PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 100(3). 1998. pp. 553-565 REVISION OF NORTH AMERICAN ALEWDES WESMAEL (PART 4): THE ALBITIBIA HERRICH-SCHAEFFER AND PRAETOR REINHARD SPECIES- GROUPS (HYMENOPTERA: BRACONIDAE: ROGADINAE) IN THE NEW WORLD Scott R. Shaw, Paul M. Marsh, and Joseph C. Fortier (SRS) Department of Plant, Soil, and Insect Sciences, P.O. Box 3354, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]); (PMM) Cooper- ating Scientist, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bldg. 046, BARC-W, Beltsville, MD 20705, U.S.A. (cor- respondence address: RO. Box 384, North Newton, KS 67117, U.S.A.) (e-mail: [email protected]); (JCF) Department of Biology, Wheeling Jesuit University, P.O. WV Box 6295, Wheeling, 26003, U.S.A. — Abstract. The Aleiodes albitihia Herrich-Schaeffer species-group is defined to include one Holarctic species, A. albitibia Hertich-Schaeffer, recorded here for the first time in North America. The Aleiodes praetor Reinhard species-group is defined to include A. texamis Cresson, A. graphicits (Cresson), n. comb., andA. ceratomiae Marsh and Shaw, n. sp. Aleiodes fumipemiis Cresson is a new synonym of A. texanus Cresson. The A. albitibia species-groups is regarded as monophyletic based on a smooth and polished mesopleuron and an unusual feature of the mummification process: an inflated bubble- like area is formed anteriorly in the notodontid hosts. The A. praetor species-group is regarded as monophyletic based on the strongly sinuate hindwing vein RS, compact fla- gellomeres, large ocelli, and parasitism of Sphingidae. The A. albitibia and A. praetor groups share an unusual feature of the mummification process: decapitation of the host larva. A key to the New World species of the A. praetor species-group is provided, and species treatments are given for Nearctic species, including diagnostic characters, distri- bution, and biological information. Key Words: Braconidae, Aleiodes, parasitoids, revision The rogadine braconid genus Aleiodes phyletic assemblages, the species of the Wesmael is worldwide in distribution, but Aleiodes albitibia and praetor species- is particularly species-rich in the Holarctic groups, as they occur in North America. Region. Aleiodes is diverse in North Amer- Our definition of species-groups includes ica, with at least 90 species in the United all species known to us, worldwide. How- States and Canada (Shaw et al. 1997). This ever, because our main mtent is to provide paper is the fourth contribution in a series a revision for species occurring in the Unit- of papers on Aleiodes species-groups, in- ed States and Canada, species treatments tended to provide a complete revision ofthe are limited to the Nearctic fauna. The Eu- genus for North America (Shaw et al. 1997, ropean species are currently being revised Shaw et al. 1998, Marsh and Shaw 1998). by Kees van Achterberg and Mark Shaw. In this paper we treat two distinctive mono- Aleiodes species are koinobiont endopar- 554 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON asitoids of lepidopteran larvae, especially mies are normally found with head capsules macrolepidoptera of the superfamilies Noc- missing (Figs. 1, 2). In other species- tuoidea and Geometroidea, and to a lesser groups, to a limited extent, the host head extent, Arctioidea, Sphingoidea, and Papil- capsule may be lost as the mummy ages ionoidea (Shaw et al., 1997). The method and is exposed to weather. However, in of parasitism, unique to the tribe Rogadini, these cases it appears to be a more random is noteworthy: the Aleiodes larva completes and irregular event. its feeding and pupates within the shrunken Methods and mummified remains of the host cater- pillar (Figs. 1, 2). In most cases, the form Species covered in this paper can be of the mummy caused by a particular Ale- identified as members of the subfamily Ro- iodes species is characteristic for that host gadinae using the keys of Shaw and Hud- and parasitoid, so the mummified remains dleston (1991) or Shaw (1995). Our defi- are of considerable diagnostic and