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Preview Revised Common Rule (45 CFR 46): Final Rule

Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations 7149 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION III. Definitions for Purposes of this Policy SECURITY (§ll.102) 45 CFR Part 690 IV. Ensuring Compliance with this Policy 6 CFR Part 46 (§ll.103) V. Exempt Research (§ll.104) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VI. Protection of Identifiable Private DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Information and Identifiable 49 CFR Part 11 Biospecimens 7 CFR Part 1c VII. IRB Membership and Modification to Federal Policy for the Protection of References to Vulnerability DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Human Subjects (§§ll.107(a), ll.111(a)(3), and ll.111(b)) AGENCY: Department of Homeland VIII. IRB Functions and Operations 10 CFR Part 745 Security; Department of Agriculture; (§ll.108) Department of Energy; National IX. IRB Review of Research (§ll.109) NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND Aeronautics and Space Administration; X. Expedited Review Procedures (§ll.110) SPACE ADMINISTRATION Department of Commerce; Social XI. Criteria for IRB Approval of Research Security Administration; Agency for (§ll.111) 14 CFR Part 1230 International Development; Department XII. Cooperative Research (§ll.114) of Housing and Urban Development; XIII. IRB Records (§ll.115) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Department of Labor; Department of XIV. General Requirements for Informed Consent (§ll.116) Defense; Department of Education; XV. Documentation of Informed Consent 15 CFR Part 27 Department of Veterans Affairs; (§ll.117) Environmental Protection Agency; XVI. Applications and Proposals Lacking SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Department of Health and Human Definite Plans for Involvement of Human Services; National Science Foundation; Subjects (§ll.118) and Department of Transportation. XVII. Research Undertaken Without the 20 CFR Part 431 ACTION: Final rule. Intention of Involving Human Subjects (§ll.119) AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL SUMMARY: The departments and agencies XVIII. Conditions (§ll.124) DEVELOPMENT listed in this document announce XIX. Regulatory Impact Analyses revisions to modernize, strengthen, and XX. Environmental Impact 22 CFR Part 225 make more effective the Federal Policy XXI. Paperwork Reduction Analysis XXII. Tribal Consultation Statement for the Protection of Human Subjects Final Regulatory Text DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND that was originally promulgated as a URBAN DEVELOPMENT Common Rule in 1991. This final rule Executive Summary is intended to better protect human Purpose of the Regulatory Action 24 CFR Part 60 subjects involved in research, while facilitating valuable research and Individuals who are the subjects of DEPARTMENT OF LABOR reducing burden, delay, and ambiguity research may be asked to contribute for investigators. These revisions are an their time and assume risk to advance 29 CFR Part 21 effort to modernize, simplify, and the research enterprise, which benefits enhance the current system of oversight. society at large. U.S. federal regulations DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DATES: This rule is effective on January governing the protection of human 19, 2018. The compliance date for this subjects in research have been in 32 CFR Part 219 rule, except for §ll.114(b) existence for more than three decades. (cooperative research), is January 19, The Department of Health, Education, 2018. The compliance date for and Welfare first published regulations DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION §ll.114(b) (cooperative research) is for the protection of human subjects in January 20, 2020. 1974, and the Department of Health and 34 CFR Part 97 ADDRESSES: Jerry Menikoff, M.D., J.D., Human Services (HHS) revised them in OHRP, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite the early 1980s. During the 1980s, HHS DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS 200, Rockville, MD 20852. began a process that eventually led to AFFAIRS the adoption of a revised version of the FORFURTHERINFORMATIONCONTACT: Jerry regulations by 15 U.S. federal Menikoff, M.D., J.D., Office for Human 38 CFR Part 16 departments and agencies in 1991. The Research Protections (OHRP), purpose of this effort was to promote Department of Health and Human ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION uniformity, understanding, and Services, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite AGENCY compliance with human subject 200, Rockville, MD 20852; telephone: protections as well as to create a 240–453–6900 or 1–866–447–4777; 40 CFR Part 26 uniform body of regulations across facsimile: 301–402–2071; email: federal departments and agencies [email protected]. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND (subpart A of 45 Code of Federal S6 SUPPLEMENTARYINFORMATION: ULE HUMAN SERVICES Regulations [CFR] part 46), often R Preamble referred to as the ‘‘Common Rule’’ or D with 45 CFR Part 46 Executive Summary ‘‘Protection of Human Subjects PRO I. The Rationale for Modernizing the Regulations.’’ Those regulations were G9T082 RIN 0937–AA02 II. ToC oWmhmato Dno Reus lTe his Policy Apply? Scope lraesmt aaimneedn duendc hina n2g0e0d5 ,u anntdil hthaev eis suance SK3 and Applicability of the Regulations of this final rule. D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 7150 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations Since the Common Rule was Summary of the Major Changes in the conducting the research on promulgated, the volume and landscape Final Rule nonidentified information and of research involving human subjects The final rule differs in important nonidentified biospecimens, having an have changed considerably. Research ways from the NPRM. Most institutional review board (IRB) waive with human subjects has grown in scale significantly, several proposals are not the requirement for informed consent, and become more diverse. Examples of being adopted: or obtaining consent for a specific study. developments include: an expansion in • The final rule does not adopt the • Establishes new exempt categories the number and types of clinical trials, proposal to require that research of research based on their risk profile. as well as observational studies and involving nonidentified biospecimens Under some of the new categories, cohort studies; a diversification of the be subject to the Common Rule, and that exempt research would be required to types of social and behavioral research consent would need to be obtained in undergo limited IRB review to ensure being used in human subjects research; order to conduct such research. that there are adequate privacy increased use of sophisticated analytic • To the extent some of the NPRM safeguards for identifiable private proposals relied on standards that had information and identifiable techniques to study human not yet been proposed, the final rule biospecimens. biospecimens; and the growing use of either does not adopt those proposals or • Creates a requirement for U.S.- electronic health data and other digital includes revisions to eliminate such based institutions engaged in records to enable very large datasets to reliance. cooperative research to use a single IRB be rapidly analyzed and combined in • The final rule does not expand the for that portion of the research that takes novel ways. Yet these developments policy to cover clinical trials that are not place within the United States, with have not been accompanied by major federally funded. certain exceptions. This requirement change in the human subjects research • The final rule does not adopt the becomes effective 3 years after oversight system, which has remained proposed new concept of ‘‘excluded’’ publication of the final rule. largely unaltered over the past two activities. Generally, activities proposed • Removes the requirement to decades. to be excluded are now either described conduct continuing review of ongoing On July 26, 2011, the Office of the as not satisfying the definition of what research for studies that undergo Secretary of HHS, in coordination with constitutes research under the expedited review and for studies that the Executive Office of the President’s regulations or are classified as exempt. have completed study interventions and • The proposed revisions to the Office of Science and Technology Policy are merely analyzing study data or exemption categories have been (OSTP), published an advance notice of involve only observational follow up in modified to better align with the long- proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) to conjunction with standard clinical care. standing ordering in the final rule. The request comment on how current final rule does not include the proposed Other minor changes have been to regulations for protecting those who requirement that exemption improve the rule and for purposes of participate in research might be determinations need to be made in clarity and accuracy. modernized and revised to be more specified ways. Estimated Costs and Benefits effective.1 • The final rule does not include the On September 8, 2015, HHS and 15 proposed standardized privacy Table 1 summarizes the quantified other federal departments and agencies safeguards for identifiable private and nonquantified benefits and costs of published a Notice of Proposed information and identifiable all changes to the Common Rule. Over Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing biospecimens. Aspects of proposals that the 2017–2026 period, present value revisions to the regulations for relied on those safeguards have been benefits of $1,904 million and protection of human subjects in modified or are not being adopted. annualized benefits of $223 million are • The final rule does not adopt the estimated using a 3 percent discount research.2Like the ANPRM, the NPRM most restrictive proposed criteria for rate; present value benefits of $1,494 sought comment on how to better obtaining a waiver of the consent million and annualized benefits of $213 protect research subjects while requirements relating to research with million are estimated using a 7 percent facilitating valuable research and identifiable biospecimens. discount rate. Present value costs of reducing burden, delay, and ambiguity The final rule makes the following $528 million and annualized costs of for investigators. Public comments on significant changes to the Common $62.0 million are estimated using a 3 both the ANPRM and the NPRM have Rule: percent discount rate; present value informed the final rule that is now being • Establishes new requirements costs of $474 million and annualized promulgated. regarding the information that must be costs of $67.0 million are estimated The final rule is designed to more given to prospective research subjects as using a 7 percent discount rate. thoroughly address the broader types of part of the informed consent process. Nonquantified benefits include research conducted or otherwise • Allows the use of broad consent improved human subjects protections in supported by all of the Common Rule (i.e., seeking prospective consent to research; enhanced oversight of research departments and agencies such as unspecified future research) from a reviewed by IRBs not operated by a behavioral and social science research. subject for storage, maintenance, and Federalwide Assurance (FWA)-holding It also benefits from continuing efforts secondary research use of identifiable institution; and increased uniformity in to harmonize human subjects policies private information and identifiable regulatory requirements among S6 biospecimens. Broad consent will be an Common Rule departments and E across federal departments and UL optional alternative that an investigator agencies. Nonquantified costs include R agencies. with may choose instead of, for example, the time needed for consultation among D O R T082P En1hHanHcSi.n Hg uPmroatenc Stiuobnjse cfotsr RReesseeaarrcchh PSruobtjeeccttiso nans:d f2r6o/mpd hft/t2p0s1:/1/-w18w7w9.2g.ppod.fg ov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-07- Rdoetcruiemveendt sfr/o2m01 h5/tt0p9s/:0//8w/2w0w15.f-e2d1e7r5a6lr/efegdisetrear.lg-poov/li cy- SK3G9 RInevdeusctiignagt oBrus.r d7e6n F, RD e4l4a5y1, 2a n(Jdu lA. m26b, i2g0u1it1y) .f oRre trieved Hu2mHaHnS S. uFbedjeecrtasl. P80o lFicRy 5fo3r9 3th1e ( SPeroptte. c8t,i o2n0 1o5f) . for-the-protection-of-human-subjects D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations 7151 Common Rule agencies before federal guidance is issued. TABLE 1—ACCOUNTING TABLE OF BENEFITS AND COSTS OF ALL CHANGES Present value of 10 years by Annualized value over 10 discount rate years by discount rate (millions of 2015 dollars) (millions of 2015 dollars) 3 percent 7 percent 3 percent 7 percent Benefits: Quantified Benefits ................................................................................... 1,904 1,493 223 213 Nonquantified Benefits: Improved human subjects protections in research; enhanced oversight in research reviewed by IRBs not operated by an FWA-holding insti- tution; and increased uniformity in regulatory requirements among Common Rule departments and agencies. Costs: Quantified Costs ....................................................................................... 528 474 62.0 67.0 Nonquantified Benefits: Time for consultation among Common Rule agencies before federal guidance is issued. I. The Rationale for Modernizing the combining research and medical data. the 1979 Belmont Report3that underlie Common Rule Biospecimen repositories and large the Common Rule—respect for persons, databases have made it easier to do beneficence, and justice—are applied in A. The Changing Nature of Research research on existing (stored) practice to the myriad new contexts in This final rule recognizes that in the biospecimens and data. Clinical which U.S. research is conducted in the past two decades a paradigm shift has research networks connected through 21st century. The changes that are being occurred in how research is conducted. electronic health records have implemented in the final rule continue Evolving technologies—including developed methods for extracting to be shaped by those principles (a imaging, mobile technologies, and the clinical data for research purposes and detailed background discussion of growth in computing power—have are working toward integration of which was provided in the NPRM). changed the scale and nature of research data into electronic health Finally, it is important to note that, to information collected in many records in a meaningful way. The the extent appropriate, the intent is to disciplines. Computer scientists, scientific community recognizes the eventually amend the other subparts of engineers, and social scientists are value of data sharing and open-source the HHS human subjects protection developing techniques to integrate resources and understands that pooling regulations in 45 CFR part 46 (subparts different types of data so they can be intellectual resources and capitalizing B, C, D, and E), and consider the need combined, mined, analyzed, and shared. on efficient uses of data and technology for updates to FDA regulations and The advent of sophisticated computer represent the best ways to advance other relevant federal departmental or software programs, the Internet, and knowledge. agency regulations with overlapping mobile technology has created new scope. At the same time, the level of public areas of research activity, particularly engagement in the research enterprise B. Public Comments, Expert Advice, within the social and behavioral has changed. More people want to play Stakeholder Dialogue sciences. In biomedical science, the an active role in research, particularly Human Genome Project laid the The revisions to the Common Rule are related to health. foundation for precision medicine and based on a variety of sources of public, promoted an environment of data As technology evolves, so does the stakeholder, and expert comments and sharing and innovation in analytics and nature of the risks and benefits of advice, including comments received on technology, and drew attention to the participating in certain types of the 2011 ANPRM and the 2015 NPRM. need for policies that support a research. Many studies do not involve They also benefit from guidance changing research landscape. New interaction with research subjects, but provided by a 2014 National Research technologies, including genomic instead involve secondary analysis of Council consensus report, Proposed sequencing, have quickly led to data or biospecimens. Risks related to Revisions to the Common Rule for the exponential growth in the data to which these types of research studies are Protection of Human Subjects in the investigators have access. The sheer largely informational, not physical; that Behavioral and Social Sciences,4and is, harms could result primarily from volume of data that can be generated in research, the ease with which it can be the inappropriate disclosure of 3National Commission for the Protection of information and not from the research Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral shared, and the ways in which it can be interventions themselves. Nonetheless, Research. Belmont Report. Washington, DC: U.S. used to identify individuals were Department of Health and Human Services. 