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Preview Reviews in American History 2007: Vol 35 Index & Table of Contents

AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 35 (2007) No. 1 (March): 1-164 The Averaged American: Surveys, No. 2 (June): 165-324 Citizens, and the Making of a Mass No. 3 (September): 325-481 Public, 599 No. 4 (December): 483-677 Baker, Anne, 497 Baker, Ellen R., 146 Advertising Sin and Sickness: The Poli- Bass, Paul, 650 tics of Alcohol and Tobacco Marketing, Beisner, Robert L., 284 1950-1990, 636 Bender, Thomas, 1 The AEF Way of War: The American Berry, Stephen, 380 Army and Combat in World War IL, Beyond Garrison: Antislavery and Social 414 Reform, 57 Alkebulan, Paul, 650 Blackhawk, Ned, 335 Allen, Austin, 57 Block, Sharon, 483 Allison, Robert J., 358 The Blood of Government: Race, Empire, Allison, William Thomas, 414, 432 the United States, & the Philippines, Altschuler, Glenn C., 219 406 The American Ascendancy: How the Blum, Edward J., 419 United States Gained and Wielded Bokovoy, Matt, 297 Global Dominance, 590 Bouton, Terry, 490 American Leviathan: Empire, Nation, and Boylan, Anne M., 204 Revolutionary Frontier, 490 Brick, Howard, 590 Americanism: New Perspectives on the Brophy, Alfred L., 232 History of an Ideal, | Brown, David S., 425 Andrews, Thomas G., 335 Brown, Elspeth H., 247 Aron, Stephen, 83 Brown, Thomas J., 545 Arsenault, Raymond, 289 Bryant, Nick, 118 Ashworth, John, 522 Buhle, Paul, 315 Austin, Curtis J., 650 Building New Deal Liberalism: The Authors of Their Lives: The Personal Political Economy of Public Works, Correspondence of British Immigrants 1933-1956, 105 to North America in tlie Nineteenth Busch, Andrew H., 440 Century, 32 The Bystander: John F. Kennedy and the Struggle for Black Equality, 118 674 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2007 Calhoun, Charles W., 530 Dunlap, Thomas R., 225 California Vieja: Culture and Memory in DuVal, Kathleen, 176 a Modern American Place, 83 Dwelling Place: A Plantation Epic, 46 Carmichael, Peter S., 232 Eastman, Carolyn, 25 Carp, Benjamin L., 351 Edgerton, David, 580 Carson, John, 573 Elliott, Mark, 239, 393 Chappell, David L., 89 Emancipating New York: The Politics Chavez-Garcia, Miroslava, 464 of Slavery and Freedom, 1777-1827, Cheathem, Mark R., 374 211 The Child Savers: The Invention of De- Engel, Jonathan, 140 linquency, 464 Espiritu, Augusto, 406 Clark, Christopher, 191 The Era of Education: The Presidents and Clarke, Erskine, 46 the Schools, 1965-2001, 133 Clarke, Sally H., 636 Farrington, Lisa E., 265 Clement, Elizabeth Alice, 260 Feurer, Rosemary, 399 The Coldest Crucible: Arctic Exploration Flippen, J. Brooks, 72 and American Culture, 77 Forbes, Flores A., 650 Color-Blind Justice: Albion Tourgée and Ford, Lacy, 46 the Quest for Racial Equality from Forgotten Allies: The Oneida Indians and the Civil War to Plessy v. Ferguson, the American Revolution, 344 393 Forret, Jeff, 380 Conceiving the Future: Pronatalism, Framing the Black Panthers: The Spectac- Reproduction, and the Family in the ular Rise ofa Black Power Icon, 650 United States, 1890-1938, 630 Freedom Is Not Enough: The Opening of Consuming Nature: Environmentalism in the American Workplace, 146 the Fox River Valley, 1850-1950, 72 Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle Copperheads: The Rise and Fall of Lin- for Racial Justice, 289 coln’s Opponents in the North, 530 Freehling, William W., 522 The Corporate Eye: Photography and the From Civil Rights to Human Rights: Rationalization of American Commer- Martin Luther King Jr. and the Struggle cial Culture, 1884-1929, 247 for Economic Justice, 642 Cox, Caroline, 197 Fronc, Jennifer, 630 Creating Their Own Image: The History Frost, Karolyn Smardz, 513 of African-American Women Artists, Gallman, J. Matthew, 