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Revision of the genus Ogmocoris Mayr, 1864 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatomini) PDF

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Preview Revision of the genus Ogmocoris Mayr, 1864 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatomini)

Beaufortia BULLETIN ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OFAMSTERDAM Vol. 52, no. 10 December 18, 2002 Revision of the genus OgmocorisMayr, 1864 (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatomini) A. Frey-da-Silva, J. Grazia & J.A.M. Fernandes *Universidade FederaldoRioGrande doSul, InstitutedeBiociencias, Departamento deApologia, Predio 43435.Av. Bento Convolves 9500, 91501-970, PortoAlegre,RS, Brazil. CNPqfellowship. E-mail:[email protected];[email protected] **Departamento deBiologia, CentradeCienciasBiologicas, UniversidadeFederaldoPara, Rua Augusto Correal0 1, 66075-110Belem, Para, Brazil■ E-mail:[email protected] Abstract TheNeotropicalgenusOgmocoris Mayr, 1864isrevised based onmorphologicalcharacters,particularly thegenitaliaofboth sexes.Formerly monobasicwith O. hypomelas (Burmeister, 1835), onenew species is here described, O.paranaensis n. sp. Illustrations oftheexternal genitaliaofboth sexesareprovided. Keywords: Heteroptera, Pentatomidae,Neotropical region,Ogmocoris, newspecies INTRODUCTION minedto be ajunior synonym of Tibraca limbat- iventris Stal, 1860, by Silva (1945). Costa Lima Burmeister (1835) described Atelocerus hypomelas (1947) considered the genus Ogmocoris to be a based on a female collected in Rio deJaneiro junior synonym of Tibraca Stal, 1860, but (Brazil). Mayr (1864) described the genus Fernandes& Grazia(1998) reinstated Ogmocoris. Ogmocoris to include A. hypomelas. Mayr (1866) redescribed Ogmocoris and consideredit similar to MATERIALSAND METHODS Mecocephala Dallas, 1851. Walker(1868) described Ansa distincta based on a female from Amazon. The types of AnsadistinctaandAtelocerus hypomelas Stal(1872) consideredA. distincta as ajunior syn- were examined. onym ofOgmocoris hypomelas. Costa Lima(1935) The specimens studied belong to the following described O. reinigeri from Porto Alegre, Rio collections: BMNH - The Natural History GrandedoSul(Brazil), but this species was deter- Museum, London, England (Dr M. Webb); Contributionn° 389 ofDepartamentode Zoologia, Universidade Federal doRio GrandedoSul, Porto Alegre,RS,Brazil 179 DZUP - Colegao Entomologica 'Pe. Jesus Pronotum trapezoidal, anterior 2/3 slightly Santiago Moure', Departamento de Zoologia, declivent. Pronotum about three times wider Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, across humeri thanlong. Anteriorangles distinct- Parana, Brazil (Dr L. Marinoni); MCNZ -Museu ly toothed. Anterolateral margins slighdy con- de Ciencias Naturais, Fundaqao Zoobotanicado cave, anterior half strongly crenulated; postero- Rio GrandedoSul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grandedo lateralmargins sinuous. Posteriormargin rectilin- Sul, Brazil (Dr H.A.O. Gastal); UFRJ - ear. Cicatrices concolorous, delimitedby punc- Costa Lima, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio tures, with a fewpunctures at middle. deJaneiro, Rio deJaneiro, Brazil (DrJ.R. Pujol- Prosternum slightly carinate; mesosternum Luz); ZMHB - Museum Fur Naturkunde der carinate, metasternum shallowly concave. Flumboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin (Dr J. Sternumwithwhitehairs. Ostiolar rugae clavate, Deckert). length 1/3 of evaporatory area width. Tibiae Measurements are given in millimeters. The dorsally sulcate. terminology of Dupuis (1970) was adopted for Basal angles of scutellum foveate, apex round- the structure of the genitalia. The only male and ed, surpassing middle of connexival segment V female of O. hypomelas and only male of 0. Posterior angle of corium rounded, reaching at paranaensis n. sp. were not dissected. least middleof connexival segment VI. Apex of radial veinwith or without small pale yellow cal- TAXONOMICPART lus. Hemelytral membranehyaline, veins brown, sometimesbifurcate. Genus Ogmocoris Mayr, 1864 Connexivum well-exposed, lateral margins emarginate. Posterolateral angles rounded, sub- Ogmocoris Mayr, 1864: 908; Mayr, 1866: 34; Stal, calloused. 