic characters with the exception of titles which may be in bold. 11 - Leave an indentation of 1 cm before the paragraphs. 12 - The levels of subdivision (title 1, title 2, title 3: in bold type), (sub-title 1, sub-title 2, sub-title 3: in normal type), numbered in Arabic numerals. 13 - Do not number the words "Introduction" and "Conclusion". 14 - The titles are followed by 2 points (:). 15 - It is recommended to use short titles and subtitles. - 4 - 16 - Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of titles and subtitles. 17 - The author must use only the English quotation marks "…", the parentheses (...) and the dashes of 6 (-). 18 - French quotes «...», braces {...}, square brackets [...], dashes of 8 (_) and asterisks (*) are not accepted. 19 - For reasons of ergonomics, all visual elements (table, diagram, graph, figure, image...) and symbols are not accepted. 20 - The author must convert the tables into texts. 21 - Do not write proper or common names entirely in capital letters. 22 - Put a non-breaking space after the punctuation marks: period, comma, semicolon, colon, ellipsis, interrogation point, and exclamation marks. 23 - Reference notes should be at the end of the article and numbered consecutively. 24 - The note reference must be composed in Arabic numerals in parentheses, superscript(2) and placed before the punctuation. 25 - Abstract, keywords, titles and subheadings should not contain endnotes. 26 - Endnotes should be as follows: - Book: (Author's first and last name: Title of the book, Publishing house, Edition number, City and date of publication, Volume (if any), page). - Journal article: (Author's first and last name: "Article title", in Journal name, Volume and/or Number, date of publication, page). 27 - The references should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author, (Last name, First name: Book title, Publisher, Edition number, City and date of publication). 28 - Do not put bibliographic references within the text. 29 - It is recommended to transliterate Arabic names into Latin characters. - The transliteration symbols for some Arabic vowels and consonants used by the journal: أ = a (initial), ’ (median an final), ا = ā (long); - 5 - ث = th; ج = j; ح = ḥ; خ = kh; ذ = dh; ش = sh; ص = ṣ; ض = ḍ; ط = ṭ; ظ = ẓ; ع = ‘; غ = gh; ق = q; و = w, ū (long), aw (diphthong); ي = y, ī (long), ay (diphthong), ى = ā; ﺔﺣﺘﻓ = a; ﺔﻣﺿ = u; ةﺮﺳﻛ = i; نﻳوﻧﺗ = n; ةدﺷ = double letter; لا = al- (both solar and lunar). 30 - Symbols for transliteration of Arabic letters into Latin characters only concern the bibliographic list at the end of the article. o - The article must be presented according to the criteria proposed by the journal and written without spelling or grammatical errors. The author can publish two articles in two consecutive issues if the two articles are on the same subject. - These conditions may be amended without notice from the editorial staff. - To forward your article, send a message by email, with the document attached, to the journal's email. - The editorial staff reserves the right to delete or reformulate expressions or phrases that do not suit the style of publication of the journal. - The journal reserves the right not to publish an article without giving reasons and its decision is final. - The articles are classified simply in alphabetical order of the names of the authors. - The Journal appears in mid-September of each year. - The articles published in this website engage only the responsibility of their authors and not necessarily those of the journal. o - 6 - Revue Annales du patrimoine, N° 22, 2022 / P-ISSN 1112-5020 E-ISSN 2602-6945 Sommaire Morfología nominal estudio analítico Ibtihaj Abbas Ahmed 9 Le langage dans les travaux de Sergej Boulgakov Dr Ekaterina Alexeeva 19 George Sand et le patrimoine populaire Dr Ikram Chemlali 31 Les chansons langue et cultures nationales Dr Germain Donfack 47 La religion et la société à travers les poèmes de Nasser Khosrow Dr Mahboubeh Fahimkalam 67 Signes urbains dans la littérature musulmane de l'époque abbasside Dr Zeinab Golestani Dero 81 Empreintes arabo-islamiques dans la culture des Wolofs Seydou Khouma 101 Ethnocentrisme occidental dans les récits de voyageurs en Afrique Dr Maurice Mbah 121 La poétique de quelques proverbes malgaches anaphoriques et épiphoriques Dr Guy Razamany 141 L’occupation et l’abandon de la montagne à Bibémi au Cameroun Abdou Saïdou 157 La narration de l’immigration dans le roman postcolonial Dr Mouhamadou Moustapha Sall 173 Prosper Mérimée et les Grecs Modernes Dr Antigone Samiou 