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Preview Review of the Oriental genus Angerianus Distant (Heteroptera: Miridae)

GARY M. STONEDAHL InternationalInstituteofEntomology, London REVIEW OF THE ORIENTAL GENUS ANGERIANUS DISTANT (HETEROPTERA: MIRIDAE) Stonedahl,G.M., 1991.ReviewoftheOrientalgenusAngerianusDistant (Heteroptera: Miridae). - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 134: 269-277, figs. 1-20. [ISSN 0040-7496]. Published 18December 1991. ThegenusAngerianusDistantisdiagnosedandredescribed,anditsrecentplacementin thesubfamilyDeraeocorinaeisconfirmed.ThenewspeciesA.mindanaoandA.palawa- nensisfromthePhilippineIslands,and/^.pallidusfromSabahandSarawakarediagnosed anddescribed.LectotypesaredesignatedfortheDistantspeciesA.fractusandA.maurus basedon syntypic materialpreservedintheNatural HistoryMuseum,London. Illustra- tions areprovided for themalegenitalicstructuresofallspecies, andscanningelectron micrographsarepresentedforthescentglandostioleandpretarsusofA. maurus.Akey isprovidedwhichusesexternalfeaturesandcharactersofthemalegenitaliatodistinguish thefiveknownspecies. G. M. Stonedahl, International InstituteofEntomology, 56Queen'sGate,LondonSW7 5JR,U. K. Key words. - Heteroptera; Miridae; Deraeocorinae; Angerianus; review; new species; Oriental region. Angerianus was described by Distant (1904) to Angerianus: Reuter 1910: 161 (cat.); Carvalho 1952: 72 accommodatetwonewspecies,fractusandmaurus, (classif.,cat.), 1955: 60 (key), 1957: 182 (cat.);Cassis collected at Myitta in the Tenasserim Valley, 1984: 166 (diag.,subfam.placement). Burma. The genus was placed in the tribe Dicy- phini by Carvalho (1952), but Cassis (1984), in a Diagnosis. - Recognized by the head not pro- revisionofthisgroup,movedAngerianus intothe ducedanteriadofeyes,withverticalfronsandtylus; Deraeocorinae. Stonedahl and Cassis (1991) pres- well developed cephalic neck; long first antennal entcharacter informationsuggesting thatAngeri- segment; broadpronotalcollar; lateral marginsof anusismostcloselyrelatedtotheOldWorldgenus pronotumconstrictedat levelofanteriorandpos- Fingulus Distant. In conjunction with that study, teriorbordersofcalli; stronglydeflexedhemelytra three new species ofAngerianus were discovered with broad, deep cuneal incisure; long, tapered in the entomological collections of the Bernice P. femora (fig. 1); strongly protruding scent gland Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Descriptions of these ostiole (figs. 2, 3); and structureofthe malegeni- speciesareprovidedherealongwithredescriptions talia, especially the vesica without lobal sclerites, oifractusand maurus,andakey todistinguish the and no serrate plates bordering secondary gono- five known species. pore. All measurements are given in millimeters. Redescription of male. - Macropterous, length Bodylengthismeasuredfromtheapexofthetylus 2.19-2.77; pale brownish yellow to dark brown to thedeepestpointofthecuneal incisure. Abbre- general coloration; dorsal surface shiny, smooth; viations used in the locality data to denote speci- collaranddiscofpronotumfinelytocoarselypunc- men depositories correspond to the institutions tate; dorsal vestiture with moderate to dense dis- listed in the acknowledgments. tribution of long, pale setae, or sometimes nearly glabrous with shorter, scattered setae. Head: Ver- Systematic account tical anteriorly, not produced distad of eyes, with weaklyproducedtylus;broaderthanlongindorsal view with vertex nearly twice as broad as dorsal Angerianus Distant widthofeye;taperedposteriadofeyesintodistinct AngerianusDistant, 1904:437-438. -Typespecies:Ai necklike region, with eyes well removed from an- gerianusfractusDistant. terior margin of