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Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian region. 2. The genera Pseudomorpha Kirby, Adelotopus Hope, Cainogenion Notman, Paussotropus Waterhouse, and Cryptocephalomorpha Ritsema. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography. (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae) PDF

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Preview Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian region. 2. The genera Pseudomorpha Kirby, Adelotopus Hope, Cainogenion Notman, Paussotropus Waterhouse, and Cryptocephalomorpha Ritsema. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography. (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae)

Revision of Ihe Pseudomorphinae of the Australian Region 2. The genera PseiidoinorpjJta Kirby, Aäelotopus Hope, Caiuogenion Notman, Paiissotropus Waterhouse, and Cn/ptoceplialottiorpha Ritsema. Taxonomy, phylogeny,zoogeography (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae) Martin Baehr SPIXIAHA ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ZOOLOGIE herausgegebenvonder ZOOLOGISCHEN STAATSSAMMLUNG MÜNCHEN SPIXIANAbringtOriginalarbeitenausdemGesamtgebietderZoologischenSystematikmitSchwerpunktenin Morphologie, Phylogenie,TiergeographieundÖkologie. ManuskriptewerdeninDeutsch, Englischoder Französischangenommen. ProJahrerscheintein Bandzudrei Heften. UmfangreicheBeiträgekönneninSupplementbändenherausgegebenwerden. SPIXIANApublishesoriginalpapersonZoologicalSystematics,withemphasisonMorphology, Phylogeny, Zoogeographyand Ecology. Manuscriptswill beacceptedinGerman, EnglishorFrench.Avolumeofthree issueswillbepublishedannually. Extensivecontributionsmaybeedited inSupplementvolumes. Redaktion-Editor-in-chief M. Baehr Fotoarbeiten:M.Müller Manuskripte,KorrekturenundBesprechungsexemplare Manuscripts,galleyproofs,commentariesandreview sindzusendenandie copiesofbooksshouldbeaddressedto RedaktionSPIXIANA ZOOLOGISCHE STAATSSAMMLUNG MÜNCHEN Münchhausenstraße21 D-81247München , Tel.(089)8107-0 - Fax(089)8107-300 SPIXIANA-JournalofZoology publishedby TheStateZoologicalCollectionsMünchen DieDeutscheBibliothek-CIP-Einheitsaufnahme [Spixiana/Supplement] Spixiana : ZeitschriftfürZoologie/ hrsg. von derZoologischen Staatssammlung München. Supplement. - München : Pfeil FrüherSchriftenreihe FortlaufendeBeil.zu: Spixiana Baehr,Martin: Revisionofthe PseudomorphinaeoftheAustralian region/Martin Baehr. -München : Pfeil (Spixiana : Supplement: ...) 2. Thegenera Pseudomorpha Kirby, Adelotopus Hope, Cainogenion Notman, PaussotropusWaterhouseand Cryptocephalomorpha Ritsema : taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae) : (Spixiana : Supplement:23) ISBN3-931516-20-2 GedrucktmitUnterstützungderDeutschenForschungsgemeinschaft Copyright © 1997byVerlagDr. FriedrichPfeil, München AlleRechtevorbehalten - Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublication maybereproduced,storedinaretrievalSystem, ortransmitted inanyformorbyany means,electronic, mechanical,photocopyingorotherwise,withoutthepriorpermissionoftheCopyrightowner. Applicationsforsuchpermission,withaStatementofthepurposeandextentofthereproduction, shouldbe addressedtothe Publisher, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, P.O. Box650086, D-81214 München, Germany. Satzund Litho: Verlag Dr. Friedhch Pfeil, München Druck:grafik+druckGmbH PeterPöllinger, München Buchbinder: Thomas,Augsburg ISSN0177-7424 - ISBN3-931516-20-2 PrintedinGermany -Gedrucktaufalterungsbeständigem Papier- Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, P.O. Box 65 00 86, D-81214 München, Germany Tel.