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Review of the Southeastern Asian sawfly genus Anapeptamena konow (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) PDF

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Preview Review of the Southeastern Asian sawfly genus Anapeptamena konow (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL.SOC. WASH. 103(3).2003. pp. 641-646 REVIEW OF THE SOUTHEASTERN ASIAN SAWFLY GENUS ANAPEPTAMENA KONOW (HYMENOPTERA: TENTHREDINIDAE) Mai.kiat S. Saini, David R. Smith, and T.ajinder P. Saini — (MSS. TPS) Department of Zoology. Punjabi University. Patiala 147002. India (e- mail: [email protected]); (DRS) Systematic Entomology Laboratory. PSI. Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department ofAgriculture, c/o National Museum ofNatural His- tory. Smithsonian Institution. Washington. DC 20560-0168. U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. Anapeptaineiui Konow (Tenthredinidac: Sclandriinae) has been known only by its type species. A. iilbipes Konow. from India and Myanniar Two new species have beendiscovered from Indiaand aredescribed:Anapeptamenadarjeelingensis,n.sp.,and A. dhanoiiltiensis, n. sp. A male ofthe genus, that ofA. dhcmoiiltiensis. is described for the hrst time. Descriptions, illustrations, and a key are provided for identification ofthe species. Ke\ Words: India. Mvanmar. Selandriinae Intensive survey work in India by the tamena. The distinction between Anapep- first authorhas documented a large number tamena and Biisarbia was not studied un- of new records and resulted in the discov- til Malaise (1944) wasabletoexaminethe ery of many undescribed sawflies. Many type species. He discovered and enumer- genera considered monotypic or to include ated a number ofdifferences between the few species have been found to be much two genera and thus treated them as sep- larger and more diverse than previously arate. Based on Malaise's interpretation, thought. Such isthecase\orAnapeptamena all species described in Anapeptamena Konow, a small genus in the Selandriinae since Konow's (1900) proposed synony- known only from several specimens of a my belong either to Biisarbia or other single species from northeastern India and genera. From Malaise (1944) to the pre- Myanmar. Here we review the genus, de- sent, Anapeptamena has remained mono- scribetwonewspeciesfromIndia,andgive typic. We concur with Malaise's (1944) a key to the species. A male of the genus separation ofAnapeptamena. also is described for the first time. Holotypes are deposited in the National The history ofAnapeptamena revolves Pusa Collections, Division of Entomology, around decisions ofsynonymy by two au- India Agricultural Research Institute, New thors. A year after Konow (1898) de- Delhi, India. Paratypes are at Punjabi Uni- scribed Anapeptamena, Cameron (1899) versity, Patiala, India (PUNJ) and the Na- described the genus Biisarbia. A year lat- tional Museum of Natural History. Smith- er, Konow (1900) proposed the synonymy sonian Institution. Washington. D.C., USA ofthe two genera, and subsequent authors (USNM). followed Konow's treatment, resulting in Abbreviations used in the descriptions a numberofadditional species inAnapep- are as follows: EL = eye length: lATS = . 642 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON — innerapicaltibialspur: ICD = intercenchral Remarks. Several generic characters distance: IDMO = interocuhv distance at are slightly modified from pre\ious char- level ofmedian ocellus: ITD = intertegular acterizations of Aiuipeptamena (Malaise distance: LID = lowerinterocuhirdistance: 1944. 