Reviving the Two-state Markov Chain Approach (Technical Report) AndrzejMizera1,JunPang1,2,andQixiaYuan1(cid:63) 1 UniversityofLuxembourg,FSTC,Luxembourg 2 UniversityofLuxembourg,SnT,Luxembourg [email protected] Abstract. ProbabilisticBooleannetworks(PBNs)isawell-establishedcompu- 6 tationalframeworkformodellingbiologicalsystems.Thesteady-statedynamics 1 of PBNs is of crucial importance in the study of such systems. However, for 0 largePBNs,whichoftenariseinsystemsbiology,obtainingthesteady-statedis- 2 tributionposesasignificantchallenge.Infact,statisticalmethodsforsteady-state ct approximationaretheonlyviablemeanswhendealingwithlargenetworks.In O thispaper,werevivethetwo-stateMarkovchainapproachpresentedintheliter- ature.Wefirstidentifyaproblemofgeneratingbiasedresults,duetothesizeof 5 theinitialsamplewithwhichtheapproachneedstostartandweproposeafew 2 heuristicstoavoidsuchapitfall.Second,weconductanextensiveexperimental comparisonofthetwo-stateMarkovchainapproachandanotherapproachbased ] E ontheSkartmethodandweshowthatstatisticallythetwo-stateMarkovchain hasabetterperformance.Finally,weapplythisapproachtoalargePBNmodel C ofapoptosisinhepatocytes. . s c [ 1 Introduction 4 v Systems biology aims to study biological systems from a holistic perspective, with 9 thegoaltoprovideacomprehensive,system-levelunderstandingofcellularbehaviour. 7 7 Proper functioning of a living cell requires a finely-tuned and orchestrated interplay 1 of many complex processes. Complex interactions within a biological system lead to 0 emergentpropertieswhicharecrucialforsustaininglife.Therefore,understandingthe . 1 machineryofliferequirestheuseofholisticapproacheswhichenablethestudyofasys- 0 temasawhole,incontrasttothereductionistapproach.Computationalmodellingplays 5 a prominent role in the field of systems biology. Construction and analysis of a com- 1 putational model for some biological process enables the systematisation of available : v biologicalknowledge,identificationofmissingbiologicalinformation,providesformal i X meansforunderstandingandreasoningabouttheconcertedinterplaybetweendifferent partsofthemodel,finallyrevealsdirectionsforfutureexperimentalworkwhichcould r a providedataforbetterunderstandingoftheprocessunderstudy. Unfortunately, computational modelling of biological processes that take place in alivingcellposessignificantchallengeswithrespecttothesizeofthestate-spacethat (cid:63)Supported by the National Research Fund, Luxembourg (grant 7814267) and partially by GoogleSummerofCode2014. 2 Mizera,PangandYuan needstobeconsidered.Modellingofcertainpartsofcellularmachinerysuchasgene regulatory networks (GRNs) or signal transduction pathways often leads to dynami- cal models characterised by huge state-spaces of sizes that surpass the sizes of any human-designed systems by orders of magnitude. Therefore, profound understanding ofbiologicalprocessesasksforthedevelopmentofnewmethodsandapproachesthat wouldprovidemeansforformalanalysisandreasoningaboutsuchhugesystems. Inthisstudyweconcentrateontheanalysisofthesteady-statedynamicsofbiologi- calprocesses,inparticularGRNs,modelledasdiscrete-timeMarkovchains(DTMCs). This is the case, for example, when the biological system under study is cast into the mathematical/computationalframeworkofprobabilisticBooleannetworks(PBNs)[1,2]. Intheseorotherdiscrete-timemodels,e.g.,dynamicBayesiannetworks,thereal(con- sidered as continuous) time is not modelled. Instead, the evolution of the system is abstractedasasequenceofconsecutiveevents.Thesecoarse-grainedmodelshavebeen successfullyappliedinmanysystemsbiologystudiesandprovedtheirpredictivepower[3]. In fact, for the study of large regulatory systems they remain the only