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CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 2 CCoovveerr SSttoorryy RReevviissiittiinngg tthhee JJoonneessttoowwnn ttrraaggeeddyy Newly released documents shed light on unsolved murders By Thomas G. Whittle and Jan Thorpe In early 1995, Freedom published “Jonestown: The Big Lie,” an article that examined unanswered questions about the mass deaths in Jonestown, Guyana, in 1978. Based on years of exhaustive research, that feature documented how one of history’s most gruesome cases of mass murder had been written off as “mass suicide.” Freedom’s investigation has contin- ued, with significant new information recently unearthed through the Freedom of Information Act and from other sources. 4 | Freedom CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 5 CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 6 W hether they liked him or not, most who knew Leo Ryan agreed he had flamboyance, tenacity, nerve and a knack for drawing atten- tion to social abuses. A man who marched to the beat of his own drum, he galled bureaucrats, some of whom, according to a former aide, viewed the Democratic congressman from Northern California as the worst-case-scenario bull in their china shop. After the riots in Watts in 1965, Ryan, then a California state legislator, traveled to that community under a false identity and became a substitute teacher to inves- tigate conditions in the black community. Five years later, he again went undercov- er and had himself strip-searched and locked up in Folsom State Prison to dis- cover what life in such a facility was really like. In 1978, he made plans to spend that Christmas season incognito once again, this time as a Postal Service employee to investigate complaints of bad working conditions. Leo Ryan had a flair for drawing attention As a congressman, his brassiness caused to social abuses. In 1970, for example, as a him to routinely do things which to others were unthinkable, such as “dropping in” at California state legislator, he went undercover CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, to and had himself strip-searched and interrogate the spymasters about what they hadn’t been telling Congress. locked up in Folsom State Prison “He was,” according to a source for- to investigate firsthand conditions there. merly close to Ryan, and who once accompanied him on a trip to Langley, “a pain in their ass.” As a member of the House of Representatives’ International Relations ment in psychiatric “mind-control” commuted to the 18 months she had Committee and its foremost CIA critic, he experiments. Among the tests he pushed already served. was the House sponsor of the Hughes- to expose were those performed in the In October 1978, a month before Ryan Amendment, a 1974 law that early 1970s on inmates at a state hospital Jonestown, investigative reporter Jack required the CIA to notify eight separate in Vacaville, California, which Anderson published a syndicated committees of Congress — totaling some may have included among their column entitled “CIA May Have 200 legislators and staff — prior to con- subjects Donald DeFreeze, Inspired Cinque,” based on infor- ducting undercover operations. known as “Cinque,” a central fig- mation that most likely had been Hughes-Ryan also banned CIA covert ure in the 1974 kidnapping of leaked by Ryan or someone in his paramilitary operations which were not Patricia Hearst. committee. The column detailed expressly approved by the president and statements from one Clifford Congress. The agency hated this, a former Liabilities Jefferson, who claimed to have Ryan associate told Freedom. But the By poking into intelligence known DeFreeze while they were Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which seri- agency-sponsored psychiatric incarcerated together and to have ously restricted CIA covert operations experiments with DeFreeze and participated in psychiatric experi- internationally, was only one index of Leo closely related subjects, Ryan ments with various drugs, Ryan’s impact. stirred up a mixture that threat- including mescaline, Quaalude and In 1975, Ryan leaked word of the ened to explode with major criminal and Artane.* CIA’s involvement in the Angolan civil civil liability. According to Jefferson, “DeFreeze war to CBS newsman Daniel Schorr, cre- On September 25, 1978, less than two stated that he had gone through the same ating a wave of major embarrassment for months before the Jonestown tragedy, tests and also knew of stress tests that the agency which reverberated for years. Ryan submitted a petition to then In 1977 and 1978, Ryan pressured the President Jimmy Carter, seeking to have * Artane is designed to prevent seizures and agency to reveal the extent of its involve- Patricia Hearst’s seven-year prison term other side effects from psychiatric drugs. Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy… CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 9 According to sources, Congressman Ryan were given to prisoners in which they were routinely did things which to others Leo Ryan’s spotlight had been trained kept in solitary, harassed and annoyed upon one of the darkest and ugliest cor- were unthinkable, such as “dropping in” until they would do anything asked of ners of the American intelligence them to get out; then they were given at CIAheadquarters (above) establishment, one for which the level of these drugs and would become like robots. culpability could scarcely be measured — to interrogate spymasters about what “He [DeFreeze] said that when he got psychiatric “mind-control” experiments, out, he would get a revolutionary group to they hadn’t been telling Congress. possibly combined with an illegal domes- kidnap some rich person. They would tic operation — and one which elevated hold that person tied up in a dark place, his status from gadfly to mortal enemy. keep him frightened and in fear of his life, “I told him to leave them alone,” a for- then give him mescaline and other drugs, mer Ryan associate told Freedom. The These tests aimed at studying what and the person would become a robot and congressman was accustomed to busting effects drugs and stress had on prisoners do anything he was asked to do — includ- down doors, he said, a dangerous practice to determine at what point individuals ing killing others. when dealing with an agency experienced would “break” and become willing to fol- “He thought a good one to kidnap in the art of assassination. Ryan, however, low orders blindly. would be one of the Kennedys. Then the pressed ahead. As described by Dr. Lawrence T. revolutionary group would get great pub- Clanon, Vacaville superintendent, the licity and could get the person to get them Documents Released CIA appeared interested in “whether money.” In March 1997, the Federal Bureau of drugs could be used in questioning peo- Although DeFreeze died in a 1974 Investigation announced that it would ple or gaining their cooperation, or shootout with Los Angeles police, CIA release for the first time nearly 39,000 combating that effect.” documents have since confirmed the additional pages of documents concerning agency did perform drug tests on inmates Jonestown, the Peoples Temple and relat- * A broad CIA “mind-control” endeavor which at Vacaville under its MK-Ultra* program. ran for years and included numerous subprojects. ed matters under the Freedom of 7 Freedom | CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 10 At the time of his death, Leo Ryan’s spotlight was trained on one of the darkest corners of the American intelligence establishment — psychiatric “mind-control”experiments, possibly combined with illegal domestic operations. His probe included tests performed at a Vacaville, California, state hospital (above), reportedly involving Donald (known as “Cinque”, top) DeFreeze, a central figure in the 1974 kidnapping of Patricia Hearst. A month before Ryan’s murder, Jack Anderson (right)published a column entitled “CIAMay Have Inspired Cinque,” exposing the secret experiments, with Ryan or his committee the most likely source of the information. Information Act. As these documents papers available based on a 1993 FOIA Hubert Humphrey, Henry Jackson, Sam become available and are examined, new request filed by Freedom. Ervin Jr., Warren Magnuson and Mike revelations concerning the mass deaths at Contrary to what is popularly reported Gravel, Congressmen Philip Burton, Ron Jonestown in 1978 and the killing of in the media, the FBI files document the Dellums and Don Edwards, Congress- Congressman Ryan continue to mount. Peoples Temple as a mainstream religious women Bella Abzug and Patsy Mink. The documents include 8,603 pages from congregation, with statements on behalf The papers demonstrate wide support the FBI’s investigative file and an addi- of the group by a range of political figures for the organization. Actress and activist tional 30,229 pages. The bureau made the including Senators Walter Mondale, Jane Fonda wrote: “I also recommit RReevviissiittiinngg tthhee JJoonneessttoowwnn ttrraaggeeddyy…… CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 13 myself to your congregation as an unfolded as those waiting to be active full participant — not only for transported to Georgetown were myself, but because I want my two attacked by a squad of gunmen. children to have the experience.” One source told Freedom the They also show its leader, Jim actual killers had been planted in the Jones, as a respected minister of the Peoples Temple. They moved Disciples of Christ, the Protestant among the fallen victims at the church of former President Lyndon airstrip, finishing off selected targets. Johnson and millions of other The principal one, the wounded Americans. Ryan, died from a shotgun blast to And they show that while the his head at point-blank range. church underwent a long period of Of note, alleged CIA operative harassment, surveillance and infiltra- William Dwyer, deputy chief of the tion at the hands of government United States embassy in Guyana, intelligence agents, these intensified lay nearby and survived unscathed. once the group, founded in Indiana, Shortly thereafter, he returned to relocated to San Francisco, and par- Jonestown. ticularly after its headquarters “Infiltrated with Agents” moved to Guyana. Indeed, in 1977 and 1978 came More than 20 months after Leo anonymous threats against the Ryan was killed, his five adult chil- Peoples Temple, accompanied by dren — two sons and