ReviewsofPhysiology,BiochemistryandPharmacology141 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona HongKong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo Reviews of 141 Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology SpecialIssueonWaterTransportAcross Biological Membranes EditedbyR. Greger andW. Rosenthal (Guest Editor) Editors M.P.Blaustein,Baltimore R. Greger,Freiburg H.Grunicke,Innsbruck R.Jahn,Gottingen W.J. Lederer,Baltimore L.M.Mendell,StonyBrook A.Miyajima,Tokyo N.Pfanner,Freiburg G.Schultz,Berlin M.Schweiger,Berlin With34 Figuresand 12Tables Springer ISSN0303-4240 ISBN3-540-66627-3 Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelbergNewYork LibraryofCongress-Catalog-CardNumber74-3674 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartof the materialisconcerned,specificallythe rights oftranslation,reprinting,reuse of illustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway, andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationorpartsthereofispermitted onlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,inits currentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer-Verlag. ViolationsareliableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Springer-VerlagisacompanyintheBertelsmannSpringerpublishinggroup. ©Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg2000 PrintedinGermany Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispubli cationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesare exemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneral use. Productliability:The publisherscannotguaranteethe accuracyofanyinformation aboutdosageandapplicationcontainedinthisbook.Ineveryindividualcasetheuser mustchecksuchinformationbyconsultingtherelevantliterature. Production:PROEDITGmbH,69126Heidelberg,Germany Printedonacid-freepaper- SPIN:10718045 27/3136wg-543210 Contents MolecularBiologyofAquaporins ByK.Ishibashi,M.KuwaharaandS.Sasaki (With4Figuresand3Tables) . TheMechanismsofAquaporinControl intheRenalCollectingDuct ByE.Klussmann,K.MaricandW.Rosenthal (With2Figures and2Tables) 33 MolecularWaterPumps ByT.Zeuthen (With 19Figuresand2Tables) ............. 97 Role ofLateralIntercellularSpace andSodiumRecirculationfor IsotonicTransport inLeakyEpithelia ByE.H.Larsen,S.NedergaardandH.H.Ussing (With9Figuresand5Tables) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 153 IndexedinCurrentContents Molecular Biology of Aquaporins Kenichi Ishibashi ,~ Michio Kuwahara ,2 and Sei Sasaki 2 1Department of Pharmacology, Jichi Medical School, Minamikawachi, Kawachi, Tochigi 329-0498 Japan; and 2Internal Medicine II, Tokyo Medical and Dental University stnetnoC 1 The Characteristics of AQP/MIP Family .............................................. 2 1.1 Relatively Small Proteins ............................................................ 3 1.2 Conserved NPA Motif ................................................................ 3 1.3 Tandem Sequence Repeat ........................................................... 5 1.4 Six Membrane Spanning Domains ............................................ 6 2 The Members of AQP/MIP Family ....................................................... 7 2.1 Bacteria ......................................................................................... 9 2.2 Yeast ............................................................................................. 10 2.3 Plants ............................................................................................ 11 2.4 Invertebrates ................................................................................ 11 2.5 Vertebrates .................................................................................... 12 3 Molecular Structure of AQP/MIP Family ............................................. 21 3.1 Oligomerization ........................................................................... 21 3.2 Hourglass Model ......................................................................... 23 3.3 Direct Visualization ..................................................................... 23 4 Function of AQP/MIP Family . .............................................................. 24 4.1 Water Channel ............................................................................. 24 4.2 Small Solute Channel .................................................................. 25 4.3 CO2 Gas Channel ......................................................................... 26 4.4 Meafl Channels ............................................................................ 27 4.5 Regulation of Transport .............................................................. 27 5 Perspectives ............................................................................................ 28 References ...................................................................................................... 