reasonable so- lution. Extrapolating the ordinary differential equations model of a single elementary building block of the network (e.g., a gene) to the whole large system would result in a prohibitively complex model. However, moving towards a higher-level descrip- tionbyignoringthemoleculardetailsallowstograspthesystem-levelbehaviourofthe network [4]. In consequence, these coarse-grained formalisms are broadly applied in systems biology studies of systems where the predictions of exact reaction times are notofmaininterest.Forexample,thisisthecaseinthestudyofdynamicalattractors ofaregulatorynetwork,whichseemtodependonthecircuitwiringratherthankinetic constants (such as production rates or interaction rates) [5]. In this sense modelling biologicalsystemswithmoreabstract,high-levelviewformalismshascertainunques- tionableadvantages. Oneofthekeyaspectsintheanalysisofsuchdynamicsystemsisthecomprehen- sionoftheirsteady-state(long-run)behaviour.Forexample,attractorsofsuchsystems werehypothesisedtocharacterisecellularphenotypes[6].Anothercomplementarycon- jecture is that attractors correspond to functional cellular states such as proliferation, apoptosis, or differentiation [7]. These interpretations may cast new light on the un- derstandingofcellularhomeostasisandcancerprogression[1].Inthiswork,wefocus onthecomputationofsteady-stateprobabilitieswhicharecrucialforthedetermination of long-run influences and sensitivities. These are measures that quantify the impact of genes on other genes, considered collectively or individually, and that enable the identificationofelementswithhighestimpact.Inthiswaytheyprovideinsightintothe controlmechanismsofthenetwork. Sofarthehuge-statespace,whichoftencharacterisesdynamicalmodelsofbiolog- icalsystems,temperstheapplicationoftheabovementionedtechniquesintheanalysis of realistic biological systems. In fact, approximations with the use of Markov chain MonteCarlo(MCMC)techniquesaretheonlyviablesolutiontothisproblem[8].How- ever, due to the difficulties with the assessment of the convergence rate to the steady- statedistribution(see,e.g.,[9]),certaincareisrequiredwhenapplyingthesemethods in practice. A number of statistical methods exists, which allow to empirically deter- minewhentostopthesimulationandoutputestimates.Weemployinourstudy:(1)the RevivingtheTwo-stateMarkovChainApproach 3 two-state Markov chain approach [10] and (2) the Skart batch-means method of [11]. The two-state Markov chain approach was introduced in 1992 by Raftery and Lewis; and Shmulevich et al. [8] proposed its application to the analysis of PBNs in 2003. However, to the best of our knowledge, since then it has not been widely applied for theanalysisoflargePBNs.Inthispaper,weaimtoreviveitsusageforapproximating steady-state probabilities of large PBNs, which often arise in computational systems biologyasmodelsoffull-sizegeneticnetworks.Weidentifyaproblemconcernedwith the choice of the initial sample size in the two-state Markov chain approach. As we show, an unconscious choice may lead to biased results. We propose a few heuristics to avoid this problem. By extensive experiments, we show that the two-state Markov chain approach outperforms the Skart method in most cases, where the batch-means Skartmethodisconsideredthecurrentstate-of-the-artapproach.Inthiswayweshow that the two-state Markov chain is often the optimal choice for the analysis of large PBNmodelsofbiologicalsystems. Structureofthepaper.AfterpresentingsomepreliminariesinSection2,wedescribe thetwo-stateMarkovchainapproachinSection3andidentifyaproblemofgenerating biased results, due to the size of the initial sample with which the approach needs to start. We then propose some heuristics for