pronotum; neck anteriorly with 269 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume b4, 1991 Fig. 1. Angerianus maurus, dorsal habitusfemale. transverse dorsal depression; eyes occupying reaching lateral margins of pronotum, surface nearlyentireheightofheadinlateralview.Anten- smooth or faintly rugulose, sometimes with long, nae: Long, thin, inserted well dorsad of median palesetae;posteriormarginofdiscbroadlyconvex, levelofeyes;lengthofsegmentIequaltoorgreater concealing most of mesoscutum and sometimes than width of head across eyes; segments II-IV anterior margin of scutellum; scutellum elevated withmoderatelylong,suberect,palesetae.Labium: above resting hemelytra; metathoracicscenteffer- Reaching to meso- or metacoxae; segments I-III ent system with strongly protruding ostiole, eva- similarinlength,segmentIVslightlylonger.Pron- porativeareanotoronlyslightlyextendingdorsad otum:Stronglynarrowedanteriorlyandnoticeably of upper margin of ostiole. Hemelytra: Strongly constrictedatlevelofposteriormarginofcalliand deflexed at cuneal fracture; lateral margins nearly atjunctureofcollar andcalli; collar much broader straight anteriorly, curving inward distally to than diameter ofantennal segment I, flattened or broad, deep cuneal incisure; costal vein and claval weakly convex dorsally; calli confluent medially. suture marked by rowofcoarsepunctures; cuneus 270 Stonedahl: ReviewofAngerianus relatively long, with curved outer margin; mem- (1984) tentatively regarded Angerianus as most branereachingwellbeyondapexofabdomen,with closely related to the Hyaliodini, based primarily largeprimarycellandobsoletesecondarycell.Legs: on the strongly protruding, tubelike auricle ofthe Femora elongate, tapered, broadest basally; tibiae metaepisternal scent efferent system. Comment- and tarsicylindrical,withpale,suberectsetae;pre- ing on the similarities between Angerianus and tarsal claws strongly curved with prominent basal StethoconusFlor,Cassisquestionedtheplacement tooth (fig. 5). Genitalia: Genital capsule: Small, ofthe latergenus in theClivinemini by Kerzhner narrow, ventral region between paramere sockets (1967). Stethoconushassincebeenmovedintothe slightly produced posteriorly; aperture large, pos- Hyaliodini by Henry et al. (1986). teriorly directed; paramere sockets asymmetrical In a recent revision oftheOldWorldderaeoco- withleftsocketslightlylargerandventradofright rinegenus Fingulus Distant,Stonedahl andCassis socket. Left paramere: L-shaped with weakly to (1991, in press) suggested a possible sister group moderately produced sensory lobe; shaft long, ta- relationship between this genus and Angerianus pered distally to blunt, sometimes truncate apex. based on characters of the external morphology Rightparamere: Small,ovate to lanceolate, some- and male genitalia. Further, these authors noted timesstronglynarroweddistally;apexblunt. Phal- that Fingulus and Stethoconus, while superficially lotheca: Short, conical, narrowlyopeneddorsodis- similar,haveverydifferentmalegenitaliaandhead tally. Vesica: Composed of multilobed membra- morphology,indicatingthattheyarenotasclosely nous sac surrounding distal region of ductus related as originally suggested by Cassis (1984). seminis, and simple, unmodified secondary gono- Based on these preliminary findings, I consider pore opening into depressed area between mem- Angerianus tobe mostclosely related toFingulus, branous lobes. Lobes of vesica sometimes with but can say little about the relationships of these patches of blunt tubercles, but lacking lobal scler- generatootherDeraeocorinae,excepttosuggesta ites. Basal region of vesica not surrounded by possible link with the Hyaliodini. sclerotizedskirt,andwithoutserrateplatesborder- ing secondarygonopore. Keyto species ofAngerianus Female. - Macropterous, length 2.22-2.73; sim- 1. Collar and disc of pronotum with numerous ilar to male in general structure and coloration coarsepunctures and long, pale setae 2 except as noted in species descriptions. Genitalia Collaranddiscofpronotumwithscatteredfine not examined. punctures and short setae, or impunctate and appearingglabrous 4 Distribution.