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Revision and phylogenetic analysis of Chilicola sensu stricto (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) with the description of a new species PDF

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Preview Revision and phylogenetic analysis of Chilicola sensu stricto (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) with the description of a new species

Zootaxa 1355: 1–37 (2006) ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/ ZOOTAXA 1355 Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press ISSN1175-5334(online edition) Revision and phylogenetic analysis of Chilicola sensu stricto (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) with the description of a new species JASON GIBBS1 & LAURENCE PACKER2 Department of Biology, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Table of contents Abstract .............................................................................................................................................2 Resumen ............................................................................................................................................2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................2 Materials and methods ......................................................................................................................3 Results ...............................................................................................................................................4 Subgenus Chilicola s. str. Spinola .....................................................................................................4 Key to the species of the subgenus Chilicola s. str. Spinola .............................................................5 Chilicola (Chilicola) rubriventris Spinola .................................................................................6 Chilicola (Chilicola) aisenensis Toro and Moldenke ..............................................................10 Chilicola (Chilicola) colliguay Toro and Moldenke ................................................................13 Chilicola (Chilicola) luzmarieae new species .........................................................................15 Chilicola (Chilicola) pangue Toro and Moldenke ...................................................................19 Chilicola (Chilicola) venticola Packer .....................................................................................21 Phylogenetic analysis ......................................................................................................................25 Discussion .......................................................................................................................................27 Acknowledgements .........................................................................................................................28 References .......................................................................................................................................28 Appendix......................................................................................................................................... 29 Accepted by M. Buffington: 21 Sept. 2006; published: 9 Nov. 2006 1 ZOOTAXA Abstract 1355 The bee subgenus Chilicola sensu stricto Spinola (Colletidae: Xeromelissinae) is revised. The male and female of Chilicola (Chilicola)luzmarieae Gibbs and Packer, new species are described based upon material from Chile. New descriptions are also provided for the five additional species of this subgenus. A key to species is provided. A phylogenetic analysis of the subgenus shows that Chilicola s. str. and Chilicola (Chilioediscelis) are each monophyletic and sister groups to one another. Key words: Chilicola, Chilioediscelis, Xeromelissinae, Colletidae, taxonomy, new species, phylogeny, Chile Resumen Se revisó el subgénero de abejas Chilicola sensu stricto Spinola (Colletidae: Xeromelissinae). Se describe el macho y la hembra de Chilicola (Chilicola) luzmarieae Gibbs y Packer, especie nueva, basado en material de Chile. Nuevas descripciones también se ofrecen para cinco especies adicionales de este subgénero. Se presenta una clave para separar las especies. Se incluye un análisis filogenético del subgénero que apoya monofilia de Chilicola s. str. Palabras clave: Chilicola, Chilioediscelis, Xeromelissinae, Colletidae, taxonomia, especie nueva, filogenia, Chile Introduction Chilicola is a genus of small (3–9mm), hylaeiform, neotropical bees that are particularly abundant in Chile (Michener 1995, 2000, 2002). Considerable variation among species is seen in the hind leg structure of males. The subgenus Chilicola s. str. was known from a single Chilean