65 265 Garrow, David J., 650 Dean Acheson: A Life in the Cold War, Geary, Daniel, 425 284 Gellman, David N., 211 The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual, Gerber, David A., 32 297 Giggie, John M., 545 The Divided Family in Civil War Gilfoyle, Timothy J., 39 America, 65 Gilmore, Stephanie, 260 Downs, Jim, 504 Glatthaar, Joseph T., 344 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 35 675 Gold, Susanna W., 606 I’ve Got a Home in Glory Land: A Lost Gore, Al, 453 Tale of the Underground Railroad, Grassroots Garveyism: The Universal 513 Negro Improvement Association in the Ivey, Linda, 565 Rural South, 1920-1927, 419 Jackson, Thomas F., 642 Greenberg, Cheryl, 556 Jacobson, Matthew Frye, 307 Gregory, James N., 98 Johns, Andrew L., 273 Griffin, Patrick, 325, 490 Joseph, Peniel E., 126 Gross, Kali N., 39 Kammen, Michael, 447, 614 Grotelueschen, Mark Ethan, 414 Karp, Ivan, 447 Haefeli, Evan, 10 Kazin, Michael, 1 Hager, Christopher, 497 Kelley, Mary, 204 Hakluyt’s Promise: An Elizabethan’s Ob- The King’s Three Faces: The Rise and Fall session for an English America, 325 of Royal America, 1688-1776, 184 Hallett, Hilary, 622 Kramer, Paul A., 406 Hartman, Saidiya, 504 Kratz, Corinne A., 447, 614 Haulman, Kate, 483 Kropp, Phoebe S., 83 Heariless Immensity: Literature, Cul- Kruse, Kevin, 89 ture, and Geography in Antebellum Lassiter, Matthew D., 89, 98 America, 497 The Last Generation: Young Virginians in Herzberg, David, 140 Peace, War, and Reunion, 232 Hinderaker, Eric, 184 Laurie, Bruce, 57 Hodes, Martha, 219 Lazerow, Jama, 126, 650 Hoeveler, J. David, 573 Learning to Stand and Speak: Women, Hogan, Wesley, 642 Education, and Public Life in America’s Hogue, James K., 239 Republic, 204 The Humboldt Current: Nineteenth- Leuchtenburg, William E., 111 Century Exploration and the Roots of Lightner, David L., 374 American Environmentalism, 225 Ling, Peter J., 289 Hunt, Michael. H., 590 Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Igo, Sarah E., 599 Atlantic Slave Route, 504 In Search of the Black Panther Party: Lott, Eric, 297 New Perspectives on a Revolutionary Love for Sale: Courting, Treating, Movement, 650 and Prostitution in New York City, An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warn- 1900-1945, 260 ing, 453 Lovett, Laura L., 630 An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Lyons, Clare A., 25 Emergency of Global Warming and Mack, Adam, 253 What We Can Do About It, 453 MacLean, Nancy, 146 Inescapable Ecologies: A History of En- Mahar, Karen Ward, 622 vironment, Disease, and Knowledge, Mancall, Peter C., 325 565 Margolies, Daniel S., 385 676 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2007 Marsh, Ben, 176 Poor People’s Medicine: Medicaid and Martin, James Kirby, 344 American Charity Care Since 1965, Martini, Edwin A., 432 140 Masten, April F., 265 Pryor, Elizabeth Brown, 385 McAndrews, Lawrence J., 133 Race and Liberty in the New Nation: McCartin, Joseph A., 1 Emancipation in Virginia from the McConville, Brendan, 184 Revolution to Nat Turner’s Rebellion, McGovern, Charles F., 253 366 McGuinn, Patrick, 133 Race Relations at the Margins: Slaves McMahon, Kevin J., 111 and Poor Whites in the Antebellum The Measure of Merit: Talents, Intelli- Southern Countryside, 380 gence, and Inequality in the French and Rae, Douglas W., 650 American Republics, 1750-1940, 573 Rape and Sexual Power in Early America, Melish, Joanne Pope, 366 483 Merwick, Donna, 10 Rauchway, Eric, 155 Messer, Peter C., 18 Reading the Man: A Portrait ofR obert E. Michney, Todd M., 307 Lee Through His Private Letters, 385 Military Justice in Vietnam: The Rule of Reagan's Victory: The Presidential Elec- Law in an American War, 432 tion of 1980 and the Rise of the Right, Miller, Marla R., 197 440 Morse, Kathryn, 