1979. those harms can be significant. D with RULES6 swaidmhRoeppenslt yeetdah nr.e co hCt opsmoetsmtsiinobgnlse R,a ourerl eea vlwseoan ss ihfmiirfasttgi ninga. ble, teexcBpheenccoataluotsigoey no,s fa, ntahd ew spieud sbeh lriiacftn esg nieng oa sgfc eimenecnet, and RhARueuc4tmalrNedia eafenovtmirseo uditnehb sfaejr.el o PPcRmtrresoo /shptgeetouactspritdeci:o/dha/n nwRC coweoefvu/ wHibns.euhciloimhmln soaso.gn fnt o ottShv. htu/ehot bmNehj eraClcp.t oti/som nimna lot hne RO Although much biomedical research stakeholders have raised concerns about Behavioral and Social Sciences. Washington, DC: G9T082P cmoendtiincaule cse tnot ebres ,c omnodrue crteesde ainrc ahc iasd beeminicg tfhraem liemwiotarkti,o anrsg uoifn tgh efo erx ais rtein-egv raelguualtaiotonr y TRprheoterp iNoevsaeetiddo- nrfreaovlm iAsi cohantdtspe-:tm/o/-witehwse wP-cr.oenmsaspm; .2eo0dn1u-4r/u.c a1let3a-–flo1or6g-/8th1. 8e-6 14/ SK3 conducted in clinical care settings, thus of how the fundamental principles of Continued D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 7152 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations the National Academies of Science, Medicare Access and Children’s Health and proposals giving investigators too Engineering, and Medicine 2016 report Insurance Program Reauthorization Act much leeway to determine if their Optimizing the Nation’s Investment in of 2015 (Pub. L. 114–10) was passed. research is exempt or falls outside the Academic Research: A New Regulatory That law requires HHS to issue a scope of the rule. Framework for the 21st Century.5 clarification or modification of the Several commenters expressed Since the publication of the 2011 Common Rule with regard to how the concerns that they were unable to ANPRM, HHS has continued to solicit regulatory requirements should be adequately or meaningfully comment on public comment on a variety of policy applied to activities involving clinical particular provisions proposed in the issues related to human subjects data registries. In addition, in December NPRM because an underlying protections, including consent, the use 2016 the 21st Century Cures Act (Pub. document, tool, or list had not been of a single IRB for multi-institutional L. 114–255) was enacted. developed or shared with the public at studies, and sharing of genomic data. Finally, as a result of conducting a the time the NPRM was published, Although these policies were more variety of public discussions associated specifically: (1) the proposed broad specific than the issues raised in the with the President’s Precision Medicine consent templates; (2) the proposed ANPRM, the responses received from Initiative,91011many perspectives were standards for privacy protection; (3) the public comments provide insight for heard, with much alignment around the proposed list of eligible expedited refining the proposals initially put central tenet that participants should be procedures; and (4) the proposed forward in the ANPRM. Of particular active partners in such research and not exemption decision tool. Several relevance are the National Institutes of merely passive subjects of research commenters suggested that these items Health’s (NIH’s) recently issued policy studies. should be removed from the final rule on the use of a single IRB for multi- and developed independently, urging 1. Summary of Public Comments on institutional research,6the Office for government personnel to work Human Research Protection’s (OHRP’s) Structural, Conceptual, and Policy collaboratively with representatives draft guidance on the required content Implications of the Proposed Rule from the research community and of consent language for research The NPRM received more than 2,100 funding agencies in the development of conducted within the standard of care,7 public comments, the majority of which such documents, tools, and lists. and NIH’s policy to promote sharing of were from people writing in their Some commenters suggested issuing a large-scale human genomic data individual capacity. The remaining new NPRM that would be more generated from studies funded or comments were submitted by complete and would include details on conducted by NIH.8 institutions, professional organizations the privacy protection standards, Other developments include the and societies, and membership exemption decision tool, and broad enactment of the Newborn Screening organizations. The proposals receiving consent templates. Another commenter Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014 the most comments were those related recommended that only the fully (Pub. L. 113–240) in December 2014. to biospecimens (expanded definition of developed, less controversial provisions The law made a number of changes human subject, broad consent, and of the NPRM should be adopted into a relevant to the HHS regulations for tightened criteria for waiver of consent). final rule. Another commenter urged the protecting research subjects, including Here we summarize comments on the Common Rule departments and asserting that research with newborn overall structural, conceptual, and agencies to reissue the NPRM to solicit dried blood spots (DBS) that is federally policy implications of the proposed comment on several of these documents, funded pursuant to the Public Health rule. Comments regarding the specific tools, and lists, arguing that it would be Service Act is to be considered research provisions of the rule appear throughout unlawful for a final rule to be issued with human subjects, and that the this preamble. until such an action were taken. This provisions allowing IRBs to waive The NPRM asked for public comment commenter noted that for members of consent would not apply. By statute, the on whether the proposed changes will the public to reasonably participate in changes made by this law applied only achieve the objectives of: (1) decreasing rulemaking, agencies must provide until changes to the Common Rule are administrative burden, delay, and enough factual detail and rationale to promulgated. Thus, the changes made ambiguity for investigators, institutions, allow interested parties to comment by this statute will no longer apply after and institutional review boards (IRBs); meaningfully on the rule. This the effective date of this rule, January and (2) strengthening, modernizing, and commenter also argued that the NPRM 19, 2018. In addition, in April 2015, the making the regulations more effective in did not satisfy the requirement set forth protecting research subjects. In in the Administrative Procedure Act protection-of-human-subjects-in-the-behavioral- response, many public commenters that the notice provided to the public in and-social-sciences. rulemaking include either the terms or expressed concern about the overall 5National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, substance of the proposed rule or a and Medicine. Optimizing the Nation’s Investment complexity and length of the NPRM, the description of the subjects and issues in Academic Research: A New Regulatory unavailability of key deliverables, Framework for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: proposals being internally inconsistent, involved. In sum, the commenter argued The National Academies Press; 2016. Retrieved that the NPRM sought comments on from https://www.nap.edu/read/21824/chapter/1. numerous provisions without providing 6National Institutes of Health. Final NIH Policy 9The White House, Office of the Press Secretary. on the Use of a Single Institutional Review Board Fact Sheets: President Obama’s Precision Medicine the ‘‘terms or substance’’ of the specific for Multi-Site Research. June 21, 2016. Notice Initiative. January 30, 2015. Retrieved from https:// proposals. Number: NOT–OD–16–094. Retrieved from https:// www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/01/30/ Some commenters encouraged grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD- fact-sheet-president-obama-s-precision-medicine- dropping the proposal to require S6 16-094.html. initiative. E consent for research use of UL 7HHS. Draft Guidance on Disclosing Reasonably 10Collins FS, Varmus H. A New Initiative on D with R Fofo Creasreee. a7b9l eF RRi s6k3s6 3in0 R(Oescet.a r2c4h, 2E0v1a4lu).a Rtientgr iSetvaendd farrodms PMreedciicsiionne 2M0e1d5i cFienbe;. 