28 2 .K Ishibashi et .la Water transport across the plasma membrane is important for fluid absorp- tion and/or secretion as well as cell volume regulation. Water is transported through biological membrane in two mechanisms: diffusional transport and water channel mediated transport. Despite its low lipid permeability, water has high permeability for almost all cell membranes (a possible exception is the apical membrane of thick ascending limb of Heule of kidney) to prevent the development of osmolarity gradient across cell membranes. This water flux occurs by diffusion driven by osmotic and hydraulic forces that arise from active transport of ions and osmotic solutes. On the other hand, highly specialized cells that transport bulk of water rapidly are equipped with aqueous transmembrane pathways, pores. They are named water channels or aquaporins (AQPs). Recent molecular clonings of water channels have given the insight into molecular mechanisms of water transport in highly water permeable membranes. Many isoforms of AQPs are identified and they distribute widely. AQPs belong to MIP family. MIP family was named after the first sequenced member of this family, the major intrinsic protein (MIP) of lens fiber cell membrane. The number of the members of MIP fam- ily is now increasing mainly due to TSE and genome projects. Every organ- ism seems to have some members of MIP family with limited exceptions. Some of them also function as small non-ionic solute channels. In this review, we will focus on the diversity of aquaporins as members of MIP family (AQP/MIP family). More extensive current reviews on the func- tional aspects of AQPs are presented in this journal and in the literature [ I- 6]. We will update the current members of AQPs in mammals. Much more expanding members of plant AQPs (at least 52 in Arabidopsis thaliana)[7] and AQPs in lower organisms such as .C elegans, yeast, and bacteria will also be included. As some of the genome projects have been completed and all members of MIP family in these organisms are identified, it will be possible to discuss the evolutional aspects of MIP family. The references cited in this review are limited only to the recent ones. The original and older references are easily found in the recent related references and the previous extensive reviews in this field ,1[ .]7 1 The Characteristics of AQPIMIP Family Several characteristic features of AQP/MIP family proteins were noticed when the name of MIP family was proposed [8]. However, these original features may need to be revised after the accumulation of many members by PCR-based cloning and the genome projects. The features will be updated to incorporate the deviated members of this family. The ubiquitous distribu- Molecular Biology of Aquaporins tion of MIP family suggests its ancient origin. Several variants of this family are expected to have come out in the course of its evolution. They can be subgrouped to highlight the phylogenetic feature of MIP family. The sub- grouping may also reflect the functional diversity of MIP family. 1.1 Relatively Small Proteins Most members of this family are less than 300 residues in length, usually 250-280. This characteristic of small size has been helpful to clone, analyze, and characterize the members of this family. However, a few eukaryotic members are substantially longer. Two members of the yeast have 646 and 669 amino acids, and one member from an insect has 700 amino acids. The extra amino acids of these proteins are hydrophilic segments and located in cytoplasm. The longer version of this family has not been identified in bac- teria, plants, and vertebrates. As the genome project of .C elegans has been completed, the absence of longer members in .C elegans is evident. It is possible that such a long version has been lost in the course of evolution. It may be possible that the extra hydrophilic segments may have become sepa- rate proteins and can be found in the genome. It is tempting to speculate that these proteins become associate proteins with MIP family to modulate their functions. 