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Preview Reviews in American History 2011: Vol 39 Index

AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 39 (2011) el (March): 1-211 Appleby, Joyce, 583 2 (June): 212-388 Art and the City: Civil Imagination and 3 (September): 38 Cultural Authority in Los Angeles, 360 4(D ecember):57 +1 Arthur Miller, 1915-1962, 185 Atlantic Creoles in the Age of Revolu- 1861: The Civil War tion, 261 Abigail Adams, 39 Bacevich, Andrew J., 101 Abromeit, John, ‘3 41 Bad Advice: Bush’s Lawyers in the War Admirable Radical: Lynd on Terror, 549 and Cold War Diss In 1970, Bailey, Beth, 196, 726 The, 354 Balogh, Brian, 441 After the Taliban: Ni lding in Baughman, James L., 506 Afghanistan, i Baum, Bruce, 488 AlainL . Locke: The Bi Becker, Anja, 127 losopher, 140 Beleaguered Winchester: A Virginia Com- Alexander, June ¢ sranat munity at War, 1861-1865, 107 Allen, Judith A., 134 Bernath, Michael T., 647 Allen , Michael J., 37 Berquist, James M., 74 Altschuler, Glenn ¢ Bigsby, Christopher, 185 America and the Pill 1 of Prom- Billy Graham and the Rise of the Repub- ise, Peril, and Libera lican South, 171 America’s Army: Making {/l- Volun- Bilodeau, Christopher, 213 726 teer Force, 72 Birth Control on Main Street: Orga- American in the Maki ife Story nizing Clinics in the United States, of an Immigrant, An 1916-1939, 684 American Insurgents Patriots: Black Culture and the New Deal: The the Revolution of th 421 Quest for Civil Rights in the Roosevelt American Saint: Franc bury and the Era, 156 Methodists, 600 Bleeding Borders: Race, Gender, and Andersson, Rani-Henri 665 Violence in Pre—Civil War Kansas, 617 Appetite for America Visionary Blewett, Mary H., 87 Businessman Fred H s Built a Rail- Blumberg, Phillip I., 626 road Hospitality Em t Civilized Blumin, Stuart M., 196 the Wild West, 458 Braddock, Alan C., 140 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2011 Bragdon, Kathleen J., 213 Cooper, John Milton, Jr., 149 Breen, T. H., 421 Cosmopolitan Patriots: Americans in Bricks without Straw: A Novel, 118 Paris in the Age of Revolution, 607 Brinkley, Alan, 329 Critchlow, Donald T., 171 Brothers among Nations: The Pursuit Cuttin’ Up: How Early Jazz Got Amer- of Intercultural Alliances in Early ica’s Ear, 156 America, 1580-1660, 14 Daily Life in Immigrant America, Brown, David S., 354 1820-1870: How the First Great Wave Brown, Thomas J., 447 of Immigrants Made Their Way in Bruff, Harold H., 549 America, 74 Buhle, Paul, 185 Daily Life in Immigrant America, Burns, Jennifer, 190 1870-1920: How the Second Great Cannon, Brian Q., 706 Wave of Immigrants Made Their Way Carmichael, Peter S., 299 in America, 74 Carnevale, Nancy C., 87 David Ruggles: A Radical Black Aboli- Carney, Court, 156 tionist and the Underground Railroad Carp, Benjamin L., 421 in New York City, 286 Celello, Kristin, 517 Davis, Rebecca L., 517 Chiang Yee: The Silent Traveller from the Dean Acheson and the Creation of an East—A Cultural Biography, 689 American World Order, 523 Chin, Carol C., 149 Deliver Us from Evil: The Slavery Ques- Claiming Rights and Righting Wrongs tion in the Old South, 61 in Texas: Mexican Workers and Job Dierks, Konstantin, 415 Politics during World War II, 500 Dispossession by Degrees: Indian Land Clark, Christopher, 18 and Identity in Natick, Massachusetts, Clavin, Matthew