phylo- nition ofAleiodes follows that of van Ach- genetic value and should be retained with terberg (1991), Shaw (1993), and Shaw et the parasitoid, when reared. For more com- al. (1997). Specimens can be determined as plete discussions ofAleiodes biology, read- Aleiodes using the keys of Marsh et al. ers may refer to Shaw (1983, 1994), Shaw (1987), van Achterberg (1991), or Shaw and Huddleston (1991), Shaw (1995), and (1997). Specimens keyed through Marsh et Shaw et al. (1997). al. ( 1987) will key to couplet 185, at which Members of the albitibia group are re- point they can be separated from Rogas by stricted to parasitism of Notodontidae, and the presence of a discrete median carina on have a smooth and highly polished meso- the propodeum (Figs. 4, 6, 8), the lack of a pleuron (Fig. 14). An unusual feature ofthis foveate sternaulus on the mesopleuron, and group is that an inflated bubble-like area is the lack of a blunt basal tooth on the tarsal formed anteriorly in the mummified host claw. In practice, more than 99% of U.S. larva (Fig. 1). Shaw (1983) speculated that and Canadian specimens encountered will this may be an adaptation allowing the host be Aleiodes, as Rogas is only infrequently mummy to float in marshy habitats. Mem- encountered north of Mexico. The species- bers of the praetor group are restricted to groups of Aleiodes from North American parasitism of Sphingidae, have a strongly north of Mexico can be keyed using the key sinuate RS vein in the hindwing (Fig. 17) provided in Shaw et al. (1997). that sometimes nearly reaches the wing Morphological terminology follows that margin, large ocelli (Figs. 10-12), and of Marsh (1989), Shaw (1993), Goulet and compact flagellomeres (Fig. 13). These are Huber (1993), and Shaw et al. (1997). Mi- the only Aleiodes known to parasitize crosculpture terminology follows that of sphingids, so the caudal horn of the mum- Harris (1979). A complete labeled diagram my is of great diagnostic value (Fig. 2). of wing veins was provided by Shaw et al. Sometimes the caudal horn falls off as the (1997), and veins of particular importance mununy overwinters, but a distinct socket for the praetor species-group are indicated is still present. The albitibia and praetor on figures 3, 5, and 7. groups may be sister-taxa, since they in- The tarsal claw ofboth groups are similar clude the only Aleiodes species that cause in having basal pectins of spine-like seta decapitation of the host larva during the placed extremely close to the base of the mummification process. Sometimes the host claw (Figs. 15, 16). This has some diag- head capsule remains attached by a thin nostic value, but can only be studied by use strip ofcuticle, but it usually falls offas the of scanning electron microscopy or dissec- mummy overwinters. Therefore these are tion and slide-mounting of claws for study the most common groups where host mum- by compound microscope. When viewed by — — VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 555 dissecting microscope this structure usually ga almost entirely honey yellow, metasomal remains hidden at the extreme base of the sterna yellow; legs honey yellow, hind tibia claw, and the claws appear simple. light yellow on basal half, brown on apical Authorship of new species is attributed half, hind tarsus brown; wings hyaline, to the senior authors (PMM and SRS) in veins and stigma black, stigma occasionally the order indicated. with weak lighter spots at apex and base. Body length, 4.5-5.5 mm; forewing length, Aleiodes Albitibia Species-Group 4.0-5.0 mm. Head: eyes and ocelli large, Included species. Aleiodes albitibia covering most of head; 41-45 antennom- (Herrich-Schaeffer 1838) andA.fuscipennis eres, first flagellomere equal in length to (Szepligeti, 1904). — second, all fiagellomeres slightly longer Diagnostic characters. Central disc of than wide; malar space short, slightly less mesopleuron smooth and highly polished than basal width of mandible and % eye (Fig. 14); tarsal claw with broad gap be- height; temple narrow, slightly less than V2 tween apical claw and