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This article was downloaded by: [Teldan Inc] On: 24 August 2015, At: 10:30 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/brfs21 World Squid Fisheries Alexander I. Arkhipkina, Paul G. K. Rodhouseb, Graham J. Piercecd, Warwick Sauere, Mitsuo Sakaif, Louise Allcockg, Juan Arguellesh, John R. Boweri, Gladis Castilloh, Luca Ceriolaj, Chih-Shin Chenk, Xinjun Chenl, Mariana Diaz-Santanam, Nicola Downeye, Angel F. Gonzálezn, Jasmin Granados Amoreso, Corey P. Greenp, Angel Guerran, Lisa C. Hendricksonq, Christian Ibáñezr, Kingo Itos, Patrizia Jerebt, Yoshiki Katof, Oleg N. Katuginu, Mitsuhisa Kawanov, Hideaki Kidokorow, Vladimir V. Kuliku, Vladimir V. Laptikhovskyx, Marek R. Lipinskid, Bilin Liul, Luis Mariáteguih, Wilbert Marinh, Ana Medinah, Katsuhiro Mikiy, Kazutaka Miyaharaz, Natalie Moltschaniwskyjaa, Hassan Moustahfidab, Jaruwat Nabhitabhataac, Nobuaki Nanjoad, Chingis M. Nigmatullinae, Tetsuya Ohtaniaf, Gretta Peclag, J. Angel A. Perezah, Uwe Click for updates Piatkowskiai, Pirochana Saikliangaj, Cesar A. Salinas-Zavalao, Michael Steerak, Yongjun Tianw, Yukio Uetaal, Dharmamony Vijaiam, Toshie Wakabayashian, Tadanori Yamaguchiao, Carmen Yamashiroh, Norio Yamashitaap & Louis D. Zeidbergaq a Fisheries Department, Stanley, Falkland Islands b British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environmental Research Council, Cambridge, UK c Oceanlab, University of Aberdeen, Newburgh, UK d CESAM & Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal e Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa f Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Hachinohe-shi, Aomori, Japan g School of Biological Sciences, Queen's University, Belfast, Belfast, UK h Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Callao, Perú i Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan j FAO MedSudMed, Rome, Italy k Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan l College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China m Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas-IPN, La Paz, BCS, México n Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), Vigo, Spain o Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste SC, La Paz, BCS, México p Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Fisheries Victoria, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia q Northeast Fisheries Science Center, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA r Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile s Fisheries Research Institute, Aomori Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Center, Aomori, Japan t ISPRA, Rome, Italy u Pacific Research Fisheries Centre (TINRO-Centre), Vladivostok, Russia v Yamaguchi Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Nagato, Yamaguchi, Japan w Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Niigata, Japan x Fisheries Division, CEFAS, Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK y National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Kanazawa, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan z Hyogo Fisheries Technology Institute, Futami, Akashi, Hyogo, Japan aa School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, New South Wales, Australia ab National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Integrated Ocean Observing System (US IOOS), Operations Division, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA ac Excellence Centre for Biodiversity of Peninsular Thailand (CBIPT), Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand ad Fisheries Research Institute, Toyama Prefectural Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center, Namerikawa, Toyama, Japan ae Atlantic Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (AtlantNIRO), Kaliningrad, Russia af Tajima Fisheries Technology Institute, Hyogo Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Kasumi, Kami, Mikata, Hyogo, Japan ag Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia ah Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas da Terra e do Mar (CTTMar), Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Itajaí, SC, Brazil 15 ai Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany 0 st 2 aj Bureau of Fisheries Expert, Department of Fisheries, Kaset Klang, Chatuchak, Bangkok, u g Thailand u A ak South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Henley Beach, 4 2 South Australia, Australia 0 0:3 al Tokushima Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Technology and Support Center, Fisheries at 1 Research Institute, Tokushima, Japan ] am Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan c n n I an National Fisheries University, Shimonoseki, Japan a eld ao Saga Prefectural Genkai Fisheries Research and Development Center, Karatsu, Saga, Japan [T ap Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Katsurakoi, y b Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan d de aq California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region, Monterey, California, USA a o Published online: 09 Jun 2015. nl w o D To cite this article: Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Paul