1.2 Conserved NPA Motif At the time of MIP family identification, the sequence comparison among members revealed the two regions highly conserved. These regions were highlighted by three amino acid residues (Asn-Pro-Ala) with surrounding several amino acids. These relatively hydrophobic segments are named NPA boxes. As a result of tandem repeats (see below), two NPA boxes are present in each protein. The first NPA box is usually NPAVT and the second NPA box is NPARS/D. The first NPA box is often preceded by five-residue se- quence ISGAH with a single variable hydrophobic residue in between. Fol- lowing the analysis of lLa members of MIP family then available, a signature sequence of MIP family was proposed [8]; (HQ)-(LIVMF)-N-P-(AST)- (LIVMF)-T-(LIVMF)-(GA) for the first NPA box because the first NPA box is more conserved among MIP family. However, the analysis of the current database of MIP family reveals much more variation of NPA box motif. -xE amples of the several variants of NPA include NPS, NAA, NPI, NPV, NCA, .K lshibashi et al. 3N2A "w" rv'" 1 2N 3 4 5 N 6 1 2H 3 4 5H 6 Formate Channel Fig. .1 Hydropathy profiles of two AQP/MIP family 1PQA( and )3PQA and a putative formate channel from Bacillus subtilis by Kyte-Doolittle hydrophobicity analysis using a window of 31 residues. Y-axis shows the hydrophobicity index. X-axis shows the number of amino acids from 1 to .003 The numbers are putative transmembrane segments. N represents APN box, while H represents small hydrophobic segments that may correspond to APN box of PIM family. Note that the formate channel is not a member of MIP family but has a similar hydropathy profile. AQPI belongs to CHIP group whereas AQP3 belongs to PLG group. Note that the distances between transmembrane 4/3 and between transmembrane 6/5 of 3PQA are longer than those of AQPl NLA, DPL, NPT, NPC, NPG, and SPL. The above signature of the NPA box will be expanded as (HQAMFS)-(LIVMFTCS)-(NCDS)-(PCLA)- .)EMFYDSTLAG(-)WFMVIL(-)VPIST(-)AGPFMVIL(-)GVICLTSA( How- ever, such expanded signature sequence will identify proteins irrelevant to MIP family because the criteria for MIP family depend on the overall se- quence similarity and not simply on the signature sequence. Therefore, it is necessary to verify by other features of MIP family (see below) to call them members of MIP family. Until now, it has been easy to identify the members of MIP family because they have the typical signature sequences of MIP family. It should be realized, however, that the boundary between MIP fam- ily and other six-transmembrane proteins is becoming less clear because of the identification of new proteins that have low homology with the current members of MIP family [Ishibashi et al. unpublished observation]. Such new proteins will benefit us in contemplating structure-function relationship of raluceloM ygoloiB of sniropauqA MIP family. Furthermore, some membrane proteins that have no sequence homology with MIP family may have similar functions as MIP family. For example, the formate channel of bacteria has a very similar hydropathy profile with MIP family. It has six transmembrane domains with small hy- drophobic segments in loop B and ,E which may correspond to NPA boxes although the primary sequences are not related (Fig. .)1 It will form a pore for small solute such as formate. In the near future, MIP family will be in- cluded in a small solute channel superfamily. The data from three- dimensional crystallography will bring the seemingly unrelated proteins from primary sequence together. Some of them may be water channels. Such novel water channels will reveal water channel specific segments when com- pared with current AQPs. Such water channels can be identified in the cells whose water permeability is high but no AQPs are identified. One of these organs is skeletal muscle, which functions as a water reservoir and whose plasma membrane has high water permeability. Only AQP4 has been identi- fied in skeletal muscle but its expression is sporadic [9]. The muscle fibers that do not express AQP4 may have novel water channels. 3.1 mednaT ecneuqeS staepeR The first half of amino acid residues of MIP family shares a considerable similarity to that of the second half (~23%), suggesting that the intragenic duplication produced MIP family proteins. This sequence similarity is lower than the similarity between the members of MIP family per se. Within a member of MIP family, only the residues around NPA boxes are conserved. Therefore, the intragenic duplication occurred before the divergence of MIP family. The first halves of MIP family are more conserved than the second halves among the members of MIP family. Such variations of the second halves may be responsible for the functional divergence. An insert of amino acid residues is typically found in the second halves in glycerol-permeable aquaporins (see below). As the halves of MIP family consist of three mem- brane spanning regions, the intragenic duplication produced the integral membrane protein with six membrane spanning domains (see below). The tandem repeats of the odd numbered transmembrane domains bring the NPA boxes to the opposite side of the membrane to interact with each other as proposed in hourglass model and provide the structural basis for the absence of rectification of its transport. Another insert of amino acid resi- dues is found between this iunction in glycerol-permeable aquaporins (see below). The repeats of NPA boxes made it easier to clone new members of this family by amplifying DNA sequences between these NPA boxes whose