J., 261 1650-1790, 213 Clemens, Paul G. E., 406 Distant Revolutions: 1848 and the Chal- Clement, Elizabeth Alice, 678 lenge to American Exceptionalism, 607 Cleves, Rachel Hope, 607, 617 Dobbins, James F., 542 Cogley, Richard W., 213 Dochuk, Darren, 366 Cohen, Matt, 228 Dogs of War: 1861, The, 389 Cohen, Robert, 163, 575, 712 Dorothea Lange: A Life Beyond Limits, Cohn, Raymond L., 87 481 Coleman, Jon T., 454 Doss, Erika, 322, 673 Colony of New Netherland: A Dutch Downs, Gregory P., 118 Settlement in Seventeenth-Century Dudden, Faye E., 307 America, The, 24 Duncan, Richard R., 107 Confederate Minds: The Struggle for Education in Georgia: Charlayne Hunter, Intellectual Independence in the Civil Hamilton Holmes, and the Integration War South, 647 of the University of Georgia, An, 575 Constituent Moments: Enacting the Peo- Elias, Robert, 336 ple in Postrevolutionary America, 267 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 39 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Frydl, Kathleen J., 196 Life, 307 Gallay, Alan, 234 Empire ofL iberty: A Hi Gardner, Lloyd C., 542 Republic, 1789-1815 General Lee's Army: From Victory to Empire Strikes Out Collapse, 299 U.S. Foreign Policy Gerber, David A., 74 American Way Ab? Getting Away with Torture: Secret Gov- Encountering Revolut ernment, War Crimes, and the Rule of Making oft he Ear! Law, 549 Engerman, David ( Ghost Dances and Identity: Prophetic Escott, Paul D., 107 Religion and American Indian Ethno- Executing Daniel Bri genesis in the Nineteenth Century, 665 and Guerrilla Viole GI Bill, The, 196 Carolina Communit GI Bill: A New Deal for Veterans, The, Fabian, Ann, 660 196 Fain, W. Taylor, 529 Ginzberg, Lori D., 307 Faith and Boundaries Glatthaar, Joseph T., 299 tianity, and Commu Glazer, Nathan, 322 Wampanoag Indians Global Dawn: The Cultural Founda- yard, 1600-1871, 213 tion of American Internationalism, Farber, David, 712 1865-1890, 101 Feeley, Kathleen A Global TV: New Media and the Cold War, Feimster, Crystal N 1946-69, 506 Feminism of Charlott God ofL iberty: A Religious History oft he Sexualities, Histo American Revolution, 594 The, 134 Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and Field, Cynthia R., 322 the American Right, 190 Filipink, Richard M. Golden Dreams: California in an Age of Filkins, Dexter, 542 Abundance, 1950-1963, 366 Fleming, Thomas, 42 Goldhammer, Arthur, 735 Ford, Lacy K., 61 Goodheart, Adam, 389 Ford, Lisa, 274 Gordon, Linda, 481 Forever War, The, 542 Government Out ofS ight: The Mystery Fought, Leigh, 286 of National Authority in Nineteenth- Frank, Jason, 267 Century America, A, 441 Frankfurt School in I Grandjean, Katherine A., 228 Freedman, Eric M.., Grigg, John A., 600 Freedom's Orator: Mari Grimsted, David, 617 Radical Legacy of t Gronim, Sara S., 246 Fried, Stephen, 458 Gura, Philip F., 587 From Cotton Field to S Use: A fri- Habeas Corpus: From England to can American Educa Mississippi, Empire, 395 1862-1875, 127 Hajo, Cathy Moran, 684 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2011 Halliday, Paul D., 395 Jeffries, Hasan Kwame, 535 Hammack, David C., 348 John Brown's War against Slavery, 642 Hancock, David, 406 John Eliot’s Mission to the Indians before Harlan, David, 66 King Philip’s War, 213 Harris, Leonard, 140 Johnson, Paul E., 379 Harrold, Stanley, 95 