G. K. Rodhouse, Graham J. Pierce, Warwick Sauer, Mitsuo Sakai, Louise Allcock, Juan Arguelles, John R. Bower, Gladis Castillo, Luca Ceriola, Chih-Shin Chen, Xinjun Chen, Mariana Diaz-Santana, Nicola Downey, Angel F. González, Jasmin Granados Amores, Corey P. Green, Angel Guerra, Lisa C. Hendrickson, Christian Ibáñez, Kingo Ito, Patrizia Jereb, Yoshiki Kato, Oleg N. Katugin, Mitsuhisa Kawano, Hideaki Kidokoro, Vladimir V. Kulik, Vladimir V. Laptikhovsky, Marek R. Lipinski, Bilin Liu, Luis Mariátegui, Wilbert Marin, Ana Medina, Katsuhiro Miki, Kazutaka Miyahara, Natalie Moltschaniwskyj, Hassan Moustahfid, Jaruwat Nabhitabhata, Nobuaki Nanjo, Chingis M. Nigmatullin, Tetsuya Ohtani, Gretta Pecl, J. Angel A. Perez, Uwe Piatkowski, Pirochana Saikliang, Cesar A. Salinas-Zavala, Michael Steer, Yongjun Tian, Yukio Ueta, Dharmamony Vijai, Toshie Wakabayashi, Tadanori Yamaguchi, Carmen Yamashiro, Norio Yamashita & Louis D. Zeidberg (2015) World Squid Fisheries, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 23:2, 92-252, DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2015.1026226 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23308249.2015.1026226 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Versions of published Taylor & Francis and Routledge Open articles and Taylor & Francis and Routledge Open Select articles posted to institutional or subject repositories or any other third-party website are without warranty from Taylor & Francis of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. 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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions It is essential that you check the license status of any given Open and Open Select article to confirm conditions of access and use. 5 1 0 2 st u g u A 4 2 0 3 0: 1 at ] c n I n a d el T [ y b d e d a o nl w o D ReviewsinFisheriesScience&Aquaculture,23:92–252,2015 PublishedwithlicensebyTaylor&FrancisGroup,LLC ISSN:2330-8249print/2330-8257online DOI:10.1080/23308249.2015.1026226 World Squid Fisheries ALEXANDERI.ARKHIPKIN*,1PAULG.K.RODHOUSE,2GRAHAMJ.PIERCE,3,4 WARWICKSAUER,5MITSUOSAKAI,6LOUISEALLCOCK,7JUANARGUELLES,8 JOHNR.BOWER,9GLADISCASTILLO,8LUCACERIOLA,10CHIH-SHINCHEN,11 XINJUNCHEN,12MARIANADIAZ-SANTANA,13NICOLADOWNEY,5 (cid:1) ANGELF.GONZALEZ,14JASMINGRANADOSAMORES,15COREYP.GREEN,16 ANGELGUERRA,14LISAC.HENDRICKSON,17CHRISTIANIBA(cid:1)NeEZ,18KINGOITO,19 PATRIZIAJEREB,20YOSHIKIKATO,6OLEGN.KATUGIN,21MITSUHISAKAWANO,22 HIDEAKIKIDOKORO,23VLADIMIRV.KULIK,21VLADIMIRV.LAPTIKHOVSKY,24 (cid:1) MAREKR.LIPINSKI,4BILINLIU,12LUISMARIATEGUI,8WILBERTMARIN,8 5 ANAMEDINA,8KATSUHIROMIKI,25KAZUTAKAMIYAHARA,26 1 20 NATALIEMOLTSCHANIWSKYJ,27HASSANMOUSTAHFID,28 st JARUWATNABHITABHATA,29NOBUAKINANJO,30CHINGISM.NIGMATULLIN,31 u ug TETSUYAOHTANI,32GRETTAPECL,33J.ANGELA.PEREZ,34UWEPIATKOWSKI,35 A 4 PIROCHANASAIKLIANG,36CESARA.SALINAS-ZAVALA,15MICHAELSTEER,37 0 2 YONGJUNTIAN,23YUKIOUETA,38DHARMAMONYVIJAI,39TOSHIEWAKABAYASHI,40 3 TADANORIYAMAGUCHI,41CARMENYAMASHIRO,8NORIOYAMASHITA,42and 0: 1 LOUISD.ZEIDBERG43 at ] 1FisheriesDepartment,Stanley,FalklandIslands c In 2BritishAntarcticSurvey,NaturalEnvironmentalResearchCouncil,Cambridge,UK an 3Oceanlab,UniversityofAberdeen,Newburgh,UK eld 4CESAM&DepartamentodeBiologia,UniversidadedeAveiro,Aveiro,Portugal T 5DepartmentofIchthyologyandFisheriesScience,RhodesUniversity,Grahamstown,SouthAfrica [ by 6TohokuNationalFisheriesResearchInstitute,FisheriesResearchAgency,Hachinohe-shi,Aomori,Japan d 7SchoolofBiologicalSciences,Queen’sUniversity,Belfast,Belfast,UK e ad 8InstitutodelMardelPer(cid:1)u(IMARPE),Callao,Per(cid:1)u nlo 9FacultyofFisheriesSciences,HokkaidoUniversity,Hakodate,Hokkaido,Japan w 10FAOMedSudMed,Rome,Italy o D 11InstituteofMarineAffairsandResourceManagement,NationalTaiwanOceanUniversity,Keelung,Taiwan 12CollegeofMarineSciences,ShanghaiOceanUniversity,Shanghai,China 13CentroInterdisciplinariodeCienciasMarinas-IPN,LaPaz,BCS,M(cid:1)exico 14InstitutodeInvestigacionesMarinas(CSIC),Vigo,Spain 15CentrodeInvestigacionesBiol(cid:1)ogicasdelNoroesteSC,LaPaz,BCS,M(cid:1)exico 16DepartmentofEnvironmentandPrimaryIndustries,FisheriesVictoria,Queenscliff,Victoria,Australia 17NortheastFisheriesScienceCenter,U.S.NationalMarineFisheriesService,WoodsHole,Massachusetts,USA 18DepartamentodeCienciasEcol(cid:1)ogicas,FacultaddeCiencias,UniversidaddeChile,Santiago,Chile 19FisheriesResearchInstitute,AomoriPrefecturalIndustrialTechnologyResearchCenter,Aomori,Japan 20ISPRA,Rome,Italy (cid:1)AlexanderI.Arkhipkin,PaulG.K.Rodhouse,GrahamJ.Pierce,WarwickSauer,MitsuoSakai,LouiseAllcock,JuanArguelles,JohnR.Bower,Gladis Castillo,LucaCeriola,Chih-ShinChen,XinjunChen,MarianaDiaz-Santana,NicolaDowney,AngelF.Gonz(cid:1)alez,JasminGranados-Amores,CoreyP.Green, AngelGuerra,LisaC.Hendrickson,ChristianIb(cid:1)a~nez,KingoIto,PatriziaJereb,YoshikiKato,OlegN.Katugin,MitsuhisaKawano,HideakiKidokoro,Vladimir V.Kulik,VladimirV.Laptikhovsky,MarekR.Lipinski,BilinLiu,LuisMari(cid:1)ategui,WilbertMarin,AnaMedina,KatsuhiroMiki,KazutakaMiyahara,Natalie Moltschaniwskyj,HassanMoustahfid,JaruwatNabhitabhata,NobuakiNanjo,ChingisM.Nigmatullin,TetsuyaOhtani,GrettaPecl,J.AngelA.Perez,UwePiat- kowski,PirochanaSaikliang,CesarA.Salinas-Zavala,MichaelSteer,YongjunTian,YukioUeta,DharmamonyVijai,ToshieWakabayashi,TadanoriYamagu- chi,CarmenYamashiro,NorioYamashita,andLouisD.Zeidberg *Address correspondence to Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Fisheries Department, Bypass Road, Stanley, FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands. E-mail: AArkhipkin@fisheries.gov.fk ThisisanOpenAccessarticle.Non-commercialre-use,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlyattributed,cited, andisnotaltered,transformed,orbuiltuponinanyway,ispermitted.Themoralrightsofthenamedauthor(s)havebeenasserted. 