3T7h2e:7 N9e3w–7 E9n5g. land Journal of nexopnliodreinntgi fai esdy sbtieomsp oefc pimubenlisc annodti fiincsatteiaodn RO https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-10-24/pdf/ 11For more information on the Precision and opportunity to opt out of such G9T082P 2S0h81aI4rni-nf2og5r 3mp1oa8lti.ipcoydn fi .as baovuati ltahbel eN aItH h Gttepnso:/m/gidcs D.naitha. gov/ Mwinwietdwiai.ctniivinhee.s g/Ionpvimt/isia/ittpievmse/id -Cweofoahruoklrittn/ fPgi-rlgeorsgo/rruaepms-e raseerpceoh hr-ttt-tr pasin:/i/n g/ rNePseRaMrc hfo tlhlorwouinghg wissidueasnpcree aodf a new SK3 03policy2.html. 20150917-2.pdf. consultation. A few commenters D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations 7153 suggested that Common Rule 2. Response to Public Comments on of HHS to publish a list of activities that departments and agencies fund pilot Structural, Conceptual, and Policy are minimal risk (as was proposed in the studies to better understand how such a Implications of the Proposed Rule NPRM in the definition of minimal system might work. Additional The final rule differs in numerous, risk). The final rule retains the commenters focused on the importance major ways from what was proposed in requirement at §ll.110(a) that the of public education about the research the NPRM. Most significantly, the Secretary of HHS will establish and enterprise regardless of the policy provisions relating to making publish for public comment a list of choices pursued in a final rule. nonidentified biospecimens subject to categories of research that may be Commenters, including state health the Common Rule are not being reviewed by an IRB through the departments and other health entities implemented. That change alone expedited review procedure, consistent involved in newborn screening addresses many of the public comments with the pre-2018 rule. activities, raised concerns that several of on the NPRM. Eliminating that proposal Some of the ‘‘new ideas’’ for altering the NPRM proposals represented is intended to address concerns about the system for protecting research unfunded mandates, specifically the the complexity of and lack of subjects that were presented by expansion of the definition of human justification for the proposed changes in commenters—for example, addressing subject to include all biospecimens the rule, as well as concerns about compensation for research-related regardless of identifiability, expansion embarking on significant changes injuries or the meaning of equivalent of the policy to apply to all clinical without evidence that they would protections when research is conducted trials that meet certain conditions, and improve the system. Responses to in foreign countries—were either very mandatory single IRB review of public comments on specific provisions innovative or not yet widely discussed. appear throughout this preamble. Below This made it difficult to adopt them at cooperative research. Several we summarize our responses to this point without further study and institutions and disease advocacy comments that addressed major additional notice and opportunity for groups noted that statewide newborn structural or organizational issues or public comment. Therefore, the fact that screening programs are often modestly perceived insufficiencies in the NPRM one or another of these ideas was not funded, and the NPRM proposals would proposals and their presentation. incorporated into the final rule should impose processes that could cost Concerns about the overall not be viewed as a rejection of their millions of dollars each year. complexity of the proposed changes possible merits, or an indication that In addition, commenters raised have been addressed in several ways. they might not be explored in some concerns that HHS and other Common For example, concerns about creating a future revision of the Common Rule or Rule departments and agencies are not new category of ‘‘excluded’’ activities in guidance. authorized under 42 U.S.C. 289 to have been addressed by not adopting a. Process Issues regulate humanities and social science that concept in the final rule. Instead, research. the goal of clarifying what is covered by We carefully considered concerns Public comments also discussed the rule has been accomplished by voiced by commenters about the process several ideas for consideration in a final modifying the definition of what that led to this final rule, and other legal rule that were not otherwise proposed constitutes research, and by adding or concerns about the adequacy of that in the NPRM, including: modifying exemptions that were already process. We concluded that the • Develop or strengthen sanctions in the pre-2018 rule.12And, even where approach proposed in the NPRM and existing concepts are modified, we have the approach adopted in this final rule and penalties for investigators or attempted to make those modifications are consistent with the Federal institutions that re-identify subjects in ways that minimize the extent of the Government’s obligations under the without proper authorization or review, change (such as largely preserving much Administrative Procedure Act. rather than focusing solely on obtaining of the core structure of the previous Regarding the concerns expressed that consent as the way to protect subjects. exemption categories). the Common Rule departments and To this end, several commenters To reduce public concerns about the agencies are not authorized to regulate suggested that a separate section be aspects of the proposal that were not yet humanities and social science research, added to the Common Rule focused on developed, we chose not to implement this challenge had been asserted investigator responsibilities. most of those provisions. For example, previously against the 1981 HHS • Develop an IRB efficiency rating given the changes made to the proposals protection of human subjects system. regarding broad consent, the final rule regulations,13as well as the 1991 • Deem research about IRB operations does not reference or include the Common Rule,14and in each case the as an excluded, exempt, or expeditable concept of broad consent templates. The regulatory agencies concluded that the activity to foster research into IRB requirement that the Secretary of HHS regulation of humanities and social operations. develop a list of proposed privacy science research is justified. We • Include provisions about safeguards has been eliminated, as has continue to assert the authority to the proposed exemption decision tool. regulate humanities and social science compensation for research-related In addition, we have dropped the research that falls within the scope of injuries. regulatory requirement for the Secretary the final rule. • More fully review and address how the rule should or should not apply to 12For purposes of this preamble, the terms ‘‘pre- 13Federal Regulations Amending Basic HHS ES6 prisoners, children, and pregnant 2018 requirements’’ or ‘‘pre-2018 rule’’ refer to the Policy for the Protection of Human Research D with RUL wo•mIennc laundde fpertouvseissi.o ns about U.S.- PCthooelm iCcmyo dofoenr o Rtfhu Felee P daresor tpaeluc Rbtileoigsnuh oleafd tHi ionun mtsh (aein. e2 S.0, u1thb6je ee cFdteistd,i oenra ol f SR20ue1tbr6jiee0cv2te0sd;2 F 1fri8no2am9l1 Rh4ut/thlpetst,: p4/:/6/w/ FaarRycb8ha3icv6ke6.. ah(Jrhacsnh.ugivoaervy-/io t2.ho6rr,pg 1//9 a8ll1/ ). RO funded studies in developing countries originally published on June 18, 1991 and documents/19810126.pdf. G9T082P wanidth a rdedgraersds itno gd pefoisnti-ntrgi aslt aanccdeasrsd tso o f care satoud bdthsieteiq o2un0e,1 nt8ht lreye tqaeumrmieren ‘m‘dtheedins t osrn ua lsJeu ’p’n roeer s2 e‘3‘nf,it n2ead0l0 ir5nu) .lt ehIn’i’s r efers S19u18b41jFe)c.e tRdsee; rtNrailoe tPvioceedlis cf yaron fmdor R htuhttlepe sPs:.r/ o5/wt6e wcFtwRio .2hn8h o0sf0. gH2o.uv (/mJouahnnrep 1/ 8, SK3 proven therapies. issuance. sites/default/files/ohrp/policy/frcomrul.pdf. D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 7154 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations C. Signatories to the Common Rule subpart A. (See Pub. L. 103–296 §106(b), entities; effective and compliance dates; 108 Stat. 1464, 1476.) and severability. This section provides information The Department of Labor (DOL), about where each Common Rule A. IRBs Not Operated by an Institution which was not a signatory to the pre- department or agency’s statutory Holding a Federalwide Assurance 2018 rule, is now a signatory to this authority for enacting and revising (§ll.101(a)(1)) rulemaking and is codifying the final human subjects research protection rule in DOL regulations for human 1. Background and Pre-2018 regulation lies, and provides additional subjects research that DOL conducts or Requirements information about new signatories to the supports. Common Rule. Before this final rule, IRBs not The Consumer Product Safety The regulations are codified in each operated by an institution holding an Commission (CPSC), subject to department or agency’s title or chapter FWA were not directly subject to Commission vote, intends to adopt this of the CFR. The Common Rule was oversight for compliance with the rule through a separate