Johnson, Reinhard O., 95 Heap, Chad, 678 Jones, Brad A., 415 Heavenly Merchandize: How Religion Jones, Jacqueline, 107 Shaped Commerce in Puritan America, Jones, Patrick D., 535 594 Kafer, Peter, 434 Hill, Karlos K., 652 Kaminski, John P., The Quotable Abigail Hinderaker, Eric, 240 Adams, 39 Hippies of the Religious Right, 175 Kammen, Michael, 5, 673 Historians’ Paradox: The Study of History Kamrath, Mark L., 434 in Our Time, The, 66 Katz, Michael B., 700 Historicism of Charles Brockden Brown: Kaufman, Scott, 542 Radical History and the Early Republic, Kellman, Steven, 87 The, 434 Kenny, Kevin, 30 History of White People, The, 488 Kidd, Thomas S., 594 Hodges, Graham Russell Gao, 286 Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of Hoffer, Peter Charles, 66, 626 America’s Soviet Experts, 718 Holton, Woody, 39, 427 Kuklick, Bruce, 336 Horrible Gift of Freedom: Atlantic Slavery Kuzmarov, Jeremy, 372 and the Representation of Emancipa- Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890, The, 665 tion, The, 447 Lambert, Frank, 594 Hsu, Mdeline Y., 689 Landers, Jane G., 261 Huston, Reeve, 441 Laughlin-Schultz, Bonnie, 642 In My Power: Letter Writing and Com- Lee, Susanna Michele, 107 munications in Early America, 415 Levy, Barry, 18 In the Eye of All Trade: Bermuda, Ber- Liberty Party, 1840-1848: Antislavery mudians, and the Maritime Atlantic Third Party Politics in the United World, 1680-1783, 401 States, The, 95 Inboden, William, 529 Limits of Voluntarism: Charity and Indian Slavery in Colonial America, 234 Welfare from the New Deal through Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers, the Great Society, The, 348 427 Lindman, Janet Moore, 600 Isenberg, Nancy, 39 Liss, Julia E., 140 Jacobs, Elisabeth S., 700 Lives of David Brainerd: The Making of Jacobs, Jaap, 24 an American Evangelical Icon, The, 600 Jacobs, Meg, 561 Lloyd, Brian, 360 Jaffee, David, 587 “Looking Back at Social History,” 379 Jarvis, Michael J., 401 Loveman, Brian, 637 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 39 Luhr, Eileen, 175 Moore, R. Laurence, 660 Lutkehaus, Nancy ( More Perfect Unions: The American Lynching and Spect Search for Marital Bliss, 517 cial Violence in A Moreno, Paul, 695 652 Moreton, Bethany, 175 Lynn, Denise, 134 Morgan, Kenneth, 254 Macaulay: The Trag Morris, Andrew J. F., 348 Maciag, Drew, 741 Morris, James McGrath, 464 Macias, Anthony F., Murphy, Paul V., 735 Maltz, Earl M., 280 Myers, Barton A., 299 Mandell, Daniel R. Myth of the Addicted Army: Vietnam and Mapes, Kathleen, 500 the Modern War on Drugs, The, 372 Margaret Mead: the M National Mall: Rethinking Washington's can Icon, 477 Monumental Core, The, 322 Mason, Matthew, 61 National Security and Core Values in Mass Migration 1 American History, 549 Immigration to the Native People of Southern New England, States, 87 1650-17752,1 3 Masur, Louis P., 389 Neem, Johann N., 267 May, Elaine Tyler, 68 Neoconservatism: The Biography of a McCarthy, John M. Movement, 735 McFeely, Eliza, 477 Networked Wilderness: Communicating McGinty, Brian, Jol in Early New England, The, 228 McGlone, Robert | Neuman, Lisa K., 314 McKee, Guian A. New Language, A New World: Italian McMahon, Robert J Immigrants in the United States, McMillen, Sally G. 1890-1945, A, 87 Memorial Mania New Nation of Goods: The Material Cul- America, 673 ture