195 - 7 - Cheikh Saad Bouh un grand serviteur de l’Islam Dr Sadibou Seydi 217 Le Livre de Cratès un traité alchimique arabe du Moyen Age Dr Raphaëlle Taccone 233 Mémoire et reconstruction de l’identité en contexte diasporique Dr Marcel Taibé 251 La danse samaâ spiritualité artistique ou matérialité symbolique Nadjet Toumi 271 - 8 - Revue Annales du patrimoine, N° 22, 2022, pp. 9 - 18 / P-ISSN 1112-5020 E-ISSN 2602-6945 Morfología nominal Estudio analítico Ibtihaj Abbas Ahmed Universidad de Bagdad, Irak Resumen: A lo largo del tiempo, el idioma español ha sufrido varios cambios, en términos de palabras, morfología, formas de los sustantivos, género y número. Estos cambios se llamaron declinaciones latinas. La historia de la gramática española estudia aquellos cambios que se produjeron en la estructura de la lengua y su vocabulario. La historiografía externa de la lengua se relaciona con la historia de los hispanohablantes y los acontecimientos históricos y sociales del uso de la lengua. Así que el objetivo de la investigación fue comprender los cambios gramaticales en el idioma español. En esta investigación, tratamos de analizar las declinaciones latinas relacionadas con los pronombres a través del texto de Calisto y Melibea, que es una de las novelas españolas más importantes de Fernando de Rojas en el siglo XV. Sus raíces originales (latinas) tienen una gran influencia. Hemos notado que hay cambios morfológicos/ gramaticales, del latín al español, incluyendo la pérdida de casos gramaticales de sustantivos y adjetivos. Palabras clave: latín, gramática española, gramática histórica, lengua, morfología. o Nominal morphology Analytical study Ibtihaj Abbas Ahmed University of Baghdad, Iraq Abstract: Over time, the Spanish language has undergone several changes, in terms of words, morphology, noun forms, gender and number. These changes were called Latin declensions. The history of Spanish grammar studies those changes that occurred in the structure of the language and its vocabulary. The external historiography of the language relates to the history of Spanish speakers and the historical and social events of the use of the language. So the aim of the research was to understand the grammatical changes in the Spanish language. In this research, we try to analyze the Latin declensions related to pronouns through the text of Calisto and Melibea, which is one of the most important Spanish novels by Fernando de Rojas in the fifteenth century. Its Reçu le : 28/3/2022 - Accepté le : 7/6/2022 [email protected] © Université de Mostaganem, Algérie 2022 Ibtihaj Abbas Ahmed original (Latin) roots have a great influence. We have noticed that there are morphological/ grammatical changes, from Latin to Spanish, including the loss of grammatical cases of nouns and adjectives. Keywords: Latin, Spanish grammar, historical grammar, language, morfology. o Introducción: En la Historia de la lengua española, las palabras, caracteres morfológicos, formas nominales, Género y número han sufrido una evaluación que se llama (declinaciones del latín). La gramática histórica de la lengua española se refiere al estudio de los cambios acaecidos en la estructura de la lengua y en su léxico. La historia externa por otra parte se refiere a la historia de los hablantes de español, sus vicisitudes históricas y el uso social de la lengua. Hay que tener en cuenta que la lengua y sus evoluciones son hechos humanos, abiertos y sensibles a cualquier presión externa o influencias que actúan sobre ella. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el tratamiento de estas gramáticas que, aunque en algunos aspectos continúan la línea establecida por la gramática latina, en otros se desligan de ésta y presentan ya características propias del español. La declinación del latín que es el conjunto de formas en que se declinan los pronombres y determinantes del latín a partir de un fragmento de la Comedia de Calisto y Melibea, (folio 12v.). Mientras el objeto de él, es comprender las "irregularidades" gramaticales de la lengua española. 1 - Pronombres personales: Es importante decir que el sistema pronominal fue el único que conservó lexicalizado el caso latino, tanto en los pronombres tónicos como en los átonos. Las diferentes formas poseían morfemas desinenciales como los sustantivos o los adjetivos(1), y, por lo tanto, es de suponer que también sufrieron los mismos procesos de pérdida o debilitamiento que las otras categorías, comentadas ya anteriormente. - 10 - Revue Annales du patrimoine

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