-TropicalAsiafromNepaleastto 2. Antennal segment I narrowly pale basally, Taiwan, the Philippine Islands and Sabah, and brownorblackdistally; lengthofsegmentno- south toJava. ticeablygreaterthanwidthofheadacrosseyes; Discussion. -Distant (1904) pX^ceà.Angerianus malegenitalia as in figures 12-14 in the Division Cylaparia (Cylapinae), but Reuter mindanao sp. n. (1910), uncertain of its relationships, treated this AntennalsegmentIdarkenedbasallyandpale genus as incertae sedis in his classification of the distally; length of segment about equal to Miridae. Apparently unaware of its distinct de- width ofhead across eyes 3 raeocorine pretarsus and male genitalia, Carvalho 3. Fore femora mostly pale, sometimes lightly (1952) movedAngerianusintothetribeDicyphini infuscatedmediallyorrarely moreextensively (Phylinae). The correct subfamilial placement of darkeneddistally;scutellumusuallywithlarge, Angerianus wasestablishedbyCassis (1984),who pale spot distomedially; length of antennal noted that members of this genus have a typical segment II 1.24-1.44; malegenitalia as in fig- deraeocorine pretarsus, with cleft claw bases and ures 6-8 fractus Distant setiformparempodia.Cassisalsoobservedthatthe Forefemoramostlyfuscous,basal fourthpale; structure ofthe mesepimericspiracle and the me- scutellum uniformly darkened, without pale taepisternal scent efferent system were like those spot medially; length of antennal segment II of the Deraeocorinae and not the Dicyphini. The 1.02-1.17; male genitalia as in figures 9-11 observationsofCassisareconfirmedinthepresent maurus Distant study,anditisfurthernotedthatthemalegenitalic 4. Palebrownishyellowgeneralcoloration; head structures ofAngerianus support its placement in uniformlypale;lengthoflabiumaboutequalto the Deraeocorinae, particularly the shape of the posteriorwidthofpronotum;malegenitaliaas left paramere and the depressed, unmodified se- in figures 18-20 pallidus sp. n. condarygonopore ofthe vesica. Dark brown general coloration; head infus- The relationship of Angerianus to other de- cated posteriad of eyes, and with dark stripe raeocorine genera is not well established. Cassis reaching from dorsal margin of antennal fos- 271 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 134, 1991 sae to posterior margin of head; length of la- Diagnosis. - Recognized by the coarsely punc- bium much greater than posterior width of tatecollaranddiscofthepronotum;bicoloredfirst pronotum; male genitalia as in figures 15-17 antennal segment, with distal region pale; dark palawanensissp. n. scutellum, usually with large, pale spot distome- dially; and by the structure of the male genitalia AngerianusfractusDistant (figs. 6-8). This species is further distinguished (figs. 6-8) from maurus by the longer second antennal seg- AngerianusfractusDistant,1904:438,fig.283.Lectotype ment and mostlypale fore femora. $ (new designation): Label 1, 'Type, H.T.' [red-bor- Descriptionofmale.-Length2.37-2.52;yellow- dered disc]; 2, 'Angerianus fractus Dist.' ishbrowntodarkbrowngeneralcoloration.Head: [handwritten];3,'TenassVail,Myitta,(Doherty).';4, Width across eyes 0.66-0.70, vertex 0.30-0.33; ''LDeicsttoatnytpeC,olAl.n,ge1r9i1a1n-u38s3f'r;ac5tus(rDeidstlaanbte,ldaedt.debdyhGe.reM)., mostlypaleanteriorlyanddorsally;gulaandneck- Stonedahl, 1991.' (nhml) [examined]. likeregionposteriadofeyesbrownordarkbrown; Angerianusfractus;Carvalho 1957: 182 (cat.). lorum, buccula and gena usually lightly to heavily Figs. 2-5. Scanningelectronmicrographsof/^«^erM«»jwd»r»x.