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Reviews in American History 1996: Vol 24 Index PDF

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Preview Reviews in American History 1996: Vol 24 Index

AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 24 (1996) No. 1 (March): 1-188 Ben-Atar, Doron, 8 No. 2 (June): 189-360 Bercovitch, Sacvan, 21 No. 3 (September): 361-553 Berkowitz, Edward D., 126, 701 No. 4 (December): 555-735 Berman, William C., 327 Blair, Anne E., 695 Achenbaum, W. Andrew, 701 Bonnett, John, 529 Agnew, Jean-Christophe, 90 Borritt, Gabor, 418 Allison, Robert J., 167, 226, 596 Bourke, Paul, 209 Allitt, Patrick, 706 Boylan, Anne M., 316 Alperovitz, Gar, 529 Boyle, Kevin, 641 American Revolution in Indian Country, Bradley, Mark, 507 The: Crisis and Diversity in Native Brands, H. W., 695 American Communities, 579 Brennan, Mary C., 327 America’s Secret War Against Bolshe- Broken Promise: The Subversion of U.S. vism: U.S. Intervention in the Russian Labor Relations Policy, 1947-1994, 97 Civil War, 1917-1920, 624 Brundage, David, 252 Anderson, Patrick, 172 Burke, Martin J., 209 Argersinger, Peter H., 252 Burlingame, Michael, 40 Arkes, Hadley, 293 Burstein, Andrew, 401 As Seen on TV: The Visual Culture of Calloway, Colin G., 579 Everyday Life in the 1950s, 150 Cambridge History of American Litera- Ash, Steven V., 426 ture, The, volume 2: Prose Writing, Ashworth, John, 607 1820-1865, 21 Baker, Jean Harvey, 209 Capitalism on the Frontier: Billings and Banning, Lance, 8, 401 the Yellowstone Valley in the Nine- Bardaglio, Peter W., 412 teenth Century, 258 Barnouw, Erik, 676 Capper, Charles, 238 Barren in the Promised Land: Childless Carnes, Mark C., 337, 448 Americans and the Pursuit of Happi- Carp, E. Wayne, 277 ness, 316 Carter, Dan T., 332 Barry Goldwater, 327 Carwardine, Richard J., 601 Basch, Norma, 412 Chasing Dirt: The American Pursuit of Beardsley, Edward H., 15 Cleanliness, 461 Bederman, Gail, 448 Chauncey, George, 304 Reviews in American History 24 (1996) 729-735 © 1996 by The Johns Hopkins University Press 730 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 1996 CIO, 1935-1955, The, 641 Devising Liberty: Preserving and Creat- Cities of the Mississippi: Nineteenth-Cen- ing Freedom in the New American Re- tury Images of Urban Development, 36 public, 395 City of the Century: The Epic of Chicago Dickey, Laurence, 216 and the Making of America, 635 Diggins, John Patrick, 84 Clark, Blue, 265 Dream of a New Social Order, The: Popu- Clemens, Paul G. E., 574 lar Magazines in America, 1893-1914, Clymer, Kenton J., 507 51 Cmiel, Kenneth, 277 Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography, Cohen, Warren I., 695 454 Coll, Blanche D., 647 Electing Jimmy Carter: The Campaign of Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Trans- 1976, 172 formation of the West, 258 Emmons, David M., 252 Common Sense and a Little Fire: Women Engendering Business: Men and Women and Working-Class Politics in the in the Coporate Office, 1870-1930, 56 United States, 482 Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Build- Common Labour: Workers and the Dig- ers and the Spanning of America, 437 ging of North American Canals, 29 Erickson, Charlotte, 67 Conroy, David W., 383 Ethington, Philip J., 246 Consumer Rites: The Buying and Selling Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum of American Holidays, 668 America, 601 Conundrum of Class, The: Public Dis- Fabian, Ann, 542 course on the Social Order in America, Fables of Abundance: A Cultural History 209 of Advertising in America, 310 Cozzens, Peter, 418 Facing Facts: Realism in American Crescent Obscured, The: The United Thought and Culture, 1850-1920, 454 States and the Muslim World, 1776- Fahs, Alice, 442 1815, 226 Farley, James J., 29 Crockatt, Richard, 513 FBI's RACON, The: Racial Conditions Crossing Over the Line: Legislating Mo- in the United States during World War rality and the Mann Act, 471 II, 495 Crossing Frontiers: Gerontology Emerges Feeble-Minded in