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Revision of Limnometra Mayr (Gerridae) in the Malay Archipelago. Notes on Malesian aquatic and semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera), II PDF

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Preview Revision of Limnometra Mayr (Gerridae) in the Malay Archipelago. Notes on Malesian aquatic and semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera), II

NICO NIESER' & PINGPING CHEN' 'TieL TheNetherlands 'BiologicalControlLaboratory, ChineseAcademyofAgriculturalSciences, Beijing, China REVISION OF LIMNOMETRA MAYR (GERRIDAE) IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO Noteson Malesian aquaticandsemiaquaticbugs (Heteroptera), II N. Nieser & P. Chen, 1992. A revision of Limnometra Mayr (Gerridae) in the Malay Archipelago. Noteson Malesianaquaticandsemiaquaticbugs (Heteroptera), II.-Tijdschrift voorEntomologie 135: 11-26, figs. 1-60,table 1 [iSSN0040-7496]. Published 15July 1992. Akeyto thespeciesoiLimnometrain IndonesiaandE. Malaysiaand newdistributional data arepresented.NinenewspeciesofLimnometraa.Tedescribed: L.aploa, L.arachnis, L. leptaand L. melanochroa from Sulawesi, L. genitalis from Pulau Buton, L. pseudoinsularis from Kalimantan,L.hysteremafromNewBritain,L. monochromafromGuadalcanalandL.poliakan- thinafromQueensland (Australia). Correspondence: Dr.N. Nieser, Htg.Eduardstr. 16,4001 RGTiel,TheNetherlands. Key words. - Sulawesi; Buton; Kalimantan; Papua New Guinea; Solomon Is.; Australia; Gerridae;Limnometra;key;newspecies. Representatives ofthe gerrine genus Limnometra Limnometraisapparentlylarge, thereareveryfewdis- are restricted to tropical Asia, although three speci- tinctive characters. The colour pattern on head and mens have been recorded from Tanzania (Hun- thorax,which isusuallyverystriking, is, apartfroma gerford&Matsuda 1958).Wepresumethatthespec- few exceptions, very uniform. The parameres are all imens fromAfricaare incorrectlylabelled, since they ofthesameshape,small,rod-likewiththebaseslight- belong to a large species never collected in that area ly broader than the apex. The general shape ofthe again. genital segments is also quitesimilar in mostspecies. The present paper is mainly based on material re- In various cases identification has to rely on relative centlycollected in Sulawesi, whereseveral species oc- measurements, pilosityofthe legsand annulation on cur as a frequent component ofthe surface fauna of legsandantennae. Inaddition,wefoundthattheen- streams. When westartedworking up the material it dosomal sclerites, especially the lateral pair, provide soon turned out that we had several new species at specificcharactersinsomecases. Forthispurposethe hand. Theexaminationofunidentifiedmaterialfrom endosoma has to be cleared, for which we used hot Malesia in several museum collections revealed even 10% KOH, and made free from the basal plate and morespecies, so thatwedecidedto reporton thisge- phallothecawhichenclose it.Astheendosomahasto nus separately. A paper on the remaining Gerridae be studied from various angles, permanent micro- from Sulawesi isin preparation. scopic slides are less appropriate than keeping it in a dropofglycerin inamicrovial.Thereareusuallyfour Materialand methods sclerites, a medio-dorsal and aventral one, which are usuallyseen as onesclerite formingawidearcwithin Specimens fromSulawesiweremainlycollectedby the endosoma. Secondly, there is a symmetrical pair J.P. Duffels (zma),J. vanTol (rmnh) andN. Nieser. ofsmaller lateral sclerites. We consider theopen end Localities sampled by Nieser have numbers starting of the arc as posterior and the thicker posterior Y- with N89 followed by two digits. All were taken in shapedpartofthearcasdorsal,whichcorrespondsto SulawesiTenggara(SESulawesi) andButon in 1989. theactivecondition oftheendosoma. Details oflocalities can be found in Nieser & Chen Measurements are in millimeters, presented as the (1991). In addition, specimens from G. Zimmer- range or the averagevalue offive specimens (ofeach mann's collection (zc), collected within the fra- sex).Measurementsweretakenfromspecimensofthe mework of Project Wallace 1985, and by Dr. I. samplecontainingtheholotype. Incaseofsmallsam- Lansbury(oxum) fromotherplacesin SoutheastAsia ples additional specimens from othersiteswereused. havebeenstudied. Thewidthoftheheadismeasuredacrosstheeyes,the Although the number of species in the genus thoracicwidth ismeasuredacrossthe mesoacetabula. 