-2,Lateralviewofthorax;3,Ostioleandevaporative areaofmetathoracicscentefferentsystem;4,Metafemurshowingtrichobothria; 5,Pretarsus. 272 Stonedahl: ReviewofAngerianus tinged with fuscous; vertex with V-shaped mark running from antennal fossae to depressed line marking anterior margin of neck. Antennae: I, length0.62-0.70,basalhalftotwo-thirdsbrownor darkbrown,orinpalerspecimenssometimesonly narrowly darkened basally, distal region pale yel- lowordirtywhite; II, length 1.25-1.44,palebrow- nishyellow;III&IV,brown. Labium: Length 1.17- 1.22; reaching between mesocoxae; segments I-III reddishbrown,segmentIVbrownishyellow.Pron- otum: Posterior width 1.16-1.25; collar and disc coarselypunctate;yellowishbrown todarkbrown, lighter specimens usually considerable darker lat- erally;scutellumbrownordarkbrown,usuallywith large pale spot distomedially; scent gland ostiole grayish white, much paler than surrounding pleura. Hemelytra: Dark yellowish brown to mostly dark brown - lighter specimens usually with apexofclavus,distal regionofemboliumand cuneusdarkerbrownorbrownishred;darkerspec- imens with apical angle of corium and base of Figs. 6-8. MalegenitaliaoiAngerianusfractus.-6,Ves- cuneusnoticeablypaler;membranelightlytomod- ica;7,Leftparamere,dorsalview;8,Leftparamere,pos- erately tinged with fuscous basally, sometimes to terolateralview. levelofapexofcuneus,veinsbrownordarkbrown. Legs: Grayish yellow or brownish yellow; femora oflighter specimens usually with middle third in- fuscated, darker specimens usually with femora questionable whether the male specimen then be- moreextensivelydarkeneddistallyandwithbaseof comes a paralectotype, as there is no evidence to tibiaenarrowlydarkened.Genitalia: Leftparamere suggest that Distant ever looked at specimens of and vesica as in figures 6-8. this sex. Female. - Length 2.34-2.50; width across eyes Theheadandprothoraxofthelectotypehaveat 0.65-0.67,vertex0.31-0.32;lengthofantennalseg- some point been dislodged from the body and are ment I 0.62-0.67, segment II 1.24-1.29; length of now glued to the card point. All of the legs are labium 1.08-1.20; posterior width of pronotum missing,andonlythefirstsegmentandbaseofthe 1.17-1.27. Similar to male in structure and color, second segmentofthe right antenna remain. except second antennal segment usually much shorter, and pronotum broadly pale behind calli Specimensexamined.-Burma:Tenasserim: 1$,same and with distinct pale stripe medially on disc. dataaslectotype(nhml); 1$DawnaHills,2000-3000ft, Distribution. - Burma, Laos, Nepal, Thailand March2-3,1908(nhml,DistantColl.).-Laos:Vientiane and Vietnam. Prov.: 1 9,BanVanEue,SEofPhouKowKuei,800m, genDeirsacluscsoiloonr.ati-onT,hirsansgpiencgiefsroismqyueiltleowviasrhiabbrleowinn SA31ap,urri1al9h61a54,,,D1ne9ac6t.5i,v2eJ7.,Lc.o1l9Gl8re1ec-stsJoiartnt.(b(9i,bsih1s)9h.8)2;-,1NS$eh,poaBrlea:anr1Voa$bn,usECtuhaei,(t'wDSaaelnc',.) withlimiteddarkerbrownmarkingstomostlydark forest, on low vegetation, L.Jessop (nhml); 2 (5, 1 $, brown (see description of male). Females are less Mugling,900-1500 ft,Jan. 14-Feb. 5, 1982, mixed scrub variable than males in coloration, and are always onsouthfacingslopes,L.Jessop(AMNH,nhml).