rulemaking. based on HHS’s regulations, 45 CFR part Common Rule. In situations in which an 46, subpart A, and includes identical The legal authority for the institution relied on an IRB not operated language in the separate regulations of departments and agencies that are by the institution, OHRP’s practice was each department and agency. signatories to this action is as follows: to hold the institution engaged in Although they did not previously Department of Homeland Security, 5 human subjects research accountable for issue the Common Rule in regulations, U.S.C. 301; Pub. L. 107–296, sec. 102, compliance violations, even in four departments and agencies have 306(c); Pub. L. 108–458, sec. 8306. circumstances in which the regulatory historically complied with all subparts Department of Agriculture, 5 U.S.C. 301; violation was directly related to the of the HHS protection of human subjects 42 U.S.C. 300v–1(b). Department of responsibilities of the IRB. regulations at 45 CFR part 46. These are Energy, 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 7254; 42 An institution might rely on an IRB the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), U.S.C. 300v–1(b). National Aeronautics not operated by that institution to the Office of the Director of National and Space Administration, 5 U.S.C. 301; review cooperative research, that is, Intelligence (ODNI), the Department of 42 U.S.C. 300v–1(b). Department of research conducted at more than one Homeland Security (DHS), and the Commerce, 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. institution. However, for some, such Social Security Administration (SSA). 300v–1(b). Social Security reliance has been considered Pursuant to Executive Order 12333 of Administration, 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. problematic due to lack of direct December 4, 1981, as amended, 289(a). Agency for International elements of the Intelligence Community Development, 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. regulatory accountability for these IRBs. must comply with the guidelines issued 300v–1(b), unless otherwise noted. Previously, the choice to have by HHS regarding research on human Department of Housing and Urban cooperative research reviewed by a subjects found in 45 CFR part 46. This Development, 5 U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. single IRB was voluntary and, for final rule does not supersede the 300v–1(b) and 3535(d). Department of federally funded research, most Executive Order. The CIA will continue Labor, 5 U.S.C. 301; 29 U.S.C. 551. institutions have been reluctant to to adhere to the HHS regulations at 45 Department of Defense, 5 U.S.C. 301. replace review by their own IRB with CFR part 46, pursuant to the Executive Department of Education, 5 U.S.C. 301; review by a single IRB not operated by Order. 20 U.S.C. 1221e–3, 3474; 42 U.S.C. that institution. 300v–1(b). Department of Veterans Through this rulemaking, DHS is 2. NPRM Proposal To Cover IRBs not Affairs, 5 U.S.C. 301; 38 U.S.C. 501, codifying the final rule into its own Operated by an Institution Holding an 7331, 7334; 42 U.S.C. 300v–1(b). agency regulations. DHS, which was FWA Environmental Protection Agency, 5 created after issuance of the pre-2018 rule, has been required by statute (Pub. U.S.C. 301; 7 U.S.C. 136a(a) and For the reasons outlined above, and L. 108–458, title VIII, section 8306) to 136w(a)(1); 21 U.S.C. 346a(e)(1)(C); sec. based on comments to OHRP’s 2011 comply with 45 CFR part 46, or with 201, Pub. L. 109–54, 119 Stat. 531; and ANPRM, the NPRM proposed adding a equivalent regulations promulgated by 42 U.S.C. 300v–1(b). Department of new provision at §ll.101(a) that the Secretary of Homeland Security or Health and Human Services, 5 U.S.C. would explicitly give Common Rule his designee. Through this rulemaking, 301; 42 U.S.C. 289(a); 42 U.S.C. 300v– departments and agencies the authority DHS is issuing equivalent regulations, 1(b). National Science Foundation, 5 to enforce compliance directly against consistent with statute, and will comply U.S.C. 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v–1(b). IRBs that are not operated by an FWA- with the DHS regulations as the Department of Transportation, 5 U.S.C. holding institution (sometimes referred requirements will be equivalent to 301; 42 U.S.C. 300v–1(b). to as ‘‘independent IRBs’’). Under the compliance with HHS regulations at 45 II. To what does this policy apply? pre-2018 rule, even if an institution CFR part 46, subpart A. engaged in research relied on an IRB Scope and Applicability of the operated by another FWA-holding Through this rulemaking, SSA is Regulations institution, OHRP’s practice has been to codifying the final rule into its own enforce compliance through the engaged agency regulations. SSA was separated This section of the preamble describes institution and not the reviewing IRB. from HHS in 1995 and, pursuant to the changes made in the final rule with transition rules provided in Section 106 regard to its scope and applicability. Relatedly, another NPRM proposal of title 1 of Pub. L. 103–296, has been Specifically, it addresses which entities would require single IRB review of S6 E required to apply regulations that are subject to the rule; coverage of multi-institution studies (see Section XII UL R applied to SSA before the separation, clinical trials; department and agency of this preamble). This proposal would with absent action by the Commissioner. discretion in applying the rule; the place responsibility for meeting the D RO With this rulemaking, SSA will follow relevance of state and local laws; relevant regulatory requirements on the P G9T082 tphreo vSiSsiAo nres goufl tahtiios nfisn (aald roupleti)n ign sthteea d of cfoorveeigrang ceo oufn rtersieeasr; cthhe c goonadlu ocft ed in IsRtuBd oyf, rreacthoerdr tihna an monu ltthi-ei ninstsittiututitoionna l K3 HHS regulations at 45 CFR part 46, harmonizing guidance across the federal engaged in the research. S D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations 7155 3. Public Comments that is not federally conducted or receive federal support to conduct supported has not been subject to the research subject to the regulatory Approximately 50 comments Common Rule’s requirements unless the requirements than they do with addressed this proposal, largely in U.S. institution receiving federal institutions that receive such support support, because it would encourage funding for research voluntarily for only exempt human subjects institutions to rely on IRBs not operated extended the Common Rule to all research. by an FWA-holding institution when research conducted at that institution, The NPRM proposed that a clinical necessary and would place regardless of funding source. trial be defined as a research study in responsibility on the IRB and its The Institute of Medicine,15the which one or more human subjects are decisions rather than on the institution National Bioethics Advisory prospectively assigned to one or more relying on the IRB’s determination. Commission,16and others have stated interventions (which may include Commenters stated that this change that human subjects would be best placebo or other control) to evaluate the could increase IRB accountability and protected by applying consistent ethical effects of the interventions on protect institutions relying on IRBs that standards and a uniform system of biomedical or behavioral health-related they do not operate. However, a few regulatory oversight to all human outcomes. By the term ‘‘behavioral commenters supported the proposal subjects research conducted in the health-related outcomes,’’ the NPRM only if the mandate for a single IRB of United States. Common Rule recognized that clinical trials may occur record in multi-institutional research departments and agencies do not have outside of the biomedical context, and was not implemented. That is, they statutory authority to directly apply the further stated that the studies addressed supported the concept of holding IRBs Common Rule to all human subjects in the proposed definition of clinical not operated by the institution engaged research conducted in the United States. trial are more likely to present more in research accountable for compliance, However, departments and agencies can than minimal risk to subjects, and, but did not support it if it was intended require U.S. institutions that receive therefore, require the highest level of solely to facilitate mandatory single IRB some federal funding from a Common oversight. review for cooperative research, because Rule department or agency for research they opposed that mandate. One 3. Public Comments with human subjects to extend organization that advocates for human regulatory protections to all