11 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 135.1992 Depositories segment plus the genitalia at least as longas pre- NC Niesercollection,Tiel,TheNetherlands. cedingfoursegments, usuallylonger. Hindcoxae oxuM OxfordUniversityMuseum, England. of male nearly reaching or surpassing posterior RMNH National Museum of Natural History, marginofsecondventralabdominal segment Leiden, TheNetherlands. onus SNOW Snow Entomological Collections, Lawrence, Kansas, U. S.A. KeytomalesofMalesian Limnometra zc Zimmermanncollection, Marburg, B.R.D. 1. Eightlargeblackspotsonventer (characterholds ZMA Zoological Museum, InstituteofTaxonomi- for female too), connexival spines shorter than cal Zoology,Amsterdam,TheNetherlands. firstgenitalsegment L. octopunctatus - Usually only one black spot in front of meso- Apair ofreference specimens ofthe Sulawesi spe- acetabula, connexivalspines longer 2 cies was sent to Museum Zoologi Bogor (Indonesia) 2. Moderately small species. Head width usually mm and J. T. Polhemus collections, Englewood, under 1.8 3 Colorado (U. S. A.), when sufficient material was - Larger species, head width usually over 1.8 mm available. 6 3. Frontfemurasslenderas middlefemur 4 Acknowledgements - Frontfemurbroaderthanmiddlefemur Thanks are due to R. Brooks (snow), J. Duffels L. bomeensis (zma), I. Lansbury(oxum),J.vanTol(rmnh)andG. 4. Middle femurwith a fringe ofcilia about halfas Zimmermann (zc) fortheloanofspecimens. wideasfemur L. bruneiensis - Middle femur without a fringe of cilia (small Taxonomic part spinesandsparsehairspresent) 5 5. Lateral endosomal sclerite parallel-sided (fig. 44) Limnometra Mayr belongs to the Gerrinae and L.pseudoinsularis contains medium-sized to large species, which are - Lateral endosomal sclerite bulky in central part commonly seen on streams in Southeast Asia. Some (fig. 6) L. insularis workers, e.g. Hungerford & Matsuda (1958), consi- 6. Antennae, middle and hind femur unicolorous, der it to be a distinct genus, while Matsuda (1960) thelatternot palerneartip 7 and Andersen (1982) rank it as a subgenus in - Antennae, middle and hind femur not unicolor- Tenagogonus Stal. Although Limnometra and ous, hind femur pale near tip, or some antennal Tenagogonusarestructurallyveryclose, dueto reduc- segmentsatleastpartlywhitish 8 tionoftheabdomenin Tenagogonus,theycanbekept 7. Ventro-posterior margin offirst genital segment apartatfirstsight. Forourpresentpurposetheactual distinctly produced laterally. Middle femurwith taxonomic status is not important. Limnometra and a short blackline dorsallynear base (holds in fe- Tenagogonus can be distinguished from other SE maletoo,butmaybeinconspicuousinspecimens Asian Gerrinae by the following set of characters withdarkfemur) L. ciliata (adapted from the key by Andersen 1982): Length - Rear margin offirst genital segment with only a lessthan 25 mm. Pronotumwithadarkmedianstri- faint production laterally. Middle femurwithout pe, venter generally pale. Third segment ofrostrum thedorsobasalblackline L. cursitans reaching mesosternum. Metasternum without lateral 8. Middlefemurwithalongandcurvedbluntspine scent channels (from scent orifice to metacetabula), at short distance from apex, two rows ofsmall metathoracic spiracle located much more than its pegs L.femorata ownlengthawayfrom baseofforewing. - Middle femur without a large curved spine near The difference between Limnometra and apex (not to be confused with smaller sharply Tenagogonusis as follows (adapted from Hungerford pointedapicalspurs) 9 &Matsuda 1958): 9. Both middleandhindfemurwith aconspicuous 1. Connexivalspinesnormal, asinfig. 37 (exceptL. fringeofcilia 10 minutaMayr from NicobarIslands). Maleabdo- - Hind femur without a conspicuous fringe of men not reduced. Last ventral abdominal seg- cilia 11 ment plus genital segments shorter than preced- 10. Fore femur slender, ratio L/W over 20, without ing four segments. Hind coxae of male rarely subapical indentation, ventrally with a dense extending beyond middle ofsecond ventral ab- fringeofciliatwothirdsthewidthoffemur dominalsegment Limnometra L. lepta — Connexival spines reduced. Male abdomen re- - Forefemurbroader, ratio L/Wabout 16,witha duced. Ventral abdominal segments short, last distinct subapical indentation, ventral fringe of 12 Nieser&Chen: RevisionofLimnometra -11. FfcFiooelIrr-imaeeuarff^!beeommuuutrrhLbnarioirotratb,dLhreeoraw(di,-1edj.rt.3,hLtXhoarconcrrmemimodurdireli)ei..r.tf.heLaìm.nupr^muiL.dI.c.ldhl11IrTe2a6 strKDe.aur,mmfmaeSloNalsng,1d^6Knai//eo,na1t-Bsr7,aoe.mlTnxioue.ubm,1naNp^nd.ga0oPu5ch.S,,,t,rt6^To2home1orsjr-.caxmh.u6^ant1le9nVlR8Ql.5u,e,,eCr,lj-M8.la1e9zZ-cnr.îei-,x,,.mG2m17.69e..8xXZr5.1im,.1ma19m9n188en5c5r,;îm352ta1-cncuîÇ5nm;;61pwaa59$h-0,,i 12. Forefemurventrallywithconspicuousdensepu- G. Zimmermann (ze, nc). Sulawesi Selatan: Maros 1 S 1 bescence 14 ^ (rmnh). - Fore femurwithoutconspicuous pubescence 13 13. Segments offore tarsus ofsubequal length (spe- Distribution.