-Thai- easily distinguished from otherspecies ofAngeri- land: ChiangMaiProv.: 1 (5, 1 9>Banna, 108m.May5- anus by the pale, median stripe on the pronotal A1p0,ri1l9558-,11,T.C1.95M8,aaT.C(.biMsah)a;(1bi5s,h)1;$1,9ChDioaingSduatoh,op4,5N0ovm., disTc.he original description of A. fractus gives 1149,581,95T7.,CJ..ML.aaGre(sbsisiht)t;(1bi$s,h)F;an1g(J,Ho4rt9,.FEaxnpg.,StAnp.r,i5l5102--61090, Myitta, Tenasserim as the type locality. Although m,Oct. 20, 1981 (uzmc). Trang Prov.: 1 $, Khaophap- thereis noindicationofthenumberandsexofthe pha,Khaochang,200-400m,Jan. 13,1964,G.A.Samuel- sthpeechiambeintsusthialtlusDtirsattainotn aexnadmitenxetd,thiattisheclweaarsfdreosm- Dseocn.(2b0is-h2)4.,-I9V6i0e,tCnaMm.:Y1o5s,hi1mo9,toBa(nbisMhe);T1ho9,ut6,k5m00smo,f cribing the female of this species. Two specimens Dalat, 1400-1500 m,June 9-July 7, 1961, N.R. Spencer (bish). oiA.fractusfromthetypelocalityaredepositedin the Natural History Museum in London. The fe- male is here designated the lectotype, but it is 273 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 134, 1991 Figs. 9-11. Male genitalia ofAngeria- nus maurus. -9,Vesica; 10,Leftpara- mere, dorsal view; 11, Left paramere, posterolateralview. AngerianusmaurusDistant ment I 0.64-0.69, segment II 1.02-1.11; length of (figs. 1-5,9-11) labium 1.06-1.13; posterior width of pronotum 1.13-1.18. AngerianusmaurusDistant,1904:438.Lectotype$(new Distribution. - Widely distributed in tropical designation):label1,'TenassVail,Myitta,(Doherty).'; Asia from Nepal, east to Taiwan and Sabah, and 2, 'DistantColl., 1911-383'; 3 (redlabeladdedhere), south toJava. 'Lectotype,AngerianusmaurusDistant,det.byG.M. Stonedahl, 1991.' (nhml) [examined]. Discussion. - Like A. fractus, this species was Angerianusmaurus;Carvalho, 1957: 182 (cat,). described from a unknown number of specimens collected at Myitta in the Tenasserim Valley, Diagnosis. - Similar to A. fractus, but distin- Burma. Four specimens apparently belonging to guished by the darker legs, uniformly darkened the original syntype series are deposited in the scutellum and shorter second antennal segment. NaturalHistoryMuseum inLondon. Oneofthese Males are further distinguished by the narrower is here designated the lectotype and the others vertex,longerlabium,andstructureofthegenitalia become paralectotypes. (figs. 9-11). Paralectotypes.- 1 i^ (headandpronotummiss- Descriptionofmale. - Length 2.19-2.37; brown ing), 1 Ç,samedataas lectotype; 1 $,samedataas to dark brown general coloration. Head: Width lectotype except with two additional labels below across eyes 0.66-0.70, vertex 0.24-0.26; brown or specimen as follows: Label 1, 'Type, H.T.' [red- dark brown; frons, tylus, jugum, lorum and gena bordered disc]; 2, 'maurus Dist.' [handwritten]. A usually paler brownish yellow; vertex with broad, yellowlabelwiththefollowingdatahasbeenadded pale mark bordering inner margin of each eye. to each of these specimens: 'Paralectotype,Ange- Antennae: I, length 0.63-0.67, basal two-thirds rianus maurus Distant, det. by G. M. Stonedahl, dark brown, distal region pale yellow or dirty 1991.'AHparalectotypesaredepositedintheNat- white; II, length 1.12-1.17, pale brownish yellow; ural History Museum, London. III & IV,brown. Labium: Length 1.06-1.10; reach- ing between meso- or metacoxae; segments I-III Specimens examined. - Cambodia: 1 9. Siem Reap darkreddish brown, segmentIVbrownishyellow. (Angkor),Dec. 6, 1957,J. Szent-Ivany (bish). -Indone- Pronotum: Posterior width 1.09-1.13; collar and sia:Java: 1 $, S Coast, Tankubanpraku, Sept. 27, I960, disc coarsely punctate; uniformly brown or dark forest remnant, J.L. Gressitt (bish). - West Malaysia: brown; scent gland ostiole yellowish white, much Pahang: 1 9,Dec.22-26, 1958,T.C.Maa (bish).Penang: paler than surrounding pleura, evaporative area 19,Oct.1913,G.E.Bryant(nhml);19,IslandofPenang, Baker (usnm). - Sabah: 2 $, Liawan,Jan. 14-19, 1959, sometimeslightlytingedwithfuscous. Hemelytra: sweeping,T.C.Maa(bish);19,Samawang,nr.Sandakan, Brown ordark brown; anterior halfofembolium, July 14, 1927 (nhml).