Our Midst: Institutions as a Science, 701 for the Mentally Retarded in the South, “Daddy's Gone to War”: The Second 618 World War in the Lives of America’s Fifty Years War, The: The United States Children, 144 and the Soviet Union in World Poli- DeBats, Donald, 209 tics, 1941-1991, 513 Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb, and Fine, Lisa Michelle, 56 the Architecture of an American Myth, Fine, Sidney, 102 The, 529 Firsove, Fridrikh lgorevich, 500 Deverell, William, 432 Fisher, Louis, 524 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 24 Florence Kelley and the Nation’s Work: Hale, Nathan G., Jr., 476 The Rise of Women’s Political Culture, Hamby, Alonzo L., 687 1830-1900, 120 Hamm, Richard F., 114 Foglesong, David S., 624 Hard Hand of War, The: Union Policy “For the Sake of Our Japanese Brethren”: Toward Southern Civilians, 1861- Assimilation, Nationalism, and Prot- 1865, 426 estantism Among the Japanese of Los Harris, Howell John, 102 Angeles, 1895-1942, 663 Hayashi, Brian Masaru, 663 Freud in America, volume 2, The Rise Haynes, John Earl, 500 and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the Heinze, Andrew R., 73, 668 United States: Freud and the Ameri- Henretta, James A., 293 cans, 1917-1985, 476 Herman, Ellen, 108 Fried, Richard M., 156, 681 Hill, Herbert, 189 Friedman, Reena Sigman, 277 Hill, Robert A., 495 Gallagher, Gary W., 418 Hollinger, David A., 519, 706 Gardner, Lloyd C., 321, 692 Holloway, Jonathan Scott, 161 Garrison, Tim Alan, 265 Home of Another Kind, A: One Chicago Gay New York: Gender, Culture, and the Orphanage and the Tangle of Child Making of the Gay Male World, 1890- Welfare, 277 1940, 304 Horowitz, Daniel, 310 Genovese, Eugene D., 232 Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz, 61 Gillon, Steven M., 687 House of Percy, The: Honor, Melancholoy, Glickstein, Jonathan A., 29 and Imagination in a Southern Family, Godless Constitution, The: The Case 138 Against Religious Correctness, 585 Hoxie, Frederick E., 407 Going Abroad: European Travel in Nine- Hoy, Suellen, 461 teenth-Century American Culture, 271 In Public Houses: Drink and the Revolu- Goldberg, Robert Alan, 327 tion of Authority in Massachusetts, 383 Gollaher, David L., 618 In Adamless Eden: The Community of Gordon, Linda, 126 Women Faculty at Wellesley, 61 Gordon, Lynn D., 61 In the Shadow of War: The United States Gould, Lewis L., 466 Since the 1930s, 537 Graham, Hugh Davis, 332 In the Beauty of the Lilies, 448 Greenberg, Kenneth S., 607 Inarticulate Longings: The Ladies Home Greene, Jack P., 1 Journal, Gender, and the Promises of Greene, John Robert, 172 Consumer Culture, 310 Grimsley, Mark, 426 Inner Jefferson, The: Portrait of a Griev- Grimsted, David, 226 ing Optimist, 401 Gross, James A., 97 Inner World of Abraham Lincoln, The, 40 Grossbart, Stephen R., 1 Jacobson, Matthew Frye, 67 Gura, Philip F., 21 Janken, Kenneth R., 657 732 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 1996 Jefferson and Madison: Three Conversa- Lincoln's Generals, 418 tions from the Founding, 8 Ling, Peter J., 437 Jeffries, John W., 144 Livingston, James, 285 John, Richard R., 344, 596 Lloyd, Brian, 285 Johns, Elizabeth, 36 Local Attachments: The Making of an Johnson, Robert David, 466 American Urban Neighborhood, 1850- Johnson, Walter, 40 1920, 246 Jones, Jacqueline, 482 Lodge in Vietnam: Patriot Abroad, 695 Joselit, Jenna Weissman, 73 Lone Wolfe v. Hitchcock: Treaty Rights Kantrowitz, Steven, 46 and Indian Law at the End of the Nine- Kaufman, Burton L, 172 teenth Century, 265 Keane, John, 216 Lord Churchill's Coup: The Anglo-Ameri- Keppel, Ben, 161 can Empire and the Glorious Revolu- King, Richard H., 232 tion Reconsidered, 389 Klehr, Harvey, 500 Love, Spencie, 657 Konig, David Thomas, 395 Lyndon Johnson Confronts the World: Koppes, Clayton R., 304 American Foreign Policy, 1963-1968, Korean War, The: An International His- 695 tory, 321 Maddox, Robert James, 529 Kramnick, Isaac, 585 Making of Détente, The: Soviet-Ameri- Kurashige, Lon Yuki, 