E March 2018 CGRFA/WG-AqGR-2/18/Inf2 C G R OMMISSION ON ENETIC ESOURCES F A FOR OOD AND GRICULTURE AD HOC INTERGOVERNMENTAL TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP ON AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Second Session Rome, 23–25 April 2018 REVISED DRAFT REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE This document is printed in limited numbers to minimize the environmental impact of FAO's processes and contribute to climate neutrality. Delegates and observers are kindly requested to bring their copies to meetings and to avoid asking for additional copies. Most FAO meeting documents are available on the Internet at www.fao.org DRAFT NOT FOR CITATION REVISED DRAFT REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE WORLD’s AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE iii CONTENTS Page CHAPTERS INTRODUCTION 1 1. THE STATE OF WORLD AQUACULTURE AND FISHERIES 7 1.1 Global trend in fisheries and aquaculture production 7 1.2 Diversity of aquatic genetic resources used in aquaculture and fisheries 8 1.3 State of World Aquaculture 9 1.3.1 Diversity and production of farmed species 9 Aquatic plants – farmed seaweeds 16 Aquatic plants – freshwater macrophytes 17 Microorganisms 18 1.3.2 Diversity of production systems 19 1.3.3 Marine and freshwater ornamental fish in the aquarium trade 21 1.4 State of World Fisheries 21 1.4.1 Marine fisheries 22 1.4.2 Inland fisheries 24 1.5 Key findings and conclusions 26 1.6 References 26 2. THE USE AND EXCHANGE OF AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES OF FARMED AQUATIC SPECIES AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES WITHIN NATIONAL JURISDICTION 29 2.1 Background 30 2.2 Definitions and nomenclature 31 2.3 Information on fisheries and aquaculture 31 2.4 Incorporating genetic diversity and indicators into national statistics and monitoring of farmed aquatic species and their wild relatives 33 2.5 The use of aquatic genetic resources in food production 35 2.5.1 Aquaculture 35 Diversity of farmed aquatic species 35 2.5.2 Technologies 45 Farmed types 47 Extent of the use of genetics in aquaculture 51 Biotechnologies for improved characterization of AqGR 55 Biotechnologies for improved performance in aquaculture 57 2.5.3 Wild relatives 60 Use of wild relatives in fisheries 61 Trends in abundance of wild relatives 62 Conservation of wild relatives 65 2.5.4 Use of non-native species in fisheries and aquaculture 66 2.6 Key findings and conclusions 70 2.7 References and key documents 73 3. DRIVERS AND TRENDS IN AQUACULTURE: CONSEQUENCES FOR AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES WITHIN NATIONAL JURISDICTION 77 3.1 Direct impacts on farmed types and wild relatives 78 3.1.1 Human population increase 78 3.1.2 Competition for resources 79 3.1.3 Governance 83 3.1.4 Increased wealth and demand for fish 85 3.1.5 Human food preferences and ethical considerations 87 3.2 Drivers that are changing aquatic ecosystems 90 iv 3.2.1 Habitat loss and degradation 90 3.2.2 Pollution of waters 92 3.2.3 Direct and indirect climate change impacts 94 Direct impacts of climate change 94 Indirect impacts of climate change through effects on ecosystems 96 3.2.4 Impacts of purposeful stocking and escapees from aquaculture 98 Impacts of purposeful stocking 99 Purposeful stocking in recreational fisheries 102 Impact of escapees from aquaculture 102 Escapees from the aquarium trade 103 3.2.5 Establishment of invasive species 103 3.2.6 Introductions of parasites and pathogens 106 3.2.7 Impacts of capture fisheries on ecosystems and wild relatives 107 3.3 Key findings and conclusions 109 3.4 References and key documents 113 4. IN SITU CONSERVATION OF FARMED AQUATIC SPECIES AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES WITHIN NATIONAL JURISDICTION 117 4.1 Introduction 117 4.2 In situ conservation of wild relatives of farmed aquatic species 118 4.3 In situ conservation of farmed aquatic species 126 4.4 Key findings and conclusions 126 4.5 References and key documents 127 5. EX SITU CONSERVATION OF AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES OF FARMED AQUATIC SPECIES AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES WITHIN NATIONAL JURISDICTION 129 5.1 Background 130 5.2 In situ versus ex situ conservation 130 5.2.1 Ex situ conservation 131 5.2.2 Mechanisms for ex situ conservation 131 5.2.3 Advantages of ex situ conservation 132 5.2.4 Disadvantages of ex situ conservation 132 5.2.5 Challenges of ex situ conservation programs 132 5.3 Existing and planned