92 WORLDSQUIDFISHERIES 93 21PacificResearchFisheriesCentre(TINRO-Centre),Vladivostok,Russia 22YamaguchiPrefecturalFisheriesResearchCenter,Nagato,Yamaguchi,Japan 23JapanSeaNationalFisheriesResearchInstitute,FisheriesResearchAgency,Niigata,Japan 24FisheriesDivision,CEFAS,Lowestoft,Suffolk,UK 25NationalResearchInstituteofFisheriesScience,Kanazawa,Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan 26HyogoFisheriesTechnologyInstitute,Futami,Akashi,Hyogo,Japan 27SchoolofEnvironmentalandLifeSciences,UniversityofNewcastle,Ourimbah,NewSouthWales,Australia 28NationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration(NOAA),UnitedStatesIntegratedOceanObservingSystem (USIOOS),OperationsDivision,SilverSpring,Maryland,USA 29ExcellenceCentreforBiodiversityofPeninsularThailand(CBIPT),FacultyofScience,PrinceofSongkla University,Hatyai,Songkhla,Thailand 30FisheriesResearchInstitute,ToyamaPrefecturalAgricultural,ForestryandFisheriesResearchCenter, Namerikawa,Toyama,Japan 31AtlanticResearchInstituteofMarineFisheriesandOceanography(AtlantNIRO),Kaliningrad,Russia 32TajimaFisheriesTechnologyInstitute,HyogoPrefecturalTechnologyCenterforAgriculture,Forestryand Fisheries,Kasumi,Kami,Mikata,Hyogo,Japan 33InstituteforMarineandAntarcticStudies,UniversityofTasmania,Hobart,Tasmania,Australia 34CentrodeCi^enciasTecnol(cid:1)ogicasdaTerraedoMar(CTTMar),UniversidadedoValedoItaja(cid:1)ı(UNIVALI),Itaja(cid:1)ı, SC,Brazil 5 35Leibniz-InstituteofMarineSciencesIFM-GEOMAR,Kiel,Germany 1 36BureauofFisheriesExpert,DepartmentofFisheries,KasetKlang,Chatuchak,Bangkok,Thailand 0 ust 2 3A7uSsoturathliaAustralianResearchandDevelopmentInstitute(AquaticSciences),HenleyBeach,SouthAustralia, g u 38TokushimaAgriculture,ForestryandFisheryTechnologyandSupportCenter,FisheriesResearchInstitute, A 4 Tokushima,Japan 0 2 39GraduateSchoolofFisheriesSciences,HokkaidoUniversity,Hakodate,Hokkaido,Japan 3 40NationalFisheriesUniversity,Shimonoseki,Japan 10: 41SagaPrefecturalGenkaiFisheriesResearchandDevelopmentCenter,Karatsu,Saga,Japan at 42HokkaidoNationalFisheriesResearchInstitute,FisheriesResearchAgency,Katsurakoi,Kushiro,Hokkaido, ] c Japan n n I 43CaliforniaDepartmentofFishandWildlife,MarineRegion,Monterey,California,USA a d el T [ y Some290speciesofsquidscomprisetheorderTeuthidathatbelongstothemolluscanClassCephalopoda.Ofthese,about b d 30–40 squid species have substantial commercial importance around the world. Squid fisheries make a rather small de contributiontoworldlandingsfromcapturefisheriesrelativetothatoffish,buttheproportionhasincreasedsteadilyover a o the last decade, with some signs of recent leveling off. The present overview describes all substantial squid fisheries wnl around the globe. The main ecological and biological features of exploited stocks, and key aspects of fisheries o managementarepresentedforeachcommercialspeciesofsquidworldwide.Thehistoryandfishingmethodsusedinsquid D fisheriesarealsodescribed.Specialattentionhasbeenpaidtointeractionsbetweensquidfisheriesandmarineecosystems including the effects of fishing gear, the role of squid in ecosystem change induced by overfishing on groundfish, and ecosystem-basedfisherymanagement. Keywords catch,Cephalopoda,fisheries,lifecycle,squid 1. INTRODUCTION traditionalfinfishresources.Thisisnotamodernphenomenon, May et al. (1979) highlighted a shift toward harvesting Interactions between human societies and fish stocks have “unconventional” stocks of marine organisms, which typi- played an important part in our history. Regrettably, it is now cally occupy lower trophic levels. Over the last four deca- recognizedthatthehumankindhasfailedinmanyinstancesto des, cephalopod catches have increased from approximately conservemarinespeciesandobtaintheoptimalsocialandeco- 1 million t in 1970 to over 4.3 million t in 2007 (Jereb and nomicbenefitsfromthemarineenvironment.However,scien- Roper, 2010). However, we cannot assume that cephalopod tists and managers involved in cephalopod fisheries arguably catches will continue to rise and there is some evidence of find themselves in a better position than those responsible for landings leveling off recently. After the peak of 4.3 million finfish.Althoughthetotalworldcatch frommarineandfresh- t in 2007, world cephalopod landings fell sharply to under waterfishstocksappearstohavepeakedandmaybedeclining 3.5 million t in 2009, although they had recovered to just (Hilbornet al.,2003), thecatchofcephalopodshascontinued over 4 million t