species, C. rubriventris Spinola, until Toro and Moldenke (1979) described three new species in a revision of the Chilean Xeromelissinae. Two of the species, C. aisenensis Toro and Moldenke and C. pangue Toro and Moldenke,are known from single male specimens. Packer (2004) recently described a fifth species, C. venticola Packer, from Santa Cruz Province in Argentina. A revision of the subgenus Chilicola s. str. Spinola is presented including a description of a new species from Chile: Chilicola (Chilicola) luzmarieae Gibbs and Packer, new species. The subgeneric limits of Chilicola s. str. remains the same but additional synapomorphies of its included species are found. Keys for males and females are included. The subgeneric classification of Chilicola has not yet been satisfactorily resolved. Toro and Moldenke (1979) recognized seven subgenera in Chile. The subgenera have since been reclassified by Michener (1995) who retained only four Chilean subgenera, Chilicola s. str., C. (Anoediscelis), C. (Chilioediscelis), and C. (Oediscelis). Four additional non-Chilean subgenera have also been documented. (Michener 1995, 2000, 2 © 2006 Magnolia Press GIBBS & PACKER 2002; Moure and Urban 2002). Michener (1995) cast doubt on his own classification and ZOOTAXA 1355 suggested the following two possibilities: 1) C. (Chilioediscelis) evolved from within Chilicola s. str. 2) C. (Oediscelis) and Chilicola s. str. should be combined. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of Chilicola sensu lato failed to satisfactorily resolve the classification (Michener 2002). We present a phylogeny of Chilicola s. str. based on morphological data that suggests C. (Chilioediscelis) and Chilicola s. str. are indeed both monophyletic. Michener’s classification of these two subgenera is retained. More evidence is required to determine the relationship of Chilicola s. str. to Chilicola (Oediscelis). Materials and methods Descriptions New descriptions are provided based on the descriptive format of Toro and Moldenke (1979) who revised the Xeromelissinae of Chile and originally described most of the species in this study. The redescriptions are not modifications or translations of Spinola (1851) or Toro and Moldenke (1979) and are based on a thorough examination of all species. The term ‘thorax’ is used in the strict sense throughout and is not meant to include the propodeum. We use the term corbicula to refer to scopal hairs that surround a bare space in which pollen is carried. Many Xeromelissinae have a sternal corbicula (Packer 2004). The following abbreviations are used: IOC — interocellar distance, OOC — ocellocular distance, UOD — upper interocular distance, LOD — lower interocular distance, i — interspace, d — puncture diameter (these two abbreviations are used in conjunction to give a relative measure of puncture density), and OD — median ocellus diameter (this abbreviation is used primarily as a relative measure of hair length). Individual segments of the metasomal terga and sterna and the antennal flagellomeres are referred to by the letter T, S, and F respectively followed by the appropriate number. Relative size measurements are often given as ratios based upon eyepiece graticule units. This system prevents the use of awkward numbers given in standard units. All measurements were made using a Leica MZ 125 microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer. Unique characteristics are italicized in descriptions. Phylogenetic analysis Four taxa from three additional subgenera of Chilicola were selected as outgroups based on a higher level phylogenetic analysis (Packer, unpublished data) and a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of Chilicola s. l. (Michener 2002). Initially, only C. (Anoediscelis) herbsti Toro and Moldenke, C. (Oediscelis) vernalis Phillipi, and C. (Chilioediscelis) patagonica Toro and Moldenke were selected as outgroups. However, it has been suggested in the past that C. (Chilioediscelis) may have evolved from within Chilicola s. str. (Michener 1995). For this reason a second species, C. (Chilioediscelis) araucana Toro and Moldenke was added to this analysis to better test the relationship of these taxa. The CHILICOLA © 2006 Magnolia Press 3 ZOOTAXA recent collection of the female of this species (Packer 2004) facilitated this analysis. 