663 can Relations in the Shadow of Viet- Kwolek-Folland, Angel, 56 nam, 513 Kyvig, David E., 114 Making Arms in the Machine Age: Phil- Land Use in Early New Jersey: A Histori- adelphia’s Frankford Arsenal, 1860- cal Geography, 574 1870, 29 Langum, David, 471 Making of Western Labor Radicalism, The: Larson, Edward J., 108 Denver's Organized Workers, 1878- Lears, Jackson, 310 1905, 252 Leaving England: Essays on British Emi- Making Civil Rights Law: Thurgood gration in the Nineteenth Century, 67 Marshall and the Supreme Court, Lederer, Susan E., 652 1936-1961, 167 Leonard, Thomas C., 676 Man of the People: A Life of Harry S. Lester, Robin, 629 Truman, 687 Levenstein, Harvey, 271 Mancall, Peter C., 383 Levin, Gail, 454 Manliness and Civilization: A Cultural Levy, Leonard W., 585 History of Gender and Race in the Lichtenstein, Alex, 712 United States, 1880-1917, 448 Lichtenstein, Nelson, 488 Margins and Mainstreams: Asians in Limits of Agrarian Radicalism, The: West- American History and Culture, 663 ern Populism and American Politics, Marling, Karal Ann, 150 252 Martin, Charles H., 629 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 24 Masterless, The: Self and Society in Mod- Ohmann, Richard, 51 ern America, 90 Okihiro, Gary Y., 663 May, Dean L., 432 One Blood: The Death and Resurrection May, Elaine Tyler, 315 of Charles R. Drew, 657 May, Gary, 156 Orleck, Annelise, 482 McArthur, Benjamin, 369 Orphanages Reconsidered: Childcare In- McCandless, Peter, 618 stitutions in Progressive Era Baltimore, McClay, Wilfred M., 90 277 McConaghy, Lorraine, 246 O'Reilly, Kenneth, 495 McFadden, David, 624 Palmieri, Patricia Ann, 61 Media Marathon: A Twentieth-Century Parading Through History: The Making Memoir, 676 of the Crow Nation in America, 1805- Miller, Donald L., 635 1935, 407 Miller, Zane L., 361 Parrish, Michael E., 537 Mink, Gwendolyn, 647 Past Imperfect: History According to the Mitchell, Reid, 613 Movies, 337 Moore, Leonard J., 555 Patronage, Practice, and the Culture of Moore, R. Laurence, 585 American Science: Alexander Dallas Morris, Thomas D., 590 Bache and the U.S. Coast Survey, 15 Most Dangerous Man in Detroit, The: Pay any Price: Lyndon Johnson and the Walter Reuther and the Fate of Ameri- Wars for Vietnam, 692 can Labor, 488 Peace Progressives and American For- Negotiated Authorities: Essays in Colo- eign Relations, The, 466 nial Political and Contitutional His- Petroski, Henry, 437 tory, 1 Pitied But Not Entitled: Single Mothers Nelson, Bruce, 488 and the History of Welfare, 1890-1935, Nelson, Keith L., 513 126 Nemesis of Reform, The: The Republican Politics of Rage, The: George Wallace, the Party During the New Deal, 132 Origins of the New Conservatism, and Neu, Charles E., 695 the Transformation of American Poli- New South, New Law: The Legal Foun- tics, 332 dations of Credit and Labor Relations Postethnic America: Beyond Multicul- in the Postbellum Agricultural South, turalism, 519 46 Power and Passion of M. Carey Thomas, Nichols, Roger L., 407 The, 61 Noll, Mark A., 601 Powers, Richard Gid, 681 Noll, Steven, 618 Pragmatism and the Political Econoy of Not Without Honor: The History of Cultural Revolution, 1850-1°x , 235 American Anticommunism, 681 Presidency of Gerald R. Ford, The, 172 Nugent, Walter, 67 Presidential War Powers, 524 Ogul, Morris S., 524 Pressman, Jack D., 476 734 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 1996 Promise of Pragmatism, The: Modernism Secret World of American Communism, and the Crisis of Knowledge and Au- The, 500 thority, 84 Self-Rule: A Cultural History of Ameri- Public City, The: The Political Construc- can Democracy, 299 tion of Urban Life in San Francisco, Sewell, Mike, 513 1850-1900, 246 Sewell, Richard H., 426 Quest for Freedom: The United States Sex, Race, and Science: Eugenics in the and India’s Independence, 507 Deep South, 108 Rakove, Jack N., 395 Shaffer, Robert, 500 Reagan, Patrick D., 132 Shalhope, Robert E., 401 Reconstructing the Household: Family, Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Sex, and