of Early America, A, 587 Menard, Russell R Newman, Katherine S., 700 Merrill, Karen R., 7 Nichols, Christopher McKnight, 718 AA Mexican American Ninkovich, Frank, 101 sic, Dance, and No Higher Law: American Foreign Policy Angeles, 1935-19¢ and the Western Hemisphere since Milam, Ron, 372, 1776, 637 Miller, Steven P., 17 North Carolinians in the Era oft he Civil Mink, Nicolaas, 45§ War and Reconstruction, 107 Mirra, Carl, 354 Norton, Marcy, 406 Molesworth, Chark Norwood, Stephen H., 163 Moltke-Hansen, Da Not a Gentleman's War: An Inside View Monument Wars: W of Junior Officers in the Vietnam War, National Mall, « 726 of the Memorial Li REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2011 Nugent, Walter, 205 Pulsipher, Jenny Hale, 213, 234 O’Brien, Jean M., 213 Pyle, Christopher H., 549 Oceans of Wine: Madeira and the Emer- Ravage, M. E., 87 gence of American Trade and Taste, 406 Reconsidering Woodrow Wilson: Progres- Oertel, Kristen Tegtmeier, 617 sivism, Internationalism, War, and Officer, Nurse, Woman: The Army Nurse Peace, 149 Corps in the Vietnam War, 726 Reign of Terror in America: Visions of Painter, Nell Irvin, 488 Violence from Anti-Jacobinism to An- Painting a Hidden Life: The Art of Bill tislavery, The, 617 Traylor, 140 Relentless Revolution: A History of Capi- Peaceable Kingdom Lost: The Paxton Boys talism, The, 583 and the Destruction of William Penn’s Religion and American Foreign Policy, Holy Experiment, 30 1945-1960: The Soul of Containment Peretti, Burton W., 156 529 Petitions to Southern County Courts, Reopening the Frontier: Homesteading in 1775-1867, 61 the Modern West, 706 Pfister, Joel, 314 Repressive Jurisprudence in the Early Piehler, G. Kurt, 726 American Republic: The First Amend- Plans Unraveled: The Foreign Policy of ment and the Legacy of English Law, the Carter Administration, 542 626 “Politics of Consumption,” The [State Richardson, Heather Cox, 665 of the Field], 561 Rine, Holly A., 24 Ponce de Leon, Charles L., 329 Roberts, Timothy Mason, 607 Powe, Lucas A., Jr., 631 Rockman, Seth, 47 President of the Other America: Robert Rodriguez, Marc Simon, 494 Kennedy and the Politics of Poverty, Rose, Anne C., 127 700 Rosen, Ruth, 190 Preston, David L., 30 Rubio, Philip F., 695 Problem of Jobs: Liberalism, Race, and Sacred Gifts, Profane Pleasures: A His- Deindustrialization in Philadelphia, tory of Tobacco and Chocolate in the The, 535 Atlantic World, 1680-1783, 406 Prospero’s America: John Winthrop, Jr., Same Time, Same Station: Creating Alchemy, and the Creation of New American Television, 1948-1961, 506 England Culture, 1606-1676, 246 Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Psychology and Selfhood in the Segregated Guerillas in the American Civil War, South, 127 A, 299 Public Culture: Diversity, Democracy, Savage, Kirk, 322 and Community in the United States, Saving Savannah: The City and the Civil 470 War, 107 Publisher: Henry Luce and His American Schmitt, Edward R., 700 Century, The, 329 Schrank, Sarah, 360 Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print, and Schweninger, Loren, 61 Power, 464 Schwoch, James, 506 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 39 Scraping By: Wage La ery, and Sutherland, Daniel E., 299 Survival in Early Balt 17 Texture of Contact: European and Indian Seed, Patricia, 14 Settler