three random acts of violence against daughters — filed a lawsuit based on group members. It was in late 1977 extensive investigation into what that heavy pressure began on Ryan had precipitated their father’s death. to visit Jonestown — pressure which Filed in the United States built to a crescendo shortly before he District Court for the Northern agreed to go. Those pushing him to District of California on July 31, take action against “cults” included 1980, the suit asked for general dam- psychologist Margaret Singer, while ages of $3 million, plus costs for others, among them Tim Stoen, a Congressman Ryan’s funeral and former member and top aide to Jim bringing the action. TThhee nneeaarrllyy 3399,,000000 ppaaggeess ooff ddooccuummeennttss Jones with alleged ties to the CIA, The lawsuit charged that “the pressured Ryan to visit Jonestown. rreelleeaasseedd bbyy tthhee FFBBIIttoo FFrreeeeddoomm uunnddeerr tthhee FFrreeeeddoomm Jonestown Colony was infiltrated (See “The Real Cult,” page 12.) ooff IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn AAcctt ddooccuummeenntt tthhee PPeeoopplleess TTeemmppllee aass with agent(s) of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United aa mmaaiinnssttrreeaamm ccoonnggrreeggaattiioonn aanndd sshhooww iitt eennjjooyyeedd Concern About Government-Sponsored States. “Mind-Control” Experiments wwiiddee ssuuppppoorrtt,, aass ffrroomm JJaannee FFoonnddaa,, wwhhoo wwrroottee:: “[That] the name of one said According to a former associate, it ““IIaallssoo rreeccoommmmiitt mmyysseellff ttoo yyoouurr ccoonnggrreeggaattiioonn agent was Phillip Blakey, a trusted was Leo Ryan’s concerns about the aide of Peoples Temple leader aass aann aaccttiivvee ffuullll ppaarrttiicciippaanntt —— nnoott oonnllyy ffoorr mmyysseellff,, broader subject of government-spon- James Warren Jones. sored “mind-control” experiments bbuutt bbeeccaauussee IIwwaanntt mmyy ttwwoo cchhiillddrreenn “[T]hat said agents were work- and abuses that finally induced the ttoo hhaavvee tthhee eexxppeerriieennccee..”” ing with the Department of State congressman to lead a delegation to and the Central Intelligence Agency Guyana on November 14, 1978, to to use the Jonestown Colony as part investigate allegations that such of the Central Intelligence Agency’s might be happening there. depart Jonestown with some members of MK Ultra program. He and a media entourage arrived in the Peoples Temple who had expressed a “[T]hat massive quantities of mind- Jonestown on the 17th. After touring the wish to leave, Ryan was assaulted by an control drugs were found at the site and interviewing some 40 people, alleged member of the Peoples Temple, Jonestown colony after the fatal incident Ryan made a speech to the residents: “I Don Sly. In the attack, a knife was wres- of November 18, 1978.” can tell you right now that by the few con- tled from Sly’s grip by others and Ryan Phillip Blakey had traveled to Guyana versations I’ve had with some of the folks was unharmed. to select the site for Jonestown and to here already this evening that ... there are A 1954 CIA document, released under begin clearing land. He was one of the some people who believe this is the best the Freedom of Information Act, stated few survivors of the mass killing. thing that ever happened in their lives.” that “As a ‘trigger mechanism’ for a bigger The lawsuit furthermore charged that Ryan spent the night at Jonestown and project, it was proposed that an individual Richard Dwyer doubled as an agent of the indicated the next day that he intended to ... be induced under Artichoke to perform Central Intelligence Agency and that report that no basis existed for a congres- an act, involuntarily, of attempted assassi- Dwyer “arranged for the transportation of sional investigation of Jonestown, that nation against a prominent [deleted] decedent [Ryan] and his party once in people were allowed to depart if they politician or if necessary, against an Guyana; briefed decedent and his party wished, and that rumors about mistreat- American official.” on the events and conditions at Jonestown ment were not based on fact. The trigger had been pulled. Several upon their arrival; and escorted decedent Shortly thereafter, as members of hours later, at the Port Kaituma airstrip and his party to Jonestown in November Ryan’s entourage were preparing to roughly eight miles away, the drama 1978.” 9 Freedom | CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 14 It alleged that Dwyer “as an agent and employee of the Central Intelligence Agency ... negligently, maliciously and intentionally withheld crucial information about the Jonestown Colony which would have prevented harm to decedent.” It further charged that Dwyer “know- ingly, intentionally and maliciously led [Ryan] into a trap at the Port Kaituma Air Strip, which cost decedent his life.” The Ryans’ lawsuit was dismissed for reasons that have to date never been fully disclosed. A source close to the family who aided them in their quest for justice told Freedom of threats received which he attributed to the CIA. Every time he made a move, he said, a warning would arrive on his doorstep by a circuitous route. “A letter would show up,” for example, he said, stating, “‘We’re watching you.’” Mass Murder