1963). These include antennal seg- MB = metabasitarsus: OATS = outer api- ment 3 sometimes slightly longer than 4, caltibial spur: OCL = ocello-occipitalline: the two not always equal in length: the an- OOL = oculo-ocellar line: POL = posto- terior margin of the clypeus may be shal- cellar line. lowly, roundly emarginate, not always sub- truncate: and the frontal area is sometimes Aiiapcptaiueim Konow distinct due to well defined frontal ridges Anapeptamena Konov\ 1898: 271. Type though not surrounded by a sharp carina species: Aiuipepranwiui alhipes Konow. and not always completely indistinct. By monotypy. Anapeptamena may be keyed in Mal- — aise's (1963) key to world generaofSelan- Description. Antenna filiform: apical driinae. It is distinguished from Bitsarhia segments without ventral membranous ar- (type species. Bitsarhia viridipes Cameron eas; segments 3 and 4 subequal in length from Khasia Hills. India), the genus with or3 slightly longerthan 4: following seg- which it has been confused, by the poorly ments gradually decreasing in length to defined frontal area, short postgenal carina apex:pedicel 1.5—2.Ox aslongasitsmax- on the hind orbits extending only part way imumwidth and almost as long oras long up the eye. and the last four antennal seg- as scape. Mandible strongly bent, almost ments without ventral membranous areas. at right angle, with a subapical tooth: Bitsarhia has a distinct, pentagonal frontal clypeus subconvexly bent from side to area, surroundedby anextremely acuteand side with its anterior margin subtruncate high carina with a transverse lateral carina to slightly circularly emarginate (Figs. 1- to innermargin ofeacheye. the entirehind 3); frontal area poorly defined, not sur- orbits with a postgenal carina, and the last rounded by anacute, high carina: hindor- four antennal segments with ventral mem- bits carinate below only, with postgenal branous areas which give the segments the carina extending only part way up eye. appearance ofbulging downwards. Lateral furrows fine, diverging back- Anapeptamena is known only from wards, abruptly ending just before hind Myanmar and northeastern India. Food margin of head. Hind orbits very short, plantsarenotknown,butmostSelandriinae head from abo\e narrowing behind eyes. feed on ferns. Epicnemium strongly convex, separated from mesepisternum by a furrow. Mese- Key TO Species pwiitshtoeurtnumcariinna,frornotunvdieedw aotbtcuesnetelry.MrFaoirsee-d 1 bMarluamrbslpaackc,etheaglufladiwahmiettee;rionftefrrtoengtuloacreldliusst;anlcae- wing without anal crossvein; veins and 3.3X intercenchraldistance;lancetnotstrongly Im-cu strongly converging, not parallel: narrowing toward apex, with about 7 semilae veinRs moreorlessfaint. Hindwingwith (Fig.9); A. alhipesKonow two closed cells. Rs and M: anal cell ses- - Malarspace nearly linear; labruniand tegulae either both white or both black; intertegular sile. Metabasitarsus shorter than follow- distance4.0x intercenchraldistance;lancetei- ing tarsal joints combined, as about 5:6. ther sharply narrowing toward apex (Fig. 10) Tarsal claws with long, slender inner orwithfewerthan 7serrulae(Fig. ID 2 tooth, nearly as long as outertooth, with- 2. Labrum and tegula while to yellow; clypeus out basal lobe (Figs. 4-6). Head, thorax, subtruncate. anterior margin of labrum acute and abdomen smooth, shining and im- i(Fninge.r2m):arfgrionnstalofriedygeesslbayteraallylocwontnreacntsevdersteo punctate. ridge: lancet sharply narrowing toward apex. VOLUME 103. NUMBER3 643 with about 8 serrulae (Fig. 10) M.S. Saini (19. PUNJ); Sikkim: Gangtok, A. Jarjec'lingensis. ii. ,sp. 1550 m. 14.5.93, coll. M.S. Saini (1 9. - Lroaubnrdulmyeamnadrgitneagluel.aabnltaecrki;orcmlayrpeguisnosfhallalborwulmy USNM): Khasi—a Hills (holotype 9). rounded (Fig. 3); frontal ridges withouttran.s- Distribution. India (West Bengal, Sik- verse ridge to inner margins of eyes; lancet kim); Myanmar(Kambaiti at 2000m,close short, not strongly narrowing toward apex, to the Yu—nnan frontier [Malaise 1944)). with about 6serrulae(Fig. 11) Type. The holotype female is at the A. dhanuulliensis. n. sp. Deutsches Entomologisches Institut. Eber- Aiuipeptaiucuu alhipes Konow swalde. Germany, labeled "Khasia Hills, (Figs. 1,4, 9) Assam, "coll. Konow," "Holotypus An2ap7e1p.t—aMnaileaniase a1l9b4i4p;es10K-1o1no(wMya1n8m9a8:r s[raemd,]","""TAnYaPpUeSpta[nriede]n,a" a"lCboilple.s DKEnwI.,EbAesr-- swalde." The head is glued onto apiece of records).