1355 The majority of characters were taken from males for two reasons: males of the genus Chilicola display many distinctive secondary sexual characteristics and females of two species (C. pangue and C. aisenensis)are unknown. Since only 10 taxa were examined an exhaustive cladistic search was possible. Uninformative characters (autapomorphies) were removed from the analysis. Data (Table 1) were initially entered into WinClada (Nixon 2002) before being exported to NONA (Goloboff 1993) for analysis. Characters were treated as unordered and weighted equally. Most parsimonious trees were found with command line “rs 0 h 100000 h/20 mu*20;”. Bremer support values were subsequently found with the command “bs 10;”. Symmetric resampling (Goloboff et al. 2003) support values were calculated using TNT (Goloboff et al. 2000). A traditional search was used to find most parsimonious trees. Symmetric resampling was then performed with probability set to 10, using groups from the tree found, for 10000 replicates. Frequency differences (GC) and frequency slopes were recorded from separate runs. Characters, states and explanations are included in the Appendix. Results Subgenus Chilicola Spinola s. str. Chilicola Spinola, 1851, Hist. Fis. Pol. Chile. Zool. Type Species: C. rubriventris Spinola, 1851, designated by Sandhouse, 1943 Diagnosis. The following unique characteristics allow species of the subgenus Chilicola s. str. to be differentiated from related subgenera: face slightly concave in lateral view [Fig. 14I; Chilicola (Chilioediscelis) has erroneously been reported to also have a concave face (Michener 1995, 2000)], distal margin of clypeus curved around lateral margin of labrum (Fig. 14B), S6 of females with apical spine (Fig. 15L), mesepisternum and S2 of males with dense pubescence (Figs. 12D, 12H respectively), S7 of males with curved, apically oriented dorsal process (Figs. 1–6, 16B), Chilicola s. str. and C. (Chilioediscelis) share the following: vertex sometimes concave (Fig. 14K), hind tibial spurs robust and curved (Fig. 15F), frons of females with longitudinal striae (Fig. 13D), fore femur of males robust, and spiculum moderately broad and long (Fig. 16D). Chilicola s. str. displays the following plesiomorphies that differentiate it from C. (Chilioediscelis): male clypeus with granulose sculpture (Fig. 12K), pronotal lobe entirely black (Fig. 10A), episternal groove extends below scrobal groove (Fig. 13H), inner tooth of hind claw well developed (Fig. 15G), and S2 scopa of females corbiculate (Fig. 12I). Description. Black-brown; males with variable patterns of yellow on face and legs except anterior surface of male fore tibia always yellow (Figs. 10E) and fore and mid distitarsi always yellow-orange; females often with orange-red on metasoma (Fig. 11H); face slightly concave; distal margin of clypeus curved around lateral margin of labrum; 4 © 2006 Magnolia Press GIBBS & PACKER head broader than long; eyes convergent below; clypeus broader than long; frons with ZOOTAXA 1355 slight depression above antennal sockets; episternal groove extends below scrobal groove; hind femur of males robust with broad concavity on ventral surface continuous with flattened ventral surface of hind trochanter; hind tibial spurs robust and curved; hind tibia of some males expanded with ventral concavity (Figs. 1E, 2C, 4E, 5C); S1 of males with or without ventrally oriented process (Figs. 15I, J); males with dense hairs on S2; females with weak hind leg scopa; S2 of females with corbiculate scopa; microsculpture granular; punctation variable except dense on lower and upper paraocular areas and frons; S6 of females with apical spine; S7 of males with two lateral lobes, dorsal lobes curved, apically oriented (Figs. 1–6); S8 with long, moderately broad spiculum; penis valve with pair of large, dorsal, membranous appendages (Figs. 1–6). Key to the species of the subgenus Chilicola s. str. Spinola Male 1. Hind tibia with anteroventral margin expanded basal to a preapical concavity and with a distinct apical lamina that is usually transverse (Fig. 1E, 2C, 5C) but may be longitu- dinal (Fig. 4E)...............................................................................................................2 - Hind tibia without preapical concavity, apical lamina, or expanded anteroventral mar- gin (Fig. 3E, 6E) .......................................................................................................... 5 2. Pronotum with apicodorsal tomentum absent or sparse (Fig. 12C); S1 with ventrally oriented process (Fig. 15J) ...........................................................................................3 - Pronotum with dense apicodorsal tomentum (Fig. 12D); S1 without ventrally oriented process but may be swollen (Fig. 15I) .........................................................................4 3. Clypeus with yellow inverted T-shaped mark (Fig. 1C); S7 dorsolateral lobes clavate (Fig. 1G) ....................................................................................C. rubriventris Spinola - Clypeus entirely black-brown (Fig. 5A); S7 dorsolateral lobes with tapered apex (Fig. 5E) .................................................................................C. pangue Toro and Moldenke 4. Ventral margin of hind tibia with apicoventrally oriented projection (Fig. 