the Law in the Nineteenth- Temperance, Reform, Legal Culture, Century South, 412 and the Polity, 1880-1920, 114 Reps, John W., 36 Sherry, Michael S., 537 Republic of Letters, The: The Correspon- Shi, David E., 454 dence Between Jefferson and Madison, Shipwreck of Their Hopes, The: The Battles 1776-1826, 8 for Chattanooga, 418 Return of George Sutherland, The: Re- Simpson, Brooks D., 418 storing a Jurisprudence of Natural Sklar, Kathryn Kish, 120 Rights, 293 Skocpol, Theda, 647 Reynolds, David S., 238 Slavery, Capitalism, and Politics in the Robbins, William G., 258 Antebellum Republic, volume 1: Com- Rodgers, Daniel T., 84 merce and Compromise, 1820-1850, Rosenberg, Norman, 150 607 Rosner, David, 652 Slotten, Hugh Richard, 15 Rotter, Andrew J., 177 Smith, Carl, 442 Rubin, Joan Shelley, 454 Smith, James Morton, 8 Sacred Fired of Liberty, The: James Madi- Smora, Nurith, 277 son and the Founding of the Federal Soderlund, Jean R., 574 Republic, 401 Sommerville, Johann P., 389 Safety Net: Welfare and Social Security, Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619- 1929-1979, 647 1860, 590 Scanlon, Jennifer, 310 Southern Tradition, The: The Achieve- Schaller, Michael, 692 ment and Limitation of an American Scharf, Lois, 120 Conservatism, 232 Schmidt, Leigh Eric, 668 Spears, Timothy B., 635 Schneirov, Matthew, 51 Special Sorrows: The Diasporic Imagina- Science, Jews, and Secular Culture: Stud- tion of Irish, Polish, and Jewish Immi- ies in Mid-Twentieth-Century Ameri- grants in the United States, 67 can Intellectual History, 706 Spreading the News: The American Postal Seasons of War: The Ordeal of a Confed- System from Franklin to Morse, 596 erate Community, 1861-1865, 613 Stagg’s University: The Rise, Decline, AUTHOR-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 24 and Fall of Big-Time Football at Chi- Wacker, Peter O., 574 cago, 629 Wages of Globalism, The: Lyndon Johnson Stowe, Steven M., 138 and the Limits of American Power, 695 Stowe, William W., 271 Wages of Motherhood, The: Inequality in Strasser, Susan, 461 the Welfare State, 1917-1942, 647 Stueck, William, 321 Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Subjected to Science: Human Experimen- Biography, 238 tation in America Before the Second Washing “The Great Unwashed”: Public World War, 652 Baths in Urban America, 1840-1920, Sutherland, Daniel E., 613 461 These Are Our Children: Jewish Orphan- Washington County: Politics and Com- ages in the United States, 1880-1925, munity in Antebellum America, 209 277 Way, Peter, 29 Third Day at Gettysburg and Beyond, Weapons for Victory: The Hiroshima De- The, 418 cision Fifty Years Later, 529 Three Frontiers: Family, Land and Soci- Webb, Stephen Saunders, 389 ety in the American West, 1850-1865, Weed, Clyde P., 132 432 Weisberger, Bernard A., 471 Tom Paine, 216 When the Yankees Came: Conflict and Toplin, Robert Brent, 337 Chaos in the Occupied South, 1861- Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf, 695 1865, 426 Turning Right in the Sixties: The Con- Wiebe, Robert H., 299 servative Capture of the GOP, 327 Williams, Marilyn Thornton, 461 Tushnet, Mark V., 167, 590 “Without Blare of Trumpets”: Walter Tuttle, William M., 144 Drew, the National Erectors’ Associa- Un-American Activities: The Trials of tion, and the Open Shop Movement, William Remington, 156 1903-57, 102 Updike, John, 448 Wonders of America, The: Reinventing Urban Disorder and the Shape of Belief: Jewish Culture, 1880-1950, 73 The Great Chicago Fire, the Haymarket Woodman, Harold, 46 Bomb, and the Model Town of Pull- Work of Democracy, The: Ralph Bunche, man, 442 Kenneth B. Clark, Lorrine Hansberry, Van West, Carroll, 258 and the Cultural Politics of Race, 161 Vecoli, Rudolph J., 519 Wrobel, David M., 258 Villa, Brian L., 529 Wyatt-Brown, Bertram, 138 Voice for the Mad: The Life of Dorothea Young, Mary, 579 Dix, 618 Zieger, Robert H., 97, 641 von Hoffman, Alexander, 246 Zunz, Olivier, 299

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