basal pectin of 4-5 eye width; occipital carina absent dorsally, spine-like setae, gap 3X broader than basal meeting hypostomal carina; oral space width of largest spine-like seta in pectin; small and circular, width equal to malar spine-like setae of tarsal pectin largest api- space; clypeus not swollen; ocelli large cally, gradually smaller basally; parasitoids (Fig. 9), ocellocular distance about V2 di- of Notodontidae and possibly Geometridae; ameter of lateral ocellus; face coriaceous host mummy with an unusual expanded rugulose, frons, vertex and temple coria- balloon-like—anteroventral area (Fig. 1). ceous, occiput smooth and shining; maxil- Remarks. The European species, A. al- lary palpus not swollen; mandibles small, bitibia (Herrich-Schaffer), has a circumpo- tips not crossing when closed. Mesosoma: lar distribution, and is recorded here for the pronotum coriaceous rugose; mesonotum first time in North America. and scutellum coriaceous; notauli finely scrobiculate, meeting posteriorly on small Aleiodes albitibia (Herrich-Schaeffer) rugose area; mesopleural disc smooth and (Figs. 1, 9, 14) shining (Fig. 14), subalar sulcus rugose, Rogas albitibia Herrich-Schaeffer 1838; sternaulus absent; propodeum coriaceous rugose, median carina complete. Metasoma: 156. Transferred to Aleiodes by van Ach- short, not carapace-like but terga 4 and be- terberg 1991. Aleiodes heterogaster Wesmael 1838;94. yond very short and hardly exposed; first tergum rugose costate, length slightly less Designated as type-species of Aleiodes than apical width, median carina complete; by Viereck 1914. Synonymized with al- second tergum rugose costate, median ca- bitibia by van Achterberg 1991. rina complete; third tergum rugose costate Diagnosis. Color, head black, malar on basal %, median carina present on basal space and mouth parts yellow, antenna Vy. remainder oftergacoriaceous; ovipositor black; pronotum black, mesonotum black to about Vi length ofhind basitarsus. Legs: tar- honey yellow, scutellum honey yellow, sal claws with broad gap between apical mesopleuron honey yellow, occasionally claw and basal pectin of 4-5 spine-like se- black on upper anterior corner, venter hon- tae, gap 3X broader than basal width of ey yellow, propodeum black dorsally, hon- largest spine-like seta in pectin; spine-like ey yellow laterally, occasionally entirely setae of tarsal pectin largest apically, grad- honey yellow; metasomal terga usually ually smaller basally; inner spurofhind tib- black, first tergum with narrow medial yel- ia less than Vi length of basitarsus; hind low area and second tergum widely yellow coxa smooth dorsally. Wings: forewing medially, occasionally first and second ter- with vein r V2 length of 3RSa and % length 556 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ofm-cu, vein Icu-a beyond IM by distance Miller and B. Scaccia. Deposited in USNM, slightly greater than length of Icu-a, vein CNC, RMSEL, —MCZ, TAMU, UCD. ICUa nearly V2 length of ICUb; hind wing Distribution. Previously recorded by with vein RS arched medially, marginal cell Shenefelt (1975) as occurring in the Pale- narrowest in middle, vein Ir-m equal in arctic region (Belgium, England, Finland, length to IM, M+CU nearly twice as long France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Neth- as IM, vein m-cu represented by short stub. erlands, Russia, Sweden, and Switzerland). — Specimens examined. CANADA, AL- Recorded here for the first time as being BERTA: 1 6, 53 mi. S Waterton Gates widely distributed over Canada and the en- Wl. N. P., ex. Caripeta divisata. BRITISH tire northern United States, from Quebec COLUMBIA: 1 6. Terrace, May 31, 1962, south to Georgia, west to British Columbia, ex Caripeta divisata; 1 cJ. Kootemay Bay, Oregon, and California. Because this is the March 3, 1951, ex. Caripeta divisata; 1 6, first published record of this species being St. Mary's Bay, April 17, 1961, ex Caripeta present in North America, a complete list divisata. QUEBEC: Old Chelsea, Summit of specimen—s examined is given above. King Mtn., 1150", June 16, 1961, J. R. Biology. Two specimens from Oregon Vockeroth. IRELAND: 1 9, Athdown, 1 fe- were reared from the notodontid Nadata male, Co. Wi., A.M.G., host 4.ix.l938, em. gibbosa (J.E. Smith) collected on Quercus 9.vii.l938, ex Notodonta dromedariiis. garryana Hooker. In Europe, this species A.W. Stelfox collection; 1 i, Athdown, Co. has been reared from other arboreal noto- Wi., A.W.S., (1) 12.6. 