1872: 30; Lethierry & Severin, 1893: 132; Ventral surface of abdomen slighdy sulcate Kirkaldy, 1909: 72; Silva, 1945: 596; Costa medially. Spiracles black, elyptical. Each tri- Lima, 1947: 312; Fernandes & Grazia, 1998: chobothrium placed in tiny subcalloused area, 1058. separated by imaginary longitudinal line tangen- AnsaWalker, 1868:548. tial to spiracles. TYPE SPECIES. - Atelocerus hypomelas Burmeister, MALE. - Pygophore subquadrangular, globose, 1835(= Ansadistincta Walker, 1868). opening dorso-posteriorly. Posterolateral angles auriculate. Dorsal rim (dr) with median 1/3 pos- DESCRIPTION. - Medium size. Body elliptical. teriorly projected, slightly concave. Ventral rim Ventral surface more convex than dorsal one. (vr) forming two layers; the superior one expand- Dorsal and ventral surfaces strongly punctured. ed in 1+ 1 cylindrical arms (as) dorsally-directed, Head as long as wide and as long as pronotum. each one beside segment X; inferior layer cari- Juga longer than or subequal to tylus. Lateral nate with tooth-like projections (tp). Segment X margins ofjugaslightly concave andemarginate; (proctiger) (X) cylindrical at base, apical half dorsal surface of juga and tylus with transverse impressed on bothsides, forming asingle or 1+1 furrows. Head, inprofile, with tylus slighdy high- longitudinal carina (cr); apex dorsally projected. er thanjuga. Antenniferoustubercleswithlateral Parameres well developed (pa), shape variable in romboid spine. Antennalsegment I not attaining species. apexof head; relative length of segments: 111=V >IV > I > II.Bucculaesinuousinprofile, evanes- FEMALE. - Genital plates punctured. Spiracles cent at base of head with small anterior tooth. present in laterotergites 8 (la8). Posterior border Rostral segment I shorter than bucculae. of laterotergites 8angulate. Segments II and III subequal in length, longer than IV; segment I shortest. Segment II arched COMMENTS. - Mayr (1866) recognized the simi- and flattenedlaterally. Rostrum surpassing poste- larities in the general aspects betweenOgmocoris rior margin of urosternite IV andMecocephala. InMecocephala, theheadis longer 180 thanwide, acuminate atapex and the rostrum is femaleofAnsadistinctawiththe followinglabels:a) Amaz;b) very long, surpassing the middle of urosternite Saunders/65-13;c) 1.Ansa distincta (BMNH); BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Estrada das Paineiras, 1 male, X.1943, H. VI; parameres are absent (Schwertner et al., Monteiroleg.(UFiy-Col. Costa Lima 0040). 2002). The shorter rostrum and the characters found in male genitalia, mainly the presence of well developed parameres, separate Ogmocoris DESCRIPTION. - MALE. - Body length 17.20; fromMecocephala. By the absence of atubercle at abdominal width 9.12; head length 3.44; head thirdabdominalsterniteOgmocoris belongs to sec- width 3.36; length before eyes 2.08; pronotum tion 1 of Pentatomini (Rolston & McDonald length 3.44; pronotum width 8.88; scutellar 1984). Ogmocoris also belongs to a monophyletic length 5.84; scutellar width 5.60; corium length group, now formed by twelve genera (Frey-da- 7.84; length of antennalsegments: I0.96; II0.48; Silva, pers. comm.). They are:Mecocephala Dallas, III 2.24; IV 1.76; V 2.08; length of rostral seg- 1851, Tibraca Stal, 1860, Ogmocoris, Glyphepomis ments: I 1.60; II 3.36; III 2.96; IV2.08. Berg, 1891, Hypatropis Bergroth, 1891, Dorsal surface reddish-castaneous, densely Paramecocephala Benvegnu, 1968, Paratibraca punctured indark-castaneoustoblack punctures; Campos & Grazia, 1995, Parahypatropis Grazia & ventral surface dark-castaneous to ferrugineous, Fernandes, 1996, Luridocimex Grazia et al., 1998, densely punctured in concolorouspunctures. Amauromelpia Fernandes& Grazia, 1999, Stysiana Punctures on basal half of head castaneous, Grazia et al., 1999, and a new genus being concolorous apically. Rostrum reddish-casta- described. Therelationships amongthesegenera neous, apical segment piceous, attaining uroster- are under investigation. Thestates of characters nite V Rostral segment I hidden by bucculae. foundin male