research Approximately 70 comments subjects protections opposed the studies conducted at the institution as a discussed the proposal to extend the proposal because it did not believe that condition of funding. The 2011 ANPRM Common Rule to cover certain clinical any research should be reviewed by an sought comment on this approach. trials. Opinion was mixed, with a slim independent IRB, and feared this majority opposing the proposed change. practice would become more frequent 2. NPRM Proposal Universities and medical centers with this change. Several academic The NPRM proposed changes in the providing comments largely opposed institutions opposed the proposal, as regulatory language to extend the rule to the proposed measure, while did a large trade organization, stating all clinical trials, irrespective of funding professional associations and advocacy that this extension of the rule was not source, that met three conditions: (1) groups largely supported the proposal. necessary. The clinical trials are conducted at an We note that some of those who 4. Response to Comments and institution that receives support from a opposed the clinical trial extension did Explanation of the Final Rule: Authority federal department or agency for human so because they felt that the proposal To Enforce Compliance Directly Against subjects research that was not proposed did not go far enough to include IRBs Not Operated by an FWA-Holding to be excluded under the NPRM and additional types of research. Institution was not exempt; (2) the clinical trials Those supporting the proposed are not subject to FDA regulation; and change indicated that it had the New language at §ll.101(a) is (3) the clinical trials are conducted at an potential to ensure greater consistency adopted that gives Common Rule institution located within the United of rules and protections for research departments and agencies the authority States. subjects, thereby aiding efficiency and to enforce compliance directly against The purpose of the proposed clinical speeding the review process of study IRBs that are not operated by an assured trials extension was to ensure that protocols. However, even those institution. This authority will allow clinical trials involving significant risks commenters who supported the Common Rule departments and that would otherwise not be covered be proposal indicated that such an agencies to avoid involving other subject to federal oversight. It was for extension must fulfill the intent of a engaged institutions in enforcement that reason that the proposed extension risk-based, streamlined approach to activities related to the responsibilities excluded clinical trials subject to FDA human subject protection, considering of the designated IRB. It is anticipated oversight. The proposed extension also the effects of this extension on certain that this change will reassure was based on whether an institution minimal risk research activities, such as institutions using an IRB that they do received funding specifically for other student research, and social, behavioral, not operate because compliance actions human subjects research that had to and educational research. could be taken directly against the IRB comply with the substantive Those expressing opposition to this responsible for the regulatory requirements of the Common Rule. The expansion of coverage noted concerns noncompliance, rather than against the Common Rule departments and that: (1) Because the research institutions that relied on that review. agencies have a more substantial institutions likely to engage in clinical S6 B. Coverage of Clinical Trials relationship with institutions that trials already require IRB review of such E research, the expansion would only D with RUL 1R.e Bquacirkegmroeunntsd and Pre-2018 Re1s5pFoendseibrmle aRne DseDa,r cHha:n An aS yKsEte, mRos dAripgpureoza LchL ,t oed s. iansc freedaesrea al drempionritsintrga trievqeu biruermdeennst s()s ufocrh RO The Common Rule has historically Protecting Research Participants. Washington, DC: this type of research without a G9T082P aisp cpolineddu tcot ehdu mora snu spupbojretcetds breys ae aCrcohm tmhaotn NEtah1t6iicoNanala tali onAndca aPl doBeliimoceyite hIssi sPcusre eAss sdi;nv 2 iR0soe0rs2ye. aCrochm Imnivsoslivoinn.g mhuemanainn gsufublj einctcsr;e (a2s)e t hine prerogutelcattioornys to SK3 Rule department or agency. Research Human Participants. Bethesda, MD; 2001. extension to nonfederally funded D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 7156 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations clinical trials would encompass many accruing to subjects or the research determination would be made that a minimal-risk social and behavioral enterprise. particular activity involves more than research activities and currently minimal risk. Thus, there would be a 4. Response to Comments and unregulated institutional activities that very real possibility that such a rule Explanation of the Final Rule: Coverage involve randomization (such as would lead to an administrative burden of Certain Clinical Trials nonfederally funded quality on substantially more activities than the improvement or quality assurance The final rule does not adopt the rule itself would be targeting (such as activities); and (3) because an NPRM proposal. Although we continue many minimal risk quality improvement institution’s funding status may change, to maintain the position that increased activities). implementation of this proposal would harmonization of appropriate standards We also considered the alternative of be complicated. Several commenters for ethical oversight of human subjects maintaining the pre-2018 standard of expressed concern about the lack of research is an important and desirable allowing institutions to voluntarily detail in the NPRM regarding the endpoint, we agree with the concerns extend their FWAs to nonfederally planned implementation of the expressed by commenters suggesting funded research. We concluded that this proposed requirement. that our proposal for extending the alternative would not further the Several commenters also expressed Common Rule to currently unregulated expressed goal of increasing the concern that the unfunded clinical trials clinical trials would benefit from further application of consistent protections to encompassed by this proposal would be deliberation. Some commenters asserted clinical trials, regardless of the source of that, in our attempt to close the support, because the extension of the subject to the single IRB mandate perceived ‘‘gap’’ in oversight, the NPRM FWA would be optional. We therefore without a corresponding provision of created a structure that would be both plan to implement the proposed federal funds to implement that confusing and complicated for nonregulatory change to the assurance requirement. institutions to implement. We received mechanism to eliminate the voluntary Some commenters suggested that the multiple comments objecting to the extension of the FWA to nonfederally proposed change in the NPRM will not administrative complexity involved in funded research. address the real gap in human subjects applying a regulatory extension We note the concern expressed by protections—facilities that receive no triggered by the receipt of Common Rule commenters that a gap in federal federal funding—and that if broad department or agency funding for other oversight will remain for nonfederally concern exists that some subjects are not nonexempt research, and asserting that funded research, and the comment that being adequately protected in research the administrative burden is not offset Congress would be the appropriate body that is not federally funded, then by a corresponding increase in the to address any such deficiency through Congress would be the appropriate body meaningful protection of human legislation. We recognize that to address any such deficiency through subjects. Additionally, it is apparent institutions may choose to establish an legislation. Further, some commenters from the public comments received that institutional policy that would require expressed concern that extending the our intention to apply the Common Rule IRB review of research that is not Common Rule to nonfederally funded to cover the most risky types of funded by a Common Rule department clinical trials might have an overall research—clinical trials—was not or agency (and indeed, as commenters effect of decreasing human subject accomplished through the NPRM noted, almost all institutions already do protections by discouraging some proposal, given the definition of this), and nothing in this final rule smaller organizations from accepting ‘‘clinical trial’’ included in the NPRM, precludes institutions from providing any