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Revival of Religious Learnings : Imam Ghazzali's Ihya Ulum-id-Din vol2 PDF

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Preview Revival of Religious Learnings : Imam Ghazzali's Ihya Ulum-id-Din vol2

REVIVAL OF RELIGIOUS LEARNINGS IMAM GHAZZALVS IHYA ULUM-ID-DIN Translated by FAZL-UL-KARIM VOL. II Published by DARUL-ISHAAT Urdu Bazar, Karachi Pakistan - Phone : 213768 X | Rights of composing reserved { Publisher DARUL-ISHAAT URDU BAZAR KARACHI-PAKISTAN. Tel: 213768 - 2631861 First Edition: 1993 Composing at: KODWAVI COMPOSING CENTRE Pakistan Chowk, Karachi. DISTRIBUTORS; Bait-ul-Quran Urdu Bazar Karachi-1 Idara Tul Ma'arif, Darul Uloom Korangi Karachi-14 Maktaba Darul Uloon Darul Uloom Korangi Karachi-14 Idara Tul Quran 437/D, G.E. Lasbella Karachi-5 Idara-e-Islamiat 190 Anar Kali Lahore. also available at:-__________________ Siddiqui Trust Al-Manzar Apartments Lasbella Karachi-5 Mated At: AHMAD PRINTING CORPORATION KARACHI. THE BOOK OF WORLDLY USAGES CONTENTS CHAPTER I Rules of Eating and Drinking 7 CHAPTER II Secrets of Marriage 21 Benefits and harms of marriage 23 Divorce 42 Duties of husband and wife 43 CHAPTER III Earnings, Trade and, Commerce 45 CHAPTER IV Halal&Haram 61 Different stages of doubtful things 70 Allowances and gifts of rulers 77 CHAPTER V Love and Brotherhood 87 Rights of friendship and brotherhood' 101 CHAPTER VI Duties to relatives, neighbours, Muslims 117 Duties towards Muslims 117 Duties towards Neighbours 131 Duties towards Relatives 134 Duties towards servants and Slaves 137 CHAPTER VII Benefits and harms of seclusion and society 139 CHAPTER VIII Rules of journey 151 CHAPTER IX Music and Exctacy 162 CHAPTER X Enjoining good & Forbidding Evil 180 CHAPTER XI Condduct and Character of Holy Prophet 207 PREFACE. The Book of worldly usages is the second book of Imam Gazzali's world renowed master piece Ihya Ulum-id-Din or the Revival of religious learning. This work is an attempt to translate the second part of the Ihya not too literally but in substance from the original written in Arabic. The book II deals with the worldly usages, etiquettes, manners, rules and regulations concerning eating and drinking, marriage, earnings and trade, lawful and unlawful earnings, duties towards Muslims, neighbours, servants and slaves, harms and benefits of seclusion and society, journey, music, enjoining good and forbidding evil and character and conduct of the Holy Prophet. A literal translation is avoided in order to omit the unnecessary arguments of sects and things prevailing in the world and to omit the sayings of less important sages. But no verse of the Quran or saying of Prophet has been omitted in this book. I pray to the Almighty Allah that He may guide the people of the world in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah and the spirit in which the Ihya was written by Hujjatual Islam (the Proof of Islam), a title received by Imam Gazzali and about which it has been said "If all the books of Islam were destroyed, it would be but a slight loss if only the Ihya of Gazzali were preserved”. REVIVAL OF RELIGIOUS LEARNINGS THE BOOK OF WORLDLY USAGES PARTI CHAPTER I RULES OF EATING AND DRINKING. All praise is due to God who conducts the whole creation in an orderly manner. Who gives provision according to a measure, Who increase the strength of animals by food and drink and Who nourishes religion and good deeds by good foods and drinks. The object of the wise is the vision of the Lord in the next world and the only way to gain it is learning and action and there is not other way, but it is not possible to stand constantly on them without a healthy body which is also not possible without food and drink, such food and drink which are absolutely necessary and which are taken according to prescribed rules. For this reason, some learned sages said that food and drink appertain to religion. God said Eat pure food and do good deeds-23:51 Q. If a man takes food for helping his learning and actions and God-fear, his food and drink are considered as divine service. For that, he should not spend his time uselessly and remain busy like a lower being which roams from field to field in eating and drinking. The modes and the ways of food and drink are the lights of religion. A religious man must stick to these ways and control his passion and greed for food and drink by weighing them in the balance of Shariat. The Holy Prophet said: A man can acquire virtues in all his actions, even in a morsel of food he lifts up his mouth and to the mouth of his wife. SECTION I RULES OF EATING ALONE The rules of eating alone are three kind—(a) rules before eating (b) rules at the time of eating and (c) rules after eating. (a) RULES BEFORE EATING : There are seven rules before eating. (1) The food must be lawful. God enjoined eating good and lawful food and prohibited bad and unlawful food. There is benefit in the former and harm in the latter. God says: O 8 The Book of Wordly Usages Vol-II believers, don't eat the properties of one another unjustly—2 : 188. The root of religion is lawful food which is the basis of all religious action (2) The hand shall be washed before eating. The Prophet said : Wash before eating prevents poverty and wash after eating prevents frivolous thoughts." Dirts and germs that keep attached in hands as a result of manual labour can be removed by wash. So wash before eating is necessary as ablution before prayer is necessary. (3) Food shall be placed on the ground as it is the way of the Prophet. Whenever any food was taken to the Prophet, he kept it on the ground as it is the sign of humility. The Prophet used not to take food in any plate except in a big dish with others.. Four things were innovated after the Prophet—(a) to eat on tables, (b) to sift