(089)742827 - Fax(089)7242772 - [email protected] SPIXIANA Zeitschrift für Zoologie Supplement 23 Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian Region 2. The genera Pseudomorpha Kirby, Adelotopus Hope, Cainogenion Notman, Paussotropus Waterhouse, and Cryptocephalomorpha Ritsema. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae) Martin Baehr Gedruckt mit Unterstützung derDeutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil • München, Ol. April 1997 • ISSN 0177-7424 • ISBN 3-931516-20-2 Ädelotopiis rufozoimfiis, spec. nov. from near EdithCreek, far Northern Territory. SPIXIANA Supplement23 1-508 München, Ol. 04. 1997 ISSN 0341-8391 ISBN 3-931516-20-2 Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian Region 2. The genera Pseudotnorpha Kirby, Adelotopus Hope, Cainogenion Notman, Patissotropus Waterhouse, and Cryptocephalomorpha Ritsema. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae)* Martin Baehr Baehr, M. (1997): Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the AustraUan Region 2.The genera Pseudomorpha Kirby, Adelotopnis Hope, Cainogenion Notman, Paus- sotropms Waterhouse, and Cryptocephalomorpha Ritsema. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography (Insecta, Coleoptera,Carabidae).-SpixianaSuppl. 23: 1-508 As the second part of a general revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian, Oriental, and Aethiopian regions the genera Pseudoiuorplm Kirby, AdelotopiisHope,CainogenionNotman,PaussotropnsWaterhouse,andCri/ptocepha- lomorplia Ritsema arerevised. The 117valid speciesand additional 9 subspeciesofAdelotopns aregrouped in 26species-groupseachofwhichconfidentlyrepresentsamonophyleticunit. Keys areprovided forthespecies-groupsofthegenusAdelotopus, forthespeciesofthe genera Adelotopus, Cainogenion, and Cryptocephalomorpha, and for the Australian speciesofthegenus Pseudomorpha. For the latter species a new subgenus Austro- pseudomorpha, subgen. nov., and for the Argentinian and south Brazilian Pseudo- morpha laevissima Chaudoirand P.glabraOgueta a newsubgenus Notopseudomor- pha,subgen.nov.ofthegenusPseudomorphaiserected.ForCainogenionephippiatum (Newman) a newsubgenus Procainogenion, subgen. nov. iserected. Cainogenion cylindricum (Chaudoir) is transferred to Paussotropns Waterhouse and Adelotopus insignis Sloane is transferred to Pseudomorpha Kirby, subgenus Austropseudomorpha subgen. nov. , Following species names are synonymized (valid name second): Adelotopus bijugusDarlington-A.rnfogidtatus(Blackburn);A.brunneusCastelnau=A.gyrinoides Hope; A. castaneus Castelnau - A. rubiginosus Newman; A. filiformis Castelnau = A.nemosomoides Westwood; A. longiphmnis Macleay - A. elongatuhis Macleay; A.mastersii Macleay = A. dytiscides Newman; A. micans Blackburn = A. paroensis Castelnau; A. niger Notman = A. paroensis Castelnau; A. occidentalis Castelnau - A.gyrinoides Hope; Cainogenion bicolor (Castelnau) = C. ef)hippiatum (Newman); Paussotropnsparalleliis Waterhouse= Paussotropnscylindricns (Chaudoir). Adelotopus rufoguttatns (Blackburn) and Cainogenion suhopacum (Macleay) have beenrevaluated from synonymy to füll speciesStatus. Lectotypes, and eventuallv paralectotypes, are designated for the following SupportedbyfourtravelgrantsandagrantforprintingexpensesoftheDeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). species (including those names synonymized in present work): Pseudoiiiorplia iiisiguis (Sloane), Adclotopiis analis Macleay, A. apicalis Macleay, A. bimaculatus Macleay, A.brevipennis Macleay, A. bninneus Castelnau, A. castmieus Castelnau, A.celeripes Lea, A. dytiscides Newman, A. elongatulus Macleay, A.fasciatus Castel- nau,A.filiformisCastelnau,A.forfmnniHope,A.gi/rinoidesHope,A.haemorrhoidalis Erichson,A.laevisMacleay,^4.linearisMacleay,A.loiigipcnnisMadeay,A.maculipennis Macleay, A. mastersii Macleay, A. inicans Blackburn, A. ncmosoinoides Westwood, A.occidentalisCastelnau,A.paroensisCastelnau,A.politusCastelnau,A.rubiginosus Newman, A. rufogiittatus (Blackburn), A. tasimni Blackburn, A. viciinis Castelnau, A.zonatus Castelnau, Cni)wgcnioii bicolor (Castelnau), C. creberrimum (Blackburn), C.epbippiatiiiu(Newman),C. ipsoidcs(Westwood),C.obscunim(Castelnau),C.sub- opacum (Macleay), Pniissotwpus cyliiuiricus (Chaudoir), P. pnrnik'iiis Waterhouse, Cn/ptoccpliahmwrplmcollaris (Waterhouse),and C. marginata (Waterhouse). A neotype isdesignated for AdclotopiisaffinisCastelnau. The following 113 new taxa are described: Pseudomorpha brevis, spec. nov., P.insignispilosa,subspec.nov.,P.siibangiilata,spec.nov.;Adelotopusadelaideae,spec. nov., A. adustus, spec. nov., A. aequiis, spec. nov., A. augustatiis, spec. nov., A.aterrimus, spec. nov., A.atrorufiis,spec. nov., A. bncilliis,spec. nov., A. bamagae, spec.nov.,/4.basirufus,spec.nov.,/4.bimnciilatiisangustior,suhspec.nov.,A.brevior, spec. nov., A. brittoni, spec. nov., A. browni, spec. nov., A. calims, spec. nov., A.cauiae,spec.nov.,A.ciliatiis,spec.nov.,A.ciliatiistenuipunctatiis,subspec.nov., A.clcpsydra,spec.nov.,A.conicollis,spec.nov.,A.convexicollis,spec.nov.,A.convexiis, spec. nov., A. coriaceiis,spec. nov., A. crassus, spec. nov., A. cribricollis, spec. nov., A. crucis,spec.nov., A.ciineatus,spec. nov.,A.distiiigiiciidiis,spec. nov.,A.doyeni, spec.nov.,A.dubius,spec.nov.,A.diibiiisglaber,subspec.nov.,A.dubiushobartensis, subspec. nov., A. editluie, spec. nov., A.flavescens, spec. nov., A.ßavus, spec. nov., A.foliaceus,spec.nov.,A.geminus,spec.nov.,A.gibbosus,spec. nov.,A.gippslandi- ciis,spec. nov.,A.grossepunctatus,spec.nov.,A.gyrinoidesorientalis,subspec.nov., A.houstoni,spec.nov.,y4.howdenorum,spec.nov.,y4.kathcrinei,spec.nov.,A.kurandae, spec.nov.,/4.languidus,spec.nov.,/4.Inticnudatus,spec.nov.,/4.laticollis,spec.nov., A. lafior,spec. nov.,A. latipalpis,spec. nov., A. lawrencci,spec. nov., A. longifoniiis, spec. nov., A. longus,spec. nov.,A. loiigiis tropicus,subspec. nov., A. lunatus,spec. nov., A. lutcus, spec. nov., A. macilcntus, spec. nov., A. mainae, spec. nov., A.marginicollis,spec.nov.,A.minor,spec.nov.,A.montisatri,spec.nov.,/4.montorum, spec. nov., A.multipiinctatus, spec. nov., A. niurrayanus, spec. nov., A. nigricaiida, spec. nov., A.nitens, spec. nov., A. nitidior, spec. nov., A. obsoletus, spec. nov., A.ooldeae,spec.nov.,A.ovatus,spec.nov.,A,palumae,spec.nov.,A.parumpunctatus, spec. nov., A.pienelopeae, spec. nov., A. piceiis, spec. nov., A. punctatissimus, spec. nov., A.pinicticollis