the approach to avoid unfortunate initiali- sations. We perform an extensive evaluation and comparison of the two-state Markov chainapproachandtheSkartmethodinSection4onalargenumberofrandomlygener- atedPBNs.Inmostcases,thetwo-stateMarkovchainapproachseemstohaveabetter performance in terms of computational cost. Finally, we apply the two-state Markov chain approach to study a large PBN model of apoptosis in hepatocytes consisting of 91nodesinSection5.Wecomputethesteady-stateinfluencesandlong-runsensitivi- tiesandconfirmpreviouslyformulatedhypothesis.Weconcludeourpaperwithsome discussionsinSection6. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Finitediscrete-timeMarkovchains(DTMCs) LetSbeafinitesetofstates.A(first-order)discrete-timeMarkovchainisanS-valued stochasticprocess Xt t Nwiththepropertythatthenextstateisindependentofthepast states given the pr{ese}nt∈state. Formally, P(X =s X =s,X =s ,...,X = t+1 t+1 t t t 1 t 1 0 s )=P(X =s X =s)foralls ,s,...,s S.He|re,wecons−idertim−e-homogenous 0 t+1 t+1 t t t+1 t 0 Markovchains,i.e.,|chainswhereP(X =s X∈=s),denotedP ,isindependentof t+1 (cid:48) t s,s t for any states s,s S. The transition matri|x P=(P ) sat(cid:48)isfies P (cid:62)0 and (cid:48) s,s s,s S s,s ∑s SPs,s =1forall∈s S.Wedenotebyπ aprobability(cid:48)dist(cid:48)r∈ibutiononS.If(cid:48)π =πP, the(cid:48)∈nπ is(cid:48)astationaryd∈istributionoftheDTMC(alsoreferredtoastheinvariantdistri- bution).Apathoflengthnisasequences s s suchthatP >0and 1→ 2→···→ n si,si+1 s Sfori 1,2,...,n .Stateq Sisreachablefromstate p Sifthereexistsapath i ∈ ∈{ } ∈ ∈ such that s = p and s =q. A DTMC is irreducible if any two states are reachable 1 n fromeachother.Theperiodofastateisdefinedasthegreatestcommondivisorofthe lengthsofallpathsthatstartandendinthestate.ADTMCisaperiodicifallstatesin 4 Mizera,PangandYuan S are of period 1. A finite state DTMC is called ergodic if it is irreducible and aperi- odic. By the famous ergodic theorem for DTMCs [12] an ergodic chain has a unique stationarydistributionbeingitslimitingdistribution(alsoreferredtoasthesteady-state distribution given by lim π Pn, where π is any initial probability distribution on n ∞ 0 0 S).Inconsequence,thelim→itingdistributionforanergodicchainisindependentofthe choiceofπ .Thesteady-statedistributioncanbeestimatedfromanyinitialdistribution 0 byiterativelymultiplyingitbyP. The evolution of a first-order DTMC can be described by a stochastic recurrence sequenceXt+1=φ(Xt,Ut+1),where Ut t N isanindependentsequenceofuniformly distributedrealrandomvariablesover{[0,}1]∈andthetransitionfunctionφ :S [0,1] S satisfiesthepropertythatP(φ(s,U)=s)=P foranystatess,s Sand×forany→U, (cid:48) s,s (cid:48) (cid:48) ∈ arealrandomvariableuniformlydistributedover[0,1].WhenSispartiallyorderedand whenthetransitionfunctionφ(,u)ismonotonicforallu,thentheMarkovchainissaid · tobemonotone([13,14]). 2.2 ProbabilisticBooleannetworks(PBNs) A PBN G(V,F) consists of a set of binary-valued nodes (also known as genes)V = v ,v ,...,v andalistofsetsF =(F ,F ,...,F ).Foreachi 1,2,...,n theset 1 2 n 1 2 n { } ∈{ } F = f(i),f(i),...,f(i) isacollectionofpredictorfunctionsfornodev,wherel(i)is i { 1 2 l(i)} i the number of predictor functions for v. Each f(i) F is a Boolean function defined i j ∈ i withrespecttoasubsetofnodesreferredtoasparentnodesofv.Thereisaprobability i distribution on each F F: c(i) is the probability of selecting f(i) F as the next i ∈ j j ∈ i predictorforvianditholdsthat∑lj(=i)1c(ji)=1.Wedenotebyvi(t)thevalueofnodeviat timepointt N.ThestatespaceofthePBNisS= 0,1 nanditisofsize2n.Thestate ∈ { } ofthePBNattimetisgivenbysss(t)=(v (t),v (t),...,v (t)).ThedynamicsofthePBN 1 2 n isgivenbythesequence(sss(t))∞ .WeconsiderhereindependentPBNswherepredictor t=0 functions for different nodes are selected independently of each other. The transition fromsss(t)tosss(t+1)isconductedbyrandomlyselectingapredictorfunctionforeach nodev fromF andbysynchronouslyupdatingthenodevaluesinaccordancewiththe i i selectedfunctions.ThereareN =∏n l(i)differentwaysinwhichthepredictorscan i=1 be selected for all n nodes. These combinations are referred to as realisations of the PBNandarerepresentedasn-dimensionalfunctionvectors fff =(f(1),f(2),...,f(n)) k k1 k2 kn ∈ F F ... F ,wherek 1,2,...,N andk 1,2,...,l(i) .Arealizationselected 1 2 n i × × × ∈{ } ∈{ } attimetisreferredtoas fff(t).Duetoindependence,P(fff )=P(fff(t)= fff )=∏n c(i). k k i=1 ki In PBNs with perturbations, a perturbation parameter p (0,1) is introduced to ∈ sampletheperturbationvectorγγγ(t)=(γ (t),γ (t),...,γ (t)),whereγ(t) 0,1 and 1 2 n i P(γ(t)=1)=pforallt andi 1,2,...,n .Perturbationsprovideanalte∈rn{ative}way i ∈{ } toregulatethedynamicsofaPBN:thenextstateisdeterminedassss(t+1)= fff(t)(sss(t))if γγγ(t)=000andassss(t+1)=sss(t) γγγ(t)otherwise,where istheexclusiveoroperatorfor ⊕ ⊕ vectors.Theperturbations,bythelatterupdateformula,allowthesystemtomovefrom anystatetoanyotherstateinonesingletransition,hencerendertheunderlyingMarkov chainirreducibleandaperiodic.Therefore,thedynamicsofaPBNwithperturbations canbeviewedasanergodicDTMC[15].ThetransitionmatrixisgivenbyP =(1 s,s (cid:48) − RevivingtheTwo-stateMarkovChainApproach 5 p)n∑Nk=1111[fffk(s)=s(cid:48)]P(fffk)+(1−(1−p)n)pη(s,s(cid:48))(1−p)n−η(s,s(cid:48)),where111istheindicator function and η(s,s) is the hamming distance between states s,s S. According to (cid:48) (cid:48) ∈ theergodictheory,addingperturbationstoanyPBNassuresthelong-rundynamicsof theresultingPBNisgovernedbyauniquelimitingdistribution,convergencetowhich is independent of the choice of the initial state. However, the perturbation probability valueshouldbechosencarefully,nottodilutethebehaviouroftheoriginalPBN.Inthis way the ‘mathematical trick’, although introduces some noise to the original system, allowstosignificantlysimplifytheanalysisofthesteady-statebehaviour,whichisoften ofinterestforbiologicalsystems. ThedensityofaPBNismeasuredwithitsfunctionnumberandparentnodesnum- ber.ForaPBNG,itsdensityisdefinedasD(G)= 1∑NF ω(i),wherenisthenumber n i=1 ofnodesinG,N isthetotalnumberofpredictorfunctionsinG,andω(i)isthenumber F ofparentnodesfortheithpredictorfunction. Within the framework of PBNs the concept of influences is defined; it formalizes theimpactofparentsnodesonatargetnodeandenablesitsquantification([23]).The concept is based on the notion of a partial derivative of a Boolean function f with respecttovariablex (1 j n): j ≤ ≤ ∂f(x) = f(x(j,0)) f(x(j,1)), ∂xj ⊕ where isadditionmodulo2(exclusiveOR)andforl 0,1 ⊕ ∈{ } x(j,l)=(x ,x ,...,x ,l,x ,...,x ). 1 2 j 1 j+1 n − The influence of node x on function f is the expected value of the partial derivative j withrespecttotheprobabilitydistributionD(x): (cid:104)∂f(x)(cid:105) (cid:110)∂f(x) (cid:111) I (f)=E =P =1 =P f(x(j,0))= f(x(j,1)) . j D ∂xj ∂xj { (cid:54) } Letnow F bethe setof predictorsfor x withcorresponding probabilities c(i) for j= i i j 1,...,l(i)andletI (f(i))betheinfluenceofnodex onthepredictorfunction f(i).Then, k j k j theinfluenceofnodex onnodex isdefinedas: k i l(i) I (x)= ∑I (f(i)) c(i). k i k j · j j=1 Thelong-terminfluencesaretheinfluencescomputedwhenthedistributionD(x)isthe stead-statedistributionofthePBN. Wedefineandconsiderinthisstudytwotypesoflong-runsensitivities. Definition1. Thelong-runsensitivitywithrespecttoselectionprobabilityperturbation isdefinedas s [c(i)=p]= π˜[c(i)=p] π , c j (cid:107) j − (cid:107)l 6 Mizera,PangandYuan