1940, A.W. Stelfox dontids including Notodonta dromedarius croelalreecdtiosnp;ec1im9e,nUepxpeNrotLoidfofenytaV.d,rCoom.edWair.-, S(Lh.a)wan1d983P)h.aeTohseiahosstp.m(uSmhmenieefselttha1t97w5e, have seen from Europe and Oregon are ius. A.W. Stelfox collection; 1 9, Co. Kd., A.W.S., Sept. 1946, ex larval skin of No- very similar in appearance (see Fig. 1). Four specimens from Canada were labeled todonta sp. at Skerries Bog, em. June 1947, A.W Stelfox collection. UNITED STATES, as reared from the geometrid Caripeta div- CALIFORNIA: 1 9, Calaveras Co., 4.8 km, but this record needs confir- S. West Point, July 26. 1980, Stanley C. The unusual form of the mummy (Fig. Wilhams; 1,9, Trinity Co., Alt. 5500, June with an expanded bubble-like area an- 51-4,14,193149.71G,EFORTGINAa:um2ann9,. FIoLrLsyItNhO,ISM:ay1 tm1e)ur,om-vmenytriasllayl,soisunuunsiuqauleffoorrAtiheeiogdeensusi.nTthhaet 9, Carbondale, May 8, 1925, T. Prison. no antero-ventral "glue-hole" is formed, MAINE: Mt. Desert, Great Pond, July 16, and the mummy is not stuck to the sub- MARYLAND: 1918. 1 9, Beltsville, June strate. Shaw (1983) speculated that this 3, 1988, G. Steck. MASSACHUSETTS: 1 swollen area may serve as an "air sac" al- cJ, Hyannis Port, July 4, 1909. MICHI- lowing the host mummy to float in water. GAN: 1 9, Midland Co., August 19, 1940. The preserved mummies that we examined MISSOURI: 9 9, WilliamsviUe, June 16, (N = 7) all had a swollen antero-ventral 1969 to June 19, 1970, J. T Becker, Malaise area that is of equivalent size to the poste- trap. NEW YORK: 1 6. Ithaca. July 15. rior area, and the head capsule was always 1907. NORTH CAROLINA: 5 WcJ, High- off or missing. Thus the anterior "cham- lands, May 26 to June 4, 1957, R. M. ber" often has a visible hole that could be Mason and J. R. Vockeroth. OHIO: 4 9,5 interpreted as an exit hole. The edges (5, Shadywilde, Selma, June 18, 1963 to around the anterior hole are slightly ragged, August 8, 1966, R. S. Boone, at light. OR- as are the edges around the posterior exit NW EGON: 2 9, Benton County, 10 mi hole. Interiorly, the anterior and posterior Corvallis, Berry Cr., August 1 1, 1985, J. C. chambers are divided by a tough wall of — — VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 557 iQ-<% \ Figs. 1, 2. Mummified host remains, lateral view. 1, Mummy oftlie notodontid Caripera tlhisala associated with Aleiodes alhiiihia: note expanded, lighter-colored, anteroventral area (upper right). 2. Mummy of an un- identified sphingid associated withA. texanus and head capsule from anotherdead host larva (upper right); note caudal horn (bottom center) and absence ofhead capsule on mummy (upper left). silk, and both chambers are lightly lined by microsculpture in this area, or if it appears silk. However, we only observed larval and polished (rarely), then the central disc is pupal remains in the posterior chamber also punctate and setose. It differs from its Thus, the presence of a silk lining in the South American relative, A. fiiscipennis anterior chamber suggests that the inflated (Szepligeti), by having hyaline wings. A. area may be partly the result of structural fiiscipennis has smokey black wings and the reinforcement by silk during late instar lar- dorsa of the mesosoma and metasoma are val feeding. The anterior openning may be bright reddish orange. the result ofa weakened area due to feeding The North American specimens ofA. al- by the parasitoid larva, or might result from bitibia examined show more range of color a later process of inflation of the "air sac" variation (often being more orange or yel- area. low) as compared with European specimens Comments. Aleiodes albitibia can be (which have more extensive