-Sulawesi. cies keyed out twice as its head width centres Remarks. - Structurallyverysimilarto L. arachnis around 1.8 mm) L. bruneiensis sp. n.which is, however, distinctlylarger. Forfurther - First segment of fore tarsus distinctly (1.2X) differences see under L. arachnis. The length ofan- longerthansecond L. kallisto tennalsegmentrelatedtowidthofheadisratherfluid 14. Generalcolourmediumtodarkbrown,withpale in this species. We have a male from Dumoga Bone yellowish spots dorsaily at sutures ofconnexival NP,TorautR., Maze, I6.ix.l985withwidthofhead segments; apical row ofsmall pegs ranging over 2.0, 2ndantennalsegmentofleftantenna 1.9 andof morethan halfthe middlefemur right antenna 2.3 mm. The holotype has only one L. melanochroa rowofsmallpegsatapexofmiddlefemur.Mostspec- - General colour yellowish to light brown, sutures imens have, however, two short peg rows at apex of of connexiva not marked by light spots; apical middlefemurofmale. rowofsmallspineson middlefemurshort .... 15 15. rHreimnudr,fe1bmotu1hrsllo1ingghet1rlyt(h1a.n031boX1d)ylongerLr.thnaingnmpiedndnlies L,jçi..mn^o.metrab,omeensis.,H,ung°errrorido&»Mxatsudia - Hind femur distinctly (1.1 X) longer than mid- ^' diefemur,which isslightlyshorterthan body .... Limnometrab%omeensisHungerford& Matsuda, 1958:407- I. submarginalis ^0«'P'- 2 12,pl.l2fig. 9. 16. Sasecltoonngdaasn)\twein•dnJtalhL sofefghLmeeandJt subeqTual (^urp tol.l1X7 MjöM,ba.teerrgi.a,lIedxaimi?.ne,d.par-atSy^paersa.wakI,n,„aDdodrinteioon,:M»MttT..nPToiil,bianlegg,. - Second antennal segment longer (1.2X) than 1200m, 1 9,leg. Mjöberg 1925 (zma). widthofhead L. arachnis 17. Inventralviewfirstgenitalsternite(SB) about 1.5 Distribution. -Previouslyonlyknown bythetype timesaslongassecond(pygophore, Pg): indorsal seriesfrom Sarawak. viewS8coveringPgcompletely,onlytipofproc- Remarks. -Thefemalefrom MtTibangisslightly tiger(Pr) visible L.genitalis larger than the paratypes, but seems to fit best with - InventralviewS8subequaltoorshorterthanPg, this species. The spool-shaped fore leg in the male is dorsailyboth Pgand Prvisible 18 diagnostic.Thelateralendosomalscleritesarealsope- 18. Fore femur relativelyslender, its length 10 times cullar in that they are posteriorly broadened and in- its width, width offore femur about 1.4X the cised (fig. 2). Theposteriortriangularpart ofprono- width ofmiddlefemur L. annulicomis tum seems to be somewhat shorter than in the very - Fore femur stouter, its length about 7 times its similar L. insularis Hf & Mats. We need, however, width,widthofforefemurabout 1.7X thewidth longerseriesoffreshspecimensofbothspeciestover- ofmiddlefemur L. aploa ifywhetherthis isaspecific differenceor is relatedto developmentofindirectflightmuscles. Limnometraannulicomis(Breddin) (fig-l) LimnometrabruneiensisMiyamoto GerrisannulicomisY>rtààA'n, 1901:83-85. (fig. 3) Limnometraannulicomis. - Hungerford & Matsuda 1958: LimnometrabruneiensisMiyamoto, 1967:229-232,figs.24- 420-422,pi.4fig.24,pi. 15, fig.26. 29. TuMmaptaerhiaRli.ver-,90Su0lma,we2s3i.iiU.t1a9r8a5:,3D9u,mJo.Pg.aDufBfeolnse,prNo.jPe.c,t MalMaaytseirai:alE..-SCa.baBho,rn7e0o:kSmg.SPiLjaahu,ad1 D6a,tlue,g.DMajönbuemrgVa1l9l2e5y;, Wallacestat.28(zma);DumogaBoneN.P.,waterfallcreek, main trail "West North 1-5, 150m, 7-9.xii.1989, narrow tE2r3di.wbiauv.tra1dr9sy85S-uoBbf,ca2Tmup(m,5p,U2aTh9,M,-JW.ULvTa9Mn3-T6Xo5Ll,;00sc6.am45e,90Tuacs.ml.p,a2302h.5irmvi.velr9a8snl5r.,., cplreeeSkasbianhr6ai0nf(ozrmesat),.2 (5 1 9,leg. M.J. &J.P. Duffelssam- s1am9e;,sabmreoo,kl6e6t4mc,. a2t lkigmht,W3.voif.l9E8d5w-aAr,d2s 9s,ubJc.,vaUnTTMol-; Distribution. -N. andC. Borneo. WL9265, 4.VÌ.1985-A, 1 S 1 9, J. van Tol (rmnh); Remarks. - The types in Entomological Labora- 13 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 135.1992 Figs. 1-10,EndosomalscleritesinLimnometra,upper:lateralviewofmedianarcandlateralsclerite,lower:differentviewsof lateralsclerite,scales0.5mm. 1, L.annulicomis,2. L. horneemis(paTiVype),3. L. bruneiensis,4.L. ciliata,5. L.femorata,6. L. insularis(holotype),7. L. kallisto, 8. L. nigripennis,9. L. octopunctata(oneviewoflateralscleriteonly), 10. L.pulchra.- \\- 16: Z,.Ä/)/oÄ(paratypes), 11-14apexofabdomen,scale2mm, 11-12ventralview, 11 6, 12 9, 13-14lateralview, 13 <5, 14 $; 15-16endosomalsclerites, 15 medianarcandlateralsclerite, leftdorsalview, rightlateralview,scale0.5 mm, 16differ- entviewsoflateralsclerite,scale0.25 mm. tory ofKyushu University were, unfortunately, not Material. - • Viet Nam: Saigon (Than-Po Ho Chi availableforstudy. Minh), l.vii.1924, 1 9 E. leMoult(rmnh).-• Indonesia. Sulawesi Tenggara: Sungai Anggoro, 20.ii, N8901, 1 9; LimnometraciliataMayr Kendari,21.ii,N89035 d 3 9;PoolnearSungaiSampara, 22.ii, N8910 2 CÎ 3 9 (2 9 apt.); small stream near S. L(fiimg.no4m)etra ciliata Mayr, 1865: 44. - Hungerford & S1a7mp9ar(a4,CÎ22.6ii9, Nap8t9.)1;2Ja1lan9;PJaakluanJaAysae,ra2,4.i2i4,.iNi,8N9829012699 (S1 Matsuda 1958: 409-412, pi. 3 fig. 14, pi. 13 fig. 22 (re- apt.);Tamborasi, l.iii,N8925 1 i 1 9;RoadtoMowewe, description);Andersen 1964:333. 3.iii,N89333 J 1 9 (2 <? 1 9 apt.);TelukKendari, 13.iii, 14 , Nieser&Chen: RevisionofLimnometra N8946 1 d 2 $,3IvV;TelukKendari, 13.iii,N89492 9. 405, pi. 4 fig. 21, pi. 11 fig. 17. Cheng & Fernando - P. Buton: Road to Lawele, 9.iii, N8939 3 9 apt. - Bali: 1969: 105-106, fig.60-71. garden ponds, 8.viii.l983, leg. N. Nieser2 d 1 9 apt. (nc ).