Although many others lost their lives on November 18, 1978, according to Dr. C. Leslie Mootoo, then chief medical examiner of Guyana, the overwhelming majority of the deaths at Jonestown were murders, not suicides. Dr. Mootoo, the government’s top pathologist and the first physician on the scene, told Freedom that many had died from injections of cyanide. After 32 hours of nonstop work in stifling heat, amid decay- ing flesh, in Mootoo’s words, “We gave up.” By that time, 187 bodies killed by injec- tions had been examined by Mootoo and his team. Victims had been inject- ed in portions of their bodies they could not AAfftteerr RRyyaann’’ss ddeeaatthh,, hhiiss ttwwoo ssoonnss aanndd tthhrreeee have reached them- selves, such as between ddaauugghhtteerrss ((iinncclluuddiinngg PPaattrriicciiaa RRyyaann,, aabboovvee)) cchhaarrggeedd the shoulder blades or in iinn ffeeddeerraall ccoouurrtt tthhaatt tthhee ccoonnggrreessssmmaann hhaadd bbeeeenn the back of an upper ““kknnoowwiinnggllyy,, iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy aanndd mmaalliicciioouussllyy””lleedd ttoo arm. “Those who were injecting them knew hhiiss ddeeaatthh aatt tthhee PPoorrtt KKaaiittuummaa AAiirr SSttrriipp bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd what they were doing,” DDwwyyeerr,, ddeeppuuttyy cchhiieeff ooff tthhee UU..SS.. eemmbbaassssyy iinn Mootoo said. GGuuyyaannaa,, aaccttiinngg ““aass aann aaggeenntt aanndd eemmppllooyyeeee ooff tthhee Many others had been shot. Charles Huff, CCeennttrraall IInntteelllliiggeennccee AAggeennccyy..”” a former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces in Panama, was one of the seven Green Berets who were the first American troops on the scene following the massacre. He told Freedom, “We saw many bullet wounds as well as wounds from crossbow bolts.” Huff noted that those with fatal bullet or bolt Revisiting the Jonestown tragedy… CSI Freedom Aug 97 p/s 2/15/05 9:05 AM Page 17 wounds appeared to have been running toward the jungle that surrounded Jonestown. Corroborating the information from Dr. Mootoo, Huff said that the adults who had not been shot had been killed by injections between the shoulder blades. The killers escaped before the arrival of Huff and his team. U.S. Air Force Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who worked closely in key posi- tions with the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for many years, told Freedom that Leo Ryan had moved in too close to cer- tain skeletons that could never be safely disturbed. A relentless and uncompromis- ing investigator, nothing could stop Ryan — short of violence. But how could such a high-profile personality be eliminated without bringing down upon the perpe- trators an investigation to end all investigations? A very real possibility is that by mak- ing the assassination part of an even larger catastrophe, the central drama itself — that of a courageous individual DDrr..CC.. LLeesslliiee MMoooottoooo,, tthheenn GGuuyyaannaa’’ss cchhiieeff blocked from probing reports of illegal, mmeeddiiccaall eexxaammiinneerr aanndd tthhee ffiirrsstt pphhyyssiicciiaann oonn tthhee sscceennee unconstitutional, government-sponsored psychiatric “mind-control” activities — aafftteerr CCoonnggrreessssmmaann RRyyaann’’ss ddeeaatthh,, wwoorrkkeedd nnoonnssttoopp was obscured. ffoorr 3322 hhoouurrss,, eexxaammiinniinngg 118877 bbooddiieess mmuurrddeerreedd bbyy Colonel Prouty noted evi- iinnjjeeccttiioonn bbeeffoorree hhee aanndd hhiiss tteeaamm ggaavvee uupp dduuee ttoo dence of the involvement of a larger force in the operation: tthhee ssttiifflliinngg hheeaatt.. MMaannyy ootthheerrss hhaadd bbeeeenn sshhoott,, RRyyaann “The Joint Chiefs of Staff had hhiimmsseellff rreeppoorrtteeddllyy 1122 ttiimmeess…… prepared air shipments of hun- dreds of body bags. They didn’t normally keep that many in any one place. Within hours, they began to shuttle them down to Georgetown, the main city. They couldn’t possibly have done that without prior knowledge that it was going to happen. It shows that there was prior planning.” Prouty said, “We would provide the agency with the things they were requesting, without any questions. That’s the way the business works.” At Jonestown, he said, the JCS pro- vided the body bags, the airlift and all the rest on a timetable that shows advance knowledge. “The JCS wouldn’t have moved at all on their own,” he said. “They didn’t give a damn about RReettiirreedd UU..SS.. AAiirr FFoorrccee Jonestown.” These and other unusual CCoolloonneell LL.. FFlleettcchheerr PPrroouuttyy events, he noted, “are the kinds of ear- nnootteedd tthhaatt bbooddyy bbaaggss,, marks that define the hand of American intelligence.” aaiirrlliifftt ssuuppppoorrtt aanndd Nearly two decades after the death of ootthheerr llooggiissttiiccss wweerree pprroovviiddeedd Congressman Leo Ryan, America is still aatt JJoonneessttoowwnn oonn owed a definitive explanation for the many unresolved questions surrounding aa ttiimmeettaabbllee tthhaatt sshhoowweedd the tragedy. To begin, all documents and pprriioorr ppllaannnniinngg.. records from all relevant agencies should be released in full. Only then might the full truth be known. ■ 11 Freedom |

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