again in 2012. The fall in landings since to increase as fishers concentrate efforts away from more 2007 was almost entirely attributable to a temporary ReviewsinFisheriesScience&Aquaculture vol.23 2015 94 A.I.ARKHIPKINETAL. collapse of the Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus which has been retained in the form of the gladius, a stiff landings (notably by Argentina, Taiwan, China, and Korea); chitinous structure that lies inside the dorsal surface of the the recovery since 2009 was mainly driven by increased mantle muscle. The molluscan foot has evolved into the landings of Humboldt squid Dosidicus gigas by Peru, Chile, eight arms and two tentacles (the latter absent in some and (especially) China (FAO, 2012) and recovery of the groups of squids), and these are armed with suckers and in Argentine shortfin squid since 2011 (Falkland Islands Gov- some cases hooks which are modified suckers. Squid swim ernment, 2012). These figures remind us that a significant using the fins and by jet propulsion, using the mantle to component of world cephalopod landings relies on a very expel water explosively from the mantle cavity through the small number of oceanic squid species. funnel. There are some 290 species of squids and about There are about 800 living cephalopod species belong- 30–40 species have substantial commercial importance ing to three main groups represented by different orders. (Table 1). The other main cephalopod groups exploited for Squids belong to the Order Teuthoidea. They are character- food are the cuttlefish and octopus, plus to a much lesser ized by the presence of a remnant of the molluscan shell extent the sepiolids. Table1. SquidspeciesandunidentifiedgroupingsofsquidpublishedbyFAOftp://ftp.fao.org/fi/CDrom/CD_yearbook_2010/root/capture/b57.pdf. Family Species Distribution Habitat Fishingmethod 5 Ommastrephidae Todarodespacificus NorthwestPacific20(cid:1)–60(cid:1)N Shelfandupperslope Largelyjiggingwithlights; 01 somebottomtrawlingand ust 2 Todarodessagittatus EasternAtlantic70(cid:1)N–10(cid:1)S Neritic/Oceanic Bycpautrcsheisneitnraewls g u Nototodarussloanii NewZealandsouthofthe Neritic/Oceanic Jiggingwithlightsand A SubtropicalConvergence trawling 24 Illexargentinus SouthwestAtlantic22(cid:1)–54(cid:1)S Shelfandupperslope Largelyjiggingwithlights; 0 somebottomtrawling 3 0: Illexillecebrosus NorthwestAtlantic25(cid:1)–65(cid:1)S Shelfandupperslope Jiggingandbottomtrawling ] at 1 Illexcoindetii WeesatesrtenrAntAlatnlatnicti5c(cid:1)2–04(cid:1)0S(cid:1)–N60a(cid:1)nNd Shelfandupperclope Bycatchintrawls nc Ommastrephesbartramii Circumglobal,bisubtropical Oceanic Jiggingwithlights n I 30(cid:1)–60(cid:1)Nand20(cid:1)–50(cid:1)S da Dosidicusgigas EasternPacific50(cid:1)N–50(cid:1)S Largelyoceanicbutextends Jiggingwithlights el overthenarrowshelfofthe T [ westernseaboardofthe y b Americas d Martialiahyadesi Circumpolar,AntarcticPolar Oceanicandovercontinental Jiggingwithlights e d FrontalZonenorthto slope a o PatagonianShelfandNew nl w Zealand o Loliginidae Doryteuthis(Loligo)gahi SouthAmerica,Gulfof Shelf Bottomtrawls D Guayaquiltonorthern PatagonianShelf Doryteuthis(Loligo)opalescens WesternNorthandCentral Shelf drumseine;purseseine; America,southernAlaskato brailnet BajaCalifornia Doryteuthis(Loligo)pealeii EasternAmericas,Newfoundl Shelf Bottomtrawlsandtrapnets andtoGulfofVenezuela Loligoreynaudii SouthernAfrica Shelf Jigs Loligoforbesii EasternAtlantic,20(cid:1)–60(cid:1)Nand Shelf TrawlsandaroundMadeira Mediterranean andAzorescaughtonjigs Sepioteuthislessoniana Indo-WestPacific,Japanto Shelf Trawls,traps,seines,jigs, NorthernAustraliaandNew hooks,spears,etc. ZealandandtonorthernRed SeaandMozambique/ Madagascar,Hawaii Onychoteuthidae Onykia(Moroteuthis)ingens Circumpolarsub-Antarcticnorth Benthic/pelagic toPatagonianShelf,central Chile,southernAustralia,and NorthIslandNewZealand Gonatidae Berryteuthismagister NorthPacificfromSeaofJapan Demersaloncontinentalslope Trawl toSouthernCaliforniavia andmesopelagic Aleutians ReviewsinFisheriesScience&Aquaculture vol.23 2015 WORLDSQUIDFISHERIES 95 There are a number of characteristics of squid that, raise interesting questions about the response of popula- althoughnotunique,setthemapartfrommanyothercommer- tions to future climate change. It can be argued that in ciallyexploitedmarinespecies(althoughnotnecessarilyfrom some situations opportunism in a changing environment othercephalopods).Theyareshort-lived,semelparousandfast might enable populations to expand (Rodhouse, 2013). growing, with high feeding rates and conversion efficiencies. In order for squid species to be suitable for commercial They also have high reproductive rates, although loliginid exploitation they must be of suitable size (medium/large) and squids usually produce fewer eggs than do ommastrephids. haveanacceptableflavorandtexture.Onlythemuscular,neg- These features have adapted them to be ecological opportun- ativelybuoyant,speciesmeetallthesecriteria.Themoreneu- ists that can rapidly exploit favorable environmental condi- trally buoyant squids store light ammonium ions in vacuoles tions, but equally their