black color on easily distinguished from all other North the body). American species by the central disc of the Aeiodes Praetor Species-Group mesopleuron, which is smooth, highly pol- ished, and devoid of setae (Fig. 14). Other Included species. Aleiodes praetor North American species either have visible Reinhard 1863 (= Neorhogas luteus Sze- — 558 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON pligeti 1906), A. texamis Cresson 1869 = stitial with vein IM. vein ICUa nearly ab- ( A. fumipennis Cresson 1869), A. graphicus sent (Fig. 3); ocelli exceptionally large, (Cresson) 1872, new combination, and A. lateral ocellus nearly touching eye margin (Figs. 10. 18) ... A. ceratomiae. new species ceratomiae Marsh and Sha—w, new species. - Metasoma red; vein Icu-a offorewing not Diagnostic characters. flagellomeres meeting vein IM, vein ICUaaboutaslong compact (Fig. 13); radiellan cell narrowest as Icu-a (Fig. 7); ocelli not so large,lateral medially, wider apically; radiellan vein ocellus clearly separated from eye margin (Figs. 12. 19) A. lexanus Cresson strongly sinuate (Fig. 17), sometimes nearly touching wing margin medially; malar Aleiodes ceratomiae Marsh and Shaw, space/mandibular base length less than 1; new species rounded protuberance present at propodeal (Figs. 3, 4, 10, 18) apex; tarsal claw with very broad gap be- tween apical claw and basal pectin of6-10 Female. Body color: head and antenna spine-like setae, gap 7-8x broader than ba- black, malar space yellow at base of man- sal width oflargest spine-like seta in pectin; dible, mandible yellow medially, basal pal- spine-like setae of tarsal pectin largest api- pal segment black, remainder yellow; ocelli cally or preapically, gradually smaller ba- white; propleuron, pronotum, mesonotum sally; parasi—toids of Sphingidae. and dorsoanterior comer of mesopleuron Remarks. This is a well-supported, cir- black, rest of mesosoma and propodeum cumpolar monophyletic group, associated yellow; metasoma black, occasionally first with Sphingidae sensu stricto. All Aleiodes tergum yellow at base, ovipositor sheath known to be associated with Sphingidae black; legs yellow except fore and middle can be assigned to this group. The mum- apical tarsal segments, apical half of hind mies with a caudal horn are distinctive and tibia, and hind tarsus which are all black; diagnostic (Fig. 2), but the caudal horn wings hyaline. Body length, 9 mm; fore- sometimes falls out, leaving a distinct pit, wing length, 8 mm. Head: eyes and ocelli as the mummy ages. The host mummy is enormous, covering most of head (Figs. 10, attached to the substrate by a very large an- 18); 65-66 antennomeres, first flagellomere teroventral glue-hole. The head capsule is only slightly longer than second, those be- either decapitated, or remains by a small yond first at least slightly longer than wide; piece of cuticle that is prone to breaking malar space short, i/^ eye height and % basal away as the mummy ages (overwinters). width of mandible; temple narrow, V2 eye Consequently, the host mummies are usu- width; occipital carina meeting hypostomal ally found without the head capsule, or with carina; oral space small and circular, width the head capsule detached. slightly greater than malar space and half This group has been treated as a genus the face length; clypeus weakJy swollen; and a subgenus, Neorhogas. by Szepligeti ocelli enormous, lateral ocelli sometimes (1906) and van Achterberg (1991), respec- nearly touching eyes, lateral ocellus 3.5 to tively. 6X greater than ocell-ocular distance (Fig. 10); face weakly rugulose, coriaceous on Key TO THE North American Species of and above clypeus, with median longitudi- THE A. Praetor Species-Group nal ridge below antenna; frons rugulose; 1. Head orange or yellow, same color as rest vertex and temple coriaceous; maxillary of body, occasionally with some black palpus not swollen; mandible small, tips not markings but never entirely black overlapping when closed. Mesosoma: pro- A. graphicus (Cresson) notum coriaceous rugulose; mesonotum and - Head entirely black or dark brown, differ- scutellum coriaceous; notauli scrobiculate, 2(1). eMnettlyascoomloarebdlatchk,anatatlleeaassttbperyoopnoddefiursmt te.r-. 