4E), apical lamina longitudinal; first flagellomere noticeably longer (~1.2X) than pedicel (Fig. 15B); clypeus almost completely yellow (Figs. 4C) ..C. luzmarieae Gibbs and Packer - Ventral margin of hind tibia without apicoventrally oriented projection (Fig. 2C), api- cal lamina transverse; first flagellomere shorter (~0.7X) than pedicel (Fig. 15A); clypeus with yellow inverted T-shape (Figs. 2A) ......C. aisenensis Toro and Moldenke 5. Hind tibia black-brown (Figs. 3E); face black-brown except thin yellow transverse band on apex of clypeus (Figs. 3C, 9A); clypeus with short medial groove below supr- aclypeal area (Fig. 14D); S1 with large apical process (Fig. 15J) ................................. .....................................................................................C. colliguay Toro and Moldenke - Hind tibia with extensive yellow marks (Figs. 6E, F); face black-brown with extensive yellow on clypeus and lower paraocular area (Fig. 6C); clypeus with long medial CHILICOLA © 2006 Magnolia Press 5 ZOOTAXA groove (Fig. 14E); S1 without apical process but moderately swollen (Fig. 15I) ......... 1355 ..........................................................................................................C. venticola Packer Female 1. Metasoma black (Fig. 11F); base of mandible black (Fig. 9D) ...................................... .....................................................................................C. colliguay Toro and Moldenke - Metasoma with extensive orange-red colouration (Fig. 11H); base of mandible with yellow mark (Fig. 9E) ..................................................................................................2 2. Metasomal terga with anterior regions of ventrally reflexed portion black; posterior pronotal margin with appressed tomentum (Fig. 12B); apical half of mandible orange- red..................................................................................................................................3 - Ventrally reflexed portion of metasomal terga orange-red (Fig. 1B); posterior pronotal margins without appressed tomentum (Fig. 12A); mandible mostly black ................... ....................................................................................................C. rubriventris Spinola 3. Frontal line carinate below ocelli; T5 black ...............C. luzmarieae Gibbs and Packer - Frontal line flat below ocelli; T5 partially orange-red ....................C. venticola Packer Chilicola (Chilicola) rubriventris Spinola Chilicola rubriventris Spinola, 1851, Hist. Fis. Pol. Chile. Zool. Female. Diagnosis: Males of this species can be easily distinguished from other members of the subgenus except C. pangue by the structure of the hind tibia (Figs. 1E, F). The anteroventral margin of the hind tibia is greatly expanded, reaching its maximum thickness basal to a deep preapical concavity; the distal margin of the expanded region is broadly concave; the apex forms a transverse lamina. Males of C. rubriventris may be most easily distinguished from C. pangue by the colour patterns of the face and hind basitarsus. Males of C. rubriventris have a yellow inverted T-shaped mark on the clypeus (Fig. 1C) and almost entirely yellow hind basitarsus (Fig. 11E). Chilicola pangue has a brown clypeus (Fig. 5A) and hind basitarsus with yellow only basoventrally (Fig. 11D). These two species may also be differentiated by the S7 dorsolateral lobes, which are clavate in C. rubriventris (Fig. 1G) but taper to a point in C. pangue (Fig. 5E). Genitalia of C. rubriventris and C. pangue are very similar. Females of C. rubriventris are easily distinguished from all other species by their entirely orange-red metasoma (Fig. 1B). Description. Male: Length 7.6–8.8mm, forewing length 5.1–5.6mm, head width 2.0mm. Colouration: Black-brown with following parts yellow: dot on labrum (Fig. 9B; absent in some specimens); mandible except ventral margin brown and apical half orange-red; inverted T-shaped mark on clypeus to below transverse portion of epistomal suture (Fig. 1C); lower paraocular area to just below antennal socket medially, to below epistomal suture laterally (Fig. 1C); dot on apicoventral surface of scape (absent in some specimens); 6 © 2006 Magnolia Press GIBBS & PACKER femoral apex and tibial base of all legs, anteroventral surface of fore tibia, fore tarsus ZOOTAXA 1355 suffused with brown; basal and apical rings of mid tibia, apical half of mid basitarsus, mid mediotarsus strongly suffused with brown, mid distitarsus orange; hind tibia except large brown areas on anterior and posterior surfaces connected by dorsal band (Figs. 1E, F); hind basitarsus except apical end and dorsal margin; following parts orange-brown: ventral surface of antenna from apical half of pedicel to terminal flagellomere; apical rings on fore