-N.E. SumatratusschenSerdangenTobameer(between Material.-WehavestudiedtheholotypefromSumatera Serdangand DanauToba), 2 9, Dr. B. Hagen; Sum[atra], (Serdang, TanjongMorawa, Hagen) andaparatypefemale LaulaSlm.,viii.1913, 2 9 apt., E.Jacobson; Sum. Kalung, IromJawa(Arjeano) fromsnow. xii.1913, 3 d 5 9 apt., 1 9 macr., Le Moult; S. Coast, T-PaeNlnaEobmuhBoarnAngRerao.t,Rue,s1.4S.itxaitia.p.tl.971-61,5•°15M9da'lEa2ys9i5,a°.Pi.SraHNb.,ahv,aTnL1D,6oeks1mb8u0rNmgE,. TwDoistrreipboutritoend. f-emWa.lesM,alaoynseia,frSoummaatneraisalannddJanweaa.r 11.vi.1986, 1 9 apt., leg. J. Huisman. - • Papua New Borneo and one from Myanma may belong to a dif- Guinea: West New Britain, Tamari, rain water tank, ferentspecies. 14.Ì.1989, 2 6\WestNewBritain, Bulumanr. Dami, rain Remarks. -Asmall species, malelength 11.8 mm, water pit, 17.1.1989, 2 d 2 9; West New Britain, Blalla width ofhead 1.64 mm. General colour light brown Apulpuvillage,freshwatercreek,27.1.1989, 1 (5;MilneBay with an orangeish tinge, with a striking pale yellow aplrlolve.g.,RS.ouNt.hB.ofPrAiloorta(uo,xuPman,dnancu)s.^Mashcardoep,te2r9.oiuxs.1u9n8l9es,s1ot<h5- band all along the lateral margin of pronotum. erwisestated,mostfemaleswitheggs. Similarto L. homeensis, which has, however, adiffer- entshapeoffront femurand lateral endosomal scler- ites (figs. 3, 6). L.pseudoinsularisis also verysimilar, Distribution. - Widespread. Thailand and onlytheformoflateralendosomalsclerites(fig.44) is Malaysia through Indonesia and PhiHppines to quitedistinct. Guam, Solomon and Fiji Islands. Remarks. - The males from Bali are even smaller Limnometrakallisto(Kirkaldy) than the small specimens recorded by Andersen (1964), bodylength 11.0and 11.5 respectively. (fig- 7) GerriskalltstoKitkMy, 1899: 506. Limnometrakallisto. - Hungerford & Matsuda 1958: 422- Limnometracursitans(Fabricius) 424,pi.5 fig.31,pi.16fig.27 (redescription) LGeirmprnli.os5mcfeuitrgsr.i2at8a,cnusrp¥sia.i\t13a4nn,sc.\f\i-xgs.H,2u3.1n7g9e4r:fo1r92d.&Matsuda 1958:413, N10e0Mwamt,eGrui1ia3ln..ieva-.1E9•x3Ip9n.,d)oLn.7esJi.da:To4Ixroi9apneuJ(asryma(,nNheB)te;hr.nNh.IanrddN..-CAamGemuripinceBaa.,n, 9,MJa.tOerlitahlo.f-(NIertihan.JIanyda-,ABmeerrnihcaarndNceawmpG,ui5n0ema,Evxiip.e1d9it3.8),(1- MP1i4io.lninii.ee1r9b1Bi3va,aykV,eprvriso-tvve.ie.ig.,lS9o12u0,t9hW(.zomfCa.)A.vlao-tna•uH,ePuarpPnua,and1NaneSu\ws,BGeuasiuhnfaeodaer:,t r(nmcn)h.);TelukBintuni,Babo, 13.viii.l94l, 1 9,E.Linquist 29.ix.1989, 1 d 1 9 leg. R.N. B. Prior(oxum,nc). Distribution. New Guinea and Australia Distribution. - Misool (Mysol), New Guinea, (Queensland). New Britain and Solomon Islands. Hungerford & Matsuda (1958) place Misool in the Maluku. LimnometrafemorataMayr However, biogeographically as well as both under Dutch and Indonesian administration it belongs (c. (fig- 5) q. belonged) to NewGuinea. Limnometrafemorata Mayr, 1865: 443. - Hungerford & Matsuda 1958:413-415,pi.5fig.27,pi. 13fig.21 (rede- scription), Cheng & Fernando 1969: 106-107, fig. 72- LimnometranigripennisMayr 83. (fig. 8) Material.-NESumatra: KualaSimpang, lowlandforest, LimnometranigripennisMayr, 1865: 443.-Hungerford & iv.1954,2 9;SelehKualaSimpang,lowlandforest,iv.1954, AMnadtesrusdean 11996578::26421.5-418, pl.4 fig.26, pi.14 fig.24; 1 <5 4 9,A.Sollaert(rmnh),allmacropterous. Distribution. —Awidespreadspecies: Malaysia PalMaawtearnia(lP.hil-ippWienes)h,avreeposreteendb1y<A5nd1ers9e,na(p1t9e6r7o)u.s from (Perils, Selangor), Philippines, BorneoandBanguey. New recordforSumatera. Distribution. - Widespread in the Philippine Islands, includingthesouthernpartofMindanao.To LimnometrainsularisHungerford & Matsuda beexpectedin the islands north ofSulawesi. (fig. 6) Limnometra insularis Hungerford &C Matsuda, 1958: 404- 15 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 135,1992 LimnometraoctopunctataHungerford N8920 4 CÎ 3 9 (1 (? 1 9 snow); Sungai Kolaka, (fig. 9) 27.ii.1989, N8921B, 1 d 1 9; rd. KolakaKendari km 20, LimH1nu0onmgfeiegtr.rfao13r;docA&tnodpMeuanrtcstseauntdaa19H16u945n:8g:e3r42f09o;0r-d4C,0h1e,1n9gp5i.5:&4f6iFg7e.-r62n82a,.npdi—o. sa(1tl87ro9.enXJag.vm1T,M928o49)3k,;.oi2iwniu.edl9r8K5i9vo,el9ra,,kNa2s8,0a90mn3emr,.,43Gd0.i1.sXtW.uac1rît9bu8ew9d9i,;llao1,wSlduaM,nnogdlakeigro.awiJnMu.fovoarCkensaotTmw,opul3 1969: 107-108,figs. 84-93. d 4 9 (1 CÎ brach), leg. J. P. Duffels (Sul.24). Mac- ropterousunlessotherwisespecified. Material. - Sulawesi Tenggara: Near Sungai Sampara, 22.ii, N8912 1 9; Tamborasi, l.iii, on the sea, between boulders,N8925 1 9. Description Macropterous specimens. - Dimensions. Length W Distribution. - Malaysia, NE Sumatera and 6 10.8-12.0, 9 10.5-11.6; width ofhead 6 1.80- SulawesiTenggara (newrecord). 1.97, 9 1.80-1.92; humeral width ofpronotum S 1.95-2.20, 9 1.90-2.02;thoracicwidth 6 3.15-3.50, 9 2.90-3.26. LimnometrapulchraMayr Colour. Basic colour dark yellow to light dull (fig. 10) brown, head and thorax with the normal pattern of LimnometrapulchraMayY, 1865:AA5-AAA.