2 meeting posteriorly in triangular rugose gum; vein Icu-a of forewing nearly inter- area; mesopleuron very finely coriaceous. VOLUME 100. NUMBER 3 559 Figs. 3-8. Left forewing venation and propodcal sculpture o(AleioJespnieitir-gToupspecies. Environmental .scanning electron micrographs at 200x magnification. 3, 4. A. ceratomiae. 5, 6, A. aniphicus. 7, 8, A. tcxaiuis. smooth dorsally, subalar sulcus rugose; base, remainder coriaceous, median carina sternaulus weakly impressed; propodeum absent; fourth and following terga coria- coriaceous rugulose dorsally, coriaceous ceous; ovipositor barely exerted, sheaths laterally, median carina complete, semicir- about Vi length ofhind basitarsus. Legs: tar- cular carina at apex of propodeum only sal claw with very broad gap between api- weakly developed (Fig. 4). Metosoma: first cal claw and basal pectin of 5-7 spine-like tergum striate rugulose, slightly longer than setae, gap 8X broader than basal width of apical width, median carina complete; sec- largest spine-like seta in pectin; second ond tergum striate rugulose, median carina spine-like seta from apex of tarsal pectin complete; third tergum striate rugulose at largest, gradually smaller spines basally; in- 560 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 9-14. 9-12, Dorsolateral views ofhead showing ocelli and ocell-oculardistances (OOD). 9, Aleiodex albitibia. 2.'iOX. 10. A. ceralomiae. 200x. U. A. graphicus. 180x. 12. A. texaiuis. 180X. 13. Flagellum ofA. texanus, 350x. 14. Smooth mesopleural disc oiA. alhitihia, lateral view, 200X. ner spur of hind tibia less than Vi length of IM, vein M + CU longer than IM, vein m- hind basitarsus; hind coxa coriaceous dor- cu only weakly indicated by short infuscat- sally. Wings: forewing sparsely setose (Fig. ed line. — 3), with vein or equal in length to 3RSa and Male. Essentially as in female. m-cu, vein Icu-a nearly interstitial with Holotype.—9: CONNECTICUT, Put- IM, vein ICUa very short and sometimes nam, from sphingid larva on ash, ex host nearly absent (Fig. 3); hind wing with vein August 2, 1956, Ceratomia amyntor, A. B. RS strongly arched, marginal cell extremely Klots. Deposited in USNM. narrow in middle, vein Ir-m shorter than Paratypes.—CONNECTICUT: 1 6, Put- VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 561 Figs. 15, 16. Tarsal claws; note pectin of stout spine-like setae at extreme base. 14, Aleiodes graphicus. 469X. 16, A. le.xcuuis. 551X. — nam, A.B. Klots, host: Ceratomia iindiilosa Comments. This species is quite dis- (Walker) Sphingidae pupa in rear end of tinct from A. graphicus and A. texamis. host larva 20 July 1956, ex pupa July 14, from which A. ceratomiae can be distin- 1957. NEW HAMPSHIRE: 1 9. Durham, guished by its much larger ocelli (Fig. 10), NEW July 14, 1946, R. L. Blickle collr. hyaline and sparsely setose wings with vein YORK: 1 9, Ithaca, at light, July 10, 1937, Icu-a nearly interstitial with vein IM (Fig. R F Babyi coll.; 1 d. Six Mile Creek, Ith- 3), vein ICUa very short to nearly absent, aca, August 21, 1954, D. M. Anderson. less coarse propodeal sculpture (Fig. 4), and ONTARIO: 1 9, N. Surges Twp., Lanark metasoma mostly black. This species has Co., August 8, 1981, D. M. Wood; 1 i, enormous ocelli (Fig. 10), that are much Belleville, April 30, 1930, C. W. Smith, larger than in any other known North host sphingid. Deposited in USNM, American spec—ies of Braconidae. RMSEL, CAS, CNC, CUI. Etymology. The specific name refers to — Distribution. Known only from eastern the hosts fi"om which this species was Canada and the northeastern United States. reared. — Biology. Reared from the sphingids Aleiodes graphicus (Cresson), Ceratomia amyntor (Geyer) and C. undu- losa (Walker). The host mummy is only new combination about 15mm long, indicating that the host (Figs. 5, 6, 11, 15, 17) is killed at an early stage of development Rogas graphi—cus Cresson 1872: 188. (probably third