federal funding, thus removing as that definition encompassed research protections to human subjects in this federal oversight of their work. that would pose no more than minimal way. As a result, the final rule continues One research institution noted that, if risk to subjects. Commenters were to allow institutions the same wide finalized, the proposed clinical trials further concerned that an unintended degree of flexibility that they currently extension would be implemented at the consequence might be that the proposed have with regard to making other same time the ability of institutions to extension would apply to low-risk similar determinations regarding ethical formally extend the application of the student research and social, behavioral, oversight of research not regulated by rule to all research conducted at the or educational research, and would the Common Rule. institution is being eliminated. Some cause currently unregulated Although we are not implementing states, such as Virginia, have state institutional activities, such as certain the proposed extension of the Common human subjects regulations that must be quality improvement or quality Rule to ‘‘clinical trials’’ (as defined by applied to research when federal assurance activities, to fall within this policy), the proposed definition of regulations are not required. The regulatory oversight. Upon reflection on ‘‘clinical trial’’ is still relevant to the commenter noted that removing the the perspectives expressed by these final rule provision requiring posting of option to voluntarily extend the FWA commenters, we are persuaded that the one IRB-approved consent form used to would have the effect of reducing proposed extension of the Common enroll subjects for a clinical trial uniform application of the federal Rule is not appropriate to include in a conducted or supported by a federal standards, as nonfederally funded final rule at this time. We will continue department or agency, at §ll.116(h). research that does not meet the to carefully consider the related issues. The definition of clinical trial is proposed definition of a clinical trial As an alternative, we contemplated unaltered from the NPRM proposal and would by default be subject to state law. explicitly limiting the extension of this appears at §ll.102(b). A few commenters challenged policy to clinical trials that present S6 C. Activities Deemed Not To Be E whether the legal authority provided by greater than minimal risk to subjects in RUL the Public Health Service Act was order to better align with the intent of Research Appear at §ll.102(l) and with sufficient to extend the Common Rule to this extension, as described in the Research Exempt From This Policy ROD nonfederally funded clinical trials. preamble to the NPRM. However, such Appears at §ll.104 P G9T082 Cproompmoseanl tiesr as na lusno fsuungdgeedst meda nthdaatt eth firso m ainnt raoltdeuractei oan v oarf itehtye rouf lceo wmopuleldx iittiseesl,f theIn N rPesRpMon’ss gee tnoe trhael appupbrloica ccho mofm ents, K3 the Federal Government with no benefit including the question of how a designating various categories of S D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations 7157 activities as excluded is not included in be required when those additional department or agency is covered by the the final rule. The final rule reverts to requirements apply to entities outside of Common Rule (§ll.101(c)) and that the general structure of the pre-2018 the federal department or agency itself. authority continues under the final rule and integrates some of the This latter requirement was intended to regulations, but with the new limitation categories proposed for exclusion in the promote harmonization among federal that this judgment must be consistent NPRM into that structure. Some changes agencies or departments, to the extent with the ethical principles of the to the categories are also included in the possible, and to ensure transparency Belmont Report. This discretion final rule. between funding entities and the provides important flexibility given the In the final rule, some of the proposed regulated community. varying missions and policies of the exclusions from the requirements of the Finally, at §ll.101(i) the NPRM many departments and agencies. Common Rule are addressed in the proposed to amend the criteria for a Although some commenters were definition of research, which includes a department or agency waiving the opposed to ever granting departments or provision identifying ‘‘activities that are applicability of some or all of the agencies the authority permitted by deemed not to be research’’ (see Section provisions of the policy, by stating that §ll.101(c), we believe requiring that III). In addition, some of the proposed the alternative procedures to be these decisions be consistent with the exclusions are included as exemptions followed must be consistent with the principles of the Belmont Report is an in the final rule. Under §ll.101(b) of principles of the Belmont Report. The approach that promotes accountability the pre-2018 rule, six categories of addition of this provision was to make while still giving federal departments research were considered exempt from explicit the ethical basis underpinning and agencies the necessary flexibility to this policy unless otherwise required by how waiver decisions have and must be achieve their respective missions. department or agency heads. In the final considered. The NPRM also proposed The final rule in §ll.101(d) does rule, exempt research is now described that such waivers be posted on a not adopt the NPRM proposals, and at §ll.104 and eight categories are publicly accessible federal Web site. instead retains the pre-2018 language. The NPRM proposed to modify included (see Section V). 3. Public Comments §ll.101(d) to say that department or D. Department or Agency Discretion in Approximately 25 comments related agency heads could require additional Applying the Policy (§ll.101(c), (d), to the NPRM proposals at §ll.101(c) protections to research activities (i)) and (i) and none on §ll.101(d). conducted or supported by federal Comments received on these proposals departments or agencies, but that were 1. Background and Pre-2018 generally expressed opposition to ever not otherwise covered by the Common Requirements granting the authority to department or Rule. This language was intended as a The pre-2018 requirements included agency heads to retain final judgment as clarification to the pre-2018 language. provisions at §ll.101 that allowed to whether a particular activity is However, we determined that the term federal department or agency heads to covered by this policy, or to waive ‘‘additional protections’’ could determine which specific activities or certain requirements, even though these potentially be confusing in that the classes of activities are covered by the provisions existed in the pre-2018 rule. activities at issue in this provision are rule and whether certain requirements These commenters were concerned those for which no Common Rule could be waived. This flexibility was about the potential for Common Rule protections are required; thus the allowed in recognition of the varying departments and agencies to exclude protections imposed by department or missions of the federal departments and certain activities for political purposes agency heads might be the only agencies, the possibility that there may or for expediency, such as certain protections to which these activities are be superseding or alternative statutes or activities that might involve subject. We also note that departments regulations governing their activities, surveillance or criminal investigative or agencies conducting or supporting an and the possibility that a given situation aims. With regard to §ll.101(i), some activity subject to the Common Rule requires either more stringent oversight commenters stated that reference to the may require additional protections for (e.g., ‘‘sensitive research’’) or reduced ethical principles of the Belmont Report human subjects. requirements (e.g., a public health was too narrow. That is, one might rely The final rule also does not emergency). on additional ethical considerations to incorporate the NPRM proposal in evaluate the applicability of the §ll.101(d) that advance public notice 2. NPRM Proposals regulations. must be provided when a department or The NPRM proposed to retain the agency head requires that the Common 4. Response to Public Comments and Common Rule’s pre-2018 requirement Rule, or part of it, be applied to research Explanation of the Final Rule: that federal department or agency heads activities not otherwise subject to the Department or Agency Discretion About retain final judgment