-Hungerford& blackish stripes. Antennae medium brown, apical Matsuda 1958:418-419,pi.4fig.23,pi. 15fig. 25. thirdofsecondsegmentyellowish, notverycontrast- crammnMpha,t)e;ralitBa.ulr.cu5,—0SmMt,aalt0iu5ok/nu1:61.3v,Bia2.c8la.9vn8i5iiW,-a4Jy..iaxHn.uai1,j9b2r1le,oggtLgs.e,dJ.4fTodorexs2otp9eaun(sd- leirnogn.fgaicFteous,rdietnaafrlesummsuerddaiarknuedmr.tbirMboiiawddnllisgethrtaipnbedrsoohwninnidnwnileterghsavlnaidrgihoatubtlt-eo 1 (5 1 9 (zma). medium brown, femora with yellow apical ring, not very contrasting. Hemielytra medium brown, veins Distribution. - Maluku. The record 'Celebes; dark brown to blackish. Venter pale yellow, whitish Halmaheira' by Hungcrford & Matsuda (1958) is ciliation denseon thoracic, looseonabdominalvent- confiising, asHalmaheirais noton Sulawesi, butone er. of the islands of Maluku (the Moluccas). Actually Structuralcharacters. Length ofantennalsegments therearetworecordsoutsideMaluku(Hungerford& 1 : II : III : IV, male2.4 : 1.55 : 2.7 : 3.4, female2.05 Matsuda 1958): the type locality 'Java' and 2 (5 2 9 : 1.3 : 2.2 : 3.2. Second antennal segment shorter from 'Jawa GunungGede(h), Friihstorfer'. Thelabel (0.9) than width ofhead in male, more distinctly so ofthe type seems to be a mistake ofMayr (1865) as in female. Fore femur in male broader (1.5) than the type series bears labels 'Amboina, Dr. Doleschal middlefemur,slightlyflattenedventrally,noconspic- 1859'. Friihstorfer'slabelsarereportedtobequiteof- uouspubescence,withwide,shallowsubapicalinden- ten incorrect. It is unlikelythatthisspeciesoccurson tation. Fore femur in female only slightly broader Jawa because it should have been collected more of- than middle femur. Middle femur of male with a ten. fringeofcilialess(0.8)widethanfemur,apicallywith twoshortrowsofsmallpegs,innerrowwithA-G,out- Limnometrasubmarginalis(Miyamoto) er row with 2-4 pegs. Middle femur in female and hind femur in both sexes with short cilia only. Tenagogonus (Limnometra)submarginalisMiyamoto, 1967: Thoracicandabdominalventer, includingmalegeni- 226-229, figs. 18-23 [notavailableforstudy]. tal segmentswith longcilia, more dense and obvious in male than in female, looser on abdomen than on Thisspecies is onlyknown bythe typeseries from thorax. N. Borneo. None ofour specimens agrees with the Male. Middle and hind femur slightly (0.90 and description. 0.94 respectively) shorterthan body. Hemielytrajust reaching beyond the apices ofconnexival spines in Limnometraaploasp. n. most specimens. Connexival spines more or less par- allelandhorizontal, reachingtoorupto0.25 oftheir (figs. 11-16) length beyond apex of genital segments. Median Type material. - Holotype a: Sulawesi Tengah, SW length of last two abdominal sternites subequal, Luwuk, between DesaSesebaandSingsingCamp (±1°09'S shorter(0.85) than median length offirstgenitalseg- s114a2.m2xe°.31dr9aE8t)9a,,asl8ehg0.oml,Jo.ryPnp.ea,rDru1of0wfe<l?sst9r(eSa9uml(1i2in)ncl(luzodmiwanl)ga.nad-lloPrtaayirpneaf,toyr3peesstâ,, meFnetmainlev.entHrianldvibeowr.dEerndoofspomraolnostcluemritweistfhigsa.p1r5o-m1i6.- brach)(zma);TakiLalang,smallbrooklet,20.x.1989,2 ô 1 nentfringeofdarkhairs (afewshorteronespresentat 9,leg.J.vanTol.-SulawesiTenggara: RoadLalimboekm apexofpronotum in males). Middle and hind femur 4,21.ii.l989,N8903,2(5 1 9;JalanPakujaya,24.ii.1989, distinctly shorter than body. Hemielytra reaching 16 Nieser&CChen: RevisionofLimnometra halfway connexival spines. Last abdominal sternite distinctdarkerlongitudinalstripes. Apicalhalfofsec- alongmedian linelonger(1.2) thanpenultimatester- ondandapical fivesixthoffourth antennalsegments niteandtwiceaslongasgenitalsternites. Genitalseg- andapicesofmiddleandhindfemursandtibiaevery mentssmall, short, reachingat mosthalfwayconnex- pale yellowish to whitish. Venter pale yellow, with ival spines. Connexival spines long, distinctly dense short whitish ciliation becoming longer and pointingdorsally (fig. 14), somewhatconverging. more loose on abdominal venter, less distinct in fe- Brachypterous form. As macropterous, except for malethan in male. slightly reduced pronotum, humeral width 1.8 and Stfuctural characters. Length ofantennalsegments hemielytraontoabdominal tergite 5. I : II : II : IV, male 4.1 : 2.6 : 3.5 : 3.6, female 2.7 : 1.7: 2.5 : 2.9.Secondantennalsegmentlonger(1.08) Etymology. - Aploos (Greek adjective meaning than width ofhead in male, shorter (0.8) in female. simple) refers to thelackofstrikingcharacters in this Forefemurbroader (1.3) than middlefemur, slightly species. flattened ventrally, with dense short pubescence and Comparative notes. - At first sight L. aploalooks wide, shallowsubapical indentation (slightly less ob- like small specimens ofL. genitalissp. n. Apart from vious in female). Middle femurofmalewith afringe the smaller average dimensions, the genital segments ofciliawhichisinthemiddlepartaboutaswideasfe- and female connexival spines are relatively smaller