genitalia, shared by thesegenera, Antennal segments dark-castaneous; segment I represent the synapomorphies of thegroup:ven- castaneous. tral rim of pygophore forming two layers (one Pronotalpunctures dark-castaneous, somewhat superior, oneinferior), the superioroneexpanded confluent on anterior third. Humeri rectilineal. in 1+1 cylindrical arms dorsally directed, each Anterolateralpronotal margins orangeandslight- one beside segment X; inferior layer of ly concave; strongly crenulated on anterior half, pygophore carinate, with or without conicalpro- slightly crenulated apically. Ventral surface of jections; parameres reduced to absent (except in thorax black to castaneous, lateral margins yel- Ogmocoris); phallotheca with 1+1 ventral digiti- lowish. Ostiolar rugae reddish-castaneous. form processes; conjunctiva with 1+ 1 lateral Evaporatory areas dark. Mesosternum and processes; vesica withashield-like dorsal process; metasternum reddish-castaneous. Legs reddish- 'ductusseminis distalis' long, helicoidal, very del- castaneous; femora and tibiae immaculate and icate. Thelast threecharacters were not observed yellowish onapical halves. in Ogmocoris, since the males, single specimens in Basal third of corium margined withpale yel- both species, are not dissected. low. Apex ofradialvein withoutcallus. Connexivumwidely exposed; outerhalfyellow, DISTRIBUTION. - Brazil (AM, RJ, PR). innerhalfdark-castaneous.Puncturesof connex- ivumconcolorous (Fig. 1). Ogmocoris hypomelas (Burmeister, 1835) Ventralsurface dark-castaneousto reddish-cas- Figs. 1-6 taneous with black punctures. Lateral margins pale-yellow with concolorous punctures. Atelocerus hypomelas Burmeister, 1835: 362. Abdominal groove attaining urosternite VI. Ogmocoris hypomelas;Mayr, 1864: 36; Stal, 1872: Spiracles black, callus concolorous. Base of tri- 30; Lethierry & Severin, 1893: 132; Kirkaldy, chobothriayellowish. 1909:72. Posterolateral angles of pygophore slightly Ansadistincta Walker, 1868:548-549. excavated. Genital cup moderately excavated. Segment X (proctiger) with single carina, apex MATERIAL. - Holotypefemalewiththe followinglabels:a) projected dorsad. Cylindrical arms of superior hypomelana [sic] Burm.; b) RioJan. Beske.(ZMHB); holotype layer of ventralrimshort, withroundedapex,not 181 Fig. 1. Ogmocorishypomelas,holotype. Habitus(scale = 1 mm). attaining middle of segment X (Fig. 2). Inferior width 6.64; corium length 9.20; length of anten- layer of ventral rim with three projections: one nal segments: I 1.04; II0.56; III 2.48; IV 1.92;V median tooth-like projection, and 1+1 tubercle 2.32; length of rostral segments: I 1.76; II 3.84; on lateral third (Fig. 3). Parameres scoop-shaped. III 3.68; IV 2.72. (Fig. 2). Sutural angles of gonocoxites 8 (gc8) not prominent; posterior border subrectilinear; FEMALE. - Body length 20.54; abdominalwidth mesialbordersparallel; posterolateral angles sub- 11.02; head length 3.84; headwidth 3.68; length truncate. Apices of laterotergites 8projected pos- before eyes 2.40; pronotum length 3.76; prono- teriorly, surpassing laterotergites 9by 1/3 of their tum width 10.02; scutellar length 6.96; scutellar length. Apices of laterotergites 9 (la9) rounded 182 Figs. 2-6. Ogmocoris hypomelas. 2, pygophore, dorsalview. 3, ventral view. 4,lateral view. 5, posterior view. 6, female genital plates, ventralview(as=cylindricalarm;cr = carinaofsegmentX;gc8= gonocoxite ofsegmentVIII; gc9=gonocoxiteof segmentIX; dr =dorsal rim; la8 =laterotergite ofsegmentVIII; la9 =laterotergite ofsegmentIX; pa =paramere; sp = spiracle; tp =tooth-like projections ofinferior layer ofventral rim; vr = ventral rim; VII=segmentVII; X=segmentX). (scale = 1 mm). and slightly surpassing posterior margin of last IX. 1961, col.S.Laroca(DZUP) abdominal segment. Gonocoxites 9 (gc9) trape- zoidal. (Fig. 6). DESCRIPTION. - MALE. - Body length 21.04; abdominalwidth 10.85; head length 3.76; head Ogmocoris paranaensis n. sp. Figs. 7-10 width 3.76; length before eyes 3.00; pronotum length 3.84; pronotum width 9.36; scutellar MATERIAL. - Holotype male. BRAZIL. Parana: Curitiba, length 7.20; scutellar width 5.76; corium length 183 Figs. 7-10. Ogmocorisparanaensisn.sp.Pygophore. 