abundance responds rapidly to poor in the muscle tissues, or in the case of the cranchiids, in the conditions, sorecruitment andabundancemaybehighlyvari- coelomicfluid(Clarkeet al.,1979).Asaresultoftheseadap- able on annual time scales (Rodhouse et al., 2014). There is tations the flesh has an ammoniacal flavor and flaccid texture evidence that squid populations have benefited from ecologi- which humans find unacceptable. Nevertheless, predators are cal change driven by overexploitation of groundfish in some not deterred from consuming ammoniacal squids which may regions (Caddy and Rodhouse, 1998). A recent extensive predominateinthedietofsomespecies(LipinskiandJackson, expansionofthegeographicalrangeofthejumboflyingsquid 1989). It has been proposed that chemical processing of the D. gigas has occurred on the west coast of the Americas fol- flesh ofammoniacal squids could result is apalatable product lowing the 1997/98 El Ni~no Southern Oscillation and there forhumanconsumption(PierceandPortela,2014). 15 has been debate whether this was caused by physical drivers Fisheries need to target aggregations of squid near the sur- 0 2 or ecosystem change associated with fishing (Watters et al., face to be commercially viable so those species that do not ust 2008; Zeidberg and Robison, 2008). This highlights the chal- aggregateforatleastpartoftheirlifecyclearegenerallyoflit- g u lengeofdiscriminatingbetweentheeffectsofclimatevariabil- tle interest other than as bycatch in other fisheries. Detailed A 4 ityandchange,andtheeffectsoffishing,onsquidpopulations. accounts of the lifecycle and biology of the most important 2 0 Squid fisheries make a relatively small contribution to exploited species of squids are given in Rosa et al. (2013a 0:3 world landings from capture fisheries, but the proportion has andb). 1 increased steadily over recent decades, although as noted The bulk of the global squid catch comprises species from at ] abovelandingshaveapparentlyleveledoffrecently.Although two families, the Ommastrephidae and Loliginidae. The spe- c n squidfisheryproductionissmallrelativetothatoffish,alarge cies for which capture production data are published by FAO I n proportion of the world squid catch is composed of a small are listed in Table 2 together with details of the distribution, a d el numberofspecies.Thefisheriesforthosespeciesremovesub- habitat, and fishing method. The FAO data provide the only T [ stantialbiomassfromlocalmarineecosystems. information on global fisheries but they are unavoidably y b Squids are important prey for large numbers of vertebrate incompletebecauseofbothnon-reportingandlackofidentifi- d e predators including many fish species, toothed whales, pinni- cation(ormisidentification)ofspecies.Viewsdifferastohow d a peds,andseabirds(Clarke,2006;JerebandRoper,2010).Esti- much can be inferred from the data (Pauly et al., 2013) and o nl mates of global squid consumption by predators suggest that theyshouldbeusedwithsomecaution.Nevertheless,itisclear w o they consume a greater mass of squid than the total world that members of the family Ommastrephidae dominate in D catch of all marine species combined (Voss, 1973; Clarke, terms of biomass with five main commercial species. Four of 1983). Squid are also predators themselves that make long these—Todarodes pacificus, Nototodarus sloanii, I. argenti- migrations over their lifecycle, are responsible for spatial nus,andI.illecebrosus—inhabithighvelocitywesternbound- transfer of substantial biomass (Arkhipkin, 2013) and may be ary current systems of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The keystone species (Gasalla et al., 2010). There are therefore fifth species, D. gigas, inhabits the low-velocity eastern important relationships between squid fisheries and marine boundary current systems of the eastern Pacific which are ecosystems and this is especially relevant in the context of characterized by coastal upwelling. Another neritic/oceanic ecosystem-basedfisherymanagement(EBFM).Squidfisheries species, Nototodarus gouldi, is not reported by FAO but is themselvesneedtobemanagedwithregardtotheirimpacton caught off the southern part of Australia and around North theecosystembutitisalsoimportantthatsquidstocksshould Island,NewZealand. beconsideredasakeyelementinmanyecosystemsinthecon- Larger numbers of loliginid species are also caught and at textofthemanagementofotherfisheries. least some of these will have been included in the The natural ability of squid stocks to recover from low “Loliginidae”and“varioussquids”categoriesinTable 1.The biomass levels following a period of unfavorable environ- main species targeted include Doryteuthis gahi, D. pealeii, mental conditions might make them less susceptible to L.bleekeri,andL.reynaudii.Twentyspeciesofloliginidother long-term reduction in numbers due to overfishing. Con- than those identified in Table 1 were reported by Jereb et al. versely heavy fishing pressure coinciding with poor envi- (2010)tobeoffisheriesinterest. ronmental conditions might generate a critical tipping point Apartfromtheommastrephidsandloliginidstherearealso for populations. The biological characteristics of squid targetedfisheriesformembersofthefamiliesEnoploteuthidae, ReviewsinFisheriesScience&Aquaculture vol.23 2015 96 A.I.ARKHIPKINETAL. Table2. Captureproduction(tonnes)inthemajorsquidfisheriesreportedbyFAO2001–2010ftp://ftp.fao.org/fi/CDrom/CD_yearbook_2010/root/capture/b57. pdf. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Todarodespacificus 528,523 504,438 487,576 447,820 411,644 388,087 429,162 403,722 408,188 357,590 Todarodessagittatus 1,915 3,163 954 594 574 526 1,112 774 980 973 Nototodarussloanii 44,862 63,096 57,383 108,437 96,398 89,403 73,921 56,986 47,018 33,413 Illexargentinus 750,452 540,414 503,625 178,974 287,590 703,804 955,044 837,935 261,227 189,967 Illexillecebrosus 5,699 5,527 10,583 28,103 13,837 21,619 10,479 20,090 22,912 20,660 Illexcoindetii 2,596 2,559 2,006 2,264 5,533 4,650 4,132 4,573 4,349 3,889 Ommastrephesbartramii 23,870 14,947 18,964 11,478 14,430 9,401 22,156 24,400 36,000 16,800 Dosidicusgigas 244,955 412,431 402,045 834,754 779,680 871,359 688,423 895,365 642,855 815,978 Martialiahyadesi 117 2 37 59 3 0 4 0 4 0 Doryteuthis(Loligo)gahi 76,865 36,411 76,746 42,180 70,721 52,532 59,405 58,545 48,027 71,838 Doryteuthis(Loligo)opalescens 85,829 72,879 39,330 39,596 55,732 49,205 49,447 36,599 92,376 129,936 Doryteuthis(Loligo)pealeii 14,211 16,684 11,929 13,537 16,967 15,899 12,327 11,400 9,293 6,689 Loligoreynaudii 3,373 7,406 7,616 7,306 10,362 6,777 9,948 8,329 10,107 10,068 Loligoforbesii 70 140 536 261 272 472 721 664 455 554 Loligovulgaris 2 2 2 1 3 5 7 7 6 22 Sepioteuthislessoniana 5,574 5,826 6,333 5,500 3,811 3,584 3,646 4,528 4,523 4,526 5 Loliginids 198,893 218,551 261,907 209,894 209,110 202,616 206,861 208,218 216,658 236,499 1 Onykia(Moroteuthis)ingens 109 22 68 34 87 36 0 2 Moroteuthisrobusta 5 13 6 st Berryteuthismagister 1,132 1,068 1,084 48,981 54,868 60,639 59,306 u g Varioussquid(Loliginidae, 230,214 281,935 317,097 303,241 327,225 316,989 337,574 356,864 372,825 430,416 u A Ommastrephidae,otherfamilies) 4 Total 2,218,020 2,186,411 2,204,699 2,235,131 2,435,074 2,746,047 2,913,424 2,938,860 2,238,529 2,389,160 2 0 3 0: 1 Gonatidae,Onychoteuthidae,andThysanoteuthidae(Jereband Hunsicker et al. (2010) have assessed the contribution of at ] Roper,2010). cephalopods to global marine fisheries both as a commodity c n Thereareanumberofommastrephidspeciesthatareproba- and in terms of a supportive ecosystem services provider (as I n bly underexploited including Sthenoteuthis pteropus, Ommas- food for other commercially exploited species). A variety of a d el trephes bartramii, Martialia hyadesi, Todarodes sagittatus, ecosystems, including continental shelves, major currents and T [ Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, Nototodarus philippinensis, and upwellingzones,gulfs,seas,andopenoceanswereevaluated. y b Todarodesfilippovae(JerebandRoper,2010).Dosidicusgigas Ineach ecosystem, datafor thetop25taxonomicgroups con- d e wasearlierincludedinthislistbutsince2004,globallandings tributing to fishery landings were analyzed. The contribution d a have risen to almost 1 million t annually (FAO, Fishstat J). ofcephalopods,intermsoftheirsupportiveservice,issubstan- o nl Other species that apparently have fisheries potential are tial in many marine systems. For example, on the Patagonian w o Gonatus fabricii (Gonatidae) and Thysanoteuthis rhombus Shelf, the contribution (commodity and supportive) of cepha- D (Thysanoteuthidae). These are all large and medium size lopods to total fishery landings and landed values (US$) squidsfoundinoffshorehabitats. reached55%and70%,respectively.Acrossalltheecosystems Annual capture production for the decade 2001–2010 for studied, average estimates of commodity and supportive con- each species published by FAO is given in Table 2. The total tributionsbycephalopodstototalfisherylandingsandrevenue world capture production ofcephalopods (squid, octopus, and were15%and20%,respectively.Thestudyalsocomparedthe cuttlefish) in2010was3.65milliont.Thiswas15%lessthan importance of cephalopods as a commodity versus a support- the maximum for the 10 years up to 2010, which reached iveservice.In8of28ecosystemsevaluated,cephalopodcon- 4.31milliontin2007.In2010,2.98milliontofthetotalceph- tributionasdirectlandingswasgreater thantheircontribution alopods was squids, of which 48% was ommastrephids, 30% topredatorlandings.However,thereversewastrueforanother was loliginids and 2% was gonatids. The remaining 20% of eight ecosystems evaluated. Generally, the contribution of squidswerenotidentified. cephalopods as a commodity was greatest in the coastal eco- Thedataforthemajorfisheriesshowlargeinterannualvar- systems, whereas their contribution as a supportive service iations over the decade, by up to a factor of 5 in the case of wasgreatestinopenoceansystems.Intermsoflandedvalues, I. argentinus, with no clear trends within or between species. theaveragepricepertonneofcephalopodswasgreaterthanor While the inter-annual variations can be expected to reflect near the average price per tonne of the predator species in underlying changes in stock size the capture production data manyoftheecosystems.Hunsickeret al.