-Sarawak: 1 $,MeritaiValley,nr. apex of corium, and basal margin of cuneus noti- Kapit,30-300m,July1-6,1958,T.C.Maa(bish).-Nepal: ceablypaler;membranelightlytingedwithfuscous 29,Chitwan,Sauraha,Dec.27,1981-Jan.9, 1982,Shorea basally,sometimestolevelofapexofcuneus,veins robusta ('Sal') forest, on low vegetation, L. Jessop brownordarkbrown.Legs:Brownishyellow,with (nhml). - Taiwan: 1 9) Menzendo, '1-6-33,' native pi- dalilsytadlatrwko-btrhoiwrnd.sGoefnifteamloiar:aFaingdurbeasse9-o1f1.tibiae usu- n11e905a07p,pml,Te.CNf.iEelMda,oafK.(BbSaianskghi)k.mouk-r,aThD(aebicil.sahn)2d;-:31,1$1,(95,5P7i3,sh9Ja,.nL,P.aNkGorcveh.sosni1gt4,t, Female. - Length 2.22-2.40; width across eyes (bish). Chiang Mai Prov.: 1 9, Chiangdao, April 5-11, 0.62-0.66,vertex0.26-0.28;lengthofantennalseg- 1958,T.C.Maa(bish); 1<5, 1 9,Fang,April 12-19, 1958, 274 Stonedahl; ReviewofAngerianus Figs. 12-14. Male genitalia of Angerianusmindanao.- 12,Ves- ica; 13, Left paramere, dorsal view; 14,Leftparamere,postero- lateralview. TN.CW. MofaaDi(lbiinshh,).1-10V0iemt,naSemp:t.12(9J,-OAcpt.H5u,nIg9-6L0,amC,M2.1Ykom- btrwoewenn.meLsaob-iuomr:meLteancgotxhae;1.s25e-g1m.e3n9;tsrIe-aIIcIhirnegddibseh- shimoto(BISH);7(5,22,BanMeThout;500m,Dec.20- brown, segment IV yellowish brown. Pronotum: 24, I960,CM.Yoshimoto(bish); 1 9,KaryuDanar,200 Posterior width 1.17-1.24; collar and disccoarsely Mm',DrFaebk.,E13o-f28B,an19M6e1,ThNo.uRt.,4S0p0e-n6ce0r0m(,biDsehc).;81-19,5,,I19609,, punctate; uniformly yellowish brown, sometimes C M. Yoshimoto (bish). with collar and calli slightly darker; darkest spec- imens with collar, calli and margins of disc dark brown and medial region of disc lighter brown; Angerianusmindanao sp. n. scutellum brown or yellowish brownish; scent (figs. 12-14) gland ostiole brown or yellowish brown, not or only slightly paler than surrounding pleura. He- danTayop:eDmaavtaeroiadlel-SHuor:loGtaylpoeg(JR:.,PhMitl.ipAppion,e6Is0l0a0ndfst:,SMeipnt-. melytra: Brownish yellow to mostly dark brown; 26,CS. Clagg (AMNH). - Paratypes: Philippine Islands: membrane sometimes tingedwith fuscous basally, Mindanao: Davao del Sur: 1 9 (Sept. 3) and4 9 (Sept. veins brown orbrownish yellow. Legs: Uniformly 26), same data as holotype (AMNH); 1 9, Mt. Apo, Ba- brownishyellow,orindarkerspecimens,withdis- traeyon, 8000 ft, Sept. 14, CS. Clagg (amnh); 1 5, Mt. tal half to two-thirds of femora, and sometimes Apo,MainitR.,6000ft,Sept. 24,CS. Clagg (nhml). base of tibiae darker brown. Genitalia: Left para- Additional Specimens. - Philippine Islands; Minda- nao:Bukidnon:29,Mt.Katanglad,1250m,Oct.26,1959, mere and vesica as in figures 12-14. L.W. Quate (bish); 1 $ (badly damaged, with head, he- Female. - Length 2.48-2.60; width across eyes melytraandallbutonelegmissing),Mt.Katanglad,1250 0.64-0.66,vertex0.31-0.33;lengthofantennalseg- Cmo,llDeegces.,41-59,km195N9,WLo.fW.ValQeunactiae,(Abpirsihl);221-239,, 1M9t6.8,VDi.eEw. mlaebnitumI 01..7274--01..8442,;speogsmteernitorIIw0i.d99t-h1.o0f6;plreonngothtuomf Hardy (bish). 1.12-1.20. Etymology.-NamedfortheislandofMindanao. Diagnosis. - Recognized by the coarsely punc- Distribution. - Mindanao, Philippine Islands. tate pronotal collar and disc, dark brown first an- Discussion. - This species is quite variable in tennal segment with basal sixth toone-thirdpale, general coloration, the dorsum ranging from uni- andbythestructureofthemalegenitalia (figs. 12- formly pale brownish yellow (type and paratypes 14).Thisspeciesisfurtherdistinguishediromfrac- from Mt. Apo) to mostly brown or dark brown tusandmarusbythelongerfirstantennalsegment (Bukidnonspecimens).Theventralpartsofallthe