— cardboardon the samepin;theantennaeare Female. Average length, 5.0 inm. missing. Black with tegula and legs, except infus- cated apical tarsal segments, yellow to Anapeptaniena darjeelingensis Saini, whitish. Wings hyaline; costa, stigma, and Smith, and Saini, new species venation dark brown to black. — (Figs. 2. 5. 10) Antennal length 2x head width; pedicel Female. Length, 5.0 mm. Black with 2X longer than its apical width, almost as labrum, tegula, coxae (except extreme ba- long as scape; segment 3 longer than 4, as ses), midleg (except last tarsal segment), 8;7. Anterior margin ofclypeus subtrunca- and hind leg (except lightly infuscated api- te, labrum broader than long, as 2:1. with cal 3 tarsal segments) yellow to whitish. rounded anterior margin (Fig. 1); malar Wings subhyaline; costa, stigma, and ve- space equal to half diameter of front ocel- nation dark brown to black. lus; inner margins ofeyes parallel in mid- Antennal length 2x head width, pedicel dle, faintly converging below; LID:lDMO: 2x its apical width, almost as long as EL = 2.0:2.4:1.9; OOL:POL:OCL = 1.7: scape; segment 3 longer than 4, as 5:4. 1.0:2.0. Frontal area slightly higher than Anterior margin ofclypeus slightly emar- level of eyes; supraantennal tubercles and ginate; labrum about as long as broad, frontal ridges indistinct, without transverse with acuminate anterior margin (Fig. 2); ridge to innermargin ofeye; supraantennal malar space linear; inner margins ofeyes pits distinct and removed from antennal parallel in middle, faintly converging be- sockets by a distance equal to diameter of low; LID:IDMO:EL = 2.0:2.4:2.1; OOL: pit:medianfoveaindistinct;circum-andin- POL:OCL = 1.5:1.0:1.5. Frontal area terocellar funows distinct, postocellar fur- slightly higher than level of eyes; su- row indistinct; postocellar area subconvex, praantennal tubercles indistinct but con- broaderthan long (5:4 at maximum width). tinue posteriorly similar to somewhat Mesoscutellum subconvex, appendage not prominent frontal ridges; in middle, fron- carinate. ITD:ICD = 3.5:1.0. Tarsal claws tal ridge laterally connected to inner mar- as inFig.4. IATS:MB:0ATS = 2.0:5.5:1.8. gins ofeye by a low transverse ridge; su- Abdomen with light golden pubescence. praantennal pits distinct and removed Lancet not distinctly narrowing toward from antennal sockets by a distance equal apex, lateral teeth above serrulae distinct, to diameter of pit; median fovea distinct with abo—ut 7 serrulae (Fig. 9). and gently curved in its posterior half Male. Unknown. — with bottom almost fiat; interocellar fur- Material examined. INDIA: West Ben- row distinct, circum- and postocellar fur- gal: Darjeeling, 2200 m, 26.5.1989, coll. rows indistinct; postocellar area subcon- PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON 644 VOLUME 10?. NUMBER3 645 vex. broader than long as 5:4 at its max- distinct; postocellarareasubconvex. broad- imum width. Mesoscutellum subconvex, er than long, as 2:1 at its maximum width. appendage not carinate. ITD:ICD = 4.0: Mesoscutellum flat,appendagenotcarinate. 1.0. Tarsal claws as in Fig. 5. IATS:MB: ITD:1CD = 4.0:1.0. Tarsal claws as in Fig. OATS = 2.0:6.0:1.8. Abdomen with 6. lATS:MB:OATS = 2.0:7.5:1.6. Abdo- brownish golden pubescence. Lancet men with brownish yellow pubescence. strongly narrowing toward apex, lateral Lancetshort,notstronglynan^owingtoward teeth above serrulae indistinct, with about apex, without lateral teeth above serrulae, 8 serrula—e (Fig. 10). with abo—ut 6 serrulae (Fig. 1 1). Male.