and mid trochanter; narrow testaceous bands on apical impressed areas of T1-T7; tegula testaceous with pale straw anterior spot (spot absent in some specimens); wing venation brown except basal regions of R, M+Cu and V testaceous. Pubescence: Long and thick on face and gena (2-3OD longest medially; OD~0.18mm) shorter hairs at base of mandible (1.5OD); flagellomeres with short setae and long, sparse setae on dorsal surface; mesoscutum with relatively sparse hairs (1.5OD), denser on lateral margins (~OD); longer on lateral margins of scutellum and metanotum (2-3OD); long on lateral surface of thorax, dense on pronotal lobe and toward ventral surface, and posterior surface of propodeum (2-3OD); short, sparse tomentum (~OD) on apically impressed areas of T1-T4, incomplete on T1, denser and longer laterally; (1.5OD); posteriorly directed lateral tufts on S2 and to a lesser extent S3-4 (1.5OD); tibia and posterior surface of femora and entire outer surface of hind femur, ventral surface of fore and hind coxa with moderately dense hairs (1.5OD) Surface sculpture: Microsculpture granular, moderately dull except face below antennae somewhat shiny; moderately dense punctures on clypeus densest towards apex (i=1-2d), dense punctures on lower paraocular area, supraclypeal area, upper paraocular area and frons (i~d); very dense punctures on dorsal surface of pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum and metanotum (i=d); dorsal area of propodeum rugose, punctures on hind femur dense, more sparse on anterior surface (i=1-2d), and punctures on terga uneven apicomedially but generally dense (i=1-2d). Structure: Head broader than long (103:85); OOC slightly smaller than IOC (18:19); eyes convergent ventrally, UOD:LOD (67:47); clypeus broader than long (34:26); labrum with concave dorsal margin; vertex slightly concave in frontal view behind ocellar triangle; weak, median, longitudinal groove on basal half of clypeus, ratio of lengths of pedicel:F1-F3 — 15:16:21:22 (ratio of pedicel to F1 variable, always less than 1); gena less than half as wide as the eye in lateral view (13:33); ratio of lengths of mesoscutum: scutellum: metanotum: dorsal area of propodeum — 81:31:15:25; hind femur maximum length to maximum depth — 91:40; hind tibia highly modified (Fig. 1E, F), length: width: depth — 68:23:25; anteroventral surface widely expanded, anteroventral margin convex except distinctly concave just before apex; deep, preapical concavity basal to transverse apical lamina; ratio of lengths of hind tibia and hind basitarsus — 55:39; S1 apex with ventrally oriented, apically concave process; S7 ventral lobes broad with apical concavity, dorsal lobes elongate and clavate (Fig. 1G); S8 lateral lobe with small, angular process (Fig. 1H) ; gonoforceps elongate (Fig. 1I). Female: length 6.0–7.8mm, forewing length 4.0–4.5mm, head width 1.3–1.5mm. CHILICOLA © 2006 Magnolia Press 7 ZOOTAXA 1355 FIGURE 1 A–I.Chilicola rubriventris. A. head of female, frontal view, B. female, lateral view, C. head of male, frontal view, D. male, lateral view, E. hind tibia of male, anterior view, F. hind tibia of male, posterior view, G. S7, H. S8, I. genitalia, stippling represents membranous lobes of penis valves. Drawings of terminalia with ventral views to left, dorsal to right. Scale bar (for terminalia) = 0.1mm. 8 © 2006 Magnolia Press GIBBS & PACKER Colouration: Black-brown except for yellow dot on basal region of mandible; ZOOTAXA 1355 following parts yellow-orange: ventral surface of F3-F10; base of fore and tibia, base of hind tibia in one specimen; metasoma orange-red with black fovea laterally on T2 and T3. Pubescence: As in male except OD~0.12mm, generally more sparse, dorsal surface of thorax very sparse; hind leg scopa; apical impressed areas of T1-T4 with posteriorly directed tomentum (~OD) widely separated on T1-T2; S2-S4 with posteroventrally directed scopa (1-2OD), very dense on S2. Surface sculpture: As in male except punctures finer, clypeal surface more finely granulose with small, sparse punctures (i=2-3d); paraocular area with dense punctures (i~d), frons with punctures situated in longitudinal striae (i~d); mesoscutum with punctures dense anteriorly (i=1-3d); small, relatively dense punctures on scutellum (i=1- 2d); dorsal area of propodeum reticulate with longitudinal grooves; moderately sparse punctures on terga (i=3d) Structure: Head broader than long (87:72); eyes converging below; UOD:LOD (38:27); gena greater than half the width of eye in lateral view (17:24); clypeus flat, broader than long (52:44); IOC slightly greater than OOC (19:16); ratio of lengths of pedicel:F1-F3 — 14:12:7:8; frontal line raised immediately above supraclypeal area; ratio of lengths of scutellum, metanotum, dorsal area of propodeum — 45:22:25. Material Examined: Specimens examined are from