anddarker scentgland ostiole. examinedspecimens areextensivelydarkened. An Description of male. - Length 2.40-2.56; brow- examination of external morphological features nish yellow to dark brown general coloration. andthemalegenitaliaofspecimensfromthesetwo Head: Width across eyes 0.66-0.69, vertex 0.29- areas confirmed that they belong to a single spe- 0.32; brownishyellow,usuallyslightlydarkerven- cies. trally, especially posteriad of eyes; head ofdarker specimens brown or dark brown, with frons and Angerianuspalawanensis sp. n. vertexpalerbrownishyellow. Antennae: I, length (figs. 15-17) 0.80-0.84, fuscous, with basal sixth to one-third pale;II,length1.15-1.19,yellowishbrown;III&IV, Type material. - Holotype $: Philippine Islands: Pa- 275 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 134, 1991 Figs. 15-17. Male genitalia of Angerianus palawanensis. - 15, Vesica; 16, Leftparamere,dorsal view; 17,Leftparamere,postero- lateralview. lawan: Mantalingajan, Pinigisan, 600m, Sept. 6, 1961 Angerianuspallidussp. n. (UZMC,NoonaDanExp.). (figs. 18-20) Diagnosis. - Recognized by the dark brown Type material. - Holotype $: Malaysia: Sarawak: generalcoloration,with legs and antennae mostly Nanga Pelagus, nr. Kapit, 180-585 m, Aug. 7-14, 1958, pale; headwithbroad,longitudinalstripebetween TC.Maa(bish).-Paratype:Malaysia:Sabah: 1$,Ranau, eyes;pronotumappearingglabrous,withscattered, Sept. 30-Oct. 5, 1958,TC. Maa (bish). finepuncturesoncollaranddisc; lengthoflabium much greater than posterior width of pronotum, Diagnosis. - Similar to mindanao in size and and malegenitalia as in figures 15-17. general coloration, but distinguished by the Description of male holotype. - Length 2.30; broaderheadandvertex,weaklypunctatepronotal darkbrowngeneralcoloration.Head:Widthacross disc, and structure of the male genitalia (figs. 18- eyes0.66,vertex0.31;palebrownishyellow,except 20). The pale general coloration and faint punc- dark brown posteriad of eyes ventrally and later- tureson thepronotaldiscwilldistinguishpallidus ally, and with fuscous stripebetweeneyes extend- fromfractus, maurus andpalawanensis. ing to anterior margin ofpronotum. Antennae: I, Description of male. - Length 2.55-2.77; pale length0.77,basalhalfdarkyellowishbrown,distal brownish yellow general coloration. Head: Width yheallfloswl;ighIItIly&palIeVr,;bIrI,owlne.ngtLhab1i.u59m,:paLleengbtrhown1.i3s1h; bacrroowsnsiesyhesyeOl.lloòw-.Q.Alnlt,evnenrateex:0I.,36l-e0n.g3t9h; u0.n8i8f,orpmallye reaching to posterior margin of metacoxae; seg- brownish yellow; II-IV, missing. Labium: Length ments I & II dark brown, III & IV pale brownish 1.39; reachingbetweenmesocoxae;uniformlypale yellow.Pronotum:Posteriorwidth 1.06;collarand brownishyellow. Pronotum: Posteriorwidth 1.38; disc with scattered fine punctures, appearing gla- brownish yellow; collar and disc with very faint, brous; uniformly dark brown, except somewhat shallowpunctures andshort,palesetae; scutellum palerlaterallydorsadofcoxalcleft;scutellumdark brownorpalegrayishyellow, moderatelyelevated brown,lessstronglyelevatedabovelevelofhemel- above levelofresting hemelytra; scentglandosti- ytra; scent gland ostiole dark brown, similar in oledirtyyellow,onlyslightlypalerthansurround- coloration to surrounding pleura. Hemelytra: Cla- ing pleura. Hemelytra: Clavus brown or grayish vus and corium dark brown, becoming slightly yellow; corium and cuneus clear pale yellow - co- paler distally; cuneus brown basally, outer margin rium of holotype lightly tinged with fuscous ba- and apex broadly pale, almost clear; membrane sally,especiallyborderingclavalsuture;membrane lightly tinged with fuscous basally, veins brown, clear,withslightyellowcolorationborderingveins. paler distally. Legs: Uniformly pale yellow. Geni- Legs: Uniformly pale brownish yellow. Genitalia: talia: Figures 15-17. Left paramere andvesica as in figures 18-20. Female. - Unknown. Female. - Unknown. Etymology. - Named for its occurrence on the Etymology. - From the Latin, pallidus (pale), islandofPalawan. referring to the palegeneral coloration. Distribution. - Palawan, Philippine Islands. Distribution. - Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. 