food-stuffs by sieve, (c) to use soaps and (d) to eat to one's heart's content. These things, though not unlawful, are not good for an humble man. (4) One should take food sitting straight. The Prophet said: I don't leaning as I am a mere slave and I eat as a slave eats and I sit as a slave sits". To eat leaning is bad for stomach. (5) One shall make niyyat before eating : I eat to gain strength in worship. He will take promise to eat little and not much as full belly prevents worship. The more the intention is pure for religion, the less is the greed for food. The Prophet said : Such quantity of food is sufficient for a man which can keep his backbone erect. If he is unable to do it then one part of the belly is for food, one part of for drink and one part for breathing." If the niyyat or intention is true, one should not extend his hand towards food if he is not hungry. (6) Be satisfied with the food served and don't be greedy for varieties of curries. Food is honoured only when one does not wait for curry. The Prophet said : When the time of night meal and the time of night prayer come together, first take meal. (7) The more are the people to partake food, the better. The Prophet said: Eat all together, as there is blessings in it. The Prophet used not to eat single. He said : The food in which many hand participate is best. (b) RULES AT THE TIME OF EATING: Being eating reciting 'Bismillah'-in the name of Cod and end it reciting 'Alhamdollah'-all praise is due to God. Eat with the right hand and begin and end it with salt. Take little morsels and chew each morsel well. Don't extend your hand to a morsel till you swallow the previous one. Don't speak of the defects of cooking. The Prophet never did it. When he liked a food, he ate; and when he Vol-II The Book of Wordly Usages 9 did not like it, he did not eat it. Except fruits, he used to take from the nearest side of the dish. The Prophet said: Eat from the side of your front and not form every side, nor from the middle. Don't cut bread or meat with knife. The Prophet said: Cut meat with your teeth. He said: Honour the principal foods as God sent them from the blessings of heaven. The Prophet said : If any morsel of food falls down, take it up and clear off the dust attached to it and don't leave it for the devil. Don't wipe out your hands with handkerchiefs till you like lick your fingers, because you don't know in which food there is blessing.' Don't blow breath in hot food as it is prohibited, but be patient till it becomes cold. Eat odd number of dates, grapes and such other fruits which can be counted. RULES OF DRINKING WATER: Don't drink water at the time of eating except when thirsty. It is better and keeps stomach sound. Take the name of God and drink slowly. The Prophet said : 'Drink water drought by drought and not a time.' Don't drink water standing or lying, as the Prophet prohibited it except for an excuse. Don't throw breath into pot or yawn. The Prophet used to reciteafter drinking water: All praise is due God who has made it delicious and sweet by His grace and has not made it either saltish or distasteful for our sins. Drink water with three breaths and at the end recite 'Alhamdolillah' all praise is due to God and at the beginning 'Bismillah'—in the name of God. (c) RULES AFTER EATING: Lift up your hand before the stomach is filled up and lick up the fingers. Then wipe them with a towel and then wash them. Lift up the remnants of food. The Prophet said : He who eats what lies on the dinning cloth will remain safe, will pass his life in solvency and his children will remain safe'. Then make pick of teeth and don't swallow what comes out of teeth as a result of pick. Thereafter gurgle, lick the dish and drink its water. It has been said that he who licks his dish and drinks its water will get the reward of the manumission of a slave. Express gratefulness to God sincerely for what God has given you to eat and take food as His gift. God says: Eat of the good things which I have produced for you and be grateful for the gifts of God-2:168. Whenever you eat a lawful thing, say: All praise is for God for whose mercy good deeds are completed and blessings descend. O God, give us good food and engage us in good deeds. If you eat doubtful things, then say: All praise is due 10 The Book of Wordly Usages Vol-II to God under all circumstances. O God, let it not lead us towards Thy transgression. Alter meal, recite chapters Ikhlas and Lailafe. Don't rise up till the dining cloth is lifted up. If you take food in the house of another person, j>ray for him and say : O God, give him abundant good and give him blessing in what Thou hast provided him. The Prophet said: Hell is better for the flesh which has been nourished by unlawful food. If you drink milk, say : Give blessing in what Thou hast provided us and increase it for us. After meal, recite the following: All praise is due to God who provided us with food and drink sufficiently and gave shelter to our leader and chief. Then wash your hand with soap. SECTION 2 RULES FOR EATING WITH OTHERS , (1) It there any elderly or honourable man with you, don't begin eating till he begins. (2) Don't remain silent at the time of eating and hold talks. (3) Don't wish to eat more than your friend. It is not lawful for you to eat more when food is equally disturbed unless your friends give you out of their own accords. (4) Eat in such a way that there remains not necessity of saying to your companion 'eat. eat.' Eat according to your habit. (5) It is no fault for one to wash hand in the dish and for all in the same pot. If the same pot is used by all for washing hands, the following rules shall be observed . There should be no spitting in the pot, the chief guest should be honoured, beginning should be made from the rigKt hand side. A servant