(2010)pointoutthat may be influenced by variable reporting and by changes in the expansion of fisheries to lower trophic level species, such fishing effort which in turn may be driven by management as squids, is not necessarily the equivalent of an expansion to restrictions,marketconditions,fuelprices,etc. lesservaluespeciesasfurtherdiscussedbyPaulyet al.(1998). ReviewsinFisheriesScience&Aquaculture vol.23 2015 WORLDSQUIDFISHERIES 97 WhenconsideringtheexpansionofcephalopodfisheriesHun- likeClaudiusAelianus,GalenandAthenaeus,mentionedcepha- sicker et al. (2010) suggest that within ecosystems where lopodsonlyinpassing.However,Plinydidnotmentionfisheries cephalopodsareboth valuableasacommodityaswellasina for cephalopods specifically; instead he focused on anecdotes supportive capacity, further scrutiny of the trade-offs is aboutoctopusstealingfishfromfishfarms. required. In future, recognition by managers of the intercon- It is Oppian ofAnazarbus (or Corycus)who wrote the first nectednessofcommercialcephalopodsandcommercialpreda- major treatise on sea fishing, the Halieutica or Halieutika, tory fishes could contribute to sustainable management of composed between 177 and 180 AD. The treatise, written to fisheries in ecosystems under current and increased levels of honortheRomanemperorMarcusAureliusandhissonCom- exploitation.Thisissuehasnotbeenaddressedyetinscientific modus, includes descriptions of mating and predation of vari- publications. ous marine animals and descriptions of fishermen, fishing tools, and fishing techniques. These include the use of nets castfromboats,scoopnetsheldopenbyhoops,spearsandtri- 2. BRIEFHISTORYOFSQUIDFISHERIES dents,andvarious traps, andthetreatisespecificallymentions FROMANCIENTTIMESTOTHE19THCENTURY cephalopods many times. For instance, the following descrip- tion about squid (L. vulgaris) fishing is given: “Against the Verylittleisknownaboutancientfisheries,andevenforthe calamariesamanshoulddevisearodfashionedaftertheman- 18th and 19th centuries information is scarce. According to ner of a spindle. About it let him fasten close to one another Erlandson and Rick (2010), the earliest marine fisheries may manyhookswithrecurvingbarbs,andontheselethimimpale 15 date back as far as 160,000 years on the South African coast. the striped body of a rainbow-wrasseto hide the bent teeth of 0 2 Ancient communities here seem to have had a substantial bronze, and in the green depths of the sea let him trail such ust impact on the marine ecosystem, frequently reducing the size snareuponacord.TheCalamarywhen itseesit,dartsupand g u ofexploitedpopulations.However,incontrasttowhatisoften grasps it in the embrace of its moist tentacles and becomes A 4 seen in terrestrial habitats (especially on islands) this probably impaled upon the tips of bronze, and no more can it leave 2 0 didnotresultinextinctions.Cephalopodswerenotspecifically them for all its endeavor but is hauled against its will, having 0:3 mentioned in their study, but it is likely that this prehistoric ofitselfentangleditsbody.” 1 coastalcommunityandotherslikeitexploitedlittoraloctopods, Perhapsnotsurprisingly,there are alsorecords ofcephalo- at ] andprobablyusedsquidwhichstrandedonbeachesasbait,fer- pod fisheries in ancient Japan. Judging from the present-day c n tilizer, and fodder for domestic animals, as well as for human artisanalfisheriesintheMediterranean(similartothedescrip- I n consumption.Aswithprimitivecommunitiestoday,squidhave tions of Oppianus) and present-day artisanal fisheries in the a d el probably been spearfished and caught using jigs (similar to FarEast,methodsandexperiencesweresimilar.Thedevelop- T [ modern jigs made from wood such as amaiki and kusaiki in mental history of squid fishing in Japan was described by y b Japan). There is no technical information about fishing nets Ogura (2002): squid were presented to the Imperial Court, d e used in ancient times. Nevertheless, the octopus culture of the according to an ancient legal code called “Engishiki” during d a middletolateMinoanperiodonCreteintheeasternMediterra- the Heian period (794–1185); however, no clear description o nl nean, in which images of octopuses appear on items from exists on fishing methods. In 1458, a prototype of modern w o earthenwarepotstocoffins,isclearevidencethattheseancient squid jigging gear was invented for a small scale fishery for D peoplewere,atleast,thoroughlyfamiliarwithcephalopods. the Japanese flying squid T. pacificus in Sado Island, Sea of We find information about cephalopod biology and fisher- Japan. This was a hand-held, jointed, squid-jig with several iesinancientGreekliterature,reviewedbyDiogenesLaertios hooks along its axis and a weighted sinker. The squid jig was (1925) (Lives of Eminent Philosophers, compiled in the 3rd developed independently in Japan, no later than in the Medi- century AD). Two philosophers, Aristotle and his disciple terranean Basin. Traditional methods of jigging are described Theophrastus, wrote about cephalopod biology but unfortu- byYoshikawa(1978). nately only the botanical volumes of