about the coverage rule. Upon further assessment, we Applicability of the Policy of particular research activities under decided that such a requirement could the Common Rule (§ll.101(c)) and The final rule adopts the NPRM hinder the ability of a department or proposed an additional requirement that proposals in §ll.101(c). Thus, under agency to move quickly in cases where federal department or agency heads §ll.101(c), department or agency the department or agency determined exercise their authority consistent with heads retain final judgment as to that additional protections are the principles of the Belmont Report. whether a particular activity is covered warranted. The NPRM also proposed at by the Common Rule, and this judgment Section ll.101(i) of the final rule §ll.101(d) that a department or should be exercised consistent with the adopts a majority of the NPRM S6 E agency may require additional ethical principles of the Belmont Report. proposals. As proposed in the NPRM, UL R protections for specific types of research We note that under the pre-2018 §ll.101(i) is modified to require that with it supports or conducts, or that is requirements Common Rule any alternative procedures adopted by D RO otherwise subject to regulation by the departments and agencies retained final departments or agency heads are P G9T082 foetdheerrawl idsee pcaorvtmereendt b oyr tahgee nCcoym bmuot nn oRtu le. ahuutmhoarni tsyu absje tcot sw rheesethaercr ha sptaurdtiyc ular cBoenlmsiostnetn Rt ewpiothrt .t hAel spor iansc piprolepso osef dth ien the K3 However, advance public notice would conducted or supported by that NPRM, §ll.101(i) is modified to state S D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6 7158 Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 12/Thursday, January 19, 2017/Rules and Regulations that, unless otherwise required by E. State and Local Laws That Provide potential to improve outcomes for tribal statute or executive order, notice of Additional Protections for Human and minority populations. these alternative procedures must be Subjects (§ll.101(f)) • Research oversight for categories of forwarded to OHRP (or any successor 1. Background and Pre-2018 research and activities important in office), or to the equivalent office within Requirements tribal contexts: Commenters noted the appropriate federal department or concerns about the proposed changes The pre-2018 rule specified that the agency. The pre-2018 rule only listed policy does not affect any state or local related to the exclusion of certain OHRP (or any successor office) as the laws or regulations that may otherwise categories of activities (e.g., oral history, office to which notices must be sent. be applicable and that provide biography), addition of exempt This final rule modification is intended additional protections for human categories of research (e.g., educational to ensure that if a non-HHS department subjects. The NPRM did not propose tests, surveys, interviews), and or agency allows for alternative any changes to this statement. However, elimination of continuing review procedures, the appropriate office questions raised by public comments, as requirements for some studies because within that same department or agency described below, led to some tribal research review often extends the receives notification. The final rule clarifications to the final rule. scope of examination beyond retains the pre-2018 requirement for the individual-level protections to enact 1. Public Comments notice to also be published in the community-level protections important Federal Register or in such other Several public comments raised for maintaining the integrity of manner provided for in department or questions and concerns about the ability culturally significant information and agency procedures. of tribal nations to require additional practices. Changes to excluded and protections that might be needed for The final rule also adopts in exempt categories of research and research involving American Indian/ §ll.101(i) the NPRM proposal to eliminating some continuing review Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. require that the waiver notice include a requirements, especially where no clear One tribal government noted the statement that identifies the conditions mechanism for additional tribal documented mistrust of research by AI/ under which the waiver will be applied oversight and input has been AN people and communities, and and a justification as to why the waiver advocated for specific provisions established, are a cause for concern for is appropriate for the research, acknowledging the authority and role of the AI/AN community. including how the decision is consistent tribal nations in overseeing research that 2. Response to Public Comments and with the principles in the Belmont happens on their lands and with their Explanation of the Final Rule: State and Report. citizens. Additionally, this entity noted Local Laws That Provide Additional Section ll.101(i) of the final rule that tribal nations do not always have Protections does not include the NPRM proposal their own regulatory bodies for human that would have required each federal subject research protections, expressing Consistent with the pre-2018 rule, this department or agency conducting or concern about external groups deciding final rule retains the language in supporting the research to establish on what constitute risks and benefits for §ll.101(f)) providing that the the community. a publicly accessible federal Web site a Common Rule does not affect any state list of the research for which a waiver Other AI/AN Population concerns of or local laws or regulations that may has been issued. We decided that the commenters included: otherwise be applicable and that rule’s requirement to publish the waiver • Tribal (i.e., group) and individual provide additional protections for notice in the Federal Register, or in consent for secondary research with human subjects. However, the final rule such other manner as provided in biospecimens: Commenters noted that adds clarifying language providing that department or agency procedures, group consent can occur and should the referenced state or local laws or adequately ensures that the waiver inform the proposed changes in the rule. regulations include tribal laws passed notice will be available to the public They also noted that broad consent for by the official governing body of an AI/ without also requiring that such notices future, unspecified research use of AN tribe. Thus, if the official governing be listed on a federal Web site. We note biospecimens presents a challenge to body of a tribe passes a tribal law that that some departments, such as HHS, the ongoing ability of both tribes and provides additional protections for currently post such notices on their Web individuals to choose to remove their human subjects, the Common Rule does sites. data from research, or to understand not affect or alter the applicability of how their information is being used to such tribal law. (Note that a similar The final rule thus formally codifies benefit, or put at risk, themselves or change was also made to §ll.116(i) in §ll.101(c) and (i) the general others. and (j) to provide the same practice that the ethical standards • Tribal and individual consent for clarification.) In addition, for purposes articulated in the Belmont Report are research with biospecimens or other of the exception to the single IRB review the ethical standards that Common Rule data from people who are no longer requirement for cooperative research, departments or agencies will use in alive: AI/AN groups noted the need to relating to circumstances where review determining whether an activity is address protections for biospecimens by more than a single IRB is required by covered under this policy or whether to initially collected from living humans law, §ll.114(b)(2)(i) specifies that ULES6 gsoramnet ao rw aalilv oefr t ohfe tphreo avpispiloincasb (iulnitlye sosf aft•erR thesoesaer hchu movaenrss ipgahsts b ayw traiyb.a l IRBs tarsisbeasls lianwg wish teot hbeer c monosried tehraend sinin gle IRB D with R oadthdeirtiwoins eo fr ethque irreefde rbeyn claew to). tThhe eB elmont aAnNd gortohuepr st rriabiasle dre cgounlacteorrnys baobdoiuets :t hAeI / review is required by law. RO Report makes explicit the ethical basis use of a single IRB in cooperative and P G9T082 uhnavdee rapnidn nminugs th boew c ownasiivdeerr edde.c isions mnoutl ftoi-sitnesrt ictoumtiomnuanl irteys-ebaarscehd, gwohviecrhn adnocees K3 and oversight of research that has the S D mstockstill on VerDate Sep<11>2014 00:33 Jan 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19JAR6.SGM 19JAR6

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