where denotesthel-norm,π isthesteady-statedistributionoftheoriginalPBN, l (cid:107)·(cid:107) p [0,1] is the new value for c(i), and π˜[c(i) = p] is the steady-state probability dis- ∈ j j tributionofthePBNperturbedasfollows.The jthselectionprobabilityfornodex is i replaced with c˜(i) = p and all c(i) selection probabilities for k I = 1,2,...,j j k ∈ −j { − 1,j+1,...,l(i) arereplacedwith } c(i) c˜(i)=c(i)+(c(i) p) k , k k j − ·∑ c(i) l I j l ∈− TheremainingselectionprobabilitiesoftheoriginalPBNareunchanged. Definition2. The long-run sensitivity with respect to permanent on/off perturbations ofanodex as i s [x]=max π˜[x 0] π , π˜[x 1] π , g i i l i l {(cid:107) ≡ − (cid:107) (cid:107) ≡ − (cid:107)} where π, π˜[x 0], and π˜[x 1] are the steady-state probability distributions of the i i originalPBN,o≡ftheoriginalP≡BNwithall f(i) F replacedby f˜(i) 0,andall f(i) F i i replacedby f˜(i) 1,respectively. ∈ ≡ ∈ ≡ Notice that the definition of long-run sensitivity with respect to permanent on/off perturbationsissimilarbutnotequivalenttothedefinitionoflong-runsensitivitywith respectto1-genefunctionperturbationof[23]. 3 TheTwo-stateMarkovChainApproach 3.1 Description Werecallthetwo-stateMarkovchainapproachoriginallyintroducedin[10].Thetwo- stateMarkovchainapproachisamethodforestimatingthesteady-stateprobabilityof asubsetofstatesofaDTMC.InthisapproachthestatespaceofanarbitraryDTMCis splitintotwodisjointsets,referredtoasmetastates.Oneofthemetastates,numbered 1, is the subset of interest and the other, numbered 0, is its complement. The steady- stateprobabilityofmetastate1,denotedq,canbeestimatedbyperformingsimulations oftheoriginalMarkovchain.Forthispurposeatwo-stateMarkovchainabstractionof theoriginalDTMCisconsidered.Let Zt t(cid:62)0 beafamilyofbinaryrandomvariables, { } where Z is the number of the meta state the original Markov chain is in at time t. t Zt t(cid:62)0 is a binary (0-1) stochastic process, but in general it is not a Markov chain. { } However,asarguedin[10],areasonableassumptionisthatthedependencyin Zt t(cid:62)0 { } fallsoffrapidlywithlag.Therefore,anewprocess Zt(k) t(cid:62)0,whereZt(k)=Z1+(t 1)k, will be approximately a first-order Markov chain fo{r k la}rge enough. A procedure−for determiningappropriatekisgivenin[10].Thefirst-orderMarkovchainconsistsofthe two meta states with transition probabilities α and β between them. See Figure 1 for aconceptualillustrationoftheconstructionofthisabstraction. Thesteady-stateprobabilityestimateqˆiscomputedfromasimulatedtrajectoryof theoriginalDTMC.Thekeypointistodeterminetheoptimallengthofthetrajectory. RevivingtheTwo-stateMarkovChainApproach 7 0 1 A D � E 1 ↵ 0 1 1 � � � B C ↵ (a)OriginalDTMC (b)Two-stateDTMC Fig.1: Conceptual illustration of the idea of the two-state Markov chain construction. (a) The state space of the original discrete-time Markov chain is split into two meta states:statesAandBformmetastate0,whilestatesD,C,andE formmetastate1.The splitofthestatespaceintometastatesismarkedwithdashedellipses.(b)Projectingthe behaviouroftheoriginalchainonthetwometastatesresultsinabinary(0-1)stochastic process.Afterpotentialsubsampling,itcanbeapproximatedasafirst-order,two-state Markovchainwiththetransitionprobabilitiesα andβ setappropriately. Two requirements are imposed. First, the abstraction of the DTMC, i.e., the two-state Markov chain, should converge close to its steady-state distribution π =[π π ]. For- 0 1 mally,t satisfying P[Z(k)=i Z(k)= j] π <ε foragivenε >0andalli,j 0,1 | t | 0 − i| ∈{ } needs to be determined.t is the so-called ‘burn-in’ period and determines the part of the trajectory of the two-state Markov chain that needs to be discarded. Second, the estimateqˆisrequiredtosatisfyP[q