instar). Diagnosis. Body unicolored yellowish — — 562 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON orange, except antenna, ocellar triangle, tip Comments. Aleiodes graphiciis is most of mandible, palpi, and legs at least from similar to A. texanus, which also has dark apex of femur apically black, wings dark; wings. However, A. texanus has extensive body length 7.0-8.0 mm; 55-60 antennom- black markings on the head and mesono- eres, most flagellomeres as long as wide; tum, and so cannot possibly be confused malar space shorter than basal width of with this mostly yellowish orange species. mandible; face and frons rugulose, vertex Until recently graphiciis was classified as a and temple smooth; oral opening small and species of Rogas (Marsh 1979), but it is circular, diameter about equal to basal correctly placed in the genus Aleiodes. width of mandible; ocelli large (Fig. 11), diameteroflateral ocellus 1.5X greaterthan Aleiodes texanus Cresson ocell-ocular distance; mesosoma largely (Figs. 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 19) smooth and shining, notauli strongly scro- Aleiodes texanus Cresson 1869:378. biculate, scutellum margined by strong ca- Aleiodes fumipennis Cresson 1869:378. rina, propodeum rugulose, lateral comers New synonymy. protruding, median carina complete, semi- — circular carina at apex of propodeum well Diagnosis. Body bicolored, head in- developed (Fig. 6); metasomal terga 1-3 cluding antenna and mouthparts black, me- costate-rugose, median carina strong and sosoma varying from entirely black to en- complete on terga 1-2, and basal half of tirely reddish orange except propodeum al- tergum 3; tarsal claw with very broad gap ways reddish orange, metasoma entirely between apical claw and basal pectin of 8- reddish orange, legs varying from entirely 9 spine-like setae (Fig. 15), gap 8x broader black to reddish orange, wings dusky, veins than basal width of largest spine-like seta black; body length, 7.0-8.5 mm; 58-62 an- in pectin; spine-like setae of tarsal pectin tennomeres; malar space varying from largest apically, gradually smaller spines slightly less to slightly longer than basal basally; forewing with vein or nearly as width of mandible; head smooth and pol- long a 3RSa, second submarginal cell quad- ished, face often rugulose below antennae; rate, nearly rectangular; vein Icu-a beyond oral opening small and circular, diameter IM by distance equal to or slightly less than equal to basal width of mandible; ocelli length of Icu-a (Fig. 5); hind wing with large (Fig. 12), diameter of lateral ocellus vein RS strongly sinuate, marginal cell very 1.0-2.3X greater than ocell-oculardistance; narrow in middle. mesosoma smooth, pronotum rugose dor- Type material examined. Rogas gra- sally; propodeum rugulose, lateral comers phicus Cresson, lectotype male (designated protruding, median carina complete, semi- by Cresson 1916), USA, Texas, Belfrage circular carina at apex of propodeum well (ANSP), type # 2749, tip of left antenna developed (Fig. 8); metasomal terga 1-2 missing; paralectotype male, same data. strongly costate-ruguse, median carina 1 — Distribution. Recorded from Arizona, complete; tergum 3 costate mgose on basal Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, New Mexico, half, median carina occasionally indicated South Dakot—a, Texas, and Wyoming. on basal V^; tarsal claw with very broad gap Biology. This is a parasitoid of un- between apical claw and basal pectin of 8- known sphingid species. There is a reared 10 spine-like setae (Fig. 16), gap 8X broad- specimen in the AEI collection, but the host er than basal width of largest spine-like se- is not identified. In form, the mummy is tae of tarsal pectin largest apically, gradu- similar to that produced by A. texamis, but ally smaller spines basally; forewing with the A. graphicits mummy has distinctive vein or equal to 3RSa, second submarginal black markings and is clearly a different cell quadrate, nearly rectangular; vein Icu- host species than utilized by A. texamis. a beyond IM by distance equal to or slight-