mur,apicallywithtwoshortrowsofsmallblackpegs, and middle and hind femur shorter than length of innerrowwith9-12,outerrowwith4-8pegs.Middle bodyin L. aploa. L. aploadiffersfrom L. annulicornis femur in female and hind femur in both sexes with Breddin, also known from Sulawesi, by its smaller shortciliaonly. Hemielytra reachingbeyond theapi- size, the fourth antennal segment distinctly longer ces ofconnexival spines in males, just reaching con- (1.3X longerthanthefirst(subequalinL. annulicor- nexival apices in female. Thoracic and abdominal nis),theconnexivalspinesinthefemalepointingdor- venter, including male genital segments with quite sally,andtheshapeoftheendosomalsclerites(figs. 1, longcilia, moredenseandobviousinmalethaninfe- 15-16). male, looseron abdomenthanonthorax.Abdominal venter with a distinct median carina over its whole length. Connexivalspineslong, reachingwell beyond Limnometraarachnissp. n. genitalsegments. (figs. 17-22) Male. Middle and hind femur slightly (1.05 and Type material. - Holorype S, Sulawesi Tenggara, rd. 1.1 respectively) longerthanbody.Connexivalspines Kolaka Kendari km 20, stream, 3.iii.l989, leg. N. Nieser more or less parallel and horizontal, reaching one vN(na8cn9,T3o14l9(1rdmanllh3o)t.y9pPe(arrrammrnnyhph)e);s;,NsSEuanmgeKaoidlaatMkaao,kasonrwh.oulG,ontg3y.0p.exW.a9t1u9d8w9i7,laJ9,. tMheidridaonftlheenigrthleonfgtlhastbeaybdoonmdianpaelxsotfergneintietsalsusbeegqmueanltst.o Mokowu Camp along Mokowu River, 200m, disturbed firstgenital, shorter (0.65) than median lengthofpe- lowlandrainforest,29-31.x.1989.J.P. Duffels,Sul.24, 1 S nultimate abdominal sternite in ventral view. 3 9; Centipede Camp, (e. 3°49'S 122°31'E), or. Gng. Endosomalscleritesfigs. 21-22. Watuwila, llOOm, undisturbed hilly rainforest, narrow Female. Middle and hind femur distinctly shorter stream, 2-5.xi.l989, J. P.Duffels, Sul. 30, 1 Ô; Sulawesi (0.8) than body. Last abdominal sternite along me- TPe.nBugtaohn:: JSiusnmgialicaBmapt,ui,18.1X7I..x.1918998,9,j.Jv.avn.TTooll,11 dc5 2499(-; dianlineslightlylonger(1.05) than penultimatester- rmnh). nite and more than twice as longas the small, short, Additional specimens. - P. Buton, Jismil camp, genital segments. Connexival spines reaching half 13.XÌ.1989,J.vanTol 1 d 1 9 (notmadepararypesbecause theirlengthbeyondapexofgenitalsegments,slanting tmhailrediasnt1e5nnmalmsleognmge).ntAlilsamlascorwohpitteirsohusi,nampoiscatlfheamlaflaesndwitthhe uinpgw.ards by about 30°, (fig. 20), somewhat converg- eggs- Etymology. - Arachnis (greek noun in apposition Description meaningspider) referstothespideryimpressionthese Dimensions. Length 6 16.5-17.5, 9 13.5-14.8; animals makewhen floatingon thewater. width of head 6 2.3-2.5, 9 2.08-2.12; humeral Comparative notes. - Similar to L. annulicornis width of pronotum ô 2.8-3.0, 9 2.3-2.4; width Breddinalso from Sulawesiwhich is, however, small- across mesoacetabula 6 AA-A.G, 9 3.6-3.8. er, has in malesecondantennal segmentshorterthan Colour. Basic colour dark yellow to light orange- width of head and middle and hind femur slightly ish,posteriorlobeofpronotumlightbrown,hemiely- shorterthanbody. FemalesofZ,. annulicornisha.yethe tramedium brown, headandthoraxwith thenormal genital segments relativelylarger. pattern ofblackishstripes.Antennaeand legs lightto medium brown, fore femur and tibia with a pair of 17 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 135.1992 Figs. 17-22.L.arachnis(paratypes), 17-20apexofabdomen,scale2mm, 17-18ventralview, 17cî, 18 9, 19-20lateralview, 19 S, 20 9; 21-22endosomalsclerites, scale0.5 mm, 21 median arcandlateral sclerites, abovelateralview, belowdorsal view, 22differentviewsoflateralsclerite.—figs. 23-28. L.genitalis(paratypes), 23-28apexofabdomen,scale2mm, 23-24 ventralview,23 cî,24 9,25-26lateralview,25 S,26 9;27-28endosomalsclerites,27medianarcandlateralsclerites,scale 0.5mm,abovedorsalview,belowlateralview,28differentviewsoflateralsclerite,scale0.25mm.-figs.29-34:L. lepta,29- 32apexofabdomen,scale2mm,29-30ventralview,29 cî(holotype),30 9 (pararype),31-32lateralview,31 cî,32 9;33- 34endosomalsclerites(paratype),33medianarcandlateralsclerites,scale0.5mm,abovedorsalview,belowlateralview,34 differentviewsoflateralsclerite,scale0.25 mm. Limnometragenitalissp. n. macr. (1 S macr. rmnh); small cascadingstream nearsea, (figs. 23-28) 9.iii.l989, N8941 1 Ô brach., 5 (5 10 9 macr.; small streaminwetforest, 10.III.1989, N8944, 9 ô brach., 6 9 Type material. - Holorype brachypterous 6 P. Buton, macr.,allleg.N.Nieser(nc, 1 $ zma, 1 c? 1 9 JTPC). cascadestream, 10.iii.l989, leg. N. NieserN8942 (rmnh). - Pararypes, same data as holorype: 5 ô brach., 5 (5 6 9 macr. (1 9 allotypermnh, 1 d 1 9 macr.zma);Buton,rd. Description Bunga stream, 8.iii.l989, N8935 4 6 brach., 10 <? 