r(cid:54)qˆ(cid:54)q+r](cid:62)s,whereristherequiredpreci- − sionandsisaspecifiedconfidencelevel.Thisconditionisusedtodeterminethelength of the second part of the trajectory used to compute qˆ, i.e., the sample size. Now, the total required trajectory length of the original DTMC is then given by M+N, where M=1+(t 1)kandN=1+( n(α,β) 1)k,wheret= m(α,β) .Thefunctionsm − (cid:100) (cid:101)− (cid:100) (cid:101) andndependonthetransitionsprobabilitiesα andβ andaregivenby (cid:16) (cid:17) m(α,β)= log mεa(xα(+αβ,β)) andn(α,β)= αβ(2−α−β)(cid:0)Φ−1(21(1+s))(cid:1)2, log(1 α β ) (α+β)3 r2 | − − | whereΦ 1 istheinverseofthestandardnormalcumulativedistributionfunction.The − expressionsformandnwereoriginallypresentedin[10].Derivationshoweverwerenot providedandtheexpressionscontaintwooversights:intheformulaformtheabsolute valueismissinginthedenominatorandintheformulaforntheinverseofΦshouldbe usedinsteadofΦ.Weprovidedetailedderivationsoftheexpressionsformandninthe AppendicesAandB,respectively. Sinceα andβ areunknown,theyneedtobeestimated.Thisisachievediteratively in the two-state Markov chain approach of [10]. It starts with sampling an arbitrary initiallengthtrajectory,whichisthenusedforestimatingthevaluesofα andβ.Mand N arecalculatedbasedontheseestimates.Next,thetrajectoryisextendedtoreachthe required length, and α and β values are re-estimated. The new estimates are used to 8 Mizera,PangandYuan re-calculate M and N. This process is iterated until M+N is smaller than the current trajectory length. Finally, the resulting trajectory is used to estimate the steady-state probabilityofmetastate1.Formoredetails,see[10]. Thetwo-stateMarkovchainapproachcanbeviewedasanaggregationmethodfor reducingthestatespace.Generically,aggregationmethodsaggregategroupsofnodes intheoriginalMarkovchaininaccordancewithagivenpartitionfunction,whichleads toasmallertransitiongraph.Inprinciple,theaggregationcanbeanyMarkovchainover this smaller transition system. What remains is the choice of the specific aggregation whichisdeterminedbythechoiceofthetransitionprobabilities.Thepartitionfunction is also used to obtain the so-called projection of the original process, i.e., the realisa- tion of the original Markov chain is projected through the partition function. Ideally, theaggregatedchainandtheprojectedrealisationshouldcoincide.However,sincethe projection is in general not Markovian, the aggregation which is “closest” to the pro- jection is considered instead and the “closeness” has to be appropriately defined. The problemoffindingtheoptimalpartitionfunctioninthecasewherethedistancebetween theprojectionandtheaggregationisquantifiedbytheKullback-Leiblerdivergencerate (KLDR)hasbeenrecentlystudied,see,e.g.,[16,17,18].Thefocusintheseworksison findingtheoptimalpartitionfunction,forwhichtheKLDRdistancebetweenthepro- jectionandaggregationisminimised.Inourcasethepartitionfunctionwhichclassifies theoriginalstatesintothetwometastatesisspecifiedbythebiologicalquestionunder study. As shown in [17] and [18], for a given partition function, the aggregation clos- esttotheprojectioncanbeanalyticallyobtainedprovidedthesteady-statedistribution of the original chain is available. The steady-state probabilities are however our goal, thus these techniques cannot be exploited for the determination of α and β transition probabilities. The iterative, statistical estimation of the transition probabilities for the aggregationremainstheonlyviablesolution. 