—Unknown. Male. Average length.4.5 mm. Similar Type. Holotype 9. West Bengal: Dar- to female except apical halves of coxae, jeeling, 2200 m—. 8.5.1983. coll. M.S. Saini. basal half of fore- and midfemora, inner Distribution.— India (West Bengal). surface of hind femur on basal half, and Etymology. The species name is de- apical tarsal segments black. Supraantennal rived from the type locality. pits removed from antennal sockets by 0.5X diameterofapit. Genitaliaas in Figs. Anapeptcimena dhanoiiltiensis Saini, 7. 8; harpe triangular, pointed at apex; par- Smith, and Saini, new species apenis produced into a nanow, rounded —(Figs. 3, 6-8. 11) lobe at apex; penis valveoblong, finely ser- Female. Length. 4.2 mm. Black with rate on do—rsoapical margin. tibiae yellow and rest of legs fuscous. Types. Holotype 2, Uttar Pradesh: Wings lightly, uniformly infumated: costa, Dhanoulti, 2000 m, 25.7.1993, coll. M.S. stigma, and venation brown. Saini. Paratypes: Samedataas holotypeex- Antenna (apical 2 segments missing) cept 3.6.1983 (—2 (5. PUNJ, USNM). with pedicel 1.5X longer than broad, as Distribution.— India (Uttar Pradesh). long as scape, segment 3 longer than 4, as Etymology. The name is derived from 4:3. Anterior margin of clypeus shallowly its type locality. roundly emarginate; labrum broader than Acknowledgments long, as 2:1 with rounded anterior margin (Fig. 3). Malar space linear. Inner margins We thank US PL-480, Project No. FG- of eyes converging below; LID:IDMO:EL In-753, and ICAR, New Delhi, for finan- = 2.0:2.5:2.0: bdL:POL:OCL = 1.3:1.0: cial assistance. Ourthanksareextendedto 1.0. Frontal area almost same height as A. TaegerandS. M. Blank, DeutschesEn- eyes; supraantennal tubercles and frontal tomologisches Institut, Eberswalde, Ger- ridges indistinct; supraantennal pits distinct many for the loan ofthe type ofAnapep- and removed from antennal sockets by tcimena albipes. We appreciate reviews of 1.75X diameter ofpit; median fovea indis- the manuscript by the following: H. Gou- tinct in its posteriorhalfand inanteriorhalf let. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. representedbyadeepmediansupraantennal Ottawa, and R. A. Ochoa and J. W. pit; without transverse ridge extending to Brown, Systematic Entomology Labora- inner margin ofeye; circum- and interocel- tory. USDA, Beltsville, MD, and Wash- lar furrows distinct, postocellar funow in- ington, DC, respectively. Figs. 1-11. Anapepttiiiwna. 1-3. Clypeusand labrum. 1.A. albipes. 2,A. ikirjeelingensis. 3,A. Jhanoul- licnsis. 4-6. Tarsal claw. 4.A. albipes. 5,A. darjeelingensis. 6.A. dhanoiiltiensis. 7. MalegonoforcepsofA. (lluuuHilriensis. H. Malepenisvalveof.4. dhantiuliicnsis. 9-1I.Femalelancets, 9..4. ilhipes. 10.,4. darjeelin- gensis. 11..4. dhani>ullicnsis. 646 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Literature Cited . 1900.NeuerBeitragzurSynonymiederTen- Cametrroinb,utiP.on1s8t9o9.aIIkIn.oHwylmeedngoeptoefrtaheOrHieynmtealniosp,toerrcaono-f t1h0r1e-d1in1i2d.ae. WienerEntomologische Zeitung 19: the Oriental Zoological Region. Part VIII. The Malaise. R. 1944. Entomological results from the Hymenoptera of the Khasia Hills. First paper. Swedish Expedition 1934 to Burma and British MemoirsandProceedingsoftheManchesterLit- India.ArkivforZoologi35A: 1-58. eraryandPhilo.sophicalSociety43: 1-51. . 1963.HymenopteraTenthredinoidea.subfam- Konow,FW. 1898.NeueChalastogastra-Gattungenund ily Selandriinae. key to the genera ofthe world. Arten.EntomologischeNachrichten24:268-282. EntomologiskTijdskrift84: 159-215.

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