7,dorsal view. 8,ventral view. 9, lateralview. 10,posteriorview, (as =cylin- dricalarm;ba =basalanglesofsegmentX;cr = carinaof segmentX;pa =paramere; tp= tooth-like projections ofinfe- rior layer ofventralrim; scale = 1mm). 9.18; length of antennalsegments: I 1.12;II0.64; neous. Mesosternum dark-castaneous; metaster- III 2.56; IV 2.08; V 2.48; length of rostral seg- num reddish-castaneous. Legs reddish-casta- ments: I 1.84; II4.88; III 4.00;"IV 2.88. neous with black punctures. Dorsal and ventral surface uniformily casta- Apex of radial vein with small pale callus. neous, densely punctured in black. Rostrum yel- Connexivum widely exposed, castaneous and lowish-castaneous, apical segment piceous and densely black punctured; anterolateral angles attaining urosterniteVRostral segment Inot hid- with a minute black spot, posterolateral angles den by bucculae. Antennalsegments dark-casta- yellowish. neous; segment I yellowish. Ventral surface of abdomen reddish-casta- Pronotum uniformly punctured in black. neous. Abdominalgrooveattaining urosteniteVI. Humeri obtusely angulate. Antero-lateral mar- Spiracles black, callus yellowish. Base of tri- gins concolorous, slightly concave and slighdy chobothriareddish. crenulated on basal half. Cicatrices with 1+1 Posterolateral angles of pygophore moderately small pale callus. Ventral surface of torax uni- excavated. Genital cup strongly excavated. formily castaneous, densely punctured in black. Segment X (proctiger) with 1+1 carina, apex Ostiolar rugaeyellowish. Evaporatory area casta- slightly projected dorsad.Basal angles ofsegment 184 X with 1+1 basal processes. Cylindrical arms of (Heteroptera:Pentatomidae).Revta bras. Ent. 46 (1): 169- superior layer of ventral rim flattened laterally, 184. with acuteapexattaining midlevelof segment X; SILVA,A., 1945. Sobreaidentidadede Tibracalimbativentris Stal, 1860 e Ogmocoris reinigeri Costa Lima, 1935. Ch. lateral margins black (Fig. 7). Median third of Quint.72: 596. inferior layer of ventral rim with 1+1 tooth-like STAL,C., 1872.Enumeratio Hemipterorum.II.K.svenska projections (Figs. 7,8). Paramereswell developed Vetcnsk. Akad. Handl. 10(4): 1-159. into scythe-like structure, posterior surface con- WALKER, E, 1868. Catalogue of the specimens of cave, almost attaining posterolateral angles of Heteropterous Hemipterainthe collectionsofthe British Museum. Part 3.British Museum, London: 418-599. pygophore (Figs. 7, 9). ETYMOLOGY.- Related to thegeographical distri- bution of thespecies. Received:June 14, 2002 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are in debt to the curators men- tioned before, in the list of collections studied, whom loanedtype-specimens, and othermateri- al. Also to two anonymous reviewers for the improvement of the text. REFERENCES BURMEISTER, G., 1835. Handbuch der Entomologie. Vol. 2.G.Reimer, Berlin: 1-400. COSTA LIMA, A.M.C., 1935. Um novo'frade' praga da arroznoRio Grande doSul (Hemiptera:Pentatomoidea). Campo 6 (10): 16. COSTA LIMA, A.M.C., 1947. Notas sobre alguns pen- tatomideos. An.Acad. bras. Ci. 19(4): 311-313. DUPUIS, C., 1970. Heteroptera In: S.L. Tuxen (ed.). Taxonomist's glossary of genitalia of insects. Munskgaard,Copenhagen:1-359. FERNANDES,J.A.M. &J. GRAZIA, 1998. Revision ofthe genus Tibraca Stal (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatominae).Revta bras. Zool. 15 (4): 1049-1060. KIRKALDY, G.W., 1909. Catalogue of the Hemiptera (Heteroptera). 1. Cimicidae. Felix L. Dames, Berlin: 1- 392. LETHIERRY,L.& G.SEVERIN, 1893. Cataloguegeneral des Hemipteres. I. HeteropteresPentatomidae. Mus. R. Hist. Nat.Belgique,Bruxelles:1-286. MAYR, G.L., 1864. Diagnosen neuer Hemipteren. Verh. Zool.bot.Ges. Wien. 14: 903-914. MAYR, G.L., 1866. Hemiptera in Reise der Osterreischis- chen Freggate Novara um dieErde indenJahren 1857, 1858, 1859. ZoologischerTeil, Z.Abt. 1.Wien: 1-204. ROLSTON, L.H. & FJ.D. MCDONALD, 1984. A con- spectusof Pentatominiofthe Western Hemisphere. Part 3.(Hemiptera:Pentatomidae).T. N.Y. Entomol. Soc. 92 (1): 69-86. SCHWERTNER C.F., J. GRAZIA & J.A.M. FERNAN- DES, 2002. Revisao do genera Mecocephala Dallas, 1851 185

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