8 9 Macropterous specimens. Dimensions. Length 18 Nieser&CChen: RevisionofLimnometra 6 13.2-14.4, 9 12.1-13.4;widthofhead 6 2.1-2.2, Middleand hind femurslightlylongerthan body. 9 1.9-2.1;humeralwidthofpronotum S 2.2-2.4, 9 2.1-2.3; width across mesoacetabula S 3.5-3.8, 9 Etymology. - Genitalis (a latin adjective meaning 3.3-3.7. fertile, marked out to propagate) refers to the large Colour. Basiccolourdarkyellowwithanorangeish genitalsegmentsin male. tinge, head and thorax with the normal pattern of Ecology. - N89412, N8942 and N8944 aresmall blackish stripes. Antennae medium brown, apical streamsatshadedhillysites in forests. L.genitaliswas thirdofsecondsegmentyellowish. Forefemuryellow found on quiet pools. N8935 is a larger more open with longitudinal medium brown stripes on inner stream (over 10m wide), also in forest, with a small and outer faces, tibia and tarsus medium brown. artificialwaterfall (probablytoretainsomewaterdur- Middleand hind femurlight brownwith yellowapi- ingdryperiods). cal ring. Middletibiaandtarsusmedium brown, api- Comparativenotes.-ThisspeciesrunstoL. annu- cal quarter of middle femur usually lighter. licornisand L. kallistowith thekeybyHungerford & Hemielytra dull light brown, veins blackish. Venter Matsuda(1958),butdoesnotseemtoberelated.The pale yellowwith rather long and dense whitish cilia- long first genital segment in males and the strongly tion on thorax and abdomen, more prominent in convergingandupwardpointingconnexivalspinesin malethan in female. femalesseparatethisspeciesfromotherLimnometra. Structuralcharacters. Length ofantennalsegments 1 : II : III : IV, male2.2 : 2.2 : 3.1 : 3.5, female 2.5 : Limnometraleptasp. n. s1h.o6rt:er2.(40.9:5)3.0t.hanSewciodntdh aonftheenandalinsmeaglmee,ntmosrleighditsl-y (figs. 29-34) tinctlysoin female. Forefemurinmalebroader(1.5) Type material. - Holorype 6, Sulawesi Utara, Dumoga tehnaend pmuibdedslceenfceem,urw,itfhlawtitdeen,edshvaelntlroawllayp,icwailtihndtehnitcak-- SBDt.oatn.He6o,UNl.ooPww.la,aynBd(aPnrrakoijneTfcootrreWasautltlMaRcV.e).nlie-gahrtPatBrraaasrpe,ypJeC.saPm5.pD,9ufs2f.ae1lm1se.1&d9a8t5J,a. tion. Forefemurin femaleonlyslightlybroader (1.1) as holotype (zma, nc). All macropterous. Additional para- than middle femur, apical indentation indistinct. types, Sulawesi Tengah, Sg Batui, 15.x.1989, J. vanTol, Middle femurwith a fringe ofcilia about as wide as 89JvT024, 1 9 (rmnh); Dumoga Bone N.P., Toraut R., femur in male, halfaswide in female. Middle femur Maze, 7-17.xi.1985, leg. G. Zimmermann 10 d 17 9 ofmaleapicallywithtwoshortrowsof4-6smallpegs (zc,NC, RMNH, snow). Strasse nach Malibagu Restaurant, each. Middleand hind tibiaaboutas longas bodyor Bach, 18.xi.1985, 1 9 (zc). hind femur slightly longer. Hemielytra just reaching theapicesofconnexivalspinesinmale, reachinghalf- Description wayin female. Dimensions. Length 3 15.1-18.4, 9 13.5-14.7; Male. Connexival spines more or less parallel and width of head â 2.3-2.6, 9 1.98-2.01; humeral horizontal, reaching to or up to 0.25 oftheir length width of pronotum â 2.3-2.6, 9 1.95-2.2; width beyond apex ofgenital segments. Median length of acrossmesoacetabula 6 3.6-4.3, 9 3.1-3.4. last two abdominal sternites subequal orpenultimate Colour. Basic colour dark yellow to light dull slightlylonger. Medianlengthoffirstgenitalsegment brown, thorax with the normal pattern ofblackish in ventralviewabout 1.5 times median length oflast stripes. Dark M-shaped figure on head incomplete, abdominalsternite (fig. 23). Endosomalscleritesfigs. only lateral legs distinct. Antennae medium brown, 27-28. thirdandfourthsegmentlargelypaleyellowishwitha Female. Hiind border ofpronotum with a promi- black spot on their articulation. Fore femur light to nentfringeofdarkhairs(afewshorteronespresentat medium brown, longitudinal darker stripes indis- apex ofpronotum in males). Last abdominal sternite tinct. Middle and hind femur light tot medium along median line longer (1.15) than penultimate brown, lighter apical ring not apparent. Hemielytra sternite and about four times as long as genital ster- mediumtodarkbrown,veinslighter, nocostalorsub nites. Genitalsegmentsverysmall. Connexivalspines costal light band. Venter pale yellow, in male with long, distinctly pointing dorsally (fig. 26) and con- whitishciliation denseon thoracic, looseon abdomi- vergingwithtipstouchingornearlytouchinginmost nalventer. specimens. Structural characters. Length ofantennalsegments Brachypterous form (males only). - Essentially as I : II : III : IV, male4.9 : 4.0 : 5.1 : 5.0, female 2.8 : macropterous butslightlysmaller. Mean length mac- 2.2 : 3.0 : 3.3. Second antennal segment distinctly ropterous 13.7, brachypterous 13.2. Humeral width longer(1.6) thanwidthofhead in male, lessdistinct- of pronotum just narrower than width ofhead (in ly so (1.1) in female. Fore femur without subapical macropterous just broader). Hemielytra reaching indentation, aboutasbroadas middlefemur, in male slightly over base to halfway last abdominal tergite. ventrally, with dense ciliation, about halfas wide as 19 , TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume135.1992 