77 Reconstructions: New Perspectives on the Murder in the Model City: The Black Postbellum United States, 545 Panthers, Yale, and the Redemption of Resch, John, 351 a Killer, 650 Rhodes, Jane, 650 Museum Frictions: Public Cultures/ Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Bi- Global Transformations, 447 ography, 425 Nash, Linda, 565 The Road to Disunion, Volume II: Seces- The Native Ground: Indians and Colonists sionists Triumphant, 1854-1861, 522 in the Heart of the Continent, 176 Robinson, Michael F., 77 The Needle’s Eye: Women and Work in Rolinson, Mary G., 419 the Age of Revolution, 197 Roots Too: White Ethnic Revival in Nelson, Scott Reynolds, 399, 538 Post-Civil Rights America, 307 Pandora, Katherine, 599 Roth, Randolph, 165 Pennock, Pamela E., 636 Sachs, Aaron, 225, 453 A People at War: Civilians and Soldiers Sargent, Walter, 351 in America’s Civil War, 538 The Sea Captain’s Wife: A True Story of Petigny, Alan, 556 Love, Race, and War in the Nineteenth A Pickpocket's Tale: The Underworld of Century, 219 Nineteenth-Century New York, 39 Sex Among the Rabble: An Intimate Picturing the City: Urban Vision and the History of Gender and Power in the Aslican School, 606 Age of Revolution, Philadelphia, Platt, Anthony M., 453 1730-1830, 25 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 35 677 The Shame and the Sorrow: Dutch- The Truth is Our Weapon: The Rhetorical Amerindian Encounters in New Neth- Diplomacy of Dwight D. Eisenhower erland, 10 and John Foster Dulles, 273 Shannon, Timothy J., 344 Tucker, Veta S., 513 Sheriff, Carol, 538 Tudda, Chris, 273 The Shock of the Old: Technology and Uncivil War: Five New Orleans Street Global History since 1900, 580 Battles and the Rise and Fall of Radical The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics Reconstruction, 239 in the Sunbelt South, 89 Up Against the Wall: Violence in the Slap, Andrew L., 538 Making and Unmaking of the Black Slavery and the Commerce Power: How Panther Party, 650 the Struggle Against the Interstate Usselman, Steven W., 580 Slave Trade Led to the Civil War, 374 Violence Over the Land: Indians and Smant, Kevin J., 440 Empires in the Early American West, Smith, Gene Allen, 358 335 Smith, Jason Scott, 105 Visual Shock: A History of Art Contro- Smith, Michael Thomas, 393 versies in American Culture, 614 Social Change in America: From the Revo- Waiting ‘Til the Midnight Hour: A lution Through the Civil War, 191 Narrative History of Black Power in Sold American: Consumption and Citi- America, 126 zenship, 1890-1945, 253 War and Society in the American Revolu- The Southern Diaspora: How the Great tion: Mobilization and Home Fronts, Migrations of Black and White South- 351 erners Transformed America, 98 Watson, Harry, 191 Soyer, Daniel, 32 Weber, Jennifer L., 530 Steel Drivin’ Man: Jolin Henry, The White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Untold Story of an American Legend, Modern Conservatism, 89 399 The White House Looks South: Franklin Stephen Decatur: American Naval Hero, D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon 1779-1820, 358 B. Johnson, 111 Stern, Sheldon M., 118 Will You Die With Me? My Life and the Stories of Independence: Identity, Ideol- Black Panther Party, 650 ogy, and History in Eighteenth-Cen- Williams, Yohuru, 650 tury America, 18 Wolf, Eva Sheppard, 211, 366 Summers, Gregory, 72, 105 Women Filmmakers in Early Hollywood, Survival Pending Revolution: The His- 622 tory oft he Black Panther Party, 650 Woods, Randall B., 284 Szwaja, Lynn, 447 Yazawa, Melvin, 18 Taylor, Amy Murrell, 65 Ybarra-Frausto, Tomas, 447 Todd, Ellen Wiley, 247 Yohuru Williams, 650 Troubling the Waters: Black-Jewish Rela- Zurier, Rebecca, 606, 614 tions in the American Century, 556

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