Theophrastus survived; Squids and other cephalopods appear again much later in 12volumesaboutanimals(amongthemanimalswhichchange the western Mediterranean literature, in the work of Conrad color)havebeenlost.Aristotle(1970,1991),inhisHistoryof Gesner (Historiae animalium, 1551–1558), Guillaume Ronde- Animals (books 4–10 which survive to this day), describes T. let (Libri de piscibus marinis, 1556), and Ulysse Aldrovandi sagittatus (D teuthos) and Loligo vulgaris (D teuthis). He (Dereliquisanimalibusexanguibuslibriquarto,1606). describedthemorphology,anatomy,behaviorandpartsofthe What might be called modern literature on squid biology lifehistoryofthesesquids.Hedidnotexplicitlymentionfish- starts with Lamarck (1815–1822) and Cuvier (1817), and was eries but his observations point to the fact that squid were continuedbyVerrill(1879–1882)andTryon(1879).However, fairly easily accessible live and in good condition. There is allaccountsuptothebeginningofthe20thcenturylackinfor- evidence in what he wrote that he had close contact with mation about fishery landings. Tryon (1879) reported large fishermen. scale fishing for Illex illecebrosus in the Newfoundland area, Theonlysystematicsourceofinformationaboutcephalopods mainlyforbait,butstatisticsrelatingtocatchesarenotgiven. inancient Romanliterature isinPliny the Elder; other authors The same author reported on fishing for T. pacificus in Japan, ReviewsinFisheriesScience&Aquaculture vol.23 2015 98 A.I.ARKHIPKINETAL. near Hakodate. Squid were caught by small boats at night described in detail by Boyle and Rodhouse (2005). Here, we using lights, and dried for human consumption (surume-ika). brieflyintroducethemainfishingmethodsleavingspecificsto For this fishery, he provides some quantitative information: thespeciesaccounts. “During the quarter ending June 1872 imports from Japan to the three Chinese ports of Kinkiang, Shanghai and Ningpo, 3.1.1. Nets totalled4198picals(D265t).”Elsewhereduringthe19thcen- tury statistics for squid fisheries, if collected at all, were Varioustypesoffishinggearbasedonnetshavebeenused mostlydescriptiveandanecdotal. forcatchingsquidssincetheearlydaysofexploitation.These Modern squid fisheries started to develop in the early part include the various trap nets, set nets, and purse seines that of the 20th century with the appearance of motorized fishing have mainly been used in artisanal fisheries. Currently, seine vessels and the development of specific trawling and jigging netsareusedinconjunctionwithlightsintheCalifornianDor- gear.ItwasonlyafterWorldWarII,withthedevelopmentof yteuthis opalescens fishery and pumps are sometimes used to ocean going fishing vessels, that catches of cephalopods in remove the squid from the net. Set nets are used in fisheries general and squids in particular started to reach hundreds of for I. illecebrosus, Doryteuthis pealeii, and Watasenia scintil- thousands of t and later millions of t annually. At this point, lanswiththevarietyoftrapsusedforalargenumberofdiffer- they started making a substantial contribution to the total of entsquidspeciesespeciallyineastAsiancountries. marine products caught for human consumption. The fishing The advent of motorized vessels in the early 20th century history of each abundant and commercially important species createdopportunitiesfortargetinglargeschoolsofpelagicand 15 ofsquidispresentedinthespeciesaccountsbelow. near bottom squidsas wellas fish.Trawlersuse varioustypes 0 2 ofthetrawlinggear(pelagic,semi-pelagic,andbottom)which ust aredeployedduringdaytimetoexploitthenaturalbehaviorof g u 3. SQUIDSTOCKEXPLOITATIONAND squids over the continental shelf as they aggregate near the A 4 MANAGEMENT seabed during daylight. The trawling gear used is essentially 2 0 the same as that used for finfish. Pelagic trawls are used to 0:3 3.1. FishingMethods catch I. argentinus near the bottom in the Southwest Atlantic at 1 and semipelagic nets are employed to catch T. sagittatus and ] Cephalopods in general and squids in particular possess TodarodesangolensisinthenorthandsoutheastAtlantic.Bot- c n ecological and behavioral features that are quite similar to tomtrawls areusedmainlytocatch near-bottomaggregations I an those of fishes. In fact, Packard (1972) has pointed out that ofloliginidsquidssuchasD.gahiaroundtheFalklandIslands d el functionally cephalopods are fish and Pauly (1988) develops (Figure 1A). T [ this theme further. Many nektonic squids migrate in dense The commercial otter trawl has two hydrovanes, known as y b schools similar to those of pelagic fishes and fishing methods otterboardsordoors,oneoneachsideofthenettospreadthe d e are common to both groups. Squid fishing methods are trawl horizontally. Special cables called bridles and sweeps d a o nl w o D Figure1. Vesselsforsquidfishing:(A)factorytrawler;(B)largeoceanicjigger;(C)jiggerlightfishingatnight;and(D)driftnetter. ReviewsinFisheriesScience&Aquaculture vol.23 2015

Northeast Fisheries Science Center, U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, .. management are presented for each commercial species of squid
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