3.2 Thechoiceoftheinitialsamplesize Givengoodestimatesofα andβ,thetheoryofthetwo-stateMarkovchainpresented aboveguaranteesthattheobtainedvaluesatisfiestheimposedprecisionrequirements. However,thetwo-stateMarkovchainapproachstartswithgeneratingatrajectoryofthe originalDTMCofanarbitrarilychoseninitiallength,i.e.,M +N =1+(m 1)k+ 0 0 0 − 1+(n 1)k,wherem itthe‘burn-in’periodandn isthesamplesizeofthetwo-state 0 0 0 − Markovchainabstraction.Anunfortunatechoicemayleadtofirstestimatesofα and β that are biased and result in the new values of M and N such that M+N is either smaller or not much larger than the initial M +N . In the former case the algorithm 0 0 stops immediately with the biased values for α, β and, more importantly, with an es- timateforthesteady-stateprobabilitythatdoesnotsatisfytheprecisionrequirements. Thesecondcasemayleadtothesameproblem.Asanexampleweconsideredatwo- state Markov chain with α = 24 (0.0020214) and β = 24 (0.96). The steady-state 11873 25 probability distribution was [0.997899 0.002101]. With k =1, ε =10 6, r =10 3, − − s=0.95, m =5, and n =1,920 the first estimated values for α and β were 1 0 0 1918 (0.0005214) and 1, respectively. This subsequently led to M =2 and N =1,999, re- sulting in a request for the extension of the trajectory by 76. After the extension, the newestimatesforα andβ were 1 and1,respectively.TheseestimatesgaveM=2, 1997 RevivingtheTwo-stateMarkovChainApproach 9 N =1,920, and the algorithm stopped. The estimated steady-state probability distri- bution was [0.99950 0.00050], which was outside the pre-specified precision interval given byr. Independentlyrepeating theestimation for104 timesresulted in estimates of the steady-state probabilities that were outside the pre-specified precision interval 90%oftimes.Giventheratherlargenumberofrepetitions,itcanbeconcludedthatthe specified95%confidenceintervalwasnotreachedinthiscase. Thereasonforthebiasedresultistheunfortunateinitialvalueforn andthefactthat 0 therealvalueofα issmall.Intheinitialisationphasethevalueofα isunderestimated and n(α,β) calculatedbasedontheestimatedvaluesofα andβ isalmostthesame (cid:100) (cid:101) asn .Hence,subsequentextensionofthetrajectorydoesnotprovideanyimprovement 0 to the underestimated value of α since the elongation is short and the algorithm halts afterthenextiteration. Toidentifyandavoidsomeofsuchpitfalls,weconsideranumberofcasesandfor- mulatesomeoftheconditionsinwhichthealgorithmmayfailtoachievethespecified precision. Let n be the initial size of the sample used for initial estimation of α and 0 β. We assume that neither α nor β is zero. Then, the smallest possible estimates for both α and β are greater than 1. Let us set an upper bound value for n to be 104. n0 0 Formostcasesthisboundaryvalueisreasonableandweexpectn tobemuchsmaller. 0 Notice however that this is the case only if the real values of α and β are larger than 10 4.Wejustmentionherethatingeneraltheselectionofapropervalueforn heavily − 0 depends on the real values of α and β, which are unknown a priori. From what was statedabove,itfollowsthatbothfirstestimatesforα andβ aregreaterthan10 4.The − followingcasesarepossible. – Ifbothα andβ aresmall,e.g.,lessthan0.1,thenwehavethat10 4<α,β <0.1 − and n(α,β)>72,765 as can be seen by investigating the n(, ) function. In this · · case the sample size is increased more than 7-fold which is reasonable since the two-stateMarkovchainseemstobebad-mixingbythefirstestimatesofthevalues forα andβ andthealgorithmasksforasignificantincreaseofthesamplesize.We thereforeconcludethatthebad-mixingMarkovchaincasecanbeproperlyhandled bythealgorithm. – Both first estimates of α and β are close to 1. If α,β [0.7,0.98], the value of ∈ n(α,β)islargerthan19,000.Ifbothα,β >0.98thanthesizeofthesampledrops, but in this case the Markov chain is highly well-mixing and short trajectories are expectedtoprovidegoodestimates. – The situation is somewhat different if one of the parameters is estimated to be smallandtheotheriscloseto1asintheexampledescribedabove.Theextension tothetrajectoryistoosmalltosignificantlychangetheestimatedvalueofthesmall parameterandthealgorithmhalts. Considering the above cases leads us to the observation that the following situation needstobetreatedwithcare:Theestimatedvalueforoneoftheparametersiscloseto 1,thevalueofthesecondparameteriscloseto1,andn(α,β)iseithersmallerornot n0 significantlylargerthann . 