Communities on the Frontiers of Selma of the North: ¢ its Insur- Iroquoia, 1667-1783, The, 30 gency in Milwauke There’s Always Work at the Post Office: Seneca Falls and the African American Postal Workers and Women’s Rights Mo the Fight for Jobs, Justice, and Equal- Settler Sovereignty ity, 695 Indigenous People lhird Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complic- Australia, 1788-183 ity and Conflict on American Cam- Shaffer, Marguerite S puses, The, 163 Sharp, James Roger Thomas Eakins and the Cultures of Mo- Shires, Preston, 175 dernity, 140 Silverman, David ] Thomas, Emory M. 389 Sklaroff, Lauren Rebs Thoreau You Don’t Know: What the Skull Collectors: Ra Ice, and Prophet of Environmentalism Really America’s Unburied 4 660 Meant, The, 454 Slaughter, Thomas P. note, 1 To Live Upon Hope: Mohicans and Mis- Slavery and the Supre 1825 sionaries in the Eighteenth-Century 1861, 280 Northeast, 213 Slavery’s Constitution olution To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making to Ratification, 254 of Christian Free Enterprise, 175 Slumming: Sexual and ounters Tourgée, Albion W., 118 in American Nightlife 1940, 678 Toussaint Louverture and the American Smith, Joshua M., 401 Civil War: The Promise and Peril of a Smith, Susan L., 684 Second Haitian Revolution, 261 Smoak, Gregory Town Born: The Political Economy of Snow, Dean R., 240 New England from Its Founding to the Sobel, Mechal, 140 Revolution, 18 Southern Debate over [reason Trials of Aaron Burr, The, 66 Southern Horrors: W Tribe, Race, History: Native Americans tics of Rape and Lyn in Southern New England, 1780-1880, Span, Christopher M 213 Spero, Patrick, 30 Trillin, Calvin, 575 Spigel, Lynn, 506 TV by Design: Modern Art and the Rise Starr, Kevin, 366 of Network Television, 506 Subjects unto the Sam Indians, Two Hendricks: Unraveling a Mohawk English, and the Cont Authority Mystery, The, 240 in Colonial New Eng 13 Until the Last Man Comes Home: POWs, Sullivan, Robert, 454 MIAs and the Unending Vietnam Sullivan, Robert E., 5 War, 372 Supreme Court and th Vaisse, Justin, 735 1789-2008, The, 631 Valeri, Mark, 594 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2011 Van Zandt, Cynthia J., 14 White, Ashli, 261, 607 Vanderlan, Robert, 481 Whittington, Keith E., 631 Voices from Haskell: Indian Students Who Cares? Public Ambivalence and between Two Worlds, 1884-1928, 314 Government Activism from the New Vuckovic, Myriam, 314 Deal to the Second Gilded Age, 700 Vuic, Kara Dixon, 726 Wigger, John, 600 Wagner, Abraham R., 549 Williams, Daniel K., 175 Waldrep, Christopher, 274 Williams, R. Owen, 280 Waldstreicher, David, 254 Witnessing Suburbia: Conservatives and Walker, William O., III, 549 Christian Youth Culture, 175 Warren, Louis S., 665 Wood, Amy Louise, 652 Way, Peter John, 47 Wood, Gordon S., 54 Weeks, Gregory, 637 Wood, Marcus, 447 Wheatland, Thomas, 341 Woodward, Walter W., 246 Wheeler, Rachel, 213 Wounded Knee: Party Politics and the “When Ideas Had Consequences—Or, Road to an American Massacre, 665 Whatever Happened to Intellectual Yale Indian: The Education of Henry Roe History?” (Reflections), 741 Cloud, The, 314 “Where Have All the Flowers Gone Zamora, Emilio, 500 ... When Will They Ever Learn?” Zheng, Da, 689 (Reflections), 205 Ziesche, Philipp, 607

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