collections of live breeding (in vivo) individuals of aquatic genetic resources of farmed aquatic species and their wild relatives 133 5.3.1 Existing and planned collections: general overview 133 5.3.2 Endangered species 135 5.3.3 Main species being conserved 137 5.3.4 Main uses of conserved species 138 5.4 In vitro collection 140 5.4.1 Introduction 140 5.4.2 Existing and planned in vitro collections: general overview 141 5.4.3 Main species being conserved in vitro 142 5.4.4 In vitro conservation mechanisms 143 5.4.5 Facilities for in vitro conservation 144 5.5 Global assessment of objectives of ex situ conservation programs 144 5.6 Key findings and conclusion 146 5.7 References and key documents 147 6. STAKEHOLDERS WITH INTERESTS IN AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES OF FARMED AQUATIC SPECIES AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES WITHIN NATIONAL JURISDICTIONS 149 6.1 Background 149 v 6.2 Identification of stakeholders 150 6.3 Global level analysis of stakeholder roles 150 6.3.1 Introduction 150 6.3.2 Role of different stakeholder groups in the conservation, management, and use of AqGR 151 6.4 Analysis of stakeholder roles by geographic region, economic class and status as an aquaculture producing country 154 6.4.1 Introduction 154 6.4.2 Stakeholder interest in AqGR by geographic region 155 6.4.3 Interest of stakeholders in types of AqGR by economic class and by whether or not they are a major aquaculture producer 155 6.5 Indigenous and local communities 156 6.6 Gender 157 6.7 Discussion and Conclusions 158 6.7.1 Introduction 158 6.7.2 Terminology 159 6.7.3 Country and regional responses 160 6.7.4 The roles of stakeholders in AqGR conservation, management and use 160 6.7.5 Genetic resources of interest 160 6.7.6 Indigenous and local communities and gender 161 6.8 References 161 7. NATIONAL POLICIES AND LEGISLATION FOR AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES OF FARMED AQUATIC SPECIES AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES WITHIN NATIONAL JURISDICTION 163 7.1 Introduction 163 7.2 Overview of national policies and legislation 166 7.3 Access and benefit sharing policies 167 7.3.1 Principles guiding access to AqGR 168 7.3.2 Facilitating and restricting access to AqGR 168 7.3.3 Obstacles to accessing AqGR 170 7.4 Key findings and conclusions 171 7.5 References and key documents 172 8. RESEARCH, EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXTENSION ON AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES WITHIN NATIONAL JURISDICTION: COORDINATION, NETWORKING AND INFORMATION 173 8.1 Introduction 174 8.2 Research on AqGR 174 8.2.1 Research institutions 176 8.2.2 Major areas of research 177 8.2.3 Capacity needs 181 8.3 Education, training and extension on AqGR 182 8.3.1 Institutions, areas of work and type of courses 182 8.4 Coordination and networking on AqGR 184 8.4.1 Networking mechanisms 184 8.4.2 Capacity needs 185 8.4.3 National networking on AqGR 187 8.5 Information systems on AqGR 190 8.5.1 Main users of information systems 191 8.5.2 Type of information stored in information systems on AqGR 192 8.6 Key findings and conclusions 194 8.7 References and key documents 195 vi 9. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION ON AQUATIC GENETIC RESOURCES OF FARMED AQUATIC SPECIES AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES 197 9.1 Introduction 197 9.1.1 The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 197 9.1.2 The FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) 198 9.1.3 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) 198 9.1.4 Ramsar Convention (RAMSAR) 198 9.1.5 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 198 9.1.6 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 198 9.2 International agreements and their impacts on aquatic genetic resources and on stakeholders: overview by region, sub-region and economic class 199 9.2.1 Participation in international fora of relevance for aquatic genetic resources 199 9.2.2 International collaboration – needs assessment: overview by region, sub-region and economic class 202 9.3 Selected successful examples of international collaboration 203 9.4 Key findings and conclusions 207 9.5 References 207 10 SYNTHESIS OF KEY FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 209 vii BOXES 1.1 Freshwater aquatic macrophytes for food and agriculture 17 1.2 Microorganisms in fisheries and aquaculture 18 2.1 Standardizing nomenclature in aquatic genetic resources 31 2.2 Key focal species for international cooperation 36 2.3 