0 First approach: pitfall avoidance. In order to avoid this situation, we determine n 0 whichinprinciplecouldleadtoinitialinaccurateestimatesofα orβ andsuchthatthe 10 Mizera,PangandYuan r 0.01 0.001 0.0001 s 0.9 0.95 0.975 0.9 0.95 0.975 0.9 0.95 0.975 n0 0/ [2,136] 0/ [2,1161] [2,1383] [2,1582] [2,11628] [2,13857] [2,15847] ∈ Table 1: Ranges of integer values for n that do not satisfy the ‘critical’ condition 0 n(α,β)<2n forthegivenvaluesofrands. 0 nextsamplesizegivenby n(α,β) wouldpracticallynotallowforanimprovementof (cid:100) (cid:101) the estimates. We reason as follows. As stated above, the ‘critical’ situation may take place when one of the parameters is estimated to be very small, i.e., close to 1, and n0 theincreaseinthesamplesizeisnotsignificantenoughtoimprovetheestimate.Ifthe initialestimateisverysmall,therealvalueismostprobablyalsosmall,buttheestimate isnotaccurate.Ifthevalueisunderestimatedtothelowestpossiblevalue,i.e., 1,on n0 averagetheimprovementcantakeplaceonlyifthesamplesizeisincreasedatleastby n .Therefore,withthetrade-offbetweentheaccuracyandefficiencyofthemethodin 0 mind,weproposethesamplesizetobeincreasedatleastbyn .Therefore,the‘critical’ 0 situation condition is n(α,β)<2n . By analysing the function n(, ) as described in 0 · · detailsinAppendixD,wecandeterminethevaluesofn thatare‘safe’,i.e.,whichdo 0 notsatisfythe‘critical’condition.WepresenttheminTable1foranumberofvalues forrands. Second approach: controlled initial estimation of α and β. The formula for n is asymptoticallyvalidforatwo-stateMarkovchainprovidedthatthevaluesforα andβ areknown.However,thesevaluesarenotknownaprioriandtheyneedtobeestimated. Unfortunately,theoriginalapproachdoesnotprovideanycontroloverthequalityofthe initialestimateofthevaluesoftheseparameters.Incertainsituation,e.g.,asinthecase discussedabove,thelackofsuchacontrolmechanismmayleadtoresultswithworse statisticalconfidencelevelthanthespecifiedonegivenbys.Inthediscussedexample s=95%,butthisvaluewasnotreachedintheperformedexperiment.Inordertoaddress thisproblem,weproposetoextendtheinitialphaseofthetwo-stateapproachalgorithm inthefollowingway.ThealgorithmsamplesatrajectoryofthegivenMarkovchainand estimates the values of α and β. It might be the case that an arbitrarily chosen initial sample size is not big enough to provide non-zero estimates for the two parameters. If this is the case, the initial sample size is doubled and the trajectory is elongated to collect a sample of required size. This is repeated iteratively until non-zero estimates for both α and β are obtained. We introduce the following notation: αˆ and βˆ are the non-zero estimates of the values of α and β, respectively. Furthermore, let n be the 0 samplesizeusedtoobtainfirstnon-zeroestimatesαˆ andβˆ,i.e.,n iseithertheinitial 0 samplesizeoritistwotopowersomemultipleoftheinitialsamplesize. Oncethenon-zeroestimatesareavailable,thealgorithmcomputesthesamplesize requiredtoreachthesconfidencelevelthatthetruevalueofmin(α,β)iswithinacer- taininterval.Fordefiniteness,letusassumefromnowonthatαˆ <βˆ,whichsuggests that min(α,β)=α. During the execution of the procedure outlined in the following the inequality may be inverted. If this is the case, the algorithm makes corresponding changeintheconsiderationofα andβ.