276 Stonedahl: ReviewofAngerianus Figs. 18-20. Male genitalia of Angerianuspallidus.-18,Vesica; 19, Left paramere, dorsal view; 20, Left paramere, posterolateral Discussion. - The paratype of this species is Carvalho,J.C.M.,1952.Onthemajorclassificationofthe uniformlypaledorsaily,whiletheholotypehasthe Miridae (Hemiptera). (With keys tosubfamilies and scutellum and clavus darker than the rest of the tribes and acatalogueoftheWorldgenera). -Anais dorsum. All other features of the two specimens daAcademiaBrasileiradeCiências24: 31-110. including the malegenitalia are indistinguishable, Carvoaflthhoe,JW.orC.ldM..,-1B9o5l5e.tKiemydsotMoutsheeugePnaerraaenosfeMEimriildiaoe although it is noted that the holotype is slightly Goeldi 11: 1-151. larger than the paratype. Carvalho,J.C. M., 1957.CatalogueoftheMiridaeofthe World, Part L Subfamilies Cylapinae, Deraeocorinae andBryocorinae.-ArquivosdoMuseuNacional,Rio Acknowledgments deJanWeiro44: 1-158. I thank the following individuals and their re- DistCaenytl,onaLn.d,1B9u0r4m.aT.hRehFyanucnhaotoaf.BrViotli.shIII(nHdieat,erIonpctleurdai)n.g ssNtpauetdcuytr:iavleRaHinindssattlioltruyt,Ti.oNnsSecwfhourYho,prrkAovmi(edAriMinNcgHa)ns;peMGcuoisrmedenousnmfMoo.fr Henc-royTn,auysTlojJra.p,aoNnnediacFlursaJrn.(c,HiJes.,teWLroonp&dteoKrn.a,:M5M.0i3rGiopd.tate,):198A6.prSetdeatthoo-r Nishida, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu ofStephanitislacebugs newlydiscoveredintheUni- (bish); William R. Dolling, Natural History Mu- tedStates,promisinginthebiocontrolofAzaleaLace seum,London (nhml);RichardC. Froeschnerand Bug (Heteroptera: Tingidae). - Proceedings of the Thomas J. Henry, National Museum of Natural KerEznhtnoemro,loI.gMi.c,al19S6o7c.ieFtyamoiflWyaMsihriindgateo(nCa8p8:si7d2a2e)-.73-0.In: History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, G. Ya. Bei-Bienko (ed.), Keys to the Insects of the D.C. (USNM); and Nils Moller Andersen, Univer- EuropeanUSSR.Vol.I.Apterygota,Palaeoptera,He- sitetetsZoologiskeMuseum,Copenhagen (UZMC). mimetabola.-ZoologicalInstitute,AcademyofScien- Bonnie B. Hall, Scientific Illustrator, Systematic cesoftheUSSR,Leningrad.913-1003.[Englishtrans- EntomologyLaboratory,DepartmentofEntomol- lation by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, ogy, Oregon State University prepared the dorsal ReuJteerru,sOa.leMm..,Pr1i9n1t0.edNbeyuSe.MBeointsräogneBziunrdiPnhgy,lJoegreunsiaeleumn]d. habitus illustration of Angerianus maurus, with Systematik der Miriden nebst einleitenden Bemer- funds made availableby theOregonStateUniver- kungenüberdiePhylogeniederHeteropteren-Fami- sity Foundation (Systematic Entomology Labora- lien.-ActaSocietatisScientiarumFennicae37(3): 1- tory Fund). Assistance with preparation of the 167. scanning electron micrographs was received from Stonedahl,G.M.&G.Cassis,1991.Revisionandcladistic JohnSpratt andSusan Barnes,SEM Unit, nhml. analysisoftheplantbuggenusFingulusDistant(He- teroptera: Miridae: Deraeocorinae). - Novitates, In Press. References Cassis, G., 1984. A systematic study of the subfamily Dicyphinae (Heteroptera: Miridae). - Ph. D. diss., Received: 25 March 1991 OregonStateUniv.,Corvallis, 389p. Accepted: 2July 1991 277

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