Strains in aquaculture 44 2.4 Hybridization terminology 47 2.5 Biotechnologies in aquaculture 57 2.6 Wild Relatives and interpretations of the term 60 3.1 The potential effect of climate change on wild relatives: the case of Australian Abalone 96 3.2 The useful information contained in the FAO Database on Introductions of Aquatic Species (DIAS) 99 3.3 Case example of the value of effectively assessing national AqGR to inform stocking initiatives 102 3.4 Impact of invasive mussels on local genetic diversity 105 3.5 Link between wild relatives and aquaculture that depend on wild seed 108 4.1 IUCN Protected Areas Categories System 118 4.2 In situ conservation example Australia, Bulgaria and China 121 5.1 Sturgeon 2020 – A coordinated approach to conservation of endangered and critical genetic resources in the Danube River Basin 136 7.1 Framework of minimum requirements for sustainable management, development, conservation and use of aquatic genetic resources 164 7. 2 Conservation of AqGR below the species level 166 9.1 The case of the two Tilapias 204 9.2 Regional cooperation in carp gene banking 205 9.3 Key issues for international cooperation 205 9.4 Migratory species of the Rhine River – a successful example of regional cooperation 206 viii FIGURES 1.1 Global fisheries and aquaculture production (tonnes) 8 1.2 Aquatic plant (excluding micro-algae) production from 2010 until 2014 11 1.3 Global aquaculture production of molluscs (2010) 13 1.4 Production of freshwater fish (2010) 13 1.5 Production of diadromous fish (2010) 14 1.6 Production of marine finfish (2010) 14 1.7 Production of the different crustacean groups (2010) 15 1.8 Production of other aquatic animals (2013) 16 1.9 Production in volume (tonnes) from marine and inland capture fisheries (period 1990–2013) 22 1.10 The global trends in the state of world marine fish stocks, 1974–2011 23 1.11 Inland capture fisheries production in volume 25 2.1a The naming of aquatic species and farmed types accurate and up to date by region 32 2.1b The naming of aquatic species and farmed types accurate and up to date by economic level 33 2.2 Top 10 aquatic species by number of Country Reports in which it is reported as farmed 35 2.3 Number of species farmed by region (number of countries in group) Note that the Total is the number of unique species, or species items, reported and not the sum of above groups as the same species could be farmed in different regions 37 2.4 Numbers of native and introduced species reported in aquaculture 38 2.5 Present and expected future trends in production of farmed aquatic species 38 2.6 Production trend by economic classification of countries 39 2.7 Number of species reported that are not included in ASFIS list 41 2.7a Identification of the 253 species reported in Country Reports that have not previously been reported as produced (i.e. never previously reported in the FishstatJ database) 41 2.8 Genetic improvement used in aquaculture (number of responses) 48 2.9 Extent to which aquatic organisms farmed in your country are derived from wild seed or wild broodstock (number of countries) 48 2.10 Extent to which farmed aquatic organisms are derived from wild seed or wild broodstock 49 2.11 Extent to which genetically improved aquatic organisms contribute to national aquaculture production 49 2.12a Extent to which genetically improved aquatic organisms contribute to national aquaculture production by region 50 2.12b Extent to which genetically improved aquatic organisms contribute to national aquaculture production by economic level 50 2.12c Extent to which genetically improved aquatic organisms contribute to national aquaculture production by level of production 51 2.13 Availability and use of information on aquatic genetic resources of farmed types 52 2.14a Use of information on aquatic genetic resources of farmed types by region 52 2.14b Use of information on aquatic genetic resources of farmed types by level of production 53 2.14c Use of information on aquatic genetic resources of farmed types by economic level 53 2.15a Source of funding for genetic improvement programmes by improvement strategy 54 2.15b Source of funding for genetic improvement programmes by region 54 2.15c Source of funding for genetic improvement programmes by level of production 55 2.16 Use of selective breeding by region 60 2.17 Habitats of wild relatives of farmed aquatic species within national jurisdiction (number of responses for all species) 61 2.18 Geographic description of wild relatives of farmed aquatic species q14 col 1 61