angustemaculatiis, subspec. nov., A. punctiilifer, spec. nov., A.queenslandicus, spec. nov., A. rufescens, spec. nov., A. riifocnudatus, spec. nov., A. rufomarginatus, spec. nov., A. rufozonatiis, spec. nov., A. scdlnceki, spec. nov., A.semilunatus, spec. nov., A. seminitidus, spec. nov., A. sericcus, spec. nov., A.seriepunctatusstriatus, subspec. nov., A. similis,spec. nov., A. sinuaticollis,spec. nov.,A.sinuaticolliscalliope,subspec.nov.,A.sparsepunctatus,spec.nov.,A.substriatus, spec. nov., A. iilriclii, spec. nov., A. unicolor, spec. nov., A. victoriensis, spec. nov., A.villosus,spec. nov.,A. virgatus,spec. nov.,A.yorkeusis,spec. nov.,A.zborowskii, spec. nov.; Cainogenion clypeale, spec. nov., C. creberrimumgnaltae, subspec. nov., C.depressum,spec. nov., C.glabratiim,spec. nov., C. intcriore,spec. nov., C. ipsoides occidentale, subspec. nov., C. parumpilosiim, spec. nov., C. rotundicolle, spec. nov., C.tropicum, spec. nov.; Cryptocephalomorpha australica, spec. nov., C. gcnieri, spec. nov., and C. maior, spec. nov. Followingsixspeciesremaindoubtful,becausethetypesarelostandthespecies belongtospecies-groupsin whichspeciesdistinction is impossiblewithoutcom- parison of the types: Adelotopus apliodioides Westwood, A. connitus Castelnau, A.hydrobioides Westwood, A. inqiiinatus Newman, A. papuaniis Gestro, and A.scolytidesNewman. First instar larvae are described for the first time from the oviducts of many species of the genera Adelotopus, Cainogenion, and Paussotropiis. Their special charactersare included in the phylogeneticanalysis. ThepossiblerelationshipsofthegeneraofPseudomorphinae,thesubgeneraof thegenusPseiidoinorphn,thespecies-groupsofthegenusAddotopus,andthespecies ofthegenera Cninogeuionand Cn/ptoccphalomorphaarediscussedanddescribedin cladogramsbasedonareconstructedphylogenyemployingthemethodsproposed by Hennig. ThephylogeneticrelationsofthespeciesofAdclotopiis and ofPseiido- inorpJia are discussed. Phylogenetic evidence shows that Sphallouiorplm is the adelphotaxonofallothergenera,Pscudomorphntheadelphotaxonoftheremaining genera,thehighlyspecializedgenusCn/ptoccplialoiiiorpliapresumablytheadelpho- taxonoftheAdt'/ofo^)((s-lineage, inwhichAdelotopusistheadelphotaxonofCaino- gcnion+Paussotropus, whereas Paussotivpiis is the most evolved genus of this lineage. Thereisstrongevidenceforanincreasinggradeofadaptation tomyrmecophi- lous habits in Pseudomorphinae in general, but also within the larger genera. WhereasthegeneralstructureinSpilmlloinorphaandevenstillinPsciidoinorpJiamay beratheradaptativetothesubcorticolouslife, this isreduced infavourofcertain adaptations to myrmecophily in the other genera with Paussotropus and again Cn/ptoccplmloiuorplmbeingmostevolvedinthisrespect.Comparableadaptationsto myrmecophilous habits are also noted in the larvae of Pscudoinorplm, Addotopus, Cniiiogeuiou, and Paussotropus, while larvae of Crifptocephaloiuorpha are still un- known. Thedistributionofthespeciesisdepictedinmaps.About25distinctdistribution patternsaredistinguishedandmostofthemmayberegardedasrelatedtofaunistic subregions. Phylogenetic evidence shows that those species and species-groups thatareplesiomorphicinmanyrespectsconcentrateinthesoutheasternsubregions ofAustralia,wherealsothemostplesiotypicspeciesofthegenera Sphallomorplm, Addotopus, Caiuogcuioii, and Pseudomorplia subgenus Austropseudoniorpha occur. Especiallyin thenortheastern, northern, western, and central subregionsa larger number of species shows a higher degree of apomorphic character states. This pattern of distribution is exemplified by several dichotomous and trichotomous vicariantrelationships,inwhichtheevolvedvicariant(s)almostinvariablyoccur(s) in the northern or western part ofthecommon ränge. Distribution of the apparent basal species of all genera either in southeastern