the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) or if otherwise indicated are from the insect collections of Cornell University (CU), Kansas University (KU) or the junior author’s collection housed at York University (YU). CHILE, Region III: Atacama, La Junta, ix.1968, Toro, one female; region III, 10km N. Vallenar, 18.x.2000. L. Packer, four females, one cleared and stored in glycerine, collected from a low-growing species of Adesmia, one male (YU); region III, 5km S. Finca de Chañaral, S. of Diego de Almagro, 12.xi.2001, L. Packer, one male (YU); Region IV: Los Chiches, Coquimbo, 22.viii, Wagenknecht, one male; Coquimbo, 5 miles N. of Laguna Dam, 8000ft, 6.xii.1950, Ross and Michelbacher, one male; Rio Laguna, Coquimbo, 3.xii.1964, Wagenknecht, one male; Coquimbo, Incahuasi, ix.1968, H. Toro, one female; Coquimbo, Incahuasi, ix.1968, L. Ruz, one male; Coquimbo, Vicuña, ix.1968, H.Toro, one female; Rio Laguna, 3000m, i.1970, De La Hoz, one female (CU); Coquimbo, El Pangue, collected on Adesmia melanthes (Fabaceae), x.1972, V. Cabezas, three males (CU, one male); same date and locality, L. Ruz, one female; Coquimbo, el Pangue x.1972, L. Ruz, one female collected on Stachys serrata (Lamiaceae); El Pangue, x.1972, one female; El Tofo, x.1972, Ruz, 2 females collected on Adesmia sp.; Coquimbo, el Pangue x.1972, A. Martinez, one female; Coquimbo El Pangue, x.1972, V. Cabezas, one male collected on Adesmia melanthes; Coquimbo El Pangue, x.1972, H. Toro, two males; El Pangue, Coquimbo, 13.x.1977, Magunacelaya, one male; Coquimbo, El Pangue, 13.x.1977, Magunocelaya and De La Hoz, 3 females; Fray Jorge, x.1977, De La Hoz, Ione female, collected on Adesmia sp.; Las Breas, xii.1978, Ruz, two females; Coquimbo, Las Breas, 17.x.1979, Magunocelaya, Toro and CHILICOLA © 2006 Magnolia Press 9 ZOOTAXA Ruz, 6 males, 13 females; Coquimbo, Balala, 18.x.1979, Magunocelaya, Ruz, and Toro, 1355 13 males, 3 females; Incahuasi, 10.x.1981, Toro, one female; Coquimbo, Chañaras, 12.ix.1984, Toro, one female; Elqui, El Pangue, 21:x:1991, J Rozen, one male; Elqui: El Pangue, 24.x.1992, Rozen, Sharkov, Snyder, one male; Elqui, El Pangue, 24km S Vicuña, 31.x.1992, Snyder and Sharkov, one male; Elqui, 26km S. Vicuña, 5.x.1994, Rozen, Quinter and Ascher, two females; Elqui, 19km S. Pisco Elqui, 6.x.1994, Rozen, Quinter and Ascher, one female; Elqui, 7km S. Vicuña, 29.ix.1997, J.G. Rozen and H. Navarrete, one female; region IV, 2–4km S. Vicuña, HWY 41, 9.x.2001, Packer and Fraser, one female (YU); Elqui, El Pangue, 13.x.2001, J. Rozen, A. Ugarte and C. Espina, one female; Region V: La Laguna, 5.ix.1938, one male; Colliguay, 17.ix.1976, H. Toro, one male; Region Metropolitana de Santiago: Santiago Prov. Camino a Farrelones 1975, leg. A.R. Moldenke, det: H. Toro, one female. Geographic Distribution: Chile, from the northern Atacama region to Farellones near Santiago (Fig. 7). Type locality: CHILE, southern provinces. Comments: C. rubriventris is the most widespread species of the subgenus. The type specimen could not be located for this revision. The type is believed to be at the Museo de Instituto di Zoologia Sistematica, Universitá di Torino, Italy (Moure and Urban 2002). However, Dr. Guido Pagliano could not locate it in the collection and it is not listed in Casolari and Casolari Moreno (1980). Chilicola (Chilicola) aisenensis Toro and Moldenke Chilicola (Chilicola) aisenensis Toro and Moldenke, 1979. An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Valparaíso 12:102. Male Diagnosis: C. aisenensis males have a clypeus with an inverted T-shape mark similar to that of C. rubriventris (Fig. 2B). The hind tibia of C. aisenensis has the expanded ventral margin, preapical concavity, and apical transverse lamina common to most other members of the subgenus. The hind tibia can be differentiated from those of C. rubriventris, C pangue, and C. luzmarieae by the expanded ventral margin that forms a smooth convex curve, thickest at midlength and gradually tapers to the preapical concavity (Fig. 2C). The male of C. aisenensis also lacks the process on S1 that is present in C. colliguay, C. pangue, andC. rubriventris but is somewhat swollen as in C. luzmarieae and C. venticola. Females are unknown. Description: Male: Length 5.9mm, forewing length 3.8mm, head width 1.6mm. Colouration: Black-brown with following parts yellow: labrum; base of mandible; inverted T-shape on clypeus (Fig. 2B); lower paraocular area to just below antennal socket medially, to below epistomal suture laterally (Fig. 2B); dot on apicoventral surface of scape; anterior spot on tegula (remainder pale straw); apex of fore and mid femur; fore tibia except ventral surface suffused with brown; fore tarsus; apex and base of mid tibia 10 © 2006 Magnolia Press GIBBS & PACKER

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