femur. Forefemurinfemale, middleandhindfemur 9 1.9-2.1;humeralwidthofpronotum S 2.3-3.0, 9 in both sexes, without obvious ciliation. Middle fe- 2.2-2.5; width across mesoacetabula 6 3.8-5.0, 9 mur in male apically with a short row of 5-9 small 3.5-4.0. pegsatborderofinneranddorsalsurface. Hemielytra Colour. Basiccolourmediumtodarkbrown,head reaching to or somewhat beyond the apices ofcon- and thorax with the pattern as usual in genus. nexivalspines. Antennaebrown,withoutobviouslighterannulation. Male. Middleandhind femurlonger (1.1 and 1.2 Legs medium brown with darker stripes indistinct. respectively) than body. Connexival spines very Middlefemurwithdistinct, quitenarrow,yellowap- slightlydiverging,horizontalorslightlypointingdor- ical ring.Apical partoftibiaeandtarsiofmiddleand sad, reaching about halftheir length beyond apex of hind legs yellowish. Hemielytra dull light brown, genital segments. Median length of last abdominal veins with blackish margins and lighter centre. and first genital sternites subequal, shorter (0.75) Connexivawithpaleyellowishpatchesdorsallyatseg- than penultimate abdominal sternite. Endosomal mentalsutures.Thoracicventeryellowish,abdominal scleritesfigs. 33-34. venterlightbrown. Female. Middle and hind femur distinctly (0.7) Structuralcharacters. Lengthofantennalsegments shorter than length ofbody. Connexival spines par- I : II : III : IV, male3.8 : 2.5 : 3.35 : 3.2, female2.7: allel and horizontal to very slightly diverging and/or 1.6 : 2.2 : 2.7. Second antennalsegmentsubequal to pointing upward, reaching about one fifth of their orlongerthan (1.0-1.2)widthofheadinmale,short- length beyond apex ofabdomen. Median length of er(0.85) in female. Forefemurparallelsided, aswide lastandpenultimateabdominalsternitesubequaland as middle femur, hardly flattened ventrally. Fore fe- aboutonethirdaslongasgenitalsternites. mur in male with a shallow apical indentation. Fore and middle femur in male with dense long ciliation Etymology. - Leptos, a Greek adjective meaning ventrally, halfaswideas femuron fore, aswideasfe- slender, refers to the relatively slender body ofthis mur on middle. Hind femur in both sexes and fore species. and middle femur in female with short pubescence Comparativenotes.-InthekeybyHungerford& only. Middle and hind femur slightly longet (1.1) Matsuda (1958) this species runs to L. nigripennis, than body in male, shorter (0.85) in female. Middle but it is a much more slender species. From other femur slightly longer than hind femur in most large similar species L. lepta differs by characteristics of andslightlyshorter in mostsmallspecimens. Middle width offore femur and leg ciliation as indicated in femurin malewith arowofsmallpegson apicaltwo thekey. Theapexoftheabdomenofthemale isvery thirds of inner surface, towards apex this row be- similar to that ofL. annulicomisMayr (Hungerford comes double. Thoracic and abdominal venter with & Matsuda 1958, pi.15 fig. 26),withwhich itforms dense longer cilia in male, short pubescence in fe- mixed populations in Dumoga Bone National Park. male. Hemielytra reaching halfway tergite 7 in male L. annulicomis differs, however, in having a stouter and halfway tergite 6 to anterior margin of7 in fe- forefemur, middlefemurdistinctlyciliatedandapex male. ofmiddleandhindfemurwithdistinctlightbands. Male. Connexivalspinesmediumsized, horizontal and slightly divergent, reaching just beyond apex of genital segments. Median length of last abdominal Limnometramelanochroasp. n. stetnite longer (1.4) than first genital sternite and (figs. 35-40) shorter (0.8) than penultimate abdominal sternite. Type material. - Holorype brachypterous S Sulawesi Endosomalscleritesfigs. 39-40. Taenndgahb:rooPkalleut,s6,0kUmTSME:LSoJr9e5,Lin1d6u0N0.mP,Dasa!.n,auPTaandmabniunsg, andFehmaarldel.yCpooninnetxiinvgadlorsspailnleyscmaueddaliluym, ussiuzeadl,lyparreaalclhe-l o7R.taXynÌpÌoe.1R59a8cn5?o,,5J.1?v0a(nkimTncol!NuEd(irnGmginahml)pl.uot,-yp1eP)6ar0ba0rtamyc,phe.ls;oLswoearrmeemLodinanttdaaunaseN.hfPool.r-- dinogmitnoalapsetxernoifteprsoucbteiqguera.ltMoepdeinaunltliemnagttehstoefrnliatsetaanbd- Je.st,Du1f5f.eilisi,.l9S8t5a,t442d 3(zm9a)b.rac-h.,Su1la(w?es1i9Temnagcgra.rJa.:P.N&EMo.f aboMuatcrtowpotetriomeussafsorlmo.ng-aEssfsiernsttigaolnlyocaosxbar.achypterous Kolaka, Centipede Camp, c. 3°49'S 121°40'E nr Gng except for well developed prothorax, humeral width Watuwila, 1100m, undisturbed hilly rainforest, narrow ofpronotum 1.3timesthewidthofhead. Hemielytra stream,2-5.xi.l989,4 6 macr.,leg.J.P.Duffels,stat.Sul.30 reachingbeyondtheapexofabdomen, leavingtipsof (zma). connexivalspinesuncovered in bothsexes. Description Etymology. - Melanochroos (a greek adjective Brachypterous specimens. - Dimensions. Length meaning dark skinned) refers to the dark general S 14.6-18.5, Î 13.6-16.0;widthofhead S 2.1-2.4, colourcomparedtootherspeciesinthegenus. 20

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