Australia (Sphalloiiiorpha, Addotopus, Caiuogoiio}!, PseudovwrpJm subgenus Austro- pseudoiuorpha),orinsouthernSouthAmerica (PscudomorphasubgenusNotopscudo- iiiorplia), orinSouth Africa (Cryptocephaloinorpha) isevidenceofa Gondwanaland originofthesubfamilywithoutknowingtheexactplaceoforigin. Evidentlymost genera apart from Cryptoccphaloiuorplia and perhaps Pscudomorpha originated in southeasternAustraliaortheadjacentpartofGondwanaland.Cryptoccpimloinorpilia, however,iscertainlyarecentarrivalintheAustralianregionthatimmigratedfrom theOrientalregion,whereitprobablyarriveddriftingonterranesoftheprevious Sundaland. According to chorological, phylogenetic, and paleogeographic evi- dence the subfamily and most of its genera must have evolved at least during UpperJurassic oreven earlier. The further history of the genera in Australia was comparable to that of Spliallomorpha,buttheirtaxonomicradiationmayhavebeenevenmorerecentthan in the latter genus and it is certainly not yet finished. It occurred mainly in Pleistocene, synchronous with the late taxonomic ciiversification of eucalypts duringthesameperiodandgenerallyincloserrelationtoants.Severallineagesof Adelotopusand Cainogeuiou thenspread overmostofAustralia,mainlyinananti- clockwise, northern and western direction. The repeated change of wet pluvials and dry interpluvials during Pleistocene, with their spreading of suitable plant communities (namely Eucalyptus forests orsavannahs) and thesubsequent Isola- tionofthesecommunitiestogetherwiththeirPseudomorphinehostsaccountsfor the high numberofendemicand highlyevolved speciesespecially in the refugia ofcentraleasternand northernQueensland,farNorthernTerritory, northwestern Australia, and central and southwesternWestern Australia. Dr. M. Baehr, Zoologische Staatssammlung Mi^inchen, Münchhausenstr. 21, D-81247München,Germany Contents 1. Introduction 12 2. Material 12 3. Abbreviations of collections mentioned in text 12 4. Methods 14 4.1. Taxonomicprinciples 14 4.2. Phylogeneseprinciples 14 4.3. Descriptions 15 4.4. Types 15 4.5. Origin ofmaterial 16 4.6. Distinguishingcharacters 16 4.7. Chetotaxy 17 4.8. Illustrations 17 4.9. Data ofexamined material 17 4.10. Distributionmaps 18 4.11. Measurements 18 4.12. Magnifications 18 4.13. Abbreviations 18 5. Way of life and collecting methods 19 5.1. Way ofUfe 19 5.2. Myrmecophiloushabits 19 5.3. Collecting methods and preservation 21 6. Larvae 21 6.1. The larvae of the different pseudomorphine genera 22 7. Classification 40 7.1. SubfamilyPseudomorphinae 40 7.1.1. Key to the genera ofPseudomorphinae 40 7.2. Genera 41 7.2.1. GenusPscudoinorpha Kirby 41 SuhgenusNotopisciidoiiiorplia, subgen. nov 42 SuhgenusAustropseudomorpha, subgen. nov 42 DescriptionoiAiistropseiidoniorplm 43 Key to theAustralian species ofgenus Pseudoiuorplia Notman, subgenus Aiistwpseu- domorpha, subgen. nov 43 ThespeciesofAustropseudonwvpha, subgen. nov 43 7.3. Genus Adelotopus Hope 51 7.3.1. Description ofAdelotopiis 51 7.3.2. Key to the species-groups of the genus Adelotopus Hope 58 7.3.3. Key to the species of the genus Adelotopus Hope 60 7.3.4. Thespecies ofthe genus Adelotopius Hope 76 7.4. Genus Cabiogenkvi Notman 328 7.4.1. Description of Caiuogeiiiou 329 7.4.2. Key to the species of the genus Caiiiogeuio}i Notman 334 7.4.3. The species of the genus Caiiiogoikvi Notman 336 7.4AA. SubgenusProcainogenion,subgen. nov 336 Subgenus Cainogeiüou s. str 340 10

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