should pour water upon the hands and throwing water from the mouth should be slow. (6) One should not look at the eating of his companions and should withdraw his hand before his companions finish eating. (7) One should not do what appears bad to his companions and talk not such words as may offend them. SECTION 3 HOSPITALITY There is a great merit in showing hospitality and in entertainment of guests. Hazrat Jaffar Sadeq said : When you sit with guests in the dining cloth, sit for a long time as no account will be taken of that time. Hazrat Hasan Basar: said : Accounts will be taken of what one spends for himself, for his parents or for any other persons, but not account will be taken of what one VoI-II The Book of Wordly Usages 11 spends for food of his Muslim brethren as God will feel shame in taking its accounts. There are many traditions to this effects. The Prophet said : Angels like one till there is food before him. He said.: When your Muslim brethren lift up their hands after they finish eating, no account will be taken of one who eats the, remaining food. He said : No account will be taken for the food which he gives to his brother Muslim. He also said : No account will be taken for three things—(1) pre- drawn tiffin for fasting, (2) what is eaten for breaking fast and (3) what is eaten with a brother Muslim. Hazrat Ibn Omar said : To take good food in journey and to give it to the companions appertain to generosity. Some companions said : To eat together is the sign of good condi ^t. There is in one Hadis : God will say to a man: O son of Adam, I was hungry and you did not give Me food. He will reply: How could I have given Thee food while thou art the Lord of the universe ? God will say : Your certain brother Muslim was hungry, but you did not give him food. If you had given him food, it would have reached Me. The Prophet also said : Honour one who comes to see you. He said : There are high places in Paradise, the outer sides of which are visible from the inner sides . These are for those who are modest in treatment, give food and pray at night when the people remain asleep. The Prophet said : He who gives food is best of you. He said : If a man gives food to his brother Muslim to his satisfaction and gives him drink till his thirst is appeased, God will keep him away up to seven ditches from Hell, the distance of every two ditches is the path of five hundred years. RULES OF EATING (1) When enter the house of your friend to take your meal, don't enter it suddenly as it is prohibited. God says: Don't enter the house of the Prophet at the time of meal without permission and don't look at the dish of food. The Prophet said : He who joins a feast without invitation is a transgressor. (2) If a man goes to the house of another man for a necessity and if then the time of meal comes, he should not take meal without being requested. When the host says: Take meal, he should see whether it has been said willingly or out of shame. If it is said out of shame, he should not join it. (3) It is sunnat to demand food from the house of a bosom friend. The Holy Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr and Omar used to go to the house of Abul Haisam and Abu Ayub Ansari for 12 The Book of Wordly Usages Vol-II taking meal. They used to take meal in the houses of Ansars in the beginning. God said : There is not fault in taking meal in the houses of your friends. Once the Prophet took meal in the house of Barirah without her permission. When questioned about friends, Hasan Basri said: He is friend to whom mind finds peace and is pleased with. (4) To present food before the guest Don't take too much trouble in preparing food . Place before the guest whatever you have got. If you have got no food and also no money, don't run into debt and don't inflict trouble on yourself. If you have got measured food and you have no mind to part with it, it is not necessary to give food to a guest. Give better food to your guest than what you eat. A certain sage said: If any of my friends comes to me, I don't care to feed him as I don't inflict any trouble on myself for his sake. I present to him whatever I have got. If I take trouble, I don't welcome him. It is said that once when Hazrat Ali was invited, he said : I can accept your invitation on three conditions—(1) don't buy anything from the market for me; (2) don't hoard up what is in your house; and (3) don't give trouble to your family members. Hazrat Salman said ; The Prophet prohibited us to take trouble for a guest for what is not in our houses and ordered us to present before him what is ready. It has been reported of Prophet Jonah that whenever his friends came to see him, he used to place before them pieces of bread and vegetables of his garden and say Eat. If God does not curse upon those who take trouble, I would have taken trouble for you. Hazrat Anas said that they used to present before a guest dried bread and dried dates and say : We don't know who is a greater sinner between the two—one who dislikes the food presented before him or one who dislikes to present what is near him. (5) A guest should not order his host to arrange meal or for a particular item of food. It causes trouble to the host. There is in a Hadis that the Prophet used to like the easier of two things. A certain sage said : Feast is of three kinds (1) to eat with the poor with I' sar (sacrificing own interest), (2) to treat with friends with pleasure and (3) to treat with the worldly men with good manners. The host will ask his guest what kind of food he likes. There are merits in giving food to the guest according to the wish of the latter. The Prophet said: The sins of one are forgiven who takes care to fulfill the desires of his brother Muslim. God will

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